IB final assessment

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Value: 60% of final grade

Due Date: 04.00 PM 26/07/2024

Select a Vietnamese company and craft a report for the CEO, who is planning to venture into two
foreign markets in the near future (2025/26). Conduct a thorough examination of these markets,
drawing on insights gained throughout the course. Identify pivotal issues and present
recommendations for the CEO's consideration.

The CEO has conveyed a keen interest in international product and service launches. Your task is to
choose two markets and compile a comprehensive report. In this endeavor, take into account the
following aspects relevant to your chosen markets and provide corresponding recommendations:

▪ Political, Legal, Economic & Cultural Environment Analysis:

o Scrutinize the political and legal landscapes.
o Analyze economic indicators and trends.
o Delve into cultural nuances that could impact business operations.
▪ International Business Strategy in the Two Markets:
o Determine the most suitable International Business (IB) strategy – whether it's
International, Global Standardization, Localization, or Transnational.
▪ Market Entry Strategy:
o Which market entry mode(s) should the company employ to enter these two markets?
And why?
▪ Marketing Strategy:
o Formulate a brieft marketing strategy, considering the unique characteristics of
each market.
▪ Staffing Considerations in Foreign Markets:
o Address staffing needs (pay attention to ethnocentric, geocentric, and polycentric
approach), and cross-cultural training for effective collaboration.
▪ Ethical Considerations:
o Integrate ethical considerations into business practices, ensuring transparency,
compliance with local regulations, and fair employment practices.

Your report should provide a strategic roadmap for the CEO, facilitating an informed decision-
making process.


The format for the Final Assignment will be as follows:

Title page/Topic: Please make sure you state the topic (Incluing name of the company and the two
markets you choose)

Abstract: 250 words

An abstract serves as a self-contained, concise, and impactful statement encapsulating the essence
of a larger work. Positioned at the beginning of a report, it offers a brief yet comprehensive overview.
It is crucial to craft the abstract only after finalizing the report and ensuring the cohesion of its
content. The abstract should succinctly convey the report's primary purpose, outline the analytical
objectives, highlight the key theories and concepts employed, and provide a snapshot of major
findings and essential recommendations. Additionally, it should specify the sources of key
information and evidence. Its construction should engage the audience, fostering a likelihood of
thorough reading and appreciation of the report's information.

Table of content

Introduction: 250 words

The introduction sets out a formal, brief company background and business context, the purpose of
the report, any limitations, and the scope of the report. Focus on the important elements. The
introduction should tell the reader the structure that will be used in the report and what kinds of
information will be contained in each section.

Body: 3000 words

This section contains the analysis and the discussion and must be organised in a logical sequence.
Subheadings should be used to identify each section. It is important to include theoretical
constructs and research findings in this section to support your points. Therefore it is critical that
you include citations from journal articles and other sources.

Conclusion and recommendations : 500 words

This section should summarise the main points and findings and should be drawn from what is
presented in the body of the report. Avoid new ideas and information in this section. The
recommendations should be based on the conclusions and should be brief statements outlining
course of action you suggest. The recommendations have to realistic and feasible based on the
analysis you have conducted.

References – At least 15 pieces of literature should inform this report, including 10 sourced from
relevant peer reviewed academic journals (these should be refereed jounral articles written within
the past 15 years).

Other acceptable sources include:

- Relevant textbooks
- Periodicals
- Newspapers
Relevant online business sites or sources

Use APA referencing system. The report is to be typed and 1.5 spaced (a standard 13 point font should
be used). It should be checked for spelling, consistency and clarity of expression prior to submission.

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