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I. Answer the following questions:
1. What kinds of books did Don Quixote like to read? What were these books like?
Don Quixote liked to read books about courageous knights and their incredible adventures.
2. What effect do the things Don Quixote reads have on him?
He was so absorbed in these stories that he hardly never remembered to eat or sleep.
3. Why didn’t Don Quixote believe Sancho Panza when Sancho told him the ogres were actually
As Don Quixote imagined himself, placed in the world of knights, he did not believe Sancho
4. Why do you think Sancho continued to journey on with Don Quixote after the windmill
Sancho continued his journey with Don Quixote after the windmill incident because he
wanted to prevent Don Quixote from attempting anything careless.
5. When Don Quixote sees the cloud of dust on the plain in the distance, what does he think causes
As Don Quixote and Sancho Panza a farm they see a thick cloud of dust. Don Quixote thinks
it to be a great army marching too wards them.
6. Sancho sees two clouds of dust, leading him to conclude that there are two armies. What does
Don Quixote think will happen next?
Don Quixote thinks that the neighing of horses, the sound of trumpets and the rattling of
drums would lead to a battle between the two armies.
7. What is the reaction of the shepherds when they see that Don Quixote is attacking their sheep?
The shepherds pelted stones at Don Quixote and soon he fell wounded to the ground.
I. Read the lines and answer the questions:
1. Deep inside the mountain
the adventures hide themselves.
a. Where do adventures hide?
The adventures hide themselves deep inside the mountain.
2. They are of all forms and shapes
They all have an excellent ending.
a. What do have an excellent ending?
The adventure in various forms and shapes has an excellent ending.
3. When to fight for a righteous cause
one did gain considerable applause.
a. When will one get an applause?
When the chivalrous knight fought for a righteous cause one gain will an applause.
4. And in fighting for their country, faith and king
noble impressions on people’s minds would ring.
a. What does ‘noble impression’ mean?
Nobel impression means the deeds done by the knights for their country faith and king that
have a strong feeling in the minds of the people.
b. Who can leave a noble impression?
Knights who fight for their country and justice can leave a noble impression.
5. There are many legends based on their heroic exploits
a legacy of tales which have been told with much adroit
a. What does ‘heroic exploits’ mean?
Heroic exploits means great adventure.
b. What are legends?
Legends are handed down the past.
II. Answer briefly:
1. What is adventure?
An adventure is an unusual, exciting and daring deed.
2. Describe the appearance of a knight.
The knight is strong and bold. He carries a sword or lance. He wears a shining armour.
3. What are the characteristics of an adventure?
An adventure calls for courage and strength. It involves life and death struggle. It is aimed at
a righteous cause. It involves dangerous, experience, patriotism, goodness and sacrifice.
II. Thing and answer:
1. Why does the poet ask us to imaging that we have tiny wings on our back?
We should attract the adventures into the patterns of habit; adventures should become a part
and parcel of our body. For that purpose, we should imagine that we have tiny wings on our back.
2. Why should we fight for righteous cause?
Long ago during the age of chivalry, knight used to fight for a righteous cause. They crushed
down the evil-doers and saved the damsel in distress. In the same way, we too should fight for a
righteous cause. We should not hesitate to fight against justice.
I. Discuss and Answer:
1. Why did Alice follow the rabbit?
Alice saw a hurrying down a rabbit’s hole. She wanted to find out why the rabbit was in such
a hurry. So, she followed him.
2. Do you think this was a good idea?
No, I don’t think this was a good idea.
3. Why can’t Alice get through the little door into the garden?
Alice could not get into the garden through the little door because she was too big.
4. Why does Alice drink from the green bottle that says “DRINK ME” and why does she eat from
the cake that says ‘EAT ME’
Alice drinks from the green bottle that says “DRINK ME” because of a curiosity. She eats
from the cake’s that says “EAT ME” because she is hungry.
5. How does Alice feel after all these changes?
In the end, Alice wants to get back to the normal size. It makes her happy.
6. What do you think is going to happen next?
She may shrink again, after eating or touching anything.
II. Think and Answer:
1. What challenges does Alice face and how does she overcome them?
Alice sees a door about fifteen inches high. She opens it with a golden key. She is unable to
enter the doorway as she is too big. She drinks from the green bottle. Her size shrinks and she easily
enters the garden. On eating a cake, Alice becomes larger than the house. Then she becomes small
using a magical fan. In the end she eats a part of Mushroom and comes back to her normal size.
2. Have you ever had a strange dream? Share your dream in the class.
A few days back I fell asleep after a long walk. I had a fearful dream deep sea with my
friends. I heard some strange noise. A huge whale was coming close to me. I tried to get away from
it. A giant crab moved fast towards me. I saw a long whip and I seized it to drive away the beasts. But
the whip turned out to be a big sea snake. Immediately let it to go screamed for help. When I opened
my eyes I realized that it was a terrible dream. How frightened I was!
1. If you are asked to choose from any one of these toys which one do you choose? Give reasons.
(Plastic toys, wooden toys, clay toys, metallic toys)
I would choose clay toys. Plastic toys and metallic toys are not biodegradable. When broken
they remain in the soil for hundreds of years and cause land pollution. Wooden toys look beautiful.
But cutting trees to make toys leads to deforestation. So I can avoid it. Clay toys come in different
colours. They can be molded to any shape easily. They don’t cause land pollution. So I would like to
choose clay toys.
I. Read these lines and answer the questions given below.
1. Where the voice of the wind calls our wandering feet
a. Whose ‘Wandering feet’ is referred to here?
The wondering feet of wandering singers are referred to here
2. With lutes in our hands ever – singing we roam,
All men are our kindred, the world is our home.
a. Who does ‘we’ refer to? What do they have in their hands? What is its name?
‘We’ refers to the wandering singers. They have some musical instruments. Its name is lutes
b. How are the men in the world related to the singers?
All men in the world are related to the singers.
3. Our lays are of cities whose lustre is shed,
Here ‘Lays’ means stories
a. lying down b. stories c. to keep
4. They laughter and beauty of women long dead;
Explain the meaning of the above line.
In the days long past there lived many beautiful women. They smiled and laughed gracefully.
The singers used to sing about the beauty and laughter of these women.
II. Answer in paragraph:
1. What does Sarojini Naidu say about the Wandering Singers? Write in your own words.
The singers do not settle down in a place. They keep wandering. Their songs echo in the
forest and the street. The singers carry lutes. They sing of bright cities and the beauty of women who
lived long ago. They also sing about kings and battles. Their songs are about happy, simple and
sorrowful things. Neither love nor joy could stop them. The voice of the wind is the voice of their
III. Think and answer:
1. Are the singers homeless travellers? Why do you think so?
Yes, the singers are homeless travellers. The singers are in the habit of wandering. They never
settle down in a particular place. They roam along streets and forests. Like the wind they are free to
go wherever they like.
2. Do the singers have hopes and dreams? If not, why?
No, the singers do not have hopes and dreams. As they have no hopes or dreams, they keep
wandering, singing songs.
3. What are the themes of the singers’ songs?
The singers’ sing about cities filled with light. They sing about the laughter and beauty of
women who lived long ago. They sing about old kings and their battles. They also sing about happy.
simple and sorrowful things.
E. Write a few sentences about Pot Maya festival.
1. Pot Maya is an annual three day festival.
2. It has been held since 2010.
3. It is held in the month of November to celebrate the success of local artists.
4. Exhibits of modern scrolls and modern paintings with colourful Patachitra motifs.
5. The entire village is kept clean.
6. Visitors are allowed to stay in the houses of Patuas.
7. Workshop and demonstration related to the Patuas art are held during this festival.

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