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|JF",,SaS Cl
i\t( )
18 l:J
( allsis D5Oti5
\1\1Sl 636 092 855
l+242l 06 610 L? \2
Pointc-Noim. (I)\(;o \ (
I9 iUr\'202t

AIS automated test report

Equinhrnr id. tili.,rion
sA,\ll R.I.AIS l0 735 \!hc.lhotrsc..cnl.rl
$hcclhousc / ce.rrrl f$d $ind.\

H.t / Cold ohn'c rcsishc! /

Cold / Cround ohni. rcsnde /qDr. rncc
Hot / Cr.und ohmic rcssencc /Cd.scnxnoe
llPh,sh irn,l(Vssr= I 5)(Nlinmum l6:Mrr)
llP kn\ I'nnr (\rs$: l.5l[1l\Lmum 156 \1112]
Vlll; r CNSS xi1co., cornbine.
lJ metMof.ablr finishnp bv i shorl-circuiiir RF.nor ir DC.

tho G\ll)ss rei$ bo\

(bnlruL lJsuftmcfu o.
M M Sl 6:]61)918t50 'l ntu/date 15015?/ l! 05 20ll

\ll rosh E h n dtrornrv anrrnn! bcciuserho.\lS-\'HFdnt. nB k norfun.tiotr ng

ls# I -rindd,r. 16:51:54 / 19-05-2024

MN€. m MMsl' 6t6092855
ldnion 4d46 7329 S lld49.5l3sE Pos accumcy:0 NdlisatoEl slatus 0
coc:304.0d soc:o1Knors RoTrRod HDT lT9 timeemp 42

lSr l I iine/dat L6:59 5ll/ L9 05'101.1

Nlesegc IDi j MMsl 6l6oi)lrii5
CSIGN l)5QU5 IMO 009]5l2l3 Nirn.r TASM N Sl RAIT
tlpc ol's[ p:79 DncDsioi nlsh]p A 156 m B l1l m C 14 rn D l,1u
l,lectronrc Dosrtloi lixinp Jcv ce I
l)rnughrol'ship TlmDerinxr'on CCIINR
liTA: MMI)D 05- lS llHMM 03 0()

Noe@ $ n6sg. I I inr.msatio. (witn err.mat EPFS).

Als* I Tinddole l7:10 28/ l9 05-2024
MNge il[:'t MMsr: 6]6oe:8i j
C.SION D5QU5 IMO:009351218 Namq TASMAN S'l R.AIT
'ly|e ofihit:79 Dimc6io, olship Arl55 m Br20 m C:l L m D: l? m
El(tonic losdon lixilBd€rB I
7 I
Dought ol rhip: DerinEron COPNR
liTA: MMDD05-lS 'nlllrMM 08 00

No answcr 10 ne$age I I i'ncdoEati.n (rvith inrcrnal GNSS rcceive,

lSr l Time/datcr l7 00 49 / l9 05'202,1
Prlor plug darr pack.r shtus Ol.,/Fail llr0

DNV ld No:

Particulars of ship
Callsign D5QU5
lUaritume Mobile Service ldentity 636 092 85s
lll,4O Number: 93 51 218

Subject SiatUS
11 AIS transpondertype
12 A S Type approval ce'1 f cate Recognzngthefo owing
Performance standard l\,lSC 74(69)
Test Slandad IEC 61993-2
1 3 Drawngs provided (Antenna-, A|S-affangemenl and block daqram) Good
1 .4 Main source of electrical power
15 Er.ergency sou.ce of electrca power (1 10/220VAC / 24VDC)
16 Capacity io be calculated if battery is emergenc, source of electricalpower (ref. SOLAS ll1
Res 42l 3 2 or Res.43 3 2)
17 Pilot P !g to be insta ed near the P ots operating poston Good
18 Panama Canal and Sl Lawrence require a receptacle for 120VAC po.?ver supply (emergency)
close to the pilot plug.
2. AIS programming - Static information
2-1 Name of Ship
2.2 lllo nlmber
2.3 lvlarilime lvlobile Service ldentity {ltlMsl)
24 Rad o callsign
25 Shrp Length
2.6 Ship beam Good
2.7 Type ofship Good
2.8 Location of position fxing antenna on lhe ship. Good
(aft of bow, port or stbd of centreline)
3 AIS programming - Dynamic information
31 Ship position wilh accuracv and nteqritv status. Cha( datum wGS84 (Source: GNSS)
32 Tirn€ in UTC (Solrrce: GNSS)
3.3 Cource over ground. (willflucluate atdockside) (SourcerGNSS) Good
3.4 Speed overground (Zero at dockside) (Source GNSS) Good
3.5 Heading (Source Gyro)
3 6 Navigalional status. Manual input Good
37 Rate oitlrrn -Where available
3I hel, pitch and roll Where available
Angle of
AIS programming - Voyage related in{ormation

L E GAL DTSCLA MER Unress orh.Ml ow n o L.m mid:rory raw. ths riab ,ry of DNv As 13
nd emp oyees ( DN\.) snsi^s rrcm o
nr6.r or n ron (indudrns n6qii06dce)
v reF 6 rrlywhich has bsued rli s d 3biBmaybeasreodon663e.by4se*3k
FJ6E ,"-."..
rr:r&u ^,,".,"
DNV d No G107903

DNV 2024-05-19

Subject Status
41 Ships d€ught Good
l cood
4.4 Route p an (optional)
4.5 Shorl safety-relaled messages
5. Performancetesuoperatingmodes
5.1 Ch6ck recoptlon perfomance Good
52 Confirm recepUon of own signa from other ships / VTS Good
53 Polling by VTS. (testing depends on shore infrastructure)
6 Annual test using measuring instruments
6.1 Fr€quefc,j/ measurernerls AIS ch 1 and 2, GTVIDSS ch. 70
6.2 Transmitting ouFn. AIS ch. 1 and 2. GlrlDSS ch. 70
6.3 Polling infomation ct'. 70
6.4 R6ad data from AIS Good
65 Send data to AIS Good
6.6 Check AIS response to 'virtual vessels' Good

vHF antennewithout any resonanceto marine vHF ban.l.

The intermlGNSS receiver has problem wlth the time functions.

AIS has been tested in comp ance with SNiorrc.227 and reso ution l\,'lSC.74(69) Annex 3

P ace: Pointe-Noire. CONGO Date 2024-0519

Sutueyed/lnstalled by: sEAs SERVICES COIIGO

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