Gathering Module

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‫‪GATHERING‬‬ ‫מעמר‬


‫‪GATHERING‬‬ ‫‪Gathering in the Mishkan:‬‬
‫‪Once the herbs used for making dyes for the tapestries of the Mishkan had been harvested‬‬
‫‪they were gathered together in order to be threshed.‬‬

‫אבות מלאכות ארבעים חסר אחת הזורע‪,‬‬

‫והחורש‪ ,‬והקוצר‪ ,‬והמעמר‪ ,‬והדש‪ ,‬והזורה‪,‬‬
‫הבורר‪ ,‬הטוחן‪ ,‬והמרקד‪ ,‬והלש‪ ,‬והאופה‪,‬‬
‫הגוזז את הצמר‪ ,‬המלבנו‪ ,‬והמנפצו‪,‬‬
‫והצובעו‪ ,‬והטווה‪ ,‬והמיסך‪ ,‬והעושה שתי בתי‬
‫נירין‪ ,‬והאורג שני חוטין‪ ,‬והפוצע שני חוטין‪,‬‬
‫הקושר‪ ,‬והמתיר‪ ,‬והתופר שתי תפירות‪,‬‬
‫הקורע על מנת לתפור [שתי תפירות]‪ ,‬הצד‬
‫צבי‪ ,‬השוחטו‪ ,‬והמפשיטו‪ ,‬המולחו‪ ,‬והמעבד‬
‫את עורו‪ ,‬והממחקו‪ ,‬והמחתכו‪ ,‬הכותב‬
‫שתי אותיות‪ ,‬והמוחק על מנת לכתוב שתי‬
‫אותיות‪ ,‬הבונה‪ ,‬והסותר‪ ,‬המכבה‪ ,‬והמבעיר‪,‬‬
‫המכה בפטיש‪ ,‬המוציא מרשות לרשות‪ ,‬הרי‬
‫אלו אבות מלאכות ארבעים חסר אחת‪.‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬

THE AV MELACHAH The Maggid Mishneh explains that although one is Biblically
The Gemara (Shabbos 73b) presents the following
liable on account of gathering in the case of agricultural
)‫ ה‬,‫ משנה תורה הלכות שבת ח‬,‫ (רמב"ם‬.‫ַה ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר ֳא ָכלִ ין ִאם לַ ֲא ִכילָ ה ִשׁעּורֹו ִּכגְ רֹוגֶ ֶרת‬ products, a Rabbinic prohibition applies to the gathering of
. non-agricultural items.
One is liable [under the melachah of gathering] for gathering food items if one collects an amount ‫מעמר‬
Halachic Conclusion
equivalent to a dried fig. (Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Shabbos 8:5)
The Shulchan Aruch rules that it is Rabbinically forbidden to
‫ָא ַמר ָר ָבא ַהאי ַמאן ְ ּד ָכנֵ יף ִמלְ ָחא‬
gather non-agricultural items.
‫ִמ ּ ִמלְ ֲח ָתא ַח ָ ּיב ִמּׁשּום ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר ַא ָּביֵ י‬
THE TOLADAH .‫ָא ַמר ֵאין ִעּמּור ֶא ָּלא ְּבגִ ּדּולֵ י ַק ְר ַקע‬
Rava said: a person who gathers salt from The Mishnah (Beitzah 4:2) states:
ׁ ‫ַה ְמ ַק ֵּבץ ְ ּד ֵב ָלה וְ ָע ָשׂה ִמ ּ ֶמ ָּנה ִעּגּולָ ה אֹו ֶש ִּׁנ ֵּקב ְּת ֵאנִ ים וְ ִה ְכנִ יס ַה ֶח ֶבל ָּב ֶהן‬ salt pools is liable on account of gathering.
ֵ ‫ וְ ֵכן ָּכל ַּכ‬,‫ַעד ֶש ִּׁנ ְת ַק ְּבצּו ּגּוף ֶא ָחד ֲה ֵרי זֶ ה ּתֹולֶ ֶדת ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר וְ ַח ָ ּיב‬
.‫ּיֹוצא ָּבזֶ ה‬ Abaye said: gathering only applies to
)‫ ו‬,‫(שם ח‬ agricultural products [literally, ‘things that
grow from the ground’].
One who presses together a fig cake and molds it into a circle or pierces figs and
strings them together until they coalesce — this is a derivative of [the melachah ‫ּומן ַה ַּק ְר ּ ֵפף‬
ִ ‫יאין ֵע ִצים ִמן ַה ּ ָש ֶׂדה ִמן ַה ְמ ֻכ ָּנס‬ ִ ‫ְמ ִב‬
of] gathering, and one would be liable for doing so on Shabbos, and so too for any Rava rules that if one gathers salt from a .‫ֲא ִפיּלּו ִמן ַה ְמ ֻפזָ ּר‬
similar activity. (Ibid. 8:6) salt pool, one is liable for gathering, because
this action resembles gathering wheat into One may collect wood from a field, [but only] wood which
THE ISSURIM DERABONON bundles (which is the paradigmatic example was previously gathered, and in an enclosure, [one may
of gathering). Abaye is of the opinion that collect wood] even if it is strewn about.
gathering applies only to agricultural produce,
.‫ַה ְמ ַד ֵּבק ּ ֵפרֹות ַעד ֶש ֵ ּׁי ָעׂשּו ּגּוף ֶא ָחד ַח ָ ּיב ִמּׁשּום ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר‬ and since salt does not grow, one is not liable for
‫יכְך ִמי ֶש ִּׁנ ְת ּ ַפזְ ּרּו לֹו ּ ֵפרֹות ַּב ֲח ֵצרֹו ְמלַ ֵּקט ַעל יָ ד ַעל‬ ָ ‫לְ ִפ‬ gathering it.
‫ ֲא ָבל ל ֹא יִ ֵּתן ל ֹא לְ תֹוְך ַה ּ ַסל וְ ל ֹא לְ תֹוְך ַה ֻ ּק ּ ָפה‬.‫אֹוכל‬ ֵ ְ‫יָ ד ו‬
ֶ ‫ ֶש ִׁאם יַ ֲע ֶשׂה ְּכ ֶד ֶרְך ֶשׁהּוא‬.‫עֹושׂה ְּבחֹול‬ ֶ ‫ְּכ ֶד ֶרְך ֶשׁהּוא‬ SOURCE 2.1
.‫ְּבחֹול ֶש ּ ָׁמא יִ ְכ ְּב ֵשׁם ְּביָ דֹו ְּבתֹוְך ַה ֻק ּ ָפה וְ יָ בֹא לִ ֵידי ִעּמּור‬ SOURCE 1.1
Tosafos asks:
‫ּיֹוצא ּבֹו ִמ ּ ְפנֵ י ֶש ִּׁנ ְר ֶאה‬
ֵ ‫וְ ֵכן ֵאין ְמ ַק ְּב ִצין ֶאת ַה ּ ֶמ ַלח וְ ַכ‬ The Rambam (8:5) rules in accordance with
)‫ י" א‬,‫ (שם כ"א‬.‫ִּכ ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר‬ Abaye’s view.
‫שיטת התוספות‬
One who presses fruits together until they coalesce into one mass
is liable on account of gathering. Therefore, one who has fruits
‫שיטת הרמב"ם‬
scattered in his yard may collect them little by little and eat. ‫ ֵּת ַמּה ָהא ָהוֵ י ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר‬:‫ִמן ַה ַּק ְר ּ ֵפף וַ ֲא ִפיּלּו ִמן ַה ְמ ֻפזָ ּר‬
However, he should not collect them in a basket or in a box, as one ‫לֹומר ְ ּדלָ א ַש ָ ּׁיְך ִעּמּור ֶא ָּלא‬
ַ ‫אכה וְ יֵ ׁש‬ ָ ָ‫ְ ּדהּוא ַאב ְמל‬
would do on a weekday. If one does so, there is a risk that one will .‫וְ ֵאין ִעּמּור ֶא ָּלא ְּבגִ ּדּולֵ י ַק ְר ַקע‬ ‫מּוכח ְּב ֶפ ֶרק ְּכלָ ל ָ ּגדֹול‬
ָ ‫ְּב ָמקֹום ֶש ְ ּׁג ֵדלִ ים ָשׁם ִּכ ְד‬
press the fruits into the box, which would constitute gathering. .):‫(שבת דף עג‬
Gathering applies only to agricultural
Similarly, we do not gather salt and similar things because it
produce. In an enclosure, [one may collect wood] even if it is
looks like gathering. (Ibid. 21:11)
strewn about: This is perplexing — surely this is an act of
gathering, which is a primary melachah? We have to say that
gathering only applies where the items grow, as is clear from
Perek Klal Gadol (Shabbos 73b).
Elsewhere (21:11), however, the Rambam writes:

Tosafos resolves the question by positing that gathering

only applies when one gathers items where they grew (for
ֵ ‫וְ ֵכן ֵאין ְמ ַק ְּב ִצין ֶאת ַה ּ ֶמלַ ח וְ ַכ‬ example, in a field or orchard). In the case discussed in the
.‫ּבֹו ִמ ּ ְפנֵ י ֶש ִּׁנ ְר ֶאה ִּכ ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר‬ Mishnah, the gathering takes place in a domestic enclosure
Similarly, one may not gather salt and and is therefore not forbidden on account of gathering.
similar things because it looks like one is Tosafos proves this from Rava’s statement (Shabbos 73b) in
gathering. which he emphasizes that the salt was gathered from salt
pools — i.e., the area where the salt was formed.

3 4

SOURCE 3 SOURCE 3.2 But if the gathering took place where the items did not grow,
Practical Question
one is liable only if he binds the items together or presses them
Is it permitted to prepare a bouquet of flowers or
The Gemara (Shabbos 143b) rules: The Knesses HaGedolah (siman 340) writes: together until they become one entity. Thus, one is liable for
to place a bunch of flowers in a vase on Shabbos?
pressing a fig cake together even in a house. The Nishmas
‫גמרא‬ ‫שלחן ערוך‬ Adam rules that this is the halachah.


The Mishnah Berurah cites the Maaseh Rokeach, who explains
that one is liable even if the actions are done at home.
‫ָּתנּו ַר ָּבנָ ן נִ ְת ּ ַפזְ ּרּו לֹו ּ ֵפרֹות ֶּב ָח ֵצר‬ .‫וְ ֵכן ָאסּור לְ ַק ֵּבץ ָּכל ָ ּד ָבר ִמ ּ ְמקֹום ִ ּגּדּולֹו‬
Above we cited the ruling of the Shulchan Aruch
‫אֹוכל ֲא ָבל ל ֹא‬ ֵ ְ‫ְמ ַל ֵּקט ַעל יָ ד ַעל יָ ד ו‬ (340:9) that gathering is only forbidden when it
So too, it is forbidden to gather anything from where it
‫ש ּל ֹא‬
ׁ ֶ ‫לְ תֹוְך ַה ּ ַסל וְ ל ֹא לְ תֹוְך ַה ֻ ּק ּ ָפה‬ is done where the items grew. It seems, then, that
.‫עֹושׂה ְּבחֹו ל‬ ֶ ‫יַ ֲע ֶשׂה ְּכ ֶד ֶרְך ֶשׁהּוא‬
grew. ‫משנה ברורה‬
preparing a bouquet in one’s house is permitted,
because the flowers did not grow there.
A beraisa teaches: One who has fruits
Did you know?
scattered in his yard may collect them little .‫ִ ּד ְבא ֶֹפן ָּכזֶ ה ָעׂשּוי ַל ֲעׂשֹות ַ ּגם ַּב ַּביִ ת ְּכ ַב ּ ָש ֶׂדה‬
In Parshas Shelach, the Torah recounts the following episode. However, in the very next section, the Shulchan
by little and eat. However, he should not
Aruch cites the Rambam’s ruling that “One who In these cases, people do it at home just as often as
collect them in a basket or in a box, to avoid
presses together a fig cake and molds it into a in the field.
acting in a weekday manner.
circle or pierces figs and strings them together
‫וַ ִ ּי ְהיּו ְבנֵ י יִ ְש ָׂר ֵאל ַּב ּ ִמ ְד ָּבר וַ ִ ּי ְמ ְצאּו ִאיׁש ְמק ֵֹשׁׁש‬ until they coalesce — this is a derivative of [the
Here, the Gemara indicates that the prohibition is )‫ ל"ב‬,‫ (במדבר ט"ו‬.‫ֵע ִצים ְּביֹום ַה ּ ַש ָּׁבת‬ melachah of] gathering, and one would be liable
not one of gathering but rather uvdin d’chol — a for doing so on Shabbos, and so too for any
The Children of Israel were in the wilderness, and they Rav Moshe Feinstein was asked by Rav Eider whether this was
weekday activity. This is consistent with the view similar activity.” This implies that one is liable
came upon a man gathering wood on Shabbos. (Numbers permitted. His response is found in Igros Moshe (O.C. 4:73).
of Tosafos because the fruit did not grow in the regardless of where one performs this action. The
yard. Shulchan Aruch did not stipulate that the action
be done where the figs grew. ‫אגרות משה‬
It is not clear, however, which melachah was done.
The Nishmas Adam discusses the Rambam’s
opinion. He concludes:
‫אכת ִקּבּוץ ַה ְר ֵּבה‬ ֶ ‫ל ֹא ָּברּור זֶ ה ַל ֲענִ ּיּות ַ ּד ְע ִּתי ִ ּד ְמ ֶל‬
However, the Rambam (quoted above) says:
The Gemara (Shabbos 96b) says: ‫ִש ֳּׁבלִ ים ַל ֲע ֵר ָמה ֲא ָבל ִקּבּוץ ַה ּ ְפ ָר ִחים ֵאינֹו ִענְ יָן‬
‫ִקּבּוץ ֲע ֵר ָמה ִמ ּ ְפ ָר ִחים ֶא ָּלא הּוא ִקּבּוץ ּ ְפ ָר ִחים‬
‫שיטת הרמב"ם‬ ‫נשמת אדם‬ ‫אכה זֹו‬ ָ ‫ׁשֹונִ ים ֶש ַ ּׁי ְת ִאימּו לְ זֶ ה ֵאינֹו ְּכ ָלל ִענְ יַן ְמ ָל‬
‫קֹושׁׁש ַמ ֲע ִביר‬
ֵ ‫ׁמּואל ְמ‬ֵ ‫הּודה ָא ַמר ְש‬ ָ ְ‫ָא ַמר ַרב י‬ .‫וְ ָצ ִריְך ִעּיּון‬
‫יתא ַּת ָּנא‬ ָ ִ‫ַא ְר ַּבע ַאּמֹות ִּב ְרׁשּות ָה ַר ִּבים ֲהוָ ה ְּב ַמ ְתנ‬ ‫וְ ָל ֵכן נִ ְר ֶאה לִ י ְ ּד ָה ַר ְמ ַּב"ם ְס ִב ָירא לֵ ּה‬
‫ִ ּד ְבוַ ַ ּדאי ִּב ְמקֹום ִ ּגּדּולָ ן ֵּכיוָ ן ֶש ּ ְׁמ ַא ּ ְס ָפן‬ The matter is not clear to me, because the [paradigmatic
‫יכְך ִמי ֶש ִּׁנ ְת ּ ַפזְ ּרּו לֹו ּ ֵפרֹות ַּב ֲח ֵצרֹו‬ ָ ‫לְ ִפ‬ .‫ּתֹולֵ ׁש ֲהוָ ה ַרב ַא ָחא ְּב ַר ִּבי יַ ֲעקֹב ָא ַמר ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר ֲהוָ ה‬
case of this melachah] is gathering many stalks in a pile.
‫ ֲא ָבל ל ֹא‬.‫אֹוכל‬ ֵ ְ‫ְמ ַל ֵּקט ַעל יָ ד ַעל יָ ד ו‬ ‫ּבּורין ְּכ ֶד ֶרְך‬ִ ‫אֹותן ִצ‬ ָ ‫עֹושׂה‬
ֶ ְ‫יַ ַחד ו‬
But making a bouquet of flowers does not involve making
‫יִ ֵּתן ל ֹא לְ תֹוְך ַה ּ ַסל וְ ל ֹא לְ תֹוְך ַה ֻ ּק ּ ָפה‬ ‫ש ּל ֹא ִּב ְמקֹום ִ ּגּדּולָ ן‬ ׁ ֶ ‫ּדּושׁין ַח ָ ּיב ַאְך‬
ִ ‫ַה ִ ּג‬
Rav Yehuda said in Shmuel’s name: the gatherer carried a pile of flowers; rather, one puts together different
‫ ֶש ִׁאם יַ ֲע ֶשׂה‬.‫עֹושׂה ְּבחֹול‬ ֶ ‫ְּכ ֶד ֶרְך ֶשׁהּוא‬ ‫ּומ ָּכל ָמקֹום‬ ִ ‫ֵאינֹו ַח ָ ּיב ְּב ַה ֲע ָמ ַדת ֲע ֵר ָמה‬ flowers that complement each other. This is conceptually
[the wood] four cubits in a public domain. A beraisa
‫עֹושׂה ְּבחֹול ֶש ּ ָׁמא ְיִכ ְּב ֵשׁם‬ ֶ ‫ְּכ ֶד ֶרְך ֶשׁהּוא‬ ‫אֹותם ֲאגֻ ּדֹות ְּכמֹו ֲאלֻ ּמֹות‬ ָ ‫עֹושׂה‬
ֶ ‫ִאם‬ unrelated to the melachah. The matter requires further
teaches that he uprooted [a plant from the ground to obtain
‫ וְ ֵכן‬.‫ְּביָ דֹו ְּבתֹוְך ַה ֻ ּק ּ ָפה וְ יָ בֹא לִ ֵידי ִעּמּור‬ ‫אֹותן ּגּוף‬ ָ ‫עֹושׂה‬ֶ ְ‫אֹו ֶש ּ ְׁמ ַק ֵּבץ ַה ּ ֵפרֹות ו‬ analysis.
wood]. Rav Acha ben Yaakov said: the man gathered [sticks
‫ּיֹוצא ּבֹו ִמ ּ ְפנֵ י‬ ֵ ‫ֵאין ְמ ַק ְּב ִצין ֶאת ַה ּ ֶמ ַלח וְ ַכ‬ of wood].
.‫ש ּל ֹא ִּב ְמקֹום ִ ּגּדּולָ ן ַח ָ ּיב‬ ׁ ֶ ‫ֶא ָחד ַאף‬
.‫ֶש ִּׁנ ְר ֶאה ִּכ ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר‬ It seems to me that the Rambam maintains Rav Moshe Feinstein seems to say that the essence of the
that if one collects fruits or grain into piles melachah is not merely gathering stalks, but rather combining
Therefore, one who has fruits scattered in The Minchas Chinuch asks: If gathering only applies when the them into a pile or bundle. When making a bouquet, one’s
where they grew, one is certainly liable. If
his yard may collect them little by little and items are taken from where they grew, why would this man be objective is not to just form a pile of flowers but rather to
this happens elsewhere, one is not liable for
eat. However, he should not collect them in liable for gathering the wood? After all, the incident took place arrange them in an aesthetically pleasing way. This is not
piling the items. Still, if the person bundles
a basket or in a box, as one would do on a in the wilderness. To answer this, the Minchas Chinuch cites necessarily considered gathering.
the stalks into sheaves or presses the fruits
weekday. If one does so, there is a risk that Tosafos (Chulin 88b) to the effect that while the Children of
until they coalesce into one mass, one is
one will press the fruits into the box, which Israel travelled in the wilderness, vegetation grew there, so that
liable regardless of the place.
would constitute gathering. Similarly, we do this was considered the place where it grew.
not gather salt and similar things because it
looks like gathering. According to the Nishmas Adam, the Rambam
maintains that if the gathering took place where
the items grew, one is liable for merely gathering
them into a pile.

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The Sefer Ayil Meshulash (me’amer, page 154)

explains Rav Moshe’s ruling slightly differently.

‫מי טל‬
‫ּובאּור ְ ּד ָב ָריו ְ ּד ַה ַּת ְכלִ ית וְ ַה ִּתּקּון ֶש ֵ ּׁיׁש‬ ֵ
‫ׁעֹושׂה ֲע ֵר ָמה ֶש ַׁעל‬ ֶ ‫ִּב ְמ ַע ּ ֵמר הּוא ָמה ֶש‬
‫בּואה וְ ַה ּ ֵפרֹות‬ ָ ‫יְ ֵדי זֶ ה נִ ְש ָׁמ ִרים ַה ְּת‬
‫רּוח אֹו ְּב ַרגְ לֵ י‬ ַ ‫ש ּל ֹא יִ ְת ּ ַפזְ ּרּו ָּב‬
ׁ ֶ ‫יטב‬
ֵ ‫ֵה‬
‫ּוב ֵה ָמה וְ ָכל ֶש ֵׁאינֹו ִמ ְת ַּכ ֵוּן‬ ְ ‫ָא ָדם‬
‫יע ֵשׁם‬ ַ ‫לְ ַת ְכלִ ית זֹו ֲה ֵרי זֶ ה ַמ ְפ ִק‬
ָ ‫ְמ ָל‬
The essence and the benefit of gathering is
accumulating items into a pile. In this way,
the grain and fruits are properly protected;
they will not be scattered by the wind or
by people or animals [walking on them].
Whoever does not have this in mind when
gathering has not done the melachah.

The Ayil Meshulash explains that the essence

of gathering is not just collecting various items
into a pile. Rather, one piles grain so that it will
not blow away in the wind or be scattered by
animals or people. Therefore, gathering items
merely for aesthetic purposes is not considered
gathering at all.

Practical Conclusion
Rav Moshe Feinstein was in doubt as to whether
making a bouquet is forbidden on account of
gathering. He did consider the possibility that
this action is forbidden on account of metaken
mana (fixing and completing a utensil or
item). Rav Eider (to whom the responsum was
written) wrote in his sefer on hilchos Shabbos
that making a bouquet is forbidden. This seems
to be the consensus of most poskim.

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