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Introduction to ERP and SAP
➢ What is ERP?
➢ What kinds of ERP exist and what are they?
➢ SAP evolution – Birth of the Company and Product.
➢ SAP Modules and their explanation.
➢ Types of Projects in SAP.
➢ Types of Roles in SAP.
➢ SAP Architecture.
➢ Basic Screens – Logon Pad, Login Screen and others.
➢ SAP – Easy Access and IMG
Enterprise Structure (Organization Structure)
➢ Basics of Organization Structure.
➢ Defining a Basic Organization Structure.
➢ Creating the Organization Structure in SAP –
2 Company, Company Code, Plant (Valuation Area), Storage Location, Purchase
➢ Assignments – Company, Company Code, Plant (Valuation Area), Storage
Location, Purchase Organization

Master data
➢ Master Data – Basic Introduction.
➢ Types of Master Data.
➢ Material Master
➢ Basics of Material Master
➢ Data Required for Creating Material Master.
➢ Create Material Master.
➢ Change Material Master.
3 ➢ Display Material Master.
➢ Extend Material Master
➢ From Storage Location to Storage Location.
➢ From Plant to Plant.
➢ Configuration of Material Master
➢ Creation of Material Types.
➢ Basic Configuration of Material Types.
➢ Quantity / Value Updating for Material Types.
➢ Maintain Number Ranges for Material Types.
➢ Creation of Industry Sector.
➢ Maintain Settings for Industry Sector.
➢ Screen Sequences Introduction.
➢ Creation of Material Groups.
➢ Settings for Material Groups.
Vendor Master
➢ Basics of Vendor Master.
➢ Data required for creating Vendor Master.
➢ Vendor Account Groups Creation.
4 ➢ Configuration of Vendor Account Group.
➢ Maintain Number Ranges for Vendors.
➢ Create Vendor Master.
➢ Change Vendor Master.
➢ Display Vendor Master
Purchasing Info Record (PIR)
➢ Basics of PIR.
➢ Create PIR.
5 ➢ Change PIR.
➢ Display PIR.
➢ List PIRs.
➢ Maintain Number Ranges for PIR
Source List
➢ Source List Basics.
➢ Maintain Source List.
➢ Display Source List.
➢ Configuration of Source List

➢ Basics of Purchasing.
➢ Purchasing / Procurement Cycle.
➢ Types of Purchasing Documents.
➢ Basics of a Document.
➢ Purchase Requisition
➢ Create/ Change / Display Purchase Requisition.
➢ Maintain Number Range for Purchase Requisition
➢ Request for Quotations (RFQ’s) / Quotations
7 ➢ Create/ Change / Display RFQ.
➢ Maintain Quotation.
➢ Price Comparison
➢ Maintain Number Range for RFQ / Quotations.
➢ Purchase Order
➢ Create/ Change / Display Purchase Order with reference.
➢ Create PO without reference.
➢ Release Procedure.
➢ Basics of Release Procedure / Document Approval.
➢ Define Characteristics.
➢ Define Class.
➢ Define Release Groups.
➢ Define Release Codes.
➢ Define Release Indicators.
➢ Define Release Strategies
Inventory Management
➢ Basics of Inventory Management.
➢ Movement Types Basics.
➢ Types of Stock.
➢ Inventory Management basic documents.
➢ Goods Receipt
➢ Basics of Goods Receipt.
➢ Creating Goods Receipt with reference to Purchase Order
➢ Display Material Document.
➢ Display Accounting Document.
8 ➢ Display Purchase Order History.
➢ Display Stock Overview.
➢ Doing return delivery to vendor
➢ Initial Stock Upload.
➢ Goods Issue
➢ Basics of Goods Issue.

Stock Transfer
➢ From Plant to Plant – One Step.
9 ➢ From Plant to Plant – Two Step.
➢ Reservations
Logistics Invoice Verification
➢ Invoice Verification Basics.
➢ Subsequent Credits
➢ Subsequent Debits and Credit Memos
➢ Create Invoice Verification Document.
10 ➢ Blocking / Releasing Invoice.
➢ Holding of Invoice.
➢ Parking of Invoice.
➢ Releasing from Holding / Parking.
➢ Checking Invoice / Payment Status
Physical Inventory Process
➢ Inventory Process Basics.
➢ Create Physical Inventory Document.
➢ Print the Physical Inventory Document.
11 ➢ Inventory Count
➢ Difference List.
➢ Post Difference.
➢ Stock Overview
Outline Agreements
Contract: -
➢ Value Contract and document type
➢ Quantity Contract and document type
➢ Number ranges for contract
Scheduling Agreements: -
12 ➢ Creation of Scheduling agreements
➢ Delivery schedule
➢ Number range for scheduling agreements

Special Procurement Process

➢ Vendor Consignment Process
13 ➢ Sub-Contracting process
➢ Pipeline Process
➢ Returnable Transport Packaging
Service Procurement
➢ Basics of Services.
➢ Create Service Master.
14 ➢ Create Service Conditions.
➢ Create Service Purchase Order.
➢ Create Service Entry Sheet.
➢ Display Purchase Order History
Split Valuation
➢ Split Valuation Basics.
➢ Basic Configuration for Split Valuation.
15 ➢ Creation of Valuation Types.
➢ Creation of Valuation Category.
➢ Create Materials with Split Valuation.
➢ Testing Split Valuation
Pricing Procedure
➢ Condition Table
➢ Define Access Sequence
➢ Condition Types
16 ➢ Define Calculation Schema
➢ Define Schema Group
➢ Schema Determination
➢ Define Condition Record
SAP MM and FI Integration
➢ Automatic Account Determination
➢ Define Valuation Control
17 ➢ Define Valuation Grouping Code
➢ Define Valuation Class
➢ Assign accounting Keys to G/L Accounts ( OBYC Settings)
SAP MM and PP Integration
18 ➢ Batch Management

SAP MM and SD Integration

19 ➢ STO’s ( Stock Transfer Orders)
➢ Third Party Procurement
Accelerated SAP (ASAP) Methodology
20 ➢ Basics of ASAP.
➢ ASAP Methodology
Technical Knowledge
21 ➢ LSMW
➢ Database Tables
Project Training

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