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Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………………


1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Identify the topic of the Unit
- use the words related to TV programmes and people;
+ Vocabulary: places lexical items: music talent; animated films; cartoons; clever
character; channel; educational.
+ Grammar: - use wh-question words to make questions.
- use conjunctions to connect and clauses in compound sentences
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a
serious behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.
4. Competence: Students will be able to pratice listening and reading the
conversation between phong and Hung about TV programmes they like best.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


– To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
– To give the teacher and Ss a chance to introduce themselves;
– To lead into the new unit.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions …

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Ask Ss some questions about class and do
the tasks. -T_Ss
- Review the previous unit before Ss open their - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
books. Organise a short If you remember game do it .
to revise how other countries celebrate their - Answer the teacher’s questions and
New Years. For example, T can say throwing enquirements.
water on other people and Ss respond Thailand.
Continue with about 4-5 countries Ss have + Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
learnt from Unit 6. do the tasks.
Create a spider web.
- To start the lesson, write the word
TELEVISION in the centre of the web and ask
Ss to call out words related to the topic.
- T may allow them to give Vietnamese words
and ask other Ss in the class for the English
equivalent. Then write in the corner of the
board a list of the words Ss don't know and ask
them to keep a record for later reference when - Open their book and write .
the unit finishes.
- T can list the words in a corner of the board.
- Ask Ss to open their books to page 6 . Draw
their attention to the yellow box and introduce
what they are going to learn in this unit.


*Aim: To set the context for the introductory text;
- To introduce the topic of the unit.
* Content: Listen and read conversation to be used to the vocabulary; new grammar
* Products: Reading practice. Finding out new words; Ss become familiar with the new
language items.
* Organisation : ..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Listen and read. 1. Listen and read.
- To introduce the topic of the unit.
- Set the context for the introductory text: Ask
Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the
picture. - Ask them some questions like:
What do you think they are talking about?
Do you like watching TV? Why/ Why not?

How many hours a day do you watch TV?
• What channel/programme do you like best?
• ...
- Encourage Ss to give their answers, but do not
confirm whether their answers are right or
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and
read along. Have Ss underline the words that
are related to the unit's topic while they are
listening and reading.
- Invite some pairs of Ss to read the dialogue -T_Ss
aloud. - Listen carefully to the context .
- Ask Ss what exactly Phong and Hung are - Answer the teacher’s questions.
talking about. Now confirm the correct answer. - Listen carefully and read aloud.
(They are talking about their favourite TV
- Have Ss say the words in the text that they
think are related to the topic Television.
Quickly write the words on one part of the
board. * Vocabulary
- Quickly teach / introduce the new words if - cartoon (n) phim hoạt hình
- show (n) cuôc thi, buổi biểu diễn
*) Teach vocabulary: - animated (adj) (– film) phim hoạt hình
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach - character (n) nhân vật
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) - channel (n) Kênh (truyền hình)
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - educational (adj) mang tính giáo
- providing explanations of the words; dục…
- showing picture illustrating the word.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually - Take note.
+ Check vocabulary - Copy
+ Take note.
- Call on some pairs of Ss to read the
conversation aloud.
- Comment on Ss'answers.
Aim: To help Ss focus on the topic of the lesson.
* Content: Listen and read the conversation again and choose the correct answer.
* Products: Understanding deeply more the content of the conversation.
* Organisation : Following clear instructions..

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Choose the correct answer A,B or C. 2. Choose the correct answer A,B or
- Ask Ss to read the questions carefully and C.
choose the correct answers. Encourage them not -T_Ss
to look back at the conversation.
- Allow Ss to work in pairs if they would like - Listen carefully to the instructions
- Check their answers as a class. Show them - Follow the teacher’s instructions
where in the conversation to find the answers.
- Explain the meaning of some words if - Give the answers and check.
necessary. Ss practise saying the sentences * Key:
together. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A
- T gives the correct answers.
- Confirm the correct answers.
Aim: To help Ss learn the names of some TV programmes.
* Content: Read and Match learn the names of TV programmes
* Products: Ss can match correctly and learn some TV programmes.
* Organisation : …

3. Read the conversation again and match 1- 3. Read the conversation again and
5 with a-e. match 1-5 with a-e.
- Encourage Ss to do this activity without -T_Ss
looking back at the conversation. If they cannot, - Learn how to do it
let them read the conversation again to find the - Ss to work in pairs
answers. - Compare the answers
- Allow Ss to work in pairs if they would like
- Give the answers.
- Copy them
- Check the answers as a class.
*Key :
- Allow Ss to share answers before discussing
1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d
as a class. Write the correct answers on the
- Allow Ss to share answers before discussing
as a class.
- T gives correct answer
*Aim: To help Ss focus on the use of adjectives to describe TV programmes and
* Content: Listen and read the conversation and write the adjectives which describe
* Products: Ss can describe the programmes and characters.
* Organisation : …

4. Find and write the agjectives in the 4. Find and write the agjectives in the
conversation which describe the programmes conversation which describe the
and characters below. programmes and characters below.
- Ask Ss to work independently. Guide them to - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
look back at the conversation and find where - Work independently
the names of the programmes / character - Ss do themselves. Give the answers
- Allow Ss to share their answers and discuss. Key : 1. interesting 2.
- Check the answers as a class wonderful
Confirm the correct answers. 3. clever 4. educational

Aim: To help Ss talk about what TV programme(s) they like.
* Content: Interview their partners about favourite TV programmes and report them.
* Products: Ss can report their favourite TV programmes.
* Organisation :...
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
5. Work in groups. Interview your partners 5. Work in groups. Interview your
about their favourite TV programmes and partners about their favourite TV
report to the class. programmes and report to the class.
- T can demonstrate by talking about his / her
favourite programme(s) first. For example: I - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
like films about animals in faraway countries
like Kenya or India. They are on the Animal - Group works
Planet. - Ss play game
- Then allow Ss some time to discuss in groups
before deciding on the programmes they like. - Fulfil the tasks.
- Each group then shares their answers by
reading them aloud to the class. The class votes
for the group with the most interesting answers.
- Go round and help if needed.
- Call on some Ss to stand up and read their
- The class listens and says if it's related to Tet
or not.

- Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say aloud some words they remember from the lesson.
- If there is a visualizer in the classroom, show the dialogue, highlight the key words
related to the topic. It would be helpful if T also highlights in the dialogue the wh-
question words and conjunctions at the end, and tells Ss that they will learn these
language points in the following lessons.

- Read again the conversation on page 6.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lessons.
Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- use the words related to TV programmes and people;
- To teach/ introduce how to use the words/ phrases.
- pronounce the sounds / / and /ð/ correctly.
+ Vocabulary - places lexical items
+ Grammar: - Use Wh- questions
- Use conjunctions to connect and clauses in compound sentences;and, but, so.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading and writing
3. Attitude: the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a
serious behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.
4. Competences: Listening and reading to get information about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.
- Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of

1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Aims: Vocabulary
- To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the unit

* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions...

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Chatting
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about -T_Ss
them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
- Brainstorm some words/ things that might be do.
related to Tet.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Repeat these words.
what they are going to study…. - Open their book and write .

Aim: To teach Ss some words / phrases related to television.
* Content: Introduce some new words related TV.
* Products: Learning some more new words.
* Organisation : ...

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Write the words/ phrases in the box next 1. Write the words/ phrases in the
to the definition. box next to the definition.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach * Vocabulary
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) - viewer (n) người xem
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - comedy (n) phim hài
- providing explanations of the words; - talent show (n) cuộc thi tài năng
- showing picture illustrating the word. (Trên TV)
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - compete (v) thi đấu
- Repeat in chorus and individually - cute (adj) đáng yêu, dễ thương
+ Check vocabulary - boring (adj) chán
- Take note - funny (adj) buồn cười…
- Ask Ss to read the words / phrases in the box + Take note
first and see if they can remember some of + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
them from the previous lesson. carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Allow Ss to refer to Listen and read if needed
to remind them of the context where these
words appear (except the words comedy and

- Have Ss read the definitions and do the task. * Key:
- Allow them to work independently or in 1. character 2. educational
pairs. programme
- Check and confirm the answers. 3. comedy 4. talent show 5.

Aim:To give Ss further practice on using TV-show-related words / phrases in
* Content: Practice using some new words in contexts.Complete the sentences.
* Products: Ss learn how to use the words / phrases in contexts.
* Organisation :... …

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Complete the sentences with the words/ 2. Complete the sentences with the
phrases in the box. words/ phrases in the box.
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and - Work individually to do this activity
choose the correct words / phrases to complete - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
them. (One more new word: game show.) - Follow the teacher’s instructions
- Check their answers as a class. - Give the answers
- T may go around to observe and offer help if Key:
necessary. 1. channel 2. character 3. animated
films 4. game show 5. comedies 6.
Aim:To teach Ss more adjectives to describe television programmes and characters.
* Content: Introduce some new words . Complete the sentences with adjectives given.
* Products: Ss learn more new adjectives to describe television programmes and
* Organisation : ...

3. Complete the sentences with the 3. Complete the sentences with the
adjectives in the box. adjectives in the box.
- Teach the new words (live with a different - Listen to the instructions clearly
meaning from the one they already know, and - Learn how to do it
popular). - Ss to work individually
+ popular: You play football, I play football,
Nam plays football... -> Football is popular. - popular.
+ live: The contest is NOW at the City Hall. - live
We are at home but we can watch what is - T_Ss
happening there like the audience at the Hall.

-> We are watching the competition live. - Ss do themselves.
- T may ask Ss to give the Vietnamese - Copy them
equivalent of these words. Key:
- Ask Ss to work independently or in pairs. 1. popular 2. boring 3. cute 4. live
Encourage them to read the sentences 5. funny 6. educational
carefully and look for clues so that they can
choose the right word to complete each
- Check their answers as a class.
- T may ask other Ss to give comments
*PRONUNCIATION: / / and /ð/
Aim: To help Ss identify how to pronounce the sounds / / and /ð/ and practise
pronouncing these sounds.
* Content: Pronounce the sounds / / and /ð/.
* Products: Ss can identify how to pronounce the sounds / / and /ð/ correctly.
* Organisation : ....
4. Listen and repeat the words. 4. Listen and repeat the words.
- The / / and /ð/ sounds are among the most - T_Ss
difficult English sounds for Vietnamese Ss as - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
we do not have them in our language. carefully
- Ask Ss to read the words first as they are all
familiar with Ss. - Check the answers
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen
carefully and check if they have pronounced - Listen and repeat
them correctly.
- Play the recording again. Ss listen and repeat.
- Check their pronunciation by calling some Ss
to read the words individually. * Audio script
- Correct Ss' pronunciation. / / : theatre, earth, anything, both,
- Call on some pairs to write their answers on through
the board before checking their answers with /ð/ : there, them, neither, weather, than
the whole class.
Aim: To help Ss pronounce the sounds / / and /ð/ correctly in context.
* Content: Pronounce the sounds / / and /ð/.Tongue Twister
* Products: Ss can identify how to pronounce the sounds / / and /ð/ correctly.Read
* Organisation : ....

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

5. Tongue Twister. Take turns to read the 5. Tongue Twister. Take turns to
sentences quickly and correctly. read the sentences quickly and
- Don't take this task too seriously. It's a way correctly.
to make learning pronuciation fun. - T_Ss
- Have Ss practise reading the tongue twisters - Listen to the instructions carefully
among themselves: slowly at first, then faster then do the tasks.
and faster.
- Tell them to pay attention to the key words - Do the tasks
with the / / and /ð/ sounds.
- T may also turn it into a competition to see - Listen again and reppeat
who / which group can read the twisters fast
and correctly. - Practice the sentences.
- Go around and correct the pronunciation if
- Ask for some volunteers to stand up and read
the poem aloud.
- Comment on their pronunciation.


- Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Practice making sentences with new words
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 2

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………………
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Use Wh- questions
- Use conjunctions in compound sentences: and, but, so.
+ Vocabulary
+ Grammar: - Use Wh- questions
- Use conjunctions to connect and clauses in compound sentences;and, but,
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading and writing
3. Attitude: the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a
serious behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.

4. Competences: Listening and reading to get information about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.
- Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of

1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Aim: To introduce the topic of the lesson . Wh-questions
Ss can easily recognise these question words as they have been dealing with them in the
previous lessons. So T can go straight into the teaching of this grammar point.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : .....
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Ask Ss about their class. - T_Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do it.
questions about them and class.
- Open their book and write .
- Ask Ss to open their book and
introduce what they are going to
- Lead in the new lesson.
ACTIVITY 1: Grammar : Wh-questions
Aim: To remind Ss of the questions they are familiar with.
* Content: Teach grammar: WH- questions.
* Products: Ss learn how to use each kinds of questions: who, what, which, when, where,
why, how, whose….
* Organisation : ...…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Read the conversation and 1. Read the conversation and underline the
underline the question words. question words.
* Teach vocabulary: - T_Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques - Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions and
to teach vocabulary (situation, learn how to use C and U nouns
- Ss work individually
realia, translation .....) if have…
- Do the tasks
- Ask Ss to read the conversation - Compare the answers.
and underline the question words. - Give the answers
- Check the answers as a class. * Key :
- Demonstrate some more wh- 1) What are you doing tomorrow?
questions with other wh-words. Ask 2) Where is it?
Ss to answer to make sure that they 3) How long is it on?
know what information the question
is requiring. For example: Who is
standing in this class? How many
pictures are there on the wall? etc.
- Check their answers as a class.
- Confirm the correct answers.
Aim: To help Ss identify the functions of different question words.
* Content: Know how to use the functions of different question words. Do the matching.
* Products: Ss can learn how to use the different question words correctly.
* Organisation : ...…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Match each question word with 2. Match each question word with the
the information it needs. information it needs.
- Allow Ss to read and do the - Ss work individually
matching Individually or In pairs. - Do the tasks
- Check their answers as a class. - Compare the answers.
- Explain if Ss have any difficulty - Learn how to do.
understanding how to use the
question words.
- Check the answers as a class
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct * Key :
Ss'pronunciation and intonation. When – time How many – number
- Confirm the correct answers. How often – repetition What – thing
* Remmember: Where – place Who – people
Each question word is used for a Why – reason
specific piece of information.
Aim: To give Ss more practice with question words.

* Content: Complete the conversations using the questions given.
* Products: Ss can do the filling correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher guides step by step …
3. Use the question words in the 3. Use the question words in the box to complete
box to complete the the conversations. Then listen and check your
conversations. Then listen and answers.
check your answers. - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Allow Ss some time to complete - Ss to work in pairs
the conversations. Suggest they
should look at the answer in order - Compare the answers
to choose the correct question word
from the box.
- Play the recording. Ask Ss to
listen and check their answers. Also
remind them to pay attention to the
tune of the wfr-questions (falling at
the end).
- Check their answers as a class.
- Move around to offer help if
- Ask other Ss to give comments - Copy them
and correct any mistakes if possible.
- Confirm the correct answers Key:
* Audio script: 1. How often, What
Conversation 1 2. Who
A: How often do you watch TV? 3. When, Where
B: Not very often. Two or three
times a week.
A: What do you watch?
B: It depends. But I like talent
shows the most.
Conversation 2
A: Who do you like the most in
B: Nobita. He's so funny.
Conversation 3
A: When do you play football?
B: Usually on Saturday or Sunday.
A: Where do you play?
B: In the yard.
ACTIVITY 4: Conjunctions in compound sentences
Aim: To help Ss identify the meaning and the position of a conjunction.
* Content: Introduce the use of the three conjunctions: and, but, so. Do the matching

* Products: Ss can use the conjunctions correctly.
- Ss are expected to know the meanings as well as the use of the three conjunctions: and,
but, so.
- Write the examples in the Remember! box on the board and underline the conjunctions
in the sentences.
- Circle the clauses before and after the conjunction.
- Draw Ss' attention that conjunctions are used to connect two clauses into a compound
sentence. (e.g. I enjoy sports, so I spend a lot of time outdoors.)
* Organisation :
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
* Grammar Remember! 4. Match the beginnings with the endings.
- We use conjunctions to combine - T_Ss
two clauses into a compound
sentence. - Listen to the instructions carefully
- I like watching cartoons, but my
brother likes watching sport.
- I enjoy sports, so I spend a lot of - Work individually.
time outdoor. - Do themselves
- I’m helping decorate the house, - Give the answers
and my brother is busy cooking.
4. Match the beginnings with the
endings. - T_Ss
- Have Ss work individually or in
pairs. * Key:
- Ask them to read the clauses in the 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d
Beginnings column carefully and
find clues in the Endings column for
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Call on some Ss to read the
complete sentences out loud.
- Ask other Ss to give comments
- Check and confirm the correct
Aim:To give Ss some practice on the use of conjunctions.
* Content: Further practice using and, but, so …
* Products: Ss can learn and understand more the use of conjunctions.
* Organisation : ...
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
5. Use and, but or so to complete 5. Use and, but or so to complete the sentences.

the sentences. - Listen to the instructions carefully
- This is a more difficult task as Ss - Work in pairs.
have to decide what conjunction to - Compare the answers.
use for each sentence.
- Give the answers.
- Remind Ss to read each sentence
and decide what the relationship of
1. so 2. but 3. so 4. but 5. and
the two clauses is before they
choose the correct answer.
-Work individually or in pairs
- Ss work individually or in pairs.
They can later exchange and check
- T: How many
their answers.
- Ss: How many students are there in our
- Check their answers as a class.
class?/How many coloured pencils do you have?
* Say a question word and ask Ss to
E.g :
respond by making a question with
+ I'm not big,_______ I'm strong.
+ She reads a lot,______ she won the game show
*Write quickly on the board some
sentences with blanks for Ss to fill
in using conjunctions.


- Summarisise the main grammar points of the lesson.
- Revise the form and use of comparative adj.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 7: Communication.
Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………
1. 1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Ask for and giving information about TV programmes. Read about TV
- Recognise and have knowlegde about some famous TV programmes in some countries
* Vocabulary: - use the words related to TV programmes and people
* Grammar:
2. Skills: speaking and reading and writing
3. Attitude: the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a serious
behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes , game shows and
4. Competences: - Develope creativity and Communication skills

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Everyday English
Aim: To use everyday English phrases and expressions to develop their language
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :...…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Chatting - Do the tasks
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
about them and class. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- Tell Ss that they are going to learn how - T_ Ss
to ask for and give directions.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write the tittle of the
what they are going to study…. lesson .
- T leads in the lesson.
Aims:To introduce a sample conversation about a TV programme.
* Content: Asking for and giving information about TV programmes. Listen and read
* Products: Ss can answer some information about TV programmes correctly. Make
* Organisation : ..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Listen and read the conversation. 1. Listen and read the conversation. Pay
Pay attention to the highlighted words. attention to the highlighted words.

- T_ Ss
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: * Vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to - programme (n) chương trình
teach vocabulary (situation, realia,
- both cả hai
translation .....) if have .
- Repeat in chorus and individually - different (adj) khác nhau
+ Take note. - enjoy (v) thích thú

*To help Ss practise asking for and + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
giving information about TV carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
programmes. -Ss work in pairs
1. Ask Ss to read the conversation as an
- Ss may use everyday English to talk to
example. Tell Ss that they can use what,
what time, why, etc. to ask about TV each other.
programmes. - Ss work in pairs.
+Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise the Audio script:
conversation. A: What's your favourite TV programme?
+ Have Ss practise the conversations in B: The animal programme.
pairs. A: Why do you like it?
Call on some pairs to practise the B: Because I can see the animals in their real
conversations in front of the class life.
2. Work in pairs. Make a similar
conversation about your favourite TV 2. Work in pairs. Make a similar
programme. conversation about your favourite TV
2. Allow Ss to work in pairs and make a programme.
similar conversation about their favourite - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make
TV programme. Encourage them to conversations
Include as many questions as possible In + Complete the tasks
their conversations. Call on some pairs to
act out their conversations In front of the
class. Check and correct If needed
- Move around to observe and provide
- Have Ss practise speaking
Aim: To allow Ss to explore some interesting facts about TV in other countries.
* Content: Discussing the facts with countries and TV programmes.
* Products: Ss can talk about TV programme Pokemon cartoons; Discovery Channel
* Organisation : ..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
3. Work in groups. Discuss and 3. Work in groups. Discuss and complete
complete the facts with the countries in the facts with the countries in the box.

the box. - Ss work individually
- Don't turn this task into a serious test of - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
information. carefully and learn how to do.
- Ss work in groups and help one another
to find the answers / make guesses.
- Call on some Ss for the answers.
Remind them ofthe correct way to give
their answers.
E.g. Pokemon cartoons are from Japan.
(They know the answer.)
We think Pokemon cartoons are from
Japan. (They make a guess.)
- Confirm the answers with the whole
Note: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and tick the
Pokemon cartoons: Japanese television questions.
animation series, typically aimed at
adults as well as children. * Key :
Iceland /'aisland/: Before 1981, there was 1. Japan 2. Viet Nam
no TV in July; before 1986, there was no
3. Iceland 4. the USA
TV on Thursday. It is because people felt
they could do without TV once a week!
They wanted everyone to spend this time
outdoors or with their families.
Discovery Channel: an American pay
television network. It creates the high
quality content.
- Check the answers as a class.
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation
and intonation.
- Confirm the correct answers.
Aim:To introduce to Ss some TV programmes for children.
* Content: Read and tick some TV programmes for children.
* Products: Ss can tick the correct programmes by reading.
* Organisation : ..…
4. Read about the two TV programmes 4. Read about the two TV programmes
and tick (✓) the correct programme in and tick (✓) the correct programme in the
the table. You may tick both. table. You may tick both.
- Ask Ss to read the passages and do the - T_ Ss
task. Remind them that some facts may - Listen carefully
refer to both programmes. - Answer questions individually.

- Have Ss work individually or in pairs. - Fulfil the tasks.
- Check their answers as a class. Key
- Ask them where in the text they found 1. Both programmes 2. Let's
the answers Learn
- Check and confirm the correct answers 3. Hello Fatty 4. Let's
5. Hello Fatty

Aim: To allow Ss an opportunity to practise with the information from the TV
programmes in 4.
* Content: Further practice about TV programmes they prefer
* Products: Talking about TV programmes they prefer.
* Organisation : ...…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
5. Work in groups. Tell your group 5. Work in groups. Tell your group which
which programme in 4 you prefer and programme in 4 you prefer and why?
why? - T_ Ss
- Allow Ss about 3 minutes to refer to 4 - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
and choose the programme they prefer. carefully.
Encourage them to focus on the reasons
why they like it. - Work in groups
- Ask Ss to work in groups and share
their ideas. Each group then shares their Example :
answers with the class. I like Let’s learn because it has cute
- Make comments and correct any characters and fun song.
mistakes if there are any.
- Choose some Ss to give a presentation
to the class.

* Summarise the main points.

- Ss summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.


- Practice talking about New Year in different countries.

- Do more exercises in workbook

- Prepare: Unit 7: Skills 1


Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Read for general and specific information about TV guide.
- Talk about their favourite TV programmes, the reasons for that
* Vocabulary: - use the words related to TV programmes and people
* Grammar: - Use Wh- questions
2. Skills: speaking and reading
3. Attitude: the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a
serious behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.
4. Competences: Students will be able to ask for and giving information about TV
programmes. To practice speaking about their favourite TV programmes.
- Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of

1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Pre – reading
- To develop student’s reading skills for specific information (scanning).
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson. Scanning
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :...…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Review lessons - T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and answer the

them and class. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- Encourage Ss to give their answers, but do -Answer the questions.
not confirm whether their answers right or - Open their book and write the tittle of
wrong. the lesson .
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
* Reapeat and learn how to read and
what they are going to study….
use them.
- T leads in the lesson.
- Copy the new words.
* Teach some new words in contexts if
- T follows steps to teach new words.
ACTIVITY 1: While- reading
Aim: To teach Ss how to read a TV guide.
* Content: Read the TV guide and answer the questions.
* Products: Ss can answer the questions correctly through TV guide.
* Organisation : ...…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Read the first two columns of the TV 1. Read the first two columns of the
guide and answer the questions. TV guide and answer the questions.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach * Vocabulary
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) - plants (n) cây cảnh
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - compete (v) thi đấu
- pet (n) con vật nuôi
- providing explanations of the words;
- intelligent (adj)thông minh
- showing picture illustrating the word. - dolphin (n) cá heo
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - laugh (v) cười to
- Repeat in chorus and individually …..
+ Check vocabulary + Take note
- Ask Ss to have a quick look at the TV guide + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
and answer questions like What information carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
do you see? (the time, the name of the - Give the answer
programme and its content), What information
comes first? What comes next? and What do * Key :
you look at when you are choosing a 1. (It's) Cuc Phuong Forest 2. Yes, it
programme to watch? This task should be is.
done carefully as it helps do task 2. 3. It's on at 10.30 4. No, we
Note: Explain to Ss so that they can can't 5. (It's about)
distinguish the name of the programme (e.g. dolphins
Sports) and the name of the specific event /
show / film, etc. on that programme (e.g. The
Pig Race).

- Allow Ss some time to read the TV guide
and answer the questions.
- Check the answers as a class.
3. While- reading
Aim: To show Ss how to find a suitable TV programme for a person.
* Content: Read then write the programmes that people may choose.
* Products: Ss can write the programmes .
* Organisation : ..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Read the TV guide in 1 and write the 2. Read the TV guide in 1 and write
programmes that these people may choose the programmes that these people
to watch may choose to watch
- Ask Ss to read the information about each - T_ Ss
person carefully, underline the key word(s) - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
showing what each person likes in order to carefully and learn how to do.
help them find the answer. - Check the meaning of the words
- Allow Ss some time to do the task - Ss work individually first.
individually. Ask some Ss to share their - Compare the answers with partners
answers before checking as a class. - Give the answers
- Check their answers as a class. Key:
- Ask ss to show the evidence to support their 1. Phong: Children are Always Right
answers. 2. Bob: The Fox Teacher
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 3. Nga: Cuc Phuong Forest
4. Minh: The Pig Race
5. Linh: The Dolphins.
ACTIVITY 3 : (Follow up activity) Speaking
Aim: To allow Ss to talk about what they have done in Reading 2.
* Content: Follow up activities . Share the tables in 2 and and express the agreement.
* Products: Ss can ask and answer about the TV programme or Game Show .
* Organisation : ..…
3. Work in groups. Share your table in 2 3. Work in groups. Share your table
with your group and see if they agree with in 2 with your group and see if they
you. agree with you.
- Have Ss work in groups and share their - Work in groups
answers in 2 with the groups. Encourage other - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
Ss to say if they agree or disagree with the carefully and follow them.
answers and explain their partners' choice. - Work in groups .
- Call on some Ss to demonstrate it in front
ofthe class.
- Go round and offer help if necessary. - Give the answer .
- Check and confirm the correct answers

Aim: To teach Ss how to talk about their favourite TV programmes.
* Content: Practice speaking about their favourite TV programmes, using the cues
* Products: Talking about their favourite TV programmes.
* Organisation : ..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
4. Work in groups. Tell your group about 4. Work in groups. Tell your group
your favourite TV programme. about your favourite TV programme.
Your talk should include : the name…; the - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
channel…; the content…..; the reason …..
carefully and follow them.
- Ask Ss to read the instructions carefully and
allow them some time to prepare their - Work in pairs.
answers. - Practice speaking in front of the
- Tell Ss that the suggested structure can help class.
them organize their ideas. - Ss do it
- Have Ss share their answers in groups before - Correct mistakes if have .
calling some of them to present their answers
to the class. Example:
- Correct any mistakes later. A. My favourite programme is……
- Encourage them to give as many ideas as - It’s on ……………….at 4.30 .
possible. - It’s about …………...
- Ask them to share their ideas in pairs before - I like it because it is
calling some Ss to present in front of the class. ……………
- Then give feedback: comment on their
strengths and correct a few errors in the target
- T helps if necessary


* Have Ss summarise: What they have learnt in the lesson with the two skills;
- What words / phrases / sentences for describing television they can remember;
- How to talk about a TV programme they like.
- Practice describing the room they have designed.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 7: Skills 2
Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information from a recommended TV schedule.
- Write a short paragragh about TV- watching habits.
2. Skills: Listening and writing
3. Attitude: the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a
serious behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.
4. Competences: Students will be able to pratice listening for specific information.
and write a paragragh about TV- watching habits .
- Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of

1.Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2.Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides
input for the writing skills.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :...…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - T_ Ss
them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
- Ask Ss about the content of the previous teacher’s or friend’s questions
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce

what they are going to study…. - Listen and know what they are going
- T leads in the lesson. to learn
- Open their book and write the tittle of
the lesson
ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening
Aim: To help Ss develop their skill of listening for specific information.
* Content: Listen and tick correct channel for each programme.
* Products: Ss can tick the channels correctly by listening twice.
* Organisation : ...
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Listen and tick (✓) the correct 1. Listen and tick (✓) the correct
channel for each programme. channel for each programme.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to
teach vocabulary (situation, realia, + Take note
translation .....) If have .
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually
* Allow Ss some time to read the + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
programmes in the table. carefully and learn how to do the tasks
- Ask them to focus only on the - Do the tasks. Compare the answers.
information they need: the channel - Give the answer.
- Play the recording. Ss listen and tick. Key:
- Check the answers as a class.

- Play the recording one or two times (as

needed) and askSs to tick the answers.
Check their answers as a class.

- Play the recording again if needed,

stopping at the place where Ss find it
difficult to hear.
- Confirm the answers.
3. While-listening
ACTIVITY 2 : While-listening
Aim: To help Ss develop their listening skill for specific information.
* Content: Listen again to get specific information and tick T/F
* Products: Ss can tick T/F correctly through listening. Telling freely.
* Organisation : ..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Listen again and tick (✓) T (true) or F 2. Listen again and tick (✓) T (true)

(False) or F (False)
- This activity requires Ss to listen more - T_ Ss
carefully for details. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Allow Ss some time to read the statements carefully and learn how to do it.
first and see if they can answer any of them
- Fulfil the tasks
based on the previous listening.
- Draw Ss' attention to the fact that almost - Give the answers
all the questions start with the names of the Key:
programmes. They are signals that the 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
answers are coming. Audio script:
- Play the recording. Ss listen and tick. Here are some interesting TV
- Check their answers as a class. If Ss have programmes for you. Green Summer, a
difficulty catching the information, music programme, is on channel 1. It
determining their answers, pause the starts at eight o'clock. My Childhood is
recording after each sentence where the on channel 2. It's the story of a country
information appears. boy and his dog Billy. On channel 3,
you will watch Harry Potter at 8.30.
- Check and confirm the correct answers. Children all over the world love this
*Post-listening film. If you like to learn English, you
* T may give some clues can go to English and Fun on channel
- Call on some Ss to speak freely. 1. It's at nine o'clock. We hope you can
- Correct pronunciations, grammar, vocab, choose a programme for yourself.
intonation. Enjoy and have a great time.

ACTIVITY 3 : Writing
Aim:To guide and prepare Ss with information for their writing in 4.
* Content: Read and circle the right answer to get information for the next writing
* Products: Ss read and choose the correct answer.
* Organisation : ..…
3. Read the questions and circle the right 3. Read the questions and circle the
answers for yourself right answers for yourself
- Ss have to answer a questionnaire about - T_ Ss
TV-watching habits.
- Let Ss read the questions and choose the - Listen carefully to the instructions
most appropriate answers for themselves - Work individually
* Ss learn how to do the tasks
- Ss’ answers
Aim:To guide Ss how to write a paragraph about TV-watching habits.
* Content: Write a paragraph about TV- viewing habits.
* Products: Ss can write a paragraph completely.
* Organisation : ..…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
4. Write a paragragh of about 50 words 4. Write a paragragh of about 50
about your TV-riewing habits. Use your words about your TV-riewing habits.
answer in 3. Use your answer in 3.
- Have Ss work individually. Ask them to
refer to the questions and their answers in 3 - Listen carefully and learn how to
while they are writing. These questions are write
a very good guide of how to form a - Work individually
sentence and what information they need to - Write themselves
complete the sentence.
- Go round and offer help if needed.
- If time allows, ask some Ss to share their
writing with the class. If not, collect some
Ss' writings to correct at home.
Note: Tell Ss that the information in the
questions in 3 has been arranged in a logical
order and they can organise their writing by
referring to their answers one after another.
- Ask Ss to write the first draft individually.
* Post writing
- T may display all or some of the Ss' *Sample answer
writings on the wall / notice board. T and I like watching TV, about one hour
other Ss give comments. Ss edit and revise a day. I only watch TV in the evening.
their writing as homework. During the day, I go to school.
- If time is limited,T may ask Ss to write On Saturday and Sunday, I watch
the final version at home. more. Sometimes I watch TV when I'm
- Other Ss and T comment on the writing. eating, but I never watch TV when I'm
studying. I watch Science programme
the most. It has interesting educational
programmes for children.
* Write a short paragraph about
your favourite TV programme.
My favourite TV programme is the
game show: Children are Always Right
on VTV 3 at 8.30 pm on Saturday. It
tests your general knowledge about
nature, science..... . I like this
programme very much because it is
useful, interesting, and exciting. I can
learn many interesting facts about the

* Have Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills.
- T can instruct them to draw a mind map to summarise the main points of the lesson.
- Finish writing a diary entry. Copy in the note books.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson.
Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………


1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 7
- Apply what they have learnt ( vocabulary and grammar) in to practice through a
+ Vocabulary: - use the words related to TV programmes and people
+ Grammar: - Use Wh- questions
- Use conjunctions in compound sentences: and, but, so.
2. Skills: Speaking , reading and writing.

3. Attitude: the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a
serious behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes ,
game shows and characters.
4. Competence: Students will be able to To help Ss consolidate and apply what
they have learnt in the unit. Do practice exercises . Ss can evaluate their
performance and provide further practice. Project helps Ss improve their abilities to
work individually and in a team. It extends their imagination in field related to the
unit topic
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

- This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit
Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the
- That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed, and which areas need
further practice.
- Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the unit.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Review the old lessons - T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
questions about them and class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and - Open their book and write .
introduce what they are going to


ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary
Aim :To help Ss revise the vocabulary about television.
* Content: Revise the vocabulary items by putting the words in the correct column.
* Products: Ss can put the words about TV in the correct column.
* Organisation : ..
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Put the words in the box in the 1. Put the words in the box in the correct
correct column. Add more words column. Add more words if you can.
if you can. - T_ Ss
- Ask Ss to do the task individually. + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully
- Allow Ss some time to read the and learn how to do the tasks.
list of the words and write them in - Answer the teacher’s questions and enquirements.
the correct place in the table. * Key:
- Have Ss swap their answers to
double check.
- Call on some Ss to read aloud
their answers before checking them
as a class.

- Have Ss do exercise individually
and then compare their answers.

- Check and confirm the correct


Aim: To help Ss revise the vocabulary about television in context.
* Content: Complete the text by using the words given
* Products: Ss can complete the text correctly using the words given
* Organisation : ...

2. Use the words in the box to 2. Use the words in the box to complete the text.
complete the text.
- This activity is for the revision of - Ss work individually.
the vocabulary in a contextualized - Do the tasks
situation. Ss have to be able to
recognise the relationship of the - Work individuaaly
target words and their neighbours,
the context in which they appear. - Share the answers.
- Ask Ss to do the task individually.
- Have Ss swap their answers to * Key:
double check. 1. viewers 2. animal 3. sports
- Call on some Ss to read aloud 4. funny 5. educational
their answers before checking them
as a class.
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct
Ss'pronunciation and intonation.
- Check the answers as a class.

ACTIVITY 3 : Grammar
Aim:To help Ss revise the use of question words.
* Content: Revise the use of Wh- questions. Complete each sentences.
* Products: Ss can complete the sentences to revise the use of Wh- questions.
* Organisation : ..….

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Complete each question with a 3. Complete each question with a suitale
suitale question word. question word.
- Ask Ss to look at the answers and - T_ Ss
underline the missing information - Listen to the instructions clearly

from the questions so that they can
decide which question words to use. - Do exercise individually and then compare their
- Let Ss do the exercise individually answers.
and then compare their answers. - Copy
Suggested answers:
- Go round and offer help if needed. 1. How many 2. What 3. Why
- Check and confirm the correct 4. Who 5. How many

Aim: To help Ss revise the use of conjunctions.
* Content: Use The conjunctions to connect the sentences.
* Products: Ss can complete the connect the sentences correctly.
* Organisation : ..….

4. Use the conjunctions provided 4. Use the conjunctions provided to connect the
to connect the sentences. sentences.
- Ask Ss to read the two sentences - T_ Ss
in each question and use the - Do the tasks
conjunctions provided to connect - Check the answers
them. - Give the answers
- Check their answers as a class. * Key:
1. Ocean Life is on at 7.30, and Laughing out Loud
Note: Note that in most sentences, comes next at 8.00.
the conjunctions are used to replace 2. I like The Seven Kitties very much, so I watch it
the full stop and connect the two every day.
sentences. Only in Question 4 do Ss 3. BBC One is a British channel, but VTV6 is a
have to use Although at the Vietnamese channel.
beginning. 4. Along the Coast is a famous TV series, but I
- Check and confirm the correct don't like it.
answers. 5. I have a lot of homework tonight, so I can't
watch Eight Feet Below.

Aim: Work in groups. Interview your friends, using the questions below. Take notes
of their answers and then report the results to the class.
* Content: Inter view their friends using the questions that they have prepared at home.
* Products: Ss work in groups of 4 or 5 .Answer the questions correctly. Ss improve their
abilities to work in a group . It extends their imagination in field related to the unit topic.
* Organisation : ..….
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
* PROJECT: ( Do at home)
- This project introduces to Ss - Ss should prepare the project as assign groups

a new way of learning and in the previous lessons beforehand.
practising their learnt language - T_ Ss
outside the class. Organise the
activity in a way that Ss will be able - Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.
to go out and ask questions to find - Prepare the at home beforehand.
out how important TV is to their
friends, to take notes of the - Ss should finish the project in class.
answers, and to report the results to
other people (their classmates).
- Divide Ss into groups of four or
five and instruct them on what they
have to do. Encourage them to
reach, out of the classroom
(interviewing their parents, siblings,
neighbours, etc.).
- Ask Ss to share their findings with
the class. If time allows, T can use
the results of the project for the
class discussion to see how much
TV watching is enough / good / bad
and the role of TV for children.
- Don't focus on or correct Ss
language mistakes. This is an
opportunity for them to experiment
with the language.
- T comments.


* Summarise the main points.

- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important elements:
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment table. Identify any difficulties and weak areas
and provide further practice.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using should/ shouldn’t
Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………



1. Knowledge:
* By the end of this unit, students will be able to: (Over all)
- use the words related to the topic Sports and Games;
- To introduce topic of the lesson Sports and Games. To teach listening and
+ Vocabulary: - use the words related to the topic Sports and Games
:aerobic; career; competition, equipment, fit, goggles, gym, karate, marathon,
racket, score, shoot, sporty, take place, tournament
+ Grammar: - use the past simple;
- use imperatives to tell someone to do something
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: :- the love for doing sports and games they play in daily life. Having a
good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in doing sports.
4. Competence: Students will be able to pratice listening and reading the
conversation between Duong and Mai about tha sports/ games they play
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


– To creat an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
– To lead into the new unit.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products:: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Review the old lessons + Do the tasks.
- Begin the lesson by reviewing the previous - T_ Ss
unit before Ss open their books. - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
T may have Ss revise the words learnt in Unit 7, do it .
or ask them what TV programmes they like to - Answer the teacher’s questions and

watch, or whether they like to watch sports enquirements.
programmes on TV.
- Then lead Ss to the new unit. Write the unit + Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
title Sports and Games on the board. do the tasks.
- Ask Ss to guess what they are going to learn
about in this unit. After Ss give the answers, ask
them to open their books to page 16.
- Draw their attention to the box and introduce
what they are going to learn in this unit - Open their book and write .


ACTIVITY 1: At the gym

Aim: To set the context for the introductory text;
To introduce the topic of the unit.
* Content: To listen to conversation to get used to the topic; the vocabulary; the
grammar points.
* Products:: Know more new words. Understanding the conversation; topic of the
lesson, grammar points…
* Organisation : ..….

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen and read. 1. Listen and read.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by:
- providing explanations of the words;
- showing picture illustrating the word.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
* Vocabulary
- gym (n) Trung tâm TDTT
- karate (n) môn võ ka-ra-te
- equipment (n) thiết bị, dụng cụ
- aerobics (n) thể dục nhịp điệu
- chess (n) cờ tướng
- table tennis (n) bóng bàn - T_ Ss
- Repeat in chorus and individually
+ Check vocabulary - Listen carefully to the context
* To introduce the topic of the unit. - Answer the teacher’s questions.
- Set the context for the introductory text: Ask
Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the - Listen carefully and read aloud.

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess what it Note:
shows or what the conversation between Duong - gym
and Mai might be about. - karate
- Ask Ss questions about the picture. E.g. Who - sporty
do you see in the picture? Where are they? - equipment.
What do you think they're talking about? - fit
- Tell Ss that Duong and Mai are at the gym, - aerobics
talking about the sports / games they play.
- Tell Ss to listen to their conversation.
- Play the recording two or three times, or more
if necessary. Ask Ss to listen and read along.
- Have Ss underline the words related to the
unit's topic while they are listening and reading.
- Call on some pairs of Ss to read the
conversation aloud.
- Correct pronunciations if needed.
- Comment on Ss'answers.

Aims: To help Ss practise using words related to the topic Sports and Games;
- To help Ss understand the conversation better.
* Content: Put the word from conversation in each gaps to practice the use the words.
* Products:: Ss can know more new words and lear how to use them correctly.
* Organisation : ..…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Put a word from conversation in each gap. 2. Put a word from conversation in
- Ask Ss to do this activity independently. each gap.
Remind them of the ways to do the activity if - T_ Ss.
needed. Ss may refer back to the conversation - Listen carefully to the instructions
for the context of the words they need to fill the
gaps. - Follow the teacher’s instructions
- Allow them to share their answers before
discussing them in pairs or as a class. - Give the answers and check.
- Write the correct answers on the board. * Key:
- T explains the meanings of some words if 1. fit 2. gym 3. table tennis
necessary. Ss practise saying the sentences 4. Club 5. cycle
- T gives the correct answers.
- Confirm the correct answers.
Aim: To help Ss revise / learn names of some sports and games through pictures.

* Content: Names of some sports and games through pictures using the word given
* Products:: Ss understand more about the use of word given.
* Organisation : ..…
3. Name these sports and games, using the 3. Name these sports and games,
words from the box. using the words from the box.
- Ask Ss to label the pictures with the correct - Listen to the instructions clearly
words given. Ss can work in pairs. Elicit Ss' - Learn how to do it
answers. - Ss to work in pairs
- Then provide the correct words.
- Compare the answers
- Ask them for the meanings of the words.
Provide them with the meanings of the words - Give the answers.
they don't know. T may also ask them if they - Copy them
play these sports and games or if people in Viet * K e y :
Nam play them. 1. cycling 2. aerobics
- Allow Ss to share answers before discussing 3. table tennis 4. swimming
as a class. 5. chess 6. volleyball
- T gives correct answer
Watch out!
- Help Ss differentiate between a sport and a
A sport: an activity that you do for pleasure and
that needs physical exercise.
A game: an activity or a sport with rules in
which people or teams compete against each
- T may ask Ss to give the names of some sports
and some games they know. For example:
Sports: running, cycling, mountain climbing, ...
Games: chess, football, card games, computer
games, ...
ACTIVITY 4: What is the difference between a sport and game?
Aim:To help Ss practise speaking and learn about how sporty they are.
* Content: Ask and answer to find out how sporty they are.
* Products:: Ss can answer the questions correctly.
* Organisation : ..…
4. Work in pairs. Ask your partner these 4. Work in pairs. Ask your partner
questions to fine out how sporty they are. these questions to fine out how
- Have Ss work in pairs (or in groups) to ask sporty they are.
and answer the questions. Some pairs (or - T_ Ss
groups) may report their results to the class. (In
their groups, how many Ss with answers "A", - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
how many with answers "B" and who is the

sportiest in their groups.) - Ss do themselves. Give the answers
- T may want to find out how sporty the class is
by writing the results on the board.
- Allow Ss to share their answers and discuss.
- Check the answers as a class
Confirm the correct answers.


*Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say some words they remember from the lesson.
- If there is a visualizer in the classroom, show the dialogue, highlight the key words
related to the topic.
- Read again the conversation on page 6.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 8: A closer look 1


Date of preparing:...................................
Date of teaching: .....................................
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic Sports and Games.
- Pronounce the sounds /e/ and /æ/ correctly.
+ Vocabulary: :aerobic; career; competition, equipment, fit, goggles, gym, karate,
marathon, racket, score, shoot, sporty, take place, tournament
+ Grammar: - use the past simple;
- use imperatives to tell someone to do something.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking , reading and writing
3. Attitude: the love for doing sports and games they play in daily life. Having a
good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in doing sports.
4. Competences: Students will be able to revise / teach the names of some
equipment to be used in some sports / games and learn how to pronounce the
sounds /e/ and /æ/ correctly.To practice pronouncing these sounds.

1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Aims: Vocabulary
- To revise/ teach some words/ phrases related to TV programmes
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :....
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Do the revision - T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
them and class.
- Brainstorm some words/ things that might
be related to Tet. - Repeat these words.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….
Aim: To revise / teach the names of some equipment to be used in some sports /
* Content: Revise / teach the names of some equipment by writing the words under the
* Products: Ss can write the words correctly.
* Organisation : ...….

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Write the right words under the 1. Write the right words under the
pictures. pictures.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach * Vocabulary
vocabulary (situation, realia, - racket (n) cái vợt (cầu lông..)
translation .....) - googles (n) kính bơi
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary - sports shoes (n) giầy thể thao
- sporty (n) khỏe mạnh , dáng thể thao.
- providing explanations of the

words; - marathon (n) cuộc đua ma-ra-tông
- showing picture illustrating the - champion (n) vô đich
word. - competition…(n) cuộc đua
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- Repeat in chorus and individually carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
+ Check vocabulary - Answer the teacher’s
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and see if
* Key:
they can write the words under the
1. ball 2. sports shoes 3. boat 4. racket
5. goggles
- Have Ss work individually. Tell them to
put the words and phrases given under the
right pictures.
- Check their answers as a class. Explain
the meanings to them If necessary. If there
Is enough time, have Ss give examples.
- Allow them to share their answers before
discussing them it as a class. Then have Ss
practise saying the words.
- Check and confirm the answers.
Aim: To revise / teach the names of some sports / games and the equipment to be
used with them.
* Content: Do the matching to revise the words.
* Products: Ss can match the things with a sport correctly.
* Organisation : ...….
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. What sports are these things for? 2. What sports are these things for?
Match each thing in column A with a Match each thing in column A with a
sport in column B. sport in column B.
- Tell Ss to do the task independently first. - Work individually to do this activity.
- Call on some Ss to write their answers on
the board, then check their answers as a
- Check their answers as a class.
- T may go around to observe and offer
help if necessary.
* Extension: Ask stronger Ss to name more
sports and games and the equipment used
with them.
For example:

- table tennis - bats
- running - sports shoes
- chess - chessboard + chessmen / chess

- Give the answers

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5.e
Aim: To give Ss practice on how to use words related to sports / games in context.
* Content: Further practice the words . Do the filling.
* Products: Ss can fill the words given correctly.
* Organisation : ..….
3. Fill in each balnk with one of words 3. Fill in each balnk with one of words
from the box. from the box.
- Have Ss read the sentences and fill the - T_ Ss
blanks with the words given. - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Have them read the sentences carefully - Learn how to do it
and look for clues so that they can choose - Ss to work individually
the correct words to complete the
- Ss do themselves.
- Have one student write the words on the - Copy them
board. T gives correction. Key:
For stronger Ss, ask them to make 1. competition 2. champion
sentences with the words. Other Ss and T 3. congratulations
give comments. 4. sporty 5. marathon
- Ask Ss to work independently or in pairs.
Encourage them to read the sentences
carefully and look for clues so that they
can choose the right word to complete each
- Check their answers as a class.
- T may ask other Ss to give comments
II. PRONUNCIATION: /e/ and / æ /
Aim: To help Ss identify how to pronounce the sounds /e/ and / æ /
- To help Ss practise pronouncing the two sounds in words.
* Content: To pronounce the final sounds /e/ and / æ / correctly by listening and reating
the words.
* Products: Lean how to pronounce the final sounds /e/ and / æ / . Practice pronouncing

* Organisation : ..….

4. Listen and repeat . Pat attention to the 4. Listen and repeat . Pat attention to the
sounds /e/ and / æ / sounds /e/ and / æ /
- Have Ss practise the sounds /e/ and /æ / - T_ Ss
in isolation first. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Have them observe T's mouth for the carefully
correct pronunciation of these two sounds.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen - Check the answers
and repeat the words.
- Play the recording as many times as - Listen and repeat
- Check their pronunciation by calling * Audio script
some Ss to read the words individually. /e/: chess tennis exercise contest
- Correct Ss' pronunciation. /æ/: racket match marathon active
- Call on some pairs to write their answers
on the board before checking their answers
with the whole class.

Aim: To help Ss pronounce the sounds /e/ and /æ/
* Content: To pronounce the final sounds /e/ and / æ / correctly by listening and reating
the words.
* Products: Lean how to pronounce the final sounds /e/ and / æ / . Practice pronouncing
* Organisation : ..….

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

5. Listen and repeat . Underline the 5. Listen and repeat . Underline the
words having the sounds /e/ and / æ / words having the sounds /e/ and / æ /
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and - T_ Ss
repeat sentence by sentence. - Listen to the instructions carefully then
- Help them recognise the two sounds, then do the tasks.
underline the correct words In the - Do the tasks
sentences. - Listen again and reppeat
- Correct their pronunciation and
Intonation. Play the recording again for - Practice the sentences.
them to practise If necessary. Key + Audio script:
- Go around and correct the pronunciation 1. They cannot take part in this contest.
if needed. 2. They began the match very late.
- Comment on their pronunciation.
3. Please get the racket for me.
4. We play chess every Saturday.

5. My grandpa is old, but he's active.


* Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Practice making sentences with new words
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 8: A closer look 2
Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Use the past simple tense.
- Use “Imperative to tell someone to do something” in different situations.
+ Vocabulary:
+ Grammar: - use the past simple;
- use imperatives to tell someone to do something.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking , reading and writing

3. Attitude: the love for doing sports and games they play in daily life. Having a
good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in doing sports
4. Competence: Students will be able to learn how to form and use the past simple
tense. To practice using the past simple in real situations and the use “Imperative”
in different situations.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Aim: - To revise the form and use : The past simple tense

- The past simple was already introduced in Tieng Anh 5, so T asks Ss to recall it and
give examples.

- T may ask them some questions: What did you do last Sunday? etc.

- Then encourage Ss to talk about past actions.

* Content: Having some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed

atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson

* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic .

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + T_ Ss
- Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do it.
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions
about them and class. - Open their book and write .

- Ask Ss to open their book and

introduce what they are going to

- Lead in the new lesson.


ACTIVITY 1: Grammar : The past simple tense
Aim: To revise/ learn how to use and form the correct form of the past simple.

* Content: To introduce the form and use the past simple.

* Products: Ss can learn how to form and use the form of the past simple

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

- T asks Ss to give the rule and use of the past simple themselves. Then T explains to
them if necessary (use the Grammar box).T can give more examples If necessary.
Remind them of using the past simple when something happened (e.g. yesterday, last

Sunday, last month, etc.).

(+) Positive:

I / You / We / They / He / She / It + V-ed (played)

(-) Negative:

I / You / We / They / He / She / It + did not / didn't V (did not / didn't play)

(?)Questions and short answers:

Did I / you / we / they / he / she / it + V (play)?

Yes, I / you / we / they / he / she / it did.

No, I / you / we / they / he / she / it didn't.

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Choose the correct answer A,B 1. Choose the correct answer A,B or C.
or C. - T_ Ss
- Have Ss do the task individually - Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions
and then compare their answers in and learn how to use C and U nouns
pairs. - Ss work individually
- Do the tasks
- Tell Ss that when they do the - Compare the answers.
multiple choice questions, they - Give the answers
should first read the sentences * Key :
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B.
(stems) and the options carefully.
Then they should choose the answer - be - was/ were.
that they think is correct by - see -saw- seen
eliminating the wrong answer. Then - do- did- done
they get the most likely correct - have- had – had
answer. - go – went - gone….

- Check and confirm Ss' answers.

* Watch out!

- Explain to Ss that many English

words have Irregular past forms.
Give them examples. Tell them to
write down in their notebooks and
remember the past form of the verbs

they have learnt.


Aim:To help Ss practise using the past simple in context.

* Content: Practice using the past simple by choosing the best answer.

* Products: Ss can choose the answer correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher/s guide…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Write the correct form of the 2. Write the correct form of the verbs to
verbs to complete the complete the conversation.
conversation. - Ss work individually
- Have Ss do the task individually. - Do the tasks
- Compare the answers.
- Ask them to read the conversation - Learn how to do.
first, so that they understand the
context to use the verbs given in the
correct form.

- T may call on some Ss separately * Key :

to read out their answers and correct 1. went 2. had 3. did you do
their answers if they're wrong. 4. visited 5. ate 6.scored

- T gives explanation if necessary.

- Call on some pairs to read the

conversation with the correct verb

- Correct their pronunciation and

intonation if necessary.

- Observe and help when and where

necessary, and correct
Ss'pronunciation and intonation.

- Confirm the correct answers.


Aim: To help Ss practise using the past simple in real situation.

* Content:Further practise using the past simple in real situation.

* Products: Ss understand more about using the past simple tense

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Work in groups. Ask and 3. Work in groups. Ask and answer questions
answer questions about your last about your last weekend.
weekend. - Group work.
- Divide the class into groups of 4 or

Ss take turns to ask and answer

questions about their last weekend.

- Encourage them to give as many

sentences as possible. Tell them to
use all three forms (affirmative, - Listen to the instructions clearly
negative, and questions). - Compare the answers
- Some stronger Ss can report to the
class about one of their friends' last

- Move around to offer help if


- Ask other Ss to give comments and

correct any mistakes if possible.

- Confirm the correct answers

ACTIVITY 4: Imperatives
Aim: To help Ss use correct form of imparatives in different situations.

* Content: Use correct form of imparatives in different situations. Choose the correct

* Products: Ss can learn how to use the correct form of imparatives in different

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Remember! 4. Look at each picture and choose the
We use the impeartives to tell correct answer.
someone to do something, or to give - T_ Ss
a direct order. - Listen to the instructions carefully
- Work individually.
- It’s a chewing gum, - Do themselves
+ Chew it! - Give the answers
- Don’t awallow it ! 1. Don't park 2. Close 3. Tidy up
4. Don't use 5. Try

- Tell Ss to work In pairs. Give them

about 2-3 minutes to do the task.

- Go round, observe the class and

give help If necessary.

Call on some Ss to read their


Check their answers as a class.

- Ask other Ss to give comments

- Check and confirm the correct


Aim:To help Ss practise using imperatives to tell someone to do something in a
real context.

* Content: Practicing the form of imparatives in different situations. Do the rules

* Products: Ss can learn how to tell friends what to do / not to do at the gym.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

5. Tell your friends what to do and 5. Tell your friends what to do and what not
what not to do at the gym. to do at the gym.
- Listen to the instructions carefully

- Have Ss work In pairs or in groups. - Work in pairs or in groups.
- Work in pairs.
- Ask them to take turns to tell their
- Compare the answers.
friends what to do and not to do at
- Give the answers.
the gym.

T gives help and lets them give as *Key:

Some possible sentences:
many sentences as possible.
Pay your fee first. • Don't litter.
* If time allows, T may ask Ss to Put on your trainers/sports shoes. • Don't
eat or drink at the gym.
draw a picture illustrating one of the
Listen to the instructor carefully. • ...
gym rules in the blank space at the
bottom of the page in their
notebooks. Make sure that Ss write
the rules somewhere in the picture.
(This may be done as homework.)

- Ss work individually or in pairs.

They can later exchange and check
their answers.

- Check their answers as a class.


* Summarise the main grammar points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to make sentences about themselves, using the past simple.

- Ask Ss to take turns to give an order or tell their friends to do an activity / everyday
routine (positive or negative). E.g. Get up early every day; Go to school on time; etc.


- Revise the form and use of comparative adj.

- Do more exercises in workbook.

- Prepatre : Unit 8: Communication

Date of preparing: ..............
Date of teaching: ...............

1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Use the words related to the topic Sports and Games.
- Express and respond to congratulations.
- To talk about sports and games that they like.
2. Skills: Speaking , reading and writing
3. Attitude: the love for doing sports and games they play in daily life. Having a
good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in doing sports.
4. Competences : Students will be able to express and respond to congratulations.
Help Ss learn some knowledge of sports/ games and communicate through a quiz
about sports/ games.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Everyday English
Expressing and responding to congratulations
Aims: To use everyday English phrases and expressions to develop their language
* Content: Having some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic .
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Do the revision + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and answer the

them and class. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- Tell Ss that they are going to learn how to
ask for and give directions. - Open their book and write the tittle of
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce the lesson .
what they are going to study….
- T leads in the lesson.
Aim: To introduce the way of expressing and responding to congratulations.
* Content: Expressing and responding to congratulations. Listen and read.
* Products: Knowing the way to express and respond to congratulations. Make a dilogue
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen and repeat the short conversation 1. Listen and repeat the short
below, paying attention to the highlighted conversation below, paying attention to
parts. the highlighted parts.
- T _ Ss
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: * Vocabulary
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach - win- won (v) chiến thắng
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) - take place (v) diễn ra
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - join (v) tham gia
- providing explanations of the words; - spare time (n) thời gian rảnh rỗi
- showing picture illustrating the word.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually
+ Check vocabulary.
* To help Ss practise expressing and
responding to congratulations.
1. Have Ss listen and read the short
conversation. Tell them to pay attention to
the highlighted parts. T may ask Ss to repeat
these parts several times. - Take note
+Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise the * Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
+ Have Ss practise the conversations in pairs.
Call on some pairs to practise the -Ss work in pairs
conversations in front of the class - Ss may use everyday English to talk to
each other.
- Ss work in pairs.
*Audio script:

Duong: Last week I played table tennis
with Duy, and I won for the first time.
Mai: Congratulations!
Duong: Thank you, Mai.
Mai: So you're our class champion now.
2. Work in pairs. Student A has won a
2. Work in pairs. Student A has won a prize in the school’s singing contest/
prize in the school’s singing contest/ sport sport competition. Student B
competition. Student B congratualtion congratualtion him/ her…
him/ her… - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make
- Allow Ss to work In pairs and make a conversations
similar conversation. Remind them to use the - Group works
highlighted sentences in 1. Then encourage + Complete the tasks
them to devise different contexts to use the
- Move around to observe and provide help.
- Have Ss practise speaking
ACTIVITY 3 The sport/ game you like
Aims: To have Ss revise / learn some knowledge of sports / games;
- To help Ss communicate through a quiz about sports / games.
* Content: Do the quiz. Answer thequestions .
* Products: Ss can answer the questions to know some knowledge of sports / games;
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
3. QUIZ. Work in pairs. Do the quiz. 3. QUIZ. Work in pairs. Do the quiz.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and find the - Ss work individually
answers to the quizzes. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Check and give the correct answers. carefully and learn how to do.
- Check the answers . - Check the meaning if yes
- Observe and help when and where - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and tick
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and the questions.
- Do the tasks if possible.
- Confirm the correct answers.
* Key :
1. There are usually 22 players (11 on
each side).
2. It normally lasts 90 minutes (divided
into two halves).
3. They take place every four years.
4. A marathon is 42.195 kilometres long
(26 miles and 385 yards).
5. They took place In Olympia (In Ancient
Greece) (In 776 BC).

Aim: To help Ss ask and answer questions about themselves concerning the field of
sports / games.
* Content: Interviewing the partners about sports or games.
* Products: Know more some information about sports or games.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….
4. Work in groups. Interview your 4. Work in groups. Interview your
partners using the following questions. partners using the following questions.
You may ask for more information. You may ask for more information.
- Divide the class into groups of 5 or 6. - T _ Ss
- Appoint one student to be the interviewer - Listen carefully
and the others the interviewees. - Answer and answer questions.
- Give Ss plenty of time to ask and answer - Fulfil the tasks.
questions. Encourage them to talk and raise
as many questions as possible.
- Go round the class and give support if
- Present in front of the class
- After a fixed amount of time, choose the
interviewer of some groups to present to the
- T and other Ss listen and make comments.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.


- Ss summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.

- Practice talking about New Year in different countries.
- Do more exercises in workbook
- Prepare: Unit 8: Skills 1

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………………

1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- Develop reading skill for general and specific information about Pelé
- To talk about a famous sports person.
2. Skills: Speaking , reading
3. Attitude: the love for doing sports and games they play in daily life. Having a
good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in doing sports.
4. Competences : Students will be able to pratice reading and speaking about a
famous sportsperson.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Pre – reading
- To develop student’s reading skills for specific information (scanning).
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Chatting + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
them and class. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- Encourage Ss to give their answers, but do -Answer the questions.
not confirm whether their answers right or
wrong. - Open their book and write the tittle of
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
the lesson .
what they are going to study….
* Reapeat and learn how to read and use
- T leads in the lesson.
* Teach some new words in contexts if
- Copy the new words.
- T follows steps to teach new words.

ACTIVITY 1: While- reading
Aim: To activate Ss' knowledge of the topic of the reading text.
* Content: Discussing the topic about “The King of Footballer”
* Products: To get some information about Pele. What special about him.
* Organisation : ...…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: questions.
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach - T _ Ss
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) * Vocabulary
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - special (adj) đặc biệt
- career (n) nghề nghiệp
- providing explanations of the words;
- score (v) ghi bàn, ghi điểm
- showing picture illustrating the word. - goal (n) bàn thắng thua
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - become- became (v) trở nên
- Repeat in chorus and individually - national (adj) quốc gia
+ Check vocabulary - hero (n) người anh hùng
* T may begin by asking Ss to name some - famous (adj) nổi tiếng
famous football players In Viet Nam. * Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- Tell them to work in pairs to discuss the carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
questions in this activity. Encourage them to
give their ideas (as many ideas as possible) in
front of the class.
- Have Ss work In pairs and discuss the
questions about Pelé. It Is not Important
whether they know much or little Information
about Pelé as long as they concentrate and talk
with each other.
- Check the answers as a class.
3. While- reading
Aim: To help Ss develop their reading skill for general information (skimming).
* Content: Read the dialogue and check information about “The King of Footballer” ,
* Products: To get some information about Pele. What special about him.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Read the dialogue quickly to check your 2. Read the dialogue quickly to check
ideas in 1. your ideas in 1.
- Tell Ss to read the text quickly and check - T _ Ss
their Ideas In 1. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Set a strict time limit to ensure that Ss read carefully and learn how to do.

quickly for information. Encourage Ss to give - Check the meaning of the words
any piece of information they can remember - Ss work individually first.
(and it is not so important what they say as - Compare the answers with partners
long as they speak English). - Give the answers
+ ... best footballer
+ ... from Brazil
+ ...wonthe WorldCup
+ ... the King of Football
- Check and confirm the correct answers.

ACTIVITY 3 : (Follow up activity) Speaking

To help Ss develop their reading skill for specific information (scanning);
To help Ss broaden and deepen their knowledge of Pelé.
* Content: Read again the dialogue and and answer the questions about Pele.
* Products: To get some information about Pele. What special about him.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Read the text again and answer the 3. Read the text again and answer the
questions. questions.
- Give Ss some time to practise reading the - T _ Ss
dialogue. Ss listen to T (or Ss) read aloud - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
while tracking the dialogue with their fingers. carefully and follow them.
- Ask Ss to read in chorus the new and - Work in groups .
difficult words / phrases in the dialogue.
- Give the answer .
- Check with Ss the meanings ofthe new
words. Explain to them If necessary. Key:
- Ask Ss to find the key words in each 1. Pele was born in 1940.
question. Then find the information in the 2. His father did. / His father taught him.
dialogue to answer the questions. 3. He scored 1,281 goals in total.
- Confirm the correct answers to the class. 4. (He became Football Player of the
* Further practice: Century) in 1999.
- If time allows, have Ss talk about Pele (what 5. They call him "The King ofFootball".
other information they know about him,
whether they like him or not, and why, etc.).
- Have Ss talk about famous football players
they know and ask them who they think is the
best football player.


ACTIVITY 4: Speaking
Aim: To help Ss practise reading and understand fact files of famous sports people.
* Content: Read the facts about two famous sportspeople.
* Products: To get more information about famous sportspeople.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Read the follwing facts about two famous 4. Read the follwing facts about two
sports people. famous sports people.
- Ss work by themselves and read the fact files - T _ Ss
of two famous sportspeople. T may ask them - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
whether they know these sportspeople, and carefully and follow them.
what else they know about them. - Work individually.
- Explain any new words to Ss if necessary.
- Practice speaking in front of the class.
Make sure Ss understand everything and they
can use these facts to prepare for the next - Correct mistakes if have .
speaking activity.
- Then give feedback: comment on their
strengths and correct a few errors in the target
- T helps if necessary

Aim: To help Ss practise speaking about a famous sportsperson in 4.
* Content: Practise speaking about a famous sportsperson in 4.
* Products: Ss can talk about sportsperson in 4 using the cues given.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Choose one sportsperson in 4. Talk about 5. Choose one sportsperson in 4. Talk

him/ her. Use the following cues. about him/ her. Use the following cues.
- Have Ss work in pairs or groups. Have them - T _ Ss
take turns to talk about their chosen
sportsperson. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Let them have freedom to choose what carefully and follow them.
information to mention. (They can skip some
- Work individually.
points, or add some of their own.)
- While Ss are talking, T goes round the class - Practice speaking in front of the class.
and monitors. Remember not to stop them in - Correct mistakes if have .
order to correct their mistakes.
- When the talking time is over, T collects
common errors and discusses them with the
whole class.
* Further practice:

- If there is enough time, have Ss work in
pairs. One student is an interviewer and the
other is a famous sportsperson.
- Ss role-play an interview.
- T helps if necessary


* Have Ss summarise what they have learnt in the lesson with the two skills
- Practice describing the room they have designed.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 8: Skills 2.

Date of preparing: ……………………

Date of teaching: …………………...

1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
- Use the lexical items related to the topic Sports and Games.
- Listen for general and specific information about Sports and Games.
- Write a paragragh about the sport/ game .
+ Vocabulary: vocabulary related to Sports and Games.
+ Grammar: - use the past simple; use imperatives to tell someone to do something.
2. Skills: Listening and writing

3. Attitude: the love for doing sports and games they play in daily life. Having a
good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in doing sports.
4. Competences: Know how to use should/ shouldn’t ; Students will developed
listening and writing skills.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides input
for the writing skills.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions - Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s
about them and class. or friend’s questions
- Ask Ss about the content of the
previous lesson. - Listen and know what they are going to learn
- Ask Ss to open their book and - Open their book and write the tittle of the
introduce what they are going to lesson
- T leads in the lesson.

ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening
Aims: - To activate Ss' knowledge of the topic of the listening text;
- To help Ss develop the skill of listening for general information.
* Content: Listen and answer; Who are they talking about?
* Products: To get general information of the passage.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen to the passages. Who are 1. Listen to the passages. Who are they
they about? about?
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T _ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
teach vocabulary (situation, realia, carefully and learn how to do the tasks
translation .....) - Do the tasks. Compare the answers.
If have - Give the answer.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually
** Play the recording once only.
- Ask Ss to listen and say who are
mentioned In the passages.

- Confirm the correct answer as a class.
- Play the recording again if needed,
stopping at the place where Ss find it
difficult to hear.

Key: The listening passages are about Hal and


3. While-listening

ACTIVITY 2 : (While-listening)
Aim: To develop Ss' ability listen for specific information (scanning).
* Content: Listen and tick T/F
* Products: Develop listening skills and tick T/F correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Listen to the passages again and 2. Listen to the passages again and tick (✓)
tick (✓) T(True) or F (False) for each T(True) or F (False) for each sentence.
sentence. - T _ Ss
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully - Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully
and find the key words. and learn how to do it.
- Play the recording again.Tell Ss that - Fulfil the tasks
while they listen, they have to tlckT or F - Give the answers
for each sentence.
- Call on some Ss to read the answers
and explain to their choice.
- Confirm the correct answers as a class.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.
*(Post-listening) Key:
* T may give some clues 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F
- Call on some Ss to speak freely.
- Correct pronunciations, grammar,
vocab, intonation.
Aim: To develop Ss' ability listen for specific information (scanning), and identify
the exact words to fill the blanks.
* Content: Listen again and complete the sentences.
* Products: Develop listening skills and get specific information to fill the blanks.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
3. Listen again and fill each balnk 3. Listen again and fill each balnk with a
with a word to complete each word to complete each sentence.
sentence. - T _ Ss
- Ask Ss to read the sentences and find - Listen carefully to the instructions
the key words. - Work individually
* Ss learn how to do the tasks
- Play the recording a third time (or
- Ss’ answers
more If needed). Tell Ss that they have Key: 1. volleyball 2. three 3. Alice 4.
to Identify the exact words In the chess
listening passages to fill the blanks, and Audio script:
that the words must be spelled correctly. Hello. My name's Hai. I love sport. I play
Ss can share their answers in pairs volleyball at school and I often go cycling with
before listening to the recording a final my dad at the weekend. But my favourite sport
time to check the answers as a class. is karate. I practise it three times a week. It
makes me strong and confident……………
ACTIVITY 4: Writing
Aims: - To help Ss practise asking and answering questions about their favorite
sport and game;- To help Ss brainstorm ideas for their writing.
* Content: Ask and answer questions about their favorite sport and game they like;
* Products: Ss talk about their favorite sport and game they like;
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
4. Work in pairs. Talk about the 4. Work in pairs. Talk about the sport/
sport/ game you like. Use the following game you like. Use the following questions
questions as cues. as cues.
- Have Ss work in pairs and talk about - Listen carefully and learn how to write
the sport / game they like. They can use - Work in pairs
the cues given or their own ideas. - Write themselves
*Sample answer
- Ask them to note down the important
Hi, This is Alex. He is twenty years old. He is
and interesting things in their notebooks. a weight-lifter. He is tall and strong. He
- Go around and give help if necessary. spends 2 hours practicing weight-lifting every
- Call on some Ss to read their notes in day. Weightlifting is a hard and dangerous
front ofthe class. sports to play. Sometimes, Alex hurts himself
- T and other Ss listen and make while doing the sport. But he never gives up.
comments. He wants to be a champion in the future. All
the family members are proud of him. He will
take part in a sport competition next week.
Would you want to come along and watch the


ACTIVITY 5: Writing
Aim: To help Ss practise writing a paragraph about the sport / game they like.
* Content: Write a paragraph about the sport / game they like in 4.
* Products: Ss can write a paragraph about the sport / game they like.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
5. Write a paragraph of 40-50 words 5. Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about
about the sport/ game you talked the sport/ game you talked about in 4. You
about in 4. You can also refer to the can also refer to the listening passages.
listening passages. - T _ Ss
- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about the - Listen carefully and learn how to write
sport / game they talk about in 4. Allow - Write themselves
Ss to refer to the listening passages and
other sections for useful language for
writing. Note interesting expressions and
language on the board.
- Tell Ss to write a draft first, based on
the ideas they have talked about in 4.
Then Ss actually write a paragraph of of
40 - 50 words (or more if they can),
covering as many ideas as possible. Tell
them to pay special attention to
punctuation, structural elements, linking
words, etc.
- Go around and give help If necessary.
- Call on some Ss to read their notes in
front ofthe class.T and other Ss listen
and make comments.
* Post writing
- T may display all or some of the Ss'
writings on the wall / notice board. T
*Sample answer
and other Ss give comments. Ss edit and
revise their writing as homework.
Write a paragraph to describe a football
- T may collect some Ss'writings and
mark them, then give comments to the
Football is perhaps the most popular game
class. Remember to tell them how to
improve their writings. in the world. A football match often lasts
- If time is limited,T may ask Ss to write about ninety minutes. There are two teams
the final version at home. play against each other. Each team has eleven
- Other Ss and T comment on the members. The players kick the ball to score

writing. goals. There is a goalkeeper to keep the goal
safe. The goal-keeper is allowed to touch the
ball by hand, while others are not. The team,
which scores more goals, is declared the
winner. The referee is there to make sure that
the game is fair. It’s interesting to watch a
football match.


* Have Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills.
- Finish writing a diary entry. Copy in the note books.
- Do more exercises in workbook.

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………….......
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to/ can:
- Recall the lexical items and grammmartical points they have learnt.
- Performance and provide further practice. Do some practice exercises.
- Apply what they have learnt vocab... & grammar in to practice through aproject
* Vocab: revise some words of unit 8.
* Grammar: - use the past simple;
- use imperatives to tell someone to do something;
2. Skills: Speaking , reading and writing.

3. Attitude: Students will be able to pratice listening and reading the conversation
between Duong and Mai about tha sports/ games they play.
4. Competences: The love for doing sports and games they play in daily life.
Having a good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in
doing sports.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……

III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



- This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit
Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the
- That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed, and which areas need
further practice.
- Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the unit.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Chatting + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
them and class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….


ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary
Aim: To help Ss revise they have learnt in the unit.
* Content: Revise the vocabulary items they have learnt during the unit to find odd word/
* Products: Ss adapt what they have learnt during the unit to do exercises
* Organisation : Teacher’s guide…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Fine one odd word/ phrase in each 1. Fine one odd word/ phrase in each
question. question.
- Ss do this task individually. - T _ Ss
- Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud. + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- Confirm the correct answers as a class. carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
Have the whole class read the words / - Answer the teacher’s questions.

phrases correctly. * Key:
- Check and confirm the correct answers 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B

Aim: To help Ss revise the combination of the verbs play, do and go with names of
different sports / games.
* Content: Revise the combination of the verbs play, do and go. Put the the correct form
of the verbs in the blanks.
* Products: Ss can put the form of verb in the blanks correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
2. Put the correct form of the verbs play, 2. Put the correct form of the verbs play,
do or go in the blank. do or go in the blank.
- Tell Ss that In English sports and games - Ss work individually. Do the tasks
may go after one of three verbs: play, do
and go. Ss have to remember these - Work individuaaly
- Allow Ss time to do the task individually. - Share the answers.
- Call on some Ss to write the answers on
the board. Then have the class comment, * Key:
and give them the correct answers. 1. do 2. is playing 3. goes
- T may call on some Ss to read the 4. went 5. played 6. are doing
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and
- Check the answers as a class.
ACTIVITY 3 : Grammar
Aim: To help Ss revise the use of the past simple tense in context.
* Content: Revision on the past simple tense.
* Products: Ss can do exercises correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the
form correct form.
- Have Ss work in pairs and put the verbs in - T _ Ss
brackets in the correct form of the past
simple. - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Tell Ss to pay attention to the point of time - Do exercise individually and then
given in the sentences. compare their answers.
- Check their answers as a class. - Copy
- Go round and offer help if needed. Key: 1. took 2. started 3. didn't like
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 4. did you do; cycled; watched

Aim: To help Ss revise the use of imperatives (positive and negative) in different
* Content: Use the imperatives (positive and negative) in different situations..
* Products: Ss can use the imperative correctly to talk in situations.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
4. What do you say in these situations? 4. What do you say in these situations?
- Give Ss some time to work by themselves. - T _ Ss; S
- Ask them to revise how to use Imperatives - Do the tasks
(positive and negative) in these situations. - Check the answers
- Call on some Ss to read their sentences. - Give the answers
- Have other Ss give comments. T confirms Key:
the correct sentences. 1. Please stop making noise.
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 2. Go out to play with your friends.
3. Don't feed the animals.
4. Stand in line, boys!
5. Don't touch the dog.
Aim: To help Ss revise the vocabulary realated to sports / games in context.
* Content: Revise the vocabulary realated to sports / games.
* Products: Ss use the words they have learnt to fill the blanks.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
5. Fill in each blank with ONE word to 5. Fill in each blank with ONE word to
complete the passage. complete the passage.
- Ask Ss to do the task individually first. - T _ Ss
Then they can check their answers with a - Do the tasks
partner before discussing as a class. T gives - Check the answers
corrections. - Give the answers
- Have some Ss read the whole passage Key:
aloud (maybe sentence by sentence). The 1. play 2. hear 3. favourite
rest of the class should track the text with 4. sports 5. famous
their fingers as the other Ss read.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.

Aim:To improve the abilities to work individually and in a team. It extends their
imagination in field related to the unit topic
* Content: Do the project.( Do at home)
* Products: Ss know more information about traditional game: Blind man’s buff; Tug of
war (rope pulling)
* Organisation : …
Aim: To introduce to Ss the traditional team game Blind man's bluff.

- Have Ss read the information about a traditional game carefully. Explain new words and
anything difficult to Ss. Make sure they understand everything thoroughly: the equipment
and location, the rules and different steps.
Aim: To help Ss practise writing about a traditional game (what it needs and its
- Each student chooses one of the games given and writes about it, basing themselves on
the information in 1 :
- Name of the game:
- Number of players:
- Equipment:
- How to play:
Aim: To help Ss practise talking/ giving presentation about a traditional game.
Have Ss work in groups of 4 or 5. Let each of them present their talk to the group. T and
other Ss make comments.


- Ask Ss what they have learnt in Unit 8. Have them recall the important elements:
- words / phrases and combinations related to the topic Sports and Games;
- the past simple; imperatives.
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment table. Identify any difficulties and weak areas
and provide further practice.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences .
- Prepare: Unit 9: Getting started

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………….......
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Identify the topic of the Unit
- use the lexical items related to the topics Cities of the world
+ Vocabulary: Cities and landmarks
+ Grammar:- use possesive adjectives.
- use possesive pronouns.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: The love of learning English. The love of the cities and beautiful
spots. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: students will be able to pratice reading and listening the
conversation between Mai and Tom about cities and landmarks.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new unit.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Brainstorming + Brainstorming
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about the - T_ Ss
previous lessons,
- T may introduce some warm-up activities to
creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new
- T encourages Ss to talk in English as much as
possible London
+ Lead to the first unit of the new school year.
- Write the unit title My house on the board.
Cities of the world


- (Ss) listen and learn how to do it .
- Open their book and write .

Aim: To set the context for the introductory text;
- To introduce the topic of the unit.
* Content: Listen and read conversation to become familiar with the vocab.; new
grammar points.
* Products: Reading and finding out new words; Ss become familiar with the new
language items.
* Organisation : Teacher’s guide…

1. Listen and read. 1. Listen and read.

*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by:
- providing explanations of the words;
- showing picture illustrating the word.

+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary

- Repeat in chorus and individually

- T_ Ss
+ Check vocabulary
* Set the context for the introductory text: Ask * Vocabulary
Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the - landmark (n) công trình thu hút khách
picture. Ask them some questions like: What do du lich
you think Mai and Tom are talking about? - vacation (n) kì nghỉ (hè)
What city can you recognise from the photos? - holiday (n)…
What is it famous for? etc.
- Encourage Ss to give their answers, but do not - Answer the teacher’s questions.
confirm whether their answers are right or
wrong. - Find out the words related to the
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and topic.
read along. Have Ss underline the words that
are related to the unit's topic while they are
listening and reading.
- Invite some pairs of Ss to read the dialogue
- Have Ss say the words in the text that they

have underlined. Quickly write the words on
one part of the board.
- Comment on Ss'answers.
Aim: To help Ss identify the location of the cities mentioned in the conversation on a
* Content: Write the names of the cities mentioned in the conversation on a map.
* Products: Ss can write the correct location of the cities mentioned in the conversation
on a map.
* Organisation : Teacher’s guide…
2. Write the names of the cities in the correct 2. Write the names of the cities in the
place correct place
- Ask Ss if they know which country each city - T_ Ss
is in. If needed, help Ss by writing the names of - Follow the teacher’s instructions
the countries and the cities on the board.
- Have Ss look at the map and do the task.
- Check their answers as a class.

- Allow them to share their answers before

discussing them in groups or as aclass.

- T gives the correct answers.

- Give the answers and check.
Aim: To help Ss focus on the use of adjectives to describe cities.
* Content: Read and match.
* Products: Ss read again the conversation and do the matching.
* Organisation : Teacher’s guide…

3. Read the conversation again and match 3. Read the conversation again and
the cities with the adjectives describing them. match the cities with the adjectives
- Ask Ss to work independently. Ask them to describing them
look back at the conversation and find where
the names of the cities appear and what
adjectives are used to describe them. Underline
- Ss share their answers and discuss.
- Check their answers as a class.

- Allow Ss to share answers before discussing

as a class. Write the correct answers on the - T_ Ss
board. - Learn how to do it. Share the answers
- Copy them

- T gives correct answer Key: 1. c, d 2. a 3. b, e

Aim: To help Ss visualise some landmarks of the cities mentioned in the
* Content: Match some landmarks of the cities mentioned in the conversation.
* Products: Ss can match the cities with the landmarks correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s guide…

4. Match the cities with their landmarks 4. Match the cities with their
- Ask Ss to find the word landmark in the landmarks
conversation and ask them what it is.
( Tom:... Can you see Big Ben?
Mai: Yeah... on the River Thames. It's a
landmark of London.)
- Write the word landmark on the board and ask
if they can guess the meaning of the word.
( Emphasise: a place / object that is famous in a
city. Tourists want to see.)
- Have Ss do the matching.
- Allow them to discuss in pairs or groups. - Ss do themselves. Give the answers
- Check the answers as a class. Key: 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b


Aim: To give Ss a fun time revising what they have learnt so far in the lesson.
* Content: Play game.What city is it? to revising what they have learnt so far.
* Products: Us understand more information about cities in Viet Nam and in the world.
* Organisation : Teacher’s guide…
5. GAME: What city is it? 5. GAME: What city is it?
- Demonstrate by calling three Ss to read the - T_ Ss
example. - Ask and answer
- Then allow Ss some time to work in groups. Suggested answers:
- Go round and offer help If needed. Encourage Hue: beautiful, old city
Ss to talk about other cities they know. London: the red telephone box, Big
Note: The only city that is not in the Ben, double-decker buses
conversation is Hue. Have Ss talk about what Sydney: Sydney Opera House,
they know about Hue without help since this beautiful / clean beaches
city is a popular holiday city inViet Nam. New York: Times Square, the Statue of
- Invite some Ss to talk one of the cities in front Liberty
of the class.


* Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say aloud some words they remember from the lesson.
- If there is a visualizer in the classroom, show the dialogue, highlight the key words
related to the topic.
It would be helpful if T also highlights in the dialogue possessive adjectives and
possessive pronouns at the end, and tells Ss that they will learn these language points in
the following lessons.
- Read again the conversation on page 26
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 9: A closer look 1

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………….......
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topics Cities of the world
- Use the vocabulary and structures to talk cities and lanmarks
- Pronounce and recognize the Sounds: / әu / and / au /
+ Vocabulary:- use the words related to cities and landmarks. old, friendly,
To practise the sounds / әu / and / au / correctly
+ Grammar
2. Skills: Listening, speaking , reading and writing

3. Attitude: The love of the cities and beautiful spots in your countries or in the
world. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: Students will be able to know more adjectives describing a city;
city, food, people, weather.

1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Aim:To revise/ teach some vocabulary.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and
relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revise the old lesson + Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions - T_ Ss
about them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
- Ask Ss to open their book and - Open their book and write .
introduce what they are going to


Aim: To teach Ss some adjectives describing a city.
* Content: Do the filling.
* Products: Ss know more the adjectives describing a city.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions clearly…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Fill in the box with adjective. 1. Fill in the box with adjective.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia,
translation .....)

+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary

- providing explanations of the
- showing picture illustrating the * Vocabulary
word. - tasty (adj) hương vị
- delicious (adj) ngon
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - stall (n) gian hàng
- palace (n) cung điện
- street food (n) thức ăn đường phố
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- floating market (n)… chợ nổi
* Students (Ss) listen to the instructions

+ Check vocabulary carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Answer the teacher’s questions.
Key :
city: exciting, old
*Check if Ss remember which cities Mai
food: tasty, delicious
and Tom were talking about at the
beginning of the unit. people: friendly, helpful
- Ask them how Tom described the three weather: rainy, sunny
-Write the words on the board.
- Allow Ss some time to read the adjectives
in the box first. Most of them they may
already know (maybe except the word
helpful, but don't explain it yet).
- Ask them to choose and write the words
in the web. Allow Ss to work together if
they would like to.
- Check answers as a class.
- Have Ss practise reading the adjectives.
- If time allows, encourage them to use
these words (or the words they know) to
describe other cities in Viet Nam or
Note: If Ss cannot guess the meaning of
the word helpful by now, T can give the
Vietnamese equivalent.
- Give the comments.

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Complete the sentences with the 2. Complete the sentences with the words in 1.
words in 1 - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
- Ask Ss to work independently. - Ss work independently.
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully - Give the answers
and complete them with the words in 1. * Key:
Go around and offer help if needed. 1. sunny 2. old 3. exciting 4. friendly
- Check their answers as a class. 5. delicious / tasty
- Ask other Ss to comment. Ask Ss if
they can add more things to each room.

Aim: To teach Ss some words / phrases related to a city.
* Content: Inroduce some words. Write them under the correct pictures.

* Products: Ss can learn more words and write them under the correct pictures.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instruction …

3. Write the words/ phrases below 3. Write the words/ phrases below under the
under the correct pictures. correct pictures.
- Ask Ss to read the words / phrases.
- Ask Ss to write the words / phrases
- Ss to work in pairs
under the correct pictures. (Ss can easily
do the task since they know all the - Ss do themselves.
words except stall. The only word and - Copy them
picture left go together). Key: 1. palace 2. floating market
- Check their answers as a class. 3. street food 4. stall
- Call on some pairs to practise in front
of the class.
- Comment on their performance.

II. PRONUNCIATION: / әu / and / au /

Aim : To help Ss identify and practice the / әu / and / au / sounds
* Content: Pronounce the sounds / әu / and / au /.
* Products: Ss can identify how to pronounce the sounds / әu / and / au / correctly.
* Organisation : Follow Teacher’s instructions :

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Listen and write the words in the 4.Listen and write the words in the correct
correct column. Then listen and repeat. column.Then listen and repeat
- Demonstrate the two sounds with the - T _ Ss
words cold and our. Write them on the - Listen carefully
board and say them aloud - Check the answers
- Have Ss read and put the words in the - Listen and repeat
correct columns first. Key :
- Ask them to listen to the recording, check / әu / / au /
their answers and complete what they have boat house
not been able to do yet. postcard crowded
- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat. coast town
- Checktheiranswersasaclass. pagoda tower
- Call on some Ss to read the words aloud. * Audio script:
- Check the meanings if necessary. boat house town tower
postcard crowded coast pagoda
Aim:To help Ss practise the sounds /au/ and /au/ in sentences.
* Content: Practice pronouncing the sounds / әu / and / au /. Listen and repeat the

* Products: Ss can pronounce the sounds / әu / and / au / correctly. Listen and repeat
* Organisation : Teacher’s instruction …

5. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to Listen and repeat. Pay attention to
underlined words. underlined words.
- Allow Ss some time to read the - T _ Ss
sentences by themselves first. They can - Listen to the instructions carefully then do the
read silently or aloud. tasks.
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and - Do the tasks
repeat the sentences. Key :
- Provide further practice by dividing the Audio script:
class Into two groups. Have the groups 1. The town is crowded at the weekend.
read alternate lines. 2. There's lots of snow in Tokyo in winter.
- Check by asking Ss to read loudly each 3. It's very cold on the boat.
underlined word in the sentences. 4. He's running around the house.
- If time allows, ask Ss to make Note:
sentences with words containing /au/ / әu / : snow, Tokyo, cold, boat
and /au/ sounds and practise saying them / au /: town, crowded, around, house
in pairs.
- Comment on their pronunciation of the
final s.


*Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.

- remember some adjectives describing the city.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson.

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………….......


1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Use Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns correctly.

* Vocab: use the words related to cities and landmarks. old, friendly, delicious,
* Grammar: use possesive adjectives; - use possesive pronouns
2. Skills: Listening, speaking , reading and writing

3. Attitude: The love of the cities and beautiful spots in your countries or in the
world. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: Students will be able to know more adjectives describing a city.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Aim: Lead in the new lesson
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revion on the old lesson + T _ Ss
- Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about
them and class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study….


Aims: To help Ss revise the use of possessive adjective.
* Content: Revise / teach the use of possessive adjective. Do the matching.
* Products: Ss can learn how to form and use of possessive adjective.

* Organisation : Follow teacher’s instructions.
Possessive adjectives
* Remember:
Possessive adjective is used only when there is a noun following it.
Example: I have a pen  This is my pen

Pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

I my mine
you your yours
he his his
she her hers
it its its
we our ours
you your yours
they their theirs
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Match the sentences with the pictures, 1. Match the sentences with the
paying attention to underlined part in each pictures, paying attention to
sentence. underlined part in each sentence.
- Ask Ss to read the sentences first. Tell them
- T _ Ss
to pay attention to the underlined phrases
containing the possessive adjectives.
- Have Ss do the matching.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Then draw Ss' attention to the underlined
parts of the sentences. Ask them to circle the
subjects of the sentences.
+ Students (Ss) listen to the
Write on the board the subjects and the
instructions carefully and learn how to
possessive adjectives in pairs. (E.g. Sue ->
do the tasks.
her, Billy -> his, The cat -> its, We -> our,
- Answer the teacher’s questions and
They -> their) Don't erase them from the
Key: 1. d 2.e 3. b 4. a 5. c
- Give the comments.

Aims: To give Ss opportunities to use possessive adjective correctly in context.
* Content: Complete the correct possessive adjective in context.
* Products: Ss can complete the sentences with correct possessive adjective.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instruction…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content
2. Complete the sentences with the correct 2. Complete the sentences with the
possessive adjective. correct possessive adjective.
- Allow Ss to do the task individually or in - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
pairs. - Ss work individually
- Ss to read the pair of sentences carefully and - Follow the teacher’s instructions
- Give the answers
find the subject in the first sentence which will
* Key:
determine the possessive adjective to be used 1. My 2. your 3. Its 4. Her
to complete the second sentence (e.g. I -> my, 5. Our
The lion -> its).
- Ss to swap their answers and have a
- Checks Ss' answers as a class.
ACTIVITY 3: Possessive pronouns
- To help Ss determine the correct possessive pronoun representing a phrase.
* Remember:
Possessive pronoun is used alone without a noun following it.
Example: This is my book, not your book.
This book is mine, not yours.
* Content:
* Products:
* Organisation : Teacher’s instruction…
3.Complete the sentences with the correct 3.Complete the sentences with the
possessive pronouns. correct possessive pronouns.
- Use arrows that point my book to mine and - T _ Ss
your book to yours so that Ss can see how the - Listen to the instructions clearly
phrase of a possessive adjective + noun is - Learn how to do it
replaced by a possessive pronoun.
- Ss to work in pairs
- Ask Ss to read the first sentence of each
question carefully and underline the words / - Ss do themselves.
phrases which determine the possessive - Copy them
pronoun for the second sentence. Then Key:
complete the second sentence. 1. mine 2. theirs 3. yours 4.
- Allow Ss to swap their answers. his 5. ours
- Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Comment on their performance.
Aims:To help Ss distinguish and use the correctly possessive adjectives and
possessive pronouns

* Content:
* Products:
* Organisation : Teacher’s instruction…
Teacher’s Student’s activities Content
4. Underlined the correct word in brackets 4. Underlined the correct word in
to complete each sentence. brackets to complete each sentence.
- This activity mixes the use of possessive - Listen carefully
adjectives and possessive pronouns. - T _ Ss
- Have Ss do the task individually. * Audio script:
- CheckSs'answersasaclass. Key :
Note: T may give Ss some tips for this 1. its 2. yours 3. his 4. Our
exercise. If there is a noun following, it's the 5. their.
place for a possessive adjective. If not, it's the
place for a possessive pronoun.
Aim:To give Ss a more difficult task to describe what possessive pronoun/
possessive adjective to use for each sentence.
* Content:
* Products:
* Organisation : Teacher’s instruction…
5. Choose the correct word to complete the 5. Choose the correct word to
sentence complete the sentence
- Ask Ss to work individually or in pairs. Ask - T _ Ss
them to read the sentences carefully and - Listen to the instructions carefully
choose the correct answers. then do the tasks.
- Check thei ranswers as a class. - Do the tasks
- Comment on their pronunciation of the Key : 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5.


* Summarise the main grammar points of the lesson.
- Say aloud sentences containing genitive cases and possessive adjectives (e.g. Hoa's
hat, our class, etc.) and Ss respond with possessive pronouns.
T: This is Tan's book.
Ss: That book is his.
- Remember the use of possessive adj and possessive pronouns.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 9: Communication

Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………….......

1. Knowledge: -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Make a exclaimations with What to express their apprecciation or surprise.
- Recognise and have knowledge about some famous landmarks in big cities.
+ What a nice city!
+ What tall buildings!
2. Skills: speaking , reading and writing
3. Attitude: The love of the cities and beautiful spots in your countries or in the
world. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: Students will be able to to express exclaimations with What.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Everyday English
Expressing exclaimations with What.
Aims: To use everyday English phrases to express their appreciation or surprise.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revise the old lesson + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
them and class. do.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….

Aims:To introduce exclamations with What;
- To help Ss practise making exclamations with What.
* Content: Introduce some new words. Look and repeat the exclamations
* Products: Ss can learn some new words and how to form and use exclamations with
what:What a nice city!. Make exclamations using the cues given.
+ What a clear sky!
+ What tall buildings!
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Look at the picture. Listen and read the 1. Look at the picture. Listen and read
exclamations. the exclamations.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T _ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) if carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Repeat in chorus and individually
* Vocabulary
- shell (n) vỏ sò
- climb (v) trèo
- head (n) cái đầu
- proud of (adj)tự hào
- ancient (adj) cổ kính, cổ …

+ Take note
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the + What a nice city!
exclamations. Ask them to find the similarity / + What a clear sky!
similarities among the three exclamations. To + What tall buildings!
help them, write the three exclamations on the
board since it is easier for Ss to observe. (They
all begin with What followed by a noun
phrase. An exclamation mark (!) is usually put
at the end.)
- Present the sentences like the following. What+ adj + noun + exclamation
+ What a nice city! mark (!)
+ What a clear sky! Key :
+ What tall buildings! Audio script:
=>What + adj + noun + exclamation mark - What a nice city!
(!) - What a clear sky!
- Check the answers - What tall buildings!
- Correct their pronunciation.
- Give the comments.
2 . Allow Ss to work in pairs and take turns to Key:

make exclamations from the picture. Call on - What happy and beautiful children!
some pairs to say their exclamations aloud in - What a colourful and nice picture!
front of the class. Checkand correct ifneeded. - What sunny and beautiful weather!
Key: - What a small and cute boy!
- What happy and beautiful children! - What beautiful and colourful apple
- What a colourful and nice picture! trees!
- What sunny and beautiful weather!
- What a small and cute boy!
- What beautiful and colourful apple trees!
Note: It's fine if Ss use only one adjective for
their exclamations.
ACTIVITY 3: City landmarks
Aim: To help Ss get used to some famous landmarks in big cities.
* Content: Write the names of the landmarks under the correct pictures.
* Products: Ss can write the names of the landmarks under correct pictures.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

3. Work in pairs. Write the names of the 3. Work in pairs. Write the names of
landmarks under the correct pictures. the landmarks under the correct
- Show Ss photos of the four landmarks of pictures.
different cities and ask Ss what they are. If Ss - Work in pairs to do this activity
do not know their names in English, allow
them to use Vietnamese.
- Have Ss work in pairs. Ask them to read the
names in the box (make sure that they
pronounce the names correctly) and write
them under the correct pictures of the
- Check Ss'answers as a class.
- Elicit from Ss any information they know
about the landmarks: Which cities are they in? - Give the answers
- Ask other Ss to comment. Ask Ss if they can * Key:
add more things to each room. 1. Merlion 2. Big Ben 3. Sydney
Opera House 4. Eiffel Tower

Aim: To help Ss to recognise each landmark through its description.
* Content: Write the names of the landmark for the descriptions
* Products: Ss can know more the landmarks.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
4.Write the names of the landmarks in 3 for 4.Write the names of the landmarks in

the descriptions. 3 for the descriptions.
- Have Ss read the descriptions about the four - T _ Ss
landmarks. Set a time limit. - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Have them work individually. Ask them to - Learn how to do it
write the names of the landmarks in 3 next to - Ss to work in pairs
the descriptions.
- Copy them
- Call on some Ss to give their answers. Ask
them to support theirs. Key: 1. Big Ben 2. Sydney Opera
- Comment on their performance. House
3. Eiffel Tower 4. Merlion

Aim: To check how much Ss know about different cities and their landmarks.
* Content: Do the quiz. Read and circle the correct answers.
* Products: Ss can answer the questions correctly by choosing the A, B or C
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

5. QUIZ .Work in pairs. Read the questions 5. QUIZ. Work in pairs. Read the
and circle the correct answers questions and circle the correct
- Have Ss work in pairs. answers
- Work in pairs.
- Ask them to read the questions and circle the
correct answers.

- CheckSs'answersasaclass.

- Give some more interesting facts about each

landmark if time allows.

Key: 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A


* Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson

- Practice speaking to express exclamations with What.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 9- Skills 1

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………….......
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Read for general and specific information about a holiday post card .
- Identify different features of a place .
- Use what they have learnt to talk about a city.
2. Skills: reading and speaking
3. Attitude: The love of the cities and beautiful spots in your countries or in the
world. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: Students will be able to pratice reading and speaking about a
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



- To develop student’s reading skills for specific information (scanning).
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
 (Pre - reading) + Greeting
+ Greeting + T _ Ss
+ Revise the old lesson. - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about teacher’s or friend’s questions
them and class. -Answer the questions.
- If possible, show the class some real - Open their book and write the tittle
postcards. of the lesson .

- Ask Ss where the postcards were sent from.
Ask them to guess who wrote the postcard,
and to whom; when it was written; what it was
written about, etc. * Reapeat and learn how to read and
- T leads in the lesson. use them.
* Teach some new words in contexts if - Copy the new words.
- T follows steps to teach new words.
ACTIVITY 1: While- reading
Aim : To help Ss brainstorm and see if they have any idea about potcard.
* Content: Teach some new words. Look at postcard and discuss.
* Products: Ss discuss the questions . Answer them correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Work in groups. Look at the potcard and 1. Work in groups. Look at the
discuss. potcard and discuss.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T _ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach + Students (Ss) listen to the
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) instructions carefully and learn how to
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: do the tasks.
- providing explanations of the words;
- showing picture illustrating the word.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
* Vocabulary
- postcard (n) bưu thiếp
- wear- wore (v) mặc, đội
- palace-Royal palace (n) Cung điện
- rent (v) thuê , cho thuê …
* Suggested answer:
- Repeat in chorus and individually
When they are away from home, often
+ Check vocabulary
on holiday or business. They want to
+ Take note
tell their family or friends what they
- Ask Ss to discuss when people write a
see and do, and how they feel about
postcard and what is written on a postcard.
their experience there. The sender
- Accept reasonable answers.
often writes about his / her stay in a
- Check the answers as a class.
city or country.
3. While- reading
Aim: To help Ss develop reading skill for general and specific information (multiple-

* Content: Read the postcard and answer the questions.
* Products: Ss read the postcard and answer the questions correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Read the potcard and answer the 2. Read the potcard and answer the
questions. questions .
- Have Ss look at the questions first. Ask them - T _ Ss
to underline the key words in the questions. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Tell them these key words will help them carefully and learn how to do.
find the information more easily in the text. - Check the meaning of the words
- Have Ss read the postcard and answer the - Ss work individually first.
questions individually before discussing as a - Compare the answers with partners
class. - Give the answers
- Call on some Ss to read their answers.
Encourage Ss to justify their answers. Key: 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.
ACTIVITY 3 : (Follow up activity) Speaking
Aim: To help Ss identify different features of a place.
* Content: Read and Match.
* Products: Ss can do the matching and identify different features of a place.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Read the text and match the places with 3. Read the text and match the
the things they have. places with the things they have.
- Have Ss read the text again and do the - T _ Ss
matching. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Check Ss' answers as a class. carefully and follow them.
- Confirm the correct answers to the class. - Give the answer .
Key: 1. b, c 2. a, d, e


ACTIVITY 4: Speaking
Aim: To help Ss use what they have learnt so far to talk about a city.
* Content: Choose a city . Discuss in groups and answer the questions given.
* Products: Ss can discuss in groups and answer the questions correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Work in groups. Choose a city you know. 4. Work in groups. Choose a city

Discuss and answer the questions below. you know. Discuss and answer the
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Allow each group questions below.
some time to choose one city they have learnt
about in this unit, or the one they all know / - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
like. carefully and follow them.
- Ask Ss to discuss and make notes of the
- Work in groups.
information they want to share with their class.
- Ask them to refer to the questions in this - Practice speaking in front of the
activity as suggestions for their notes or they class.
can do it their own way. - Correct mistakes if have .
- Go around and offer help if needed.
- Then give feedback: comment on their
strengths and correct a few errors in the target
- T helps if necessary
Aim : To help ss summarise the information they have to organize a short
* Content: Discuss in groups and answer the questions given.then share with class
* Products: Ss can discuss in groups and answer the questions correctly, then share
with class.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Share the information you have collected 5. Share the information you have
in 4 with your class. collected in 4 with your class.
- Ask Ss to use the notes in 4 to share the - T _ Ss
information of their city with the class. Make - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
sure they speak in full sentences. carefully and follow them.
- Allow Ss to vote for the most interesting and - Practice speaking in front of the
informative presentation.
- When the talking time is over, T collects - Correct mistakes if have .
common errors and discusses them with the Sample speaking : Nha Trang is a
whole class. famous seaside city in central Viet
Nam. It attracts a lot of tourists from
many contries because it has beautiful
beaches and an exciting atmosphere
of a young, growing city. Coming to
Nha Trang from January to August,
you can enjoy wonderful weather:
warm and sunny. It is so good for

swimming and sunbathing. Visitors
can rent a bike and cycle around the
city. Nha Trang is also well-known for
its delicious seafood.


* Have Ss summarise what they have learnt in the lesson with the two skills: what words /
phrases sentences describing cities and landmarks they can remember; how to talk about a
city or a landmark.
- Practice describing the room they have designed.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 9: Skills 2

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………….......
1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen for specific information about a description of a city.
- Write a holiday postcard.
- Use imperatives to tell someone to do something.
2. Skills: Listening and writing
3. Attitude: the love for doing sports and games they play in daily life. Having a
good behavior toward sports/ games , the fair play and friend ship in doing sports.
4. Competences: Students will be able to listen skills for specific information
about a description of a city. Also to write a holiday postcard.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides input
for the writing skills.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Asking Ss some questions + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
about them and class. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- Ask Ss about the content of the previous
lesson. - Listen and know what they are going to
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce learn
what they are going to study…. - Open their book and write the tittle of the
- T leads in the lesson. lesson

ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening
Aim: To help Ss brainstorm about Bangkok.
* Content: Discuss in groups and answer the questions.
* Products: Ss can answer the questions in groups.
* Organisation : ....…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Work in groups . Discuss and answer 1. Work in groups . Discuss and answer
the questions. the questions.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T _ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to
teach vocabulary (situation, realia,
translation .....) if have
- Repeat in chorus and individually

* Tell Ss they will listen to a talk about

Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.
- Ask Ss the two questions and discuss - Do the tasks. Compare the answers.
with them to see what they know about - Give the answer.
Bangkok or Thailand. Suggested answers:
1. Bangkok is in central Thailand.
- Allow Ss to speak in Vietnamese
2. It's famous for its temples, markets,

(sometimes) if they do not have enough shopping centres, silk, street food, friendly
vocabulary in English. people, and many types of entertainments.
Ask Ss to look at the photos and say what
they see, and if it's similar to Viet Nam.
- Play the recording again if needed,
stopping at the place where Ss find it
difficult to hear.
3. While-listening
ACTIVITY 2 : While-listening
Aim: To help Ss develop listening skill for specific information (T / F).
* Content: Listen and tick T/ F to get specific information a talk about Bangkok, the
capital of Thailand.
* Products: Ss can tick T/F correctly while they are listening.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Listen and Tick (✓) T (True ) or F 2. Listen and Tick (✓) T (True ) or F
(False) (False)
- Ask Ss to go through the statements (1 - - T _ Ss
4) to make sure that they understand them - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
and know what information they have to carefully and learn how to do it.
catch for the answers. (Ss may underline - Fulfil the tasks
the key word(s) in each statement.) - Give the answers
- Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and
tick the answers. * Key:
1. F (markets and street food)
- Call on some Ss to read aloud their
2. F (cheap)
answers and correct the false one(s). 3. F (on the river)
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 4. T
* T may give some clues
- Call on some Ss to speak freely.
- Correct pronunciations, grammar, vocab,
Aim : To help Ss develop listening skill for specific information ( gap- filling)
* Content: Listen and fill the gaps.
* Products: Ss understand more information about Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
3. Listen again and fill each gap with 3. Listen again and fill each gap with One
One word/ number. word/ number.
- Ask Ss to read the questions carefully - T _ Ss
and determine what information they need - Listen carefully to the instructions

to fill the gaps (numbers, words). - Work individually
- Play the recording for Ss to fill the gaps. * Ss learn how to do the tasks
Ask them to exchange answers in pairs - Ss’ answers
Key: 1. 15,000 2. 5 3. life 4.
before checking their answers as a class.
Audio script:
Bangkok is famous for its markets and
Audio script:
street food.
Visit the Chatuchak, the largest
Another interesting type of market is the
weekend market in the world. There are
floating market on the river. Don't forget to
over 15,000 stalls selling nearly
try street food in Bangkok. It's easy to find
everything, at cheap prices. It's only five
food stalls all around Bangkok, serving
minutes' walk from the station. When you
different Thai dishes. They are really
visit this market, you can see part of Thai
people's life.
ACTIVITY 4: Writing
Aim: To help Ss talk about a holiday city and collect information for their later
* Content: Group work and talk about city intheir countryusing questions given.
* Products: Ss can talk about city they know.
* Organisation : ..…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
4. Work in groups. Talk about a city in 4. Work in groups. Talk about a city in
your country, using the questions below your country, using the questions below
as a guide as a guide
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Choose a city - Listen carefullyand learn how to talk.
they know and discuss guided by the - Group works
questions. - Write themselves
- Ask Ss to take short notes of the answers *Sample speaking:
for later use. Hue is a great city. The weather is fine,
- Go round and help if needed. sunny all the time. The food is cheap and
- Go around and give help If necessary. delicious. The people here are friendly and
- Call on some Ss to speak in front ofthe hospitable. The hotel where we’re staying is
class.T and other Ss listen and make small but comfortable. Yesterday we visited
the historic monuments. Tomorrow we’re
going on a trip along Huong River. I bought
a small present for you yesterday.
You must visit this place/ city someday.
You’ll love it.
Bye for now!

Aim: To teach Ss how to write a postcard.
* Content: Write a postcard about their holiday.
* Products: Ss can write a postcard completely.
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
5. Listen again and fill each gap with 5. Listen again and fill each gap with One
One word/ number. word/ number.
- Ask Ss to use their ideas in 4 to write a - Listen carefully and learn how to write
postcard to their family. - Write themselves. Ss do it
- Ask Ss to refer to Reading 2 if needed.
- If there is time, pair Ss and ask them to
write postcards to each other. Have them
swap and give feedback on each other's
writing once they have finished.
- Go around and give help If necessary.
- Call on some Ss to read their notes in
front ofthe class.T and other Ss listen and
make comments.
* Post writing *Sample answer
- T may display all or some of the Ss' Dear Mum and Dad,
writings on the wall / notice board. T and Hue is a great city. The weather is fine,
other Ss give comments. Ss edit and revise sunny all the time. The food is cheap and
their writing as homework. delicious. The people here are friendly and
- T may collect some Ss'writings and mark hospitable. The hotel where we’re staying is
small but comfortable. Yesterday we visited
them, then give comments to the class.
the historic monuments. Tomorrow we’re
Remember to tell them how to improve going on a trip along Huong River. I bought
their writings. a small present for you yesterday.
- If time is limited,T may ask Ss to write You must visit this place/ city someday.
the final version at home. You’ll love it.
- Other Ss and T comment on the writing. Love


*Have Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills.
- Finish writing a diary entry. Copy in the note books.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson.

Date of preparing: ............................

Date of teaching: ..............................

1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 9
- Apply what they have learnt ( vocabulary and grammar) in to practice through a
+ Vocabulary: - use the words related to cities and landmarks
+ Grammar: - use the past simple;
- use imperatives to tell someone to do something;
2. Skills: Speaking , reading and writing.
3. Attitude: The love of learning English. The love of the cities and beautiful spots.
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to To help Ss consolidate and apply what
they have learnt in the unit. Do practice exercises . Ss can evaluate their
performance and provide further practice. Project helps Ss improve their abilities to
work individually and in a team. It extends their imagination in field related to the
unit topic
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


- This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit
Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the
- That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed, and which areas need
further practice.
- Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the unit.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly

and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Do the revision + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
them and class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….

ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary
Aim : To help Ss revise the adjectives used to describe cities and land marks.
*Content:Revise the vocabulary they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the
* Products: Adapt the vocab. they have learnt during the unit to complete the sentences
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Choose the best two options to 1. Choose the best two options to
complete the sentences complete the sentences.
- Write the four words: city, weather, - T _ Ss
people, food on the board and elicit from Ss + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
at least three adjectives to describe each carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Answer the teacher’s questions and
- Give Ss suffic lenttl me to do the task. * Key:
- Check Ss' answers as a class. 1. A, B 2.A,C 3. A,C 4. A, B 5.
- Confirm the correct answers as a class. B,C
Have the whole class read the words /
phrases correctly.
Aim: To help Ss revise the nouns for city landmarks.
* Content: Revision on vocabulary. Write the word under the pictures
* Products: SS can write the word under the pictures correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
2. Write the words in the box under their 2. Write the words in the box under their
pictures pictures
- Ask Ss to read the words in the box first - Ss work individually. Do the tasks
and make sure they remember their - Share the answers.

- Allow them some time to write the words
under the correct pictures.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and
- Check the answers as a class.
* Key:
1. towers 2. river bank 3. beach
4. night market 5. palace 6.
ACTIVITY 3 : Grammar
Aim: To help Ss revise the possessive pronouns in context.
* Content: Revison on the possessive pronouns. Complete the sentences with correct pp.
* Products: Ss can complete the sentences with the possessive pronouns correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
3. Complete the sentences with the 3. Complete the sentences with the
correct possessive pronouns in the box. correct possessive pronouns in the box.
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences - T _ Ss
individually. They can share their answers - Listen to the instructions clearly
with their partners, but they should record - Do exercise individually and then
compare their answers.
their original answers to guide their self-
- Copy
assessment later. Key:
- Check their answers as a class. 1. yours 2. theirs 3. mine
- Go round and offer help if needed. 4. Ours 5. hers
- Check and confirm the correct answers.
Aim: To help Ss revise the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns in context.
* Content: Revise the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. Read and correct
the underlined words.
* Products: Ss read and correct the underlined words.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
4. Read the sentences and correct the 4. Read the sentences and correct the
underlined words. underlined words.
- Write 2 - 3 sentences on the board with - T _ Ss
similar mistakes to the in Activity 4 and - Do the tasks
have the class do them together. Explain the - Give the answers
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and Key:
correct the underlined words. 1. its 2. our 3. their 4. its 5. our
- Check their answers as a class.

- Check and confirm the correct answers.
Aim: To allow Ss to apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into
practice through a project.
* Work in groups. Choose the city in the world you would like to visit.
- Find necessary information for your visit.
* Content: Choose the city and talk about it using the questions given.
* Products: Present the city in the world they would like to visit.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s &Student’s activities Content
* PROJECT: ( Do at home) - T _ Ss
- Divide Ss into small groups of 4 or 5.- - Ss should prepare the project as assign
Ask them to discuss and choose a city in the groups in the previous lessons
world they would like to visit. beforehand.
- Ask them to look for necessary
information for the visit, basically by - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
answering the suggested questions. carefully.
- Summarise the information and report the
information collected to the class.
- Ask the class to listen to the reports and - Do the tasks . Prepare the at home
ask questions if they would like to. They beforehand.
may even vote for the best report.
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment
table. Discuss as a class what difficulties - Ss should finish the project in class,
remain and what areas Ss have mastered assign groups in the previous lessons.
- Do the same as units
- Encourage them to reach, out of the
classroom (interviewing their parents,
siblings, neighbours, etc.). *Ask Ss to share their findings with the
- Don't focus on or correct Ss language class. If time allows, T can use the results
mistakes. This is an opportunity for them to of the project for the class discussion to see
experiment with the language. how much TV watching is enough / good /
- T comments. bad and the role of TV for children.


* Have Ss look at Now I can ….. table
- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment table. Identify any difficulties and weak areas
and provide further practice.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using possessive pronouns.

- Prepare: Review 3: Language ( Unit 7,8,9)

Date of preparing: ...........................

Date of teaching: ...........................
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Revised the language they have learnt in Unit 7-8-9.
+ Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about TV programme; Sports and
games; Cities and landmarks.
+ Grammar : - Review : Wh- Questions; Conjunctions in compound sentences: and,
but, so; Past simple, Imperatives; Possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns.
2. Skills: Reading , speaking and Writing
3. Attitude: Having the serious attitude toward studying and the love of cities and
landmarks….. The love of doing sports/ games. SS are hard- working ; cooperative;
sociable; good communication
4. Competence:Students will be able to revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 7, 8, 9 . They have learnt so far in terms of
language and skills . Practising doing exercises.
- Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Aims: Introduction
- By the end of this review, students will have revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 7, 8, 9
- Ask Ss what they have learnt in terms of language and skills. Summarise their answers
in notes and write them In a top corner of the board. Briefly revise some important /
difficult items before starting with the review.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Review the old lesson. + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
them and class. - Open their book and write .
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study….
 Pronunciation
Aim: To help Ss review the pronunciation of the sounds learnt in Units 7-9.
* Content: Revision on the pronunciation of the sounds learnt in Units 7-9.
* Products: Remember how to pronounce these sounds.Circle the correct word.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Circle the word with the different 1. Circle the word with the different
underlined sound. Listen and check underlined sound. Listen and check
- Write the three pairs of sounds on the - Answer the teacher’s questions and
board: enquirements.
/ / and / /; /e/ and /æ/ ; / әu / and / au / - T _ Ss
- Write one word containing the sound * Key :
underneath each of them. Ask Ss to read the 1. C 2. A 3. A 4.C 5. B
words aloud.
Audio script:
- Ask Ss to do the task by reading aloud each 1. A. tower B. how C. snow
group and circle the odd one out. 2. A. symbol B. opening
- Play the recording for Ss to listen and C. postcard
check their answers. 3. A. farther B. earth C. both
- Check Ss' answers as a class. 4. A. Saturday B. racket C. game
- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and 5. A. tennis B. prepare C.chess
repeat in chorus and Individually.
- Check and confirm the correct answers

ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary
Aim: To test Ss' ability to choose the correct word to be used in context.
* Content: Revision on the vocabulary they have learnt .Choose the words and fill the
* Products: Ss can fill the gaps with the correct word. Having anability to choose the

correct word.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Choose A, B, C to fill the gaps in the 2. Choose A, B, C to fill the gaps in the
passage passage
- Have Ss do this task separately or in pairs. - Ss work individually.
- Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and - Do the tasks
pause at each blank to decide which word is - Share the answers.
the best answer.
- Guide Ss to look for clues for their * Key:
answers. E.g. In sentence 1, we have when 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C
the weather is good. It means that these
activities depend on the weather. Therefore,
the answer must be outdoor.
- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with
their partners.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation
Aim: To help Ss review the words / phrases learnt.
* Content: Review the words/ phrases. Complete the sentences.
* Products: Having an ability to choose the correct word. Complete the sentences.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
3.Complete the sentences with the words/ 3.Complete the sentences with the
phrase in the box. words/ phrase in the box
- Ask Ss to read each sentence carefully and - T _ Ss
choose the correct word / phrase. - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Check Ss' answers as a class. - Fulfil the tasks
- Copy
- Check and confirm the correct answers. *Key:
1. landmark 2. football 3. television
4. city 5. Summer sports
ACTIVITY 4: Grammar
Aim: To help Ss revise grammar elements mentioned above.
This is a revision of grammar point taught in the three units: wh-questions, conjunctions,
possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns, the past simple and imperatives.
* Content: Revision of grammar points taught in the three units; Choose the correct
* Products: Remember the grammar points taught in the three units. Choose the correct
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 4. Choose the correct answer A, B or
- Have Ss do the task individually or in C.
pairs. - T _ Ss
- Check Ss'answers as a class. Explain to - Do the task individually.
them howto find the answers. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Have Ss compare their answers with a - Do the tasks .
classmate. - Give the answers
- Check and confirm the correct answers. * Key:
1. B 2.C 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. B
Aim: To help Ss revise the use of question words.
* Content: Revision on the use of question words; Correct the questions.
* Products: Ss can choose the correct Wh-Q and correct the underlined questions if
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
5. Correct the underlined question 5. Correct the underlined question
word(s) if needed. word(s) if needed.
- Ss should be familiar with and good at - T _ Ss
using question words. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- T may revise by writing a long sentence on carefully.
the board. (E.g. Yesterday, / went to the
cinema and watched The Dolphins with my - Do the tasks . Prepare the at home
cousins.) Then underline some words and beforehand.
ask Ss what question word they use to get
the answers, which are the underlined words.
- Ask Ss to open their books to page 36 and - Give the answers
do the task individually.
- Check their answers as a class. For the
wrong one(s), explain why it is / they are *Key:
incorrect. 1. What 2. Correct 3. Why
- Check Ss'answers. Ask them for 4. How 5. Where
explanation if necessary.


* Summarise the main points.
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important elements:
- Read again the conversation
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using adverbs of frequency.


Date of preparing: ...........................
Date of teaching: ...........................
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Revised the skills they have learnt of Unit.
- Reading : Strange sports; Listening to a talk about Singapore and do the tasks.
+ Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about TV programme; Sports and
games; Cities and landmarks.
+ Grammar : - Writing a paragraph about TV-viewing habits; Writing a paragraph
about a sport / game; Writing a holiday postcard
-Speaking: Asking for and giving information about TV programme; Expressing
and responding to congratulations; Exclamations with What + (a/ an)+ adj +
2. Skills: Listening, Reading , speaking and Writing
3. Attitude: Having the serious attitude toward studying and the love of cities and
landmarks….. The love of doing sports/ games. SS are hard- working ; cooperative;
sociable; good communication.
4. Competence:Students will be able to revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 7, 8, 9 . They have learnt so far in terms of
language and skills . Practising doing exercises.
- Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Aims: Introduction
- By the end of this review, students will have revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 7 – 9.
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills. Summarise their
answers and add some more information if necessary.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + T _ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
them and class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….
ACTIVITY 1 : Reading
Aim: to help Ss practise reading for general information
* Content: Reading strange sports. Choose the correct titles.
* Products: Developing reading skills.Choose the correct titlemfor each description of
strange sports.
* Organisation : …

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Read the two descriptions of strange 1. Read the two descriptions of strange
sports and choose titles for them. sports and choose titles for them.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T _ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
if have
- Repeat in chorus and individually - Answer the teacher’s questions and
* Vocabulary
- strange sport (n) Môn thể thao kì lạ
- cheese (n) pho mai
- catch (v) bắt
- lock (v) khóa
- toes (n) ngón chân
- push (v) đẩy ….
- Ask Ss to look at the photos and the names
* Key: 1. B 2. A
of the sports and ask if they know anything
about these sports. If they don't, ask them to
- Have Ss read the passages individually and
do the matching. Ask them to underline 2 - 3
key words for their quick answers.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Confirm the correct answers

Aim: To help Ss practise reading for specific information.
* Content: Reading for specific information. read again the two descriptions . Tick the
correct box.
* Products: Develop reading skills. Ss read and tick the correct box.
* Organisation : …
2. Use the information from the passages 2. Use the information from the
above to tick (✓) the correct box. passages above to tick (✓) the correct
- Ask Ss to read the questions and the box.
passages again carefully for details for their - Ss work individually first then work in
answers. pairs ask and answer the questions
- Ask Ss to swap their answers with their - Do the tasks
partners and show where they find the - Share the answers.
information for their answers. * Key:
- Observe and help when and where 1. Cheese Rolling 2. Toe
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and Wrestling
intonation. 3. Cheese Rolling 4. Cheese
- Check Ss' answers as a class. Rolling
5. Toe Wrestling

ACTIVITY 3 : Speaking
Aim: To help Ss practise asking about their likes for cities, sports, and TV
* Content: Group works. Interview their classmates . Take notes.Report it.
* Products: Ss can answer the questions correctly and report to the class.
* Organisation : …

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Work in groups. Interview your classmates about their likes. 3. Work in groups. Interview your classmates about their likes.
Take two notes of their answers and report to the class. Take two notes of their answers and report to the class.
- This section, again, revises the vocabulary and grammar items - Group works
learnt in a more dynamic form: interviewing and reporting the results. - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Ask Ss to take turns to ask the questions and take notes of their
partners' answers. Encourage them to add more questions with Why, - Work in pairs
Where, With whom, etc.
- Go round and offer help if needed.
- Call on some groups to report their results to the class. - Ss’s answers.

ACTIVITY 4: Listening
Aim : To help Ss practise listening for specific information ( gap-filling)
* Content: Listen and do the filling.
* Products: Ss can fill the missing information.
* Organisation : …

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Listen to a talk about Singapore and fill the missing 4. Listen to a talk about Singapore and fill the missing
information. information.
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the phrases underneath. Ask - T _ Ss
them if they know what they are. Make sure they pronounce the - Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.

phrases correctly (which helps make the listening easier).
Note: Ss have learnt about Merlion Park in Unit 9 already. - Check the answers
- Now ask Ss to read the sentences and determine what information is - Give the answers
needed for the blanks. * Key:
- Play the recording as many times as needed. Allow Ss some time to 1. visitors 2. slowly 3. 35 4. 30 5. little
write the answers. Audio script:
- Check Ss' answers as a class. Singapore is a small island city-state. It attracts millions of
- Play the recording again and pause when the answers appear if visitors every year. A good way to see the city is by taking a hop-
needed. on hop-off bus. The bus goes slowly around the city. It stops at
- Compare their answers. different attractions like Chinatown and Merlion Park. You can
- Check and confirm the correct answers. get off the bus at any place, and then get on the next bus. The tour
costs 35 dollars, and there is a bus every 30 minutes. This kind of
sightseeing is good for people with little time in the city.
ACTIVITY 5 : Writing
Aim: To help Ss write a paragraph describing a visit to a touristy city, based on the information provided.
* Content: Write a paragraph describing a visit to a city, based on the information provided.
* Products: Ss can write a paragraph completely.
* Organisation : …

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

5. Look at the information on Mark’s visit to India last summer. 5. Look at the information on Mark’s visit to India last
Write a paragraph of about 50 words about his visit. summer. Write a paragraph of about 50 words about his visit.
- - Ask Ss to read the information in the table carefully. - T _ Ss
- Ask them what tense they shoule use for their writing. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.
- Have Ss write. Go round and offer help if needed. Ss might want to - Do the tasks. Compare the answers.
change some details from the table or the order the information Sample answer:
appears. Encourage them to do so. Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He spent seven
* Post writing. days there. During his holiday, he went sightseeing around the
- Call on one or two volunteers to read aloud their answers. Call for city. He watched a snake performance, visited some temples, and
other Ss'comments. ate street food. The people he met were friendly and helpful. The
- Collect some writing to correct at home. only thing he didn't like was the weather. It was very hot.
- Get feedback.


*Summarise the main points.
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important elements:
+ Words / phrases and combinations related to friends…
- Read again the conversation
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using adverbs of frequency.

Date of preparing: ...........................

Date of teaching: ...........................
I. OBJECTIVE: - To check sts' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from unit
7 to unit 9

- Help ss improve their English

1. Knowledge: - Grammar: from unit 7 to unit 9

- Vocabulary: related to unit 1-9

2. Skills: Practicing skills

3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills

- Ss are interested in doing exercises

4. Competences
- Self- study: work individually.

1.Teacher: Lesson plan .

2.Students: notebook .
III. TEACHING METHODS: Technical present….


Đề luyện giữa kỳ 2- Anh 6

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the
following questions.
1. A. cartoon B. football C. Australia D. prepare
2. A. expensive B. weather C. badminton D. volleyball
* Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
following questions.
3. A. father B. marathon C. both D. earth
4. A. bicycle B. exciting C. favourite D. widely
5. A. doctor B. postcard C. gold D. opening
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
6. Football is ___________ sport in the world. Everybody loves it.
A. most popular B. the popularest C. the most D. popular
7. Many girls and women ___________ aerobics to keep fit.
A. play B. go D. does
8. Thomas ______ for BBC One since 2005.
A. works B. worked C. have worked D. has worked
9. _______ is the longest river in the world?
A. When B. How much C. What D. Why
10. Children sometimes ___________adult sports like golf.
A. play B. plays C. are playing D. played
11. ____________has many useful programmes.

A. Remote control B. Local C. Watching TV D. Weather
television forecast
12. I have watched The Seven Kitties many times______I like the film so much.
A. although B. so C. but D. because
13. My mother _______ me a pair of sports shoes for my last birthday.
A. buy B. bought C. has bought D. was buy

* Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate one underlined

word or phrase in= each sentence that needs correction in each of the following
14. Skiing, skating and karate are my favourite games.
15. How often do you watch “Thanks God you are here”? – One a week.
16. He is going to take an umbrella but it is raining heavily outside.
17. She likes the weather and food in Italy but I didn’t.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A or B on your answer sheet to
indicate whether the statements are True (A) or False (B).
Most children love (18) ________ activities. They play football, go
skateboarding or go (19) ________. In countries with snow like (20) ________,
children go to the mountains with their parents to go skiing. They can make a (21)
____________ in the playground in front of their house. When the weather is bad,
they can stay at home and watch interesting (22) _________on TV.
18. A. outdoor B. study C. school D. indoor
19. A. playing B. tennis C. karate D. swimming
20. A. Paris B. Sweden C. Bangkok D.Vietnam
21. A. weatherman B. postman C. sportsman D. snowman
22. A. channels B. viewers C. programmes D. matches
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Rebecca Stevens was the first woman to climb Mount Everest. Before she
went up the highest mountain in the world, she was a journalist and lived in South
In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and travelled to Asia with some
other climbers. She found that life on Everest is very difficult. “You must carry
everything on your back”, she explained, “so you can only take things that you will
need. You can’t wash on the mountain, and in the end I didn’t even take a
toothbrush. I am usually a clean person but there is no water, only snow. Water is
very heavy so you only take enough to drink!”
Rebecca became famous when she reached the top of Mount Everest on May
17, 1993. After that, she wrote a book about the trip and people often asked her to
talk about it. She got a new job too, on a science programme on television.
23. Where was Rebecca Stevens from?
A. The South B. Asia C. Everest D. England
24. Before she climbed Everest, Rebecca Stevens was a ________.
A. climber B. scientist C. traveller D. journalist
25. Why did Rebecca Stevens become famous?
A. She left her job and her family and travelled to Asia.
B. She was the first woman to climb Mount Everest.
C. She found that life on Everest is very difficult.
D. She reached the top of Mount Everest in 1993
26. Life on Everest is very difficult because _______.
A. there are no toothbrushes B. you can’t take things with
C. there was no water there D. it is very high
27. After 1993, Rebecca had a_______.
A. television B. new book C. new job D.

Mark the letter A, B or C to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning
to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
28. It’s good for you to do morning exercise regularly.
A. You should do morning exercise regularly.
B. Doing morning exercise regularly isn’t good for you.
C. Do morning exercise is good for you.
D. You shouldn’t do too much exercise.
29. Are there any interesting programmes on VTV3 today?
A. Is VTV3 there many interesting programmes today?
B. Are VTV3 have many interesting programmes today?
C. Does VTV3 have any interesting programmes today?
D. Is VTV3 have many interesting programmes today?
30. Matt is still working on his homework.
A. Matt has already finished his homework.
B. Matt worked on his homework.
C. Matt has finished his homework yet.
D. Matt hasn’t finished his homework yet.
31. I think that no city is more beautiful than Venice.
A. I think Venice is most beautiful in the world.
B. I think Venice is more beautiful than no city in the world.
C. I think Venice is as beautiful as other cities in the world.
D. I think Venice is the most beautiful city in the world.
32. Hoa’s favourite subject is Literature.
A. Hoa enjoy Literature best.
B. Hoa likes Literature best.
C. Hoa like Literature best.
D. Hoa likes Literature more.
33. It’s the first time that I have ever talked to a foreigner.
A. I has never talked to a foreigner.

B. I have never talked to a foreigner.
C. I haven’t never talked to a foreigner before.
D. I have never talked to a foreigner before.
34. There are many interesting films on TV but I like watching them at the
A. Although I like watching films at the cinema, there are many interesting films
on TV.
B. Although there are many interesting films on TV, I like watching them at
the cinema.
C. There are many interesting films on TV because I like watching them at the
D. Although many interesting films on TV, I like watching them at the cinema.
35. Beckham was a very good football player.
A. Beckham were good at playing football.
B. Beckham played football goodly.
C. Beckham played football very well.
D. Beckham was good in playing football

Date of preparing: ..........................

Date of teaching: ...........................

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge:

- To check sts' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from unit 7 to unit 9

- Help ss improve their English and do the test well.

2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing, use of English

3. Attitude: - Do the test well.

- Students know how to learn English in right way.

4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability
to use of language……


1.Teacher: Test 45’

2.Students: Revision

III./. TEACHING METHODS: teaching methods by practising

IV./. Procedure



Mức 3
Mạch Chuẩn Mức 1 Mức 2 (Vận dụng)
kiến cần KT, (Nhận biết) (Thông hiểu)
thức, số câu, số
kĩ năng điểm, Cộng
tỉ lệ %

Chuẩn - Pronunciation
cần KT - Vocabulary

Số câu 5 4 1 10
ics, Số điểm
Vocab Tỉ lệ %

- wh – - wh – questions
questions - Conjuntions: and,
- Conjuntions: but , so
Gram and, but , so - past simple
Mar Chuẩn - past simple - Imperatives
and cần KT - Imperatives - Possessive adjectives,
vocab Possessive pronouns.

Số câu 6 2 2 10

Số điểm
Tỉ lệ %

Chuẩn - Read a passage then choose the word or phrase that best
cần KT fits each of the numbered blank. (5 questions)
- Read a passage then choose the correct answer to the
Readi question given. (5 questions)
ng Số câu 5 3 2 10

Số điểm
Tỉ lệ %

- Past simple
- Comparative
- Cọnjuntions
Chuẩn Verbs of linking
Writin cần KT

Số câu 2 2 1 5

Số điểm
Tỉ lệ %

TS câu 18 11 6 35
TS điểm
Cộng Tỉ lệ %

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in the pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. there B. them C. than D. through

2. A. cow B. tower C. show D. crowd

3. A. watched B. needed C. wanted D. visited

4. A. beds B. clocks C. villas D. chairs

5. A. parents B. beds C. friends D. brothers
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined
part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

6. Where can we see that cartoon? –At 8.30.

7. How often do you watch“Thanks God you are here”? One a week.
8. He sent me a postcard and a present when he has been there.

9. It is the more popular landscape in Europe.


10.I have receive his letter from Japan for 2 weeks.


III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.

11. When a program teaches you something, it’s ……………….

A. educational B. funny C. clever D. entertaining

12. My little brother can draw colour pictures, ……. he can’t draw.

A. so B. but C. and D. because

13. ................ do you like the modern English programme? - Because it helps me
with my English.

A. What B. Where C. Who D. Why

14. Disney channel is one of the most …………… channels ...... children.

A. good-for B. exciting – of C popular - for D. popular - to

15. Are there any good programmes ………teenagers on TV tonight?

A. to B.of C.with D. for

16. My sister …………. badmintonin her free time last month.

A. play B. played C. playing D. plays

17. Vietnam is located in Southeast .................

A. Asia B. America C. Australia D. Europe

18. Have you ever seen Big Ben? It is the most visited …………in Britain.

A. city B. country C. landmark D. continent

19.You should ___________ aerobics because aerobic exercise can help you to
lose weight.

A. play B. do C. go D. get

20._________ a nice day! Shall we go swimming?

A. How B. When C. What D. Which


IV. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

Football is perhaps _______ (21) popular game in the world. A football match
often _________ (22) about ninety minutes. There are two teams play against each
other. Each team has eleven members. The players kick the ball ___________ (23)
goals. There is a goalkeeper to keep the goal safe. The goal-keeper is allowed to
touch the ball _________ (24) hand, while others are not. The team, which scores
more goals, is declared the winner. The referee is there to make sure that the game
is fair. It’s _________ (25) to watch a football match.

21. A. the most B. most C. more D. the more

22. A. last B. lasts C. lasted D. will last

23. A. scoring B. scored C. to score D. score

24. A. to B. in C. by D. for

25. A. interesting B. clumsy C. musical D. exhausted

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

My name is Nam and fishing is my favorite sport. I often go fishing for hours
without catching anything. But this doesn’t worry me. Some fishermen are
unlucky. Instead of catching anything, not even old boots. After spending the whole
morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. “You should give up

fishing”, my friends said. “It’s a waste of time”. But they don’t know that I’m not
really interested in fishing. I’m only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing
at all!

26.When he was fishing, he often catches ......................

A. old boots B. rubbish C. a lot of fish D. nothing

27.When does he usually go fishing?

A. in the morning B. in the evening C. in the afternoon D. at noon

28.What do Nam’s friends advise him?

A. You should go fishing at night B. You should spend more time on fishing

C. You should stop fishing D. You should spend less time on fishing

29.Where does Nam sit to fish?

A. He sits to fish on the river bank B. He sits to fish in a boat

C. He sits to fish at a large lake D. He sits to fish in the sea

30.What does Nam do when he fishes?

A. He reads books B. He listens to music

C. He does nothing D. He talks to other fishermen


V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning

to each of the following questions.

31. I like watching sports more than playing sports.

A. I prefer watching sports to playing sports.

B. I enjoy playing sports.

C. My favorite sports is tennis.

D. The most interesting sports is tennis.

32. Helen's favorite sport is table tennis.

A. Helen hates playing table tennis.

B. Helen hates playing sports table tennis.

C. Helen enjoys playing table tennis.

D. Helen enjoys playing sports table tennis.

* Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that has a completed

meaning by using the words/ phrases given.

33. I/ love/ films/ I/ don't like/ watch/ them/ television.

A. I love films but I don't like watch them in television.

B. I love films because I don't like watch them in television.

C. I love films but I don't like watching them on television.

D. I love films because I don't like watching them on television.

34. Many/ tourists/ visit/ Hanoi/ last year.

A. Many tourists visit Hanoi every year.

B. Many tourists visited Hanoi last year.

C. Many tourists will visit Hanoi every year.

D. Many tourists has visited Hanoi every year.

35. Tokyo/ most popular/ capital/ city/ world.

A. Tokyo is the most popular capital city in the world.
B. Tokyo is most popular capital city in the world.
C. Tokyo are the most popular capital city in the world.
D. Tokyo are most popular capital city in the world.
Home work:
- Do the test again
- Prepare: Unit 10: Getting starrted

Date of preparing: ..........................

Date of teaching: ...........................

1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Identify the topic of the Unit
- Use the words related to types of houses and appliances in the house
+ Vocabulary:
- Types of houses and appliances in the house
+ Grammar: - The usage of future simple and might for future possibility;
expressing surprise.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: The love of their own houses and appliances in the house. Having
serious attitude to imagining the houses in the future ; Having serious attitude to
working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: pratice reading and listening the conversation between Nick and
Phong about Phong’s house in the future.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new unit.
* Content: Review the previous lesson . Brainstorm the types of houses .
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Brainstorming + T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about the
previous lessons,

- T may introduce some warm-up activities to
creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new
- T encourages Ss to brainstorm the types of
houses they have known. Elicit from Ss.
+ Lead to the first unit of the new school year.
- Write the title of the unit Houses in the Future
on the board. Have Ss say something about the
houses they are living in and the furniture or - (Ss) listen and learn how to do it .
appliances they have got.
- Tell them to think about the houses and - Open their book and write .
appliances they want in the future.

Aims: - To set the context for the introductory text;
- To introduce the topic of the unit.
* Content: Listen and read conversation to get used to the vocabulary; new grammar
* Products: Reading practice. Finding out new words; Ss soon become familiar with the
new language items.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

1. Listen and read. T_ Ss 1. Listen and read.

*) Pre- teach vocabulary: * Vocabulary
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach - UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) - solar energy (n) năng lượng măt trời
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - appliance (n) thiết bị
- providing explanations of the words; - smart (adj) thông minh
- showing picture illustrating the word.
- ocean (n) đại dương
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually - beach (n) biển
+ Check vocabulary - sky (n) bầu trời
* Have Ss look at the picture. Have them
answer some questions, e.g. Who are they?
What is Phong doing? What are they talking
- Focus on some main information about the
conversation (They are Phong and Nick. Phong
is painting a UFO. They are talking about
Phong's house in the future.).
- Play the recording for Ss to listen to the whole

conversation once. * Answer the teacher’s questions.
- Play the recording again, sentence by
sentence, for them to listen and repeat. Have - Find out the words related to the
them listen and repeat the conversation more topic.
than once, if necessary, until they feel
- Have Ss read the conversation in pairs. - Complete the tasks
- Draw Ss' attention to the uses of will (for
future) and might (for future possibility) by
underlining the sentences with will and might.
- Go around and offer help if necessary.
- Get some pairs to read the conversation in
front of the class.
- Check their pronunciation, if necessary.

Aim: To help Ss understand the conversation.
* Content: Read again the conversation write down the words or phrases.
* Products: Ss get more information and undertand more the conversation.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

2. Read the conversation again. Find and 2. Read the conversation again. Find
write down the words or phrases… and write down the words or
- Write on the board Type of house, Location phrases…
and Appliances in the house. Explain the - T_ Ss
meaning of the words: type, location and - Follow the teacher’s instructions
appliances. Have them listen and repeat the - Give the answers and check.
words several times.
- Work in groups, have Ss read the conversation
again and find the words or phrases to show
type of the house, the location of the house and
its appliances. Then have some Ss say the
words and phrases in front ofthe class. Explain
UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)
if Ss do not know.
If there is enough time, ask one student to go to
the board and write the words / phrases. * Key:
- Check the answers as a class. - Type of house: UFO
- Location: in the mountains
- Appliances in the house: some smart
TVs and ten robots

Aim: To help Ss read for specific information about the house and appliances in the
* Content: : Read again the conversation and tick T/ F.
* Products: Ss get more information and undertand more about the house and appliances.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
3. Read the conversation again and tick (✓) 3. Read the conversation again and
T (True) or F (False). tick (✓) T (True) or F (False).
- Give time for Ss to read the conversation - T_ Ss
independently again and tick (✓) true or false - Learn how to do it
next to the statements. - Share the answers
- Ask them to share their answers in pairs - Copy them
before discussing in groups.
- Encourage them to correct the false
statements. Key:
- Select one student to give his or her answers 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F
in front of the class.
- Praise them when they give the correct
- Ss share their answers and discuss.
- Check their answers as a class.
- Write the correct answers on the board.
- T gives correct answer
Aim : To help Ss make phrases about places.
* Content: Order the words to make a phrase about a place.
* Products: Ss cam make sentneces using the given words/ phrases.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
4. Order the words to make a phrase about 4. Order the words to make a phrase
places. Each group has one extra word. about places. Each group has one
- Explain that Ss have to order the words to extra word.
make phrases about places. Remind them that - T_ Ss
each group has one extra word. - Group works
- Get them to look at the example to Identify - Ss do themselves. Give the answers
how to do the activity.
- Have Ss work Individually. Ask them to share
their answers In pairs before discussing it Key:
- In groups. Go around and offer help If 1. in the sea
necessary. 2. in the city
- Then call on some Ss to write their answers on 3. in the town
the board. Check their answers and give 4. in the mountains
explanation if necessary. 5. in the countryside
- Allow them to discuss in pairs or groups. 6. on the Moon

- Check the answers as a class. 7. in the sky
Aim : To help Ss listen and guess the location of houses in the future from the
* Content: To describe to the classmates the future house. Guess where the house is
* Products: Ss can describe to the classmates the future house. Other students guess the
location of houses.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
5. In group, describe to your classmates what 5. In group, describe to your
you can see outside the window of your classmates what you can see outside
future house. the window of your future house.
- First, ask Ss to read the example and explain
how the task is carried out: Ss work in groups. - Work in two teams
One group member describes to his / her group
what he / she can see outside the window of - Do the tasks
his / her future house. The other group members
try to guess where his / her house is. Eg :
- Before doing the task, ask one pair of Ss to A. outside my window I can see the
read aloud the exchange in the example as a beach and the water.Where’s my
model. house?
- Give Ss time to do the task In groups.Then B. It’s in the sea.
call on some groups to perform the task In front A. Correct.
of the class. Ask the class to listen and
- This activity can be organized as a
competitive game. The class is divided into
teams A and B. Team A describes and Team B
tries to guess. If the guess is correct, they get
one point. Then change roles. The group with
the most points is the winner.
- Show the winner.


* Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say aloud some words they remember from the lesson.
- Read again the conversation on page 26
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lessons
Date of preparing: ..........................

Date of teaching: ...........................
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Using the words related to types of houses and appliances in the house
- Pronounce two-syllable words correctly.
+ Vocabulary:- Using the words related to types of houses and appliances in the
- Stress in the two-syllable words ;
+ Grammar: - The usage of future simple and might for future possibility;
expressing surprise
2. Skills: Listening, speaking , reading and writing

3. Attitude: The love of their own houses and appliances in the house. Having
serious attitude to imagining the houses in the future ; Having serious attitude to
working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.

4. Competences: learn how to use some new words about rooms and names of
appliances in the house. Learning how to pronounce two-syllable words which
have the first syllable stressed.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Aim: Vocabulary
- To revise/ teach the names of the rooms in the house.
* Content: Review the previous lesson. Guessing game
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting

+ Playing game: Guessing game + Playing game : Guessing game
Revising phrases relating to localtions of - T_ Ss
houses, Eg. In the sea, in the city; in the - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
counryside… do.
- Teacher (T) asks guides, gives instructions - Eg: I live in a place. It is very noisy.
how to play guessing game. there are a lot of cars, buses, bicycles;
- T confirms the answer: Yes/ No. The people are busy. But it’s a nice place
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce to live in; Where is my house?
what they are going to study…. - Open their book and write .


- Aim : To help Ss say the words/ phrases correctly and put them in appropriate
* Content: Teach some new words . Put them in the correct columns. Use more than
* Products: Ss know more new words. Learn how to use them . Put them in the columns
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen and repeat the words/ phrases in 1. Listen and repeat the words/
the box. Then put them in the appropriate phrases in the box. Then put them in
columns. the appropriate columns.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by:
- providing explanations of the words;
- showing picture illustrating the word.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
* Vocabulary - T_ Ss
- dishwasher (n) máy rử chén, bát + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- electric(adj) thuộc về điện carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- cooker (n) bếp Key :
- washing
Suggested answer:
machine (n) máy giặt
- fridge (n) tủ lạnh living room bedroom kitchen
- wireless (adj) không dây.
wireless TV wireless TV electric cooke
- Repeat in chorus and individually electric fan smart clock fridge
+ Check vocabulary
smart clock computer dishwasher
+ Take note
- Have Ss look at the words and phrases in the computer washing
- Check that Ss understand the meanings of
all words / phrases. If not, T may show
pictures, give definitions or the Vietnamese
- Play the recording and have Ss listen to the
words and phrases.
- Play the recording again with pauses for
them to listen and repeat each word or phrase.
- Then ask some Ss to read the words and
phrases in front of the class. Have class listen  Audio script:
and give comments. electric cooker dishwasher washing
- Have Ss work in pairs to put the words / machine wireless TV fridge
phrases in the appropriate columns. Explain to electric fan computer
Ss that they may use some words more than smart clock
once. Ask them to share their answers in pairs
before discussing them in groups.
- If there is enough time, select one student to
write his / her answers on the board.
- Check the answers as a class.
- Give the comments.
Aim: To help Ss make phrases about how appliances can help us.
* Content: Do the matching. Make phrases about how appliances can help us.
* Products: Ss can make phrases correctly. Learn how appliances can help us.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Match the appliances in A with what they 2. Match the appliances in A with
can help us to di in B. what they can help us to di in B.
- Tell Ss to look at the two columns and - Ss do it
explain what they can see (e.g. They can see - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
words and phrases relating to appliances in the
first column, and words and phrases relating to - Ss work independently.
what each of the appliances can help us to do
in the second column).
- Have Ss do the task individually, by - Give the answers
matching the appliances in A with what they
can help us to do in B.
- Ask them to share their answers in pairs
before checking the answers as a class. Then * Key:
encourage them to make sentences with 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. e

matched phrases, e.g. An electric cooker can 5. a
help us to cook rice.
- Call on some Ss to write their sentences on
the board. Correct if necessary.

Aim : To help Ss ask and answer questions about how appliances can help us.
* Content: Ask and answer about appliances.
* Products: Ss can answer the questions correctly: What can electic cooker help us to
do? It can help us to cook rice
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. work in pairs. Ask and answer questions 3. work in pairs. Ask and answer
about appliances, using the information in questions about appliances, using the
2. information in 2.
- Ask Ss to read the example first. Ensure that
they know what to do. Then have some pairs - Ss to work in pairs
role-play the exchange In front ofthe class.
- Check pronunclation If necessary.
- Have them work in pairs, one points to the
appliance in 2 and asks the question, and the - Ss do themselves.
other gives the answer about the appliance,
using the information in 2.
- Call on some pairs to role-playthe exchanges - Copy them
In front ofthe class.
- T and other Ss give comments.

ACTIVITY 4: Stress in two-syllable words
Aim : Stress in two-syllable words which have the first syllable stressed
* Content: Listen and repeat the word to pay attention to the stress in two-syllable words.
* Products: Ss can learn that that most two-syllable nouns and adjectives have stress on
the first syllable (e.g ‘pretty, ‘famous….) ; The words are all two-syllable nouns.The first
syllable of these words is stressed which means it should be pronounced with a louder
voice. ‘father, ‘brother, etc.)
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Listen and repeat the words. 4. Listen and repeat the words.
- Explain that most two-syllable nouns and - T_ Ss
adjectives have stress on the first syllable (e.g. - Listen carefully
‘housework, ‘father, ‘brother, ‘pretty, - Check the answers
‘famous, etc.) - Listen and repeat

- Give Ss a few minutes to look at the words.
- Explain that these words are all two-syllable
nouns.The first syllable of these words is Key :
stressed which means it should be pronounced 'picture 'robot 'bedroom
with a louder voice. 'kitchen.
- Draw their attention to the stress mark on the 'housework 'palace 'village
first syllable. 'mountains
- Play the recording several times If necessary,
for Ss to listen and repeat the words.
- To reinforce pronunciation, ask them to clap
when they say the stressed syllable in the
- Have Ss practise saying the words in pairs or * Audio script:
groups. Go around to offer help or correct 'picture 'robot 'bedroom
pronunciation, if necessary. 'kitchen.
- Call on some Ss to say the words In front 'housework 'palace 'village
ofthe class. 'mountains
- Check their pronunciation If necessary.
- Call on some Ss to read the words aloud.

Aim: To help Ss say the sentences with the two-syllable words in which the first one
is stressed.
* Content: Pratice saying the words pay attention to the stress.Listen and repeat.
* Products: Ss learn more about the stress in two-syllable words. Make more sentences
with two-syllable nouns they know.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Listen and repeat the sentences. Pay 5. Listen and repeat the sentences. Pay
attention to the stress of the underlined attention to the stress of the
words. underlined words.
- Give Ss a few minutes to read the underlined - T_ Ss
two-syllable words In the sentences. - S do it.
- Encourage some Ss to read aloud the words - Listen to the instructions carefully then
in front of the class and ask the others to give do the tasks.
comments. - Do the tasks
- Play the recording, sentence by sentence, for * Key :
Ss to listen and repeat.
- Draw their attention to the stress in the first 1. The picture is on the wall of the
syllable of the underlined words. bedroom.
- Have Ss practise saying the sentences in 2. The robot helps me to do the
pairs or groups. Go around to offer help or housework.

correct pronunciation, if necessary. 3. There's a very big kitchen in the
- Call on some Ss to read aloud the sentences palace.
In front ofthe class. Checkthelr pronunciation 4. Their village is in the mountains.
If necessary.
- If there is time, have Ss make more sentences
with two-syllable nouns they know. Then ask
them to say their sentences in front of the * Audio script
class. 1. The picture is on the wall of the
- Comment on their pronunciation . bedroom.
2. The robot helps me to do the
3. There's a very big kitchen in the
4. Their village is in the mountains.


* Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.

- remember some adjectives describing the city.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson.

Date of preparing:…………...........
Date of teaching: ........................ .....
I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Use of future simple and might for future possibility
- Practice doing exercises using will/ might … in contexts.
1. Knowledge:
+ Vocabulary:- Using the words related to types of houses and appliances in the
+ Grammar: - The usage of future simple and might for future possibility;
expressing surprise
2. Skills: Listening, speaking , reading and writing

3. Attitude: The love of their own houses and appliances in the house. Having
serious attitude to imagining the houses in the future ; Having serious attitude to
working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: learn how to use future simple to talk about an action that
happens in the future. Modal verb Might to talk about actions that are possible in
the future.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Aims: To help Ss revise the use of Possessive adjectives.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Playing game + Playing game
- Give Ss a few minutes to play Pass the - T_ Ss
secret or Simon says to revise two-syllable - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
words. do.
- Have Ss look at the GETTING STARTED of
- Eg: picture; bedroom; robot;
Unit 10 and find the two-syllable words and housewrok; mountain.
say them aloud in front of the class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study…. - Open their book and write .


Aims: To help Ss revise the use of Future simple
* Content: Form and use the use of Future simple.
* Products: Ss can how to form and use the use of Future simple.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Grammar: Future simple

(+) Positive
I / We / You / They / He / She / It + will + V
- My father will travel on the Moon in a super car in the future.
- We' ll live in that cottage in the future. ('ll is the short form of will)
( - ) Negative
I / We / You / They / He / She / It + will not + V
Example: We won't live in that cottage in the future. (won't is the short form of will
(?) Questions and short answers
Will + I / we / you / they / he / she / it + V?
Yes, you / we ... will.
No, you / we ... won't.
Example: Will they live on the Moon?
Yes, they will./ No, they won’t

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Fill in the blanks with will (‘ll) or won’t 1. Fill in the blanks with will (‘ll) or
to make the sentences true for you. won’t to make the sentences true for
Future simple you.
* Remember!
We use the future simple to talk about an
action that happens in the future.
- My faher will travel on the Moon in a super
car in the future.
- We’ll live in that cottage next year. (‘ll is the
short form of will)
- We won’t live in that cottage anytime soon. - T_ Ss
(won’t is the short form of will not). + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- Will they live on the Moon? Yes, they will/ carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
No, they won’t. - Answer the teacher’s questions and
- Have Ss read the instructions to understand enquirements.
how to do the activity (fill the blanks with will
('ll) or won't to make the sentences true for
them). * Key:
- Have Ss read the example as a guide. Then - Ss’ own answer
have them read the sentences and fill the
blanks to make the complete sentences true for
themselves. Go around and offer help, If

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers in pairs or
groups. Then call on some Ss to say out their
answers in front ofthe class. Checktheir
answers. T explains ifnecessary.
Aim: To help Ss use will ('ll) or won't to complete the conversation.
* Content: Complete the sentences with will ('ll) or won't
* Products: Ss understand more using simple future. Complete the sentences correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Complete the conversation with will (‘ll) 2. Complete the conversation with
or won’t . will (‘ll) or won’t .
- Have Ss read the open conversation in pairs - T_ Ss
first. Then ask them to do the task - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
individually. Remind them of the use of will
('ll) or won't after he and we. Go around and - Ss work individually
offer help, if necessary.
- Ask Ss to exchange their answers in groups. - Follow the teacher’s instructions
Then call on some Ss to say out their answers
in front of the class. T confirms the correct - Give the answers
answers and gives explanation if necessary. * Key:
- Have Ss read again the complete 1. will (’ll) 2. will 3. will
conversation in pairs. T observes and corrects (’ll)
Ss’ pronunciation and verb forms, if 4. won’t 5. will (’ll)
- Checks Ss' answers as a class.

Aim: To help Ss write sentences about how appliances will or won't help us in our
future houses.
* Content: Write sentences, using will or won't and the words given.
* Products: Ss can make sentences about how appliances will or won't help us in our
future houses.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Write sentences, using will (‘ll) or won’t 3. Write sentences, using will (‘ll) or
and the words given. won’t and the words given.
- Have Ss read the instructions of the activity - Ss to work individually
to understand what they are going to do. - Ss do themselves. - Copy them
- Ask Ss to write sentences, using will ('ll) or Suggested answers:
won't and the words provided. 1. A computer will / won’t help me to

- Give Ss time to do the task Individually. do my housework.
- Get them to swap their answers in pairs or 2. A robot will help me to water the
groups. Go around and offer help, if necessary. flowers.
- If there is time, have some Ss write complete 3. A smart TV won’t help me to cook
sentences on the board. T and other Ss make meals.
comments. 4. A washing machine will / won’t help
- Check the answers as a class. me to iron the clothes.
- Comment on their performance. 5. A smartphone won’t help me to take
care of the children.

Might for future possibility.
T explains how might + V is used (We use might + V to talk about actions that are
possible in the future - we are not sure if the actions will happen) and how it is formed
(affirmative: I / we / they / you / he / she / it + might + V and negative: I / we / they / he /
she / it + might not + V). Then have Ss read the examples in the table.
* Remember: We use might + V to talk about actions that are possible in the future (We
are not sure if they will happen or not).
Example: - We might live in a UFO // They might not travel in cars
* Content: To teach the use of might (Modals). Learn how is it formed.Read and tick
* Products: Ss can learn how to form and use “ Might + V ”. Read two poems and tick
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Read the two poems. Tick (✓) T (True) or 4. Read the two poems. Tick (✓) T
F (False). (True) or F (False).
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and - T_ Ss
read the poems, focusing on the rhythm and
- Ask Ss to read the poems individually and
underline all the phrases might + V.
- Have Ss do the task below and share their
answers together.
- Invite one or two Ss to say out their answers
in front of the class.
- Check the answers as a class.
- Do the tasks and share the answers.
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
6. F

Aim : To help Ss say what they might have or do in their future house
* Content: Group work. Think about what Ss might do or have in the future.
* Products: Further practice using ‘ might ’. What Ss might do or have in the
future.Think and share the ideas with classmate.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Work in groups. Think about what you 5. Work in groups. Think about what
might do or have in the future. Share your you might do or have in the future.
ideas with your classmate Share your ideas with your classmate
- Have Ss read the instructions of the activity - T_ Ss
to understand what they are going to do. - Listen to the instructions carefully
- Ask Ss to read the example and ensure that then do the tasks.
they know what to do. Then ask them to work - Do the tasks
in groups. Have them discuss what they might
or might not have / do in their future houses, Key :
using the phrases in the previous activities. - I might have a smartphone to surf the
- Then ask Ss to tell their partners about them. internet.
T goes round and corrects mistakes or gives - We might live with robots.
help when necessary.
- Call on some Ss to share their ideas in front
ofthe class. T and other Ss give comments.


* Summarize the main points of the lesson.
- Ask Ss to give sentences about themselves, using the future simple.
- Remember the use of possessive adj and possessive pronouns.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Test in the mid – first term test.


Date of preparing: ................................

Date of teaching: ..................................


1. Knowledge: - Correct the test they have done.

- Vocabulary.

- Grammar: Correct students’test

2. Skills: Listening ,reading and writing, use of English

3. Attitude: - Do the test well.

- Ss know how to learn English in right way.

4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability

to use of language
1.Teacher: Students’tests.

III. TECHNICS, METHODS: teaching methods by practising.

1 . Warm up

Goodmorning ! Ss : Repeat

Who are absent today ? M : Answers

What’s today class ? Ss : Answer

2. Remark on the tests:

- The number of the tests: Class 6A

+ Exellent tests: 2

+ Good tests: 10

+ Average tests: 23

+ Under average tests: 5

- The number of the tests: Class 6B

+ Exellent tests: 2

+ Good tests: 10

+ Average tests: 24

+ Under average tests: 4

- The number of the tests: Class 6C

+ Exellent tests: 1

+ Good tests: 5

+ Average tests: 28

+ Under average tests: 7

 In general, all Ss have achieved the basis knowledge.

 There are some exellent and good tests:
- 6A: Minh Huy, Diệu Linh, Khánh Linh, Ngọc Minh, Khánh Phương, Thảo
Phương, Minh Thư…
- 6B: Trâm Anh, Phương Dung, Yến Phương, Anh Thư, Minh thư..
- 6C: Hoài Anh, Thu Hương, Trà My, Gia Như, Khả Vy…
 Some Ss’skill of doing general tests is not good :
- 6A: Duy An, Tú Anh, Phương Duy, Kim Quân, Anh Tú ...
- 6B: Nhật Linh, Phát Đạt, Xuân Duy, Toàn...
- 6C: Ngọc Giang, Quỳnh Anh, Kim Chi, Ngọc Giang. Ngọc Mai, Anh Quang …..

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in the pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. there B. them C. than D. through

2. A. cow B. tower C. show D. crowd

3. A. watched B. needed C. wanted D. visited

4. A. beds B. clocks C. villas D. chairs

5. A. parents B. beds C. friends D. brothers

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined
part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

6. Where can we see that cartoon? –At 8.30.


7. How often do you watch“Thanks God you are here”? One a week.


8. He sent me a postcard and a present when he has been there.


9. It is the more popular landscape in Europe.


10.I have receive his letter from Japan for 2 weeks.


III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.

11. When a program teaches you something, it’s ……………….

A. educational B. funny C. clever D. entertaining

12. My little brother can draw colour pictures, ……. he can’t draw.

A. so B. but C. and D. because

13. ................ do you like the modern English programme? - Because it helps me
with my English.

A. What B. Where C. Who D. Why

14. Disney channel is one of the most …………… channels ...... children.

A. good-for B. exciting – of C popular - for D. popular - to

15. Are there any good programmes ………teenagers on TV tonight?

A. to B.of C.with D. for

16. My sister …………. badmintonin her free time last month.

A. play B. played C. playing D. plays

17. Vietnam is located in Southeast .................

A. Asia B. America C. Australia D. Europe

18. Have you ever seen Big Ben? It is the most visited …………in Britain.

A. city B. country C. landmark D. continent

19.You should ___________ aerobics because aerobic exercise can help you to
lose weight.

A. play B. do C. go D. get

20._________ a nice day! Shall we go swimming?

A. How B. When C. What D. Which


IV. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

Football is perhaps _______ (21) popular game in the world. A football match
often _________ (22) about ninety minutes. There are two teams play against each
other. Each team has eleven members. The players kick the ball ___________ (23)
goals. There is a goalkeeper to keep the goal safe. The goal-keeper is allowed to
touch the ball _________ (24) hand, while others are not. The team, which scores
more goals, is declared the winner. The referee is there to make sure that the game
is fair. It’s _________ (25) to watch a football match.

21. A. the most B. most C. more D. the more

22. A. last B. lasts C. lasted D. will last

23. A. scoring B. scored C. to score D. score

24. A. to B. in C. by D. for

25. A. interesting B. clumsy C. musical D. exhausted

*Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

My name is Nam and fishing is my favorite sport. I often go fishing for hours
without catching anything. But this doesn’t worry me. Some fishermen are
unlucky. Instead of catching anything, not even old boots. After spending the whole
morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. “You should give up
fishing”, my friends said. “It’s a waste of time”. But they don’t know that I’m not
really interested in fishing. I’m only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing
at all!
26.When he was fishing, he often catches ......................
A. old boots B. rubbish C. a lot of fish D. nothing
27.When does he usually go fishing?
A. in the morning B. in the evening C. in the afternoon D. at noon
28.What do Nam’s friends advise him?
A. You should go fishing at night B. You should spend more time on fishing
C. You should stop fishing D. You should spend less time on fishing
29.Where does Nam sit to fish?
A. He sits to fish on the river bank B. He sits to fish in a boat
C. He sits to fish at a large lake D. He sits to fish in the sea
30.What does Nam do when he fishes?
A. He reads books B. He listens to music
C. He does nothing D. He talks to other fishermen

V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning

to each of the following questions.

31. I like watching sports more than playing sports.

A. I prefer watching sports to playing sports.
B. I enjoy playing sports.
C. My favorite sports is tennis.
D. The most interesting sports is tennis.
32. Helen's favorite sport is table tennis.
A. Helen hates playing table tennis.
B. Helen hates playing sports table tennis.
C. Helen enjoys playing table tennis.
D. Helen enjoys playing sports table tennis.
* Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that has a completed
meaning by using the words/ phrases given.
33. I/ love/ films/ I/ don't like/ watch/ them/ television.
A. I love films but I don't like watch them in television.

B. I love films because I don't like watch them in television.
C. I love films but I don't like watching them on television.
D. I love films because I don't like watching them on television.
34. Many/ tourists/ visit/ Hanoi/ last year.
A. Many tourists visit Hanoi every year.
B. Many tourists visited Hanoi last year.
C. Many tourists will visit Hanoi every year.
D. Many tourists has visited Hanoi every year.
35. Tokyo/ most popular/ capital/ city/ world.
A. Tokyo is the most popular capital city in the world.
B. Tokyo is most popular capital city in the world.
C. Tokyo are the most popular capital city in the world.
D. Tokyo are most popular capital city in the world.
1D 2C 3A 4B 5B 6A 7D 8C 9B 10A

11A 12B 13D 14C 15D 16B 17A 18C 19B 20C

21A 22B 23C 24C 25C 26D 27A 28C 29B 30C

31A 32C 33C 34B 35A

4. The ways to overcome:

- The teacher should help Ss more by concentrating on practice skills such as:
listening and reading skills.

- Especially, teacher should check their homework and orally more often.

5. Homework:
- Review all knowledge from the three units.
Prepare: Unit 4: ACommunicatio

Date of preparing: ................................

Date of teaching: ..................................
1. Knowledge:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Express surprise using the targeted form. Wow! Is that your computer? It looks
- Conduct a survey and report the result in verbal form.
+ Vocabulary:
+ Grammar:
2. Skills: speaking , reading and writing
3. Attitude: The love of their own houses and appliances in the house. Having
serious attitude to imagining the houses in the future ; Having serious attitude to
working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: express surprise
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Everyday English Expressing surprise
Aims: To provide Ss with the way of expressing surprise.
+ Wow! Is that your mobilephone? It looks great.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson. Make sentences with
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting // + Revision + Greeting// + Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - T_ Ss
them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
- Ask Ss to make sentences with WILL / do.
MIGHT + Make sentences.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce We will/ might live on the moon.
what they are going to study…. - Open their book and write .


Aims: To provide Ss with the way of expressing surprise.

* Content: To introduce the way of expressing surprise. Listen and read the
conversation .
* Products: Ss learn some new word and how to express surprise:
+ Wow! Is that your mobilephone? It looks great.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Look at the picture. Listen and read the 1. Look at the picture. Listen and read
exclamations. the exclamations.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) if carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
have - Answer the teacher’s questions and
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary enquirements.
- Repeat in chorus and individually
* Vocabulary (Wow! Is that + object? It looks +
- surprise (adj) ngạc nhiên adjective).
- hi-tech (adj) công nghệ cao
- space (n) vũ trụ Audio script:
- look after (v) chăm sóc David: John! Hello!
- by the sea bên bờ biển …. John: Oh, hi, David. Wow! Is that your
1. Listen and read conversation. computer? It looks great.
- Play the recording and have Ss listen and David: Yes, it's my new computer. My
read the conversation at the same time. Then parents gave it to me for my birthday.
have them read the conversation sentence by
sentence. Draw their attention to the
highlighted sentences.
- Elicit the structure to express surprise from
A: Wow! Is that your mobile phone? It
Ss (Wow! Is that + object? It looks +
looks great.
B: Yes, it's my new mobile phone. My
Ask them to act out the conversation In pairs.
grandparents gave it to me for my
Go around and offer help, If necessary. Check
their pronunciation.
2. Work in pairs. Express your surprise.
- Have Ss work in pairs, one expresses his /
her surprise when he / she sees the other's new
things (watch, TV, mobile phone, shoes, etc.).
- Ask Ss to use the structure to express
surprise in
A: Wow! Is that your mobile phone? It looks
B: Yes, it's my new mobile phone. My

grandparents gave it to me for my birthday.


ACTIVITY 3: Houses and appliances in the future

Aim: To help Ss identify tasks that appliances can help us to do in the future houses.
* Content: Read and Tick Y(Yes) or N(No) . Houses and appliances in the future.
* Products: Ss learn how appliances can help us to do in the future houses.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

3. Read the questions in the class survey 3. Read the questions in the class
below. Tick (✓) Y (Yes) N (No). survey below. Tick (✓) Y (Yes) N (No).
- - Have Ss read the questions and explain the - Work in pairs to do this activity
new words or phrases (e.g. hi-tech, in space, - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
look after, etc.) if necessary. Then have them - Ss work in pairs .
answer the questions by ticking (✓) "Yes"or - Follow the teacher’s instructions
"No". - Give the answers
- If time allows, T asks the questions again and * Key:
have Ss look at the boxes of "Yes" or "No" E.g.
and give their own answers. Hi. My name's Hoa. In the future, I'll
- Ask one or two Ss to look at the answers and live in a hi-tech house. It'll be in the
tell about houses and what appliances will mountains. I'll have lots of trees and
help us to do in future houses.
flowers around my house. I'll have a
- Ask other Ss to comment. Ask Ss if they can
add more things to each room. fridge that can cook meals for me...

Aim: To help Ss practise asking and answering questions about houses in the future.
* Content: Ask and answer questions about houses in the future.
* Products: Ss can answer the questions correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

4.Work in pairs. Use the questions in 3 to 4.Work in pairs. Use the questions in 3
interview your partner. to interview your partner.
- Have Ss read the conversation In the - T_ Ss
example. Draw their attention to the type of - Listen to the instructions clearly
house (question 1), Its location (question 2 and - Learn how to do it
3) and how the questions are used. - Ss to work in pairs
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and use the
- Copy them
information from 3 to role-play. To add more
variety to the conversation, Ss may add the Key:

questions about appliances that the house will E.g.
have and what these appliances will do for A: Will your house have a fridge?
them. B: Yes, it will.
- Comment on their performance. A: What will it do for you?
B: It will cook my meals.
+ Ask some pairs to role-play in front of the E.g.
class. T and other Ss give comments. Type of the house: cottage
- If time allows, have Ss work in groups, Location: in the mountains
discussing the main content of the Surroundings: trees, flowers and
conversations they have just practised. mountains
Appliances: robot (look after the
children), fridge (cook meals), computer
(send and receive emails), etc.


Aim: To help Ss talk about houses and appliances in the future.
* Content: Further practice talking about houses and appliances in the future.
* Products:Improve speaking skills. Talking about houses and appliances in the future.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

5. Tell the class about your interview 5. Tell the class about your interview
- Ask Ss to read the example to understand - T_ Ss
how to explain the interview in 4. - Listen carefully
- Ask Ss to take notes of their partner's - Work in pairs.heck the answers
answers in 4 as follows: - Listen and repeat
- Give some more interesting facts about each Type of the house: UFO
landmark iftime allows. Location: in space
Surroundings: planets
Appliances: robot (look after the
children), fridge (cook meals), computer
+ Call on some Ss to tell the class about their (send and receive emails), etc.
partners' future houses, using the notes they + Tell the class about their houses.
have written. E.g. Hello. I'd like to tell you about
- T and other Ss listen and make comments. Nam's house and appliances that will
- To add more variety to the interview, T may help him to do things in his house... His
ask Ss to add some more information. future house will be a spaceship. It'll
be... He might have a robot to help him
with his home. Thank you for listening.

* Have Ss tell you what they have learnt (the way of expressing surprise).
- Practice speaking the houses and appliances in the future.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson.

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………………

1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Read for specific information abou thouses and appliances in the future .
- Talk about different houses in the future
+ Vocabulary:
+ Grammar:
2. Skills: Speaking , reading
3. Attitude: The love of their own houses and appliances in the house. Having
serious attitude to imagining the houses in the future ; Having serious attitude to
working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences : - Learn how to organize a holiday post card . To practice
different houses in the future
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


( Pre – reading )
To help Ss understand their knowledge of the topic

* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Do the revision. - T_ Ss
- Ask a few Ss to go to the board and tell class - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
about houses and appliances in the future. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- The class listens and gives comments. - Answer the questions.
- Have Ss open their books to page 44
- Open their book and write the tittle of
- T leads in the lesson. the lesson .
* Teach some new words in contexts if * Reapeat and learn how to read and
necessary. use them.
- T follows steps to teach new words. - Copy the new words.


ACTIVITY 1: Pre- reading
Aim : To help Ss understand their knowledge of the topic
* Content: Teach some new words and discuss the two questions to focus on the topic.
* Products: Ss learn more some new words and answering two questions.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Look at the picture and discuss it with a 1. Look at the picture and discuss it
partner. with a partner.
- T_ Ss + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by:
- providing explanations of the words;
- showing picture illustrating the word.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually
+ Check vocabulary
- Ask the class to look at the picture first.
* Vocabulary
Encourage them to focus on the details / Ideas
- surrounded (adj) xung quanh
of the picture (type of house, location,

surroundings and appliances). - helicopter (n ) máy bay lên thẳng
- Tell Ss to work in pairs, asking and - roof (n ) mái nhà
answering the questions provided. - feed (v ) cho ăn
- Accept reasonable answers. - super (adj) siêu đẳng
- Check the answers as a class. - send (v ) gửi
E.g. - receive (v ) nhận
A: What type of house do you think it is? - contact (v ) liên lạc
B: I think it's a villa. ……
A: Where do you think it is? * Take note
B: I think it's on an island. - Give the answers
- Call on some pairs to role-play in front ofthe
class. The class makes comments.

3. While- reading
Aim: To help Ss read for specific information about the house and its appliances in
the future.
* Content: Read the text and Match .
* Products: Ss get some specific information about the house and its appliances in the
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Read the text and match the beginning in 2. Read the text and match the
A with endings in B. beginning in A with endings in B.
- Set a time limit for Ss to read the text - T_ Ss
individually. Help them understand the text by - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
giving the meanings of the difficult words, or carefully and learn how to do.
explanations, or the Vietnamese equivalents. - - Check the meaning of the words
Tell them to pay attention to what the robots - Ss work individually first.
and the super smart TV will do. T may ask - Compare the answers with partners
them to underline the structures or phrases - Give the answers
relating to what the robots will do and double-
underline the structures or phrases relating to
what the super smart TV will do.
- Ask Ss to match the beginnings in A with the
endings in B. Go around and offer help, If
necessary. * Key: 1. a, c, e, g, h 2. b, d, f
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to exchange their
answers first. Then call on some Ss to read
their answers and give explanation for their
- Confirm the correct answers as a class.

Aim: To help Ss develop their reading skill for specific information.
* Content: Read the text again and circle the options.
* Products: Improve reading skills. Ss get more information about houses in the future.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Read the text again and circle the option 3. Read the text again and circle the
(A, B or C) to complete the sentences. option (A, B or C) to complete the
- Ask Ss to read the incomplete sentences and sentences.
guess the option (A, B or C) to fill the blanks. - T_ Ss
Explain that this task helps them focus on the - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
Information they are going to find In the text. carefully and follow them.
- Set a longer time limit for Ss to read the text - Give the answer .
again. Ask Ss to note or underline where they
find the Information that helps them circle the
option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences.
- Have Ss compare the answers in groups
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B
before discussing them as a class.
- Confirm the correct answers to the class.


ACTIVITY 4:(Follow up activity) Speaking
Aim : To help Ss ask and answer questions about different houses in the future
* Content: Ask and answer about his/ her future houses.
* Products: Ss can answer thw questions correctly. What type of future house do you
think it will be? – It’ll be a palace.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Work in groups. Ask your partner about 4. Work in groups. Ask your partner
his/ her future house. Use the suggested about his/ her future house. Use the
questions. suggested questions.
- Have Ss read the instructions to identify how - T_ Ss
the task is done. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Have Ss read the suggested questions and carefully and follow them.
then think of the answers to these questions.
Draw their attention to the type of future house
(Question 1), its location (Question 2) its
appearance (Question 3), etc. Then tell them - Work in pairs
that they have to imagine their future houses in A. What type of future house do you
order to answer the questions. think it will be?
- Have them work in pairs, asking and B. – It’ll be a palace.

answering questions about their future houses.
T may ask Ss to refer back to the passage in 2
and the conversation in GETTING - Practice speaking in front of the
STARTED. T goes round and corrects
mistakes or gives help when necessary.
- Call on some pairs to perform the task In - Ss do the task
front ofthe class.
- T and other Ss listen and make comments. - Correct mistakes if have .
- T helps if necessary

Aim: To help Ss talk about different houses in the future.
* Content: Telling about their future houses, using information in 4.
* Products: Sscan tell about their future houses.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Work in groups. Tell your partners about 5. Work in groups. Tell your
your future house. You can use the partners about your future house.
information in 4 . You can use the information in 4 .
- Have Ss read the example to identify how to - T_ Ss
do the task. Then have them tell their partners - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
about their future houses using the information carefully and follow them.
they have discussed in 4. - Practice speaking in front of the
- Encourage some Ss to speak in front of the
class, the class comments on their classmate's
content, pronunciation, fluency, language - Correct mistakes if have .
(grammar, use of words, etc.), body language. * Sample speaking :
T can help the class give feedback. My future house will be a palace. It’ll
- When the talking time is over, T collects be on the Moon. There’ll be a super
common errors and discusses them with the smart TV in the house. It’ll help me to
whole class. talk to my friends on other planets.


* Have Ss summarise what they have learnt in the lesson with the two skills.
- Practice telling about your future houses.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 10: Skills 2


Date of preparing: ……………………..
Date of teaching: ………………………
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen for specific information about their dream houses.
- Write a paragraph about dream house.
* Vocab: revise some words
* Grammar:
2. Skills: Listening and writing .
3. Attitude: The love of their own houses and appliances in the house. Having
serious attitude to imagining the houses in the future ; Having serious attitude to
working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.
4. Competences: get information about their dream houses.Writing a paragraph
about dream house.

1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides input
for the writing skills.
* Content: Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson. Tell the class about
different houses in the future.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision on the old lesson + T_ Ss

- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions - Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s
about them and class. or friend’s questions
- Invite a few Ss to go to the board and - Tell about different houses in the future.
tell the class about different houses in the - Listen and know what they are going to
future. learn
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write the tittle of the
what they are going to study…. lesson
- T leads in the lesson.

ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening
Aim: To help Ss have the ideas of what the conversation is about.
* Content: Listen and Write the names under correct picture
* Products: Ss can get some information the content of the conversation.Choose the
correct picture.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen to Nick and Linda talking 1. Listen to Nick and Linda talking about
about their dream houses.Which house their dream houses. Which house would
would each prefers? Write their names each prefers? Write their names under the
under the correct picture. correct picture.
- T_ Ss
*) Teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to
teach vocabulary (situation, realia,
translation .....) if have
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary.

* Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit

from Ss the details (types of house,
surroundings and locations). Ask Ss the
houses they like and why they like them.

- Ask Ss to focus on the task they have to


- Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and

write the speakers' names under the
correct pictures. T checks their answers.
* Key:
- If it's necessary, play the recording Linda: Picture c (a villa by the sea, with a

again and pause the recording after each swimming pool and a garden)
sentence. Nick: Picture a (a flat in the city)
- Get feedback.

3. While-listening

ACTIVITY 2 : While-listening
Aim: To help Ss listen for specific information about dream house.
* Content: Listen conversation and tick the column
* Products: To get specific information about dream house.Tick the correct column.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Listen to the conversation again. 2. Listen to the conversation again. What is
What is important to Linda? what is important to Linda? what is important to
important to Nick? Tick (✓) the Nick? Tick (✓) the column.
column. - T_ Ss
- Ask Ss to read the information in the - Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully
first column. Ask them to focus on the and learn how to do it.
information they need only (what are - Fulfil the tasks
important to Linda and Nick: park view,
- Give the answers
city view, etc.).
- Play the recording again. Ask Ss to Key:
listen and tick what are Important to Linda: sea view, swimming pool, garden
Linda and Nick. Nick: park view, city view
- Call on some Ss to give the answers to
the class and correct mistakes where
- Check and confirm the correct answers.

Aim: To help Ss listen for specific information about dream houses.
* Content: Listen again and answer the questions about dream houses.
* Products: Listen and answer the questions correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Listen again and answer the 3. Listen again and answer the questions
questions abot their drean houses. abot their drean houses.
- Ask Ss to read the questions and - T_ Ss
underline the key words. Then have them - Listen carefully to the instructions
listen to the recording again to answer the - Work individually
questions in pairs or groups. * Ss learn how to do the tasks
- Ask a few pairs to role-play in front of - Ss’ answers

the class, one asks the questions and the Key:
other answers. Other pairs and T listen 1. She has a big villa.
and comment. 2. Her house / It is by the sea.
3. There's a swimming pool and a garden
around her house.
4. He has a flat.
5. It's in the city.
Audio script:
Nick: Can you tell me about your dream
* Post - listening house, Linda?
Extension: Have some Ss talk about Linda: Well, it's a big villa by the sea. It has a
dream houses of Linda or Nick, using the view of the sea. It has a swimming pool and a
information in 2 and 3. garden.
E.g. Hi. Let me tell you about Linda's Nick: My dream house is different.
dream house. It is a big villa by the sea. It Linda: Really? What's it like?
has a view of the sea. There's a swimming Nick: It's a beautiful flat in the city. It has a
pool and a garden around her house... parkview in front and a city view at the back.
Thank you for listening. Linda: Oh, sounds great!
* T may give some clues Nick: It has a super smart TV. I can watch
- Call on some Ss to speak freely. films from other planets.
- Correct pronunciations, grammar, Linda: That sounds great, too. But I think it'll
vocab, intonation. be ….

ACTIVITY 4: Pre - Writing

Aim: to help Ss brainstorm ideas for a dream house.
* Content: Group work to discuss the dream houses and fill the table.
* Products: Discussing and Fill the tables correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Work in pairs. Discuss your dream 4. Work in pairs. Discuss your dream
house, and fill the table. house, and fill the table.
- Have Ss look at the table. Draw their - Work in pairs
attention to the four pieces of - Listen carefullyand learn how to write
Information. Then have them read the - Write themselves
exchange in the example to understand *Sample:
how to do the task. A. What type ofdream house is it?
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and B. It’s a palace
answer the questions and fill the table. A. Where it is?
- Call a student to write the answer on the B. It’s in the mountain.
board. …………..
- Others write it in their notebooks.

- T and other Ss listen and make


ACTIVITY 5: While - Writing

Aim: To help Ss write a paragraph of about 50 words about a dream house.
* Content: Write a paragraph of about 50 words about your dream house.
* Products: Use information in 4 Ss can write a paragraph about your dream house.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

5. Use information in 4 to write a 5. Use information in 4 to write a
paragragh of about 50 words about paragragh of about 50 words about your
your dream house. dream house.
- Allow Ss time to write a paragraph - Listen carefully and learn how to write
(about 50 words) about their dream - Write themselves/ individually
houses, using the suggested ideas /
information in 4.
- When they finish, ask some Ss to
explain their dream houses to the class.
- If time allows, call on one student to
write his / her answer on the board.
- The class gives their comments.
* Post writing
- T may display all or some of the Ss'
* Sample paragraph:
writings on the wall / notice board. T and
My dream house is a big palace. It is in the
other Ss give comments. Ss edit and
mountains. It is surrounded by lots of trees. It
revise their writing as homework.
has seven rooms: three bedrooms, two
* Post - Writing
bathrooms, one kitchen and one living room.
- T may collect some Ss'writings and
There is a large swimming pool in front of it.
mark them, then give comments to the
I have some robots in the palace. They help
class. - Remember to tell them how to
me to clean the floor, cook meals, water
improve their writings.
- If time is limited,T may ask Ss to write
I am happy to live in my palace
the final version at home.
- Other Ss and T comment on the writing.


* Have Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills.
- Finish writing a diary entry. Copy in the note books.

- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 10: LOOKING BACK & PROJECT.

Date of preparing: ……………………..

Date of teaching: ………………………
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 10
- Apply what they have learnt ( vocabulary and grammar) in to practice through a
+ Vocabulary: - Using the words related to types of houses and appliances in the
+ Grammar: - The usage of future simple and might for future possibility;
expressing surprise;
2. Skills: Listening, Speaking , reading and writing.

3. Attitude: The love of learning English. The love of the cities and beautiful spots.
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.

4. Competence: Students will be able to consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in the unit . Do some practice exercises.

1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….

2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



- This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit

Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the
- That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed, and which areas need
further practice.
- Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the unit.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a
friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision. - T_ Ss
- Ask a few Ss to go to the board and tell - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
the class about their dream houses.
- Encourage Ss not to refer to the unit - Some SS tell the class about their dream
pages. Ask them to keep a record of their houses.
answers to each task so that they can use
their information to complete the self-
assessment table at the end of the unit.
- Have them open their books to page 46
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….


ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary
Aim: To help Ss revise the words relating to appliances in the future.
* Content: Revision on the words . Write the words/ phrases under the correct pictures
* Products: Review the words/ phrases. Write the words under the pictures correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Wrie the words/ phrases under the 1. Wrie the words/ phrases under the
correct pictures. correct pictures.
- T_ Ss + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- Tell Ss to read the words in the box first. carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
Then ask them to write the words in the box
under the pictures.
- Give them time to do It Individually.Then
compare their answers with their partners.

- Ask some Ss to read the words aloud.
Then T checks their answers as a class.
- Confirm the correct answers as a class.
Have the whole class read the words /
phrases correctly.

* Key:
a. computer b. dishwasher c. wireless
d. washing machine e. fridge f.
smart clock

Aim: To help Ss review the phrases about what the appliances will do in the future.
* Content: Do the filling.Think what the appliances will do in the future.
* Products: Thinking and filling the table .
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

2. Think about what the appliances will 2. Think about what the appliances will
do in the future. Fill the table. do in the future. Fill the table.
- Have Ss work in pairs or groups, - Ss work in pairs.
discussing what each appliance will do in - Do the tasks
the future and fill in the blanks in the table.
- Call on some Ss to tell the class about
their answers.
E.g. I think robots will look after my future * I think robots will help us do the house
house. work.
- T and other Ss listen and make comments. - I think robots will wash our clothes……
- Check the answers as a class.

ACTIVITY 3 : Grammar
Aim: To help Ss revise the use of the future simple in sentences.
* Content: Revision on the use of the future simple
* Products: Ss can complete the sentences using will (’ll ) or won’t correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Complete the sentences with will (’ll ) 3. Complete the sentences with will (’ll )

or won’t. or won’t.
- Have Ss read the instructions to know - T_ Ss
what they have to do. Draw their attention - Listen to the instructions clearly
to some complex sentences with - Do exercise individually and then
subordinate clauses of time (sentences 2, 4, compare their answers.
5). - Copy
- T may explain these sentences if
necessary. * Key:
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences with 1. won’t 2. will 3. will
will ('ll) or won't individually first. Then, 4. won’t 5. will 6. won’t
they can check their answers with a partner
before discussing them as a class.
- Go round and offer help if needed.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.

Aim: To help Ss revise the use of might for future possibility.
* Content: Revision on the use of might for future possibility.
* Products: Ss understand more remember the use of might for future possibility.
Complete the sentences.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

4. Complete the sentnces with might or 4. Complete the sentnces with might or
might not. might not.
- Have Ss read the instructions to - T_ Ss
understand what they have to do (complete - Do the tasks
the sentences with might or might not).
- Ask them to read and complete the
sentences individually. Go around and offer - Give the answers
help if necessary.
- Have them swap their answers in pairs or
groups before checking as a class. Correct *Key :
mistakes if necessary. 1. might 2. might 3. might not
- Call on some Ss to read the complete 4. might not 5. might, might
sentences in front of the class.
- T and other Ss listen and make comments.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.


Aim: To helps Ss improve their abilities to work individually and in a team. It

extends their imagination in field related to the unit topic if possible.

* Content: Prepare the projects and Present them in front of the class.
* Products: Think about appliances they want to have in the future.
+ Make a poster about it. To show their posters in front of the class and tell what the
appliances will do in their future houses.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
* PROJECT: - T_ Ss
- Have Ss read the project's instructions. ** Ss should prepare the project as
Draw their attention to the following steps: assign groups in the previous lessons
+ Think about one appliance they want to beforehand.
have in the future.
+ Make a poster about it.
+ Write the details of the appliance in the - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
poster (what they want to have, what it will carefully.
help them to do). + Share the poster with
their class.
- Have them think about an appliance in - Do the tasks . Prepare the at home
their future house first. beforehand.
- Give them time to make their own posters
- Ss should finish the project in class, assign
by drawing their own appliances.
- Ask them to look at the details in the groups in the previous lessons.
bubble as an example. Then have them
write what the appliances will help them to
do in their future houses.
- Get them to share their posters in pairs or
groups. - Do the same as units
- Select some Ss to show their posters in
front of the class and tell what the
appliances will do in their future houses.
- The class gives comments.
- Don't focus on or correct Ss language
mistakes. This is an opportunity for them to
experiment with the language
- T comments.


* Have Ss look at Now I can ….. table

- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment table. Identify any difficulties and weak areas
and provide further practice.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using will/ might

- Prepare: Review 4: Language


Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
1. Knowledge:
* By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Identify the topic of the Unit
- Use lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world”
+ Vocabulary: use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled
- say sentences with correct rhythm
- give warnings
+ Grammar: - use the articles correctly
- use the first conditional to talk about possibilities
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more
to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ;
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning
and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to pratice reading and listening the
conversation between Mi and Nick talked about ways to go green.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Aims:To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
To lead into the new unit.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly

and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision. Do the net work/ brainstorming - T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about the + Revision
previous lessons, smart TV
- Review the previous unit before Ss open their
books. Write Our houses in the future on the
board and have Ss say all of the words that are appliances in
related to this topic. the house
- Write Our Greener World on the board. Ask
Ss what green means to them. Write their
wireless TV
answers on the board. Explain that green has a
lot of meanings. In this unit it means relating to
the protection of the environment. Write Let's
go green! on the board and elicit the meaning of - (Ss) listen and learn how to do it .
go green from Ss. Tell Ss that go green means:
to do more to protect nature and the - Answer the teacher’s questions.
environment. Have Ss open their books and - Open their book and write .
start the lesson.

Aims: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new unit.
* Content: Listen and read conversation to get used to the vocabulary; new grammar points.
* Products: Reading practice. Ss learn some new words; become familiar with the new
language items.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

1. Listen and read. T_ Ss 1. Listen and read.

*) Pre- teach vocabulary: * Vocabulary
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach - go green means: to do more to protect
nature and the environment.
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
- reusable (adj) có thể dùng lại
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - go green (v) sống xanh (thân thiện với
- providing explanations of the words; môi trường)
- showing picture illustrating the word. - recycle (v) tái chế
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - help (v) giúp đỡ
- Repeat in chorus and individually - environment (n) môi trường ….

+ Check vocabulary
* Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 48 - 49
and answer the questions below:
1. Who are they?
2. Where are they?
3. What might they be talking about?
- Quickly write Ss' answers to Question 3 on the
- Play the recording.
- Ss listen and read.
- Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and
read along. Have Ss underline the words that - Complete the tasks
are related to the topic of the unit while
listening and reading.
- some pairs of Ss to read the conversation
- Ss what exactly Mi and Nick talked about.
Now confirm the correct answer. (They talked
about ways to go green.)
- Have Ss say the words in the text that they
think are related to the topic Our greener
- Quickly write the words on one part of the
- Get some pairs to read the conversation in
front of the class.
- Comment on Ss'answers.

Aim: To help Ss understand the text in depth.
* Content: Read again the conversation . Complete the sentences . Use no more than 3
* Products: Ss understand more information in the conversation. Do the filling.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

2. Read the converstion again. Complete the 2. Read the converstion again.
following sentences. Use no more than three Complete the following sentences. Use
words in each blank. no more than three words in each
- Ask Ss to work independently to fill each blank.
blank with the word(s) from the conversation. - T_ Ss

- Ask them how to do this exercise. T may once - Follow the teacher’s instructions
again instruct them how to do the exercise: (1)
read the sentence and identify the kind of - Give the answers and check.
information to fill the blank; (2) read the
conversation and locate the place to find the
word(s) to fill the blank.
- Model with the first sentence.
- Allow Ss to share answers before discussing it * Key:
as a class. 1. a picnic 2. plastic one 3. the check-
- Write the correct answers on the board. out
- Check the answers as a class. 4. a reusable 5. she's cycling

Aims: To help Ss understand the text in depth;
- To draw Ss' attention to the first conditional.
* Content: Based on the ideas in the conversation . Pay attention to the first conditional.
* Products: Do the matching to pay attention to the first conditional.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Based on the ideas in the conversation, 3. Based on the ideas in the

match the first half of the sentence in column conversation, match the first half of the
A with its second half in column B. sentence in column A with its second
- First, ask Ss to read column A and B to make half in column B.
sure they understand. Ask Ss to give their - T_ Ss
answers without reading the conversation again. - Learn how to do it
Then ask them to read the conversation and - Share the answers
check their answers. Confirm the correct - Copy them
Key : 1. b 2. c 3. a
- Tell Ss that sentences 2 and 3 are first
conditional sentences and they will learn about
this grammar point in A CLOSER LOOK 2.
- Write the correct answers on the board.
- T gives correct answer.

Aim: To develop Ss' knowledge of the vocabulary for how to help the environment.
* Content: Do the matching. Learn the vocabulary for how to help the environment.
* Products: Ss have knowledge of the vocabulary for how to help the environment.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

4. Match the pictures with the ways to help 4. Match the pictures with the ways to

the environment. help the environment.
- Have Ss look at the pictures and discuss what - T_ Ss
they can see in each picture in pairs. Invite - Ss do the tasks
some pairs to share their answers with the - Ss do themselves. Give the answers
whole class.
Ask Ss to match the pictures with ways to help
the environment. Have some Ss share their Key : 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d
answers. Confirm the correct answers.
Ask Ss to add any other ways to save the
environment they know.
- Check the answers as a class.
Aim: To provide Ss with an opportunity to communicate with each other, using the
vocabulary they have learnt.
* Content: Play GAME find someone who…. Ask and answer .
* Products: Ss can ask and answer the questions . Take note . Report infront of the class.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. GAME. Find some one who… . Work in 5. GAME. Find some one who… .
groups. ask and answer to find some one who Work in groups. ask and answer to
does the things in 4. find some one who does the things in 4.
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Give each group a - Work in groups
handout with the following table: Find someone Names
- Model the way to ask questions and answers who ... bags
uses reusable
with a student (e.g. Nam, do you use reusable
bags?, etc.). cycles
- Ask each group to choose one student to ask walks to school
the questions and another student to record the picks up rubbish
plants trees
and report the results.
- Give Ss 5 - 7 minutes to ask and answer In
- Move around to observe and offer help. - Do the tasks
- Invite Ss to share their findings to the class.


*Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say some words they remember from the lesson.
- Read again the conversation on page 48
- Do more exercises in workbook.

- Prepare new lessons


Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
Use the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world”
. Use new words about things that can be reduced, reused and recycled. Saying
sentences with correct rhythm; Learning how to make Rhythm.
+ Vocabulary: - Use the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world”
- say sentences with correct rhythm
+ Grammar: - use the first conditional to talk about possibilities
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more
to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ;
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning
and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to pratice reading and listening the
conversation between Mi and Nick talked about ways to go green.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Aims: Vocabulary
- To revise/ teach some new words.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly an
relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson. Guessing game .
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Playing game: + Playing game :
* Guessing game * Guessing game
- Revising phrases relating to localtions of - T _ Ss
houses, Eg. In the sea, in the city; in the - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
counryside… - Ss answer.
- Teacher (T) asks guides, gives instructions
how to play guessing game. - Open their book and write .
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study….

Aim: To teach the terms reduce, reuse, and recycle.
* Content: To introduce some new words and the terms reduce, reuse, and recycle.
* Products: Ss learn how to use the terms reduce, reuse, and recycle. Know more some word
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. The three Rs stand for Reduce- Reuse- 1. The three Rs stand for Reduce- Reuse-
Recycle. Draw a line from a symbol in Recycle. Draw a line from a symbol in
column A to its matching word in column B column A to its matching word in column
and its meaning in column C. B and its meaning in column C.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by:
- providing explanations of the words;
- showing picture illustrating the word.
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
* Vocabulary
- reduce (v) giảm
- reuse (v) dùng lại - T _ Ss
- recycle (v) tái chế tái sử dụng + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- rubbish(n) rác thải
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- wrap (v) gói, bọc …
- Repeat in chorus and individually
+ Check vocabulary
- Have Ss read the information in the table and
draw a line from a symbol in column A to the
matching word in column B and its meaning in
column C. Ss work in pairs to compare their

answers before giving T the answers. Check
and write the correct answers on the board.
- For stronger classes, elicit the difference
between recycling and reusing from Ss.
- Explain the difference between these two
terms again if necessary:
+ Recycling means reprocessing an old item
such as a newspaper, a glass or a can and
turning it into a new product. For example,
used paper is brought to a factory where it is
reprocessed, cleaned and purified. This paper
is then used to make new things such as books - 3Rs
or newspapers. Key :
+ Reusing means avoiding the reprocessing
procedure. It is when people use something
over and over again until it cannot be used any
more. For example, a used plastic bottle can be
used again as a flower vase, or a butter
container can be used to grow a small plant.
- Check the answers as a class.

Aim: To revise / teach the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled.
* Content: Teach the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled. Write the
* Products: Ss can learn some words . Understanding more the things that can be reduced,
reused and recycled.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Write the word/ phrase in the box under 2. Write the word/ phrase in the box unde
each picture. each picture.
- Have Ss work in pairs to do this activity. Call - Ss work in pairs
on Ss from different pairs to go to the board
and write the words. - Ss work independently.
- This activity can also be organized as a - Give the answers
competition. Whichever pair finishes the * Key:
activity first wins and can go to the board to 1. rubbish 2. plastic bag
write their answers. Confirm the correct 4. plastic bottle 5. noise 6. paper

- Call on some Ss to write their sentences on 7. water 8. clothes
the board. Correct if necessary.

Aim: To help Ss categorize things that can be reduced, reused and recycled.
* Content: Pair work . Put the words into groups.
* Products: Ss can categorize things that can be reduced, reused and recycled. 3Rs
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Work in pairs. Put the words from 2 into 3. Work in pairs. Put the words from 2
groups. Some words can belong to more into groups. Some words can belong to
than one group. more than one group.
- Have Ss work in pairs to put the words from Reduce Reuse Recycle
2 in appropriate groups. Draw the table on the rubbish, plastic bag, rubbish,
board and call three Ss to go to the board and plastic bag, glass, plastic plastic bag,
write their answers. Discuss the answers with noise, bottle, paper, glass, plastic
the class. plastic water, bottle, paper
- Elicit some more words for each group from bottle, paper, clothes
Ss. - Here are some suggested words: water
+ Reduce: electricity, gas
+ Reuse: envelope, carton box, textbook - Ss to work in pairs
+ Recycle: newspaper, textbook, plastic - Ss do themselves.
container - Add more words
- Ask Ss add more words.
- Copy them
- T and other Ss give comments.

ACTIVITY 4: Rhythm in sentences
Aim: To get Ss familiar with rhythm in sentences.
* Content: In sentence, the stressed and unstressed syllables combine to make rhythm
* Products: Learn how to make rhythm in sentences .
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Listen to these sentences, then repeat. 4. Listen to these sentences, then repeat.
Pay attention to the bold syllables. Pay attention to the bold syllables.
- Tell Ss that in English, the stressed and - T_ Ss
unstressed syllables combine to make rhythm - Listen carefully.
in a sentence.
- Ss have learnt about stress in two-syllable
words, so T can remind them of the stress rule
in two-syllable words (put stress on the first
syllable in nouns and adjectives).

- In the sentences the bold parts are the
stressed syllables. The aim of this activity is
only to raise Ss' awareness of rhythm. It is not
necessary to teach them in detail.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen to the
sentences. Have them pay attention to the bold
- Play the recording of each sentence again for
Ss to repeat in chorus. Have Ss work in pairs
to practise reading the sentences.
- Call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud.
- Comment on Ss'pronunciation. Audio script:
- Check their pronunciation If necessary. 1. If you cycle, it'll help the Earth.
- Call on some Ss to read the words aloud. 2. Water is good for your body.
3. The students are planting trees in the
4. Is it better to use paper bags?
5. We are happy to walk to school

Aim: To give Ss further practice with rhythm in sentences.
* Content: Practice the conversation with rhythm . Bold syllables
* Products: Ss parctice the conversation with rhythm with a classmate.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Listen to conversation. Pat attention to 5. Listen to conversation. Pat attention to

the bold syllables. Then practise the bold syllables. Then practise
conversation with a classmate. conversation with a classmate.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen to the - T_ Ss
conversation. Have them pay attention to the - Listen to the instructions carefully then do
bold parts. the tasks.
- Play the recording of each sentence again for - Do the tasks
Ss to repeat In chorus. Have Ss work In pairs Audio script:
to practise reading the conversation. Vy: What are you doing?
- Call on some Ss to read the conversation Mi: I'm writing an article about going
aloud. green.
- Comment on Ss' pronunciation. Vy: Great! I'm writing a poem about the
- If there is time, have Ss make more sentences 3Rs.
with two-syllable nouns they know. Then ask Mi: Let me read it.
them to say their sentences in front of the Vy: I'm still writing. Wait for a minute.
- Comment on their pronunciation .


* Have Ss summarize what they have learnt in this period.

- remember some adjectives describing the city.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 11: A closer look 2


Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Use the conditional sentences- Type 1 correctly and appropriately
- Know about grammar point : articles a, an or the and the first conditional
+ Vocabulary:
+ Grammar: - Use the conditional sentences- Type 1 correctly and appropriately
- Use the first conditional to talk about possibilities
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading and writing
3. Attitude: The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more
to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ;
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning
and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to learn how to use articles a, an or the and
the first conditional sentenceto talk about possibilities; To practice doing exercises
using articles a, an, the in contexts.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Aims:To help Ss learn how to use articles a, an, the.
- Write two sentences with articles on the board. This is a book. /The book on the table is
my favourite.
- Underline a and the. Explain to Ss the difference between these two articles, telling them
that a is an indefinite article and the is a definite article.
- Use the information in this table to explain to Ss:
There are two kinds of articles In
sound a / an an + vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)
E.g. a bag E.g. an apple
2. Definite article: the
the /  ә / + consonant sound the / i/ + vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)
E.g. the bag E.g. the apple
- Have Ss do Activity 1 before drawing their attention to the Grammar box In the book.
* Content: Review the old lesson .
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
the previous lessons,
- T may introduce some warm-up activities to - Open their book and write .
creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study….


Aims: To give practice with a and an.
* Content: Introduce the use Article a, an, the . Adapt it to do activity 1.
* Products: Ss learn how to use Article a, an, the. Remember. Do exercises.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
* Remember! Articles

There are two kinds of articles in English: the indefinite article (a/ an) and the definite
article (the)
We use a/ an
- with singular countable nouns when we are talking about them in general.
Example: An ant is a tiny animal.
- after the verbs to be and to have.
Example: I’m a student/ I have an eraser.
Example: The bike in front of her house is nice.
- with nouns which are unique.
Example: The air is dirty.

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

- Have Ss do the exercise individually and
then compare their answers.
- Invite some Ss to read their answers aloud.
- Check their answers in front of the class.
- Now draw Ss' attention to the Grammar box.

- Have Ss read the again if necessary - Ss do the exercise individually

information. + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- Explain the information necessary. carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Go around and offer help, If necessary.
Key: 1. an 2. a 3. a 4. an
- Check their answers. T explains if necessary.
5. a 6. an 7. an 8. a

Aim: To give further practice with a / an and the.
* Content: Further practice with a / an and the. Complete the sentences using a/ an or the.
* Products: Ss can Complete the sentences using a/ an or the correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Write a/ an or the 2. Write a/ an or the
- Have Ss read the sentences and fill each - T_ Ss
blank with a suitable article. - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
- Check and confirm the correct answers. - Give the answers
- Checks Ss' answers as a class. * Key:
1. a 2. The; the 3. A; an 4. an 5. the;

ACTIVITY 3: Type 1- Conditional

Aim: To give practice with the first conditional.
* Content: To teach the form and use of the first conditional.

* Products: Ss learn how to form and use the first conditional.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
First conditional sentences describe things which are possible and likely to happen in
the present or the future: If + subject + V (present simple) , Subject + will/ won’t + V(bare
form) .
Example : If you use less paper, you will save a lot of trees .

3. Write the correct form of each verb in 3. Write the correct form of each verb
bracket. in bracket.
- Have Ss do this exercise quickly then give
the answers to T. Write their answers on the
board and confirm the correct answers.
- Go around and offer help, if necessary.
- Check the answers as a class.
- Comment on their performance.

Key :
1. is; will go
2. recycle; will help
3. will save; don't waste
4. will have; use
5. isn't / is not; will be.
Aim: To give further practice with the first conditional.
* Content: Further practice. Complete the sentences using the first conditional.
* Products: Ss can Complete the sentences using the first conditional correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Combine each pair of sentences below to 4. Combine each pair of sentences
make a first conditional sentence. below to make a first conditional
- If necessary, T can combine the first pair of sentence.
sentences as an example. - T_Ss
- Have Ss do this exercise in pairs. Ask some - Do the tasks and share the answers.
Ss to write their sentences on the board. Key:
- Ask for feedback from other Ss. 1. If the air isn't fresh, people will cough.
- Confirm the correct answers. 2. If the water is dirty, a lot of fish will
- Invite one or two Ss to say out their answers die.
in front of the class. 3. Ifwe cut down trees In the forest, there
- Check the answers as a class. will be more floods.
4. If there is too much noise, people will
not / won't sleep.

5. If there is no water, plants will die

Aim: To give fun practice with the first conditional.
* Content: Do the GAME; Fun matching.
* Products: Ss understand more the form and use the first conditional.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
5. GAME. Fun matching. 5. GAME. Fun matching.
- Divide the class into groups (A and B) and - T_Ss
give each student a strip of paper.
- Tell Ss from group A to write an if-clause. Ss
from group B write a main clause. After 5
minutes have Ss try to make a sentence by
matching the clause on their paper with a
clause from the other group.
- T goes round and corrects mistakes or gives
help when necessary.
- Call on some Ss to share their ideas in front - Listen to the instructions carefully then
ofthe class. T and other Ss give comments. do the tasks.
* Summarize the main points of the lesson.
- Ask Ss to make sentences, using the first conditional.
- Remember the use of possessive adj and possessive pronouns.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson.


Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- To talk about ways to “ go green”
- Give warnings: Don’t do that; If you give them too much food, they will die.
+ Vocabulary: use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled;
- say sentences with correct rhythm;
- give warnings;

+ Grammar: -Talk about ways to “go green”
- use the first conditional to talk about possibilities

2. Skills: speaking and reading and writing

3. Attitude: The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more
to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ;
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning
and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to learn the ways to go green. Giving
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Everyday English Giving warnings
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly an
relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
them and class. - Do the tasks.
- T revises or asks Ss about last lessons. - Open their book and write .
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study….


ACTIVITY 1+ 2: Giving warnings
Aims: - To introduce two ways to give warnings in English;
- To help Ss practise giving warnings.
* Content: Read the conversation and Pay attention to the highlighted sentences.
Giving warnings: - Don’t do that;

- If you give them too much food, they will die.
* Products: Ss learn how to give warnings. Practice to give some warnings.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen and read the dialogue between Mi 1. Listen and read the dialogue between M
and Mike. Pay attention to the highlighted and Mike. Pay attention to the highlighted
sentences. sentences
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) if
have .
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually
+ Take note
- do a survey (v) thực hiện khảo sát. - T_ Ss
- write both side (v) viết cả hai mặt + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- be in need (v) cần
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- cycle (v) đạp xe
* Listen and read conversation.
Mi: You are giving the goldfish too much
food. Don't do that.
Mike: Why?
Mi: If you give them too much food, they will Audio script:
die. Mi: You are giving the goldfish too much
Mike: I see. Thank you. food. Don't do that.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen and read Mike: Why?
the dialogue between Mi and Mike at the same Mi: If you give them too much food, they wil
time. Ask Ss to pay attention to the die.
highlighted sentences. Mike: I see. Thank you.
- Elicit the structures to give warnings
(Imperative sentences /first conditional). Have
Ss practise the dialogue In pairs.
- Call on some pairs to practise the dialogue In
front of the class.
2. Work in pairs. Giving warnings. Mai: You are wartering flowers, phong
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a similar Phong: Yes, I am.
dialogue, using the language for giving Mai: Don’t water flowers at noon.
warnings. Phong: Why?
- Move around to observe and provide help. Mai: If you water plants at noon, they will
Call on some pairs to practise In front ofthe die.

class. Phong:Thank you. I don’t know about that.
ACTIVITY 3: Survey on ways to go green.
Aim: To give Ss a chance to know if they are going green.
* Content: Do a survey. Ask questions by choosing A, B or C.
* Products: Ss can ask Questions by choosing the best answer.Check the answer . Count the
points and see how green you are.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

3. The 3Rs Club in your school is doing a 3. The 3Rs Club in your school is doing a
survey. Answer the following questions by survey. Answer the following questions by
choosing A, B or C. choosing A, B or C.
- Review the first conditional sentence before - Work in pairs to do this activity
Ss do 3. Revise or teach some vocabulary: - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
do a survey: ask people questions in order to - Ss work in pairs .
find out about their opinions or behaviour - Follow the teacher’s instructions
wrap: cover or surround something with - Give the answers
paper, cloth or other material * Suggested answers:
be in need: not have enough food, money,
clothes, etc.
breeze: a light and pleasant wind
- Have Ss read the questions quickly and make
sure that they know what to do. Ss answer the
questions individually, then turn to page 57 to
check their answers and count the points.
- Ask some Ss to speak out their points.
- Ask other Ss to comment. Ask Ss if they can
add more things to each room

Aim: To give Ss an opportunity to ask and answer about going green.
* Content: Ask and answer about going green.Interview a classmate.
* Products: Ss can answer questions. Compare the answer.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
4. Interview a classmate, using the questions 4. Interview a classmate, using the
in 3. Compare your answers. How many questions in 3. Compare your answers.
different answers do you have? How many different answers do you have
- Have Ss work in pairs. One student is the - Listen to the instructions clearly
interviewer, and the other is the interviewee. - Ss work in pairs
Ask them to do the interview in about 5 - 7

minutes and to note down their friend's - Copy them
answers. The interviewer then shares their Example :
answers with their friend and find out how A. What’s your answer to Question 1?
many different answers they have. B. It’s A. What’s your answer?
- Call on some Ss to report the results of their ……….
interview to the class.


* Have Ss tell you what they have learnt (the way of expressing surprise).
- Practice speaking the names of rooms and the names of the furniture in the house.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 11: SKILLS 1

Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Reading to develop the skill of guessing the meaning of words/ phrases in
context .
- Read for specific information about tips on how to be “ green”.
+ Vocabulary: use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled
+ Grammar:
2. Skills: speaking and reading and writing
3. Attitude: The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more
to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ;
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning
and working.

4. Competence: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn how to
guess the meaning of words/ phrases in context . To practice discussing their
opinions about green tips and sharing the ways to reuse things.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……

III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Aim: Pre - reading

To help Ss understand their knowledge of the topic
- Tell Ss that they are going to read an interview about ways to go green at school.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - T_Ss
them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
- T revises or asks Ss about last lessons. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write the tittle of the
what they are going to study….
lesson .
- T leads in the lesson.
* Teach some new words in contexts if
- T follows steps to teach new words.
ACTIVITY 1: While- reading
Aim: To develop the skill of locating specific words in the text.
* Content: Read the interview. Find the words/ phrases and underline them.
* Products: Ss can find the words/ phrases and underline them in the interview to
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. A reporter is interviewing Nam, a 1. A reporter is interviewing Nam, a
member of the 3Rs Club. Read the member of the 3Rs Club. Read the
interview. Find the words or phrases and interview. Find the words or phrases and
underline them. underline them.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach

vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
* Vocabulary
- exchange (v) trao đổi
- recycling bin (n) thùng đựng rác tái chế
- charity(n) từ thiện
- tip (n) mẹo, cách
- instead of thay vì
- share (v) chia sẻ …
- Repeat in chorus and individually - T_Ss; Ss do themselves
+ Check vocabulary
+ Take note + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
* Ask Ss to read the interview quickly and carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
locate the words / phrases from the box in the
text. - Give the answers
- Have Ss highlight the words / phrases they
have found. Invite some Ss to share where
they have found the words / phrases. If T uses
slides, show the text with the highlighted - Complete the tasks
words / phrases to prepare for the next
- Check the answers as a class.
- Gve the comment
3. While- reading
Aim: To develop the skill of guessing the meaning of words / phrases in context.
* Content: Do the matching . Guessing the meaning of words / phrases in context.
* Products: Ss can match the words/ phrases with their meanings correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Match the words/ phrases with their 2. Match the words/ phrases with their
meaning. meaning.
- Tell Ss how to do the activity. Remind them - T_Ss
to look again at the words / phrases that have - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
been highlighted in 1 and read the surrounding carefully and learn how to do.
sentences carefully to get the meaning of each - Check the meaning of the words
word / phrase, and then match the word / - Ss work individually first.
phrase with the given meaning. - Compare the answers with partners
- Have Ss do this exercise individually and - Give the answers
then compare their answers with a classmate.
Ask for Ss' answers. Confirm the correct Key:
answers. Ask Ss to give some examples with 1. e 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c
the words / phrases.

Aim: To develop the skill of reading for general and specific information.
* Content: Further practice reading for general and specific information.
* Products: Ss understand deeply about the content of the text by answering the questions.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Read the text again. Answer the 3. Read the text again. Answer the
questions. questions.
- Have Ss read the interview again to answer - T_Ss. SS do it
the questions. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Ss can underline parts of the text that helped carefully and follow them.
them with the answers. - Give the answer .
- Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read
* Key:
quickly for information.
1. Ways to become greener at school
- Have Ss compare their answers before giving
2. Recyclng bins
the answers to T.
3. Exchange old uniforms with friends or
- Ask them to cite evidence when giving the
give them to charity
4. Borrow books from the library
- Confirm the correct answers to the class
5. Reusable water bottles


ACTIVITY 4: (Follow up activity) Speaking
Aim: To give Ss a chance to discuss their opinions about green tips.
* Content: Discussing to put the tips inorder from the easiest to the most difficult.
* Products: Ss can put the tips correctly and can add more tips to the list.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
4. Nam mentions the following tips in the 4. Nam mentions the following tips in the
interview. Work in groups and discuss to interview. Work in groups and discuss to
put the tips in order from the easiest to the put the tips in order from the easiest to
most difficult. the most difficult.
- Have Ss work in groups to discuss and order - T_Ss
the tips from the easiest to the most difficult. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
They also think of ways to explain the reasons carefully and follow them.
for their order. - Work in pairs
- Ask a member from several of the groups to
- Practice speaking in front of the class.
write their order on the board. Hold a class
discussion about the orders. Accept different - Correct mistakes if have .
answers as long as the groups can justify it.
- Elicit some other tips from Ss and quickly

write them on the board. Ss comment on the
- T and other Ss listen and make comments.
- T helps if necessary
Aim: To give Ss a chance to share ways to reuse things.
* Content: To produce the language / the tip – f– to find creative way to reuse old items.
* Products: Ss can find creat way to reuse old items. (f. Finding creative ways to reuse old
items before throwing them away.)
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
5. Tip -f- tells you to find creative ways to 5. Tip -f- tells you to find creative ways to
reuse old items. Can you think of any ways reuse old items. Can you think of any
reuse. ways reuse.
- Have Ss work in groups and find creative - Ss work in groups
ways to reuse the items indicated in the book. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
-This activity can be organized as a carefully and follow them.
competitive game. - Practice speaking in front of the class.
- Give the groups 8 minutes to list out the
- Correct mistakes if have .
ways to reuse the items creatively. When the
time is up, each group will present their
answers. The group having the most creative
ways wins.


* Have Ss tell you what they have learnt (ways to go green, tips for going green).
- Practice telling about your future houses.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 11: Skills 2

Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Listen to get specific information about ways to make the school a green place .
- Write a paragraph about ways to make the school a green place .
+ Vocabulary: use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled;
+ Grammar:
2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

3. Attitude: The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more
to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ;
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning
and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to listen for specific information about a
green club. Writing a paragraph about ideas for a green club.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides input
for the writing skills.
- Tell Ss that the 3Rs Club is looking for a new president. Quickly elicit the necessary
qualities of the club president from Ss and write them on the board. Have Ss read the
advertisement for this position. Ask them what they will do if they become the club
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + T_ Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions - Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s
about them and class. or friend’s questions
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
- Listen and know what they are going to
what they are going to study…. learn
- T leads in the lesson. - Open their book and write the tittle of the

ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening

Aim: To develop listening for specific information.
* Content: Listen and fill the blank with a word oe a number.
* Products: Ss listen and can fill each blank correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen to two students talking about 1. Listen to two students talking about
what they will do if they become the what they will do if they become the
president of the club. Fill each blank president of the club. Fill each blank with
with a wordmor a number. a wordmor a number.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to * Vocabulary
teach vocabulary (situation, realia, - president (n) chủ tịch
translation .....) - creative (adj) sáng tạo
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - raise (v) nâng lên
- Repeat in chorus and individually - fair (n) hội chợ
- encourage (v) cổ vũ ….
+ Take note - Do the tasks.
* Have Ss read the instructions of the first
- Have Ss guess the word / number to fill
each blank and write their guesses on the
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to
fill the blanks and check their guesses.
- Ss work in pairs to compare their answers
before T plays the recording the second * Key :
time for pairs to check their answers. 1.6A 2. recycling 3. book
- Ask for Ss' answers. Confirm the correct 4. 6E 5. bus 6. uniform
answers and write them on the board next
to their guesses.


ACTIVITY 2 : While-listening
Aim: To develop the skill of listening for specific information.
* Content: Listen again and tick T/ F .
* Products: Ss understand more about the content of the conversation. Tick T/ F correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
2. Listen again and tick (✓) T (True) or 2. Listen again and tick (✓) T (True) or F
F (False). (False).
- T_ Ss - Ss do the tasks

- Have Ss read the statements in 2 and tick - Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully
T or F at the end of each statement without and learn how to do it.
listening to the recording. If they have any - Give the answers
difficulty doing this, play the recording
Key: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs
Audio script:
before submitting answers. Write the
Mi: I'm Mi from class 6A. If I become the
correct answers on the board
president of the Club, I'll first talk to my
- Check and confirm the correct answers.
friends about putting a recycling bin in every
classroom. We can reuse the things we have
in these bins. Secondly, I'll organise some
book fairs. Students can exchange their used
books at these fairs.
* T may give some clues
Nam: I'm Nam from class 6E. If I become the
- Call on some Ss to speak freely.
president of the Club, I'll encourage students
- Correct pronunciations, grammar, vocab,
to go to school by bus. It'll be fun and help
the environment. Next, I'll organise some
uniform fairs. This is where students can
exchange used uniforms with other students.
ACTIVITY 3 : Writing
Aim: To help Ss generate ideas for their writing.
* Content: Interview a classmate . Ask him/ her two things if he/ she becomes the
president of the 3Rs club.
* Products: Ss can get more ideas for the writing.
* Organisation : ….
* In this writing part, Ss are asked to write about a classmate's ideas if he / she becomes the
president of the club.
- Ask Ss to read the Study skill - Writing! box. T may explain the use of connectors to
show sequence by referring to the listening part. Also tell them that when they write they
should give explanations and examples to support their ideas. Have them look at the
example in the Study skill - Writing! box.
 Study Skill-Writing
+ Giving explanations and/ or examples is an important writing skill.
+ You should give explanations and/ or examples to support your ideas.
Example: Firstly, I ……… Secondly, I’ll organise some book fairs. at these events
students can exchange their used books.

3. Interview a classmate. ask him/ her 3. Interview a classmate. ask him/ her what
what two things he/ she will do if he/ she two things he/ she will do if he/ she
becomes the president of 3Rs Club. becomes the president of 3Rs Club. Take
Take notes below. notes below.
 Study Skill-Writing - T_ Ss
………….. - Listen carefully to the instructions

- Have Ss work in pairs and interview each - Work individually
other to find out the two things they will * Ss learn how to do the tasks
do if they become the club president. - Ss’ answers
- Ask Ss to take notes of each other's ideas. Idea 1 : _____________________ .
- Ask Ss to expand their ideas by Idea 2 : _____________________
explaining the idea and/ or giving If I become the president of our club , I will
examples. put the recycling bin in every classroom. I
- If time allows, have some Ss present their will encourage students to use bus or
friend's ideas or write the ideas on the organise uniform fairs……


ACTIVITY 4: While- writing

Aim: To help Ss practise writing a paragraph about their classmates' ideas for the
3Rs club.
* Content: Write a paragraph about their classmates' ideas for the 3Rs club.
* Products: Ss can write a paragraph about their classmates' ideas for the 3Rs club
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Write a paragraph about your 4. Write a paragraph about your
classmate’s ideas in 3. Write about 50 classmate’s ideas in 3. Write about 50
words. words.
- Have Ss write individually based on the - T_ Ss
ideas they have had in 3. If time allows, - Listen carefully and learn how to write.
ask one student to write it on the board. - Ss write individually
Other Ss and T comment on the paragraph - Write themselves
on the board. Then T collects some
writings to correct at home. * Student’s answer.
- Alternatively, ask Ss to work In groups My classmate is …….. . If he/ she become the
and choose the two best Ideas to write president of the 3Rs Club, He/ she will do
about. Give each group a large piece of two things. Firstly, he/ she
paper to write on. ………………………….
* Post writing * If I become the president of our club , I
- If time allows, have some Ss present their will put the recycling bin in every
friend's ideas or write the ideas on the classroom. I will encourage students to use
board. bus or organise uniform fairs……
- Ask one or two groups to stick their * There are some ways to do it:
product on the board. - Using the recycled book.
- Other Ss and T give comments. Ss copy - Throwing rubbish into the right bin.

their group's writing into their notebooks - Using reusable bags for shopping.
and revise as homework. - Turning off the tap while brushing the teeth.
- T and other Ss listen and make - Turning off the fan before leaving the
comments. classroom…..


- Have Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills.
- Finish writing a diary entry. Copy in the note books.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 11: Looking back & Project

Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 11
- Apply what they have learnt ( vocabulary and grammar) in to practice through a
-Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in the unit. Ss can evaluate their
performance and provide further practice. Do some practice exercises.
+ Vocabulary: use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled
+ Grammar: - use the articles correctly
- use the first conditional to talk about possibilities
2. Skills: Speaking , reading and writing.

3. Attitude: The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more
to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ;
Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning
and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in the unit 11 . Do some practice exercises.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



- This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit
Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the
- That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed, and which areas need
further practice.
- Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the unit.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Do the revision - T_Ss
- Ask a few Ss to go to the board and tell the - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
class about their dream houses. - Open their book and write .
- Encourage Ss not to refer to the unit pages.
Ask them to keep a record of their answers
to each task so that they can use their
information to complete the self-assessment
table at the end of the unit.
- Have them open their books to page 46
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study….


ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary
Aim: To revise the words Ss have learnt in the unit.
* Content: Revison on the vocabulary. Complete the word webs.
* Products: Revision the vocabulary. Add more words to complete the wordwebs.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Add more words to the word webs 1. Add more words to the word webs

below. below.
- Have Ss do this activity individually then - T_Ss
compare their answers with a partner. - Ss do this activity individually
- Ask three Ss to go to the board, each + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
writing a word web on the board. carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Elicit other words from Ss to add to the - Answer the teacher’s questions and
webs. enquirements.
- Confirm the correct answers as a class. * Key:
Have the whole class read the words /
phrases correctly.

ACTIVITY 2: Grammar
Aim: To help Ss practise using the articles a / an and the.
* Content: Further practice using the articles a / an and the.
* Products: Ss can do the exercises correctly. The use of articles : a/ an/ the
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

2. Write a/ an or the 2. Write a/ an or the

- Have Ss do this exercise individually and - Ss work individually
then give the answers to the T. - Do the tasks
- Confirm the correct answers. Key:
- If necessary, ask Ss to tell about the use of 1. a 2. an 3. The 4. The 5. a; an
the articles before doing the exercise.
- T and other Ss listen and make comments.
- Check the answers as a class.

Aim: To provide practice on the first conditional.
* Content: Revision on Conditional sentences Type 1. Real condition .
* Products: Further practice using Conditional sentences Type 1. Complete the sentences.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Write the correct form of each verb in 3. Write the correct form of each verb in
brackets. brackets.
- Have Ss revise the form and use of the - T _ Ss
first conditional. - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Ask them to do this exercise individually - Do exercise individually and then compare

then compare their answers with a partner. their answers.
- Call on some Ss to write their answers on - Copy
the board. * Key :
- Confirm the correct answers. 1. build; will be 2. will save; reuse
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 3. grow; will be 4. don't have; will be
5. are; will be


Aim: To provide further practice on the first conditional.
* Content: Revision on Conditional sentences Type 1. Real condition .
* Products: Further practice using Conditional sentences Type 1. Combine each pair of
sentences to make a first conditional sentences.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
4. Combine each pair of sentences below 4. Combine each pair of sentences below to
to make a first conditional sentence. make a first conditional sentence.
- T _ Ss *Key :
- Have Ss do this exercise individually then 1. If we walk or cycle, we will be healthy.
compare their answers with a partner. 2. If we use the car all the time, we will make
- Invite some Ss to write their answers on the air dirty.
the board. 3. If you reuse paper, you will save trees.
- Give feedback and confirm the correct 4. If you make noise, your sister will not /
sentences. won't sleep.
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 5. If I see a used bottle on the road, I will put
it in the bin.
Aim: To helps Ss improve their abilities to work individually and in a team. It extends
their imagination in field related to the unit topic if possible.
* Content: Prepare the projects and Present them in front of the class.
* Products: Discuss the two questions . Creative ideas about reusing old things.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss - T _ Ss
the two questions in pairs. ** Ss should prepare the project as assign
- Elicit the answers from Ss. Now ask Ss to groups in the previous lessons beforehand.
work in pairs or groups to do the project. Ss - Listen to the teacher’s instructions careful
follow the instructions in the book.
- Remember to have a 'Show and tell'
session and vote for the best product(s).
- If time is limited, T can assign the project
in earlier lessons such as in GETTING
STARTED lesson.
- Make sure you guide them carefully and

check their progress after each lesson. In the
last lesson (LOOKING BACK), ask Ss to
present their products to the class.
- The class gives comments.
- Don't focus on or correct Ss language
mistakes. This is an opportunity for them to
experiment with the language
- Do the same as units
- T comments.
- Do the tasks . Prepare the at home
- Ss should finish the project in class, assign
groups in the previous lessons.


* Have Ss look at Now I can ….. table

- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment table. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and
provide further practice.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using will/ might
- prepare: Unit 12: GETTING STARTED

Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
* By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Identify the topic of the Unit
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Robots”
+ Vocabulary: Use the words for daily activities;
- Say statements with correct tones;
- Expressing agreement and disagreement about something;
+ Grammar: - Superlative adjectives: short adjectives (smallest, tallest, ect )
- Compare people and things using superlative adjectives;
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing
the housework. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competence: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn what robots
can do at home , in factories, in hospitals.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, projector ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new unit.
* Content: Review the previous lesson . Tmay organize a short vocabulary game, e.g.
Alphabet Race or Slap the Board, etc. to revise the words Ss have learnt in Unit 11.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about the - T_ Ss
previous lessons. - (Ss) listen and learn how to do it .
Review the previous unit before Ss open their
books. T may organize a short vocabulary
game, e.g. Alphabet Race or Slap the Board,
etc. to revise the words Ss have learnt in Unit
- Lead to the new unit. Write the unit title
Robots on the board. Ask Ss to guess what they
are going to learn about in this unit. After Ss
respond, ask them to open their books to page
58. Draw their attention to the This Unit
includes... box and introduce what they are
going to learn in Unit 12.
* T may introduce some warm-up activities to
creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to - Open their book and write .

inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
- Have Ss open their books and start the lesson.

Aims: - To set the context for the introductory text;
- To introduce the topic of the unit.
* Content: Listen and read conversation to get used to the vocabulary; new grammar points.
* Products: Reading. Ss learn some new words; become familiar with the new language
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

1. Listen and read. 1. Listen and read.

*) Pre- teach vocabulary: * Vocabulary
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach - International Robot Show
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) - Robot (n) người máy
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: - do the dishes (v) rửa bát đĩa
- providing explanations of the words; - iron (v) là (quần áo)
- showing picture illustrating the word. - put away(v) cất, dọn
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary - repair (v) sửa chữa
- Repeat in chorus and individually - broken machines (v) máy hỏng
+ Check vocabulary - human (n) con người …
+ Ask Ss to take note
* Set the context for the introductory text by + Take note
asking Ss questions such as Where are Nick,
Phong and Dr Adams?, What are they talking
- T can ask Ss to guess Dr Adams' job. T can
also ask Ss to share any recent experiences of
visiting a show: Have you ever been to a
show?, Where and when?, What did you see
- Encourage Ss to give T their answers, but do
not confirm whether their answers are right or
- T_ Ss
- Ask them to talk a bit about types of robots
- Answer the teacher’s questions.
they know.
- Find out the words related to the topic.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and
read along.
- Learn how to read and use them.
- Have Ss underline the words that are related to
the topic of the unit while they are listening and
- Copy

reading. - New Word: robot, human, feelings,
- Invite some pairs of Ss to read the dialogue useful; do the dishes; iron clothes; do the
aloud. washing; make meals; repair; broken
- Ask Ss what exactly Nick, Phong, and Dr machines…
Adams are talking about. Now confirm the
correct answer (They are talking about what the - Pair work
robots in the show can do). - Act out the conversation.
- Have Ss say the words in the text that they
think are related to the topic Robots.
- Quickly write the words on one part of the
board. - Comment on Ss'answers.
- Get some pairs to read the conversation in
front of the class.
- Check their pronunciation, if necessary.

Aim: To help Ss understand the text.
* Content: Read and tick T/ F.
* Products: Ss understand more the content of the text.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

2. Read the conversation again and tick (✓) 2. Read the conversation again and tick
T (True) or F (False). (✓) T (True) or F (False).
- Have Ss look at the statements in this - T_ Ss
activity.Tell them how to do it.
- Give them some strategies to do the exercise
(e.g. reading the statements, underlining the key - Follow the teacher’s instructions
words, reading the text paying attention to the
key words, deciding if each sentence is true or - Give the answers and check.
- Set a time limit for Ss to do the activity * Key:
independently. When the time is up, have Ss 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
share their answers in pairs.
- Invite some pairs to give their answers and
confirm the correct ones.
- For stronger classes, ask Ss to correct the false
- Check the answers as a class.
Aim: To help further Ss understand the text.
* Content: Read and complete the sentences.
* Products: Ss can complete the sentences, using adjectives in the box.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Complete the following sentences , using 3. Complete the following sentences ,

the adjectives in the box. using the adjectives in the box.
- Ask Ss to work independently to fill each - T_ Ss
blank with the adjective in the box from the - Ss work independently
conversation. T may instruct them how to do - Learn how to do it
the exercise: (1) read the sentence with the - Share the answers
blank and try to work out the meaning from the
- Copy them
whole sentence; (2) find the adjective in the box
that bests the blank meaningfully. Model with
the first sentence. * Key :
- Allow Ss to share answers before discussing 1. useful 2. fast 3. strong
as a class. 4. smart 5. heavy
- Write the correct answers on the board.
- T gives correct answer.
Aim: To develop Ss' knowledge of vocabulary about daily activities.
* Content: To introduce revise some vocabulary about daily activities. Do the matching.
* Products: Ss have some knowledge of vocabulary about daily activities.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

4. Match the following activities with the 4. Match the following activities with
pictures the pictures
- Have Ss quickly match each activity with the
picture individually.
- Then ask Ss to check their answers with their
- Ask some Ss to read out their answers or write
them on the board. Check the answers as a
- With weaker classes, ask for the translation of
the activities. With stronger classes, T may ask - Ss work independently
some additional questions, e.g. Can you iron - Ss do themselves.
clothes / make meals...? Who often makes meals * Key:
in your family? etc. 1. b 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. f 6. a
- Confirm the correct answers.
- Check the answers as a class.


Aim: To help Ss practise saying phrases of daily activities introduced in 4.
* Content: Play GAME. Miming to practice some phrases of daily activities.

* Products: Ss work in groups . Mime activities . others try to guess to revise some phrases
of daily activities.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. GAME . Miming 5. GAME . Miming

Work in groups. A student mimes one of Work in groups. A student mimes one
activities in 4 and the others try to guess. The of activities in 4 and the others try to
swap. guess. The swap.
- Demonstrate the game to the class first. Ask a - T – Ss
stronger student to help you.
- Ask Ss to play in groups. In a weaker class, T - Work in groups
may work together with Ss first: miming one or
two activities in 4 and eliciting the answers. - Do the tasks
When they know exactly what to do, ask them
to work in groups.
- Move around to observe and offer help.
- Invite Ss to share their findings to the class.


* Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt. Ask Ss to say some words they
remember from the lesson.
- If there is a visualizer in the classroom, show the dialogue and highlight the key words
related to the topic. It would be helpful if T also highlights in the dialogue the superlative
adjectives and tells Ss that they will learn these language points in the following lessons.
- Read again the conversation on page 58
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare; UNIT 12: A CLOSER LOOK 1

Date of preparing: ......................

Date of teaching : .........................
* By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Robots”
- Practse saying falling tone in statements.
+ Vocabulary: - Use the words for daily activities;
- Say statements with correct tones;
- Expressing agreement and disagreement about something;
+ Vocabulary: Use the words for daily activities

- Say statements with correct tones
- Expressing agreement and disagreement about something
+ Grammar: - Superlative adjectives: short adjectives (smallest, tallest, ect )
- Compare people and things using superlative adjectives
2. Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing
the housework. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to learn some new words related to Robots
can do or cannot do. To practse saying falling tone in statements.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, projector ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Aims: Vocabulary
- To revise/ teach the names of other daily activities
* Content: Listen and read conversation to get used to the vocabulary; new grammar
* Products: Reading . Ss learn some new words; become familiar with the new language
* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Playing game: + Playing game : - T – Ss . Ss-Ss
Guessing game Guessing game
- Revising phrases relating to localtions of Guessing game
houses, Eg. In the sea, in the city; in the - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
counryside… - Ss answer.
- Teacher (T) asks guides, gives instructions
how to play guessing game.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….


Aim: To teach/ revise the names of other daily activities.
* Content: Do the matching to revise the names of other daily activities.
* Products: Ss learn more some new words and the names of other daily activities.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

Aim: To help Ss practise describing people's abilities, using the modal can / can't and
the phrases they have learnt in 1.
* Content: Pair work . Tell the partner the activities in 1 they can or can’t do now.
* Products: Telling to practise describing people's abilities, using the modal can / can't.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Work in pairs . tell your partner the 2. Work in pairs . tell your partner the
activities in 1 you can or can’t do now. activities in 1 you can or can’t do now.
Exanple : - Work in pairs
I can pick fruit but I can’t understand your - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
- Help Ss recall the use of can to talk about - Ss work independently.
ability in the present and have some Ss give
examples. - Give the answers
- Ask a stronger student to tell what activities
in 1 he / she can or can't do. Ask Ss to do the
same in pairs.
- T may go around to help weaker Ss.

Aim: To give Ss further practice on asking and answering about abilities, using the
modal can and daily activities.
* Content: Read the information . Ask and answer the questions.
* Products: Ss further practice on asking and answering about abilities.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Work in pairs . Read the information 3. Work in pairs . Read the information
about what V10, a robot , can or can’t do. about what V10, a robot , can or can’t
Ask and answer questions. do. Ask and answer questions
- First, model this activity with a stronger
- Ss to work in pairs
- Remind Ss that they only use the information - Ss do themselves.
from the table to ask and answer about what - Add more words

the robot V10 can or can't do. - Copy them
- Then ask Ss to work in pairs.
-Call on some pairs to practise in front of the
- T and other Ss give comments.

ACTIVITY 4: Falling tone in statements.
Aim: To help Ss identify how to say statements with the correct tone.
* Content: Listen and repeat to know when we use falling tone at the end of a statement.
* Products: Ss can say statements using falling tone at the end of a statement.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Listen and repeat the following 4. Listen and repeat the following
sentneces . sentneces
- Model the statement "I often water plants - T-Ss
after school." first, and then askSs to identify
the tone. Briefly explain to them that we use
falling tone at the end of a statement. Ask Ss
to practise falling tone with the example in the
Remember! box.
* Remember!
Our voice often goes down at the end of the * Audio script:
statement. 1. I often water plants after school.
Example : We go to school every morning. 2. Shifa can do many things like humans.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and 3. My dad makes delicious meals at
repeat the statements. Play the recording as weekends.
many times as necessary. 4. WB2 is the strongest of all the robots.
- Ask some Ss to read out the statements and 5. H8 is a home robot.
invite comments from other Ss.

Aim: To help Ss practise saying statements with the correct tone in context.
* Content: Saying the statements . Listen and repeat.
* Products: Ss practise saying statements with the correct tone.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Practice saying the statements in the 5. Practice saying the statements in the
following paragraph. Then listen and repeat following paragraph. Then listen and
- Have Ss say the statements in the paragraph repeat
in pairs: one reads out the statements and the - Listen to the instructions carefully then

other comments. do the tasks._ T _ Ss
- Play the recording for Ss to listen and Audio script:
compare with their partner's pronunciation. My robot is Jimba. It's a home robot. It's
- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each very helpful. It can do the housework. It
statement of the paragraph. can also water plants and pick fruit. It
- Call on some Ss to read out the paragraph. can work as a guard. I love my robot very
- Comment on their pronunciation ofthe falling much.
tone atthe end ofeach statement. Ask Ss to summarise what they have
learnt in the lesson.


* Have Ss summarize what they have learnt in this period.
- remember some adjectives describing the city.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : UNIT 12: A CLOSER LOOK 2____

Date of preparing: .........................
Date of teaching : .........................
I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Superlative adjectives: short adjectives.
- Practice doing exercises using superlative form of adjectives.
+ Vocabulary: - Use the words for daily activities
- Expressing agreement and disagreement about something;
+ Grammar: - Superlative adjectives: short adjectives (smallest, tallest, ect )
- Compare people and things using superlative adjectives
2. Skills: Speaking and reading, writing

3. Attitude: The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing
the housework. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to learn how to use and form superlative
form of adjectives. To practise doing exericses with comparative or superlative
form of adjectives.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, projector ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……

III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Grammar: Superlative adjectives: short adjectives
Aim: To help Ss form and use the superlative form of adjectives: Short adjectives.
- Choose three or more Ss of very different heights and ask them to come to the front and
line up. T asks the class: Who is the tallest? Indicate tall and tallest with your hands and
arms. Ask Ss to say what tallest is in Vietnamese. T introduces the subject of the lesson:
superlative adjectives, and asks for the equivalent in Vietnamese (Cấp so sánh cao nhất
của tính từ).
- Have Ss look at the Remember! box about the use of superlative adjectives.
- To explain to them that superlative adjectives are used to compare more than two people
or things, expressing the highest degree. Explain that the superlative of short adjectives is
constructed in several different ways in English, and that some of those ways are presented
in the Grammar box below.

Positive Superlative Rule

one syllable fast fastest + est
large largest + st
hot hot + test
two syllables noisy noisiest y -> iest

* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - T- Ss
the previous lessons, - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
- T may introduce some warm-up activities to - Open their book and write .
creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce

what they are going to study….


Aim: To help Ss practise forming the correct form of superlative adjectives.
* Content: Introduce the superlative adjectives. Short adjectives. Write the superlative
form of adjectives.
* Products: Learn how to form and use the superlative adjectives. Short adjectives
* Organisation : Teacher guides.

 Remember!
We use superlative adjectives to compare three or more
People or things.
Examples: Tom is the tallest in his class
Example: This is the biggest of the three bags.

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Write the superlative form af adjectives 1. Write the superlative form af
in the table below. adjectives in the table below.
- Ask Ss to read the instruction. Tell Ss what - T- Ss
they should do. (With a weaker class, do the + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
first word as an example). carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Answer the teacher’s questions
- Ask Ss to do the exercise individually and * Key :
then compare their answers with a classmate. Adjectives Superlative form

fast fastest
- Check the answers as a class. tall tallest
noisy noisiest
- Confirm the correct answers. nice nicest
hot hottest
light lightest
quiet quietest
heavy heaviest
large largest

Aim: To help Ss practise forming the correct form of superlative adjectives in the
* Content: Complete the sentences, using superlative adjectives.
* Products: Ss can complete the sentences, using superlative adjectives correctly
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Compelte the following sentences with 2. Compelte the following sentences
superlative form of adjectives in brackets. 1 with superlative form of adjectives in
is an example brackets. 1 is an example.
- Ask Ss to read the instruction. Tell Ss what - T- Ss
they should do. The first sentence is done as an - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
example. - Follow the teacher’s instructions
- Ask Ss to do the exercise individually and
then compare their answers with a classmate. * Key:
- Check the answers as a class. 2. smartest 3. tallest 4. smallest 5.
- Confirm the correct answers. cheapest

- To help Ss practise forming the correct form of superlative adjectives
- To help Ss revise the form and use of comparative adjectives
- To help Ss distinguish between comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives.
* Content: Complete the sentences using comparative adjectives and superlative
* Products: Ss can do exercises using comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Complete the following sentences with 3. Complete the following sentences

comparative or superlative form of with comparative or superlative form
adjectives in brackets. of adjectives in brackets.
- Have Ss do this exercise individually. Call - Ss work individually
on two Ss to write their answers on the board. - Ss do themselves.
- Draw all Ss'attention to the board and Key :
checkthe answers together. Confirm the 1. tidier 2. hottest 3. faster
correct answers. 4. tallest 5. smarter


Aim: To give Ss further practice on using superlative adjectives
* Content: Further practice . Look at information and talk about them using superlative
* Products: Ss can talk about three robots using superlative adjectives
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Work in pairs. Look at the informationof 4. Work in pairs. Look at the
the three robots: M10, H9 and A3 to talk informationof the three robots: M10,
about each of them, using superlative H9 and A3 to talk about each of them,
adjectives. using superlative adjectives.

- Ask Ss to look at 4 and explain what they

have to do. First, model this activity with a - Work in pairs
stronger student.
- Remind Ss that they only use the information - Do the tasks and share the answers.
from the table to describe the three robots
using superlative adjectives. A. A3 is the tallest of the three robots.
- T may explain the meaning of the words age,
weight, height, price and ask Ss to elicit the B. M10 is the youngest of the three
adjectives they can use to describe each row. robots.
- Have Ss work in pairs to say sentences
comparing the three robots. Move around to
offer help if needed.

Aim: To give Ss further practice on using superlative adjectives.
* Content: Play GAME. Find some one who …. to practice on using superlative
* Products: Ss work in pairs and ask the partner to find someone who is …. the tallest/ the
oldest/ the shortest….
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. GAME. Find someone who….. work 5. GAME. Find someone who….. work
inpairs. Ask your partner to find in your inpairs. Ask your partner to find in
class someone who is : your class someone who is

- the tallest . – the shortest - T _ Ss
- the oldest. – the biggest …. - Listen to the instructions carefully then
- First, model the game Find someone who... do the tasks.
with a stronger student. - Do the tasks
- Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer Key :
questions to find out the student who is the
shortest / tallest / smartest, etc. in their class.
- Move around to offer help if needed.
- If there is enough time, ask Ss to compare
their findings with other pairs'.
- T and other Ss give comments.


* Summarize what they have learnt in the lesson.

Ask Ss to give some sentences with superlative form of short adjectives.
- Remember the use of possessive adj and possessive pronouns.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson.


Date of preparing: .........................

Date of teaching : .........................
I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Read for specific information about types of robots and their abilities or skills.
- Practice asking and answering robots’ abilities.
+ Vocabulary: - Use the words for daily activities
- Say statements with correct tones
- Expressing agreement and disagreement about something
+ Grammar: - Superlative adjectives: short adjectives (smallest, tallest, ect )
- Compare people and things using superlative adjectives
2. Skills: Speaking and reading, writing

3. Attitude: The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing
the housework. Imagining what robots will do in the future . Having serious
attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning.

4. Competence: : By the end of the lesson students will be able to expresses
agreement and disagreement. Also practice asking and answering robots’ abilities:
What robots can do or can’t do ?
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, projector ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…

Everyday English
Expressing agreement and disagreement.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Do the revision + Review old lesson
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - T _ Ss
them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
- T revises or asks Ss about last lessons. - Do the tasks.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….


Aims: To introduce two ways to express agreement and disagreement in English;
- To help Ss practise expressing agreement and disagreement.
* Content: Listen and read. To express agreement and disagreement in English.
* Products: Ss can express agreement and disagreement: I agree with you; I don’t agree
with you.
And Learn how to express the opinions about the statements.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen and read the dialogues. Pat 1. Listen and read the dialogues. Pat
attention to the highlighted sentences attention to the highlighted sentences

*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and individually
* Vocabulary
- Express agreement/ disagreement
- I agree with you/ I don’t agree with you.
- T _ Ss
- use (v) dùng, sử dụng
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
- electricity (n) điện
Act.1. Play the recording for Ss to listen and carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
read the two short dialogues between A and B - Answer the teacher’s questions and
at the same time. Ask Ss to pay attention to the enquirements.
highlighted sentences. Audio script:
- Elicit the structures to express agreement and A: I think robots can help us a lot in our
disagreement from Ss (/ agree/disagree daily life.
with ...). - Have Ss practise the dialogues In B: I agree with you.
pairs. A: Petersays robots can do everything like
- Call on some pairs to practise the dialogues humans.
in front ofthe class. B: I don't agree with him.
Act .2. Work in pairs. Express your
opinions about the following statement. * Work in pairs
- Have Ss read the instruction and given
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar - Do the tasks
dialogues, using the structures for expressing
agreement and disagreement.
- Move around to observe and provide help.
- Call on some pairs to practise in front ofthe
- Comment on their performance.

ACTIVITY 3: My robot's abilities
Aim : To help Ss practice using some grammar points and vocabulary related to the
* Content: Listen and fill the blanks with the word Ss hear
* Products: Ss listen carefully and can fill the blanks correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

3. Listen to the radio programme from 3. Listen to the radio programme from

4TEEN News. Then fill the blanks with the 4TEEN News. Then fill the blanks with
words you hear. the words you hear.
- First, play the recording and ask Ss to listen - T _ Ss
only. Then play the recording again and allow - Listen carefully and learn how to do.
Ss to fill the blanks as they listen. - Ss work in pairs .
- Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs, before - Give the answers
playing the recording a final time to allow the
pairs to check their answers. Key: 1. understand 2. smartest 3. put
- Ask Ss to read the radio programme again, 4. water 5. guard
paying attention to the use of the words of
daily activities. * Audio script:
- Ask other Ss to comment. Ask Ss if they can Speaker: Today we ask our friends: Tom
add more things to each room. from Australia, Linh from Viet Nam and
Nobita from Japan to tell us about their
robots. Tom, would you like to start?
Tom: Well, my robot can understand what I
say. It can also understand my feelings. It's
the smartest robot.
Speaker: Linh?
Linh: My robot is my best friend. It does a
lot for me: clean the floor, put my toys
away, and ...
Speaker: And Nobita?
Nobita: My robot is very useful. It helps me
a lot. It can water my plants and even work
as a guard.


Aims: - To help Ss practise asking and answering about robots' abilities;
- To help Ss gain information for their report on robots' abilities.
* Content: Interview. Ask and answer about robots' abilities;
* Products: Ss can answer the questions correctly.Note the answers in the table.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
4. Interview three friends about what 4. Interview three friends about what
abilities they want their robots to have. abilities they want their robots to have.
Note their answers in table below. Note their answers in table below.
- Have Ss move around and ask three - T _ Ss
classmates what abilities they want their
robots to have.
- Remind them to write the names of the
people they interview and note the answers in

the table in
- When they have finished the interviews, T
may have Ss practise reporting the results of
their interviews in pairs or in groups.

Aim: To help Ss practise reporting the results of their interviews.
* Content: Report the results.
* Products: Ss use the notes in 4 . Report it.To impprove speaking skills.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

5. Report your results to the class. 5. Report your results to the class.
- Choose some Ss to report the results of their - Listen to the instructions clearly
interviews in front of the whole class. After - Ss do the tasks
each student has finished his / her report, Hai Anh says that his robot can
- Invite some comments from other Ss. understand what he says. It can also
- Make comments and correct any common understand his feelings. It's the smartest
errors. robot.
Linh says that her robot is her best friend.
It does a lot for her: clean the floor, put my
toys away, and ...
Hung says that his robot is very useful. It
helps him a lot. It can water his plants and
even work as a guard….


* Have Ss say what they have learnt in the lesson

- Practice speaking the names of rooms and the names of the furniture in the house.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: UNIT 12: SKILLS 1


Date of preparing: .........................

Date of teaching : .........................

* By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Read for specific information about types of robots and their abilities or skills.
- Speakabout different types of robots and what they will be able to do in the
+ Vocabulary:
+ Grammar: - Compare people and things using superlative adjectives
2. Skills: Speaking and reading.

3. Attitude: The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing
the housework. Imagining what robots will do in the future . Having serious
attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning.
4. Competence: By the end of the lesson students will be able to read for specific
information (scanning) . To practice describing what robots can do.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, projector ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…



Pre – reading
To help Ss understand their knowledge of the topic
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revise or ask Ss about last lessons. + Do the revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - Students (Ss) listen and answer the
them and class. teacher’s or friend’s questions
- T revises or asks Ss about last lessons. - T_ Ss

- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Answer the questions.
what they are going to study…. - Open their book and write the tittle of
- T leads in the lesson. the lesson .
* Teach some new words in contexts if
- T follows the steps to teach new words.


ACTIVITY 1: While- reading
Aim: To help Ss understand and activate their knowledge of the topic.
* Content: Pair work to discuss the questions.
* Products: Ss can answer the questions properly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. While- reading
Aim: To help Ss develop reading for specific information (scanning).
* Content: Read the text and choose the best answer.
* Products: Ss read the text and choose the best answers correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Read the text and choose the best answer 2. Read the text and choose the best
to each of questions answer to each of questions
- Have Ss read the text in detail to answer the - T_ Ss
questions. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Ask them how to do this kind of exercise. carefully and learn how to do.
Explain the strategies if necessary (e.g.
reading the questions and the options (A, B,
C), underlining the keywords in the questions
and options, locating the key words in the text,
and then reading that part and answering the
- Tell them to underline parts of the passage
that help them with the answers. Set a strict
time limit to ensure Ss read the text quickly
for information. - Give the answers
- Tell them to compare their answers in pairs
before giving their answers to the T. * Key : 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C
- Ask them to give evidence when giving the
- Check as a class.

Aim: To help Ss further develop reading for specific information (scanning).
* Content: Read again the text and do the filling.
* Products: Read the text and fill the table correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Read the text again and fill the table 3. Read the text again and fill the table
below below
- Ask Ss to scan the text again and find the - T_ Ss
detailed information to complete the table. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Ask Ss to note where they have found the carefully and follow them.
information. After they finish, Ss can compare - Give the answer .
their answers before discussing them as a
* Key:
- Ask them to cite evidence when giving the
- Confirm the correct answers to the class.

 Post reading
- Ask Ss to talk about types of robots, based
on the text.


ACTIVITY 4: (Follow up activity) Speaking
Aim: To help Ss prepare ideas for the next activity.
* Content: Work in pairs. Discuss what robot can do at home; at school; in the factory…
* Products: Ss can talk what robot can do in different places
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Work in pairs. Discuss what you think 4. Work in pairs. Discuss what you
robots can do in the following places. think robots can do in the following
- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and places.
answering about what robots can do in the - T_ Ss
places given in the first column of the table. - Work in pairs
- Move around to observe and provide help. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Call on some pairs to practise In front of the carefully and follow them.
- Work in pairs
- Comment on their performance.
- Practice speaking in front of the class.

- T and other Ss listen and make comments. - Correct mistakes if have .
- T helps if necessary
Aim: To provide an opportunity for Ss to practise describing what robots can do.
* Content: Group work to talk about robots and what you think they can do.
* Products: Ss can talk about robots and practise describing what robots can do.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
5. Work in groups. Take turns to talk about 5. Work in groups. Take turns to talk
robots nad what you think they can do . about robots nad what you think they
Can you think of other types of robots can do . Can you think of other types of
- T may ask a strong student to model this robots
activity in front of the class. Then have Ss - Work in groups
work in groups while T circulates and - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
monitors. carefully and follow them.
- If there is enough time, call some Ss to talk
- Practice speaking in front of the class.
before the whole class.
- Invite some positive comments from other - Free talk


* Have Ss tell about what types of robots there are and what they can do.
- Practice telling about your future houses.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 12: Skills 2.

Date of preparing: .........................

Date of teaching : .........................
* By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Listen for specific information about different opinions of what robots will be
able to do in the future.
- Write a paragraph about a robot you would like to have.

+ Vocabulary:
+ Grammar: - Compare people and things using superlative adjectives
2. Skills: Listening and writing

3. Attitude: The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing
the housework. Imagining what robots will do in the future . Having serious
attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to listen about what robots can do. Writing a
paragraph about a robot you would like to have.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, projector ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides input
for the writing skills.
* Content: Review the previous lesson . To start this lesson, ask Ss about the content of
the previous lesson. T may ask Ss to tell about what types of robots there are and what they
can do.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + T- Ss
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions - Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s
about them and class. or friend’s questions
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
- Listen and know what they are going to
what they are going to study…. learn
- T leads in the lesson. - Open their book and write the tittle of the

ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening
- To help Ss understand the gist of the conversation;
- To help Ss develop the skill of listening for specific information.
* Content: Listen and tick the phrases.
* Products: To improve listening skills. Tick the phrases correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Listen to the conversation between 1. Listen to the conversation between
Khang and Dr. Adams and tick (✓) the Khang and Dr. Adams and tick (✓) the
phrases you hear. phrases you hear.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher quickly uses different techniques
to teach vocabulary (situation, realia,
translation .....) if have .
* First, ask Ss to underline the key words
in each of the five given phrases and guess
which phrases will appear in the
- Play the recording and askSs to tick the
phrases they hear from the
conversation.Then ask two or three Ss to - T_ Ss; Do the tasks.
write their answers on the board. - Give the keys.
- Play the recording again for Ss to check * Key :
the answers. If time Is limited, T may only - look after sick people ✓
play the recording once. - understand what we say ✓
- T may pause at the sentences that include - build the very high buildings ✓
the information Ss need for their answers.
- teach many subjects ✓
- Ask for Ss' answers. Confirm the correct
- move heavy things
answers and write them on the board next
to their guesses.


ACTIVITY 2 : While-listening
Aim: To help Ss develop the skill of listening for specific information.
* Content: Listen again the conversation and tick T/F .
* Products: Ss can understand more and get specific information, tick the correct answer .
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. Listen to the conversation between 2. Listen to the conversation between
Khang and Dr. Adams and tick (✓) the Khang and Dr. Adams and tick (✓) the
phrases you hear. phrases you hear.
- Have Ss look at the statements in this - T_ Ss
activity. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully
- Ask them how to do it. and learn how to do it.
- Give them some strategies to do the

exercise (e.g. reading the questions, - Fulfil the tasks
underlining the key words, listening to the - Give the answers
text paying attention to the key words, Key:
deciding if each sentence is true or false). 1. F (Robots can do quite a lot today)
- Play the recording twice for Ss to do 2. T 3. T 4. T
exercise 2. For stronger classes, ask Ss to 5. F (No, not everything. They can’t
take notes of the information to explain understand our feelings or play football)
why a sentence is false. Audio script:
- Have Ss share their answers in pairs. Khang: Dr Adams, please tell me something
Invite some pairs to give their answers and about robots.
confirm the correct ones. Dr Adams: Sure. Robots can do quite a lot
- Play the recording again if needed, today. Home robots can do housework.
stopping at the place where Ss find it Doctor robots can look after sick people. And
difficult to hear. - For a better class, ask Ss ...
to correct the false sentences. Khang: Can robots build houses?
- If there is time, invite one ortwo students Dr Adams: Yes. Worker robots can even
to briefly tell about robots focusing on build the very high buildings.
their abilities. Khang: Can they teach?
- Check and confirm the correct answers. Dr Adams: Yes. Teacher robots can teach
many subjects in a classroom or online.
*Post-listening Khang: Can they understand what we say?
* T may give some clues Dr Adams: Yes, they do. They can even
- Call on some Ss to speak freely. speak to us.
- Correct pronunciations, grammar, vocab, Khang: Robots can do everything like
intonation. humans?
Dr Adams: No, not everything. They can't
understand our feelings or play football.

ACTIVITY 3 : Writing
Aim: To help Ss generate ideas for their writing.
* Content: Imagine a robot they would like to have. Make note.
* Products: Ss get more ideas for the writing.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Writing a robot you would like to 3. Writing a robot you would like to have.
have. Make notes about it. Make notes about it.
- Ask Ss to describe a robot they want to - T_ Ss
design (its name, type of robot, where it - Listen carefully to the instructions
can work and what it can do). - Work individually
- Remind them that they do not have to * Ss learn how to do the tasks
write full sentences and they can use - Ss’ answers
abbreviations. I agree with the idea that in the future robots
- Ask Ss to share their notes with their will be very useful to us. Firstly, home robots

partners. will be able to do all of our housework.
- T may read out the notes from some Secondly, teaching robots will be able to help
stronger Ss to the whole class. children do their homework. Next, worker
- If time allows, have some Ss present theirrobots will be able to build houses in the air;
friend's ideas or write the ideas on the doctor robots will be able to help sick
board. people; space robots will be able to build
space stations on many other planets.
Finally, robots will be able to do dangerous
work for us. For these reasons, I think that
robots will be useful in our future.
Aim: To help Ss practise writing a paragraph about a robot they want.
* Content: Write a paragraph about the robot Ss would like to have. Use the information
in 3.
* Products: Ss can write a paragraph about the robot they would like to have.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Now write a paragraph of 50-60 4. Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words
words about the robot you would like to about the robot you would like to have.
have. Use the information in 3 to help Use the information in 3 to help you
you - T_ Ss
- Set up the writing activity: - Listen carefully and learn how to write
- T reminds Ss that the first thing is always - Write themselves
to consider what they are going to write.
Ss can use the ideas they have prepared in
- T asks Ss to brainstorm for the ideas and
the language needed to write.
- T may ask Ss to refer back to the reading
for useful language and ideas, and write
some useful expressions and language on
the board.
- Ask Ss to write the first draft
individually. * Student’s answer.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs making peer I agree with the idea that in the future
corrections. robots will be very useful to us. Firstly,
- Have them write their final version. home robots will be able to do all of our
- T may display all or some of Ss' writings housework. Secondly, teaching robots will
on the wall / notice board. be able to help children do their homework.
- T and other Ss give comments. Ss edit Next, worker robots will be able to build
and revise their writings. houses in the air; doctor robots will be able

- If time is limited, T may ask Ss to write to help sick people; space robots will be able
the final version at home. to build space stations on many other
* Post writing planets. Finally, robots will be able to do
- If time allows, have some Ss present their dangerous work for us. For these reasons, I
friend's ideas or write the ideas on the think that robots will be useful in our
board. future.
- Ask one or two groups to stick their * My future robot' s name is Lucas. It is a
product on the board. housework robot. It can help me to do
- Other Ss and T give comments. Ss copy every housework such as: washing,
their group's writing into their notebooks cleaning, house. In the
and revise as homework. future, it will be able to do more and more,
- T and other Ss listen and make it'll become a vehicle to get me to school or
comments. can help me to do my homework. It isn't
dangerous for people, it's very friendly. I
love my future robot so much .
* Robot is very useful . My robot is home
robot. Its name is Linda, My robot is my best
friend. It does a lot for me. It can clean the
house, it can cook meal , do the washing up
and iron my clothes……


* Have Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills.
- Finish writing a diary entry. Copy in the note books.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare : UNIT 12: Looking back & Project

Date of preparing: ..........................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 12
- Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in the unit. Ss can evaluate their
performance and provide further practice. Do some practice exercises.
+ Vocabulary: use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled
+ Grammar: - use the articles correctly
- use the first conditional to talk about possibilities
2. Skills: Speaking , reading and writing.

3. Attitude: The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing
the housework. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work,
cooperative learning and working.
4. Competence: Students will be able to consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in the unit 12 . Do some practice exercises.
1. Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector…
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Aims:This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to
the unit pages. Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them
answer the questions. That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed,
and which areas need further practice. Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the
* Content: Review the previous lesson. Ss to go to the board and tell the class about
robots they have written last lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Greeting . + Greeting . Retelling
+ Revision.Retelling
- Ask a few Ss to go to the board and tell the
class about robots they have written last
- Encourage Ss not to refer to the unit pages.
Ask them to keep a record of their answers
to each task so that they can use their
information to complete the self-assessment
table at the end of the unit. - T_ Ss
- Have them open their books to page 46 - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
(LOOKING BACK). - Open their book and write .
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study….


ACTIVITY 1 +2 : Vocabulary
Aim: To help Ss revise the vocabulary items they have learnt in the unit.
* Content: Revise what they have learnt during the unit to help them to do exercises,
* Products: Ss can adapt what they have learnt during the unit to do exercises correctly.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Write the correct words to complete 1. Write the correct words to complete
the phrases. the phrases.
- Have Ss do these activities individually - T_ Ss
then compare their answers with their + Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
partners. carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Ask for Ss'answers or ask one student to * Key:
write his / her answer on the board. Activity 1
- Confirm the correct answers as a class. 1. iron 2. move 3. pick

4. washing 5. do
2. Fill the balnks with the verbs from the 2. Fill the balnks with the verbs from the
box box
Activity 2
- Do the same as activity 3 1. work 2. make 3. repair
4. understand 5. water

ACTIVITY 3 + 4 :
Aim: To help Ss revise the form and use of superlative adjectives.
* Content: Revision on the form and use of superlative adjectives. Complete the
* Products: Ss can complete the paragraph and the sentences correctly using the
superlative adj.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Use the correct form of the adjectives 3. Use the correct form of the adjectives
in brackets to complete the paragraph. in brackets to complete the paragraph.
- For these exercises, have Ss do them - T_ Ss
individually first. Then they can check their - Do exercise individually and then
answers with a partner before discussing the compare their answers.
answers as a class. However, tell Ss to keep - Copy
a record of their original answers so they * Key :
can use that information in their Now I Activity 3
can... statements. 1. smartest 2. smallest 3. lightest

- Check and confirm the correct answers. 4. strongest 5. cheapest
4. Complete the following sentences with 4. Complete the following sentences with
superlative form of adjectives in superlative form of adjectives in
brackets. brackets.
- Do the same as Activity 3 - Do the same as Activity 3
Activity 4
1. highest 2. largest 3. longest
4. widest 5. hottest


Aim: To helps Ss improve their abilities to work individually and in a team. It

extends their imagination in field related to the unit topic if possible.
* Content: Prepare the projects and Present them in front of the class.
* Products: Discussing what the robot they are designing will be like.Write descriptions.
- To show their posters in front of the class and tell about it.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

* PROJECT: ** Ss should prepare the project as
This is to introduce Ss to another way of assign groups in the previous lessons
practising talking about the skills and beforehand.
abilities of the robots they will design.
- Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- Ask Ss to work in groups, discussing what carefully.
the robot they are designing will be like. Ss
may use their imagination to design a robot - Do the tasks . Prepare the at home
with the most useful skills and abilities. beforehand.
- Write the description of their robot in the
table given.
- Remind them that they do not have to
- Ss should finish the project in class,
write full sentences and they can use
abbreviations. Finally, draw their robot in assign groups in the previous lessons.
the space provided.
ACTIVITY 2 - Do the same as units
- Ask each group to show the picture and
the description of their robot and present
their design to the whole class. When all
groups have presented their designs, T may
display all
or some of the designs on the wall or notice
board and have the whole class vote on the
best robot.

- If T thinks there may be limited time in
this lesson for the project, T can assign the
project in earlier lessons such as in
GETTING STARTED lesson. Make sure
you guide them carefully and check their
progress after each lesson. In the last lesson
(LOOKING BACK), ask Ss to present their
robots to the class.


* Have Ss look at Now I can ….. table

- Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment table. Identify any difficulties and weak areas
and provide further practice.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using will/ might

Date of preparing: ..........................

Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- To revise the language and skills they have learnt in Unit 10-11-12.
+ Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about types of houses and appliances in
the house;
Things that can be recycled. reused, and recycled
+ Grammar : - Review : Future simple; Might for future possibility; Articles, first
conditional; Superlative adjectives/ short adjectives;
+ Writing :
- Writing a paragraph about a dream house
- Writing a paragraph about ideas for a green club.
- Writing a paragraph about a robot you would like to have.
+ Speaking: Expressing surprise; giving warnings; Expressing agreement and
2.Skills: Reading , speaking and Writing
3. Attitude: Having the serious attitude toward studying and the protection the
environment; … SS are hard- working ; cooperative; sociable; good

4. Competence: Students will be able to revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 10, 11, 12 . They have learnt so far in terms
of language and skills . Practising doing exercises.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…


Aims: Introduction
- By the end of this review, students will have revised the language they have learnt and the
skills they have practised in Units 10, 11, 12
- Ask Ss what they have learnt in terms of language and skills. Summarise their answers in
notes and write them In a top corner of the board. Briefly revise some important / difficult
items before starting with the review.
* Content: Review the previous lesson .Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about last
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revise the last lessons + Do the revision.
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - T_ Ss
them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce - Open their book and write .
what they are going to study….


 Pronunciation
Aim: To help Ss review the stress pattern in two-syllable words learnt in Unit 10.
* Content: Circle the word with the different stress patern. Listen , check, repeat ….
* Products: Ss listen and circle the words correctly. Repeat the sentences, paying attention
to the tone, the bold syllables.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Circle the word with the different stress 1. Circle the word with the different stress
pattern. Listen, check and repeat the pattern. Listen, check and repeat the
words. words.
Ask Ss to do this exercise individually, and - T_ Ss
then share their answers with a partner - Answer the teacher’s questions and
before listening to the recording to check the enquirements.
answers. Write the correct answers on the
board. Play the recording again for Ss to * Key :
repeat the words. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A
Audio script
- Check Ss' answers as a class. 1. A. picture B. village C. reuse
- Check and confirm the correct answers 2. A. robot B. exam C. rubbish
3. A. control B. water C. paper
4. A. mountain B. housework C. reduce
5. A. repair B. bottle C. doctor
b. Listen and repeat the sentences, paying
b. Listen and repeat the sentences, paying attention to the bold syllables and tone in
attention to the bold syllables and tone in each sentence.
each sentence. Audio script:
Aim: To help Ss review the rhythm in 1. My robot helped me repair the broken
sentences and the tones in statements cooker.
learnt in Units 11 and 12.
- Play the recording and askSs to repeat In 2. It is better to reuse these shopping bags.
chorus.Tell them to pay attention to the bold
syllables and tone of the sentences. Then call 3. My future house will have solar energy.
on some Ss to read out the three sentences in
front of the whole class. Invite comments
from other Ss.

ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary
Aim: To give Ss more practice on how to use some verbs they have learnt in Units 10 -
* Content: Complete the sentences . Give the correct form of verbs.
* Products: Ss practice giving the correct form of the verbs. recycle; receive; I’m surfing;
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

2. Complete each sentence with the 2. Complete each sentence with the correct
correct form of the verbs from the box. form of the verbs from the box.
- Ask Ss to do this exercise individually and - Ss work individually.

then share their answers with a partner. - Do the tasks
- T may ask a student to write his / her - Share the answers.
answers on the board. * Key:
- Check the answers with the whole class. 1. recycle 2. receives 3. surfing
- Check Ss' answers as a class. 4. reduce 5. reuse
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and

Aim: To help Ss distinguish between some pairs of words, and know how to use them
correctly in context.
* Content: Choose the correct answer between two words.
* Products: Distinguish between some pairs of words, and know how to use them
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Choose the correct words. 3. Choose the correct words.

- After Ss do this exercise individually, - Listen to the instructions clearly.
quickly check Ss' answers. T may have to - Do this exercise individually
explain to Ss how to use these pairs of words
in sentences if necessary. - Copy
- Check Ss' answers as a class. *Key:
1. feelings 2. guard 3. make 4. do
- Check and confirm the correct answers.

ACTIVITY 4: Grammar
This is a revision of grammar pointd taught in the three units:

Aim: To help Ss review the form and use of comparative and superlative adjectives.
* Content: Complete the sentences using comparative or superlative forms of adjectives.
* Products: Ss Revise the form and use of comparative and superlative adjectives; Ss can
complete the sentences correctl : taller; faster…
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Complete the sentences using the 4. Complete the sentences using the
comparative or superlative form of comparative or superlative form of
adjectives in brackets. adjectives in brackets.
- Elicit the form and use of comparative and - T_ Ss
superlative adjectives. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
- T may call a student to do the exercise on carefully.

the board while other Ss also do It. - Do the tasks .
- Check Ss' answers. Ask them for - Give the answers
explanations if necessary. Key : 1. closest 2. taller 3. oldest
- Check and confirm the correct answers. 4. faster 5. greatest

Aim: To help Ss review the use of the articles a / an and the.
* Content: Revision the articles. Complete the sentences .
* Products: Ss can do exercises correctly using a/an and the.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
5. Write a/ an or the 5. Write a/ an or the
- Elicit the use of a / an and the. Ask Ss to do - T_ Ss
this exercise individually and then share - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
their answers with a partner. carefully.
- T may ask a student to write his / her
answers on the board. - Do the tasks . Prepare the at home
- Check the answers with the whole class. beforehand.
- Check their answers as a class. For the
wrong one(s), explain why it is / they are - Give the answers
incorrect. *Key:
- Check Ss'answers. Ask them for 1. a 2. the 3. an 4. The
explanation if necessary. 5. The – the

Aim : To help Ss review the use of might, and the use of the simple present and simple
future in context.
* Content: Review some grammar points .Choose the correct options to complete the
sentences .
* Products: Ss can do the exercises correctly.If – Clause; might; will+ V; ….
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

6. Choose the correct option in brackets to 6. Choose the correct option in brackets to
complete each sentence. complete each sentence.
- Elicit the form and use of might. Ask Ss to - T_ Ss
tell you the differences between the use of - Do the tasks
will and might.
- T may call a student to do the exercise on Key : 1. protect 2. might 3. might
the board while other Ss also do this. 4. have 5. will
- Check Ss' answers. Ask them for
explanation if necessary.


* Summarise the main points.

- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important elements:
- Read again the conversation
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using adverbs of frequency.
Prepare: Review 4: SKILLS

Date of preparing: ..........................
Date of teaching : .........................
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- To revise the skills they have learnt in Unit 10-11-12. Reading : What will our
houses in the future be like? Listening to what people from Youth Eco- Parliament
advise us to do for our environment; Writing a paragraph about what you think we
should do to improve the environment….
+ Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about types of houses and appliances in
the house;
Things that can be recycled. reused, and recycled
+ Grammar : - Review : Future simple; Might for future possibility; Articles, first
conditional; Superlative adjectives/ short adjectives;
+ Writing :
- Writing a paragraph about a dream house
- Writing a paragraph about ideas for a green club.
- Writing a paragraph about a robot you would like to have.
+ Speaking: Expressing surprise; giving warnings; Expressing agreement and
2.Skills: Listening, reading , speaking and writing
3. Attitude Having the serious attitude toward studying and the protection the
environment; … SS are hard- working ; cooperative; sociable; good
4. Competence: Students will be able to revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 10, 11, 12 . They have learnt so far in terms
of language and skills . Practising doing exercises.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, picture, radio, ….

2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, wordbooks, ……
III. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…
Aims: Introduction
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills. Summarise their
answers and add some more information if necessary.
* Content: Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly
and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Output: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision + Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about - T_ Ss
them and class. - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce
what they are going to study…. - Open their book and write .


ACTIVITY 1 : Reading
Aim: To give Ss more practice on reading for specific information.
* Content: Practice reading. Read the text and choose the correct answers.
* Output: Ss improve reading skills. Read and choose the answer correctly..
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Read the text and choose the correct 1. Read the text and choose the correct
answer A, b, or C for each of the answer A, b, or C for each of the question.
question. - T_ Ss
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia, translation ....)
* Vocabulary
- eco-friendly (adj) thân thiện
- energy (n) năng lượng
- solar (adj) mặt trời
- wind (n) gió

- comfortable (adj) tiện nghi
- change (v) thay đổi …..
- Repeat in chorus and individually
+ Take note
- Ask Ss to do the task Individually and
check their answers with a partner before
giving their answers to T to confirm the
correct answers.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Confirm the correct answers
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

* Key
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A

ACTIVITY 2 : Speaking
Aim: To give Ss more practice on describing their future houses.
* Content: Group work. Take turn describe the future house using the cues given.
* Output: Practice reading . Ss can describe their future houses.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…
2. Work in groups. Take turns to describe 2. Work in groups. Take turns to describe
your future house… your future house…
- Have Ss work in groups, taking turns - T_ Ss
describing their future houses and try to - Work in groups
persuade their group members to live in it. - Ss work individually first then work in pairs
Then ask each group to choose a student ask and answer the questions
who has the best future house in the group to - Do the tasks
talk about his / her future house in front of - Share the answers.
the class. Ask some other Ss to give
comments and decide which student has the
best future house in the class.
- Observe and help when and where
necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and
- Check Ss' answers as a class.

ACTIVITY 3 : Listening
Aim: To give Ss more practice on listening for specific information.
* Content: Practice listening . Listen and tick .
* Output: Improve listening skills. Ss can listen for specific information and tick .
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
3. Listen and tick (✓) what people from 3. Listen and tick (✓) what people from
the Youth Eco- Parliament advise us to do the Youth Eco- Parliament advise us to do
for our environment. for our environment.
- T_ Ss - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Play the recording once for Ss to listen and - Work in pairs
tick the sentences. * Key: 1, 2, 4, 5
- Play the recording again for Ss to check Audio script:
their answers. Give the correct answers to In 2004, 120 young people from ten
Ss. With a weaker class. European countries met in Berlin at the first
- T may play the recording as many times as Youth Eco-Parllament. They gave ideas for
possible until Ss have chosen all their Improving the environment. Here are some
answers. of the things they advised us to do:
- Recycle more rubbish (for example, glass,
- Go round and offer help if needed. paper and plastic, etc.).
- Call on some groups to report their results - Pick up rubbish in parks or in the streets.
to the class. - Save energy - turn off lights and TVs when
you're not using them.
- Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.

ACTIVITY 4: Writing
Aim: To help Ss practise writing a paragraph about how to improve the environment.
* Content: Write a paragraph about how to improve the environment.
* Output: Ss can write a paragraph of 50- 60 words about what they think they should do to
improve the environment using information in 3 .
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Write a paragraph of 50- 60 words 4. Write a paragraph of 50- 60 words
about what you think we should do to about what you think we should do to
improve the environment. improve the environment.
- Set up the writing activity. T reminds Ss - T_ Ss
that the first and most important thing is - Listen to the teacher’s instructions
always to consider what they are going to carefully.
write about. In this case, Ss may use the
ideas given in 3 or their own ideas.
- T may brainstorm with Ss the language
necessary for writing and note some useful - Check the answers
language on the board. Ask Ss to write the
draft first.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs making peer

- Have them write their final version in class * Suggested writing
or at home. If they write in class, they can 1. I think we can do many things to
improve the environment around us. Firstly,
also do it in pairs or groups.
we can use reusable bags in stead of plastic
* Post - writing bags. Secondly, we should turn off lights and
- T may display all or some of the TVs when you’re not using them to save
paragraphs on the wall / notice board. energy. Finally, we should cycle to school
- Other Ss and T give comments. Ss edit and or walk to school to reduce polluted air.
revise their writing as homework.
- Compare their answers.

- Check and confirm the correct answers.


* Summarise the main points.
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important elements:
+ Words / phrases and combinations related to friends…

- Read again the conversation
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: REVISION

Date of preparing: ...........................
Date of teaching: ...........................

I. OBJECTIVE: - To check sts' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from unit

10 to unit 12

- Help ss improve their English

1. Knowledge: - Grammar: from unit 10 to unit 12

- Vocabulary: related to unit10,11,12

2. Skills: Practicing skills

3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills

- Ss are interested in doing exercises

4. Competences
- Self- study: work individually.

1.Teacher: Lesson plan .

2.Students: notebook .
III. TEACHING METHODS: Technical present….


Đề luyện cuối kỳ 2- Anh 6

(Thời gian làm bài – 45 phút)
I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. cold B. photo C. continent D. poster

2. A. city B. capital C. nice D. excite

3. A. programme B. sport C. most D. show

4. A. cheap B.machine C. watch D. children

II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

5. My robot sends and _______ emails for me.

A. post B. receives C. open D. close

6. I’m _______ the internet to look for information on Vietnamese music.

A. getting B. opening C. surfing D. turning

7. I think we should _______ these envelopes.

A. reduce B. throw C. close D. recycle

8. We might have a _________ TV to watch TV programmes from space.

A. wireless B. remote C. automatic D. local

9. We will have a hi-tech house, and it will ________ in the city.

A. are B. being C. be D. to be

10. I _______ attend our English contest next Saturday, but I’ll try my best.

A.mustn’t B. might not C. might D. can

11. _________ street is short and narrow.

A. Our B.We C. ours D. we are

12. Travelling by plane is ___________ than going by car.

A. slower B.faster C. the fastest D. fast than

13. The robot will ________ of the flowers in the garden.

A. take care B. take note C. be careful D. carry

14 . I turned off the fan to __________ electricity.

A. reuse B. save C.recycle D. reduce

15. Robots can _______ as guards when we’re away.

A. sleep B. go C. do D. work

16 . They __________ empty cans so that they can use the metal.

A. reduce B. recycle C.swap D. reuse

17. If we recycle waste paper, we ____________ less trees.

A. will cut B.should cut C.won't cut D. must cut

18. If we _________ more plants, we __________soil pollution.

A. will grow/ reduce B. grew/ will reduce

C. grow/ will reduce D. are growing/ will reduce

19. The house will have a super smart TV to ________ the e-mails.

A. send and post B.send and receive C. get and take D. receive and get

20. If we ___________ our forests, we will help our planet.

A. protected B.will protect C. protecting D. won’t protect

III.Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the
Sydney is the (21) of the state New South Wales in Australia. It is the
largest, oldest, and perhaps the (22) beautiful city in Australia. Sydney has a
population of 4.5 million. Its Harbour is one of the largest in the world, and famous
(23)______the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The streets in the city centre
are narrow with many art galleries, restaurants, pubs, but the streets in Paddington
are (24) and houses are big.
21. A. home B. site C. capital D. village
22. A. more B. most C. less D. fewer
23. A. with B. in C. for D. at
24. A. wide B. short C. long D. narrow
IV.Read the text again and circle the option (A, B, or C) to complete the

Today there is an international robot show in Ha Noi. People can see many
types of robots there. Home robots are useful for housework. They can do most of
the housework: cook meals, clean the house, do the washing, and iron clothes.
Teacher robots are the best choice for children. They can help them to study. They
can teach them English, literature, maths and other subjects. They can also help
children to improve their English pronunciation. People are also interested in other
types of robots at the show. Worker robots can build houses and move heavy
things; doctor robots can look after sick people and space robots can build space
stations on the Moon and on planets.

25. What show is on in Ha Noi now?

A. A fashion show B. A robot show C. A pet show D. A live


26. Which type of robots can help children in their study?

A. Home robots B. Worker robots C. Teacher robots D. Doctor


27. Doctor robots can _______.

A. help children to study B. build houses C. take care of sick people D. move
heavy things

28. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Worker robots can build houses and move heavy things.

B. Space robots can build space stations on the Moon.

C. Home robots can’t do much of the housework.

D. Teacher robots can help children to improve their English pronunciation.

V. Reorder the words to make sentences. (1.0 pt)

29. A computer / do / housework/ will/ my / me / help/ the.


30. Hoi An/ famous for/ old houses and buildings/is/ traditional crafts/ and .


31.the/ Yesterday/ Temple of Literature/ visited/ we.


32. by/ future dream house / will be/ the sea/ my


VI. Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, using the
beginning given for each. (1.0 pt)

33. Our city is more peaceful than any other city in the country.

Our city is the …………………………………………………………….....….

…. .

34. No one in Tom’s class is taller than him.

Tom is the ………………………………………………………………………….

35. Use public transport and we will help reduce air pollution.

If we ………………………………………………………………………...........…

*. Consolidation

- Summarize the lessonte

*. Homework

- Practice speaking about the topics.

- Prepare for the second test term


Preparing date: …………………………………......

Teaching date: …………………………………......





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