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RPMS SY 2021-2022


TEACHER:_____________________________ DATE SUBMITTED:__________________________

RATER:_______________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL:____________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment on RPMS by answering the following questions/prompts

provided. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheet if needed.
Please limit your response to 500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents

Context: Clara is often seen restless and unfocused in class. She also has troubles following instructions
and skips activities when left unsupervised.
Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed
with learning disability.

How will you modify the instruction for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities? Write your
reflections in this form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with
and have research on.


In my case I do not have pupils with disability. But there are some instances that my pupils
become unfocused to our lesson and discussion due to some external factors affecting their focus on the
lesson. If that so happened, I will do intervention that will bring back their focus on the lesson so that
learning will be maintained. Providing them interactive activities such as games and other manipulative
activities will help them boost their interest and focus on the lesson. They enjoy while they are learning.
As twenty first century teacher we need to embrace innovation and be flexible enough to go
through the trend of education system that we had. Being innovative, flexible and creative are key
factors that will help both teachers and learners to achieve the necessary information and competencies
that need to achieve.
Providing them various activities that will fit to their different learning needs and styles will help us
enriched and enhanced their skills and abilities. Using these approaches, we can make our task easier.
Creativeness is very important to us in achieving our goals in reaching the needs of our learners. We are
the facilitator of learning, that is why it is our duty and responsibility to give the appropriate strategies
and techniques that we can transform the unfocused pupils into focused one. By doing such thing I think,
our pupils will be eager to learn new lesson every day. Activities that involved pupils more often are
more effective than activities that were more on paper and pencil. The more involvement they have the
more chances of making them focus and eager to learn.
Another thing that will can do to help pour learners focused and put their attention on the lesson is
by finding out the reason of the disturbance that they had. There are many factors affecting maintaining
focus on the lesson. As a teacher we need to find out the root cause of these problem. This will help us
do proper intervention on the problem that we had.
Helping and guiding our pupils on the things that they need to do and activities that they need to
accomplish and do will help them better understand and appreciate learning. In this case comes Parent-
Children approach in which we are the parent and the pupils are our children. we need to properly guide
them and do proper intervention and remediation if ever they missed or unavailable to understand well
the lessons that we are discussing.
There are many things to consider and use to better enhance and enrich the learnings of our pupils.
Innovativeness and Creativity are important factors that each of us must have. Effective assessment is
also important.

RPMS SY 2021-2022


TEACHER:_____________________________ DATE SUBMITTED:__________________________
RATER:_______________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL:____________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment on RPMS by answering the following questions/prompts

provided. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheet if needed.
Please limit your response to 500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents

Design a Lesson Plan for the gifted and talented learners based on your idea on how they may be
addressed in your class. Your strategies for the gifted and talented learners must be highlighted and
annotated in this form. Attach your lesson plan here.


RPMS SY 2021-2022


TEACHER:_____________________________ DATE SUBMITTED:__________________________
RATER:_______________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL:____________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment on RPMS by answering the following questions/prompts

provided. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheet if needed.
Please limit your response to 500 words.

Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies
To address the needs of learner from indigenous groups

Below is an assessment activity for class of 30 learners, five of which belong to an indigenous peoples (IP)
group. Evaluate the appropriateness of the activity to your learners. Write your response in this form.

Directions: For your assessment, research on the following roles in your community by asking your parents
or anyone with knowledge on these roles. Choose Set A and Set B. Explain why.


1. Mayor 1. Datu/chieftain
2. Councillors 2. Community elders
3. Medical officers 3. healers

There are many things to consider in giving assessment to our pupils. Our assessment reflects the
teaching we had in our class. It measures the understanding and the knowledge gained by the pupils in our
discussion. Using the result of assessment we will be able to find out how much learning did our pupils
gained from us. The result will also be used as a basis on what are the remediation if any and intervention
that we are going to do to enhance and enrich the learnings that our learners’ get from us.
Our assessment must be aligned in the competencies that we are following in order for our pupils to learn
holistically. This must be relevant to the lesson and develop the macro skills and higher order thinking skills
of our learners. Contextualization is also important so that we can inculcate the culture, behavior and
tradition of the place where we belong. We need to be sensitive in the wordings that we will use. It must not
be gender-biased to avoid unnecessary problem if ever.
We need to also respect everyone’s belief and tradition because everyone is unique and different from
one another. Formulating assessment needs to be appropriately planned and done by means of it we will be
able to understand what are the needs of our pupils. We will find out their strengths and weakness.
Assessment must be effective and efficient so that we get the right result and do proper intervention.

RPMS SY 2021-2022


TEACHER:_____________________________ DATE SUBMITTED:__________________________
RATER:_______________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL:____________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment on RPMS by answering the following questions/prompts

provided. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheet if needed.
Please limit your response to 500 words.

Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies
To address the needs of learner from indigenous groups

Design lesson plan for your class that integrates aspects of indigenous people (IP) culture using national
mandates or indigenous peoples education (IPEd) as reference:
 Republic Act No. 8371 or the indigenous People’s Rights Act of 1997
 DepEd Order No. 62, S. 2011 or the Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education Policy
 DepEd Order NO. 32, S. 2015 or the Adopting the Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education Curriculum

The integration of IP culture in the lesson plan must be highlighted and annotated in this reflection form.
Attach your lesson plan here.


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