Power System Protection EE 523 (Over Current Protection L3)

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Electrical Power System Protection

Lecture # 03
Overcurrent Protection
for Phase and Earth-faults

Dr. Abdul Ghani Abro

Electrical Engineering Department
NED UET Karachi
Example: Calculate the plug setting and time multiplier setting for an IDMTL relay on the following network so
that it will trip in 2.4 s

Choose plug setting of 5 A (100%). Therefore, current into relay as a multiple of plug setting during fault:

o We require the relay to operate after 2.4 s as soon as this much current starts
flowing in the circuit.
o Referring to characteristic curves, read time multiplier setting where 10 times
plug setting current and 2.4 s cross, which is 0.8.
o Accordingly, relay settings = current plug tap 5 A (100%) and time multiplier
o Alternatively, if the current plug setting is chosen as 125% (6.25 A), the fault
current through the relay will be 50/6.25 = 8 A.
o The graph shows that eight times plug setting to operate in 2.4 s, the time
multiplier should be about 0.7.

 However, if the desired setting falls between the curves, it is not easy to estimate the intermediate setting accurately
as the scales of the graph are log/log.

 Go to the multiple of plug setting current and read the seconds value corresponding to the 1.0 time multiplier curve.
Then divide the desired time setting by this figure. This will give the exact time multiplier setting:

o Seconds value at 10 times = 3 (at 8 times it is about 3.4)

o Desired setting = 2.4

o Therefore time multiplier = 2.4/3 = 0.8 or 2.4/3.4 = 0.7 in the second case.

TDS is Time Dial Setting or it is also called TMS Time Multiplier Setting

The extreme end relays are bi-directional relays in radial distribution network.
The relays within the network are directional except extreme ends.


TDS for relay 2 and 5 are given and are equal to 0.1.
We need to calculate TDS for the remaining relays. Since the network is fed from both ends, we shall switch off one end for
relay coordination.
We first switch off supply at Right end and start relay coordination for R5, R3 and R1 since, R5 is the extreme load end in this
case. This is case 1.


Afterwards, switch-off supply at left end and start relay coordination calculation.
R2, R4 and R6 is the sequence in case 2.

In case 1, R5, R3 and R1 relay coordination is required.

Lets coordinate R5 with R3.

500MVA is the R5 breaker capacity.

200 in PSM of R5 is the 50% of 400 stated in the problem statement.
PSM (Plug Setting Multiplier) is also called multiple of the pickup current (MP)
0.1 in Top of R5 is TDS which is also given in the statement. Top is Time of Operation.
0.25 is the Relay Coordination Time Interval (CTI) for calculating Top of R3.

For calculating TDS of R3. We are using the same current value which was used for R5 just for calculating TDS of R3.
Top is R3 will updated according to its own breaker capacity in next step.

We have already calculated TDS for R3, now we need to calculate Top of R3 at its required capacity of breaker.
R3 breaker capacity is 800 MVA.
450 is the 75% of CT primary current.
R1 is coordinated with R3 hence, its Top is Top of R1 plus CTI.

For calculating TDS of R1. We are using the same current value which was used for R3 just for calculating TDS of R1.
 Time of Operation of R1 for breaking capacity of breaker 1 which is 1000MVA

 Therefore fault current is 𝐼𝑓 = = 4379𝐴

 PSM = 4379/800 = 5.474

0.14 0.14
 𝑇𝑜𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑅1 = × 𝑇𝐷𝑆 𝑇𝑜𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑅1 = × 0.2
𝑃𝑆𝑀0.02 −1 5.4740.02 −1

 Therefore, the time of operation of R1 is 0.81S

 Similar calculations can be done for the second case.

Relay Phase Fault Setting Example – IDMT Relays/Fuses

The problem is to calculate appropriate relay settings for relays 1-5 inclusive.

Because the example is concerned with grading, considerations such as bus-zone

protection, and CT knee-point voltage requirements, etc., are not dealt with.

All curves are plotted to an 11kV base.

The contactors in series with fuses ൗ𝐹𝑆2 have a maximum breaking capacity of
3kA, and relay F2 has been set to ensure that the fuse operates prior to the contactor
for currents in excess of this value.

CT’s for relays F1 & F2 and 5 are existing CT’s with 5A secondaries, while the
remaining CT’s are new with 1A secondaries.

Relay 5 is the property of the supply utility, and is required to be set using an SI
characteristic in order to ensure grading with upstream relays.
 Impedance Calculations
All impedances must first be referred to a common base, taken as 500MVA, as follows
 Fault Levels
The fault levels are calculated as follows:

 CT ratio selection

 This requires consideration not only of the maximum load current, but also of the maximum secondary current
under fault conditions.

 CT secondaries are generally rated to carry a short-term current equal to 100 x rated secondary current.

 Therefore, a check is required that none of the new CT secondaries has a current of more than 100A when
maximum fault current is flowing in the primary.

 Using the calculated fault currents, this condition is satisfied, so modifications to the CT ratios are not required.

Relay overcurrent settings – Relay ½

 These relays perform overcurrent protection of the cable feeders, Busbar C and
backup-protection to relays , and their associated fuses FS1& FS2.

 The settings for Relays and will be identical, so calculations will only be performed
for a Relay.

 Relay must be able to reset at a current of 400A – the rating of the feeder.

 The relay should have a minimum pick up current of 1.05 times the rated current.
So the relay current setting must not be less than 420A.

 However, it is also recommended that the current setting should be three times the
largest fuse rating, leads to a current setting of 480A

 i.e. 3 x 160A, the rating of the largest fuse on the outgoing circuits from Busbar C
The grading margin now has to be considered between fuse and relay.
 For simplicity, a fixed grading margin of 0.3s between relays is used in the calculations as aforementioned.

 Between fuse and relay, 𝑡 ′ = 0.4𝑡 + 0.15 Sec, where t is pre arcing time of fuse. Assuming fuse pre-arcing time of 0.01s, the
grading margin is 0.154s.
Consider first the IDMT overcurrent protection.
 Select the EI characteristic, as fuses exist downstream, to ensure grading.

 The relay must discriminate with the longest operating time between relays F1 and F2, and fuse FS2 (being the largest fuse)
at the maximum fault level seen by relays 1 and 2.
 The maximum fault current seen by relay for a fault at Busbar C occurs when only one of cables is in service because total
fault current will flow through that cable only otherwise fault current will divide.
 With EI characteristics used for relays 1 and 2:

▪ the operating time for relay F1 is 0.02s because the fault current is greater than 20 times relay setting.
▪ at which point the EI characteristic becomes definite time as shown in figure
▪ and 0.05s for relay F2 (TMS=0.25).

➢ Hence select relay 1 operating time = 0.3+0.05=0.35s, to ensure grading with relay at a fault current of 9.33kA.

Updating Relay 1 current setting:

 With a primary setting of 480A, a fault current of 9.33kA represents 9330/480 = 19.44 times setting.
 Then from the relay curves (Not Shown here), relay 1 operating time at TMS=1.0 is 0.21s.
 To select TMS for relay 1, go to the multiple of plug setting current and read the seconds value corresponding to the 1.0 time
multiplier curve. Then divide the desired time setting by this figure. This will give the exact time multiplier setting:
 TMS = Desired Time/Actual Time => TMS = 0.35/0.21 = 1.66. However, maximum TMS for relay 1 is 1.2.
 Therefore, now have two options either to change time or current set. We need to change current setting of relay 1 for
achieving the desired operating time of relay 1.

 From the EI curve equation Ir = Fault Current / Set Current = 15.16.

 Therefore, Set- Current is 616 A but consider the nearest available number 620 A.

For convenience, use a TMS = 1, slightly

greater than the required value.
Relay overcurrent settings – Relay 3

 This relay provides overcurrent protection for reactor R1, and backup overcurrent protection for cables C2 and C3. The
overcurrent protection also provides busbar protection for Busbar B.

 Again, the EI characteristic is used to ensure grading with relays 1 and 2. The maximum load current is 1000A. Relay 3
current setting is therefore: 1.05*1000 = 1050 A

 Another method to set relay is Therefore, Set-Current for Relay 3 is 1060 A.

 Relay 3 has to grade with relays 1/2 under two conditions:

▪ Condition 1: for a fault just beyond relays 1 and 2 where the fault current is the busbar fault current of 12.2 kA

▪ Condition 2: for a fault at Bus C where the fault current seen by either relay 1 or 2 is half the total Bus C.

▪ Conclusion: Since Condition 1 yields higher fault current therefore, Relay 3 grades with Relay ½ under this condition.

 Examining condition 1: With a current setting of 620A, a TMS of 1.0 and a fault current of 12.2kA, relay 1 operates in 0.21s.
Using a grading interval of 0.3s, relay 3 must therefore operate in: 0.3+0.21=0.51s at a fault current of 12.2kA

 12.2kA represents 12200/1060 = 11.51 times setting for relay 3 and thus the time multiplier setting of relay 3 should be 0.84
to give an operating time of 0.51s at 11.51 times setting. In practice, a value of 0.85 is used as the nearest available setting on
the relay.

 Relay also has an instantaneous element.

 This is set such that it will not operate for the maximum through-fault current seen by the relay, a setting of 130% of this
value being satisfactory.

 The setting is therefore: 1.3 × 12.2 kA = 15.86 kA.

 This is equal to a current setting of 14.96 times the setting of relay 3.

Relay 4

 Relay 4 must grade with relay 3 and relay 5.

 The supply authority requires that relay 5 use an SI characteristic to ensure grading with relays further upstream, so the SI
characteristic will be used for relay 4 also.

 Relay 4 must grade with relay 3 at Bus A maximum fault level of 22.7kA.

 However with the use of an instantaneous high set element for relay 3, the actual grading point becomes the point at which
the high set setting of relay 3 operates, i.e. 15.86kA.

 At this current, the operation time of relay is

 Thus, relay required operating time is 0.305+0.3 = 0.605 s at a fault level of 15.86kA.

 Using set a value of 1.05×3000 = 3150 A.

 Thus relay must operate in 0.605s at 15860/3150 = 5.03 times setting. Using standard inverse curve will give TMS value of

 Thus select a near available value of TMS of 0.15 and giving a relay operating time of 0.62s for a standard inverse type
Relay 5

 Looking at the grading curves of all the relays, shown in Figure aforementioned. The curves show, improper grading
between Relays 3 and 4.

 Software are available to make corrections but trial and error can also be used.

 Satisfactory grading can be found for relay 4 setting values of: Current-Set = 3150 A and TMS = 0.275

 At 22.7kA, the operation time of relay 4 is 0.93s. The revised grading curves are shown in next slide.

 Relay 5 must grade with relay 4 at a fault current of 22.7kA, 0.93 + 0.3 = 1.23s

 Relay 5 is set at current value of 3000×1.1 = 3300 so that relay 4 picks up earlier than relay 5.

 At a TMS of 1.0, relay 5 operation time is

 Therefore, the required TMS is 1.23/3.56 = 0.345, use 0.35 nearest available value.
Table Showing The Final Results
Final Grading Curves
It’s a multi-bus ring-main network.
During such network it’s a difficult
task to determine primary and backup
relays. Luckily, we have algorithms to
determine backup relays for any
particular primary relay. One of many
such algorithms, is called LINKNET
Structure Algorithm
IEEE 14 Bus System
Linknet Structure Algorithm

 This algorithm is based on graph theory and used Second Part/Algorithm First Part/Algorithm
for large network. This algorithm yields pair of
primary and backup relays.

 This contains two algorithms. The first algorithm

calculates few parameters and the second
algorithm gives primary and backup relay pairs.

 The shown flowcharts describe various steps of

the first and second algorithms/parts.

 In the first algorithm, the first step of the

flowchart takes branches and nodes. The
remaining steps calculate few variables.

 Similarly flow chart of the second algorithm

takes input from the first part and calculate
primary & backup pair of relays.
 The figure shows the single line diagram of a portion of a power
system network. Using the Linknet structure algorithm, determine
backup relays for the primary relay R2 and R6.
 4 Buses, 4 Branches and 8 Relays
 Case 1 of finding backup relay for primary relay 2.
 Case 2 of finding backup relay for primary relay 6.
 Branch-Node Table determined during the first algorithm which is
input for the second algorithm

Bus number are assigned

by user.

Branch Node Table

 Next (N) is latest number obtained during the last

iteration. If not found already then, initialize to 0.
After preparing the branch-node table, the second step is to
determine primary and backup relay pairs.
2nd Case

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