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दोस्त | A Friend | Synopsis

Forest, people living in the forest, trees and plants of

the forest and some small and big faunas living on those trees
and plants. Every living being wants to live, wants to
complete its life cycle. But the time is not favouring, the
air is polluted environmentally as well as morally, it does
not allow anyone to live, and if it allows one to live, then
there are terms and conditions to be fulfilled which is in the
interest of one’s selfish interests. This is the essence of
this small film – Dost (A Friend).
Four friends of some primary municipality school situated
outside the forest, and these kids who live somewhere inside
the forest, walks up and down to school since there is no
transportation available, they use to cross long paths, rivers
and streams. And they are not like city or village children
who have lots of items of entertainment – be it mobile, TV or
radio. The only entertainment for those innocent kids are
those jungle games like climbing trees and catching each
other, making gulli danda (wooden stick & ball) by cutting
branches of trees, catching small fishes and crabs from some
canal and sitting for hours staring at them, creating ruckus
among themselves, and what else. They are very fond of the
creatures of the jungle, they not only teases and play with
them but they also have great love and respect for them.
And on the other hand, in the same forest, there also
live those criminals who find their livelihood in jungle
animals. Smuggling of wild animals is their main business,
they do not care whether the animals are kept alive or their
lives are taken away because in the business of poaching, even
a dead animal is a pile of money.
Well, this children's story starts with a regular start
of one fine day while playing, they find a cute chameleon.
This chameleon belongs to a species which is a rare one.
Children like it as it does not run away from them in fear and
within no time it becomes their friend. Without realizing any
consequences they bring their new friend to their home.
On the other hand, the poacher's gang gets a chance to
earn two to four lakh rupees by catching that rare chameleon
alive. When the bad man snake charmer living in that forest
village finds the chameleon with those children, he tries to
snatch it from them but the children do not let him take it,
then the snake charmer forcibly ties them to a tree and runs
away with the chameleon.
After this, the good and ugly layers of the story are
revealed in such a way that it is exposed that the protectors
of the forest can also be devourers, yes, the forest officer
also wishes to earn bounty by selling the chameleon and in
this way the poor chameleon keeps passing from one hand to
another. Will the chameleon be sold? Or will it survive? If
you want to know what happens to that chameleon friend of the
children, then you have to watch this film titled – Dost (A

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