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Bacon’s Prose Style

Born on 22 January 1561 – died on 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman,
scientist, jurist, orator, and author.

Francis Bacon is generally recognized as the first great writer of English philosophy. His
writings are considered to be the storehouse of wisdom. His primary aim is the discovery of
truth. In apt words he conveys deep ideas.

Bacon's works

Francis Bacon's philosophy is displayed in the vast and varied writings he left, which might be
divided into three great branches:

 Scientific works –Using Scientific method he converts universal knowledge into scientific
improvement of mankind.
 Religious and literary works – in which he presents his moral philosophy and theological
 Juridical works – in which his reforms in English Law are proposed.

Prose style of Francis Bacon

the hallmarks of his writings are: (a) use of short and sharp statements (b) use of logical
sequence (c) contraction and expansion of ideas (d) images from day to day life (e) use of Latin
and Greek expressions.

Use of Short and sharp statements

One of the hallmarks of Bacon’s essays is the presentation of ideas using short and sharp
sentences. One can find numerous examples in his essays. In “Of Studies” he uses sentences like
“Reading market a full man…”, “Histories make men wise…” Crafty men contemn studies…”

Use of logical sequence

Bacon gives his ideas in the logical order. For example “Of Love”, Starts with the comparison
of love in real life and in stage. Secondly he describes the negative effects of love and finally
categorizes the good and bad kind of love. He follows the same order in all his essays.

Images from day to day life

Bacon draws analogy from day to day life in the form of images. He uses horticultural and
culinary images to name a few. For example, “Some books are to be tasted…”, “for natural
abilities are natural plants…” (Of Studies).

Use of Latin and Greek expressions

“Abound studio in mores…” in “Of Studies”.

“Optimum elige…” in “Of Parents and Children“.
“ Satis magnum…” in “ Of Love”.
“Vetulam Suam…” in “Of Marriage and Single Life”.

Use of Complete and Rich Sentences

Bacon is a master of complete and rich sentences in his essays. No doubt , the use of Bacon’s
strength lies in his briefness . We ignored the unnecessary images ; but he knew, how to
manage his thought in a better way and give to it an imaginative glow and charm .

Bacon’s style was helpfull for all occasions. His prose style was highly fitted for Truth, Love
and also such ordinary subjects as ‘Marriage and single life.

To conclude

To conclude we may say that Bacon’s style is compact yet polished and indeed some of its
conciseness is due to the skillful adaptation of Latin idiom and phrase. But its wealth of
metaphor is characteristically Elizabethan and reflects the exuberance of the Renaissance. No
man in English literature is so fertile in pregnant and pithy comparisons. Bacon set up a new
method of prose writing, which was at once easy, simple, graceful, rhetorical, musical and

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