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Spanish Latam Style Guide (WIP)​

About this style guide​

This style guide is intended for all the translators, proofreaders, QA testers and all other relevant
colleagues working on user interface text in TikTok. ​
The primary goal of this guide is to provide guidance on our product voice and tone, writing
principles, patterns, terminology, grammar and mechanics, and naming; to learn how to
address all of the necessary linguistic and stylistic nuances of Spanish during TikTok
localization. ​
You are welcome to share your feedback, questions and concerns regarding this style guide with ​
Macarena Gándara Mouteira .​
Spanish variants​
📌 TLDR: TikTok currently only supports one Spanish variant. In order to cater to the
majority of Spanish speakers, we should aim to a "universal" or "neutral" Spanish
variant, cutting out local variations and colloquialisms, and finding terms or phrases
that would be understood or best suited to a multinational target audience. ​
There are around 400 million native Spanish-speakers globally. Spanish is spoken in Spain, most
Latin American countries and Equatorial Guinea.​
This wide spread accounts for important variations and differences: while the language is
fundamentally the same, some of the regional varieties of the Spanish language are quite
divergent from one another, especially in phonetics, phonology and vocabulary, and less so in
However, it should be noted that, although there are many differences, all Spanish speakers in
the world can understand each other without any problem.​
Latin American (LATAM) Spanish​
Out of the 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean today, Spanish is the official
language of 18. Because the territory is so large, there is no "uniformed" Spanish. Every
country’s dialect is unique and varies greatly. ​
LATAM Spanish isn't actually an official language, but in reality it is a mix of Mexican,
Argentinian, Colombian, etc. The words will be chosen carefully so that the resulting text is
neutral and acceptable for Latin American speakers.​
Mexican Spanish​
Mexico has a Spanish variant of its own. Because of its large demographic and reach, Mexican
Spanish is the selected variant in some cases.​
European Spanish ​
European Spanish (also known as Castilian) is truly unique because it is the most isolated
dialect from the rest of the variants.​
Neutral Spanish​
In order to cater to the majority of Spanish speakers, translators developed what is referred to as
"Neutral Spanish". This "Neutral Spanish" avoids country colloquialisms but still sounds familiar
with the general audience.​
From the U.S. to Europe to Latin America, this "universal" variant can be understood on a global
level. It can be considered an attempt to standardize the language across borders. Determining
a common vocabulary is designed to ensure maximum understanding amongst speakers and
readers, cutting out local variations and colloquialisms.​
The term "universal" or "neutral" Spanish refers to the process of finding terms or phrases that
would be understood or best suited to a multinational target audience. This is a significant
technique for reducing localization costs by eliminating the need to produce additional versions
of software for each Spanish-speaking country.​
📌 Please, note that TikTok and LIVE prefer the use of "video" (not "vídeo")​
Normative references​
Unless this style guide provides alternative instructions, please use the orthography, grammar,
and terminology in the following publications:​
a. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, Real Academia Española & Asociación de Academias
de la Lengua Española, Madrid, Ed. Santillana, 2005 (online version). ​
b. Diccionario de la lengua española, (Vigésima tercera edición), Real Academia Española,
Madrid, Ed. Espasa-Calpe, 2014 (online version).​
c. Nueva gramática de la lengua española, Real Academia Española y Asociación de
Academias de la Lengua Española, Madrid, Ed. Espasa-Calpe, 2009 (online version). ​
d. Diccionario de americanismos, Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, 2010
(online version). ​
d. Ortografía de la lengua española, Academias de la Lengua Española, Ed. Espasa, 2010
(online version). ​
e. Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu BBVA). Madrid: FUNDEU, S.A., 2005 (online).​
f. TikTok Multilingual Glossary (online version)​
📌 Linguists' onboarding kit: a resource to ease the onboarding of new linguists and
also to serve as a go-to compendium for existing linguists​

Voice and Tone ​

How are voice and tone different ​
No matter the situation or whom we're speaking to, TikTok has the same voice throughout the
product. Our voice is the personality of our product, and it doesn't change. Our tone is the
attitude we express through our words in any given situation, and it changes depending on the
context. ​
Voice ​
TikTok's voice is inclusive, approachable, conversational, and clear. Our platform makes
creators feel comfortable expressing themselves. We don't take ourselves too seriously, and we
keep it casual. We are secondary to the content on our platform, so our writing is simple, while
letting our creators and their content shine.​
Tone ​
Our tone adjusts to fit the situation. Just as you'd change your tone when talking to a friend
going through a difficult time or when celebrating an important moment, we adjust our tone
when guiding users through a new feature, when telling them that something isn't working, or
when they've successfully completed a task. This framework helps us identify the appropriate
tone for each situation.​
When translating you should be able to recognize the tone from the context and source copy
and apply it to your translation​
Tone​ When to use this Example​ Appropriate ESLA Translation​
Celebrato Celebrating a major Congratulations!​ ¡Felicitaciones!​
ry​ accomplishment on You’re in the TikTok Creator Ya formas parte del Fondo para
​ the TikTok platform​ Fund!​ Creadores de TikTok​
Sympath When something One of your videos was Uno de tus videos se eliminó
etic​ went wrong and it's removed due to an debido a un problema técnico
our fault​ unexpected technical issue. inesperado. Lamentamos este
We're very sorry for this error error y estamos trabajando para
and we're working hard to corregir el problema, de modo
correct the issue so this que esto no vuelva a suceder.​
doesn't happen again.​
Helpful​ Guiding users To make a sponsored video, A la hora de crear un video
​ through a new or consider what the key patrocinado, sigue estos pasos
challenging task for message is for your audience para tener en cuenta el mensaje
the first time​ by following these steps:​ principal que quieres transmitir a
tus espectadores:​
Neutral​ To inform or share %s started following you​ %s empezó a seguirte​
updates with the
user; we use this
tone in most
Authorita Policy violations; Copyrighted music was La música con derechos de autor
tive​ when a user is removed from your video se eliminó del video porque el
engaging in because the copyright owner propietario de los derechos de
unacceptable hasn't made the music autor no permitió que esta esté
behavior on TikTok​ available in your disponible en tu país o región.​

How to reflect TikTok voice and tone​

Translating into Spanish in a way that reflects TikTok voice and tone means choosing words and
grammatical structures that reflect the same style as the source. It also means considering the
needs of the audience and the intent of the text. ​
Users should be unaware that the text is a translation. Feel free to choose words that aren't
standard translations if you think that's the best way to stay true to the intent of the source text. ​
1. Keep it short​
App users often "scan" or "skim" content, so be concise and make every word count. Choose
shorter words since those are friendlier, less formal, help save space on the screen and are
easier to read quickly. Remember that precise, well-chosen words add clarity to the
message. ​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Use this effect​ Usa este efecto Utiliza este efecto​
By continuing, you Al continuar, aceptas que Al continuar, confirmas que estás
acknowledge that your tus datos se procesarán de de acuerdo con que tus datos se
personal data will be processed acuerdo con la %s.​ procesen de acuerdo con la %s.​
in accordance with %s.​

Utilizar vs. Usar​

"To use" can be translated as "utilizar" and "usar". The second option ("usar") may be used
since it's shorter and also conveys a more natural and conversational tone.​
2. Keep it natural​
Write in a natural Spanish style, avoid over-complicated grammatical structures and jargon.
Instead, use simple terms that are familiar to most people.​
If necessary, split the text into different sentences. Don’t hesitate to omit words or use
pronouns if the meaning is conveyed and this improves fluency. ​
Avoid word-to-word translation, which can make the tone stiff and unnatural. Feel free to
transcreate the source as to achieve a natural and suitable text that will resonate with the
Source​ Do​ Don't​ Comments​
Couldn't upload video El video no se pudo El video no se pudo Avoid passive voice, it’s
because the sound cargar porque el cargar porque el sonido difficult to read and
was deleted by the creador original fue eliminado por su understand quickly.​
original creator. Your eliminó el sonido. creador original. Tu ​
video was saved to Tu video se guardó video se guardó en los
drafts.​ en los borradores.​ borradores.​

Desear vs. Querer​

Taking into account TikTok's voice and tone (more natural and conversational), it is preferable to
use "querer" instead of "desear", since in everyday speaking people usually use "querer", and
"desear" might be considered more formal.​
3. Be consistent​
Consistency makes your product easier to understand. Each time you use a term or phrase
appropriately and consistently, its meaning will be reinforced. If you translate "clip" as "video",
"clip de video" and "fragmento", then users will be uncertain if all those translated terms refer to
the same thing.​
To maintain consistency, please refer at all times to the glossary and the TM. ​
4. Be inclusive​
We always aim to be inclusive: we use words to empower rather than to exclude.​
Whenever possible avoid assuming the user's gender and try to avoid gendered terms. Instead,
use gender-neutral terms.​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Discover a fun, new way to be Descubre una forma nueva y Descubre una forma nueva y
you on TikTok​ divertida de expresarte divertida de ser tú mismo/a en
libremente en TikTok​ TikTok​
Because of your interest in Por tu interés en la categoría Por tu interés en la categoría
Family & Parenting​ Familia y crianza​ Familia y paternidad​
Ready to create videos?​ ¿Todo listo para crear videos?​ ¿Listo/a para crear videos?​
Are you sure you want to delete ¿Seguro que quieres eliminar ¿Estás seguro/a de que quieres
this video?​ este video?​ eliminar este video?​

"Friends" and gender-inclusive language ​

Even if we aim to be inclusive during localization, we can’t deny that the use of the term
“amigos” is already established in the social media industry and there might be cases that we
reference this term in other apps (for example, "Find Facebook friends"). That’s why we should
use "amigos" and avoid any other synonyms.​
However, as an exception, please use "amigo/a" and "amigos/as" in the UI when these terms are
used along with usernames or they are directly referring to a user, since gender inconsistency
could be too obvious. ​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Search Friends​ Buscar amigos​ Buscar amigos/as​
Buscar amistades​
Your friends have not joined Tus amigos no se han unido a Tus amigos/as no se han unido a
%@​ %@​ %@​
Tus amistades no se han unido a
{creator}, who is your friend, Tu amigo/a {creator} publicó un Tu amigo {creator} ha publicado un
posted a video.​ video.​ video.​
Add {username} as friend​ Agregar a {username} como Añadir a {username} como amigo​
Who you're friends with on Quiénes son tus amigos en Quiénes son tus amistades en
Facebook​ Facebook​ Facebook​

Tips to implement gender-inclusive language​

Below you'll find some tips on how to implement gender-inclusive language when translating
into Spanish.​
We are aware that some of these tips can be challenging to apply due to the space limitations
that UI localization implies. But please, keep them in mind and try to use them whenever it's
4.1.1 Use collective and abstract nouns​
Collective nouns encompass a group of nouns that are considered as a single whole, and
abstract nouns are used to define anything that is typically nonobservable and nonmeasurable.
For example, "dirección", "equipo", "presidencia", etc.​
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
el profesorado​ los profesores​
el equipo docente​ los docentes​
persona interesada​ el interesado​
el público​ los espectadores​

4.1.2 Use epicene words​

An epicene word ignores the semantic gender of the referent and has the same form for male
and female referents. For example, "víctima", "cónyuge", "personaje", etc.​
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
las personas postulantes​ los postulantes​

4.1.3 Omit the determiner before epicene words​

More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
acudieron periodistas de acudieron algunos periodistas de
distintos medios​ distintos medios​
había representantes de estuvieron presentes los
muchos países en la reunión​ representantes de muchos países​

4.1.4 Use relative pronouns "quien" and "quienes".​

More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
quienes participen​ todos los participantes​
quienes no cumplan los los que no cumplan los requisitos​

4.1.5 Use indefinite pronouns "alguien", "cualquiera", "cada" and "nadie"​

More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
si alguien quiere​ el que quiera​
nadie​ ninguno​
cada participante​ los participantes​
cualquiera puede ver tus todos pueden ver tus
publicaciones​ publicaciones​

4.1.6 Use periphrasis and change the grammatical category ​

A longer phrase and a different grammatical category can be used in place of a marked form of
expression. For example:​
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
con tranquilidad​ tranquilo​
tienen mucho interés​ están muy interesados​

4.1.7 Suppress what does not add meaning​

Some expressions are used out of habit or for mere emphasis and could be suppressed. For
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
Buenas tardes​ Buenas tardes a todos​

4.1.8 Omit the subjects or the nouns in certain expressions​

In some cases, a subject or noun could be omitted without affecting the meaning. ​
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
entrada gratuita para entrada gratuita para niños
menores de 12 años​ menores de 12 años​
se podrá reclamar en​ el afectado podrá reclamar en​

4.1.9 Use non-gendered adverbs​

Sometimes, when the nouns are of neutral gender, the article can be omitted.​
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
La minoría de artistas​ Pocos artistas
La mayoría de artistas​ Más de la mitad de los artistas​

4.1.10 Use non-gendered adjectives instead of nouns​

More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
Desempleo juvenil​ Desempleo entre los jóvenes​
La revuelta estudiantil​ La revuelta de los estudiantes​

4.1.11 Use constructions with "se" impersonal ("se recomienda"), de pasiva refleja ("se
debatirá") or de pasiva perifrástica ("se va a elegir")​
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
El formulario se debe Los interesados deben presentar
presentar en... ​ el formulario en...​
Con la encuesta se llegó a la Los encuestadores llegaron a la
conclusión... ​ conclusión...​
Lugar donde se inscribió​ Lugar donde fue inscrito​

4.1.12 Use infinitive and gerund forms​

More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
¿Quién puede presentarse?​ ¿Quiere puede ser candidato?​
Trabajando con dedicación, Si todos trabajamos con
alcanzaremos las metas​ dedicación, alcanzaremos las
Es necesario tener una Es necesario que el usuario tenga
cuenta para...​ una cuenta para...​

4.1.13 Use coordination to mention both feminine and masculine nouns​

Please, only use this resource when translating Help Center articles or FAQs, but not when
translating UI strings.​
More inclusive​ Less inclusive​
Los científicos y las Los científicos​

📌 Note: Follow the glossary when the text includes basic TikTok/LIVE-related terms such
as "seguidor", "espectador", etc. if the resulting gender-neutral translation is too long
for the UI.​

Language-specific standards​
Avoid abbreviations, if possible —the full word is usually clearest. If necessary to shorten words
for space, use these preferred abbreviations. ​
Days of the lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo​
week​ lun, mar, mié, jue, vie, sáb, dom​
Months​ enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre,
(always noviembre, diciembre​
lowercase)​ ene, feb, mar, abr, may, jun, jul, ago, sep, oct, nov, dic​
Time ​ d = días​
(always h = horas​
lowercase)​ min = minutos​
s = segundos​
*Note that these are considered symbols and not abbreviations​
File size​ KB, MB, GB, px​
Number​ núm.​

📌 Note: Follow the Normative references section for this topic. There is a very
comprehensive list of recommended abbreviations and rules in the Ortografía de la
lengua española. ​
⚠️Do not abbreviate company or product names: TikTok, ByteDance​
Acronyms behave like nouns. If a gender is needed, it’s that of the spelled-out form. In the case
of non-Spanish words, the gender will vary according to usage. ​
They have no plural, i.e., no "–s" added at the end. The number is usually given by the preceding
determiner (for example, "los PC").​
Localized acronyms ​
When dealing with localized acronyms, if the acronym is widely used it should be used "as is"
(without including the spelled out term). However, if the acronym is not widely used or could be
mistaken by another acronym, the recommendation is to spell out the term and include the
acronym in brackets the first time the acronym appears in the text. ​
In some cases, the acronym can be omitted in Spanish if it is not relevant for the target user or if
the length of the translation might be an issue.
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Recruitment for multi-level Reclutamiento para marketing Reclutamiento para marketing
marketing (MLM).​ multinivel​ multinivel (MLM, por sus siglas
en inglés)​
Unlocalized acronyms​
When an acronym will remain in English, we need to consider the following: ​
• If the acronym is rather common, it can be used on its own (no need the fully spelled-out
form). For example, "DVD", "CD" or "ISO".​
• If the acronym is not widely used, the first time it occurs, write its full name in Spanish in
normal font followed in parentheses by the English acronym.​
Possessive adjectives​
The frequent use of possessives is a feature of English language. However, in Spanish, this
should be avoided. The possessive should be replaced by the definite article; except when using
the article instead of the possessive would make the meaning too vague. ​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
The playlist you created or La lista de reproducción que La lista de reproducción que
edited on %s was removed creaste o editaste el %s se eliminó creaste o editaste el %s se eliminó
for violating our Community por infringir las Normas de la por infringir nuestras Normas de
Guidelines.​ comunidad.​ la comunidad.​

Active vs. passive voice​

• Active voice: highlights who or what is performing the action.​
• Passive voice: talks about the subject being acted upon.​
In most cases, we use active voice because it keeps the meaning of the sentence clear and less
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Couldn't upload the video El video no se pudo cargar porque El video no se pudo cargar porque
because the sound was el creador original eliminó el el sonido fue eliminado por su
deleted by the original sonido​ creador original.​

Spanish capitalization differs from English capitalization. Follow normative rules in regards to
capitalization. ​
For software interface elements, capitalize only the first letter of the first word in commands,
dialog box titles, dialog box options, buttons, etc. ​
Source​ Translation​
You can turn Screen Time Puedes activar o desactivar la Gestión del
Management on or off anytime​ tiempo en pantalla en cualquier momento​

📌 Note: In Spanish there might be some cases when Title Case capitalization is needed,
for example, for names of programs or internal divisions of a company. Examples:
Equipo de Asistencia de TikTok, Programa de Promoción, Fondo para Creadores, etc.
Please, check normative references in case of doubt.​
The following table shows the correct capitalization for different elements:​
Item​ Initial capital?​ Example​
English​ Spanish​
Adjectives of nationality​ Yes​ No​ español, brasileño, italiano​
Names of days, months, seasons​ Yes​ No​ viernes, febrero, verano​
Names of languages​ Yes​ No​ inglés, chino, español​

Coins, Diamonds, Gifts and Goody bag​

As per legal guidance, always capitalize these terms following the source: Coins, Diamonds, Gifts
and Goody bag​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
You must be at least {0} years Debes ser mayor de {0} años Debes ser mayor de {0} años para
old to send Gifts​ para enviar Regalos​ enviar regalos​
You can't purchase Coins​ No puedes comprar Monedas​ No puedes comprar monedas​
Get Diamonds!​ ¡Consigue Diamantes!​ ¡Consigue diamantes!​

• Use numerals, instead of spelling out the numbers.​
◦ Example: "564" instead of "quinientos sesenta y cuatro"​
• Leave a space between a numbers and a related unit of measurement.​
◦ Example: "512 KB"​
• Leave a space between a number and the percentage symbol.​
◦ Example: "50 %"​
• Leave a space between a number and the pixels abbreviation (px)​
◦ Example: "720 px"​
• Generally, figures are accepted for dates, addresses, percentages, fractions, decimals, scores,
statistics and other numerical results, pages, identification numbers, and the time. ​
• When writing a negative number, use the minus sign (–). Please note that no space is needed
between the sign and the number.​
◦ Example: "–50 %"​
• When using the "+" sign with a number, place it before the number. Please note that no space
is needed between the sign and the number.​
◦ Example: "+18"​
• When using the "<" (less than) and ">" (greater than) signs, if we are comparing two
quantities, please leave spaces before and after the sign. However, if we want to indicate that
a quantity is a minimum or maximum value, there is no space needed between the sign and
the number.​
◦ Examples: "2 > 1" and ">5".​
• In the writing of dimensions with the help of the multiplication sign (×), please leave a space
in between the number and the multiplication sign (×)​
◦ Example: "427 × 55 × 18,3 m"​
• When writing dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY, please use slashes ("/") as separator, and
please don't use 0 before one-digit days or months.​
◦ Example: "13/2/2022"​
• For K, M and B abbreviations for the number of users, views and other statistics widely used
in social media, Spanish standard equivalents should be used.​
◦ Examples:​
3K: 3 mil​
3M: 3 mill.​
3B: 3 mil mill.​
📌 Note: For more comprehensive rules on the appropriate use of symbols,
numerals/spelled out form in Spanish, consult the resources included in the Normative
references section.​

Punctuation marks (periods, commas, colons, question marks, and so on) in each Latin-based
language are the same as in English. The exceptions are the opening "¡" and "¿" use in Spanish.
Follow the normative rules regarding the use of punctuation. ​
In English, the ampersand "&" is used as an abbreviation of "and". However, in Spanish, it is not
necessary nor recommended to use it and "y" should be used instead. Please note that some
CAT tools might convert or mark the ampersand "&" as a placeholder; even in such cases, this
abbreviation should be omitted in Spanish.​
The asterisk is a little star symbol which can be used to indicate a footnote. Please, remember
that there should be a space in between the asterisk that accompanies the footnote and the
actual footnote.​
Example: "* Estadísticas basadas en el estudio de Realeyes de 2021"​
Bulleted lists​
In Spanish, a bulleted list can be punctuated in a few different ways:​
1. When items in a list are not sentences, we use lowercase at the beginning of each (except
proper nouns) and no punctuation marks at the end.​
Example​ • elemento 1​
• elemento 2​
• elemento 3​

2. If the items are complete sentences, punctuate accordingly and use uppercase.​
Example​ • Elemento 1.​
• Elemento 2.​
• Elemento 3.​
3. When the introduction to the list is an incomplete sentence, it is terminated with a colon (:),
and each item listed begins with a lowercase letter. A semicolon (;) may be used after each of
them, except for the last one, which will end with a period (.).​
Example​ • elemento 1;​
• elemento 2; y​
• elemento 3.​

Exclamation marks​
Use exclamation marks sparingly. The more often they're used, the less impact they have. There
is no need to transfer all the English exclamation marks to the Spanish translation.​
Hashtags are often a combination of multiple words and they must be constructed without
spaces. ​
When translating, please capitalize the first letter of each word (sometimes called "camel case"
or "camel backing") to make it easier for users to read at a glance. At the same time, please don't
put an accent mark on the words that compose a hashtag.​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
#asktiktok​ #PreguntaEnTikTok​ #preguntaentiktok​
#Challenge​ #Desafio​ #Desafío​

📌 Note: Before translating the hashtag, please refer to the context or raise a query to
confirm if it is translatable or if it should be kept untranslated.​
Don't use periods in:​
• Acronyms
• Abbreviations​
• Buttons​
• Email subjects​
• Headings​
• Menu items​
• Short, standalone sentences​
• Titles​
• Toasts with single sentences​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Video saved​ Video guardado​ Video guardado.​

Do use periods in:​

• Enumerations with complete sentences, such as instructions. ​

Source​ Do​ Don't​

1. In the TikTok app, tap 1. En la aplicación TikTok, pulsa 1. En la aplicación TikTok, pulsa
[Perfil] at the bottom.​ [Perfil] en la parte inferior.​ [Perfil] en la parte inferior​
2. Tap the «☰» button at 2. Pulsa el botón «☰» en la parte 2. Pulsa el botón «☰» en la
the top.​ superior.​ parte superior​

Quotation marks​
It is recommended to use curly quotation marks (“ ”). When translating into Spanish, follow
the source text. However, these are the rules that the source follows:​
• When referring to another part of the UI, bold the name of the UI element.​
• Do not use quotation marks around the name of a UI element, unless you’re unable to use
bold text.​
• Do not use quotation marks around the name of a feature or program. However, please
capitalize such names.​
📌 Note: For use of punctuation marks with quotes in Spanish, consult the resources
included in the Normative references section​
Avoid the use of semicolons. Instead, break up a long sentence into multiple shorter sentences.​
Localization considerations​
Applications, products, and features ​
Before translating any application, product, or feature name, verify that it’s in fact translatable
and check with the Localization Manager if there is already an established translation for
Error messages ​
Those messages are an explanation shared when something didn't go as expected or the format
of the entry has to be adjusted.​
Error states can be fullscreen or appear inline, as in a form field. There may be a CTA to provide
more details or to retry an action.​
Don't use words like "failed" and avoid assigning fault. It's best to use a neutral or helpful tone,
depending on the situation. ​
📌 Note: An exception would be the use of the term "error" in the English source (for
example, "Network error"). In this case, we can translate using "error": "Error de red".​

Source​ Do ​ Don't​
Can't​ No se puede...​
Could not​ No se pudo...​
Unable to​

Failed to​ Error...​

Failure of​

Invariable feature names​

Please, note that some of the feature names might remain invariable in Spanish regardless of its
singular/plural form in English.​
Source​ Do ​ Don't​
Unlist Series?​ ¿Quitar la Series de la lista?​ ¿Quitar las Series de la
Top LIVEs​ Los mejores LIVE​ Los mejores LIVEs​
Loading cell​
It is used to indicate that something on the page is loading or processing. Written as a verb in
present participle form with an ellipsis to show that an action is in progress.​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Loading...​ Cargando...​
Processing audio... %d%%​ Procesando audio... %d %%​ Procesando audio... %d%%​

• Keep the text within 1-2 words, and include an ellipsis to show that an action is in progress.​
• For longer loading times, use the loading component that shows the completion percentage.​
• Remember that in Spanish, there is a space in between the number and the percentage
symbol, that's why we need to adjust the placeholder in consequence and add a space ("%d
%%"). ​
Date & Time formats​
The date and time information can be presented in three different ways in TikTok and LIVE
strings. Please, find below each of them and how to proceed during localization.​
Specific date​
If you come across a date that does not use timestamp placeholder or any other type of
placeholder/tag, but shows an specific date instead (for example, "4/30/2022"), please raise a
query or reach out to your PM to understand if localization is needed.​
Formatted date​
If you come across a formatted date (for example, "mm/dd/yyyy"), please raise a query or reach
out to your PM to understand if localization is needed.​
Timestamp placeholder ​
In software localization, timestamps are often used as placeholders in strings that contain time
and date information. This is because the format of time and date information can vary between
different locales and cultures.​
Source​ Translation​
Updated {date}​ Actualizado el {date}​
The comment you posted on {date} at {time} El comentario que publicaste a las {time}
was removed for violating our Community el {date} se eliminó por incumplir las
Guidelines.​ Normas de la comunidad. ​

By using timestamps as placeholders in strings, software developers can separate the

presentation of time and date information from the code itself. This allows for greater flexibility
in localization, as the formatting of the time and date information can be customized for each
Below is a screenshot that shows the English timestamps formats (left) and a screenshot of the
Spanish ones (right).​
In the following string, for example, you have information about which specific timestamp
format will be used (in this case, LL) so you can localize accordingly:​

Note on [square brackets] and {curly braces}​

Please translate any text that is enclosed in [square brackets]. However, do not modify or
translate any text that is enclosed in {curly braces}, unless this is unprotected and instruction is
specifically given to translate.​
If you have any doubts if this rule applies to a segment you are translating, feel free to reach out
to your PM to confirm.​
Titles and Subtitles​
Titles and subtitles help you organize information, introduce ideas and highlight key concepts.
They usually appear on the upper part of the screen or are used as subheadings to structure the
Please check the key of the string to make sure you are translating a title (the key usually
contains the word "title" or "header" or an abbreviation).​
• Please make titles as short as possible.​
• Don't put periods at the end of titles.​
• Always use nouns/conjugated verbs for titles and headings instead of infinitive verb forms.​
• Make sure the title you are translating is not a clickable element in the UI (in this case an
infinitive verb is preferred in the translation). If it is necessary, please raise a question about
the string context.​
❗ Pay extra attention if strings have duplicates. Make sure to check the translation of
each of the duplicates or master strings. Some titles can be used as menu links and
page headings at the same time. If you have any doubts, please contact a PM or raise a

Tooltips (also known as "hints") inform about something on the screen, provide guidance on
how to utilize a feature, and/or describe an element.​
It consists of a very short phrase or sentence. Tooltips do not contain links or buttons. The tooltip
always points to the element that is being described.​
When translating the tooltips, please use a conjugated verb.​
Source​ Translation​
Record your ending​ Graba el final​

Hold down to apply to body Mantén pulsado para aplicar

movements​ el efecto a los movimientos

Use of the term "TikTok" as a common noun​

Please note that sometimes the term "TikTok" could be used in English as a common noun with
the meaning of "TikTok post". In those cases, please translate as follows:​
Source​ Do ​ Don't​
your favourite TikToks​ tus TikTok favoritos​ tus TikToks favoritos​
📌 Note: "TikTok" and "LIVE" are invariable terms in Spanish and the plural will be
expressed by the words that accompany them: "los TikTok" and "los LIVE".​

Use of "caption" and "description"​

"Caption" refers to the supplemental text that can be added onto the video itself. However,
there is an exception when this term appears on TikTok Now referring to "post description". In
this specific case, it should be translated as "descripción".​
Source​ Do ​ Notes​
Captions hidden​ Subtítulos ocultos​
Caption saved​ Descripción guardada​ This refers to a TikTok Now post description​

"Auto-captions" (also "auto-generated captions") refers to a feature that allows creators to auto-
generate speech captions from the audio in their videos.​
Source​ Do ​
Auto-generated captions aren’t Los subtítulos generados automáticamente no
available for videos with only songs​ están disponibles para videos con solo canciones​
CapCut | Auto Captions​ CapCut | Subtítulos automáticos​

"Description" refers to the supplementary text the user inputs on the posting page to provide
context for their video. This term is different from a "title" or "caption", and does not refer to the
text that can be added onto the video or video thumbnail itself.​
Source​ Do ​
Include a longer description.​ Incluye una descripción más larga.​

Use of "contenido"​
Please note that it is preferred to translate the terms "content" and "contents" as "contenido" in
Use of "deslizar" and "desplazar"​
Please note that the term "scroll" should be translated as "desplazar" in most cases. Similarly,
the term "swipe" should be translated as "deslizar" in most cases. ​
Please note that these translations may vary depending on the context in which they are used. If
you are unsure about the appropriate translation to use, please consult with the Spanish
Language Manager.​
Source​ Do ​ Don't​
Swipe left or right to Desliza hacia la izquierda o Desplázate hacia la izquierda o
change the filters.​ derecha para cambiar los derecha para cambiar los filtros​
All you have to do is start Todo lo que tienes que hacer Todo lo que tienes que hacer es
scrolling​ es empezar a desplazarte empezar a deslizar​
por el feed​

Use of "después" and "a continuación"​

In Spanish, "después" and "a continuación" are both used to indicate a sequence of events, but
"después" is more commonly used in informal texts because it is shorter and more
"A continuación" is a more formal and somewhat verbose expression that is typically used in
more academic or professional contexts where precision and clarity are important.​
In the case of TikTok and LIVE, we prefer to use "después" since it is a simpler and more
common expression that is frequently used in everyday conversation and informal writing.​
Source​ Do ​ Don't​
Tap Creativity Program Pulsa «Programa Beta de Pulsa «Programa Beta de
Beta, then tap the Creatividad» y, después, Creatividad» y, a continuación,
ineligible video.​ pulsa el video que no pulsa el video que no cumple los
cumple los requisitos.​ requisitos.​

Use of "en línea"​

Depending on the context, the English term "online" can be translated as "en línea", "por
internet", "en internet", "digital", "electrónico" o "conectado". However, in all cases, we should
avoid leaving the term "online" untranslated.​
When "online" is used to refer to the fact of being connected to a data or communication
network, it should be translated as "en línea" o "conectado". However, if "online" is used to
indicate that something is available through the Internet, it should be translated as "por/en
internet", "electrónico" o "digital".​
In the specific case of TikTok and LIVE, we normally translate it as "en línea" in most of the
cases. However, it could be the case that ​
Source​ Do ​
Online Audience​ Espectadores en línea​
All your online videos will be Todos tus videos en línea se
removed from our server.​ eliminarán de nuestro servidor.​
Online challenges​ Retos en línea​

Use of "Internet" or "internet"​

In Spanish, the word "Internet" can be used in both upper and lower case, but there are some
important considerations to keep in mind:​
If "Internet" is being used as a proper noun, such as to refer to the global network itself, it
should be capitalized.​
Source​ Do ​ Don't​
Internet use among teenagers is Crece el uso de Internet entre Crece el uso de internet entre
growing​ los adolescentes​ los adolescentes​

If "internet" is being used as a common noun, to refer to any network of interconnected

computers, it should be written in lowercase.​
Source​ Do ​ Don't​
No Internet connection, please try No hay conexión a internet; No hay conexión a Internet;
again later​ inténtalo de nuevo más tarde​ inténtalo de nuevo más tarde​

Use of "me gusta"​

Since the expression "me gusta" is understood as a locution, there is no reason to write it with a
capital letter, regardless of the spelling with which it appears in our platform. Therefore, it is
appropriate to use the lower case.​
Regarding the plural, it is preferable to use the form "los me gusta" (instead of "los me gustas" or
"los me gustan"), which is widely used and one of the valid options to form the plural of
Source​ Do ​ Don't​
You cannot view the likes No puedes ver los me gusta No puedes ver los me gustas de
due to this user's privacy de este usuario debido a sus este usuario debido a sus ajustes
settings.​ ajustes de privacidad.​ de privacidad.​
You've blocked this user Bloqueaste a este usuario y Has bloqueado a este usuario y
and unable to view this no puedes ver sus me gusta.​ no puedes ver sus me gustan.​
user's likes.​
You can't like your own No puedes dar me gusta a tu No puedes dar un Me gusta a tu
comment​ propio comentario​ propio comentario​

Use of "pulsar"​
When translating instructional text that uses "tap" (or synonyms) to interact with the UI , please
avoid the use of the preposition "en" when translating into Spanish.​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Go to your profile by Pulsa "Yo" para ir a tu perfil.​ Pulsa en "Yo" para ir a tu
tapping "Me".​ perfil.​
Tap "..." on the top right Pulsa "..." en la esquina Pulsa en "..." en la esquina
corner. ​ superior derecha.​ superior derecha.​

Use of "sugerencias" and "recomendar"​

In order to avoid inconsistencies, please use "sugerencia" (not "recomendación") for nouns and
"recomendar" (and its corresponding verb forms) when a verb is needed.​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
No more suggestions​ No hay más sugerencias​ No hay más recomendaciones​
We recommend you always Te recomendamos tener Te sugerimos tener
exercise caution opening precaución al abrir enlaces de precaución al abrir enlaces de
links you do not recognize.​ origen desconocido.​ origen desconocido.​

Use of "top"​
The English term "top" can be translated in different ways depending on the context. However,
when referring to "the highest position (as in rank or achievement)", we should translate it as
Source​ Do​
You can get a badge if you are one of the top Puedes conseguir una insignia si eres uno de
3 gifters in a LIVE. ​ los 3 mejores espectadores en un LIVE.​
Your top contributors​ Tus mejores colaboradores​

When the term "top" accompanies a placeholder that indicates a number, we should translate it
as "top":​
Source​ Do​
Daily top {0}​ Top {0} del día
Hourly top {0}​ Top {0} de la hora​
Weekly top {0}​ Top {0} de la semana​

Use of "y/o"​
The formula "y/o", a translation calque from the English "and/or", is almost always unnecessary
since the Spanish conjunction "o" is not exclusive; for this reason, its use is discouraged, unless
it is essential to avoid ambiguities in highly technical contexts.​
How to translate "to follow"​
Please, translate the verb "to follow" as "empezar a seguir" to avoid potential
misunderstandings (for example, "{username} te ha seguido" can be understood as "{username}
has been following you" in Spanish).​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
{username} followed you.​ {username} empezó a seguirte.​ {username} te ha seguido.​
Don't miss who just followed No te pierdas quién empezó a No te pierdas quién te ha seguido
you on TikTok.​ seguirte en TikTok.​ en TikTok.​

LIVE Campaigns​
📌 The purpose of this section is to solidify ground rules and best practices for LIVE
campaign requests. ​

LIVE ops requests are content design and proofreading requests from LIVE product ops. The
requests are about promoting a feature or celebrating special events through campaigns,
promotional videos, or 1-pager tutorials. ​
Business goals​
• Increase business revenue​
• Increase exposure and drive awareness of new or online LIVE features​
User goals​
• Educate or offer tips to LIVE creators on utilizing a feature to its fullest​
• Build a stronger bond between LIVE creators and their supporters/viewers​
Approach to translation​
• For LIVE campaign copies, it is crucial to translate in a manner that resonates and engages
with the target users. Therefore, rather than strictly adhering to the original source or
following its word order, it is important for us to deliver translations that clearly
communicate the key objectives of the campaigns. To identify suitable writing style, if you
need more context or screenshots, kindly raise issues in Smartcat or reach out to your LPM.
Voice and tone​
For the voice and tone, please refer to the Voice and Tone section.​
• Motivate and engage all TikTok users, including LIVE creators and viewers by:​
◦ Identifying your audience before writing and reflecting both or different perspectives in
your language. If you are not certain about the target audience of the campaign, kindly
raise queries in the Smartcat​
◦ Appealing to creators of all tiers, from beginners to sophisticated ones​

Source​ Translation​
Subscribe during the activity to get Suscríbete durante la actividad para ganar recompensas​
• Encourage people to take immediate action by:​
◦ Highlighting the value or benefits of any action; giving people a reason to act now​
◦ Creating a sense of urgency​

Source​ Translation​
%s days left. Climb to victory is about to end. Quedan %s días. La carrera hacia la victoria está a
Seize the last chance to enter the next round!​ punto de terminar. ¡Aprovecha la última
oportunidad para entrar en la siguiente ronda!​

• Emphasize the connection between LIVE creators and their supporters by:​
◦ Informing both sides on how they can help each other to achieve the goal​

Source​ Translation​
Letters have been collected by others. Go Se enviaron todas las cartas. ¡Apoya al creador para que
support the creator to distribute more!​ envíe más cartas!​

Request types and content design best practices​

4.1 Campaigns​
Description and Example​
Description​ Example (Screenshot)​
A long scrolling page with interactive UI elements. Both LIVE
creators and viewers can participate. Campaigns are usually to
promote a feature or celebrate special holidays or events. ​
Key Points​
• For some activities, there might be new Gifts developed exclusively for the activity. ​
• For virtual rewards, material rewards, and both virtual and material rewards, some
languages have different translations for the word “reward”. Kindly raise queries in
Smartcat if you need to obtain more context to determine precise terms or translations.​
Key Terms ​
• Rewards​
◦ A general term for both virtual and material rewards. Common rewards include:​

Virtual ​ Material/Physical​
Diamond​ T-shirt​
Profile frame​ Mugs ​
Profile card decoration​ Trophy​
Flare​ Medal​
Badge​ Backpack​
Entrance spotlight​ Mouse pad​
Label​ Throw pillow​
LIVE announcement​ Galaxy projector​
Access to exclusive Gifts​ Hat​

4.2 Rule Page​

Description and Example​
Description​ Example (Screenshot)​
On the rules page of activities, a brief introduction might
be needed to describe the activities.​

4.3 Promotional videos​

Description and Examples​

Description​ Example (Screenshots)​

A short video with captions intended for both
LIVE creators and viewers about a new LIVE
feature or event, such as a new Gift, or a
campaign activity. ​

(video draft)​

Key Points​
• Colloquial phrasing for voice-over lines​

Source​ Translation​
Exciting news for LIVE goal!​ ¡Hay novedades para tus objetivos LIVE!​

4.4 1-pager tutorials ​

Description and Examples​
Description​ Example (Screenshots)​
Written tutorials with illustrations to educate or offer tips to
creators about certain LIVE features​
Key Points​
• Keep the intro and ending part short and relevant ​
◦ Avoid elaborating or setting too much background in the intro​
Source​ Translation​
Don’t want to miss your favorite creator’s LIVE? ¿No quieres perderte las emisiones de tu
Get all LIVE notifications from them in 2 steps!​ creador LIVE favorito? ¡Activa las notificaciones
en solo 2 pasos!​

Localization and translation​

• For campaign copies, the following key syntax will serve as an identifier for you to determine
whether the string requires a more creative writing approach. Please ensure to pay extra
attention to the following key syntax when you are translating copies​
◦ Campaign copy key syntax: “LIVEcampaign_{campaignName}” ​
◦ As an exception, in certain cases, LIVE campaign copies may be added in the Client and
Front End due to specific constraints on the developer's side (Key starting from: pm_mt_).
If you come across copies that appear to be LIVE campaigns in the Client or Front End,
kindly raise queries in the Smartcat and check with the Localization team to confirm if the
copy is relevant to LIVE campaigns.​
• Kindly reach out to the TikTok Localization team by raising queries in Smartcat if you are
uncertain about the context or require more background information regarding the
campaigns. If a screenshot is not provided, please contact our team through raising queries.​
• For key terms for LIVE campaign, kindly refer to the campaign tab in ​ TikTok Multilingual
Glossary*(Please note that this tab is under WIP)​
• For LIVE campaign copies, it is crucial to translate in a manner that resonates and engages
with the target users. Therefore, rather than strictly adhering to the original source or
following its word order, it is important for us to deliver translations that clearly
communicate the key objectives of the campaigns​
EDM Localization Best Practices​
EDM (Email Direct Marketing) is a strategy to connect and engage with existing and potentially
new customers. EDM systems can be used to run marketing campaigns and send emails that
strengthen user relationships and engagement with the product.​
Each EDM content component operates as a breadcrumb, placed strategically from subject line
to preheader text to headline to body to CTA with the express purpose of encouraging a unique
app launch. ​
📌 EDM-related strings will include the term "EDM" in their key syntax for easier
recognition and also information about the component part (subject line, body, CTA,
etc.). For example:​
• EDM_CreatorAnalytics_email_SubjectLine​
• EDM_welcome_series_optimization_preheader​
🚫 Please note that general spam trigger and clickbait strategies should be avoided when
localizing. Here is an interesting article for your reference.​
Com Key syntax​ Context​ L10N Best EN examples​ ESLA examples​
pon Practices​
Subj Subject Line Subject Lines When localizing {Nickname}, you {Nickname},
ect strings will use a few words Subject lines, have %d new likes!​ ¡tienes %d
Line include the to attract the take the US​ nuevos me
s​ segment user's attention following into gusta!​
"SubjectLine" and convince consideration:​ 1. {Nickname},
TikTok is just US​
on their keys, them that an • Subject lines genuinely fun​
for example:​ email is worth should be 1. {Nickname},
their time. ​ action- 2. {Nickname}, TikTok es
• EDM_Creator realmente
Analytics_e The subject oriented, breath in,
honest, and breathe out, divertido​
mail_Subjec line is our first watch TikTok​ 2. {Nickname},
tLine​ opportunity to short.​
grab the 3. {Nickname}, inhala,
• EDM_Email_ • Whenever it exhala y ve
FathersDay_ attention of the is possible, finally an
millions of please try to answer to the videos en
SubjectLine​ question what TikTok​
They will also potential keep the should I watch​
TikTok users we subject line 3. {Nickname},
include "US" or send emails to below 50 4. {Nickname} por fin hay
"Global" to around the characters. ​ what should una
indicate if they world with the you watch? respuesta a
will be used • Don't end la pregunta
hopes of subject lines TikTok, of
only in US or converting course.​ "¿Qué
globally (ROW, with a period.​ puedo ver?"​
rest of the them into Daily 5. {Nickname},
world):​ Active Users 🤣📚🤗 4. {Nickname},
Laugh. Learn.
• EDM_subjec
t_line_optim 📌 US-focus Connect.
ver? TikTok,
por supuesto​
ization_phas ROW​
e_5_categor ed 5. {Nickname},
y_fomo_US​ string 1. {Nickname}, 🤣📚🤗
s: ​ {friend.nickna Ríe.
• Us
me} is on Aprende.
e TikTok.​ Conecta.
A Repite​
• EDM_subjec m 2. {Nickname}, ROW​
t_line_optim er don't miss the 1. {Nickname},
ization_phas ic chance to {friend.nickn
e_5_suggest an check out ame} está en
_friend_fom {friend.nickna TikTok​
o_Global cu me} on TikTok​
lt 3. {Nickname}, 2. {Nickname},
ur find no te
al {friend.nickna pierdas la
re me} on TikTok.​ oportunidad
fe de ver a
re 4. {Nickname}, {friend.nickn
nc looking for ame} en
es friends on TikTok​
, TikTok? 3. {Nickname},
idi Connect with encuentra a
o {friend.nickna {friend.nickn
m me}, ame} en
s, {friend.nickna TikTok​
an me}, and
d others!​ 4. {Nickname},
w 5. 👯 ¿buscas
or {Nickname}, amigos en
d add TikTok?
pl {friend.nickna Conecta con
ay me} on TikTok​ {friend.nickn
to {friend.nickn
p ame} y
o ¡muchos
p más!​
ul 5. 👯
at {Nickname},
e agrega a
th {friend.nickn
is ame} en
en TikTok​
s: ​
• Ta
Pre Preheader Text Preheader Text When localizing • Find out who • Descubre
hea strings will is the content Preheader text, mentioned you​ quién te
der include the right take the • Get valuable mencionó​
Text​ segment underneath the following into insights about • Obtén
"preheader" on Subject Line. consideration:​ the información
their keys, for It's another • Keep your performance valiosa
example:​ breadcrumb for translation in of your videos​ sobre el
• EDM_Creator
the user to between six • Congrats on rendimiento
Analytics_e follow on the to eleven your TikTok de tus videos​
mail_prehea path into the words​ video!​ • ¡Felicidades
der​ actual email. • The length of %1$s, %2$s, por publicar

• EDM_welco preheader and others tu video en
me_series_o text viewed your TikTok!​
ptimization_ shouldn't profile.​ • %1$s, %2$s
preheader​ exceed 90 y otras
characters​ personas
vieron tu

The Email
The Headline The headline When localizing • 12 new videos • Hay 12
Hea strings will frames the Headlines, take from people nuevos
dlin include the expectations, the following you follow​ videos de
e​ segment information, into • Find your personas a
"headline" on and desired consideration:​ community​ las que
their keys, for behavior for sigues​
• Keep the • Search it on
example:​ the user in each headline TikTok​ • Encuentra a
• EDM_notific
particular short, tu
ation_email_ email. ​ straightforwa • Videos we comunidad​
redesign_he rd​ think you Búscalo en
adline_favor might like​ •
For specialized
ites​ emails we: ​ • Videos que
• EDM_notific creemos
ation_email_ que pueden
redesign_he gustarte​
• Use
language to
persuade the
user that
tapping the
CTA will
enrich their
lives and
open the
door to a
over 1 billion
The Body strings The body of When localizing • Connect with • Conecta con
Bod will include the the email Body strings, over 1 billion más de mil
y​ segment "body" functions to take the people around millones de
on their keys, interest and following into the world, personas en
for example:​ engage the user consideration:​ finding joy on todo el
enough that TikTok.​ mundo y
• EDM_sugges • The body pásalo bien
ted_post_em they're inspired should be • Easily find a
ail_optimizat to click through short, collection of en TikTok.​
ion_body_o to TikTok for deliberate, the funny, • Encuentra
ne​ more. It's our and clear interesting, fácilmente
opportunity to with one call useful, and los videos
• EDM_welco unique videos divertidos,
guide the
me_series_o to the CTA​ user to action.​
ptimization_ that were so interesantes,
• If there are good, you took útiles y
master_secti multiple the time to únicos que
on_body​ paragraphs save them.​ has
in the email, guardado en
each tu colección.​
should have
one call to

The CTA strings will The CTA is our When localizing • Go to TikTok​ • Ir a TikTok​
CTA​ include the last CTAs, take the • Open TikTok​ • Abrir TikTok​
segment "body" instructional/e following into Learn more on Más
on their keys, motional consideration:​ •

for example:​ opportunity to en TikTok​
persuade users • Start creating​
• EDM_Creator that they'll get • The CTA • Find more • Empezar a
Analytics_e more of what should be 3-5 friends​ crear​
mail_CTA_o they want if words and • Start searching​ • Encontrar
ne​ they open always más amigos​
EDM_Mentio TikTok.​ encourage

nsEmail_vid the user to • Empezar a
eo_CTA​ open the app buscar
from the
• In Spanish,
CTAs should
be translated
infinitives ​

Gender-inclusive language on EDM ​

In the case of EDM localization, we should prioritize legibility and respect the best practices
associated with this type of strategy as well as the character limitations associated with each of
the EDM components.​
If the Tips to implement gender-inclusive language provided can't be applied because they
conflict with the EDM localization best practices, we would consider plurals with an "o" already
gender neutral and avoid representing both masculine and feminine forms together by using a
slash (i.e. "amigos/as"). ​
Source​ Do​ Don't​
Participation is voluntary La participación es voluntaria La participación es voluntaria
and subject to TikTok’s y está sujeta a la [Política de y está sujeta a la [Privacy
[Privacy Policy]​ privacidad] de TikTok.​ Policy] de TikTok​
- You have read our Amplify - Has leído la Política de - Has leído la Política de
Privacy Policy [Amplify privacidad de Amplify [Política privacidad de Amplify
Privacy Policy];​ de privacidad de Amplify];​ [Amplify Privacy Policy];​
You won’t be able to use No podrás usar el anterior No podrás usar el anterior
the previous payment método de pago método de pago
method ({paymentMethod}) para ({métododepago}) para
({paymentMethod}) for retirar recompensas LIVE.​ retirar recompensas LIVE.​
LIVE rewards withdrawal​

Change history​
Date​ Change​
27/9/2021​ • Updated Punctuation under Language-specific standards​
◦ Added Hashtags​

17/6/2022​ • Updated Punctuation under Language-specific standards​

◦ Added Asterisks ​
• Updated Localization considerations
◦ Added Use of "me gusta"​
• Updated Numbers section​
15/9/2022​ • Updated Numbers section​
7/12/2022​ • Updated How to reflect TikTok voice and tone​
◦ Added Tips to implement gender-inclusive language​

23/3/2023​ • Updated Localizations considerations​

◦ Added Use of "deslizar" and "desplazar"​

8/5/2023​ • Updated Localizations considerations​

7/7/2023​ • Updated "Tips to implement gender-inclusive language"​
• Updated Localizations considerations​
◦ Updated Titles and Subtitles​
◦ Added How to translate "to follow"​
8/25/2023​ • Added "EDM Localization Best Practices"​
9/6/2023​ • Updated the "Numbers" section​
11/8/23​ • Updated "Date & Time formats" section​
• Updated "Capitalization" section​
◦ Added "Coins, Diamonds, Gifts and Goody bag"​

29/11/23​ • Added "Note on [square brackets] and {curly braces}" section​

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