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Name: Ram Bahadur Thapa

Roll No: 78341050

Discuss the shift from CSR to corporate shared value (CSV). Outline the major focus
of NBI’s Business Code of Conduct, 2013.
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and CSV (Creating Shared Value) are two interrelated
concepts that both emphasize the importance of sustainable and ethical business practices. These
concepts are grounded in the triple bottom line approach, which considers the economic, social,
and environmental impacts of business activities.
CSR involves businesses using their resources to address social and environmental issues. This
often includes initiatives such as implementing eco-friendly practices, supporting charitable
causes, and promoting ethical labor practices in their supply chain. The focus of CSR is to
leverage the resources and influence of corporations to make a positive impact on society and the
On the other hand, CSV takes a more integrated approach by incorporating social and
environmental considerations into the core business strategy. Companies that embrace CSV
strive to generate economic value while simultaneously creating value for society. This could
involve developing products and services that address unmet societal needs, sourcing materials
and labor ethically, or finding innovative ways to reduce environmental impact throughout the
value chain.
Both concepts are instrumental in shaping the responsible and sustainable business practices of
today. They often work hand in hand, with businesses leveraging CSR initiatives to address
immediate social and environmental challenges and embracing CSV to embed sustainable
practices into their long-term business models. This combination allows corporations to strike a
balance between generating economic value and taking responsibility for their impact on the
planet and society.
Shift from CSR to corporate shared value (CSV)
1) CSR activities improve reputation and respond to external pressure, while CSV enhances a
company's competitiveness while advancing economic and social conditions.
2) CSV connects society and corporate performance, emphasizing the interdependence of social
progress and business success.
3) CSV focuses on redistributing profits generated by firms, while CSR activities center on
fostering healthy communities and providing corporations with public assets and a supportive
environment, benefiting both society and corporations.

The major focus of NBI’s Business Code of Conduct, 2013.

 In 2013, the National Business Initiative (NBI) unveiled its Business Code of Conduct
with the primary objective of fostering a culture of ethical business conduct throughout
 This comprehensive code places a strong emphasis on the fundamental principles of
integrity, transparency, and the unequivocal condemnation of corrupt practices within the
business realm.
 It integrates crucial social, environmental, and economic considerations into the everyday
operations of businesses, thereby promoting a holistic approach to corporate
 The NBI aims to create a conducive and sustainable business environment that not only
enhances the prosperity of businesses but also ensures that they make meaningful and
positive contributions to the wider society.
 Nepal's political deadlock, corruption, and unfriendly business environment have led to
unethical practices and threatening public safety, the business community's image due to
the absence of rule of law.
 The NBI seeks to cultivate enduring and mutually beneficial relationships with all
stakeholders, underpinning the overarching goal of long-term socio-economic
development and progress.
 In 2013, the National Business Initiative (NBI) launched the groundbreaking 'Business
Ethics in Nepal' program with the generous support of GIZ GmbH on behalf of the
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The program
aimed to combat the widespread issues of corruption, fraud, the formation of cartels, and
tax evasion that have been plaguing the business sector in Nepal.
 Ethical business practices are crucial for business sustainability, reducing costs,
increasing investor interest, and fostering goodwill. Laws and regulations encourage
businesses to adhere to societal standards.
Hence, Nepal Business Initiative (NBI) is actively involved in several key initiatives aimed at
fostering positive change and development in the country. These initiatives encompass peace
building efforts, in-depth exploration of the impact of the federal economy, advocacy for
election funding reforms, the implementation of modern Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) practices in Nepal, and the promotion of Responsible Business through the
implementation of a Business Code of Conduct and the organization of the Responsible
Business Summit.

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