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Q8 Give a historical account of the formation of Coalition Government in Manipur.

Ans: The formation of coalition governments in Manipur has been a recurrent phenomenon,
influenced by the state's fragmented political landscape and the need for inclusive
governance. The state's ethnic diversity, with significant Meitei, Naga, and Kuki populations,
has contributed to the complexity of its political fabric. It is only natural for the political
parties to enter into pre-poll coalitions with a view to not only maximize their electoral wins
but also their chances of forming the ministry which is bound to follow the elections. This
was evident inside the political system of India particularly after the 1967 elections, a trend
which continues to be there with flourish at present. Manipur also has witnessed electoral
coalition as early as 1972 when the state went to poll for electing the first ever state
legislative assembly comprising 60 members.
State Assembly Elections 1984
The fourth state assembly elections were held in 27 December 1984. There were only two
regional parties contesting the elections. They were the MPP (Manipur People’s Party) and
the KNA(Kuki National Assembly). As the elections approached, the MPP announced that it
will enter into an electoral alliance with other parties. However, the alliance was met with
differences over the issue of seat sharing and ultimately, all of them went for friendly
contests. The MPP also further proclaimed that it will join hands with other like-minded
parties or candidates.
State Assembly Elections 1990-1995:
The state went to poll for the fifth state assembly elections in 1990. There were four regional
parties contesting the assembly elections. They were the MPP, NPP (Naga People’s Party) ,
KNA and the MHPC (Manipur Hill’s People’s Council). The opposition parties formed a
coalition to defeat Congress. There were no electoral coalitions at all on the eve of the fifth
state assembly elections held in 1995.
State Assembly Elections 2000-2002:
The MSCP(Manipur State Congress Party) which was leading the United Front coalition
ministry in the state was a partner of the NDA( National Democratic Alliance) led by the BJP
at the Centre. Gangmumei Kamei, the President of the FPM also announced its intention to
join the NDA. This resulted in the formation of the NDA Manipur Pradesh.
Certain extraordinary situations led to the holding of the 2002 mid-term State Legislative
assembly elections in Manipur. The entire environment was not so encouraging to vocally
pursue and announce the formation of electoral coalitions. As a result, most of the parties
contested the elections more or less on their own.
Coalition Governments in the 21st Century
In the 2002 Manipur Legislative Assembly elections, the Indian National Congress (INC)
emerged as a dominant force but fell short of an absolute majority. The INC won 20 out of
the 60 seats, necessitating the formation of a coalition government. Okram Ibobi Singh of the
INC formed the government with support from smaller parties and independent candidates,
leading to a coalition administration. This period marked the beginning of a relatively stable
political phase in Manipur, with the INC playing a pivotal role in governance. The coalition's
primary focus was on development and addressing insurgency-related issues, aiming to bring
peace and progress to the state. Despite challenges inherent in coalition politics, the INC-led
government managed to maintain stability and initiate various developmental projects, setting
the stage for future political dynamics in Manipur.
The Congress achieved an absolute majority in the 2007 elections, reducing the need for
coalition. However, coalition dynamics remained relevant in the state's political discourse.
The Congress continued its dominance, but the rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) at the
national level began to influence local politics after the 2012 election.
The Rise of BJP and Recent Coalition Governments (2017-2022)
In the 2017 election, BJP made significant inroads in Manipur, winning 21 seats. Despite the
Congress being the single largest party with 28 seats, the BJP formed a coalition government
with the National People's Party (NPP), Naga People's Front (NPF), and Lok Janshakti Party
(LJP). N. Biren Singh became the Chief Minister. The coalition government faced challenges
in maintaining unity among diverse partners. Ethnic and regional interests played a crucial
role in shaping coalition politics
In the 2022 election, BJP won 32 seats, an increase from the previous elections, but still
required coalition partners to form the government. The BJP allied with the NPP, NPF, and
other smaller parties to secure a stable government. N. Biren Singh continued as Chief
Minister. The coalition government faced issues such as inter-party conflicts, ethnic tensions,
and governance challenges. Balancing the interests of various ethnic groups, including
Meitei, Naga, and Kuki communities was a complex task.

Thus, the coalition governments in Manipur reflect the complex interplay of ethnicity,
politics, and regionalism. While they present challenges, particularly in terms of political
stability and effective governance, they are also essential for ensuring that the diverse voices
within the state are heard and represented. Moving forward, the key to successful coalition
governance in Manipur lies in fostering greater unity among coalition partners, prioritizing
development goals, and addressing the underlying ethnic tensions that influence the state's
political dynamics.

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