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Module II

Human Resource Development

T.Y.B.Com – Semester – VI
Dr. P.K.Soni

 HRD – Concept, Functions

Training – Concept, Process of identifying training and
development needs, Methods of Training and
development, Evaluating Training Effectiveness
 Performance Appraisal – Concept, Benefits, Limitations,
Potential Appraisal – Concept, importance
 Career Planning - Concept importance
Succession Planning – concept and need
Mentoring – Concept , importance
Counselling – concept and techniques
HRD Concept and Functions
 Definition : “HRD is the integrated use of training and development,
organisational development, and career development - to improve
individual and, group and organisational effectiveness”
 Scope / Functions of HRD:
1) Performance Appraisal
2) Promotion
3) Training and Development
4) Career Development
5) Organisational Development
6) Motivation
7) Employee Welfare
8) Human Resource Information
9) Mentoring
Training – Concept
 Definition :
“Training consists of planned programmes undertaken to
improve employee knowledge, skills, attitudes and social
behaviour so that the performance of the organisation
improves considerably”
 Meaning:
It is viewed as a short term learning process by which
employees acquire the technical knowledge and skills
necessary to perform efficiently their tasks and
Importance of Training and
1) Innovation
2) Corporate Image
3) Efficiency
4) Team work
5) Motivation
6) Competitive Advantage
7) Customer Satisfaction
8) Absenteeism Reduction
9) Employee turnover reduction
10) Benefits to employees
Process of identifying training needs
 A training need arise when 1. Analysing organizational needs
there is gap between 2. Analysis of strategies and tasks
expected performance of an 3. Analysis of training needs of
employee (or a group of individual employees
employees) and the actual
performance. 4. Develop a training plan
 Training needs can be 5. Decision on training method
identify through 6. Communication with
performance reviews, and employees
appraisal system, feedback 7. Implementation of training
from the superiors or programme
employees, customer 8. Review of training out come
satisfaction surveys etc.
Methods of training
On- the- Job methods Off- the – job – methods
 Job Rotation  Management games
 Role play
 Understudy
 In-basket training
 Mentoring  Case study
 Coaching  Sensitivity training
(Laboratory or T-Group
 Counselling Training)
 Apprenticeship  Assessment centres
 Planned Progression  Reading
 Conferences
Evaluation Training Effectiveness
 Training involves time  The methods of evaluating
effort and money. training effectiveness.
Therefore, it is advisable to 1) Observation
find out the effectiveness of 2) Test-retest
training programme i.e.
3) Pre-post performance
Benefits of training
programme to organisation 4) Test control method
and to the employee. 5) Kirkpatrick’s four level
i) Reaction ii) Learning
iii) Behaviour iv) Results
Performance Appraisal
Concept Benefits / Uses / Purposes
 In the words of Wayne 1. Performance Feedback
Cascio “Performance 2. Training and development
appraisal is the systematic 3. Motivation
description of an
4. Promotion and Transfer
employee’s job relevant
strengths and weaknesses” 5. Human Resource Planning
6. Documentary evidence
7. Effective communication
Limitations of Performance Appraisal
 Halo effect
 Horn effect
 Central Tendency
 Cost factor
 Problem of leniency
 Problem of strictness
 Spillover effect
 Personal bias
 Paper work
Methods of performance appraisal
Traditional Modern
 Check list  Role Analysis
 Confidential Report  Assessment Centres
 Critical Incident Method  MBO
 Ranking Method  Bell Shaped Curve Method
 Graphic Rating Scale  360 degree appraisal
 Narrative essay  Human Resource
Potential Appraisal
Concept Importance

 It is a future oriented  Identification of Strength and

appraisal, whose main weaknesses
objective is to identify and  Identification of training needs
evaluate the potential of the  Retention of competent
employees to assume higher
 Motivation to employees
positions and responsibilities
 Assigning Challenging Projects
in the organisation.
 Succession planning
 It refers to the identification  Healthy work culture
of the hidden talents and skills  Developing confidence in
of an employee. employees
Career Planning and Development (CPD)
 Employees join an organization to fulfill their career
goals and aspirations and organizations provide
opportunities to fulfill them.
 Where there is a mismatch between the two, employees
experience dissatisfaction and withdraw from the
organization to join another where such opportunity
 It underlines the need for career planning. It helps the
employees to achieve a better match between their
career goals and the opportunities available in the
 Stage # 1. Analysing Employee’s Needs and
Communication of Career Information:
Career Counselling:
Stage # 2. Analysing Career Opportunity:
Stage # 3. Matching Needs and Opportunities:
Stage # 4. Action Plan and Periodic Review:
Career Planning and Development (CPD)
 Career Planning : is the systematic process by
which a person selects career goals and means
to achieve them.
 Example of career path
 For Management Personnel - Trainee –
Junior executive – Asst. Manager – Sr.
Manager – Dept. Manager –Vice President –
 For unskilled worker – Unskilled worker –
semi skilled – skilled – specialist – foreman
 Career Development : is a continuous process
of developing one’s career within the same
organisation or in another. It involves training,
moving to higher responsibilities, and career
 HR Manager help employees in career
development .
Importance of CPD
To the employees To the organisation
 Career Selection  Reduction in employees
 Career up gradation turnover
 Motivated employees
 Improvement in
performance  Higher efficiency
 Job satisfaction
 Corporate image
 Competitive advantage
 Improve mental health
 Facilitate succession planning
 Reduce monotony and
 Attracts and retain talented
Succession Planning
 Meaning :  Need for succession planning
It is a process of making 1) Grooming of Successors
arrangements to fill up key 2) Attract and retain
organisational positions competent employees
including that of CEO. 3) Motivation
 Steps in Succession planning
4) Ensures filling up of key
1) Identification of the positions
positions 5) Support of stakeholders
2) Identification of successors
6) Corporate Image
3) Grooming of successors
7) Competitive Advantages
Meaning :  Importance of Mentoring
It is a process of guiding and 1) Aids in decision making
coaching the mentees for 2) Better communication
improving individual, group and
3) Improve Competency of
organisational effectiveness. It is
considered as method of human
resource development. 4) Discipline
Mentoring Programme 5) Improve efficiency
i)Deliberate learning 6) Facilitates Team work
ii) Failure and success stories 7) Goodwill
iii) Practical personal examples 8) Competitive Advantages
iv) Positive attitude 9) Organisational objectives
V) Support from top management
 Meaning
It is a discussion with an  When counselling is required
employee of a problem that  Career problem
usually has emotional content in  Performance issues
order to help the employee to
cope with it.  Behavioural issues

 The main objective of  Slipping deadlines

counselling are to enable  Family problems
employees to develop self  Problem with adjusting
confidence, understanding self organisation culture
and others, self control and the  Lack of team spirit
ability to work efficiently.
Benefits Techniques
1. Improvement in 1) Directive counselling
employees performance 2) Non Directive counselling
2. Reduction in employees 3) Participative counselling
absenteeism 4) Sub techniques
3. Enhance quality of a) Active listening
decision making
b) Relaxation exercises
4. Innovation
c) Showing interest and
5. Improve relations attention

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