cypress assignment D

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Cypress Assignment D

Q1. How to click a hidden element in Cypress?

Answe In Cypress, clicking a hidden element directly is not supported because Cypress is
r designed to behave like a user interacting with a webpage, and users cannot interact
with hidden elements. However, you can achieve this by making the element visible
before clicking it. Here's how you can do it:

// Find the hidden element

// Use 'invoke' to execute a function to make the element visible
// Now the element is visible, you can click it

Alternatively, if the element is hidden due to being covered by another element or

hidden because of CSS styles, you can use `force: true` option with the `click()`
command to forcefully click on it:

// Find the hidden element and forcefully click it

cy.get('.hidden-element').click({ force: true });

However, it's important to note that forcing a click may not accurately simulate user
behavior and interaction with the page. So, it's preferable to make the element
visible if possible.
Q2. In Cypress, you can skip a test using the `it.skip()` function. Here's how you can
use it:

Answe it.skip('should not execute this test', () => {

r // Test code here
When you run your Cypress tests, any test defined with `it.skip()` will be marked as
skipped and not executed.
You can also conditionally skip tests based on certain criteria using regular
JavaScript constructs. For example:

it('should only run this test on a certain condition', () => {

if (conditionIsMet) {
// Test code here
} else {
// Skip the test
cy.log('Test skipped because condition is not met');
this.skip(); // If using Mocha
In this example, if `conditionIsMet` is false, the test will be skipped. This way, you
can control test execution based on various conditions.
Q3. How to upload a file in Cypress?

Answe To upload a file in Cypress, you can use the `cy.fixture()` command to load a file
r and then `cy.get()` to select the input element and trigger the file upload. Here's a
step-by-step guide:

1. **Install Cypress File Upload Plugin (Optional):** If you haven't already, you
can install the `cypress-file-upload` plugin, which simplifies file uploads in
Cypress. You can install it via npm:

npm install --save-dev cypress-file-upload

2. **Include the Plugin in Cypress Support File (Optional):** If you've installed the
plugin, include it in your `support/index.js` file:

import 'cypress-file-upload';

3. **Write Cypress Test:**

Here's an example Cypress test to upload a file:

describe('File Upload', () => {

it('uploads a file', () => {
// Load the file using cy.fixture()
cy.fixture('example.csv').then(fileContent => {
// Trigger file upload by selecting the input element and using cy.upload()
cy.get('input[type="file"]').upload({ fileContent, fileName: 'example.csv',
mimeType: 'text/csv' });

Make sure to replace `'example.csv'` with the name of your file.

4. **Run the Test:** Run Cypress to execute the test:

npx cypress open

This test will locate the file input element on your webpage and upload the
specified file. If you're not using the `cypress-file-upload` plugin, you can still use
the `cy.fixture()` command to load the file, but you'll need to manually trigger the
file upload using the appropriate event (e.g., `change` event).

Q4. How to scroll into view in Cypress?

Answe In Cypress, you can scroll elements into view using the `scrollIntoView()` method.
r Here's how you can do it:

// Scroll an element into view


This command will scroll the element with the class `.your-element` into view if it's
not already visible within the viewport. You can replace `.your-element` with a
selector for the specific element you want to scroll into view.

If you want to scroll to the top or bottom of the page, you can use the `scrollTo()`

// Scroll to the top of the page


// Scroll to the bottom of the page


These commands can be useful for ensuring that elements you need to interact with
are visible within the viewport during your Cypress tests.
Q5. How to select the child element in Cypress?

Answe To select a child element in Cypress, you can use various methods depending on
r your specific scenario and the structure of your HTML. Here are some common
ways to select child elements:

1. **Direct Child Selector (`>`):** You can use the `>` selector to target direct child
elements. For example, if you want to select a `<div>` element that is a direct child
of another element with class `.parent`, you can do:

cy.get('.parent > div');

2. **Descendant Selector (Space):** If you want to select any descendant element,

not just direct children, you can use a space. For example, to select all `<div>`
elements inside an element with class `.parent`, regardless of their depth in the
DOM tree:

cy.get('.parent div');

3. **Nesting `get()` Calls:** You can nest `get()` calls to select child elements. For
example, to select a `<span>` element that is a child of a `<div>` which is a child of
an element with class `.parent`:

4. **Using Specific Attributes or Classes:** You can also use specific attributes or
classes to target child elements. For example, to select all `<input>` elements inside
a `<form>` element:
cy.get('form input');

5. **Indexing:** If you know the index of the child element you want to select, you
can use indexing with `eq()` or `first()`/`last()`. For example, to select the second
`<li>` element inside a `<ul>`:

cy.get('ul li').eq(1); // Indexing is 0-based

These are just a few examples of how you can select child elements in Cypress.
Depending on your specific HTML structure and requirements, you might need to
use a combination of these techniques.
Q6. Explain the contains() in Cypress?

Answe In Cypress, the `contains()` method is used to find DOM elements containing
r specific text content. It allows you to select elements based on the text they contain.
Here's how `contains()` works:

cy.contains(selector, content)

- `selector`: This is a CSS selector or an alias that specifies the parent element
within which to search for the text content.
- `content`: This is the text content that you want to find within the selected

The `contains()` method returns the first DOM element that matches the specified
content within the selected elements. It's important to note that `contains()` is case-
sensitive by default.

Here's an example usage of `contains()`:

// Find the <button> element containing the text "Submit"

cy.contains('button', 'Submit').click();

In this example, Cypress will search for a `<button>` element containing the text
"Submit" and then perform a click action on it.

You can also use regular expressions with `contains()` to perform more flexible text
matching. For example:

// Find the <h1> element containing text that matches the regular expression
cy.contains('h1', /Welcome.*/);
This would match any `<h1>` element containing text that starts with "Welcome".

Keep in mind that `contains()` may not be suitable for selecting elements based on
partial text matches if multiple elements contain the same text. In such cases, you
might need to refine your selector or use other methods like filtering or iterating
over elements.
Q7. What are the other alternatives to the Cypress tool?

Answe There are several alternatives to Cypress, each with its own strengths and
r weaknesses. Here are some popular alternatives:

1. **Selenium WebDriver:** Selenium is one of the most widely used automation

testing frameworks. It supports multiple programming languages such as Java,
Python, C#, etc., and allows you to automate browser interactions across different
browsers. Selenium WebDriver provides more flexibility but may require more
setup and maintenance compared to Cypress.

2. **Puppeteer:** Puppeteer is a Node.js library developed by Google for

controlling headless Chrome or Chromium. It provides a high-level API to control
Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer is well-suited for
tasks such as web scraping, automated testing, and generating screenshots of web

3. **TestCafe:** TestCafe is an open-source automation testing framework built

with Node.js. It allows you to write tests in JavaScript or TypeScript and runs tests
in any browser that supports JavaScript. TestCafe provides built-in waiting
mechanisms, automatic waiting for page loads, and no need for manual timeouts,
making it easier to write stable tests.

4. **WebdriverIO:** WebdriverIO is a popular end-to-end testing framework for

Node.js. It provides a variety of integrations with other testing frameworks and
services, making it flexible and extensible. WebdriverIO supports running tests in
multiple browsers and provides a synchronous programming interface that
simplifies writing asynchronous code.

5. **Protractor:** Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework specifically

designed for Angular and AngularJS applications. It wraps WebDriverJS with
additional functionality to simplify testing Angular-specific elements such as
directives and components. Protractor is built on top of WebDriverJS and is suitable
for testing Angular applications.

6. **Playwright:** Playwright is a relatively new automation testing framework

developed by Microsoft. It supports multiple programming languages (JavaScript,
TypeScript, Python, C#, etc.) and provides a high-level API to automate
interactions with web pages, including actions such as clicking, typing, and
navigating. Playwright supports multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and
offers built-in support for headless execution.
These are just a few alternatives to Cypress, and the best choice depends on your
specific requirements, preferences, and the technology stack of your project.

Q8. How to generate a test report in Cypress?

Answe Cypress doesn't have built-in support for generating test reports, but you can
r achieve this using third-party plugins. One popular plugin for generating test
reports in Cypress is `mochawesome`.
Here's how you can generate a test report using `mochawesome`:

1. **Install `mochawesome`:** You can install `mochawesome` using npm:

npm install --save-dev mochawesome

2. **Update `cypress.json`:** Add the following configuration to your

`cypress.json` file:

"reporter": "mochawesome",
"reporterOptions": {
"reportDir": "cypress/reports/mochawesome"

This configuration tells Cypress to use the `mochawesome` reporter and specifies
the directory where the test reports will be generated.

3. **Run Cypress Tests:** Run your Cypress tests as you normally would, either
through the Cypress Test Runner or using the CLI.

4. **Generate Test Report:** After the tests have completed, you can generate the
test report by running the following command:
npx mochawesome-merge cypress/reports/mochawesome/*.json > merged-
report.json && npx marge merged-report.json --reportDir
cypress/reports/mochawesome --timestamp --overwrite

This command merges all the individual JSON reports generated by Cypress into
a single JSON file (`merged-report.json`) and then generates an HTML test report
using `marge`.

5. **View Test Report:** You can find the generated HTML test report in the
directory specified in your `cypress.json` file (`cypress/reports/mochawesome` by
default). Open the HTML file in a browser to view the test report.

By following these steps, you can generate a comprehensive test report for your
Cypress tests using `mochawesome`. You can also explore other reporting plugins
for Cypress, depending on your specific requirements and preferences.
Q9. How do logging in to Cypress?

Answe Logging in Cypress involves interacting with your application's login form,
r entering credentials, and submitting the form. Here's a basic example of how you
can log in using Cypress:

describe('Login', () => {
it('should log in successfully', () => {
// Visit the login page

// Enter username

// Enter password

// Submit the form


// Verify login success

cy.url().should('include', '/dashboard');

In this example:

1. `cy.visit('/login')` navigates to the login page.

2. `cy.get('input[name="username"]').type('your_username')` selects the username
input field by its name attribute and types the username.
3. `cy.get('input[name="password"]').type('your_password')` selects the password
input field by its name attribute and types the password.
4. `cy.get('form').submit()` submits the login form.
5. `cy.url().should('include', '/dashboard')` verifies that the URL has changed to the
dashboard page, indicating a successful login.

You should adjust the selectors and form fields to match your application's login
form. Additionally, you might need to handle scenarios like error messages for
invalid credentials or additional security measures like CAPTCHA.

Q10. What is the role of the cy.visit() command in Cypress?

Answe The `cy.visit()` command in Cypress is used to navigate to a specific URL. It's one
r of the fundamental commands in Cypress and is typically the starting point of most
Cypress tests. Here's how it works:


- `url`: This is the URL of the web page you want to visit.

When you call `cy.visit()`, Cypress will open a new browser window (or tab) and
load the specified URL. It waits for the page to fully load before continuing with
the test execution. After visiting the page, Cypress will continue executing the
subsequent commands in your test script.

Here's a simple example of how you can use `cy.visit()` in a Cypress test:
describe('Visit Google', () => {
it('should visit Google homepage', () => {

In this example, Cypress will open a new browser window/tab and navigate to
Google's homepage (``).

`cy.visit()` is often used at the beginning of test scripts to set up the initial state of
the application under test. You can use it to visit different pages of your application,
perform login/logout actions, or navigate to specific URLs to start testing various
Q11. How to check your application’s responsiveness?

Answe Checking your application's responsiveness involves testing how well it adapts to
r different screen sizes and devices. Here are several approaches you can take to
ensure your application is responsive:

1. **Manual Testing:**
- Resize your browser window to various sizes and observe how the content and
layout of your application adjust.
- Use browser developer tools to simulate different device sizes and viewports.
- Test on different devices such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

2. **Automated Testing:**
- Use Cypress or other testing frameworks to automate responsiveness testing.
Write tests that simulate different screen sizes and verify that elements are
displayed correctly.
- Consider using libraries like `cypress-viewport` to set custom viewport sizes in
Cypress tests.

3. **Visual Regression Testing:**

- Use visual regression testing tools like Percy or Applitools to capture
screenshots of your application at different screen sizes and compare them against
baseline images to detect visual regressions.
- These tools can help identify layout issues, unintended styling changes, or
content misalignments across different screen sizes.

4. **CSS Media Queries:**

- Utilize CSS media queries to define styles for different screen sizes. Test your
media queries by resizing the browser window and ensuring that styles are applied
- Consider using a mobile-first approach, where you define styles for smaller
screens first and then add styles for larger screens using media queries.

5. **Accessibility Testing:**
- Ensure that your application is accessible on different devices by testing with
screen readers and keyboard navigation.
- Verify that all interactive elements are reachable and usable on small screens
and touch devices.

6. **Performance Testing:**
- Monitor performance metrics such as page load times, resource loading, and
rendering performance across different screen sizes and devices.
- Use tools like Lighthouse or Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze performance
and identify areas for improvement.

By combining manual testing, automated testing, visual regression testing, and

other techniques, you can ensure that your application is responsive and provides a
consistent user experience across a variety of devices and screen sizes.
Q12. How to capture screenshots in the Cypress framework?

Answe Capturing screenshots in Cypress is straightforward and can be done using the
r `cy.screenshot()` command. This command allows you to capture screenshots
during your test runs, which can be useful for debugging or documenting test
failures. Here's how you can use it:

1. **Capture a Screenshot:**
To capture a screenshot at any point during your test, simply call the
`cy.screenshot()` command:

// Capture a screenshot named "example"


This command will capture a screenshot of the current state of the application and
save it in the default screenshots directory (`cypress/screenshots` by default) with
the specified name (`example.png`).

2. **Customize Screenshot Configuration:**

You can customize the screenshot configuration by providing options to the

`cy.screenshot()` command. For example:

// Capture a screenshot with specific options

cy.screenshot('example', { capture: 'viewport', blackout: ['.sidebar'] });

- `capture`: Specifies what to capture. Options include `'fullPage'`, `'viewport'`, or

- `blackout`: An array of CSS selectors or DOM elements to hide in the

3. **Capture Screenshots on Test Failure:**

You can configure Cypress to automatically capture screenshots when a test fails.
To enable this feature, you need to add the following configuration to your
`cypress.json` file:

"screenshotOnRunFailure": true

With this configuration enabled, Cypress will automatically capture a screenshot

of the failed test and save it in the screenshots directory when a test fails.

4. **Customize Screenshots Directory:**

If you want to save screenshots in a custom directory, you can specify the
directory path as follows:

cy.screenshot('example', { capture: 'viewport', blackout: ['.sidebar'], path:

'custom/screenshots' });

This will save the screenshot in the `custom/screenshots` directory.

By using `cy.screenshot()` in your Cypress tests, you can capture screenshots to

help debug issues, document test failures, or visually verify the state of your
application during test execution.
Q13. Can Cypress be used for testing mobile applications?

Answe Cypress is primarily designed for testing web applications running in a browser
r environment, so it's not intended for testing native mobile applications directly.
However, Cypress can be used indirectly to test mobile applications in certain

1. **Mobile Web Applications:** If your mobile application is a web app (i.e., it

runs in a mobile web browser), you can use Cypress to test it just like any other
web application. Cypress allows you to set custom viewport sizes, including those
commonly used on mobile devices, and you can simulate touch events and
interactions using Cypress commands.

2. **Hybrid Mobile Applications:** If your mobile application is built using web

technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) wrapped in a native wrapper (e.g., Cordova,
Ionic, or Capacitor), you can still use Cypress to test the web portion of your
application. However, you won't be able to test native functionalities of the app
using Cypress alone.

3. **Integration Testing with Backend APIs:** Even if you can't directly test the
mobile app UI with Cypress, you can still use Cypress to test the backend APIs or
services that the mobile app interacts with. This can be valuable for testing the
functionality and reliability of your backend services, which are often shared
between web and mobile applications.

4. **End-to-End Testing in Combination with Appium:** If you need to perform

end-to-end testing that includes both the mobile app UI and backend services, you
can integrate Cypress with Appium. Appium is an open-source tool for automating
native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. By combining Cypress and Appium,
you can automate testing across both web and mobile platforms in a unified test

While Cypress itself is not designed for testing native mobile applications, it can
still play a role in testing various aspects of mobile development, especially when
combined with other tools and frameworks like Appium. However, for
comprehensive testing of native mobile apps, you may want to consider dedicated
mobile testing frameworks like Appium or Espresso.

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