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1. Which of these elements has the highest first ionization energy?

A) Rb B) Li C) Na D) K

The correct answer is B.


The answer is Li, because ionization energy increase across the period and decrease down the group.

2. How many isomeric dichlorobenzenes are obtainable?

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

The correct answer is A.

3. The quantum number l in an atom defines

A) the shell K, L, M B) orbitals

C) multiplicity D) degeneracy of orbitals

The correct answer is D.

4. The hybridization of the central atom in a molecule

A) dictates the shape of the molecule

B) shortens the sigma bond in the molecule

C) distorts the shape of the molecule

D) serves to explain the shape of the molecule.

The correct answer is A.

5. Lithium with atomic number of 3 is a

A) Strong reducing agent

B) Strong oxidizing agent

C) Weak reducing agent

D) Weak oxidizing agent

The correct answer is A

1. When the two end alkyl groups ethyl ethanoate are interchange, the compound formed is known as

A. methyl ethanoate

B. ethyl propanaote

C. methyl propanoate

D. propyl ethanoate

Correct Answer: Option C

2. A mixture of iodine and sulphur crystals can be separated by treatment with

A. Water to filter off sulphur

B. carbon (IV) sulphide to filter off iodine

C. ethanoic acid to filter off sulphur

D. methanol to filter off iodine

Correct Answer: Option B

3. Which of the following compounds is composed of Al, Si, O and H?

A. Epsom salt B. Limestone

C. Clay D. Urea

Correct Answer: Option C

4. 50 cm3 of carbon (II) oxide was exploded with 150 cm3 of air containing 20% oxygen by volume.
Which of the reactants was in excess?

A. Carbon (II) oxide

B. Carbon (IV) oxide

C. Oxygen

D. Nitrogen

Correct Answer: Option C


2CO + O2 → 2CO2

50cm3 → 25cm3

20% * 150 = 30cm3

30 cm3 is the volume of oxygen available for the reactions. But only 25 cm3 is required; therefore O2 is
in excess

5. How many moles HCL will be required to react with potassium heptaoxodichromate (VI) to produce 3
moles of chlorine?

A. 14 B. 12 C. 11 D. 10

Correct Answer: Option A

6. The ratio of the initial to final pressure of a given mass of gas is 1:1.5. Calculate the final volume of the
gas if the initial volume was 300 cm3 at the same temperature

A. 120 cm3

B. 200 cm3

C. 450 cm3

D. 750 cm3

Correct Answer: Option B


From P1V1 = P2V2

1 * V1 = 1.5 * V2

((1 * 300)/1.5) = V2

∴ V2 = 200 cm3

7. The partial pressure of oxygen in a sample of air is 452 mm Hg and the total pressure is 780 mm Hg.
What is the mole fraction of oxygen?

A. 0.203

B. 0.579

C. 2.030

D. 5.790

Correct Answer: Option B


Mole fraction = \(\frac{\text{Partial pressure of component}}{\text{Total pressure of compound}}\)

= \(\frac{452}{780}\)

= 0.579

8. Which of the following statement is correct about the periodic table?

A. Elements in the same period have the same number of valency electron

B. The valence electron of the elements in the same period increase progressively across the period

C. Elements in the same group have the same number of electron shells

D. The non-metallic properties of the elements tend to decrease across each period

Correct Answer: Option B

9. Which of the following types of bonding does not involve the formation of new substance?

A. Metallic B. covalent C. Co-ordinate D. Electrovalent

Correct Answer: Option A

10. The distance between the nuclei of chlorine atoms in a chlorine molecule is 0.194 mm. The atomic
radius of chlorine atom is

A. 0.097 mm B. 0.194 mm

C. 0.388 mm D. 2.388 mm

Correct Answer: Option A

1. The entropy and enthalpy of a system are a measure of

A. degree of disorderlinesss and heat content respectively

B. heat content and degree of disorderliness respectively

C. heat content of a system only

D. degree of disorderliness only

Correct Answer: Option A

2. N2O4(g) ↔ 2NO2(g). Increase in total pressure of the equilibrium reaction above will

A. produce more of NO2(g) in the mixture

B. convert all of N2O4(g) to NO2(g)

C. have no effect on the concentrations of NO2(g)and N2O4(g)

D. produce more of N2O4(g) in the mixture

Correct Answer: Option D

3. Which of the following statement is true of the electrochemical series?

A. Electropositivity of metals increase down the series

B. Electropositivity of non-metals decrease down the series

C. Electronegativity of non-metals decrease down the series

D. Electropositivity of metals decreases down the series

Correct Answer: Option D

4. The gas that will form a white precipitate with acidified silver trioxonitrate (v) is

A. NH3 B. SO2 C. CO2 D. HCL

Correct Answer: Option D

5. Chlorine, bromine and iodine resemble one another in that they

A. dissolve in alkalis

B. react violently with hydorgen without heating

C. are liquids

D. displace one another from solutiions of their salts

Correct Answer: Option D

6. A pair of compounds that can be used to generate a gas which has physiological effect on human
beings is

A. sodium trioxonitrate (V) and calcium chloride

B. sodium dioxonitrate (III) and ammonium chloride

C. sodium trioxonitrate (V) and ammonium chloride

D. sodium dioxonitrate (III) and potassium chloride

Correct Answer: Option C

7. Hydrogen is used in oxy-hydrogen flames for melting metals because it

A. evolves a lot of heat when burnt

B. combines explosively with oxygen

C. is a very light gas

D. is a rocket fuel

Correct Answer: Option A

8. What properties of duralumin make it more useful than its constituent metals?

A. It is heavy with a high melting point

B. It is malleable and has high density

C. It is strong and light

D. It is hard and ductile

Correct Answer: Option C

9. The pair of metals in the reactivity series that are usually extracted by the electrolysis of their ores is

A. magnesium and zinc

B. magnesium and calcium

C. copper and zinc

D. lead and calcium

Correct Answer: Option B

10. POlyvinyl chloride is used to produce

A. bread B. pencils C. ink

D. pipes

Correct Answer: Option D

11. An organic compound that does not undergo a reaction with both hydrogen cyanide and
hydroxylamine can be

A. alkene

B. alkanal

C. alkanone

D. alkanoic acid

Correct Answer: Option A

1. Baby is to adult as seed is to ----- a. Plant b. Tree c. Wood d. Fruit

2. Winsome is to ugly as antagonise is to ----

a. Oppose c. Conceive d. Attract

3. In what year was the Commonwealth of Nations established?

a. 1930 b. 1931 c. 1949 d. 1933

4. A government by old people is a --- a. Bureaucracy b.stratocracy c. Gerontocracy d. Kakistocracy

5. She is richer than --- a. I b. Me

*10 Words Whose Correct Spellings were asked in 2019 #POST_UTME*










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