ENVI-SCI-SAS-Day-1 (1)

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SCX 010: Environmental Science

Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson Title: Describing the Planet Earth Through Environmental Materials:

Science Student Activity Sheets

Learning Targets: References:

At the end of the module, students will be able to: Oclay, Agnes D. 2011. “Basic
Principles in Environmental
1. Define environmental science, and identify its branches. Studies”, Chrizam Printing Press.
2. Relate its importance to their course and find possible solutions to Dagupan City.
environmental problems that may arise.


Welcome to the World of Environmental Science! Our planet Earth is almost completely isolated from
everything in the universe and is totally exposed to sunlight. It is often compared to a vast spaceship whose life
support system consists of the communities of organisms that inhabit it plus the support energy from the sun.
These organisms produce oxygen, transfer energy and recycle water and nutrient minerals with great efficiency.
However, none of these ecological processes would be possible without the physical or abiotic (non-living)
environment of the Earth. The interactions of these components will give rise to a place where its individual life
can function. This place is called Ecosystem. Now that you have an idea how our planet works, be ready to
explore the Earth on how it delightfully maintains its carrying capacity to sustain life (biotic) and non- life (abiotic)


Content and Skill Building

Introduction to Environmental Science

Environmental Science deals with the study of interactions among

physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment. It also
focuses on identifying and giving solutions to environmental problems that
may arise.

The Five Branches of Environmental Science

Atmospheric Sciences

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SCX 010: Environmental Science
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Atmospheric sciences study the Earth’s atmosphere and how it relates to other systems, mostly its
relation with the environment. The atmosphere and all of the processes that occur in it have a large impact on
the environment, so it is extremely important to learn as much as we can about it.


Ecology is defined as the study of how living organisms on our planet interact with each other. This
includes humans, animals, plants, and their environment. Ecologists research a plethora of things, including how
a specific species or a group of living creatures are influenced by their environment or some specific aspects of

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental chemistry explores the various chemical processes and the changes they make to the
environment. This field mostly deals with water pollution and soil contamination. It makes sense because
chemical processes and various chemicals can play a large role in these processes.


Geosciences are also known as earth sciences and are a field that deals with and connects all scientific
disciplines that explore our planet directly. These include geology, the exploration of volcanic phenomena,
environmental soil science, and the research on the development of the Earth’s crust.

Social Sciences

Social sciences in the context of environmental science are most easily defined as specific fields that
deal with the relationship between humans and nature. They are mostly divided into three larger fields,
geography, anthropology, and sociology.

Environmental science has grown in importance as the awareness of globalization has increased. Simply
put, the entire world is using the earth's resources, and the study of environmental science is a means for
researchers to study and hopefully solve the negative effects of human interaction on the environment. Well
known areas of environmental concerns are water safety, air safety, and energy safety. Man-made changes in
climate are also of concern, with global warming potentially melting the ice caps and subsequently raising sea
levels. Virtually anything that humans interact with has an impact on the world at large. Environmental science
can then be viewed from the lens of sustainability. How populations will survive or sustain in the future is at the
heart of environmental science.

What are the causes of Global warming?

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. However, the increase in greenhouse gases is linked to human
activities. It is thus no surprise that the world's leading climate scientists believe that human activities are very
likely the main cause of global warming since the mid-twentieth century, mostly because of:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SCX 010: Environmental Science
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

• Fossil fuel- The massive use of fossil fuels is obviously the first source of global warming, as burning
coal, oil and gas produces carbon dioxide - the most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere - as
well as nitrous oxide.
• Deforestation- The exploitation of forests has a major role in climate change. Trees help regulate the
climate by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. When they are cut down, this positive effect is lost and
the carbon stored in the trees is released into the atmosphere.
• Intense farming - Another cause of global warming is intensive farming, not only with the ever-increasing
livestock, but also with plant protection products and fertilizers. In fact, cattle and sheep produce large
amounts of methane when digesting their food, while fertilizers produce nitrous oxide emissions.
• Waste management methods like landfills and incineration emit greenhouse and toxic gases - including
methane - that are released into the atmosphere, soil and waterways, contributing to the increase of the
greenhouse effect.
• Mining- Modern life is highly dependent on the mining and metallurgical industry. Metals and minerals
are the raw materials used in the construction, transportation and manufacturing of goods. From
extraction to delivery, this market accounts for 5% of all greenhouse gas emissions.
• Overconsumption- also plays a major role in climate change. In fact, it is responsible for the
overexploitation of natural resources and emissions from international freight transport, which both
contribute to global warming.


Now, let us see if you can give at least 3 causes of global warming and give the contribution of humanity in each
factor. Check your answers on the Answer key found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your paper.

Phenomena(factors/causes) Human Activities


Check for Understanding

Instruction: Write TRUE, if the statement is correct, otherwise, write FALSE. Check your answers against
the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your paper.

_____________1. The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment is known as Human

_____________2. Geosciences include environmental geology, environmental soil sciences, volcanic

phenomenon and the evolution of the Earth's crust.

_____________3. The main focus of Earth Science is on earth's atmosphere with an emphasis upon its

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SCX 010: Environmental Science
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

interrelationships to other systems.

_____________4. The study of the chemical composition and alterations in the environment is termed as

_____________5. Ecologically, global warming is the most alarming environmental threat



Environmental Science provides an overview of how science affects our environment. It focus on
interactions between the solid Earth, its water, its air and its living organisms, and on dynamic, interdependent
relationships between these four components.
Branches of Environmental Science

• Atmospheric Sciences study the Earth’s atmosphere and how it relates to other systems,
• Ecology is defined as the study of how living organisms on our planet interact with each other
• Environmental Chemistry explores the various chemical processes and the changes they make to the
• Geosciences are also known as earth sciences and are a field that deals with and connects all scientific
disciplines that explore our planet directly
• Social sciences in the context of environmental science are most easily defined as specific fields that
deal with the relationship between humans and nature

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. Though this warming
trend has been going on for a long time, its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due to
the burning of fossil fuels. As the human population has increased, so has the volume of fossil fuels burned.
Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas, and burning them causes what is known as the “greenhouse
effect” in Earth’s atmosphere.


1. What is Environment?


2. How does knowledge in environmental science foster sustainability?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SCX 010: Environmental Science
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


Think about your Learning

Can we talk? Please tell me something about today’s lesson. Write your answer on the opposite box.

1. Tell me at least 3 things

you’ve learned from
today’s lesson.

2. What are those 2

things in the lesson you found

3. Ask me 1 thing that

made you curious about the
lesson but we were not able to


Skill Building

Phenomena(factors/causes) Human Activity/ies

1.Greenhouse effect Over production of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere that traps and
prevent the heat to bounce back in upper atmosphere
2.Ozone depletion Due to excessive use of CFC’s that goes up to the atmosphere and
damage the ozone layer
3.Deforestation Uncontrolled cutting of trees that result to less production of oxygen and
increase in Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the environment
4.Kaingin system Total removal of plants in the area due to burning that triggers the increase
of Carbon monoxide (CO) that traps the heat in the environment and less
production of oxygen that supposedly cools the environment

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SCX 010: Environmental Science
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

5.Smoke Belching Excessive use of machines that release Carbon Mono Oxide (CO) traps the
6. Pollution Can be air, soil/land and water pollution that hinders the capacity of living
organisms to reproduce and result to the alteration of the functions of the

Check for understanding

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True


• The term environment refers to all things that surround us. It could be divided into two divisions – the
physical environment (light, soil, air, water, humidity, etc.) and the biological environment (anything that
possess life).
• Knowledge of the totality of our environment would keep us “on-guard” on how we used and consumed
our natural resources so that the resource is not depleted or damage permanently.

Thinking about learning

Answers may vary

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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