JDFS PAPER-1 answer key

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1. Unit of measurement is also called as 100 yards method.
2. During night, judging distance will depend on _visibility.
3. In order to bring down effective fire__judging distance is extremely
4. Monkey Run crawling is useful for moving behind low cover upto
about two feet high and go fast for about 15 yards, drop flat, pause
and then crawl further.
5. The interval between individuals should be about 4.6m / 5 yds.
6. Frapping turns _requires about two or three frapping turns that go
around the lashing and pull it taut.


1. At 400 yds the body remains same in shape but face is not difficult
to distinguish. (F)
2. Distance is underestimated when there is some dead ground
between observer and the object.(T)
3. Enemy in sight in large number is indicated by moving arm up and
down one time.(F)
4. Infantry obstacle ahead is indicated by both hands crossed in front
of the body at the waist, palm open upwards.(F)
5. The alarm blast is a succession of alternate long and short whistle


1. Bracketing method: The observer worksout the maximum and the minimum
possible distances of the object and thenaccepts the mean as the

2. Closed to Rendezvous: Close sign followed by both hands clasped in

front of body at waist level.
1. Target: It is an object which is indicated with a view to bring down
fire on it, whenever required.
2. Preparatory Fire order: Commanded on seeing the activities of the
3. Sentry: soldier to keep guard or to control access to a place.
1. Indication by Range. No 1 Section 600 BAGHICHA.
2. Hand angles Degree method
3. Night Crawl Ghost walk
4. Indication by direction No. 1 Section BAEN BAGHICHA.
5. Attack punching motion


1. What are the factors which influence the section commander in his choice of
a. Ground.

b. Task.

c. Type and direction of enemy fire.

d. Need for security and control by the section.

e. Necessity of producing the maximum fire with minimum delay.

2. Explain the fundamental ways of concealing activities.

3. Why should an individual be able to judge the distance. Mention the appropriate

(a) Know when to open fire.

(b) Know which weapon to be used.
(c) Can indicate targets to other men in his section
(d) Pass back accurate information when acting as anobserver.


1. Mention the reasons why field signals are considered as alternate means of giving
Field signals are alternate means of giving orders and to control
troops when voice control is not possible. Control over troops deployed
can be done better by field signals than by voice control. There are
various occasions when voice control is not possible. They are:-

(a) Battle noises.

(b) Need for silence.
(c) Intervening distances are too large.

Battle Noises
In war, due to firing and vehicle movement very high noise will be
produced, soit may not be possible for a Commander to give voice

Need for Silence

There are certain operations which, by design are carried out in utmost

(a) Ambush
(b) Patrolling
(c) Raid
(d) Cordon

Intervening Distances are Too Large

When Infantry takes the battle field they come across many
obstacles in ground such as the ditch, rivers, mountains. Under such
circumstances we will have the only choice left with us is field signals
for communication.

2. Explain the techniques of crawling by day with LMG.

Knee Crawl (No.1)

a. This is useful for moving behind waist height cover e.g. wall, hedge rows.

b. This one is with the LMG only. The LMG is held in the left
HAND. LEFTfoot, Right knee and Right hand are placed on
the ground. The body weight is taken on the RIGHT knee.
The Right and the Left foot are moved
forwardsimultaneously followed by the RIGHT knee.

Side Crawl (No. 1). Lie on a side and rest the gun on the instep
of lower leg which is kept flat to the ground. Hold the carrying
handle with the Right hand and the barrel withthe LEFT. Propulsion
is obtained by kicking with upper leg.

Leopard Crawl (No. 1). Take the gun forward to the limit of the
extent of the arms and propel the body forward by legs using the
leopard crawl method.

Combined Leopard Crawl (Nos 1 & 2). No 1 grips the small of

the butt in her left hand, No 2 grips the bipod legs in her Right hand.
They both move forward using the leopard crawl. No 1‟s LEFT arm
and leg keep step with No. 2‟s RIGHT arm and leg and vice versa.

Combined Leopard Crawl by Bounds (Nos 1 & 2) . Nos 1 &

2 crawl forward 2 to 3 yards, and lift the gun forward. In this method
the gun is kept continuously in the firing position.

3. Mention all the field signals and explain any five.

Refer field signals chapter
4. What are advantages of all section formations.
Refer field signals chapter

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