AC Fundamentals

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AC. FUNDAMENTALS lectric, power — Generation, Transmission 4 Dr'stribuh Gevevehon — De battenés —Limeted voltage fowel, Es sransmusion Leres — et Etonomital — pe +4 blesses ma, > Converted b pc bk Ac — witage feuel Can also be chong — major advantage - | x AC POWER GENERATION | foredouy's Low of Electromagre He Sneluction! ~ pohenévey there 4% & che - in the t flax Jonked with the Gil an Emf iv Indicted to it. Tf there! Fat @ cleted pat , Current will Flow (or) Ft Can be lasted as cdhenéver there is a telative motion Ww the Conductor 4 magnetic freld tn whech ck & ln emp is Incluted en the Conductor. = “dt 4 — Pr Focep le of Genesation of “AC velbag e — Sirgle fur, alternator. (Comtucton : Tt Cons of- Permaneat magnet and a Le Fatn veebangulas Cotl kept in the Vrecnily f the prarmencat magnet: of Conduachery males The Coil & made up tebe Copper ovr Aluminium. { ythe Ends of Coil are Connected to Ha | vengs mounted on the Shaft Gllecl slip _rengs: 33, Ship eng rll avtate along with the Coil + brushes ~ pot Py Test on the Slip wing $4 5, respechvely . CRrashes Stahondry) Wty Slip mrss) Gil rotated tn deckwise direction, Sotaling the Corductorp AB 4iCp Cabs the lin of flux of the peamanent magnet + —7Actording +40 Faraday 's Saw of EME, an Emf 4 Induced” in the Concluckor. This Emt pile teleaas trough yes'stance R Connected across’ the brushes | > mageitude of the induced mf aes a the position of the Cot in the CRE i wit yy The oe of erate tn wo Conduct & 7 6 Aleit Pight Hand : a —> Armatise Conductor] Corl to the megne tit flor Lorey no .CUngent flows , i. — flan Lenked sort Gofl “is marimum, a (e= Bly Ln > Biv y O= ae change to plu ented volt the Coil flux Linked with the e vedute + Accord eng te Fleming, Right of Custent is ish, un fy [PF Bev sie ae 0.407 Biv] 6 =10" —> coil 14 tp the megrete Line of Yorte flux linked with the Gil & zero but change co pet is marimdm. will Plow + voi’ parallel to ples! fue} [Leke 607) e\z 0 Of 295° > charge co flue Seoked with COA | bene Emp enduced- @ > Lo. 70% BLY. ~ B=270° man: change tn pak! e= -Blv B= Flier clens ity of m t Hefeld O = anal, by old el magretic tel ef, —aT ; Th Case O4 O, Current flow Lom A to Bt Cdn Tn Case @ 4+ @ Crrect flow, Her Etec £ 2B to Ma \ ‘ bo opposite divéctin > Hence Incluced Ems wanetorm, ; vib ———_F LL ah: erin, Ree he add rules s Fl 2 7 diveckon | of mage bie Lares % fore Finger - powls tthe a q tree. 4a | ¥ Thue — divection of -fort e achity m tte 4 Conductor * meddle Finger = prints inducted £mt tn the Conde ba Sinuseidal function ~ Términology :— WN Vi Upp =Peak to Peay) ¥ T> Time povtod [Pevioue Tre.‘ 7 ; Dusaton of dime reqnetved for the Guantdly te lomplets on Cycle ¥ cycle i The value of Siw tense wave vepect apley vem otf vadianp. one. Complete ef ave + ve values of a funchon is Called egele, x Instantenous Value 2 value of ong quently at ag isla , Ci, frequency sno. of tycle that otcus at ore SeConel (f), unit ib Hertz CH2) wp fepuenty the reciprocal of ime Period [fi Angular frequency: , ; . The value of Sene fench'on repeat aples ‘Sverd Tee vallanh: ular Freprenty (0) ts no. of radians Covered io one Secore], ’ > uly yad/ second. We a2Tf (0) Ges aR i Awinge or Mean of the Se saves Avert area under the Quve Perted, 7. ava tn Aw half Cycle 4 ~ve half | Cytle Cetel foch other So average of full one cycle is zero Average © value ef — Symmetric peredie wavetorm, ts doo be detained “for only he Uy cycle, Ei they ave (or ives LL Agsuumes vi a ve sl fill wave a 7 Pech fey T pa wt t Bi Sot Avemge under half Cycle ov’ -fall wave Peclifcer oP Assure Sstantenous Value of voltage P= Un Snot iT = “a | Uo, Sense dies] Vn Stnust dust coset] 2. Yp. [Cosy Cos B] \ et [Uy Snot de | 2° 7 21 9 am J - yest Uy J Siowt dust it 27 ° tT i P 27 ; whe fo det A Lange | Pamesor’ fae) V, se emai oti ol ge sole Averege value of Help weave rectifier ofp is. 4 of full wave aechfier oP: = RAS Whlue or Effective value , ‘Defered on He bases ef healy typect % Releted tv Power. OD Aisierme De Supply given t R lead! | a v=FR es aUND 2P2 Ry heat dissipo left Testi g Poe hn @ Aum Ac Sippy Gives dame? load Ye uy Sey us = £2 Dy Seniod Re %e — fem the ft van, Power is posthive, vi Pe xe a r = Vp S08t ¥ Sinn Sud ust 4] 7 = Vindan Sun? vot — Un Dom J- Cos2u0d 2 . 217 ss) 7 Oi Pa. | fi-seesest bins 2 Vinten a = aoe zfut —f Jesse dot ~ tts el fol! - (“eT Vino ae [or nb) ca $2) ] Ven Len Sele (4 =) [ey _ Vain on £4 reve lent De Supply , [ los =f Jey at] ahs : Po esson dunt bot] 7 ay oe ~of 1 nk factor or Gresp factor: Fear actor = Feak value “Bins Value form: factoy. a prs vale form factr = — Yarns Menge Value. ba Z Yoo ve =i 7 2 Mane, 2a = htt hasor representation | phasor |. Vedtbr doaly sis 1— Ve Vn Sint | be Im Stn (wt — 0) vf al © > Angle clifference bo #4 bog behind Ym bby 907 Calculation of Power — Ac | ? 4 ove. ee Ac Source is Supplying : VeWpsiowl's Aguming “D lags v by 8, P= Tp, Sin (wt~8) > Appetent power, savrt va Ly power getny to Ha load, ce ie > Buck tne wt Consumed by Load ° t% not VI. Pe 8, Power, bole ,tve ct —: > power — ‘eve’, E plows prom Souace te loc Lye, 2 Hows prom Load te Soungs Average power Pz vy = Y, Sauwt x By Sinlet~ oe) =VnIm Sat Sh le t-0) Sin Sag = 7A OE + Vin Tn ~BH ~eaCucnt:d) nde ; / 2 = ‘min tes / average ~ e109 2 0 @ =e FG, we Ee c.f Appetent power, g=vi ve = Real power, P=VvE lose (8) Vey 2, Gsée Pusey fact - Reto of Lal: Power ai owe to Appasent Pore bo phe aryle (angle Poe vy ‘ te pp wy fay of , ~ tacking py, ae Magwihde + on o tf 4, Hobae, PR SiS [robles —AC tundamentals. | An alternating Voltage of time period 0-025 has | Emort- volue. of ,12V- Write &4- fr Jostantancous | volue- Calewlete inst. value of v afler 0.0025, wWher| Pacterences is taken Om instant of Zeo ‘Vv? is betemi ave. Caleulate time respure for the velsage to ane ut for Lygt time. ! Max: value H12V | T0025. v 2Un sun (ut) weoTe 212 Seo (1007) - a at 20.0028 ane =a wee $co (100TT 0-002) = 100 ainic = O15 4 iy Ve Bossy OF Time eq. for voltage qo reach au) ; ete SinlooTrt) => Sir(iooTrt) = Ys foot = Sin (Ys) = taut) ta 1.08 MS —_—— N)An alternating V hay tn Sbhective Vole of 1.3ev | + ete. Lad uf avera4 e Value, form factor, peak factor: Om uming it te be a puseley Frwwidal vadiager Sos Given, Um 2 ForHeev, — f =60H2 Viremp = Veo | 3. Vn 2 VE Vom = Va *% Fo. F106 Ly = 9999V ~ 2, ¥ Average yale, Vey se 2 63.66, YY form factor, a Viren _ Fo-F106 thoy ~ 63.66 FE = buy a pee factor, ~~ Te : 4909 Vrms ~ —-J0-2106 L, Se uly 3) Lind rms value of revullart Grest in a Wil which Carrith Sinnultaneously a De of (A 4 4a with a peak value of 104 + q Sy) Teal Current = | Te4 ie L 2 \ creep = Ee -Re BoFl] gy. Ac (urrent, Ta10 Sint + 35Sco 205k + 2S 508 Deep 2—{ioC- ” ~ Tomy =f Bos +l oD e (3) @)"+(4)- 2 (sts Zz, - = 4-5 1664 i) 2 Sinusoidal Curren, ave piven by « = 10 $e (wt + £ t 21siSie(at- Ma) - Galeulate phase difpercace bo thee io degrees. phase difference , O= 6- 6 2 a - Ex) g E by SFT, | Wy deack 4 =105° [s beh, Marley Pep c fy 4 6) Colestate- the average 4 Efectve Value of the F Guotooth — waveform Shows. V4 i ay aol Sol Slope = th (@2) = wt a a _ 200-0 ~ 2-0 = 100. Syuah’oo of fim, Y= mm hew, you + =loot- At Vamp = NS RVe 2) Me. Castantenous values of 2 alternating are (Vr G0sene , Veto sin(6-Ts) idend © Wve ©v,-Y2 . Ll pate, V, 4 Ve io polar thom, Vy = Viens, [& Q V, = Vem LP. Vol: \ Veron & 1 a are = fe = Uguay. =(42-024Jo) — ' Vy. Vee os 26-26V = bors} iy mee = Re = bers}, ‘a Vy oe beh? Lo’ ) Vz 28-28 60° Ge Vaan qa¥e tf0 + 141 —joe. ug (Fess aseeeug)V L, a 61-634 |23.u122 “y VieVe s ba watjo ible ton 9 L, = 29-28¢ Jag at) [40-592 I \ 8) The Equation for an Ac Voltage, ts given by v os sin (20004468) Y° Deteemene frowency, angalas frequanty (is) & Voltage. (Sos tanteneus valu when + =(6oftS). what & time represented by ey phase angle ? Gol Given, zi qou, Seo (root +60) Wee Un Sea (wt +9) ¢) us = 2000 rad/s. 2000 217 il ~ diy we at =fiae fF 316-31 He. i FO = 0.04 Sco (2000x leoxt0-8 +60) = 0-04 Sto C flere , (200 oy 160 x10"£) net tn degree - go00x box tore = 0,32 vad - TT wd = 182 vad « 9.32 vad = e x 0°3> dey ae 1684. Y= 0-04 Sed (1-34 460) = pon sin (48-34) ob 2 03d ob 34my = Vy 4 ted by 60° phase aryl UY) time vepresen ed 0 Phase r pe alt * Pe = Figg = 'S142 ms 360 = B42 ims $y 60 —9 2 = 60x34 2 Gorge 4.523%

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