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Examning the Impact of K-12 Curriculum on Grade 10 Students of Balagtas National

Agricultural High School for their Readiness in choosing their Strand.


Balagtas National Agricultural High School



Contents Page No.


Introduction....................................................................................................... 4-5
Theoretical /Conceptual Framework .............................................................. 5-6
Statement of the Problem ................................................................................. 6-7
Significance of the study ................................................................................... 7-9
Definition of Terms ............................................................................................ 10-12
Scope and Delimitation ...................................................................................... 13


Review of Related Literature ............................................................................ 14-20

Review of Related Studies ................................................................................. 21-27
Summary of the Reviewed RRL and RRS ....................................................... 28-30



Education is the foundation of success for Filipinos, and, for many, it opens up doors to

prosperity as well as self-development. Traditionally, Philippines educational system used to

comprise a 10-year span but this has been increased by 2 more years due to the introduction of K-

12 curriculum that ushers students into senior high school. Government policy sees K-12

initiative as a significant program for secondary education in order to enhance and enrich the

quality of students’ readiness for higher education. In this structure, the Senior High School stage

presents many tracks and strands including STEM, HUMSS, ABM and TVL each designed to

develop different talents and capacities or character. The Senior High School is a turning point

where students’ thoughts, ideas, and skills get more refined providing a strong basis for further

collegiate development.

However, the issue lies on whether grade 10 learners are prepared enough to navigate

through myriad of options in the senior high school curriculum amidst these transforming times.

The choice of tracks & strands should be critically made as it shapes not only student’s academic

paths but also their future career prospects or personal dreams. This study arises from deep

curiosity: what are the decision-making processes that Grade 10 students at the threshold of

Senior High School go through? The researchers embark on this investigation with an aim of

unraveling the effectiveness and importance of K-12 program as a preparatory course for college.

Beyond mere academic pursuits, the K-12 curriculum is envisioned as a vehicle for

empowerment, particularly for students from marginalized backgrounds who may face financial

constraints or limited access to higher education. These people may still have financial

difficulties or less access to higher education. Additionally, through unravelling the experiences

and perceptions of Grade 10 students at Balagtas National Agricultural High School, this study

seeks to shed light upon the transformative aspirations of the K-12 program, easy access to

quality education and broader paths for success.


2.1 Theoretical Framework


1. Demographic profile of Distribution collection and Result of Tallied Presented

the respondents in terms tallying of Data gathered Analyzed and Interpreted
of from Survey, and Data.
1.1 Name
1.2 School Presentation, Analysis and
Interpretation of Data from
1.3 Age
the Data distributed,
1.4 Grade or Year Level collected and tallied from

2. The effects of K-12

curriculum on readiness of
incoming grade 11
students in choosing their
desired strand.

2.2 Research Paradigm

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

-Lack of motivation on doing Mental Health And

and focusing your studies and Acadernic Performance

-Changes in the way you



General Problem:

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the K-12 curriculum in preparing Grade 10

students for selecting their specialized academic strands by examining its impact on their

readiness and decision-making process.

Specific Problem:

1. How does the K-12 curriculum affect the readiness of the grade 10 students in choosing

their academic strand?

2. How does the readiness of grade 10 students in choosing their academic strand at Balagtas

National Agricultural High School correlate with their academic performance, interests,

and aspirations?

3. How do the support mechanisms and resources provided by the K-12 curriculum at

Balagtas National Agricultural High School influence the readiness of grade 10 students

in choosing their academic strand, and to what extent does this readiness correlate with

their academic performance, interests, and aspirations?


The significance of the study extends to various individuals and groups, including:

a. Educators and School Administrators. The results of this survey can help

administrators and educators understand how well the K–12 curriculum prepares

students in Grade 10 for selecting their academic strands. It offers insights into

areas of strength and weakness, supporting curriculum development and student-

centered teaching methods.

b. Students. This study directly benefits Balagtas National Agricultural High School

grade 10 students by helping them make decisions regarding their academic paths.

Students can more successfully manage their educational journeys and match their

interests and objectives with their chosen career choices by knowing how the K–

12 curriculum effects their preparation when picking their strands.

c. Parents and Guardians. This survey provides parents and guardians with important

information about the educational and professional paths their children choose. It

strengthens parent-child relationships in education by enabling them to assist their

kids in making educated decisions about their academic and professional


d. Guidance Counselors. A vital component of helping students with academic and

career planning is the guidance counselor. By giving them data-driven insights


into students’ decision-making processes and preparation, this study enables them

to offer more specialized and successful guidance and counseling services.

e. Policy Makers and Curriculum Developers. By learning more about the effects of

the K–12 curriculum on students’ preparedness for selecting their strands, policy

makers and curriculum developers get insight from the study’s findings. Future

curricular improvements and policy decisions that attempt to better prepare

students for their academic and professional efforts can be informed by this


f. Community Stakeholders. This study clarifies how well students’ educational

experiences match the demands of the local workforce, which will benefit the

community’s businesses, industries, and civic groups. In order to make sure that

educational programs appropriately educate students for future employment

prospects, it encourages collaboration between schools and the community.

To put it simply, the study is a great tool for those who work in education, professional

development, and community service. In the end, it helps the Grade 10 students at Balagtas

National Agricultural High School and other schools grow holistically and succeed.


Among terms used in the article that may be unfamiliar, the following are defined in

alphabetical order:

a. Career readiness: preparedness for adults and young people to succeed in

opportunities for the labour market, by practicing advanced skills, knowledge, and

attitudes in jobs.

b. Collegiate development – encompasses the growth and maturation that occurs

during one’s college or university experience. It involves intellectual, social

emotional, and professional advancement through academic coursework, engaging

in extracurricular activities, forming meaningful relationships and it prepares


individuals for their future careers and helps them become well-rounded, lifelong


c. Comprise- is a precise and efficient way to describe the relationship between a

whole and its parts, emphasizing the inclusivity and completeness of the entity

being described.

d. Curriculum development: The process by which teachers plan, make choices about

what aspects of learning experiences to include or exclude in programs,

instructions for learners to develop their potential.

e. Education policy: Legislative and administrative actions taken by governments,

school districts, or other educational agencies to achieve policy goals, which is to

shape and direct education.

f. K–12 Program: A program in the Philippines by the government that expands the

basic education cycle from ten to twelve years, including two additional years of

senior high school to ensure better preparation for college or the workplace. 5.

g. Myriad- is a versatile word that encapsulates the concept of abundance or variety.

Understanding its nuances and using it effectively can enrich communication and

lend depth to written and spoken expression.

h. Senior High School: The last remaining two years of the basic K–12 program in

the Philippines with a variety of tracks and strands that allow students to gain

skills and knowledge in a selected area: Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Maintenance . STEM , Humanities and Social Sciences HUMSS , General

Academic Strand GAS , and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood TVL .

i. Strands: focused subjects or courses within the senior high school tracks that

provide specialized training in a certain direction: the academic pathway, the

technical-vocational skills strands, or career-oriented pathways.

j. Unraveling – encompasses the process of untangling, deciphering, or uncovering

the complexities, mysteries, or truths of a situation. It involves exploration,

analysis, and reflection, leading to a deeper understanding or resolution. Whether

literal or metaphorical, unraveling can be a transformative journey of discovery

and insights.


This study focuses only on the Impact of K-12 Curriculum on Grade 10 students at

Balagtas National Agricultural High School in terms of their readiness in selecting their academic

strand and tracks. Also, this study will focus on assessing students’ understanding on each

academic strands or tracks in order to influence and help them to make better decisions. This

study will use surveys and interviews to gather information.


This study limits only on Grade 10 Students of Balagtas National Agricultural High

School, which may restrict the findings and not apply to other schools. We may have limits on

time, resources, and the willingness of students to participate that could affect this study.




The review of the literature for this study focuses on education and its role in shaping the

future of students in K to 12 Curriculum and how this curriculum affects the students specifically

the grade 10 students of Balagtas National agricultural High School in choosing their desired

strand in Senior High School. The literature will also delve and explore factors such as the

curriculum’s alignment with students interests, its effectiveness in preparing them for their

chosen paths, and any challenges or opportunities it presents in the decision-making process. At

this pace of this changing society and economy a lot of actions should take place. They have to

face a lot of challenges especially educators who are being asked to do more withless due to

rapidly evolving technologies and ongoing shifts in global economy and demography.

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalizations, or conclusion,

methodologies and others, Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing

informations that are relevant and similar to present study.

The citation of related literature and related studies provided are included below each

articles to acknowledge and credit the rightful owner of each articles.


The K-12 Basic Education Program is the flagship program of the Department of

Education in its desires to offer a curriculum which is attuned to the 21st century. This is in the

pursuance of the reform thrusts of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda, a package of

policy reforms that seeks to systematically improve critical regulatory, institutional, structural,

financial, physical, cultural and information conditions effecting basic education provision access

and delivery on the ground. The department seeks to create basic education sector that's capable

of International Conference on Education (IECO) | 485 attainting the country's Education for all

Objectives and the Millennium Development Goals by the year 2015 and President Noynoy

Aquino's 10-point Basic Education Agenda by 2016. This policy reforms are expected to

introduce critical changes necessary to further accelerate, broaden, deepen and sustain the

department's effort in improving the quality of basic education. (Esther & Ethel, 2012) The K-12

education system is the public education system that most people are familiar with today.

Comprised of 13 grades, kindergarten through 12th, it refers to the public school system in all of

the United States. Canada, the United Kingdom, and parts of Europe as well. It is difficult to

pinpoint the exact history of education, as it has been occurring in some form for centuries in all

parts of the world. The K12 Program has been initiated by the Aquino administration where

students will have to undergo a new system of education. The Enhanced K-12 Basic Education

Program is a DepEd program that will improve the standard of education and give more

opportunities for graduating students. Last school year 2012, Philippine education officially

implemented the K12 curriculum. Everyone knows the country (in public schools preferably) is

drastically left behind in terms of curriculum adjustments. Grade 1 entrants in SY 2012-2013 are

the first batch to fully undergo the program, and current 1st year Junior High School students (or

Grade 7) are the first to undergo the enhanced secondary education program. (Kynemarie, 2013)

Nolledo (1992) Article XIV of the constitution which focused on education in which section I

states that "the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all

levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all". The K-12

Program "We are the last country in Asia and one of only three countries in the world with a 10-

year pre-university program" (SEAMEO, 2011) The Department of Education has formally

launched its K-12 Program, which adds 2 years to basic education in the country. This means that

aside from kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, and 4 years of high school, students will have to

undergo an additional 2 years of study in senior high school. The Department of Education

(DepEd) is currently implementing mothertongue based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) as


part of our K-12 reform. This is not a purely pedagogical strategy for language but a learner-

centered approach. International Conference on Education (IECO) | 486 By using the language

students are comfortable with, the MTB-MLE in the enhanced curriculum helps them develop the

language skills they need to learn the fundamentals of various subjects from kindergarten to third

grade, and to move seamlessly from home to school. Children clearly learn best when we use the

language they understand, especially in elementary education. Additionally, prior to the launch of

MTBMLE, studies had shown that language skills mastered with the mother tongue can enable

students. to learn a second and subsequent language faster. The program has the following twin

objectives: To give every student as opportunity to receive quality education based on an

enhanced and decongested curriculum that is internationally recognized and comparable;

Develop a curriculum that is rational and focus on excellence: Produce a pool of highly qualified

and adequately trained teachers; Achieve high academic standards, especially in Mathematics,

Science and English at all levels; Produce graduates who are globally competitive and whose

credential are recognized internationally: To change public perception that high school education

is just a preparation for college; rather, it should allow one to take advantage of opportunities for

gainful career or employment and/or self-employment in a rapidly changing and increasingly

globalized environment; produce graduates who possess skills and competencies that will allow

them to be productive members of the society or pursue higher education; through coordination

between the academic and business sectors, to change industry hiring practices into account the

enhance skills and competencies of K-12 graduates (DepEd, 2010). The goal of implementing the

K-12 Basic Education Program is to create a functional basic system that will produce productive

and responsible citizens equipped with the essential learning and employment. This is in line with

the agenda of the President Aquino of having quality education as a long term solution to poverty.

The K-12 Education vision from the Department of Education (DepEd, 2010) every graduate of

the Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Program is an empowered individual who has learned

through a program that is rooted on sound principles and geared towards excellence. International

Conference on Education (IECO) | 487 Truly, the implementation of K-12 program of the

Department of Education is a great help to every students. But, some which has a noble purpose

for every Pilipino pupil or student. From their own point of view or perspective this is another

burden on the part of the students and parents. It will add to the financial problem of the

individual family, and the advantage of implementing this program are for the people who wants

to continue studying or work abroad because the curriculum is almost parallel to another country.

This is some of the problems that this study is going to focus on and to hear the sentiments of the

parents regarding the implementation of K-12 program (Jennilyn, 2013). One of the aims of the

Department of Education is to prepare the students to be globally competitive. To achieve this,

educational reforms of the government must also focus into the mastery of English as the second

language. Such attempt will greatly help to harness the productive capacity of the country's

human resource base towards international competitiveness. Competitiveness may be gauged

from sociolinguistic competence of a person, Sociolinguistic competence is the ability to use

language appropriate to a given communicative context taking into account the roles of the

participants, the setting and the purpose of interaction. It is the ability to use and respond to

language appropriately. given the setting, the topic, and the relationships among the people

communicating, particularly the lingua franca of the educational society and community, in its

various contexts and dimensions relatively guarantees the teachers competitive advantage in the

complex society like the Philippines (Alatis, 2009). Education Secretary Armin A. Luistro (2011)

says the additional 2 years will help students decide what course they will take in college. It will

also help high school students to be given a chance to specialize in science and technology, music

and arts, agriculture, fisheries, sports, business entrepreneurship, and others. K-12 Program aims

to make basic education sufficient enough so that anyone who graduates can be gainfully

employed and have a productive life. K-12 Program will look at the possibility of specialized

education such as a high school or community, which will focus on the arts or agriculture. Bro.

Armin said that the proposal will make high school graduates employable, making tertiary

education International Conference on Education (IECO) | 488 unnecessary to get a job. That

proposal of Department of Education to add two more years to basic education drew mixed

reactions in the Senate. Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile (2011) expressed support to the

DepEd's K-12 Program as he agrees with the proposal because the country needs to increase its

competitiveness at the international level, he said: We are underrated by other countries, our

educational system. It is painful for others. But for the country we have to do it. To implement the

program, the DepEd has to work with Congress to amend the existing law, Batas Pambansa 232

or the "Education Act of 1982," which states that the basic formal education is a 10-year

program. Nartates (2011) conducted a study about the Effects of Broken Homes among Early

Teenagers to their Academic Performance this studies cited by the researchers have also shown

that the country’s education program is equivalent to the 12-year education cycle followed abroad

except that it is being completed in only 10 years. These researches analyze and study what will

be the effects of the K-12 Educational Systems to the country, parents, and students. This study.

Becomes related to my study in the sense that it is concerned on the effects of K-12 Program to

the parents. The only difference is that this study is focused on the effects of K-12 Program to the

students. Whose parents are working abroad, and how it affects to their academic performance.

Marston (2011) Conducted a related study about the perception of students and parents involved

in primary to secondary school transition programs of different formats and complexities, based

on both Australian and international research, have been introduced in some schools to facilitate

transition. The aims of this research were to investigate and compare the perceptions of students,

parents and teachers involved in several of these programs and to examine the extent to which

transition programs can alleviate issues associated with transition between primary and secondary

schools. Zellman (2012) conducted a study about the implementation of the K-12 Education

Reform in Qatar’s Schools, this study is a reform of education for a new era, because it views

education as the key to the nation’s economic and social progress. This study, one of a number of

RAND studies that trace and document the reform process in Qatar, was designed to assess

progress made in the first years International Conference on Education (IECO) | 489 of the K-12

Reform’s Implementation in Qatar’s schools and the perception of the parents on the

Implementation of the K-12 Program. This study has a relation to the researchers study because it

also gets the perception of the parents on the K-12 Implementation. Senate Majority Floor Leader

Vicente “Tito” Sotto (2011) explained why he opposed the proposal of the Department of

Education (DepEd) to amend the law on the country’s basic education to increase the number of

school years to 12 from the present 10-year program. “I oppose the addition of two years to basic

education. There is no clear benefit to adding two years to basic education,” Sotto said in a

privilege speech at the Senate. He added that the national budget can’t even provide sufficient

funds to maintain the present number of years of basic education, but now the DepEd wants to

add more to it. According to him, adding two years to basic education will further increase our

budget deficit. We need quality education, not quantity of years in education. We need more

schools, not more years in school. The Philippines is the only country in the world that still

follows a 10-year basic education cycle. And so Last October 2010, President Noynoy Aquino

proposed the Kindergarten plus 12 on the K-12 Program to catch up with the rest of world having

a 12-year basic education cycle. However, with all the issues on education the country is still has,

parents expressed their opinions on the President Aquino’s plan of strengthening the Philippine

education system through the K-12 Program. It is a must to hear the parents’ opinions regarding

the K-12 Program as they are one of the stakeholders of schools and respected parents of the

students who are involved on loving and caring for the future of their children. “The reality on

the ground is that schools even have to divide their classes to morning and afternoon sessions to

accommodate more students... We need to modernize our public school system. Management

priority to expanding the cycle of our basic education program”

Citation :

Munda, J.(2015)Review of Related Literature : The K-12 Basic Education Program.”(DOC) Review of Related Literature | Janine Munda –”


This part of chapter two aims to synthesize existing research, theories, and empirical

studies to provide insightful perspectives on the topic at hand. By exploring and delving into

other existing scholarly works that is related to our present study, we intend to discover and

explore deeply the real life experiences of Grade 10 students on the factors influencing their

preparedness and decision-making processes in the realm of K-12 education. Through a

comprehensive analysis of literature encompassing curriculum design, educational reforms, and

student outcomes, our goal is to pinpoint significant patterns, emerging trends, and areas where

knowledge is lacking. Furthermore, this literature review acts as a cornerstone structure for our

research, formulating our inquiries and guiding our analytical approach to understanding how the

K-12 curriculum impacts the academic paths of Grade 10 students. These related studies provided

below are paraphrased abstracts from different authors and websites, each of these has an

included citation to properly acknowledge and credit the rightful owner and their works.


According to Divino, Daniel Fil B. (March, 2016) there are Factors Affecting Grade 10

Students in Choosing Their Preferred Tracks for Senior High School. Facing the necessary

changes of our country's educational curriculum, the researchers have undertaken this study. Four

primary factors—Parental Influence, Aptitude, Interests, and Environmental Factors—formed the

foundation of the investigation. The study aimed to identify significant differences between

career choice factors and the gender of the respondents. Conducted at the University of the

Immaculate Conception, the research involved Grade 10 students, with 20-23 students per

section. Employing the descriptive survey method, the researchers formulated a questionnaire

based on the four indicators, each comprising six statements. The questionnaires were distributed

across 8 sections, totaling 172 respondents, as verified through Slovin’s formula. Data encoding

enabled the computation of mean scores and the determination of the p-value for significant

differences using SPSS. With a p-value of 0.144, it was inferred that there was a significant

difference in career choices between genders. The decision of the proponents was to accept the

alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis. Beyond the factors studied, various other

influences can affect an individual's career choice. For future studies, the researchers recommend

exploring additional factors, recognizing the importance of career choice in shaping one’s future


Magdadaro, L,R P. (2020) Conducted a study about the Strand Preference in Senior High

School: Passion vs. Practicality. According to

Magdadaro(2020) Choosing a senior high school strand can be challenging, with students often

basing their decision on either passion or practicality. This study investigates the preference

patterns among students at Jagobiao National High School, utilizing a descriptive-correlation

survey with Likert scaling. Results indicate a significant association between passion-based and

practical-based preferences. Notably, students often seek advice from teachers or parents when

making this important decision.

Moneva, J, C. & Malbas, M H. (2019) Conducted a study about Senior High School

Track Preferences among Grade 10 Students Their

study investigates the various factors influencing grade 10 students’ decisions in choosing a track

for senior high school. It examines the roles of gender, socio-economic status, academic

performance, parent’s occupation, and personal influence. Results indicate that male students are

influenced by socio-economic status and parent’s occupation, while female students are

influenced by peer opinions. The research highlights the multifaceted nature of students’ track

preferences in senior high school.

Frias et. al Conducted a study about the Influence of Multiple Intelligences on Grade 10

Students’ Strand Preferences Their study explores how

multiple intelligences shape the strand preferences of Grade 10 students at St. Paul University

Surigao. Utilizing a quantitative descriptive research design, 150 students were randomly selected

as respondents. Data collection involved a modified questionnaire, with analysis conducted

through various statistical methods. Results indicate a strong correlation between students’

multiple intelligence levels and their preferred strands, particularly in linguistic, logical-

mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence

domains. Recommendations include encouraging students to assess their intelligence and

interests prior to strand selection, implementing tailored lesson plans to enhance multiple

intelligences, and organizing supportive programs to aid students in making informed decisions

about their chosen strands.

Malaguial Conducted a study about the Factors Influencing Senior High School

Strand Preference.

135/131. According to these authors, Selecting a senior high school strand poses a significant

challenge for junior high school students. This study aims to assist students in making informed

decisions about their future strand preferences by identifying the levels of influence of various

factors and their relationship with students’ decisions. A total sampling method was employed for

an online survey targeting Grade 9 and Grade 10 students. A self-made questionnaire, validated

using Aiken’s V formula, was utilized, and descriptive statistics were applied to analyze the

survey results. Findings revealed that 2.3% of students opted for GAS, 15.9% for HUMSS,

73.9% for STEM, and 8% for ABM strands. Personal interest emerged as the most influential

factor, followed by job opportunities, socioeconomic status, parents’ influence, and academic

performance. However, only academic performance showed a significant relationship with

students’ preferred strands, while the other factors did not. Consequently, the study’s null

hypothesis was accepted, as only academic performance significantly influenced students’

decisions regarding their senior high school strands

Gavilanga et al. (January 2024) Conducted a study about The factors affecting Grade 10

Students Strand Preferences for Senior High School. These authors stated that

Choosing a strand in senior high school is considered one of the most challenging decision that a

student will ever make. Overcoming decision-making for strand preferences will bring more

positivy in student in terms of their academics. On the other side, this will make a large impact to

every students who will experience another two years in Secondary School.The courses that

universities may offer someday, will lead to much more clear understanding. In conclusion, the

main purpose of this research study is to determine the factors that affects the Grade 10 students

in their strand preferences for senior high school.


In (2023) Cerezo, Silleza, and Abocejo Made a study about the Policy Evaluation of the

Department of Education K-12 Basic Education Program published by Stated that, This study examines the effectiveness of the Philippine

government’s K-12 Basic Education Program, focusing on its strengths, weaknesses, and overall

impact. It utilizes a critical analysis approach, drawing evidence from research articles and online

sources. The study highlights positive aspects such as learner enthusiasm and parental support,

while also addressing areas for improvement. Anchored in the UN’s Sustainable Development

Goals, the K-12 Program aims to enhance social conditions and produce globally competitive

individuals. Recommendations for further improvement include exploring additional funding

sources and streamlining the curriculum to prioritize essential competencies.

In (2019) Nino, Frias, Tabulog, and Morales, Examined The Common Reasons of Grade

10 Students of Emiliano Tria Tirona Memorial National High School in Choosing their Academic

Track/Strand, and Published by Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts. The research

conducted, aimed to understand the factors influencing Grade 10 students’ choice of academic

track and strand. Using a descriptive design, data was collected via survey questionnaires from

students at Emiliano Tria Tirona Memorial National High School. Results showed that

Accounting Business Management (ABM) was the most popular choice, driven by the perception

of job opportunities and college prospects. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) attracted

students seeking creativity, while STEM appealed to those interested in engineering. TVL was

chosen by students aspiring to work abroad, GAS by those undecided about future courses, and

CSS had fewer takers due to perceived difficulty. Overall, the desire to secure a job after

graduation was a common motivator, reflecting students’ economic concerns and aspirations to

support their families. The findings provide insights for parents and educators to help students

make informed decisions about their academic paths.

According to Lomibao(2023), conducted a study about the Readiness of Grade 9 and 10

Students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School in Choosing their Strand for Senior High School,

Published by The research found that most grade 9 and 10 students at

San Felipe Neri Catholic School make decisions about their high school courses without being

influenced by others. They consider factors like peer influence, how relevant the courses are,

their personal interests, and the skills needed for their chosen program. The study showed that

course relevance mattered the most, while peer influence mattered the least. On average, students

were quite prepared to choose their courses, scoring 3.92 out of 5, with a small variation of 0.12.

The results suggest that students are capable of making decisions based on their own abilities.

The researchers’ plan is to set goals to help students make informed choices about their education

and future careers. They’ll consider students’ skills and interests, explore different options, and

guide them in creating realistic plans. They’ll also monitor students’ progress and provide support

and encouragement along the way.

In (2018) Piando, Magalona, Balana, and Alamil, conducted a study about Implication of

Implementation of K-12 Curriculum Grade 10 Students of Divine Word College of Legazpi City

S.Y 2017–2018. Published by

curriculum-to-grade-10-students. The study aims to evaluate how the K-12 Curriculum impacts

Grade 10 students at Divine Word College of Legazpi City, examining both its advantages and

drawbacks. It investigates the extent of K-12 implementation, the challenges faced by

beneficiaries, and proposes recommendations. Utilizing quantitative analysis through surveys and

questionnaires, along with secondary sources like books and the internet, the researchers sought

to understand the effects of K-12 on students. The study concludes that the K-12 program is

essential for enhancing education quality and fostering productivity among students. It also

emphasizes the program’s potential benefits for both individuals and the nation’s educational

landscape. Recommendations include employing diverse sources for research, fostering

communication within research groups, and emphasizing the significance of research topics.

According to,

grade-10-students-in-choosing-their-4u03qxwbwo. (November 2023) In choosing their preferred

strand in senior high school, there are so many factors that affect Grade 10 students including

peer influence, course-related factors, personal interest, and skills related to the preferred

program . these factor’s influence may vary based on people’s gender, with male students

considering socio-economic status and parents’ occupation, while on the other hand female

students consider peers as a factor . Personality, parents, job opportunities, and interest were also

found to be significant in influencing and predicting students’ career preferences. It can be

inferred that diverse career selection factors have statistically significant effects on students’

senior high school career choices.



The K-12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines, launched by the Department of

Education (DepEd), aims to align the curriculum with 21 st-century standards and international

education systems. This reform is part of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda, designed to

improve various aspects of education provision and achieve global competitiveness. Implemented

in the 2012-2013 school year, it extends basic education to 12 years, including kindergarten, six

years of elementary, and six years of high school.

The program emphasizes mother-tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) to

enhance learning in early grades and aims to produce graduates who are globally competitive. It

also focuses on developing specialized skills in high school to make graduates employable

without needing tertiary education. However, the implementation has faced criticism for

potentially increasing financial burdens on families and the national budget.

Supporters, including President Aquino and Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, argue

that the K-12 system is necessary for improving the country’s international educational standing

and preparing students for global opportunities. Opponents, like Senator Vicente Sotto, believe

the reform adds unnecessary years without clear benefits and strains the education budget. The

program’s success depends on addressing these concerns and ensuring adequate resources and

support for schools, teachers, and students.


In conclusion, Related Studies about the Factors that influencing Track Preferences are

Divino (2016) Factors affecting Grade 10 students’ track choices include parental influence,

aptitude, interests, and environmental factors, with significant gender differences.

Magdadaro (2020) Students at Jagobiao National High School choose their tracks based

on passion versus practicality, often consulting parents and teachers.

Moneva & Malbas Influences on track choices include gender, socio-economic status,

academic performance, and parents’ occupation, with gender-specific preferences.

Frias et al. (Date unspecified) Multiple intelligences significantly impact track

preferences, with recommendations to tailor lesson plans and support programs accordingly.

Malaguial et al. (Date unspecified) Identified personal interest, job opportunities,

socioeconomic status, and academic performance as key factors in track preferences, with

academic performance showing the strongest influence.

Gavilanga et al. (2024) The study highlights the challenging decision-making process for

track preferences, emphasizing the significant impact on students’ academic paths.

Cerezo et al. (2023) A policy evaluation of the K-12 program, noting strengths like learner

enthusiasm and parental support, and recommending improvements in funding and curriculum


Nino et al. (2019) Factors influencing track choices at Emiliano Tria Tirona Memorial

National High School include job opportunities, creativity, and aspirations for work abroad.

Lomibao (2023) Students at San Felipe Neri Catholic School make decisions based on

course relevance, personal interests, and skills, with a high level of readiness for making

informed choices.

Piando et al. (2018)The K-12 curriculum positively impacts students at Divine Word

College of Legazpi City, despite some challenges, enhancing education quality and productivity.

SciSpace (2023) Peer influence, course-related factors, personal interests, and skills

significantly affect track preferences, with variations by gender.


The studies collectively reveal various factors that influence Grade 10 students' choices

for senior high school tracks. Key determinants include parental influence, personal interests,

socio-economic background, academic performance, and gender-specific preferences.

Furthermore, the role of multiple intelligences indicates a need for customized educational

strategies. Although the K-12 curriculum is designed to enhance educational quality and global

competitiveness, its implementation encounters challenges like financial limitations and the

necessity for improved support systems. Overall, these studies highlight the complexity of

students' decision-making processes and underscore the importance of robust support systems to

guide their academic and career decisions.




This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in gathering data and analysis

which are relevant to the research. The methodologies will include areas such as the location of

the study, research design, sampling and sample size, types of data, data collection method and its


A qualitative research design was selected to provide an in-depth understanding of the

complexities surrounding the readiness of Grade 11 students in selecting their desired strand

under the K-12 curriculum. Qualitative methods allow the exploration of real-life experiences,

attitudes, and interpretations, providing rich and complex insights into the research topic. The

design was guided by phenomenology, aiming to discover the essence of participants’ lived

experiences and perspectives related to the . By adopting a qualitative approach, the study aims to

capture the depth and diversity of perspectives from different participants in their real life and

own experiences.

Research Methods Use

The researchers utilized a qualitative method approach to answer the following research

questions. Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in depth


understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. Qualitative research aims to gain

insight into the subjective experiences and perspectives of individuals or groups, which cannot be

fully captured by quantitative methods (UTA Libraries, 2023). The researchers used an app which

is Messenger Application to gather large amounts of information in a short amount of time. This

method is also used to observe the different opinions, intentions and attitudes of different


Population and Sampling Design

In doing this research study, the researchers thought of choosing and using the

convenience sampling technique. The researchers have been chosen a sampling technique that

uses respondents that is convenient, and highly related to the study. This sampling technique,

there is no pattern whatsoever in acquiring the respondents. The population in this research study,

are the grade ten students that is preparing for choosing their track and strands for the senior high

school curriculum.

Respondents of the Study

The participants in the study are Grade 10 students enrolled at Balagtas National

Agricultural High School. It is anticipated that these students will exhibit diverse backgrounds,

interests, and academic proficiencies. Furthermore, they may vary in their familiarity with the K-

12 curriculum and different viewpoints regarding their preparedness in selecting their Grade 11

specialization tracks. Considering aspects such as academic accomplishments, involvement in


extracurricular activities, aspirations, and experiential learning related to the curriculum is


The research respondent were selected using convenience sampling method, where

participants are selected based on their easy of access and availability within the educational

institution. This approach facilitates and uncomplicated data gathering procedures.

Grade 10 students as respondents is aligned with the research objectives and questions of

the study. Given that these students are the primary beneficiaries of the K-12 curriculum and play

a crucial role in choosing their Grade 11 strands, their perspectives and experiences are essential

for gaining insights into how the curriculum affects their preparedness and decision-making


The sample size of 10 Grade 10 students was determined after considering practical

factors such as the study’s scope, available resources, and the need for a representative sample.

Through interviewing these students, researchers aim to capture a range of perspectives and

facilitate a thorough analysis of individual responses.

A convenience sampling method has the potential to introduce bias due to its failure to

capture the entire population of Grade 10 students at Balagtas National Agricultural High School.

Furthermore, the small size of the sample could hinder the generalizability of the results to

contexts beyond this particular one. It is crucial to approach the interpretation of the findings with

care and to acknowledge the constraints of the sampling approach in reaching conclusions.

Instruments of the Study


In order to gather accurate data, this study used questionnaires to survey the Grade 10

Students and to assess how the K-12 curriculum influences students’ readiness to choose their

strand at Balagtas National Agricultural High School. The respondents answered 5 questions

about their insights, thoughts, and experiences with the K-12 curriculum and how prepared they

feel to choose a strand. This study also used focus group discussions were organized to ask open-

ended questions to understand their feelings, concerns, and suggestions related to their strand

selection. This instrument will help students to influence their readiness and decision making

process. These research instruments provides valuable insights into the K-12 curriculum’s effect

on students’ preparedness for choosing their educational path.

Data Gathering Procedure

To examine the impact of the K-12 curriculum on Grade 10 students’ readiness in

choosing their Grade 11 strand at Balagtas National Agricultural High School, a structured data

gathering procedure utilizing interviews will be implemented. Initially, Grade 10 students will be

randomly selected as participants. Informed consent will be obtained to ensure their

understanding of the interview’s purpose and their confidentiality rights.

One-on-one interviews will be conducted in a conducive environment, adhering to a

predetermined protocol. Participants will be asked a series of questions including how the K-12

curriculum influenced their strand selection, which curriculum components affected their

readiness, whether it provided the necessary skills, how extracurricular activities during K-12

impacted their readiness, and what challenges they faced.


Interviews will be recorded or transcribed for analysis. Data analysis will focus on

identifying common themes and insights to understand the curriculum’s impact. Findings will be

compiled into a comprehensive report, maintaining anonymity and confidentiality of participants.

Ethical considerations will be prioritized throughout the research process, and feedback will be

sought for validation and reflection on the methodology’s integrity and potential biases.

Statistical Treatment and Analysis of Data

This will be analyzed using statistical methods to examine the impact of the K-12

curriculum on Grade 10 students’ readiness in choosing their strand.

Demographic characteristics, including age, gender, and academic performance, of Grade

10 students will be summarized using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages,

means, and standard deviations.

Inferential statistics will be applied to explore the connection between students’

perceptions of the K-12 curriculum and their readiness to choose their strand. Specifically,

correlation analysis will be conducted to ascertain if a significant correlation exists between these

variables, aiding in identifying potential relationships.

Furthermore, independent samples t-tests will be utilized to compare mean readiness

scores across different demographic groups, like gender or academic performance level. This

analysis aims to uncover significant variations in readiness levels among these groups.

Additionally, chi-square tests may be employed to investigate associations between categorical

variables, such as gender and strand preference.


Data analysis will be executed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS),

with a significance level set at p < 0.05. Findings from the statistical analyses will be interpreted

to provide insights into the impact of the K-12 curriculum on Grade 10 students’ preparedness to

select their strand at Balagtas National Agricultural High School.

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