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Content Brainstorm Guide

By Maha Copy Co.


EDUCATE Problem Awareness:

1. What’s the biggest challenge for beginners who are just starting out in
your niche?

2. What tasks do your ideal clients CONSTANTLY procrastinate? Why?


3. What feels hard for your audience on a daily basis?

4. What is taking up a ton of time for your audience? How do they feel
they’re wasting their time?

5. How does your audience feel stuck? What do they think is keeping
them stuck? What do they not yet realize is keeping them stuck? (1)

6. What do you immediately flag as a problem, that they haven’t realized

is a problem yet?

7. What’s a big mistake you see others in your profession making and/or
teaching in your industry?

8. How are your people holding themselves back? What are they telling
themselves that isn’t true? What have they been told that isn’t true?

9. How does your audience feel they’re failing or flailing? What easy-to-
grab successes do you see that are possible for them?

10. What has your audience tried before that hasn’t worked? Why didn’t it

11. When people see your offer and think, “I COULD buy that, or I could
just…” how do they finish that sentence? What future problems do you
foresee happening if they finish that sentence?
12. What mistakes do people often make when trying to DIY/solve
problems without your product/service?

13. What’s the most common mistake people make before they hire
you/buy from you? What are the consequences?

14. Why does it make sense that people haven’t solved the problem yet?

15. What common questions do people find themselves asking? What

questions do you get in your DMs?

Actionable Tips

16. Take a specific problem your audience is facing: what are 3-8 general
steps you would take to solve it? Pick one of those steps. What are
additional steps that go into making that step happen? Teach people
to do ONE of those additional steps.

17. Take a specific problem: If you’re at the master level in solving this
problem in your industry, what does the novice level look like? Show
them how to do what you do at the novice level.

18. What is your audience DIY-ing? For each task, how can you help
them DIY faster or more successfully?

19. Take a specific problem: What’s a hack or workaround you discovered

that would make it easier? Share exactly how to do it.

20. Where is your audience wasting time? What are simple ways they can
be more efficient?

21. What is your audience wasting energy trying to do or fix? What should
they do instead?

22. What tasks/actions are taking them more time and effort than is
necessary? What should they do instead?

23. What is your audience currently doing wrong? In what ways are they
contributing to their own poor results?

24. What do they think will be difficult that can actually be simple or
straightforward? What requires less work than they think it will?
25. What would you teach your ideal clients if they were paying you
$10,000 for 5 minutes of your time? What are the BASIC

26. Take a specific task you do every day, and break it down into smaller
tasks. Then, break it down into a detailed how-to. How do you
approach each of these mini-tasks to achieve the end result?

27. What would you recommend to someone who can’t afford to spend
any money? What can they do themselves in the meantime?

28. If someone only has $10 to spend, what should they spend it on to get
the most bang for their buck? What about $100? What about $1000?

29. What’s ONE part of a how-to that you could explain deeper? Turn it
into a step-by-step breakdown or video tutorial.

Value Shares

30. What do you commonly see people doing incorrectly? What is a better
way to do it?

31. What is a task people make more complicated than it needs to be?
What’s a simpler way of doing it?

32. Imagine you’re talking to someone who is COMPLETELY new to your

industry. How can they tell what’s valuable advice and what’s not?
What should they look for?

33. What are some of the more complex concepts in your industry? How
can you break them down into terms that are super easy to

34. What do most people THINK they have to do in order to solve their
problems, but you know is really not true?

35. What “uncomfortable” truth or topic can you address/call out?

36. What are the questions you most often get from people about your
business or industry?
37. What options or alternatives might people have trouble deciding

38. What do people get wrong about the work you do? What do you wish
they knew?

39. What bad advice do other people in your industry give? Why is it bad
advice? What advice would YOU give?

40. What advice do you hear in your industry that’s only PARTIALLY true,
or only true SOMETIMES? What are the exceptions?

41. What is an important task or topic people commonly skip over or don’t
realize is so important?


42. What are some tasks your audience is doing daily? Take each task
and break it down into smaller tasks (E.g. create IG post; smaller task:
write captions; smaller task: write caption hook.) Is there anything you
can give to your audience to knock one of these small tasks off their
to-do list or make it easier?

43. What’s something you use in your business or line of work every
single day? What would be included on a List of Essentials for your
audience? (There can be more than one Essentials List!)

44. Take a specific problem: What are at least 5 products or practices that
would be useful in solving this problem? What is each useful for?

45. What can you give to your people that they’d use/reference every
day? What about every week? Every month? Every year?

46. What’s something in your work that you can think of 20 ideas for?
What about 101? What about 365?

47. What’s something you’ve created or used in your business that you
can share with your audience?

48. What are different archetypes, identities, experience levels, or

interests your audience might have? If you were to create or deliver
something *specifically* made for each one, what might that look like?
Expert Showcase

49. If you were teaching a substitute how to complete a task for you, what
guide would you give them? How would you teach them to do what
you do?

50. Take a how-to post and add your own examples to show it in practice.
You can showcase previous work as examples, or create an example
on the spot.

51. Take a project you’ve worked on or a product you’ve worked with: how
did you do what you did? Why did you make the choices you made?

52. Take a service you offer: what is something SUPER valuable you do
during this service? Why is it valuable? How do you do it? Give

53. Take a product you offer: what is something SUPER valuable about
the product? Why is it valuable? How did you make it?

54. Take a project someone else in your industry has done: as an expert,
and break down the strategy behind what they did and why they did it.

55. Take a project someone else in your industry has done and play critic:
what’s working and what you would have done differently?

56. What common task do you do better than most other people? Show
examples of the common way versus your way.

57. Show how you complete a complex, complicated, or intimidating task.

Simplify how it’s done.

58. Reflect on a big task you’ve completed. Outline all of the steps you
took to complete it.

59. Reflect on a small task you’ve completed. Outline all of the steps you
took to do it remarkably well.

60. Consider what the standard is for completed work in your job or
industry. In what ways do you go above and beyond?
Business Insider

61. What goals, big or small, have you reached in your business so far?
What were the main things you did to achieve each one? Share the
specific step-by-step process for setting yourself up for success, or
break down how to do ONE of the steps well.

62. What limitations do you work with in your business (time, staff,
experience, etc.)? How have you been able to work around them?

63. What business advice do you outright ignore? Is there anything you
intentionally do differently?

64. What questions do you ask new clients/vendors/collaborators? What

are you looking to align on with each question?

65. What does the backend of your business OR your client process look
like? Why did you set it up like that? Explain.

66. What automations or processes do you embrace to help your

business run smoothly? Explain the set-up.

67. What do you invest in as a business owner? Why is it valuable? How

do you know it is worth the investment?

68. What tasks or processes do you do proactively to set yourself up for

success? What does the planning and prep look like?

69. What projects and products are you currently working on in your
business? What are you planning for in the future?

70. What mistakes have you made in your business? What would you do

71. What investments have you made that were not worth it?

72. What did you wait to do or invest in that you should have done or
invested in sooner?

RELATE Personal Introductions

73. What’s your story? How did you start doing this work?
74. What are some of the most surprising stories or facts about you?

75. What are 5-10 fun things everyone should know about you?

76. What story would your best friends tell about you if they had to
describe you in one story?

77. What are 3-5 things you do EVERY SINGLE DAY?

78. [Reel specific] Introduce yourself and show how you do something
you’re especially good at in your business or lead people through an
activity or experience.

79. Describe the moment you decided to start your business. What was
the “aha” moment? Why do you do what you do?

80. Name all the roles you play in your life (e.g. entrepreneur, operations
manager, major procrastinator, reality TV addict, etc.).

81. Think of a specific hypothetical situation (i.e. planning a party,

dressing up for halloween, stranded on a desert island). What role
would each of you & your team members take?

82. If you’re a team, which TV show character would each of you most
likely be? (Choose a reference your ideal audience would most likely
appreciate or be familiar with.)

83. If you’re a team, what would each person’s nickname be, related to
their job description and showing their special skills? Add references
your audience will know that bring the special skills to life. E.g. “The
Meryl Streep of operations ‘cuz she can LITERALLY do it all.”

84. Describe the type of people you would REALLY love to work with?

85. What are the non-negotiable things you and your ideal clients need to
align on?

86. What kind of *non-red-flag* client or customer are you totally wrong

87. Share your company values. What do you believe in and how do you
practice them in real time?

88. Does your business donate to any charitable organizations? Which

ones, and why?
89. What, specifically, about your job or business brings you the most joy?
What are you especially excellent at?

Story Shares

90. What are 5 moments in your business where you thought… “I don’t
think I can do this.” SHOW each of those moments — how you felt,
what your day-to-day looked like, what people said to you, etc. How
did you get through it?

91. What was a moment in your business where you TRULY doubted
yourself? Describe it in detail. How did you get past it?

92. Think about a moment when you worked REALLY hard for something,
and it didn’t pay off. Tell the whole story — how you prepared, the
moment you realized you’d failed, and how you responded after. What
lesson did you learn?

93. Have you ever made a bad investment? Tell the whole story — how
did you decide to make the investment? Were you hesitant, or gung-
ho? How did you feel when the investment didn’t pay off? What
valuable information can you share?

94. When was the last time you felt SUPER stressed out? Describe it in
detail. What led up to it? When was the moment you broke down?
How did you treat yourself in that moment? What changed after that
experience? What did you learn?

95. Share a story of a time you disappointed a client. What did they say?
How did you feel? How did you respond? What did you learn?

96. Tell a story about a time when you were unprepared, underprepared,
or in over your head. What happened, honestly? What did you learn?

97. What changes have you made over the course of your business?
What have you intentionally stopped doing? What have you
intentionally started?

98. Describe a BIG WIN moment. What was the win? How did you
celebrate? What challenging moments did you think back on and
realize were essential to getting you there?

99. When do you feel like a “bad” business owner? When was being a
“bad” business owner the right choice for you?

100. When do you feel like a “good” business owner? When was being a
“good” business owner the wrong choice?
101. What change in your business has been the most difficult for you to
make? What were the results of the change?

102. What change have you been the most resistant to?

103. What lesson in business took you the longest to learn? When did you
finally have an “aha” moment? Share the story that led you there.

104. How did your life look the MOMENT you decided to start your
business? How did you feel? What did your life look like 1 month
later…1 year later…5 years later?

105. What moments in your journey as a business owner stand out as

crossroads, turning points, or climactic events?

106. What are 3 stories or experiences you will always remember from
your journey of entrepreneurship? Get specific.

107. What moments in your clients’ journey stand out to you? What are
some of the biggest wins and losses your clients or customers have

Behind The Scenes

108. What does your day-to-day life look like in your job? What are the
average tasks you’re working on? How do you complete them?

109. How do you start each workday? Do you have any habits or routines?

110. What tools or programs do you use to keep your business running?

111. What task or part of your workday are you always MOST excited for?

112. What task of part of your workday are you always LEAST excited for?

113. What activities or events do you do/attend on a weekly basis? A

monthly basis? A yearly basis? Once in a blue moon? What does that
look like when it happens?

114. How do you prepare for the once-in-a-blue-moon activities or events

in your business?

115. How many hours a day do you work? How do you know when to quit?
What do you do after work to decompress?

116. How do you keep your work life separate from your personal life when
you’re working from home?
117. What does your workspace setup look like?

118. What is your FAVORITE thing in your office? Why? How does it
improve your work life?

119. What have you been working on behind-the-scenes that you have yet
to release or talk about publicly? Describe the work that has gone into
it so far and how it’s going.

120. What roadblocks are you facing or working through in your business
right now?

121. How did you plan for your latest launch? What was your timeline?
What did you create? How did you set yourself up for success?

Engagement Invitations

122. Ask your audience to comment their favorite

books/podcasts/accounts/advice/etc. related to your industry.

123. Ask your audience to self-identify from a variety of options, directly or

creatively related to your work. (i.e. Which attachment style are you?
Vs. Which color scheme would you pick?) Feel free to be creative!

124. Create a mock-up of 3 different versions of a product/service, and

invite your audience to vote for their favorite. You could do this for
different branding, photos, colors, styles, etc.

125. Share a meme dump of memes related to a problem or common

experience people in your industry have. Ask your audience which
one they most relate to.

126. Ask your audience to choose a name for your upcoming product. Tell
them about the product and give them 3 options, or ask them to shout
out ideas.

127. Ask your people directly: What do they want to see next? What do
they need help with?

128. Invite your audience to play “Can you [do this better]?” Use a prompt
from your industry (e.g. for content writers: Can you write a better blog
title? Can you find all the homophones?)

129. Do you have any surprising, confusing, engaging, or entertaining

photos of you or your product/work? Otherwise, find a photo or meme
that could be interpreted in a variety of ways, and start a “best
comment” contest.

130. What could you have people guess or estimate about your work or
business? (E.g. Guess how much this house is worth? Guess which
photo is unedited?)

131. What are some activities related to your product or work?

132. What are ways you can measure progress or a starting point towards
a goal?

Reflections & Recaps

133. What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that IS
working? Share the results, and reflect on the change.

134. What’s a challenge you’re working through RIGHT NOW in your

business? What’s hard about it?

135. What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that is
NOT working? Why do you think it didn’t work? How would you iterate
in the future? What would you do again, and what would you do
differently? Reflect.

136. What is a new project you’re JUST starting to work on? How are you
approaching it?

137. Recap your last month/quarter/year. Where did your revenue come
from? What was your best-selling product/service? What was your
top-reviewed product/service?

138. Recap your last launch. What did you launch? How much did you
make? Where did most of your revenue come from? What did you
learn? What will you repeat next time? What will you change?

139. Reflect when you reach certain milestones (X years in business, X

followers, $X earned). What got you there? What are you grateful for?
What are you excited about next?

140. What does your business budget look like? Your profitability?

141. What’s the best feedback you received in the past

month/quarter/since you started your business? What did it mean to
you, and why? Reflect.

142. What negative feedback can you have a sense of humor about?

143. What do you do “wrong” by other people’s standards…but “right” by


Just for Fun

144. What are your favorite things to do apart from your business? How do
your hobbies influence the work you do?

145. What’s something new you’re learning? How does it feel to be a

“beginner” again? How can you connect this feeling to when you first
started running your business?

146. How is your business celebrating the holidays?

147. What are you and your friends/family/team obsessed with lately? How
can you look at it through the lens of your business?

148. Play with sarcasm. Create a how-to post or step-by-step breakdown

full of sarcastic advice.

149. Do you have kids? Or pets? How are they involved in your business?

150. Do a throwback post of yourself or your team. Who were you all as
pre-teens? (Cue the braces and terrible haircuts.) What trends did you
unabashedly follow? What were you OBSESSED with? How does it
all connect to who you are and what you’re doing now?

151. Be creative. Have fun. Post something that’s related to your business
but makes you laugh.

INSPIRE Case Studies

152. What is something you used to do in your business that you’ve now
STOPPED doing? What were the results of this change? How can you
make those results quantifiable?

153. Think about a time you took feedback from a client: What specifically
did you change in response to this feedback? What was the result?

154. What transformations do your clients mention when they talk about
your product/service? Be very specific.

155. What can you measure about these transformations? Can you make
them quantifiable? The following questions are just a few examples of
what you can quantify.

1. How did their monthly revenue change?

2. How did their number of sales/bookings change?

3. How did their conversion rate change?

4. How did their number of followers change?

5. How did their engagement change?

6. How did the number of DMs they received change?

7. How did the content of their DMs change?

8. How did the amount of time they spent working change?

9. How did the amount of time they spent on certain tasks


10. How did the percentage breakdown of what they’re spending

their time on change?

156. How did their personal experience change? How can you make that
quantifiable? (E.g. If they say their pain level decreased, ask them
their average pain level before, and their average pain level after on a
scale of 1-10.)

Struggle Share

157. What did your client tell you they were struggling with before working
with you? What were their exact words? See if you can find any DMs
or messages.

158. What emotional hesitations did they have about working with you?
What had they tried before that didn’t work? What did they almost try
instead? When did they almost give up?

159. What financial hesitations did they have about working with you? Why
did they think it was too expensive? Why did they question if it was
worth the money?

160. How can you put each of their hesitations at ease? What hesitations
are valid, and what hesitations are based on anxiety or false

161. What made them get past these hesitations?

162. How did it feel when they finally decided to work with you? What were
they hopeful for?

163. Were there any points along the journey that were difficult, or brought
up their hesitations again? How did they get through that moment?

164. What do they think of the result of working with you/buying your
product? What hesitations did it put to rest?

165. What would they have missed out on if they’d skipped out on your
Turning Point

166. What have people done to try to solve their problem in the past? What
have they tried before that didn’t work?

167. What misconceptions do your clients have before working with you?
Can you give an example of a positive outcome that challenges this

168. For your target audience: in what ways do other solutions fall short?

169. What misconceptions did YOU have about your work before you went
into it? What changed YOUR mind?

170. Why does it make sense that other solutions haven’t worked? In what
ways have they been misled or set up to fail?

171. What mindset shifts do your people need to make in order to start
seeing results? What do they need to let go of? How would this
mindset shift change their behavior? What would it look like?

Before & After

172. Compare a first draft or initial sketch with the final product you deliver
to your client.

173. What visually changed for your client before and after using your
product/service? What can you point out to highlight the changes?

174. How did your client or customer feel before vs. after using your

175. What was your client’s mental state before and after using your
product/service? What did their thoughts look like before vs. after?
What did they tell themselves? What did they worry about? What did
they see for their future?

176. What was your client’s financial situation before and after using your

177. If you were going to tell a story of what your client’s experience looked
like BEFORE working with you, what story would you tell? You can
think about your personal interactions with your client (what they said),
or your interpretation (what you noticed).

178. If you were going to tell a story of your client’s experience AFTER
working with you, what story would you tell? You can think about your
personal interactions with your client (what they said), or your
interpretation (what you noticed).

179. For each of the above questions, what are 3 different ways you could
show the difference before vs. after? Your first idea is rarely your best
idea! Here are a few ideas to get you started:
a. Photos
b. Annotated photos
c. Photomontages
d. Pie chart
e. Bar chart
f. Line chart
g. Histogram
h. Quotes
i. Word clouds
j. Timelines
180. What did the transformation look like while it was happening? What
major decisions were you making?
181. Did you come to any crossroads or big questions on your way from A
to B?
182. What difficult work or consistent action was required to make the
transformation happen?

Visualizations and Projections

183. How would your client’s life look different in 1 month if they got your
product/service now? How about in 6 months? 1 year?

184. What would your client’s life look like if they chose NOT to invest in
your product now? What problems would they be facing in 1 month, 6
months, 1 year? What problems would they STILL have?

185. What kind of growth/success/happiness/relief can they look forward to

through your product/service? Can you quantify it? If not, how can you
help them visualize it?

186. Take a current client’s results and project how their results will get
even better in 1 month, 6 months, or 1 year. What will this mean for
them? What new possibilities will open up for them?

187. What would your clients be able to spend more time on later if they
invested in your product/service now? Help them visualize it.

188. How would your client’s investment pay off if they invested in your
product/service now? How long would it take before they made back
their investment?

189. Visualize a few different scenarios whereby a potential client could

make back their investment. What would it take to make back their
investment in 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? 1 year?
190. What are 3 VERY possible ways your clients could make back their
investment in 6 months? (You can switch out 6 months for any
reasonable timeline.)

191. Who is this realistic for? What do clients already need to have figured
out to be a good candidate or “match” for the visualization or

Portfolio Shares

192. What is a product or project you specifically LOVED working on, that
really shows off your expertise? What about it do you love?

193. Show an example of a project or product that was made specifically

for one client. Explain how it was made with them in mind.

194. What is a detail/element of a project that you’re especially proud of?

195. What is a detail/element of a project that took a long time to perfect?

What were the first, second, and third drafts like? How did you get to
the final product?

196. What is a specific detail of a project that a client especially LOVED?

What did they say about it?

197. Take a specific detail from a project and share the inspiration.

198. Take an element of a project that’s especially meaningful. How did

you come up with the idea?

199. Look at all of the details of a project vs. the big picture? How do the
details come together to make the big picture?

200. What is an overview of everything you deliver? What can your clients
expect to receive? (These can be tangible deliverables like “foot
massage” or intangible deliverables like “relaxing environment.”)

201. Take each individual deliverable: Think about everything that goes
into the process from creating it to getting it to your clients. Look for
the moments that take special consideration. Share them.

202. How do you deliver your deliverables? If you have packaging, what’s
special about it? Why did you select it?

SELL Offer Pitch

203. Take one specific offer. How is your offer the PERFECT solution for
one problem your audience is facing or one desire they have?
204. When they buy your offer, what is immediately going to change for

205. What will change for them in 6 months?

206. What will change for them in 1 year?

207. What is included in your offer, and what is the purpose of each
inclusion? In other words, which problem is each inclusion the perfect
solution for?

208. What proof do you have that your offer will help/be valuable?

209. What is one specific part of your offer that is MAJORLY valuable?
Take a deep dive into that one specific part and the deep benefit of it.
What problem does it address? How will it be life-changing for your
clients? Everything else in your offer is like a bonus on top!

210. Why should your audience buy your solution NOW and not in 6
months? (E.g. special bonuses, limited-time discounts, flash sales,
limited spots, temporary enrollment period, etc.)

The Only Option

211. What are your competitors offering that you’re decidedly NOT offering,
and why?

212. How does your product differ from current trends? Why aren’t you
following that trend? How is your option better?

213. What offers out there are similar to your offer? What does your offer
include that the others don’t?

214. What does your offer do better than your competitors?

215. If your clients bought your offer AND a similar offer from a competitor,
what would they say was special about your offer? How does it stand

216. What makes your offer the ONLY choice?

217. What return on investment – financial or otherwise – can people

expect to see as a result of this offer? What proof do you have?

218. What could they keep doing instead of buying your offer? Why would
that be the wrong choice?

219. What potential pain or problems will they avoid by buying your offer?

220. Take a look at one of your offers. Who is your offer perfect for? Who
should be RUNNING to checkout to get this ASAP?

221. What day-to-day problems does your offer address? Think of 4-6
specific problems.

222. How can people know this offer is right for them? What will their
experience level be? What will they be struggling with? What will they
be hoping for?

223. Think about one person experiencing the one big problem your offer
solves. How do they describe the problem to their friends? What do
they say they wish they had? What thoughts run through their head?
Try to show each problem in 10 words or less.

224. What do your people wish they had more time for?

225. What limitations might people be working with that would still make
them a good candidate for your offer?

Sliding Door Stories

226. What did your clients try before trying your service/product that didn’t
work? Why didn’t it work? How were they in a worse position after
trying the other option than they were in before trying it?

227. What other potential “solutions” have YOU tried that failed? How did
you feel after they didn’t work? How were you in a worse position after
trying them than you were before?

228. When was a time you didn’t invest in something, and later regretted
putting it off? What could you have avoided by taking the leap?

Excitement Builders & Lead Generators

229. Create a giveaway where anyone who likes your post, follows your
account, and tags a friend in the comments will be entered to win one
of your products/services for free.

230. Create a giveaway where anyone who buys a specific product/service

during a specific time period will be entered to win a special
product/service/experience with you.

231. Create a sweepstake where anyone who buys a specific

product/service from you during a specific time period will be entered
to win a one-of-a-kind, high-value grand prize, e.g. 3 months of free
coaching / your entire Summer collection / etc.

232. Do you have any low-cost products related to the product you’re
selling that you can offer as a free bonus if you buy during a limited
time? Do it.

233. Start a 5-day, 10-day, or 30-day challenge related to your

product/service. This works best when you encourage a new habit
(e.g. 30-day plant-based challenge), or give people a task to complete
each day with an accompanying lesson on how to do it (e.g. 30 days
to knit your first pair of socks!). Option to offer a special discount
during the challenge.

234. Ask your audience to guess something about your upcoming product
(e.g. the type of product, name, etc.). Give 3 hints. Anyone who
comments (or anyone who guesses correctly in the comments) will be
entered into a giveaway to receive your upcoming product for free.

235. What feedback have you received about a new offer so far?

236. What is a small “secret” piece of insight you could give to your


237. What objections do clients most often come to you with?

238. What money-related excuses do clients make for not buying your
product/service? How do you make the investment more affordable
(e.g. payment plans), or risk-free (e.g. money-back guarantee)?
Alternatively, how can you explain the value?

239. What time-related excuses do clients make for not buying your
product/service? How can you show the feasibility (e.g. recordings
you can watch back on your own time).

240. What excuses do clients make for not buying your product related to
ease? How is it easier than they expect? What do you do to make it
easier for them? (E.g. free returns with shipping label included).

241. Are there any other hesitations people have around working with you?
How can you put their hesitations to rest?

242. In what ways do people tell themselves they are not ready?

243. What limiting beliefs do people have about themselves?

244. What do they think is possible?

245. What possibilities do you see for them that they don’t yet see for

246. Does your offer include any guarantees?

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