2. 265 Clickable Post Titles by Maha Copy Co.

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265 Clickable Post Titles

By Maha Copy Co.


Welcome to 265 Clickable Post Titles! In this resource, you’ll find 265 Post Title Templates
with two examples to help you see how to put them into practice. They can be used for
carousels, reels, static posts…and whatever kind of content you’d like!

The post titles in this resource are organized by the content categories found in High-Selling
Content Buckets, but most can be used for a variety of content categories. Just because a
post title falls under “Problem Awareness” doesn’t mean it can’t make a great Expert
Showcase post. So mix and match as you please!

Remember: the goal of these templates is to give you *ideas* rather than restrictions. Use the
titles to come up with content ideas, and then play around with the wording to find what
*sounds* best to you.

1. Should you [take this action]?

a. Should you post on Instagram every day?
b. Should you feed your dog raw vegetables?
2. Should you [take action] when [experiencing a poor result]?
a. Should you post more when engagement is low?
b. Should you stop running when your knees hurt?
3. “[Common advice you disagree with].”
a. “You don’t need a website.”
b. “You have to spend money to make money.”
4. [Common advice] is [overrated/unnecessary/a waste of time/etc.].
a. Paying for marketing is unnecessary.
b. Expensive baby food is overrated.
5. [Controversial statement/comment/critique]”
a. “Reels are dead.”
b. “My 5-year-old could have painted that.”
6. Do I/we/audience (really) need [product/service/to take specific action]?
a. “Do I really need a sales page?”
b. “Do vegetarians need to eat more protein?”
7. [Can/Does/Do] [specific solution/product/service] really [make a difference]?
a. Can fresh paint really transform a home?
b. Do professional cameras really make a difference?
8. “[Common question in the vein of: Is X effective/Does X work/Is X good enough/Will X
get results?]
a. “Is SPF 30 strong enough?”
b. Can plywood make good furniture?
9. Do [audience] really need [component]?
a. Do dancers really need to be flexible?
b. Do photographers really need multiple cameras?
10. Is/Are [topic/product] [the/your/a] problem?
a. Are diet pills the problem?
b. Is fast fashion the problem?
11. Why [common advice/poor solution] [is/are] the problem
a. Why self-care culture is the problem
b. Why productivity hacks are the problem
12. Why [action/product] [could be/might/can] [having negative effect]
a. Why your hair could be causing headaches
b. Why caffeine might make you tired
13. Why [action/what they’re doing] isn’t [working/enough]
a. Why marriage counseling isn’t working
b. Why washing your face isn’t enough
14. [Why/This is why] [action] [isn’t/won’t] [achieve result]
a. Why dieting won’t help you lose weight
b. This is why recycling isn’t actually sustainable
15. If [deliverable/action] [isn’t working], here’s why →
a. If your website isn’t converting, here’s why →
b. If gentle parenting isn’t helping meltdowns, here’s why →
16. If [topic] [is/are] [a problem/your least favorite task/something you avoid]…
a. If your controlling in-laws are a problem…
b. If filming reels is your LEAST favorite task…
17. If your [deliverable(s)] isn’t/aren’t [getting the desired result]...
a. If your weekly newsletter isn’t increasing sales…
b. If your lead magnets aren’t getting leads…
18. Is [common action] [having a negative impact]?
a. Is calorie tracking ruining your social life?
b. Do push-ups make your wrists hurt?
19. Can [action] [get a surprisingly better result]?
a. Can eating chocolate help you lose weight?
b. Can less sleep make you more productive?
20. [Are you/Does your] [have this negative experience]? Read this. →
a. Does your dog’s breath stink? Read this
b. Do you bloat after every meal? Read this
21. Stop [taking common action]. [Here’s why.] →
a. Stop stretching before your workout. Here’s why
b. Stop buying supplements. Here’s why
22. Stop waiting to [take step/action/purchase or invest in product]
a. Stop waiting to open a Roth IRA
b. Stop waiting to find the “perfect” therapist
23. The #1 reason [why] [this negative result happens]
a. The #1 reason kids act out after school
b. The #1 reason you don’t get rave reviews
24. The most common [reason for/cause of] [negative result]
a. The most common reason for divorce
b. The most common reason for inconsistent sales
25. You don’t need to [take action/get result].
a. You don’t need to grow your audience.
b. You don’t need to take your kids on vacation


26. Struggling [to/with] [achieve goal]?

a. Struggling to stick to your budget?
b. Struggling to make “fetch” happen?
27. Are you [not seeing positive results/getting negative results]? Try this.
a. Are you groggy every morning? Try this.
b. Are you arguing over the dishes? Try this.
28. Are you [what they’re getting wrong]?
a. Are you overwatering your lawn?
b. Are you accidentally undereating?
29. Here’s what to do if [you’re not getting the results you want].
a. Here’s what to do if your cake is undercooked
b. Here’s what to do if your raise request is denied
30. So you [are faced with a problem]. Here’s what to do →
a. So you overbleached your hair. Here’s what to do →
b. So you failed the bar. Here’s what to do →
31. So you want to [take action/achieve goal]. [Here’s what to do/ Here’s how] →
a. So you want to foster a pet. Here’s what to do →
b. So you want to start a podcast. Here’s what to do →
32. So you wanna [achieve a goal]?
a. So you wanna build a plant wall?
b. So you wanna go to Antarctica?
33. How to [overcome/end/prevent] [common problem].
a. How to overcome your fear of job interviews
b. How to end the food battle with your toddler
34. How to stop [action they could prevent]
a. How to stop arguments before they happen
b. How to stop wasting produce
35. How to [action verb] [end goal] [optional: with limitation]
a. How to build a library wall for under $500
b. How to hire your first employee
36. How to [achieve result] [with specific limitation — timeline, budget, etc.]
a. How to write a song with only 4 chords
b. How to make your own sourdough overnight
37. Want to [achieve desired action/growth/result]?
a. Want to negotiate a higher salary?
b. Want to save more money this year?
38. If you [are lacking knowledge]...
a. If you don’t know how to style baggy jeans…
b. If you don’t know how to cook tofu…
39. If you [are experiencing a problem/situation]...
a. If you’re carrying the mental load…
b. If you’re not booking discovery calls…
40. Your [timeline] [plan/schedule/guide/etc.]
a. Your 6-week Instagram launch plan
b. Your 12-week triathlon training schedule
41. The ultimate [specific achievable result] [plan/routine/regimen/guide]
a. The ultimate curly hair growth guide
b. The ultimate thru-hike packing list
42. [Content deliverable] that don’t cost a thing
a. Date night ideas that don’t cost a thing
b. Organization hacks that don’t cost a thing
43. [Our/My] [best/favorite/must-have] [actionable tips].
a. My must-have morning mobility routine
b. Our favorite spring cleaning hacks
44. Here’s how to find your [client identity type]
a. Here’s how to find your Sparktype →
b. Here’s how to find your face shape →
45. Everything you need to start [taking steps towards result/goal]
a. Everything you need to start painting with watercolors
b. Everything you need to create a distraction-free workspace


46. The truth about [topic].

a. The truth about polyester
b. The truth about Bitcoin
47. The secret to [desired result].
a. The secret to waking up refreshed
b. The secret to never cleaning a toilet again
48. The importance of [action/topic/products]
a. The importance of ankle mobility
b. The importance of prebiotics
49. [Topic/Product/Service] [is/are] more important than you think.
a. Cookware is more important than you think.
b. Slow runs are more important than you think.
50. Want to make [topic] [adjective/emotion/superlative]?
a. Want to make date night unforgettable?
b. Want to make PB&Js healthier?
51. Want [better/superlative] [result/achievement]? Try this →
a. Want higher MCAT scores? Try this →
b. Want better fingerpicking skills? Try this →
52. Why [problem happens]
a. Why peanut butter makes you bloated
b. Why your childhood trauma affects your parenting
53. Why [results happen/don’t happen]
a. Why some launches fail
b. Why great manuscripts get denied
54. [topic], finally explained.
a. Pelvic floor dysfunction, finally explained
b. Your menstrual cycle, finally explained
55. Why you need [industry term] to [achieve results]
a. Why you need socratic anchoring to sell
b. Why you need automations to grow your business
56. [Industry term] [in a nutshell/made simple/simplified]
a. Email segmenting made simple
b. The Enneagram wings in a nutshell
57. [X] (or/vs) [Y].
a. Live launches or evergreen funnels?
b. Wearing vs. styling your clothes
58. [Controversial opinion]. Let me explain…
a. Your kids are not your friends. Let me explain…
b. Spinach isn’t a health food. Let me explain…
59. What no one tells you about [topic]
a. What no one tells you about the puppy stage
b. What no one tells you about destination weddings


60. X [content/deliverable] [to/for] [get benefit/complete task].

a. 10 sleek hairstyles to revitalize dirty hair
b. 8 SOPs to help your business run seamlessly
61. X [content/deliverable] that [achieve desirable result].
a. 77 phrases that keep people interested
b. 15 yoga stretches that reduce shoulder pain
62. X [adjective] [deliverable] for [audience]
a. 10 dreamy fonts for designers
b. 8 jaw-dropping elopement destinations in California
63. X [must-have] [tools] for [audience]
a. 8 must-have tools for beginner potters
b. 30 accent fonts for feminine brands
64. X [tools] I use [every day/week/month] as a [job title]
a. 5 meditations I use every day as a life coach
b. 7 apps I use every day as a digital marketer
65. Steal these [superlative/adjective] [deliverables]
a. Steal these autumn-inspired color schemes
b. Steal these $100 bedroom makeover ideas
66. Steal [my/our] [deliverable]
a. Steal our most-clicked Instagram hooks
b. Steal our favorite yin yoga sequences
67. Need [deliverable]? Steal ours →
a. Need a posting schedule? Steal ours →
b. Need email subject lines? Steal ours →
68. The ultimate list of [adjective/specifier] [topic/deliverable]
a. The ultimate list of Bay Area record stores
b. The ultimate list of first-date conversation starters
69. The best [noun] for [specific circumstance/achievable action]
a. The best camera settings for capturing rain
b. The best birth-ball exercises to prep for labor
70. The perfect [adjective] [deliverable/topic]
a. The perfect gluten-free pizza crust
b. The perfect dewy skin makeup look
71. [The/My] ultimate [list of/recs for] [adjective] [topic/content/deliverable]
a. The ultimate list of click-worthy carousel ideas
b. My ultimate grab-and-go school snack ideas
72. [Adjective] [topic] for [audience]
a. Easy day hikes for families in Minnesota
b. Fun color schemes for maximalists
73. Steal [my/our] [content/deliverable]
a. Steal our monthly sales funnel
b. Steal my spring style guide
74. X [practices/steps/exercises/habits/routines/etc.] to/for [ideal outcome/action/result]
a. 5 helpful routines for back-to-school season
b. 5 habits for effortlessly smooth skin
75. X [actionable tips] you [should/need to] know
a. 9 cake baking basics you need to know
b. 9 mobility exercises you should know
76. X [adjective] [deliverable/ideas]
a. 30 must-click blog headline formulas
b. 5 kid-friendly vacation spots in New England


77. How to use [expertise/tool/idea] [to/for] [reach goal]

a. How to use pain points to sell
b. How to use gua sha to define your jawline
78. How to [reach goal] [with/without] [tool/limitation]
a. How to find rankable keywords with Ubersuggest
b. How to brainstorm without ChatGPT
79. How [I/we] [improve] [beginner strategy/baseline deliverable]
a. How I elevate free Canva designs
b. How I uplevel an outfit with accessories
80. How [I/we] [complete essential task]
a. How I sequence a creative yoga class
b. How I teach push-ups to beginners
81. How to [complete specific task] [in/with/for] [timeline/detail/purpose]
a. How to schedule a month of IG posts in a day
b. How to prep your canvas for oil painting
82. Expert [task]
a. Expert email list segmentation
b. Expert vocal warm-ups
83. Steal [my/our] [task] [strategy/method/routine]
a. Steal my Facebook ad strategy
b. Steal my kitchen clean-up strategy
84. Steal [my/our] [process] for [completing task/achieving result/audience]
a. Steal my process for tailoring the perfect jeans
b. Steal my client onboarding process for photographers
85. [My/our] method for [end result]
a. My method for recovering from panic attacks
b. My method for the perfect balayage
86. Why you should always [complete task]
a. Why you should always pay with a credit card
b. Why you should always soak nuts and beans


87. Why [I/we] don’t [take action]

a. Why I don’t take on retainer clients
b. Why I don’t offer payment plans
88. Why [I/we] [never/always] [take action] as a [job title]
a. Why I never automate DMs as a SMM
b. Why I always order paint samples as an interior designer
89. We [advice you ignore/follow] on purpose. [Here’s why →]
a. We make our jeans extra long on purpose.
b. We don’t send sales emails on purpose.
90. Exactly what [I/we] did to [become successful/reach milestone]
a. Exactly what I did to make $100K on Etsy
b. Exactly what I did to launch my first course
91. [Things] I [action verb] [every day/week/month] to [reach goal/stay successful]
a. Products I use every day to reduce fine lines
b. Meals I eat every week to build muscle
92. [How] [I/we] [reached goal] with only [minimal input/limitation]
a. How we ranked on Google with only 3 blogs
b. I sold out my art show with only 800 followers
93. [How] [I/we] [reached goal] in [timeline]
a. I planned my wedding in 3 weeks
b. How I built a year-long waitlist in 1 month
94. [How] [I/we] [reached goal] without [taking undesirable action]
a. How I became flexible without stretching
b. How I learned Spanish without taking classes
95. How [simple action] can [bring superior result]
a. How hiring a VA can triple your revenue
b. How bottom watering can help plants thrive
96. Here’s what happened when I/we [stopped] [taking “necessary” action]
a. Here’s what happened when I stopped posing couples
b. Here’s what happened when I got off Fiverr
97. [I/we] (stopped) [taking “necessary” action]. Here’s what happened →
a. I stopped lifting heavy. Here’s what happened →
b. I started investing. Here’s what happened →
98. [Nouns] [I/we] would [do/not do] as a [job title]
a. Shampoos I would never use as a hairstylist
b. Books I would read again as an expert copywriter
99. [I/we] (did/didn’t) [take action] for [timeline]. This is what happened →
a. I washed my hair every day for 3 months. This is what happened →
b. I didn’t post on IG for 2 months. This is what happened →
100. [I/we] [improved my situation] with [#] [adjective (optional)] [noun]
a. I gained 1,000 followers from 1 simple post
b. I made $30,000 with 3 emails
101. How [to start/I started] [taking action] [at a specific stage of their journey]
a. How I started booking clients without a portfolio
b. How to start planning for taxes before your first sale
102. How [I’m/we’re] [doing current action/task].
a. How I’m prepping for Black Friday
b. How I’m saving for retirement
103. When people ask [question?]
a. When people ask “How’s sleep training going?”
b. When people ask “Have you lost weight?”
104. [Deliverables/services/tools] that weren’t worth the money
a. Art supplies that weren’t worth the money
b. Dog toys that weren’t worth the money
105. [How I/Ways I] [preparing for] [upcoming event/season]
a. How I get ready for a feedback session
b. How I prepare for a runway show
106. I start [planning/preparing] [at this time/this far in advance]
a. I start prepping for Black Friday 4 months in advance
b. I start planning my kids’ meals 1 month in advance


107. [Meet] your [business team/job title]

a. Meet your guitar teacher
b. Get to know your photographer
108. [Action] with [name]
a. Accessorize an outfit with Marilyn Wright
b. Try a 5-minute meditation with Pamela Sato
109. Ask [a/your] [job title]
a. Ask a zero-waste expert
b. Ask your brand designer
110. Take it from a [job title]
a. Take it from a meditation teacher
b. Take it from a professional makeup artist
111. [Introduce your team by viral trend. Ex: Little Miss, Barbie, etc. Immediacy is
a. This Barbie works from home
b. Little Miss Opens 100 Tabs, Closes 0
112. [Quote you believe about your industry/yourself]
a. “I’m a dog trainer. I make sit happen.”
b. “When in doubt, add glitter.”
113. Why [I think/believe] [state belief].
a. Why I believe crying in public is cool.
b. Why I think grammar doesn’t matter.
114. [Specific audience call-out]...
a. Hey mountain bikers…
b. If you love the Bridgerton series…


115. [My/Our] [worst mistake/biggest failure/most embarrassing moment] as a [job

a. My worst faux pas as a personal stylist
b. My biggest mistake as a new pet sitter
116. [I/we] [took difficult or surprising action.]
a. I fired a $20,000 client.
b. I stopped answering emails.
117. [I/we] stopped [taking action action]. Here’s how it turned out →
a. I stopped wearing makeup. Here’s how it turned out →
b. I stopped asking for feedback. Here’s how it turned out →
118. [We/I] [took this action]. Here’s what happened.
a. We increased our prices. Here’s what happened.
b. We spent $20,000 on branding. Here’s what happened.
119. What happened when we [changed how we did things]
a. What happened when we stopped setting deadlines
b. What happened when we invested in marketing
120. [I/we] [spent X time] [taking action]. Here’s what happened → / I [took action] [timeline].
Here’s what happened →
a. I spent 1 year traveling through Italy. Here’s what happened →
b. I ran every day for a month. Here’s what happened →
121. [Optional: The time] [step/activity/result] failed.
a. My online course failed.
b. The time my accountant failed me.
122. [My/our] [first try] [did/didn’t do well].
a. My first course only enrolled 1 student.
b. My first home renovation came out like this.
123. It took [me/us] [timeline] to [reach goal]. / [Goal] took [timeline].
a. It took me 1 year to build an agency
b. This took 140 hours to paint.
124. (See) the moment [I/my client] [made this realization/experienced this surprise]
a. The moment I realized my boyfriend wasn’t the one
b. See the moment she realizes he’s going to propose…
125. After [failed efforts/rejections/timeline], [current status].
a. After 6 months of work, our website is finally live!
b. After 36 rejections, my book has a publisher.
126. A client told [me/us] [Negative feedback].
a. A client told me I was overpriced →
b. A client told me I ruined her hair →
127. [I/we] [stopped] [negative action/limiting belief/behavior]
a. I cured my fear of public speaking
b. I stopped overspending on food
128. How [past action] [resulted in/became/etc.] [story of success]
a. How a failed product became a best-seller
b. How posting a bad review tripled my sales
129. [Surprising/negative action] was the best decision I ever made
a. Closing my yoga studio was the best decision I ever made
b. Shaving my head was the best decision I ever made
130. The time I asked [question that resulted in story] [optional: and this happened].
a. The time I asked, “What’s under these floorboards?”
b. The time I asked for a wolf cut and THIS happened →
131. [Attention-grabbing story hook].
a. The time I eloped in Spain
b. The time I lied on a job application
132. [I/My product] [had experience] [with/by] [topic/person/industry expert]
a. I had my hair done by a viral curl specialist
b. My book got ripped apart by a bestselling author


133. How I [start every day] as a [job title]

a. How I start every shift as a night nurse
b. How I start every day as a dermatologist
134. [Things] I do every day as a [job title]
a. Warm-ups I do every day as a professional opera singer
b. Tasks I do every day as a stay-at-home mom
135. A day in the life of a [job title]
a. A day in the life of a pet groomer
b. A day in the life of a travel blogger
136. [Complete task] with me
a. Design a winter wedding bouquet with me
b. Craft a Harry Potter birthday party with me
137. Let’s [complete task]
a. Let’s tailor these jeans for a petite frame
b. Let’s clean the interior of this muddy truck
138. Behind the scenes of [event/activity]
a. Behind the scenes of a runway show
b. Behind the scenes of a dress consultation
139. Watch [me/us] [complete task/achieve goal]
a. Watch me edit my (terrible) first draft
b. Watch me transform my client’s “closet from hell”
140. How [I/we] [complete task] as a [job title]
a. How I draw cursive fonts as a typeface designer
b. How I meal prep as a personal chef
141. The time [attention-grabbing story hook about business experience].
a. The time my accountant saved me $5,000
b. The time I went viral on TikTok
142. [I’ve/We’ve] been [action you’ve been taking] [optional: timeframe]
a. We’ve been co-sleeping with a newborn for 8 months
b. We’ve been teaching our dog to talk
143. I’ve spent [timeframe] [working on action/project/task]
a. I’ve spent the last 8 years writing this book.
b. I’ve spent over a month landscaping our backyard


144. Can you [complete this game/challenge]?

a. Can you pick the real designer handbag?
b. Can you spot the design error?
145. Guess which [content] [was more/less] [adjective]?
a. Guess which logo took longer to make?
b. Guess which outfit was more expensive?
146. Can you [engage in this challenge/activity/game]?
a. Can you make it to the end of this expert fingerpick pattern?
b. Can you touch your toes?
147. [How many/How far/How well] can you [complete this challenge/activity/game]?
a. How many freestyle strokes can you hold your breath for?
b. How many spelling errors can you find in this post?
148. This [challenge/quiz/activity] will make you a [superlative] [job title/identity]
a. This 30-second exercise will make you a better writer
b. This mobility routine will make you a faster runner
149. Are you a [identity 1] or an [identity 2]?
a. Are you a spring or a summer?
b. Are you anxious or avoidant?
150. (Do you know/What’s) your [identity type]?
a. Do you know your enneagram wing?
b. What’s your love language?
151. (Which/What) (kind of) [identity type] are you?
a. What kind of parent are you?
b. Which millennial style are you?
152. Which [option] would [you/your business/audience] [choose]?
a. Which vacation would you choose?
b. Which logo would you choose?
153. Which [option] should [I/we] [verb]?
a. Which room should we makeover next?
b. Which bridesmaid dress should I wear?
154. What your [identity type/quality] says about you →
a. What your wedding color scheme says about you →
b. What your favorite book genre says about you →
155. Help [me/us/person] [make a decision].
a. Help us pick our wedding venue
b. Help me choose a wallpaper for my bathroom
156. [Contribute to] my next [deliverable]
a. Pick the mood board for our next collection
b. Choreograph my next viral dance


157. Why [I’m/we’re] switching [to Y/from X to Y]

a. Why I’m switching to coworking
b. Why I’m switching from Honeybook to Dubsado
158. Why [I’m/we’re] [changing] [strategy/process/etc.]
a. Why I’m changing our launch strategy
b. Why I’m switching my course platform
159. My/our monthly [type of business expense] budget
a. My monthly art supply budget
b. My monthly van-life budget
160. How we [are/will be] [planning for/achieving result] [with a limitation]
a. How I’m renovating my kitchen with a 5K budget
b. How we’ll be a climate-positive clothing brand by 2025
161. How [I/we/deliverable] [is/are] [affecting me/achieving result].
a. How my live courses are running themselves
b. How an 8 PM phone curfew is affecting my sleep
162. We’re [presently taking this action]. Here’s how →
a. We’re donating half our income. Here’s how →
b. We’re giving all our employees a 20% raise. Here’s how →
163. We’re/I’m [presently taking this action]. Here’s why →
a. We’re raising our prices. Here’s why →
b. We’re closing our longest-running course. Here’s why →
164. [Feedback review – serious or funny]
a. Our favorite hate comments from 2023
b. Words clients use to describe our brand
165. [Aspect] [I/we/{business}] [does “wrong”].
a. Fashion trends my clothing brand totally ignores.
b. Good business advice we choose not to follow.

166. Secrets of a [achieved result]
a. Secrets of a 6-figure launch
b. Secrets of a booked-out brand designer
167. (Optional: [I/we] helped) [Client] [take action]. [Here’s why/what happened]
a. My client stopped charging hourly. Here’s what happened →
b. I told my client to fire her top two clients.
168. When you stop [taking unhelpful action]...
a. When you stop talking down to yourself…
b. When you stop relying on to-do lists…
169. How [my client/I/we] [achieved result] [in timeline]
a. How this high school teacher paid off $100K in 5 years
b. How I train for a marathon in 12 weeks
170. [Client] [attention-grabbing story].
a. Cynthia hasn’t had a haircut in 10 years.
b. Paul spent a year biking across Europe.
171. Everything [I/we] did to [achieve huge result].
a. Everything I did to get a $50K raise as a Project Manager
b. Everything I did to drop my cholesterol 100 points
172. Watch [me/us] turn [before] into [after].
a. Watch me turn a neglected backyard into an oasis
b. Watch me turn butter beans into a gourmet meal
173. How [I/we] [changed] our [quantifiable analytic] from [X] to [Y].
a. How we increased our email open rate from 20% to 45%
b. How we decreased our customer acquisition cost from $35 to $12
174. [Changes [I/we] made] to go from [before] to [after]
a. Boundaries I set to go from burned out to balanced
b. The mindset shift I needed to go from $1k to 10k months
175. How [I/we] [achieved major goal] [with professional limitations]
a. How I got published in the New Yorker as a college student
b. How I kept my bakery afloat when I was on maternity leave
176. Here’s what [achieving result] looks like.
a. Here’s what reconnecting with your spouse looks like
b. Here’s what intuitive eating looks like


177. “Is [x] even possible for me?”

a. “Is paying off student loans even possible for me?”
b. “Is online dating even possible for me?”
178. [Client] [put a lot of work in] [and got poor result].
a. Lauren sent 1,000 pitches and only got 3 responses.
b. Paul went to 27 castings in a month and didn’t get a single callback
179. Will [solution] [work/help] [if/with] [circumstances]?
a. Will CBD help with PTSD?
b. Will yoga help with my lower back pain?
180. If you [struggle to take necessary positive steps]...
a. If paring down your closet is an impossible task…
b. If going to the gym feels impossible…
181. {Before/After} {this transformation}...
a. Before getting diagnosed with ADHD…
b. After finding out my husband was cheating…


182. “But isn’t [hesitation/false belief].”

a. “But isn’t making money online a scam?”
b. “But isn’t a plant-based diet expensive?”
183. If you think [false belief]...
a. If you think solo traveling is scary…
b. If you think camping is expensive…
184. If you’ve been telling yourself [false belief]...
a. If you’ve been telling yourself “it’s too late”…
b. If you’ve been telling yourself bloating is normal…
185. [False belief] is [giving you negative outcome]. Here’s why →
a. Offering free sessions is costing you clients. Here’s why →
b. Emailing your clients is costing you money. Here’s why →
186. You don’t have to [industry standard].
a. You don’t have to love your body.
b. You don’t have to sell your art.
187. This is what happens when [step into solution].
a. This is what happens when you stop feeding your dog kibble
b. This is what happens when you batch your content
188. Imagine if THIS was your [deliverable]
a. Imagine if THIS was your website
b. Imagine if THIS was your living room
189. What if [alternative option] [was the better option]?
a. What if at-home workouts were more effective?
b. What if traveling full-time was less expensive than paying rent?
190. Is [option 1] better than [option 2]?
a. Is buying a home better than renting?
b. Are meal services less expensive than grocery shopping?

191. From [identity before] to [identity after]

a. From unemployed to 7-figure business owner
b. From hustle-culture to slow-living
192. Here’s {what I did to transform} from {before} to {after}
a. Here’s what I did to go from 80K to 120K months
b. Here’s how I turned this black hair bleach-blonde
193. “Customer quote about transformation”
a. “After 10 years of knee pain, it’s finally gone.”
b. “My acne scars are almost gone.”
194. When you {take desired action} {optional: every day/week/month/year}...
a. When you practice handstands every day…
b. When you draw every day…
195. This is what a [lesser option] and [better option] look like
a. This is what a 2k couch and a 20k couch look like
b. This is what 1200 calories and 2400 calories a day look like
196. When [I/client] first started [taking this action] vs. now
a. When I first started working as a personal stylist vs. now
b. When my client first started getting acupuncture vs. now


197. If you [started action] today…

a. If you put $10,000 into a trust for your newborn today…
b. If you started planting a garden today…
198. What to expect when you [take this action]
a. What to expect when you pin 10 times a day
b. What to expect when you start setting boundaries
199. [Results/What] to expect from [deliverable]
a. Results to expect from a 5-email sales funnel
b. What to expect from 6 months of lifting
200. What happens when you [live with offer] instead of [without it]
a. What happens when you sit up straight instead of slouching
b. What happens when you hire a personal trainer instead of winging your workouts
201. If you [swap/replace] [one choice] [for/with] [another]...
a. If you replace your desk with a walking pad…
b. If you swap shampoo bottles for shampoo bars…
202. If you [spend time] [doing this activity]
a. If you spend 5 minutes a day meditating
b. If you spend 10 minutes a day doing facial yoga
203. If you [do activity] [for amount of time]
a. If you read 10 pages of a book every day…
b. If you play with your cats for 10 minutes a day…
204. What a [lesser option] [would look like] in [timeline]
a. What a plastic toothbrush will look like in 100 years
b. What a world with fossil fuels will look like in 2083
205. This is your [reminder/sign/message] [to do action now]
a. This is your sign to wear sunscreen daily
b. This is your reminder to start a Roth IRA
206. Want [result] [by/when/before] [future age / date]?
a. Want flawless skin when you’re 65?
b. Want to retire before you’re 60?


207. You won’t believe how this {project/deliverable} turned out

a. You won’t believe how this tattoo turned out
b. You won’t believe how this Ikea bookshelf turned out
208. Final reveal of a {optional: adjective} {deliverable} / {Adjective} {deliverable}
a. Final reveal of a 10K rebrand
b. $1M kitchen renovation reveal
209. It (optional: only) took me {timeline} to {complete this offer}...
a. If took me 10 months to renovate this kitchen…
b. It only took me 30 minutes to design this logo…
210. You need to see this {deliverable}
a. You need to see this Frozen-inspired wedding cake
b. You need to see this masseuse in action
211. I {took this surprising action} →
a. I handpainted my own wallpaper →
b. I sewed my own wedding dress →

212. [Name of offer].

a. Instagram Content Mastery.
b. The Write Your Site Workbook.
213. [Offer name] is now live!
a. The Academy is now live!
b. Yoga On Demand is now live!
214. [Join/get/snag/sign up for/etc.] [offer name].
a. Join group coaching sessions
b. Sign up for summer theater camp
215. Ready to [achieve goal]?
a. Ready to write your website?
b. Ready to sew your own clothes?
216. For [audience] who want [result] without [limitations]
a. For girlies who want to try reformer pilates without paying $300/month
b. For women who want to gain muscle without hitting the gym
217. Meet our [new/{year}/{season}/superlative] {deliverable}
a. Meet our summer 2023 collection
b. Meet our new, 100% natural dry shampoo
218. Done-for-you [content deliverable]
a. Done-for-you vegan meal plans
b. Done-for-you Montessori math lessons
219. [Name of sale].
a. Summer Collection Sale.
b. Back-to-School Sale
220. [X] off [offer/name of sale]! [Optional: Details]
a. $30 off all prints! Now through July 4th.
b. 30% off Black Friday Sale!
221. The only thing you need to [achieve result] →
a. The only thing you need to grow your glutes →
b. The only thing you need to make 2K next month →
222. The only [content/deliverable] you need [to achieve result]
a. The only tools you need to run a copywriting business
b. The only clothes you need for the perfect fall wardrobe
223. The only [content/deliverable/product] you’ll ever need
a. The only pasta recipe you’ll ever need
b. The only lightweight jacket you’ll ever need
224. [Our/My/The] [best/favorite/must-have] [content/deliverable].
a. Our all-time favorite cable knit pattern
b. My must-have weekend travel bag

225. The problem with [alternate solution].

a. The problem with traditional marketing
b. The problem with using Instagram for inspiration
226. Why [other advice] {[is/isn’t] [bad/good] [advice/the answer]}.
a. Why “fake it til you make it” is bad advice
b. Why “get a massage” isn’t always the answer
227. “[Bad advice.]” Or [is it/are they/should you]?
a. “Stay for the kids.” Or should you?
b. “Failure is not an option.” Or is it?
228. “Common critique.” (Optional: Or [is it/are they/should you]?)
a. “Girls who lift are bulky.”
b. “Vegans are hypocrites.” Or are they?
229. What most [job titles/clients] get wrong…
a. What most AirBnB hosts get wrong
b. What most new co-parents get wrong
230. Why [other action] doesn’t (optional: always) work.
a. Why organic growth strategies don’t work.
b. Why therapy doesn’t always work.
231. Why [other action] failed [optional: you].
a. Why MyFitnessPal failed you.
b. Why your baby’s sleep schedule failed.
232. [Alternate option] versus [your option].
a. Store-bought vs. homemade protein powder
b. 10k brand designer vs. my Canva templates
233. POV: your [job title] [encapsulate experience you provide to your clients]
a. POV: your hairdresser makes you cry.
b. POV: your yoga teacher has no filter
234. POV: [successful outcome].
a. POV: Your jeans fit your waist and your thighs.
b. POV: you learn to make pasta from scratch and you can finally eat gluten again


235. If you’re (optional: a {job title/niche}) [struggling to achieve this desired result]...
a. If you’re a life coach struggling to get clients
b. If you’re an interior designer with low-budget clients
236. If you’ve been waiting to [try this product/take this action]
a. If you’ve been waiting to get rid of your oversized clothes…
b. If you’ve been waiting to try acupuncture…
237. For {target audience} who want {experience/results} but don’t have
a. For the girls who want a capsule wardrobe but don’t have $1k
b. For dog parents who want homemade dog food but don’t have time to cook
238. When you want [X] but don’t have [Y]
a. When you want a home movie theater but don’t have $150,000
b. When you want a home office but don’t have an office space
239. When you want to [X] but don’t want to/have [Y]
a. When you want to quit your job but have $0 in savings
b. When you want to learn pottery but don’t have a wheel
240. For [ideal client profile/target audience]...
a. For the Type A traveler in the friend group…
b. For the moms of picky eaters…


241. When you [forget to/put off/don’t/skip] [take this action]

a. When you forget how much food it takes to feed 20 people
b. When you skip too many couples therapy appointments
242. When you realize you should have [taken this action] [optional: X {time} ago]
a. When you realize you should have hired the dog trainer
b. When you realize you should have started investing 5 years ago
243. The moment your decision not to [take action] comes back to haunt you
a. The moment your decision not to outsource comes back to haunt you
b. The moment your decision not to hire a professional organizer comes back to
haunt you
244. When you decide to [do X] instead of [Y]
a. When you decide to DIY your wedding photos instead of hiring a pro
b. When you decide to make your birthday cake instead of hiring help
245. X signs you should have [already taken this action]
a. 10 signs you should have outsourced by now
b. 5 signs you should have already switched to barefoot shoes
246. When you realize [money] for [product/service] would have been worth it
a. When you realize $30 for face wash would have been worth it
b. When you realize 1k for a website template would have been worth it

247. [Deliverable] giveaway!

a. Website template giveaway!
b. Our summer swim collection giveaway!
248. [Enter/Join] the [name] [giveaway/sweepstakes]!
a. Enter our Spring Fling giveaway!
b. Enter the Black Friday giveaway!
249. We’re giving away [offer name or summary], [optional: totally free].
a. We’re giving away our content strategy, totally free
b. We’re giving away 1 year of Spanish lessons, totally free
250. [Optional: Adjective] [topic] challenge for [audience type]
a. Handstand challenge for gymnasts
b. Summer sewing challenge for beginners
251. The [name of challenge] you’ve been waiting for
a. The at-home pilates challenge you’ve been waiting for
b. The Date Night Challenge you’ve been waiting for
252. The X-day [name] challenge starts today!
a. The 30-day plant-based challenge starts today!
b. The 7-day food waste challenge starts today!
253. A [deliverable]. Totally free.
a. A new wardrobe. Totally free.
b. A year’s worth of produce. Totally free.
254. [Get] my free [Freebie name]
a. Get my free Styling Masterclass
b. Steal my free Welcome Funnel
255. Want [#] [adjective] [deliverable]?
a. Want 25 of our highest-clicked email subject lines?
b. Want 365 captivating caption hooks?
256. Our [New/best-selling/etc.] [offer type]: [offer name]
a. Our newest Showit template: The Blume
b. Our best-selling spring boots: The Mylas
257. Our [new offer] just dropped.
a. Our spring collection just dropped
b. Our first-ever vegan boot collection just dropped.

258. Is [common objection/limitation] keeping you from [taking this action]?

a. Is your busy schedule keeping you from hiring?
b. Is your lack of savings keeping you from investing?
259. If you don’t want to [common objection]
a. If you don’t want to show your face on stories
b. If you don’t want to spend $1k on your website
260. Why [topic/offer] is [objection they have]
a. Why reformer pilates is so expensive
b. Why DSLR cameras are complicated to use
261. Why [I/my product] [do/don’t] [offer/include] [content/deliverable]
a. Why I don’t offer free consultations
b. Why my cartoon characters don’t have gendered pronouns
262. What if I/we [way they’re not ideally prepared]?
a. What if I’ve never taken a yoga class before?
b. What if I only have 1 hour a week to practice the handpan?
263. Don’t [I/we] need to [common misconception]?
a. Don’t I need to know code to be a designer?
b. Don’t I need to be bilingual to teach abroad?
264. You don’t need [common expectation] to [achieve results].
a. You don’t need a yard to start gardening
b. You don’t need an English degree to be a copywriter
265. If [alternative] [isn’t working/didn’t work] for you
a. If physical therapy didn’t help your back pain
b. If high school Spanish didn’t make you fluent

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