1. 100 High-Selling Caption Templates by Maha Copy Co.

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100 High-Selling Caption Templates

By Maha Copy Co.


Welcome to 100 High-Selling Caption Templates! In this resource, you’ll find 100 caption
templates with brand voice and content prompts you can use to write engaging captions
people *actually* read. The captions in this resource are organized by the 4 content buckets
and 25 content categories found in High-Selling Content Buckets.

Each caption has corresponding brainstorm questions from The Content Brainstorm
Guide and suggested post titles from 265 Clickable Post Titles. These have been
intentionally tagged to be easily searchable within this document. Brainstorm questions have
been tagged “Q#” and suggested post titles have been tagged “T#”.

You can search for them using the Find tool, [Command + F] or [Ctrl + F].


YELLOW = Caption Hooks.

The caption hook is the first line or sentence of your caption. We’ve included at least one
caption hook option for each prompt. You can switch out caption hooks as you please. For
more caption hook options, check out 365 Caption Hooks.

GREEN = Brand Voice.

Words and phrases highlighted in green are brand voice prompts. The purpose of brand voice
prompts is to give you multiple different options for how to say something, so the captions feel
personalized and *not* like templates. Pick the plug-and-play option that feels most true to
your voice…or add your own way of saying it!

ORANGE = Content Prompt.

Words, phrases, and sentences highlighted in orange are content prompts. The purpose of
content prompts is to tell you clearly what you need to write. Use the prompts to fill in the

RED = Notes & Options.

This is used to add commentary about what you need to do. Anything in red should always be
deleted — do not include it in your caption.


To use when you want to: validate a problem and explain why the solution isn’t so simple

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q1) What’s the biggest challenge for beginners who are just starting out in your niche?
(Q2) What tasks do your ideal clients CONSTANTLY procrastinate on? Why?
(Q5) How does your audience feel stuck? What do they think is keeping them stuck? What do
they not yet realize is keeping them stuck?

Possible Post Titles:

T6. Do I/we/audience (really) need [product/service/to take specific action]?
T11. Why [common advice/poor solution] [is/are] the problem
T12. Why [action/product] [could be/might/can] [having negative effect]
T13. Why [action/what they’re doing] isn’t [working/enough]
T18. Is [common action] [having a negative impact]?

Listen up, y’all.

I don’t have to tell you [this specific action or understanding] is [super important / KEY /
the most important thing / etc.] when it comes to [achieving this specific goal].

But if every time you [sit down to complete a task / face an undesirable component], you
want to [exaggerate what it looks like to be bored, overwhelmed, confused, or alternative
negative emotion (i.e. bang your head on the keyboard and quit your job altogether)]…
[you’re not alone / I’m right there with you / phew, I know the feeling / etc.].

The thing is, when it comes to [primary tasks they complete / work they already do well],
[you know exactly what you’re doing / you have all the confidence in the world / you’ve
got it DOWN / etc.].

You’re already [way #1 they’re awesome or doing things right].

You [way #2 they’re awesome or doing things right].
And [way #3 they’re awesome or doing things right].

So…why are you still struggling to [reach this simpler or smaller achievement]?

This maaay come as a shock. / Well, hold on to your hats, people / I know this might
sound crazy / Brace yourself / Believe it or not…]
[But / Because] [BREAKING NEWS / here’s the truth / *deep breath*]: [the actions
you’re taking] won’t help you [achieve this big goal] if you’re [not *ALSO* {taking other
action} OR permanently putting {undesirable task} {on the back-burner / dead-last on
your priority list / on your list of “Things I’ll Figure Out Eventually”}].

[Optional: Because] [mastering undesirable task] is [what will take you from / the
NUMBER ONE thing you need if you want to go from] [paint a specific picture of what
they’re struggling with because of the component they’re missing] to [paint a specific
picture of what a successful outcome will look like once they start taking new action].

So here’s your starting point!




To use when you want to: validate a problem and explain why the solution isn’t so simple

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q3) What feels hard for your audience on a daily basis?
(Q4) What is taking up a ton of time for your audience? How do they feel they’re wasting their

Possible Post Titles:

T19. Can [action] [get a surprisingly better result]?
T20. [Are you/Does your] [have this negative experience]? Read this. →
T21. Stop [taking common action]. [Here’s why.] →

Can we all agree on something?!

[Completing task/accomplishing goal] is WAY HARDER than it seems. Like, it makes

[that scene in {movie} where {describe scene of someone doing something challenging}
look {easy/like a walk in the park/way it looks}] OR it makes [challenging task your
audience is doing] seem [like a piece of cake / like a walk in the park / like a cinch / easy
peasy lemon squeezy / like a no-brainer].

Especially when [you’re dealing with / you’ve also gotta think about / you’re also trying to
juggle] [other elements that complicate/make it harder].

People always say [reaching a specific goal] is all about [common advice they’ve heard
about what they need to do].
But, um…did any of those people ever actually *try* [repeat that common advice]?

Well, I have. And [X hours/months/years OR X required elements (e.g. 4 gallons of

almond milk) OR X undesired results (e.g. 10 sleepless nights)] later, I can [sum it up in
two words: total fail. / tell you without question: DON’T DO IT. / attest: it’s no cakewalk.]

Because when you’re [describe what it looks like to be in the messy middle of the task]
and realize [the major issue they’ll be facing], you’re [what’s going to happen, actually or
humorously (i.e. Gonna spend the rest of the afternoon researching “boarding schools
for 2-year-olds.”)]

If you want to [achieve this specific goal] WITHOUT [this negative aspect/experience],
you gotta [MASTER / get really dang good at / become an all-star at / figure out how to /
embrace] [action you want them to take/topic they need to learn].

Because once you learn [the basics of / the essentials of / the ins-and-outs of / the literal
science to / a tried-and-true process for / etc.] [how to take said action/master said topic],
– You’ll [describe a positive change they’ll experience on a daily basis]
– You’ll [name another positive change they’ll experience on a daily basis]
– And you’ll [describe the change they’ll experience in their overall life].




To use when you want to: explain what the heart of the problem is

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q6) What do you immediately flag as a problem, that they haven’t realized is a problem yet?
(Q7) What’s a big mistake you see others in your profession making in your industry?

Possible Post Titles:

T18. Is [common action] [having a negative impact]?
T21. Stop [taking common action]. [Here’s why.] →
T24. The most common [reason for/cause of] [negative result]
T25. You don’t need to [take action/get result].

Raise your hand if you’re sick and tired of [undesirable action/result].

[What they tell themselves the problem is] is the problem, right?! OR I hear so many [job
titles] say [what others in your industry claim the problem is].

[*cough cough* NO IT’S NOT. *cough* / Well…not so much. / Sigh. If only.]

Let’s be real — if [achieving goal] was based on [task or expectation they’re exceeding
at], you would have [made it happen/crossed that finish line/checked it off the to-do list]
six months ago.

The problem isn’t [what they think the problem is].


[Hear me out / Stick with me here / Allow me to elaborate / Let me clarify / Here’s the
deal / Lemme break it down for you].

[Taking this action] is the KEY to [getting this result] because [what’s impossible without
that action OR what won’t be available to them until they start doing it OR what positive
chain of events will happen when they nail that one thing].

AKA: It doesn’t matter if you [paint a picture of what they could do PERFECTLY without
getting any more results] if you’re not ALSO [taking this action towards the real problem].

[^Read that again. / I said what I said. / YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST / Feel free to
quote me on that.]

And I know [taking that action] SEEMS [pretty complicated / like a whole lotta work / like
a big undertaking / daunting / like more than you have energy for / overwhelming]

But it doesn’t have to [be some huge, all-encompassing task / feel like {relatable difficult
experience} /take you down a rabbit hole Googling “How to X” / be a huge burden / be a
painful experience]

Starting to [take action/solve problem] can look like…

→ [What a step in the right direction looks like]
→ [What a step in the right direction looks like]
→ [What a step in the right direction looks like]
→ [What a step in the right direction looks like]

But it probably *doesn’t* look like [what they’re doing right now] OR But it’s probably not
going to happen [on its own / without a little help / unless you {what they need to do}].

So if you want to FINALLY [see these results?]




To use when you want to: explain a small but impactful change they can make

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q9) How does your audience feel they’re failing or flailing? What easy-to-grab successes do
you see that are possible for them?
(Q12) What mistakes do people often make when trying to DIY/solve problems without your
(Q13) What’s the most common mistake people make before they hire you/buy from you? What
are the consequences?

Possible Post Titles:

T1: Should you [take this action]?
T2: Should you [take action] when [experiencing poor result]?
T3: “[Common advice you disagree with].”
T4: [Common advice] is [overrated/unnecessary/a waste of time/etc.].
T16: If [topic] [is/are] [a problem/your least favorite task/something you avoid]…
T17: If your [deliverable(s)] isn’t/aren’t [getting desired result]...
T22: Stop waiting to [take step/action/purchase or invest in product]

Psst…don’t skip the caption!

You know that feeling when every [specific time (e.g. night at 2am/Monday morning/time
you try to take a vacation)], you [describe negative experience (e.g. wake up in a sweat
wondering “Omg…Did I miss the deadline to submit my quarterly taxes?!” / realize you
went all day without drinking water? etc.)]

[Let’s just say I’ve been there more times than I can count. / All the {audience} in the
room are like GIRL, EVERY TIME. / If you’re anything like me, it’s a “hell yes” / That was
a rhetorical question. We all know it’s yes.]

I used to [HARDCORE STRUGGLE with / spend entire Saturdays stressing over /

obsess over / lose sleep over / be consumed by] [this specific problem or undesirable

→ I [didn’t know / had no clue] [this baseline knowledge that’s key to your solution]
→ I wasted so much [time/money/energy/etc.] on [what they tried before that didn’t work
OR feeling this negative emotion]
→ I even tried [a bizarre or last-ditch-effort thing you tried that didn’t work]

[*Facepalm.* / I know. Embaaaarrassing! / Can you FEEL the desperation?]

[I wish I knew this {timeline (e.g. 2 years} earlier, so this is me SHOUTING IT FROM
THE ROOFTOPS / IF ONLY I’D KNOWN THIS *finger pointing down emoji* / If I could
go back in time, here’s what I’d tell past-me:]

The problem WASN’T [what they think the problem is right now].

I’d just been skipping the most crucial [step/part of the process/etc.]: [Name what the
step is.]

To all the [fellow job titles] who [are like WELL, DUH / have been putting it off, too / have
no idea what that looks like]…it took [long timeframe, if applicable OR longer than I’d like
to admit…we’re talking {weeks/months/years… }/ more than a few {all-nighters/bad hair
days/etc}] to [start doing it correctly/figure it out]. [I know. Oof. / YES, REALLY, OKAY?!
Don’t judge me. / So suffice it to say it was life-changing.]

Too often, [specific audience OR people/my clients] [think/feel like] [a problem they think
is “normal” OR a reality they think they have to live with].

When, really, you just have to [what they need to figure out OR easy success that’s
within reach].

[Set realistic expectations] OR [And yes, it takes a little bit of initial legwork / It’s not
going to happen overnight / I’m not saying it’s gonna {solve every problem / work every
time / etc. } / This isn’t a be-all-end-all solution.]

But when I tell you [small task or action] can [have a big impact], I mean it.

Optional: [Because when you / And the best part? As soon as you / Trust me: once you]
[take this action], you’ll never [paint the picture of what suffering from the undesirable
task looks like] again.

[Cue the applause. / Can I get a *woop woop*?! / You can raise your hands in the air like
you just dont caaaaare. I won’t judge.]


To use when you want to: explain why it makes sense that they’re still struggling

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q10) What has your audience tried before that hasn’t worked? Why didn’t it work?
(Q14) Why does it make sense that people haven’t solved the problem yet?

Possible Post Titles:

T4. [Common advice] is [overrated/unnecessary/a waste of time/etc.].
T7. [Can/Does/Do] [specific solution/product/service] really [make a difference]?
T8. [Common question in the vein of: Is X effective/Does X work/Is X good enough/Will X get
T14. [Why/This is why] [action] [isn’t/won’t] [achieve result]
T15. If [deliverable/action] [isn’t working], here’s why →
T23. The #1 reason [why] [this negative result happens]

I see it ALL. THE. TIME.

[Name the audience / You] want to [get this result], so you [describe the action they took
before that didn’t work].

→[Paint a picture of the time/money/energy they’re putting into it].

→[Paint a picture of the time/money/energy they’re putting into it].
→[Paint a picture of what they think they’re getting right].

[Check, check, check. / And you’re patting yourself on the back, thinking you’re on the
right track. / And you’re thinking to yourself “I freaking got this.” / Psshh.. Easy, peasy
lemon squeezy, right? / You’re thinking “Noooo problem,” but then the narrator comes in,
like: “It was indeed a problem.”]

But [{timeframe} later / after a certain amount of {time / research / etc.} / when it comes
time to {see results} / then {something unexpected happens}], and [paint a picture of the
way(s) things go wrong or fall short].

[I know — It’s {so disappointing / a kick in the gut / a bitter pill to swallow / crushing / gut-
wrenching} / Can you tell I speak from experience? / WHAT GIVES?! / And that 1 “step
forward” feels more like 3 steps back].
The thing is, [action] CAN [be effective / beneficial]...but [explain limitation of the action
they took or explain why it didn’t work for them] OR [Solution] CAN [have benefits / get
results], but it can also [have limitations / downsides / drawbacks].

So if [you’re experiencing negative impact of solution]…[that’s probably why. / don’t

blame {solutions / yourself / industry} / blame the {drawbacks} (e.g. Kombucha CAN be
full of healthy probiotics…but it can also contain a LOT of sugar. So if your fav grocery
store ‘booch is giving you IBS flare-ups time after time…I’m not saying it’s the sugar,
but…actually, I am saying that. IT’S THE SUGAR).]

Optional: But that [one bad experience / one negative result] doesn’t mean [all solutions
are going to give similar results / you should stop trying / results aren’t possible (e.g. But
that doesn’t mean all probiotic foods are gonna make you bloat)].

Optional: [Fact, statistic, or social proof that further explains the limitation or backs up
your point. (e.g. In fact, 40% of my clients identified kombucha as a trigger food...but
75% experienced LESS bloating eating more probiotic foods)].

So if [you still want result OR action didn’t work]…[what *{should/can}* you {do next}? /
THE NEXT BEST THING? / and you need some clear next steps? / how do you move
forward? / what now?]

[Tell them in one sentence the solution that will work for them / what they should do
instead (e.g. Choose probiotic foods with LOW SUGAR content.)]

[Explain why it works / benefit of suggested solution].




To use when you want to: explain why your solution is better than alternatives

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q5) What do they not yet realize is keeping them stuck?
(Q8) How are your people holding themselves back? What are they telling themselves that isn’t
true? What have they been told that isn’t true?
(Q11) When people see your offer and think, “I COULD buy that, or I could just…” how do they
finish that sentence? What future problems do you foresee happening if they finish that
Possible Post Titles:
T4. [Common advice] is [overrated/unnecessary/a waste of time/etc.].
T9. Do [audience] really need [component]?
T22. Stop waiting to [take step/action/purchase or invest in product]
T23. The #1 reason [why] [this negative result happens]

I hate to break it to you.

[Alternative action/solution they’re considering/currently pursuing] OR [State of inaction

(i.e. waiting until you {reach milestone})] is [way it’s contributing to negative result].

[A lot of people think / Something I hear all the time is / People often tell me] “[I know I
COULD / I know I SHOULD / I would love / I’ve been thinking about / etc.] [take/taking
this specific action]”, but…

→ [A rational but not totally valid objection to your offer]

→ And [another rational but not totally valid objection to your offer, stated as a question
(e.g. isn’t it kind of expensive?)]
→ [I can probably just [take alternative action (e.g. “look it up on Youtube”)] OR It’ll
probably be [easier / less expensive / faster / etc.] to [solve the problem with worse
alternative solution (e.g.. just pick up some Raid at Target)] OR I should probably [stick
with alternative solution] [for now / until something goes wrong / until I {reach

[You know those slow-motion movie scenes where someone yells “NOOOOOOO” from
afar? That’s me right now. / Meanwhile, I’m casually nodding along while every cell in my
body is screaming. / And I’m like {emojis} / And I finally understand how Ron Burgundy
felt trapped in his glass case of emotion].

Look, I’m not the kind of [person / job title] who will tell you that [{my solution} is the only
way to {solve the problem they’re having} OR everyone in the world will {benefit from my

But if you [think/believe/have been telling yourself] [a misconception or false truth about
the best way to solve their problem] [your offer / solution] [is only for [limited belief about
the offer].

Don’t get me wrong.

Choose one of the following 3 sentences.

[{Taking alternative action / Waiting to try solution} can be the right move.
Sometimes [alternative action/solution] is [totally valid / the right choice / smart].
[Alternative solution] can [what it can help with / be a great starting point].
[{Taking alternative action / Waiting to try solution} can be the right move. OR
Sometimes [alternative action/solution] is [totally valid / the right choice / smart]. OR
[Alternative solution] can [what it can help with / be a great starting point].

[Like, / For example, / For instance,] if you’re [explain a specific situation where your
recommended offer wouldn’t be the right move]? Yeah, [you probably want to {consider
alternative actions/solutions} OR {other action/solution} might be a better first step OR {it
tooootally makes sense / it’s logical to think} “{What they’re telling themselves}”].


[(And this is a big, biiiig BUT) / (Note the all caps) / The major caveat to that logic? / The
part most people don’t realize?]

– [What they want to stop doing]

– [Change they want to implement or experience]
– [Something your offer REALLY delivers on: certainty/ease/excellence/long-term

[Offer/Solution] is [the best way to get it / the best way to start / what’s going to help].




To use when you want to: address a common misconception

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q6) What do you immediately flag as a problem, that they haven’t realized is a problem yet?
(Q7) What’s a big mistake you see others in your profession making and/or teaching in your
(Q8) How are your people holding themselves back? What are they telling themselves that isn’t
true? What have they been told that isn’t true?
(Q15) What common questions do people find themselves asking? What questions do you get
in your DMs?

Possible Post Titles:

T1. Should you [take this action]?
T3. “[Common advice you disagree with].”
T4. [Common advice] is [overrated/unnecessary/a waste of time/etc.].
T5.[Controversial statement/comment/critique]”
T7. [Can/Does/Do] [specific solution/product/service] really [make a difference]?
T8. “[Common question in the vein of: Is X effective/Does X work/Is X good enough/Will X get
T9. Do [audience] really need [component]?
T10. Is/Are [topic/product] [the/your/a] problem?

I’d stamp this on my forehead if I could.

[(Not just because it’s true, but because it might be THE most common question I get.) /
And in big, black ink. / Okay, maybe not, but you get the picture. / It’s that important. /
People always ask…]

[“Common question people ask” (e.g. “Do vegans need to eat more protein?”)]?

The short answer: [Whatever the shortest answer is] OR [Yes. ABSOLUTELY / 100%
YES / NO. No no no no no / Not even close / Definitely not / etc.].

[The much longer (and much more helpful) answer? / Let me explain. / Before you come
at me in the comments, I’ll explain / And I’ve got reasons to back me up].

Choose one of the following options.

Option 1:
[Explain your reasoning. This might be a few sentences or a detailed answer,
and can look different depending on what the question is!]

Option 2:
[Give the ONE big reason why your short answer is obvious to you (e.g. ALL
protein originates in plants)].

The only reason [people think otherwise] is [reasons people feel the opposite
way you do].

Option 3:
[Give the ONE big reason why your short answer is obvious to you (e.g. ALL
protein originates in plants)].

And yet, most people [think/teach the opposite] because [reason people

[But if that were true…/ But that doesn’t take into account / But the fact of the
matter is…]

– [Reason 1 why the opposite answer is wrong/misguided]

– [Reason 2 why the opposite answer is wrong/misguided]
– [Reason 3 why the opposite answer is wrong/misguided]

Option 4:
[Give the ONE big reason why your short answer is obvious to you (e.g. ALL
protein originates in plants)].

That’s why [back up your reasoning].

If [you were to follow alternate advice]

– [Reason 1 it would be bad advice to follow]
– [Reason 2 it would be bad advice to follow]
– & [Reason 3 it would be bad advice to follow]

So next time you [see someone saying the opposite / hear a false statement / feel {an
emotion} about {topic}], remember:

[The big takeaway of your perspective.]




To use when you want to: teach people how to start solving a problem or completing a task

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q16) Take a specific problem your audience is facing: what are 3-8 general steps you would
take to solve it? Pick one of those steps. What are additional steps that go into making that step
happen? Teach people to do ONE of those additional steps.
(Q17) Take a specific problem: If you’re at the master level in solving this problem in your
industry, what does the novice level look like? Show them how to do what you do at the novice

Possible Post Titles:

T30. So you [are faced with a problem]. Here’s what to do →
T31. So you want to [take action/achieve goal]. [Here’s what to do/ Here’s how] →
T32. So you wanna [achieve a goal]?
T37. Want to [achieve desired action/growth/result]?
T42. [Content deliverable] that don’t cost a thing
T45. Everything you need to start [taking steps towards result/goal]
Can we get real for a sec?

People always say [reaching this desirable result] is all about [doing {this *one topic*}
especially well / NAILING {specific action/topic} / {one small action} / “{a quote of
common vague advice or a common saying in your industry}”].

But no one really talks about [*HOW* to do it / the steps it takes to get there / what
*{common advice}* really {looks like/means/entails}].

So [lemme break it down / Here’s the low down / let’s dig into the nitty gritty details / get
ready for a hard truth… / pay attention & take notes. We’re talking pens and pencils,
people. / it’s past time to lay it all out there, don’t you think? / here’s the action plan no
one else is sharing for free].

Because [if you want / before you can / if you’ve got your sights set on] [desirable
outcome], you need to [give an overview of advice about what needs to happen first].

And when it comes to [topic]?

Option 1:
It’s not about [describe/say what isn’t that important].

It’s about [describe/say what IS super important].

Option 2:
[This one essential task/belief/or component] [makes a WORLD of difference / is
what separates {picture of success} from {picture of failure}].

[^Say it again for the people in the back!! / Read that again! / So let’s help you do it well/
So let’s dig into it, shall we?]

Here are [X ways/tips/steps/etc.] to [repeat the common advice] like [you’re the {all-star
equivalent} of {topic} (i.e. like you’re the Michael Jordan of mini golf) / it’s your
FREAKING JOB/ you’re {relatable person}].

→[Add actionable tip #1]

→[Add actionable tip #2]
→[Add actionable tip #3]
→[Add actionable tip #4]
→[Add actionable tip #5]


To use when you want to: give people a clear + better action plan to start seeing results

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q16) Take a specific problem your audience is facing: What are the first 3-8 steps you would
take to solve it? Break down the steps. Make a post about how to nail ONE of those steps.
(Q18) What is your audience DIY-ing? For each task, how can you help them DIY faster or more
(Q19) Take a specific problem: What’s a hack or workaround you discovered that would make it
easier? Share exactly how to do it.
(Q20) Where is your audience wasting time? What are simple ways they can be more efficient?
(Q21) What is your audience wasting energy trying to do or fix? What should they do instead?
(Q22) What tasks/actions are taking them more time and effort than is necessary? What should
they do instead?

Possible Post Titles:

T26. Struggling [to/with] [achieve goal]?
T27. Are you [not seeing positive results/getting negative results]? Try this.
T28. Are you [what they’re getting wrong]?
T29. Here’s what to do if [you’re not getting the results you want].
T30. So you [are faced with a problem]. Here’s what to do →
T39. If you [are experiencing problem/situation]...

[POV: you‘re still {struggling with topic} / If you already {got bad result} / You know you
gotta do something about {problem}... / If you know it’s waaay past time to {address

[But you’re *also* still: / But you keep… / But your action plan looks like:]
– [Way they’re contributing to their own poor results]
– [Another way they’re contributing to their own poor results]
– [Not to mention/And you haven’t/But you’re still] [another way they’re contributing to
their own results or avoiding positive action]?

Option 1:
[Stop, drop, and scroll. / You need to hear this! / *infomercial voice*...THERE’S A
BETTER WAY! / Stop what you’re doing and SAVE THIS NOW].
Option 2:
Good news: [there’s still hope/it’s not the end of the world/we can fix this].

Here’s [my favorite hack for/my best advice for/what to do when/how to handle]
[struggle/negative outcome/problem].
[Don’t worry / And before you say “{common objection},” let me put your mind at ease /
And even MORE good news? / And the best part?] [you don’t need / it’s not going to
take] [a lot of hard work / a certain skill level / {an exaggeration of their objection}].

[All you need is / All it takes is]:

– [Something they’ll need, tangible or not (e.g. Baking soda / A deep breath)]
– [Something they’ll need, tangible or not (e.g.. Tea tree oil / A little patience)]
– And [Something they’ll need, tangible or not (e.g. A sponge / A whole lotta nerve)]


[If you want {next opportunity} (e.g. tonight/our next hard conversation/etc)] to be
[the first time / the last night / THE time] [you get results / positive results
happen]? Get your [topic-related nouns] ready. (And save this post!)

→[Add actionable tip #1]

[Description of how to do actionable tip, what it accomplishes, and/or why it

→[Add actionable tip #2]

[Description of how to do actionable tip, what it accomplishes, and/or why it

→[Add actionable tip #3]

[Description of how to do actionable tip, what it accomplishes, and/or why it




To use when you want to: teach people how to stop doing what they’re doing wrong

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q18) What is your audience DIY-ing? For each task, how can you help them DIY faster or more
(Q20) Where is your audience wasting time? What are simple ways they can be more efficient?
(Q21) What is your audience wasting energy trying to do or fix? What should they do instead?
(Q22) What tasks/actions are taking them more time and effort than is necessary? What should
they do instead?
(Q23) What is your audience currently doing wrong? In what ways are they contributing to their
own poor results?

Possible Post Titles:

T28. Are you [what they’re getting wrong]?
T29. Here’s what to do if [you’re not getting the results you want].
T34. How to stop [action they could prevent]

Option 1.
Okay, I’m not saying you’re the problem, but…[Anti-Hero might be your anthem.. / you
know you do it, too. / actually, that is what I’m saying. / the facts are the facts. / I AM
saying {this other thing} is].

Option 2.
[Ahh, [topic].] It happens to the best of us.

...Until you save this post and know how to never do it again.

So let’s talk about [the problem/the topic/my method for achieving result].

Option 3:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

Stop [asking yourself “{vague, common, or misleading question}”] and start [taking this
action / asking yourself “{this more specific, useful question}”?]

[AKA / In other words: / This post was almost titled] “How to [Avoid/NOT/Stop] [What a
Negative Result or Outcome Looks Like (e.g. Look Like Quasimodo By The Age of 35.)]”

[I’m kidding…sorta. / ^We’re all thinking it, right?! / The ultimate goal. / Don’t worry, I’ve
got you covered.]

Option 1:
[Give context (e.g. bad posture can lead to a whole host of other issues) OR
share a fact (e.g. For every inch your head moves in front of your body, 10
pounds of pressure are added to your shoulders) OR share the baseline
essential knowledge on the topic (e.g. stretching the chest muscles is one of the
best ways to offset hours of daily sitting).]

Option 2:
If you didn’t know, [taking incorrect action] can [lead to other issues].

[For example / We’re talking / As in / Things like / etc.]

→ [Show or list examples]

So [next time / if] [you’re struggling/want/need to] [make change/achieve positive result],
here’s [explain what they’ll learn in your carousel/reel].




To use when you want to: address a misconception or problem they’re inadvertently causing

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q23) What is your audience currently doing wrong? In what ways are they contributing to their
own poor results?
(Q24) What do they think will be difficult that can actually be simple or straightforward? What
requires less work than they think it will?

Possible Post Titles:

T27. Are you [not seeing positive results/getting negative results]? Try this.
T30. So you [are faced with a problem]. Here’s what to do →
T33. How to [overcome/end/prevent] [common problem].
T34. How to stop [action they could prevent]

[Say it with me / Repeat after me]:

You don’t need [this], [that], and [the other thing] to [complete a task / achieve a result].

But one thing you DO need [optional: to do / to start / to consider / to [action verb]]?

[THIS ONE THING! (e.g. a product (leave-in conditioner), component (caption hook), or
action (planning)]

Especially if [describe a specific circumstance that relates to your target audience (e.g.
for the example topics above: you live in a dry climate / Instagram is your main source of
income / it doesn’t come easily to you!)].

[If needed: Explain what the ONE THING is, if your audience doesn’t know what it is.
(E.g. The caption hook is the first line of your caption.)]
[Describe the main benefit(s) or purpose of that ONE thing.]

[Describe how they will take that action] OR [So ask yourself / Start by] [taking this

Optional: And then [what they’ll do next].




To use when you want to: lay out a clear action plan or “how to”

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q25) What would you teach your ideal clients if they were paying you $10,000 for 5 minutes of
your time? What are the BASIC ESSENTIALS?
(Q26) Take a specific task you do every day, and break it down into smaller tasks. Then, break
it down into a detailed how-to. How do you approach each of these mini-tasks to achieve the
end result?
(Q27) What would you recommend to someone who can’t afford to spend any money? What
can they do themselves in the meantime?
(Q28) If someone only has $10 to spend, what should they spend it on to get the most bang for
their buck? What about $100? What about $1000?
(Q29) What’s ONE part of a how-to that you could explain deeper? Turn it into a step-by-step
breakdown or video tutorial.

Possible Post Titles:

T35. How to [action verb] [end goal] [optional: with limitation]
T36. How to [achieve result] [with specific limitation — timeline, budget, etc.]
T38. If you [are lacking knowledge]...
T44. Here’s how to find your [client identity type]
T45. Everything you need to start [taking steps towards result/goal]

Stop your scroll — this one’s GOOD.

Is there ANYTHING worse than when [job titles] say “Here’s EXACTLY [what to do/how
to X]!” and then drop a list of general tips with [no/zero/NO REAL] specifics in sight?

Good news: this isn’t one of those posts.

[Over the years / In the last{[X days/weeks/months}], I’ve [give statistics or figures
related to your skills or deliverables (e.g. spent 450 hours drawing, designed for 15
different brands, written over 500 songs, etc.)]

…And people always ask: “how do you [complete seemingly impossible/challenging task
OR avoid undesirable part of the process OR avoid negative result OR deal with specific

[The truth is / But honestly? / But all {job titles} know / But after {you’ve reached level of
experience}, you realize] it’s [easy/simple/not difficult] to [complete the task OR work
within the limitation OR overcome the challenge] when you know [optional: how/how
to/the basics of/fundamental] [summarize what these actionable tips will help people do
or understand (e.g. the basics of chord progression / how music theory works).

Option 1:
So here’s how I [complete challenging task OR complete undesirable part of the
process OR sidestep negative result OR deal with limitation.]

Option 2:
Here are some of my [BEST TIPS for/favorite ways to/daily practices to] [get this
positive result or transformation].

→[Add actionable tip #1]

[Description of how to do actionable tip, what it accomplishes, and/or why it

→[Add actionable tip #2]

[Description of how to do actionable tip, what it accomplishes, and/or why it

→[Add actionable tip #3]

[Description of how to do actionable tip, what it accomplishes, and/or why it

Option 3:

SCROLL to see [what you teach them to do].

(And don’t skip [#X]. It’s the one that helped me [overcome this specific challenge
/ meet this goal / experience this transformation].)



To use when you want to: share your expert way of doing things

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q16) Take a specific problem your audience is facing: What are the first 3-8 steps you would
take to solve it? Break down the steps. Make a post about how to nail ONE of those steps.
(Q25) What would you teach your ideal clients if they were paying you $10,000 for 5 minutes of
your time? What are the BASIC ESSENTIALS?
(Q28) If someone only has $10 to spend, what should they spend it on to get the most bang for
their buck? What about $100? What about $1000?
(Q29) What’s ONE part of a how-to that you could explain deeper? Turn it into a step-by-step
breakdown or video tutorial.

Possible Post Titles:

T40. Your [timeline] [plan/schedule/guide/etc.]
T41. The ultimate [specific achievable result] [plan/routine/regimen/guide]
T42. [Content deliverable] that don’t cost a thing
T43. [Our/My] [best/favorite/must-have] [actionable tips].
T45. Everything you need to start [taking steps towards result/goal]

I’m just gonna go ahead and say the thing.

[Product, component, or action] makes [all the difference / your life so much easier /
everything better].

I know it.

You know it.

[Even {reference person} knows it. / {Reference person} definitely knows it.]

Option 1
So instead of [describe the difficult work of figuring this out themselves OR describe the
disastrous result if they don’t do it right].

Option 2
So instead of [wasting {time} /experiencing difficulty] while you try to figure out how to
[avoid disastrous result / achieve great result without undesirable component]?
Option 3
So instead of [looking/action verb-ing] like [relatable reference OR metaphor of bad
result (e.g. you ate a whole plate of fettuccine alfredo 15 minutes before the race…)].

[Tell them what to do (e.g. Follow this marathon training meal plan)] OR [ …you can
steal mine / Steal my {deliverable} / Just follow my lead / Steal a page from my playbook.
/ I’ll show you the ropes].

[Use these / Here is/are] ]deliverable(s)] [you can use to / for the next time / to make it
easier than ever to / so you don’t have to {do hard thing} to] [achieve this desired goal or
achievable result].

[You can thank me later / Your [noun (e.g. stomach, assistant, boyfriend) will thank you /
(You already saved it, right?) / You’re so welcome. / I’m basically a hero in disguise / No
need to sing my praises, an oversized gift basket of cookies will do].




To use when you want to: teach people how to improve a current situation

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q30) What do you commonly see people doing incorrectly? What is a better way to do it?
(Q31) What is a task people make more complicated than it needs to be? What’s a simpler way
of doing it?

Possible Post Titles:

T50. Want to make [topic] [adjective/emotion/superlative]?
T51. Want [better/superlative] [result/achievement]? Try this →

This would have saved me so much time.

[My favorite way to / One thing I do to / One of the best ways to] OR [An
{easy/doable/simple/affordable/adjective} way to] [take your current situation] from
[summarize the before] to [summarize the after]?

[And for everyone who’s like: / And I already know what you’re gonna say: / I can already
hear y’all yelling from the other side of the internet: / I already know I’m gonna get
comments like: / Trust me, I know what people are gonna say.]
“[Critique of your advice, in the line of it’s not a good/the BEST way]”
Optional: “[Another critique of your advice, in the line of it’s not the ONLY way]”
Optional: “[Another critique of your advice, in the line of it’s not a good way for ME]”

…[I KNOW. / That’s totally okay! / I hear you. / What works for me *might not always*
work for you. It’s called being different humans. And that’s okay. / Different strokes for
different folks / One size doesn’t fit all].

I’m not saying [advice/solution] is the [ONLY/{SUPERLATIVE}/perfect] [solution].

[Acknowledge a minor drawback or limitation of your advice.]

[BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! / But let’s be real. / But honestly? / But, realistically?]

As [a person speaking from experience / someone who tried other ways / a realist / a
hardcore procrastinator / someone who struggles with {problem}], [this works so well for
me/say what the advice does for you].

(Choose 1 or all 3)
Is it [an improvement on the “before”]?
Is it [great for a specific audience]?
Is it [a small but impactful change you can make / very doable]?

[Yes, yes, and yes / Ding ding ding / Check YES to all of the above / No question about it
/ Unquestionably yes / Abso-freaking-lutely / Yes. 3 for 3 / It’s a RESOUNDING yes].

You don’t need to [way people might go above and beyond] to [get results].

[Adjective] [changes/practices/habits/etc.] can [get results / improve your situation

without tons of time/money/effort].




To use when you want to: explain a topic in fuller detail
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q32) Imagine you’re talking to someone who is COMPLETELY new to your industry. How can
they tell what’s valuable advice and what’s not? What should they look for?
(Q33) What are some of the more complex concepts in your industry? How can you break them
down into terms that are super easy to understand?
(Q34) What do most people THINK they have to do in order to solve their problems, but you
know is really not true?
(Q35) What “uncomfortable” truth or topic can you address/call out?
(Q36) What are the questions you most often get from people about your business or industry?
(Q37) What options or alternatives might people have trouble deciding between?
(Q38) What do people get wrong about the work you do? What do you wish they knew?
(Q39) What bad advice do other people in your industry give? Why is it bad, and how could
advise better?
(Q40) What advice do you hear in your industry that’s only PARTIALLY true, or only true
SOMETIMES? What are the exceptions?

Possible Post Titles:

T46. The truth about [topic].
T54. [topic], finally explained.
T56. [Industry term] [in a nutshell/made simple/simplified]
T57. [X] (or/vs) [Y]

Okay…what’s up with [topic]? / What’s the deal with [topic]? / Why does no one
understand [topic]?

[Topic] is [one of those {topics/problems/questions/things/etc.} / a

{topic/question/process/etc.} / something] people [LOVE to / tend to / often / sometimes]
make more [complex / complicated / serious / adjective] than it needs to be.

But it doesn’t have to be so [confusing / difficult / high stakes / adjective] OR It can be

[simple / adjective].

[So lemme break it down for you / So let’s break it down / Here’s what you need to
know / So here’s a 2-minute overview of everything you need to know / So here are the
Cliffs notes / Here’s the quick overview / Here’s the abridged version].

[Summarize the background people need to know about the topic].

And yet, so many [people / specific audience] [think / believe / say / teach] [summarize
what people get wrong / any misinformation on the topic].
Which is why…
→ [An example of what people get wrong]
→ [Another example of what people get wrong]
→ [Another example of what people get wrong]

[Reveal the truth or main points people need to know].




To use when you want to: explain why something is more important than people think

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q38) What do people get wrong about the work you do? What do you wish they knew?
(Q39) What bad advice do other people in your industry give? Why is it bad advice? What
advice would YOU give?
(Q41) What is an important task or topic people commonly skip over or don’t realize is so

Possible Post Titles:

T48. The importance of [action/topic/products]
T49. [Topic/Product/Service] [is/are] more important than you think.
55. Why you need [industry term] to [achieve results]

Bomb advice incoming!

If you want [benefit of what you’re talking about / paint a picture of what they want in the
future / what they want to avoid]?

And [additional benefit of what you’re talking about / paint another picture of what they
want in the future / what they want to avoid]?

AND [additional benefit of what you’re talking about / paint another picture of what they
want in the future / what they want to avoid]?

[You’ve gotta / You need] [do/get/have] [the important thing]!

(And I didn’t even mention [other additional benefits of doing/getting the important thing].
[Basically, it’s no brainer. / You can tell I’m passionate about this, right?! / I mean…the
benefits speak for themselves. / WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!)

[Tell them exactly what they need to do based on the importance of this topic (e.g. Make
75% of your runs slow runs in Zone 1, where your heart rate is 50-60% of your max.)]

Optional: [Give them more context, if they need it (e.g. You should be able keep up a
conversation without running out of breath. So if you’re too winded to talk about the
finale of Love is Blind, slow down to your gentlest jog or a fast walk)].

[The big takeaway? {Big takeaway}. / So, basically, {product/change/action} is your new
best friend. / Embrace [product/change/action]. / [Product/change/action] for the WIN. /
The real question is…why [aren’t you doing it yet]?]




To use when you want to: explain WHY things go right or wrong

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q30) What do you commonly see people doing incorrectly? What is a better way to do it?
(Q34) What do most people THINK they have to do in order to solve their problems, but you
know is really not true?
(Q36) What are the questions you most often get from people about your business or industry?
(Q37) What options or alternatives might people have trouble deciding between?
(Q38) What do people get wrong about the work you do? What do you wish they knew?
(Q39) What bad advice do other people in your industry give? Why is it bad advice? What
advice would YOU give?

Possible Post Titles:

52. Why [problem happens]
53. Why [results happen/don’t happen]

[In a nutshell? / To sum it all up?]

…It’s complicated. (Good thing I’m here to explain, right?! lol)

Option 1: If there’s one straightforward answer.

[Explain the main reason why the problem happens, in 1-2 sentences].
[Basically, / It doesn’t matter if {you do these things to combat the problem}, because…
/ In other words:] [explain what is happening when they are experiencing the problem, in
real time].
[So if / That’s why / Which explains why] [example of how that shows up in practice / why
they react to the problem the way they do / the other effects of the problem].

Option 2: If there are multiple reasons

The most important thing to know is that [it’s not one thing / there isn’t just one
reason]...which is why it [can be super difficult / can take {substantial effort (e.g. years of
therapy)} / isn’t easy] to [fix / address / understand / diagnose / {achieve a desired

[Sometimes / It could be that / For some people, / I’ve seen clients] [one possible reason
for the problem].
[Sometimes / It could be that / For others, / But I’ve also seen clients] [another possible
reason for the problem].
[And sometimes / And it could be that / And for others, / And I’ve seen clients] [one
possible reason for the problem].

Optional: [And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. / And there are about one million other
things it could be, too. / Like I said…complicated.]

Optional: So many people come to me [wondering, {“Question?”} / wanting a

straightforward answer about / quick tips for / a simple answer as to {why they’re dealing
with problem} for {topic / problem}].

And I wish it was as simple as [“Oh, just {do this one thing}!”].

But [topic / aspect of topic] is [complex / complicated].

The only way to [uncover the why / figure out what’s really going on / learn {why this
problem happens}] is to [tell them what they need to do to get definitive answers].

Option 3: If there are multiple reasons, but you wanna focus on one
[It can be so many things / There are [a MILLION] possible reasons].

But the one I see most often?


[Explain the main reason why the problem happens, in 1-2 sentences].


→ If [condition/situation that is true for them]

→ If [condition/situation that is true for them]
→ If [condition/situation that is true for them]

It’s probably *not* [unrelated or ridiculous answer or conclusion (e.g. that you’re suffering
from a 200-year curse and physically cannot say “No.”)].

([Though if that IS the case…congrats. You’d be the first. / How cool would that be,
though? / If only. It would be much easier to solve. / I mean…you never know.])

It’s probably because [of the reason you just outlined].




To use when you want to: share something potentially controversial or surprising

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q34) What do most people THINK they have to do in order to solve their problems, but you
know is really not true?
(Q35) What “uncomfortable” truth or topic can you address/call out?
(Q37) What options or alternatives might people have trouble deciding between?
(Q39) What bad advice do other people in your industry give? Why is it bad advice? What
advice would YOU give?

Possible Post Titles:

T47. The secret to [desired result].
T58. [Controversial opinion]. Let me explain…
T59. What no one tells you about [topic]

This post should be titled: [Funny or emphatic alternative title (e.g. don’t get married in
I know, I know. [Everybody / Audience (e.g. every fitness influencer on the planet) /
everybody and their mom] [loves / wants / enjoys / uses] [topic / product / result /
experience (e.g. a green smoothie / a mother-daughter relationship like Lorelai and Rory
/ sleeping in past 10AM)].

“[What they think is great about it (e.g. It’s amazing for your skin! / It’s not a big deal)],”

[...No comment / Well…not exactly / I mean, sure / I see the point, but…I have a very
different take / I’m not so sure about that / I respectfully disagree].

[Who *doesn’t* love {product / result / experience}? / I’m also a sucker for {product /
result / experience} / I, too, {am 100% guilty of / have totally / know what it’s like to
{want / action verb} {product / experience}].

But you know what’s EVEN BETTER than [what they think is great]?

[This other thing that is even better].

Because [back up your opinion / explain how you came to this conclusion].

The funny thing is, [explain why it’s easier than they think / explain what *other* good
things come from doing things the way you do them/getting on your belief train].

[And yeah, / And (again!) I know, I know… / YES, / Sure,] it [takes a little more effort /
requires letting go of another action/belief].

[But {way it’s better in the long run}. / But *who even cares* when {you get this other
benefit}? / But which would you rather have: {what they thought they wanted} or {this
better thing/what they really need}?]

[Cheers to / Here’s to] [doing things differently / getting on the {noun/new belief} train /
{big takeaway} / all the {audience} {choosing positive change}. I see you! I am you! We
got this / {embracing big benefit}].




To use when you want to: share something for a specific audience
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q42) What are some tasks your audience is doing daily? Take each task and break it down into
smaller tasks (E.g. create IG post; smaller task: write captions; smaller task: write caption hook.)
Is there anything you can give to your audience to knock one of these small tasks off their to-do
list or make it easier?
(Q43) What’s something you use in your business or line of work every single day? What would
be included on a List of Essentials for your audience? (There can be more than one Essentials
(Q45) What can you give to your people that they’d use/reference every day? What about every
week? Every month? Every year?
(Q46) What’s something in your work that you can think of 20 ideas for? What about 101? What
about 365?

Possible Post Titles:

T62. X [adjective] [deliverable] for [audience]
T63. X [must-have] [tools] for [audience]
T64. X [tools] I use [every day/week/month] as a [job title]
T72. [Adjective] [topic] for [audience]

[Audience]: this one’s for you!

You know when you see a [post / reel / noun] and you’re like, “[This is creepy. It’s like
they made this just for me. / How did they know I needed this?! / Are they in my brain?!
This is exactly what I needed. / …Is my phone reading my mind? I so needed this. /
Woah. Did she make this just for me?! / HOW DID THEY KNOW?! / Read my mind, why
don’t you!]”

[Well. That’s exactly what happened / Surprise / The answer is YES / This is one of
those posts / It’s me, hi. I’m doing it again / …Yeah. This is one of those].

[I knew you needed {this}, / Something (okay, past experience) told me you needed
{this}/ At some point, you’re going to be like, “If only I had{what this post delivers (e.g. a
list of… / a method for… / a specific timeline of…/ etc.)}]...

So I [made it / put this list together/ etc.] for you.

[I’m not saying I’m a brain reader…but I’m not *not* saying it. / I’m a psychic. It’s fine. /
Don’t say I never did anything for you. Like, specifically for you. Lol. / Do you love it or do
you love it? / If {describe audience situation (e.g. you don’t have an email list yet)}, It’s
going to help you BIG TIME.]

SAVE THIS POST for the next time [describe when they will need it].



To use when you want to: share something you’ve learned to address really well

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q43) What’s something you use in your business or line of work every single day? What would
be included on a List of Essentials for your audience? (There can be more than one Essentials
(Q44) Take a specific problem: What are at least 5 products or practices that would be useful in
solving this problem? What is each useful for?
(Q45) What can you give to your people that they’d use/reference every day? What about every
week? Every month? Every year?
(Q47) What’s something you’ve created or used in your business that you can share with your
(Q48) What are different archetypes, identities, experience levels, or interests your audience
might have? If you were to create or deliver something *specifically* made for each one, what
might that look like?

Possible Post Titles:

T60. X [content/deliverable] [to/for] [get benefit/complete task].
T61. X [content/deliverable] that [achieve desirable result].
T67. Need [deliverable]? Steal ours →
T69. The best [noun] for [specific circumstance/achievable action]
T73. Steal [my/our] [content/deliverable]
T75. X [actionable tips] you [should/need to] know

This is the definition of a MUST-SAVE.

[Here’s the truth / Honesty hour / Lemme be real for a sec / TBH] — when I first started
[taking this action], [describe what you struggled with].

And by that I mean: [describe what the struggle looked like in practice].

[I know — IT WAS AWFUL. / Don’t even get me started. / Anybody else feel me?! /
Raise your hand if you’ve been there, too.]
[For X amount of time], I felt [negative emotion] every time I [took this neutral action that
would lead to the struggle (e.g. opened my DMs)].

BUT NOT ANYMORE. [*Hallelujah* / Cue the music.]

And it all came down to this ONE [little change / mental shift / daily practice / new
addition to my strategy / etc.]:

[Instead of {doing this thing}, I started {doing this other thing.} / I started {using this
thing!} / {This thing!} / I stopped {doing this thing}...and started {doing this instead.}]

So…what does that look like?
→ [Give a before & after example OR expand on what the new action looks like].
→ [Give another before & after example OR expand on what it looks like].
→ [Give another before & after example OR expand on what it looks like].

Here are X [what you’re offering] you can use to start [taking this positive action], too.




To use when you want to: share something that will help achieve a big result

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q42) What are some tasks your audience is doing daily? Take each task and break it down into
smaller tasks (E.g. create IG post; smaller task: write captions; smaller task: write caption hook.)
Is there anything you can give to your audience to knock one of these small tasks off their to-do
list or make it easier?
(Q44) Take a specific problem: What are at least 5 products or practices that would be useful in
solving this problem? What is each useful for?
(Q47) What’s something you’ve created or used in your business that you can share with your

Possible Post Titles:

T60. X [content/deliverable] [to/for] [get benefit/complete task].
T61. X [content/deliverable] that [achieve desirable result].
T69. The best [noun] for [specific circumstance/achievable action]
T70. The perfect [adjective] [deliverable/topic]
T74. X [practices/steps/exercises/habits/routines/etc.] to/for [ideal outcome/action/result]

The definition of a must-save.

Who knew [something so small / such a small change / such simple practices / {describe
what you’re delivering (e.g. an 8-week timeline)}] could [get such {big / MASSIVE /
incredible} results / change the way you think about {topic} / be so *perfect* / make
{completing task} dare I say…fun / make {completing task} {easy/as simple as
[something super simple}]?

Option 1:

[I/We] did!

And now you do, too.

Here are [describe what you’re delivering].

Option 2:
Not to be dramatic…but if you’re [target audience] and you want [simple or deep

[This/These] [what you’re delivering (e.g. routine/plan/exercise)] [is/are] about to

[become your go-tos / save your life / change the way you {complete task /
accomplish goal} / knock your socks off / blow your mind].

Especially if [describe specific situation or condition where they’ll be especially

useful (e.g. you live in the Pacific Northwest, where it rains, oh…90% of the

So don’t even THINK about [alternative option / what they’ve been doing (e.g. buying
another bottle of drugstore shampoo, popping another Advil, scheduling another Botox

Why would you?

This is [so much better / exactly what you need / way more effective / the best way to
{achieve long-term result}].


To use when you want to: teach your audience how to do something the way you do it.

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q43) What’s something you use in your business or line of work every single day? What would
be included on a List of Essentials for your audience? (There can be more than one Essentials
(Q45) What can you give to your people that they’d use/reference every day? What about every
week? Every month? Every year?
(Q46) What’s something in your work that you can think of 20 ideas for? What about 101? What
about 365?
(Q47) What’s something you’ve created or used in your business that you can share with your

Possible Post Titles:

T64. X [tools] I use [every day/week/month] as a [job title]
T65. Steal these [superlative/adjective] [deliverables]
T66. Steal [my/our] [deliverable]
T67. Need [deliverable]? Steal ours →
T73. Steal [my/our] [content/deliverable]


If you [are still taking this specific action / are wasting time {doing this yourself} / don’t
already {have this figured out and ready to use}]...

[Stop, drop, and scroll / I made this post for you. (Well, actually, I made it for my friend
{Glenda}. But you all could use it, too) / Stop what you’re doing and SAVE THIS POST /
This post is about to save you DAYS of your life. Or at least like {X minutes here and
there / a lot of brain power / an afternoon / etc.}].

Here are [X] [waaaay better / KILLER / useful] [plug-and-play deliverables] [to achieve
desired result / for the next time you want to complete a related task].

Are they PERFECT [for / if you] [situation where they’re valuable]?

[Yup. / Definitely. / Absolutely. / Yuppers. / Yesiree.]

What about [for / if you / the moments when] [situation where they’re valuable]?
[Heck yeah. / You know it. / For freaking sure. / You bet your booty!]

And [situation where they’re valuable]?

[YES. JUST GO USE ‘EM ALREADY. / Let’s just say “Yes, yes, yes!” / Mhm! And
[situation], and [situation], and [situation], too.]




To use when you want to: share something they’ll reference again and again

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q43) What’s something you use in your business or line of work every single day? What would
be included on a List of Essentials for your audience? (There can be more than one Essentials
(Q45) What can give to your people that they’d use/reference every day? What about every
week? Every month? Every year?
(Q46) What’s something in your work that you can think of 20 ideas for? What about 101? What
about 365?
(Q47) What’s something you’ve created or used in your business that you can share with your

Possible Post Titles:

T60. X [content/deliverable] [to/for] [get benefit/complete task].
T61. X [content/deliverable] that [achieve desirable result].
T68. The ultimate list of [adjective/specifier] [topic/deliverable]
T69. The best [noun] for [specific circumstance/achievable action]
T70. The perfect [adjective] [deliverable/topic]
T71. [The/My] ultimate [list of/recs for] [adjective] [topic/content/deliverable]
T73. Steal [my/our] [content/deliverable]
T74. X [practices/steps/exercises/habits/routines/etc.] to/for [ideal outcome/action/result]
T75. X [actionable tips] you [should/need to] know
T76. X [adjective] [deliverable/ideas]

Opening option 1:
Here I go again, ruining everyone else’s content for you because this post is JUST. SO.
Opening option 2:
Go ahead and close out of Instagram because this is the most helpful post you’ll find

But first, SAVE THIS POST!

Opening option 3:
You did it.

You won the Internet today.

It’s all downhill (...or is it uphill?) from here.

Opening option 4:
You know that feeling when you strike gold on Instagram?

Well, now you do.

Opening option 5:
This is it.

I’ve peaked.

Instagram simply does not get more helpful than this.

Opening option 6:
Frankly, this post is a gold mine.

Opening option 7:
I originally titled this “The Post You’ll Come Back To 8,734 Times This Year.”

But [it was a little wordy / It didn’t quite have that *ring* to it / I didn’t want to brag].

Opening option 8:
You: No one makes good Instagram content anymo…

Me: *drops the mic*

Opening option 9:
Oh, people usually *pay* for something this [valuable/awesome/adjective]?

I guess I didn’t get the memo.

Opening option 10:
Need [what you’re delivering]? [Steal/try] these!

Opening Option 11:

These are some of my [all-time favorite] [deliverables].

Body (if needed):

To put it simply? This is everything you need [to accomplish goal].

Closing 1:
Print it out.

Save it.

Share it.

Or don’t share it. [I won’t judge / You found me first]. Finders keepers, y’know?

Closing 2:
Save it and save yourself from future [anguish] when you realize you [need it / have no
idea how to accomplish this task without it].

Closing 3:
(Just save it already.)

(You know you want to.)

Closing 4:
I mean…what else is there to say?

The value speaks for itself.

Closing 5:
Save this post for the next time you [need it / have {experience} / {take action}].




To use when you want to: walk someone through a step-by-step process
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q49) If you were teaching a substitute how to complete a task for you, what guide would you
give them? How would you teach them to do what you do?
(Q50) Take a how-to post and add your own examples to show it in practice. You can showcase
previous work as examples, or create an example on the spot.
(Q51) Take a project you’ve worked on or a product you’ve worked with: how did you do what
you did? Why did you make the choices you made? Explain.
(Q58) Reflect on a big task you’ve completed. Outline all of the steps you took to complete it.
(Q59) Reflect on a small task you’ve completed. Outline all of the steps you took to do it
remarkably well.

Possible Post Titles:

T77. How to use [expertise/tool/idea] [to/for] [reach goal]
T78. How to [reach goal] [with/without] [tool/limitation]
T79. How [I/we] [improve] [beginner strategy/baseline deliverable]
T80. How [I/we] [complete essential task]
T81. How to [complete specific task] [in/with/for] [timeline/detail/purpose]
T84. Steal [my/our] [process] for [completing task/achieving result/audience]

When [people / specific audience] ask me, “What’s [the/your] [BEST/number

1/favorite/etc.] [tool / tip / strategy / etc.] [optional: for specific purpose (e.g. for
completing keyword research)]?”

My answer is always:


Option 1: If you really love it

I don’t know where I’d be without [tool / way of doing task / expertise]. (But if I
had to guess? Probably [still struggling to figure out {very basic problem}] OR
[having this negative experience (e.g. crying under the weight of all my unread
emails)] OR [on this completely different path]).

If you’ve never [used tool OR tried this OR put idea into practice]...[that’s about to
change / here’s how to do it / I’m about to change your life].

Option 1: If there’s good and bad

I can’t be the only one who [loves/{action verb}] [tool / final result].

But [there’s a right way to use it and a wrong way to use it / I think we can all
agree…some {final results / strategies / ways of doing it} are better than others /
not all {topic / processes / etc.} are created equal / there’s no denying that not all
{topic / processes / etc.} are on the same level / some [ways] are just plain better,

[So let’s dig in! / So let’s talk about the *right* way. / Here’s what I’ve found works
best. / Here’s how I {complete task} to {avoid limitation or potential negative

[Step 1 / Before you do anything else / First of all / First up / Before you begin / To get
started] [describe what they need to do before anything else happens].

[Step 2 / Once that’s done / Then / Next up / Once you’ve {reached milestone}].

[Describe following steps, overview or in detail].

[And don’t forget to finish by / Finish up with / And I love to end by / And the last step?]
[describe the last step].




To use when you want to: simplify something that seems complicated

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q57) Show how you complete a complex, complicated, or intimidating task. Simplify how it’s
(Q58) Reflect on a big task you’ve completed. Outline all of the steps you took to complete it.
(Q59) Reflect on a small task you’ve completed. Outline all of the steps you took to do it
remarkably well.

Possible Post Titles:

T77. How to use [expertise/tool/idea] [to/for] [reach goal]
T79. How [I/we] [improve] [beginner strategy/baseline deliverable]
T80. How [I/we] [complete essential task]
T83. Steal [my/our] [task] [strategy/method/routine]
T84. Steal [my/our] [process] for [completing task/achieving result/audience]
T85. [My/our] method for [end result]
Honestly…it’s [easier than / not as {difficult} as] you think.

Optional: ([She says / He says / They say], after [practicing for X amount of time /
spending X time learning how to do it well / doing it wrong for years / etc.])

(So, okay. It’s a little hard / I’m lying. It’s hard / Okay, I’ll admit it takes {practice / time /

But this post makes it [SO MUCH EASIER / 1 million times more possible / as easy as
ABC / a total cakewalk / like stealing candy from a baby]

If you’ve ever wondered how [I / job titles] [complete task / achieve incredible result],
[you’re going to want to save this post / consider this your free guide / consider this the
last {what you offer 1-1 (e.g. virtual training session) / step-by-step guide / mini
masterclass} you’ll need.]

[But/Because] instead of giving you vague, general advice like:

→ “[What vague advice sounds like]”
→ “[What vague advice also sounds like]”
→ “[What vague advice *also* also sounds like]”

I’m/We’re [getting DEEP / getting INTO IT / telling you exactly what to do / sharing
details / giving you real advice / sharing my/our exact {routine / deliverable}].

Because you’re never (like…ever) going to [achieve this result] like [icon who is
especially amazing at achieving that result (e.g. belt like Beyoncé)] if [you don’t know /
you never learn / no one teaches you] [how to do this task / Step 1 / the basics].

So here’s [tell them what the content is about].




To use when you want to: show why you do things your way versus another way

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q52) Take a service you offer: what is something SUPER valuable you do during this service?
Why is it valuable? How do you do it? Give examples.
(Q53) Take a product you offer: what is something SUPER valuable about the product? Why is
it valuable? How did you make it?
(Q54) Take a project someone else in your industry has done: as an expert, and break down the
strategy behind what they did and why they did it.
(Q55) Take a project someone else in your industry has done and play critic: what’s working
and what you would have done differently?
(Q56) What common task do you do better than most other people? Show examples of the
common way versus your way.
(Q60) Consider what the standard is for completed work in your job or industry. In what ways do
you go above and beyond?

Possible Post Titles:

T78. How to [reach goal] [with/without] [tool/limitation]
T79. How [I/we] [improve] [beginner strategy/baseline deliverable]
T80. How [I/we] [complete essential task]
T82. Expert [task]
T84. Steal [my/our] [process] for [completing task/achieving result/audience]
T85. [My/our] method for [end result]
T86. Why you should always [complete task]

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

Option 1: A choice that’s a non-negotiable for you

I ALWAYS [state an important part of your method / strategy / process / task
completion]. It’s a non-negotiable. No [restate the non-negotiable]? No
[deliverable / your Name (e.g. flower delivery, vacation, Madison, etc.)].

Because, without it?

[Describe drawbacks of what will happen without the non-negotiable — what the
final result will be missing / what could go wrong / why it will be more difficult /

Option 2: Something you do differently

The best way to [complete an essential task] isn’t to [describe the worse / more
common way of doing things (e.g. sequence a yoga class for one area of the

It’s to [something specific about the way you do it — how you start / what you
include / how you finish / etc. (e.g. sequence your yoga class for a specific
Otherwise, [describe drawbacks of what will happen if they do things in a
different way — what the final result will be missing / what could go wrong / why it
will be more difficult / etc.].

[I know — it sounds so simple. / Sounds {simple / obvious / like a no-brainer / easy

enough} right?]

But [so many / TONS of / I’d say MOST / {adjective}] [job titles] [skip this step / say,
“{Opposite advice}” / {do this opposite thing instead} / lemme tell ya, {job titles} skip this
step ALL. THE. TIME. / APPARENTLY NOT because so few {job titles} do it right.]

(If you’re a fellow [job title] thinking “{Oof…it’s me / Guilty. Lol / I feel called out / Sounds
familiar / I, too, have felt personally victimized by Regina George / Oh no… / Well, what
*should* I do?! / FINE, YOU’RE RIGHT. Any tips?}]...[I got you / Here’s how to {achieve
goal} the way I do / Here are some {tips / steps / practices / etc.} to help you get started].

Option 1: Lay out the steps you take to do things your way
[Step 1 / Before you do anything else / First / First of all / First up / Before you
begin / To get started / Begin by / Instead of…Try / Think about ] [describe what
they need to do].

[Describe following steps, overview in detail AND explain the benefits or why
you did each one].

[And don’t forget to finish by / Finish up with / And I love to end by / Last not
least/ Hold on, we’re not done quite yet. One last thing]....

Option 2: Describe your thought process

[I wanted to / I thought / My goal was / I already knew / I thought about /
Originally, I thought] …

Option 3: What people do wrong vs. what you do

[Most people start by] [taking this action].
[Explain the drawbacks].
[Instead], I [tell them what you do].
[Explain the benefits of doing things your way].


To use when you want to: show how an action or detail makes all the difference

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q56) What common task do you do better than most other people? Show examples of the
common way versus your way.
(Q59) Reflect on a small task you’ve completed. Outline all of the steps you took to do it
remarkably well.
(Q60) Consider what the standard is for completed work in your job or industry. In what ways do
you go above and beyond?

Possible Post Titles:

T79. How [I/we] [improve] [beginner strategy/baseline deliverable]
T80. How [I/we] [complete essential task]
T85. [My/our] method for [end result]
T86. Why you should always [complete task]

I’ll die on this hill.

Option 1: Something imperative to your way of doing things

[Project / Deliverable / Task] isn’t complete [without/until] [method / strategy /
step of the process / etc.].

Because [reason why that method / strategy / step of the process / etc. is so

Option 2: A simple thing they should be doing but aren’t currently doing
If you’re not already [doing essential task the way I do them (e.g. taking before
and after pictures for your clients)], [you’re missing out / that stops right now / get
on my train / it’s time to START].

Here’s a [detailed / in-depth / actually helpful / realistic / {adjective}] look at how I

[complete this task].

[Try it my way. / Survey says: you’ll never look back. / It’s especially great if
you’re like me, and {something they struggle with or do often (e.g. you love a
rainy day photoshoot)}].

Option 3: A swap they should make in their method or strategy

[Alternative way (e.g. Knee push-ups)] [isn’t / aren’t] [the best / the only / the
most effective] way [to complete this task / strategy / deliverable].

Because [reason why alternative method, strategy, or step of the process isn’t
enough (e.g. it’s SO hard to progress from kneeling to full-body push-up form)].
[What *does* work / What *is* helpful / My personal favorite {way to do it / method /

[Summarize your method (e.g. Teach push-ups with props!)]

That way, [reason why your method is especially great].




To use when you want to: share how you achieved a big result

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q61) What goals, big or small, have you reached in your business so far? What were the main
things you did to achieve each one? Share the specific step-by-step process for setting yourself
up for success, or break down how to do ONE of the steps well.
(Q62) What limitations do you work with in your business (time, staff, experience, etc.)? How
have you been able to work around them?
(Q63) What business advice do you outright ignore? Is there anything you intentionally do

Possible Post Titles:

T90. Exactly what [I/we] did to [become successful/reach milestone]
T92. [How] [I/we] [reached goal] with only [minimal input/limitation]
T93. [How] [I/we] [reached goal] in [timeline]
T94. [How] [I/we] [reached goal] without [taking undesirable action]
T96. Here’s what happened when I/we [stopped] [taking “necessary” action]
T97. [I/we] (stopped) [taking “necessary” action]. Here’s what happened →
T99. [I/we] (did/didn’t) [take action] for [timeline]. This is what happened →
T100. [I/we] [improved my situation] with [#] [adjective (optional)] [noun]

It’s probably *not* what you think.

See, I’m not like any [job title]. I’m a cool [job title]. OR Normally I’m not the kind of
person to [take this action (e.g. leave my house past 9PM, love being the center of
attention, etc)]. OR Anyone who knows me knows I [describe an aspect of your
personality (e.g. I’m super frugal)].
Option 1:
So I knew [{reaching this result} was going to {be out of my comfort zone /
require a change or alternative strategy} OR If I wanted to {reach result / pursue
goal}, I needed to {do things differently}].

Option 2:
So when I decided to [pursue result / take action], my mind was flooded with [lots
of “what ifs” / a barrage of questions / anxious thoughts / tons of self-doubt /
reasons I should be second-guessing myself].

“What if…?”

[I knew / It seemed like / My gut feeling was that / I suspected that / My intuition
told me] [common advice / alternative route] wasn’t going to [work for me / be my
cup of tea / be my scene / be my jam / be up my alley / resonate with me].

Option 3:
But when I decided I wanted to [achieve this result], [I decided NOT to listen to
the typical advice] / I said SCREW IT.]

[And I decided to do it my way, Frank Sinatra style / I wanted to go in a different

direction / I was like every bad actor in an infomercial, saying, “THERE MUST BE
A BETTER WAY!” / It was {do it this specific way OR work with your limitation
(e.g. my $100 budget}] or bust].

Option 4:
So I was as confused as the next [job title / person] about [how to / the best way
to] [achieve result / take action].

[Is it / Should I / Does it] [this conflicting advice (e.g. Should I skip breakfast?)]
OR [Is it more like / should I / Will it take] [this conflicting advice (e.g. Or is
breakfast really the most important meal of the day?)]

Suffice it to say: [I was {emotion} / it wasn’t easy / it didn’t happen overnight / the whole
thing took {a long time} / there were consequences (e.g. my personal trainer wasn’t

But [summarize what you did (e.g. I started practicing mobility training 5 days a week)].
[Bada bing, bada boom. / It was like magic, except with LOTS of effort. So I guess not
like magic at all. / Turns out it was the right decision. / And just like that, {the result (e.g.
my knee pain started to go away, things got so much easier, etc.)}]

[And/Because] [after X time / by X date / after X {attempts / tries / rounds / emails /

lessons / etc.}], I finally [reached this result].

[Big takeaway of your story] OR [That’s how I know {big takeaway / big lesson}] OR
Remember: [big takeaway or lesson] OR So if [they’re experiencing similar situation or
limitation], [what they should do about it].




To use when you want to: show how you do something in your life/business

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q66) What automations or processes do you embrace to help your business run smoothly?
Explain the set-up.
(Q67) What do you invest in as a business owner? Why is it valuable? How do you know it is
worth the investment?
(Q68) What tasks or processes do you do proactively to set yourself up for success? What does
the planning and prep look like?
(Q69) What projects and products are you currently working on in your business? What are you
planning for in the future?

Possible Post Titles:

T91. [Things] I [action verb] [every day/week/month] to [reach goal/stay successful]
T101. How [to start/I started] [taking action] [at a specific stage of their journey]
T102. How [I’m/we’re] [doing current action/task].
T105. [How I/Ways I] [preparing for] [upcoming event/season]
T106. I start [planning/preparing] [at this time/this far in advance]

Pick one of the following options, followed by a CTA.

Option 1
Well *someone* had to say it.
Because no one wants to [complete / be unprepared for / throw together {this task} (e.g.
throw together a last-minute Black Friday post on Thanksgiving night)].

Option 2
[Completing task / Topic] is no joke OR No one likes [topic].

When I first started [taking this action], I thought [way you assumed task or topic would
be easier].

[Sweet, naive past me. / …I thought wrong. / Boy, was I in for a rude awakening. / Fast
forward to: me, [struggling because of what was way harder than you assumed].

That’s why these days [describe what you do now].

SCROLL to see how I do it.

Option 4
And before you ask…no, [{it’s/I’m/we’re} not {what people wrongly assume or expect
(e.g. on Fiverr)}] OR [It doesn’t involve {something out of left field OR something people
wrongly assume (e.g. only eating celery)}].

[Shocking, I know. / I can thank {where people got that expectation} for that one].

Option 5
I’m basically [relatable character/celebrity] [optional: from {reference}] right now.

Option 6
Hint: it’s not because [the reason people assume (e.g. I love to plan)].

It’s because [the real reason (e.g. if I don’t think about it in advance, we’ll spend way too
much money on takeout)].

Option 7
When people ask me [something related to the topic (e.g. Why I don’t have a portfolio)]?

I say: [what you tell them but casually (e.g. BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO)].

(And [additional reason (e.g. I don’t have to, either)]).

Option 8
If you want to [achieve this big or small goal in the future (e.g. save up to $10,000 on
your taxes, save yourself from having a mental breakdown every morning)]?
[Here’s exactly how it’s done / Here’s my cheat sheet / I got you].




To use when you want to: explain why you made or make a choice in your business

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q63) What business advice do you outright ignore? Is there anything you intentionally do
(Q64) What questions do you ask new clients/vendors/collaborators? What are you looking to
align on with each question?
(Q65) What does the backend of your business OR your client process look like? Why did you
set it up like that? Explain.
(Q67) What do you invest in as a business owner? Why is it valuable? How do you know it is
worth the investment?
(Q68) What tasks or processes do you do proactively to set yourself up for success? What does
the planning and prep look like?

Possible Post Titles:

87. Why [I/we] don’t [take action]
88. Why [I/we] [never/always] [take action] as a [job title]
89. We [advice you ignore/follow] on purpose. [Here’s why →]
95. How [simple action] can [bring superior result]
103. When people ask [question?]
106. I start [planning/preparing] [at this time/this far in advance]

Confession time: I used to [suck at / be terrible at / completely fail to / {feel emotion

about (e.g. get embarrassed every time)}] [action / goal / specific situation (e.g. I was

Optional: [Explain what that situation looked like in practice (e.g. I could not say the
words “I’m sorry” without also saying “BUT….”)]

I specifically remember one time [optional: timeframe (e.g. early on in my business)] I

[paint a picture of you struggling/failing].
[Yes, we’re talking that level / Uh huh / {Repeat one of the last words you said for
emphasis but IN ALL CAPS} / So, yes. Pretty bad / So if you’re thinking, “{It probably
wasn’t that bad! / You were just being hard on yourself / etc.}”...I’m just gonna stop you
right there.

[That’s why / So / But] [optional: timeframe (e.g. 3 months ago, when I started my own
fashion label, etc.)] I [decided / realized / made a choice to] [change my approach / do
things differently / take specific action to improve the situation.]

I [give an overview of what you did (e.g. I started saying this phrase instead… “It pains
me to know that I caused you pain.”)]

[Optional: And let me tell you… / And that one small decision? / I’m SO {emotion (e.g.
grateful / proud / etc.)}]

[Because / Now] [Describe the impact of the decision: What did it make possible? What
good did it bring? What did it save you from?]

Option 1:
Here’s to [summary of how you do things differently] OR [the impact you’re
having] OR all the [other job titles doing similar things].

Option 2:
[Big takeaway] OR [Positive result / Topic (e.g. Having a sense of fashion)] isn’t
about [this thing (e.g. how other people see you)], it’s about [this other thing (e.g.
how you see yourself)].




To use when you want to: share your knowledge about what’s valuable and what’s not

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q67) What do you invest in as a business owner? Why is it valuable? How do you know it is
worth the investment?
(Q70) What mistakes have you made in your business? What would you do differently?
(Q71) What investments have you made that were not worth it?
(Q72) What did you wait to do or invest in that you should have done or invested in sooner?
Possible Post Titles:
T98. [Nouns] [I/we] would [do/not do] as a [job title]
T104. [Deliverables/services/tools] that weren’t worth the money

If it’s a YES or something you recommend:

[Add these to your wishlist yesterday / These {deliverables / services / tools} were game-
changers / I wouldn’t be where I am without {these}].

[If / When you want to] [describe who or what the thing you’re recommending is perfect for (e.g.
feel like you’re driving on the highway with the windows down)]?

[Name the thing you recommend or tell them how to use it (e.g. Read this)].

[Don’t think. Just do it / Seriously — you’re going to love them / Step 1: Add to cart. Step 2:
Thank me later]



If it’s a NO or something you don’t recommend:

Save [your money / yourself the hassle / yourself X {days/months/weeks} of your life].

Opening Option 1
When I [had less experience / was new to this industry or topic], [what you thought or

Opening Option 2
There was a time when I [was convinced… / was SO SURE… / 100% believed / {took
this action regularly}]

Opening Option 3
I used to [something you used to do that you would never do now (e.g. cycle through
drugstore shampoo and conditioner brands, trying to find “the one”)].

Body Option 1
That was me then, before [I learned what I learned (e.g. I spent 3 years bringing my hair
back to life)].

This is me NOW, telling you [to just go {do this other thing} / to stop what you’re doing
and {do this instead} / that’s never ever ever ever going to happen. Like, ever].
Body Option 2
I mean you can’t really blame me [after {X years/months} hearing {this message}] OR
[when {this message} is all over {place, e.g. the internet / Instagram, etc.}].

Body Option 3
[But, thankfully, we’re in a new era / And can I just say: never again / You don’t have to
tell me I was wrong. I KNOW]

So the moral of the story is don’t [be like me / waste your time on {topic}]. OR So take it
from somebody who’s been there done that: avoid [topic] at all costs. You’re welcome.





To use when you want to: share fun facts about yourself or your team

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q75) What are 5-10 fun things everyone should know about you?
(Q76) What story would your best friends tell about you if they had to describe you in one story?
(Q77) What are 3-5 things you do EVERY SINGLE DAY?
(Q78) [Reel specific] Introduce yourself and show how you do something you’re especially good
at in your business or lead people through an activity or experience.
(Q80) Name all the roles you play in your life (e.g. entrepreneur, operations manager, major
procrastinator, reality TV addict, etc.).
(Q81) Think of a specific hypothetical situation (i.e. planning a party, dressing up for halloween,
stranded on a desert island). What role would each of you & your team members take?
(Q82) If you’re a team, which TV show character would each of you most likely be? (Choose a
reference your ideal audience would most likely appreciate or be familiar with.)
(Q83) If you’re a team, what would each person’s nickname be, related to their job description
and showing their special skills? Add references your audience will know that bring the special
skills to life. E.g. “The Meryl Streep of operations ‘cuz she can LITERALLY do it all.”

Possible Post Titles:

T107.[Meet] your [business team/job title]
T108.[Action] with [name]
T111. [Introduce your team by viral trend. Ex: Little Miss, Barbie, etc. Immediacy is key!].
T114. [Specific audience call-out]...

Also consider: Pairing personal introduction captions with other Relate content.
Note: This post can be rewritten in third person for a team member or edited for a whole team

[Just in case we haven’t met in real life… / Am I the only one who looks at my Instagram
and thinks, “Who are all these people?!” Well…hey, guys. / Have we *NOT* met in real

Option 1
I’m [Name, pronouns], the [official title] and *unofficial* [describe something fun you do in
your work that doesn’t *exactly* fall into the job description (e.g. Office meme expert)] for
[business name].

But most of my friends would describe me as the one who’s always [describe one of
your funny/odd quirks that only your closest friends would know].

People who know me in real life would *also* tell you I’m…

Most likely to:

- [Share a daily scenario that describes one of your personality traits]
- [Share something quirky you do in social situations IRL that encapsulates your
- [Share something minor you fail at frequently or never remember to do]

Least likely to:

- [Think of something you’re struggling with right now and say what it would look
like done right]
- [Take one of your personality traits — what’s an action you never do / can’t seem
to get right / find difficult because of this trait?]
- Remember to [share a simple everyday action you take and describe how it
leads you into chaos, (e.g. remove the chapstick from my jeans pocket BEFORE
throwing ‘em in the wash (washing machine: 3, Haley: 0))]

Option 2
You probably know me as the [official title] and *unofficial* [describe something fun you
do in your work that doesn’t *exactly* fall into the job description (e.g. Office meme
expert)] for [business name].

But did you know I have OTHER talents?!

- Like, someone once told me I look like [celebrity].
- I can [do this action / wild or mundane trick]
- I [have a knack for / always manage to] [something bad that always seems to
happen to you] (*Twilight Zone theme song*)

[As my [mom] would say, “Don’t quit your day job.” / So question: SHOULD I {leave it all
behind / close my business / burn it all down} and {do this other thing instead ( e.g.
become a Tina Turner impersonator?)} / Those count as talents, right? / I can’t be the
only one, right? / Am I alone here? / (You can see why I spend most of my time {doing
my job.})]

Optional: [Now you’re up. / Your turn! / What about you? {Ask a specific question related
to your answers (e.g. Do you also eat beans for every meal?)} / Ball's in your court. / So
what do you think? Friend material? / See anything in common?]

[Tell me about [it/yourself] / Introduce yourself / Gimme your full story / Share who you
are BEHIND the ‘gram] in the comments below!




To use when you want to: explain how you got here

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q73) What’s your story? How did you start doing this work?
(Q78) [Reel specific] Introduce yourself and show how you do something you’re especially good
at in your business or lead people through an activity or experience.
(Q79) Describe the moment you decided to start your business. What was the “aha” moment?
Why do you do what you do?

Possible Post Titles:

T107. [Meet] your [business team/job title].
T108. [Action] with [name].
T112. [Quote you believe about your industry/yourself].
T114. [Specific audience call-out]...

Also consider: Story share post titles

For all the new faces around here…

It all started [the day I / with / when] [this seemingly random thing related to the moment
you decided to start this business (e.g. I burned my husband’s birthday cake.)]

But first, [we need to back up / let’s rewind].

Describe what you were doing before starting your business.

Choose one optional sentence starter:
- Back in [year], I…[tell the whole background story].
- Before I was [job title] I was [tell the whole background story].
- Before I was [paint a picture of you doing things really well (e.g. helping
moms around the country get more sleep, making the best darn coconut
cupcakes you’ve ever had)] I was [tell the whole background story].

Give a summary of the “before.”

Choose one optional sentence starter:
[Basically, / Essentially] I was…
To put it bluntly:...
It [describe what it was (e.g. it was awful, it was the hardest year of my life,
seemed like everything was falling into place, etc.)]
And [how you felt about it].
If you’ve [had similar experience] before, you know [takeaway].
I thought [what you thought would happen at the time].

Explain the transformation or turning points that led to your current business.
Choose one optional sentence starter:
But then [this transformative moment happened].
I never thought [what you never thought was possible at the time].
I knew [what you knew or wanted at the time]. So [describe what you did
(eg. I told myself, “I can always go back to law school if things don’t work out”)].

Tell a brief story or overview of just starting out.

Choose one optional sentence starter:
My first [client/customer (e.g. found me on Instagram, was my mom, hired me
The first time I [hit milestone], I [reacted this way].
The first [thing I did] [describe how it turned out (e.g. The first website I designed
makes me cringe looking at it now)].
At the beginning, I [what it was like (e.g. had no idea what I was doing, didn’t
even have enough money to buy food coloring, didn’t know how to do XYZ)].

Explain what you did to improve.

Choose one optional sentence starter:
But slowly…
But over time…
But eventually…

Summarize where you are now.

Choose one optional sentence starter:
And that’s when this [job title] [turned into a / decided to become a / did this
metaphoric action (e.g. took off the apron) and started] [new job title / new
business name].

So here I am, [X] years later, [{doing this thing} OR {helping audience} {get

Any other [audience members], tell me — how’d you get here, too?




To use when you want to: talk about who you’re here for and why

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q84) Describe the type of people you would REALLY love to work with?
(Q85) What are the non-negotiable things you and your ideal clients need to align on?
(Q86) What kind of *non-red-flag* client or customer are you totally wrong for?
(Q87) Share your company values. What do you believe in and how do you practice them in real

Possible Post Titles:

T107. [Meet] your [business team/job title]
T108. [Action] with [name]
T110. Take it from a [job title]
T114. [Specific audience call-out]...

Hey, [audience members]. Yeah, you.

Option 1
Are you the kind of [audience] who’d rather [do this] than [this]?
Option 2
Do you [get home {on a day of the week} / wake up in the middle of the night / have this
regular experience] and IMMEDIATELY [take this action]?

Option 3
Are you [SO PASSIONATE about [topic] you could talk about it for 7 hours straight /
constantly bugging your friends with questions like “Niche question?”]?

Option 4
Do you [get annoyed / want to pull your hair out / need to take a minute / see red / feel
like you’re gonna lose it] [when / every time] people [do this thing you don’t agree with
(e.g. send you a passive aggressive follow-up email...less than 24 hours after their first
email?)] OR Do you [get annoyed / want to pull your hair out / need to take a minute /
see red / feel like you’re gonna lose it] [when / every time] people [see something
happen] and say, “[Negative comment or critique you disagree with” (e.g. see a 8-year-
old on an iPad say, “Some people are just bad parents.”)]?

[Yeah, me too / Yeah, I thought so / Same, {audience / friend / optional: nickname}

Optional: There are some [job titles / people] who [will tell you / believe] [something you
don’t agree with]. But I’m not one of them.

Like a true [describe your personality/identity (e.g. Scorpio, Enneagram 3, word lover,
mom, etc.)], I [believe / am all about / am ALWAYS gonna / am totally here for / am into]
[describe a value related to your identity in action (e.g. that by BEING HERE — by
seeking out strategies to help you raise your kids — you are a good parent. Full stop.)].

[I’m here for / If you’re / If / I’m talking the {ones / audience} who] [describe your people
or what a value “match” looks like in your audience, e.g. If your 30 minutes of screen
time are much-needed moments of peace / I’m talking about the moms who sometimes
hide in the bathroom for a few minutes of quiet].

[I’m here for / If you’re / If / The {ones / audience} who] [describe your people or what a
value “match” looks like in your audience].

[I’m here for / If you’re / If / The {ones / audience} who] [describe your people or what a
value “match” looks like in your audience].

[Hang around / Stick around / This is your place. You’ve found it / …I’m here for you /
You’re why I do this work / I’m here to help you / You’re why I do this / I got into this work
for you / You’re my people / [Whatever you want them to know].

[Big takeaway (e.g.We’re all doing the best we can with the tools we have).]



To use when you want to: share your values and how you practice them in real time

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q85) What are the non-negotiable things you and your ideal clients need to align on?
(Q87) Share your company values. What do you believe in and how do you practice them in real
(Q88) Does your business donate to any charitable organizations? Which ones, and why?

Possible Post Titles:

T108. [Action] with [name]
T109. Ask [a/your] [job title]
T110. Take it from a [job title]
T112. [Quote you believe about your industry/yourself]
T113. Why [I think/believe] [state belief].

I’m a “skip the small talk” kinda [gal/guy/person].

[So let’s get this out of the way / So let’s talk about real stuff for a minute / So let me just
say what needs to be said / So I’ll tell it like it is].

I only work with [people] [who believe / who also think / who embrace / who are down
for] [value seen in action (e.g. signing up for a project without a deadline, slow response
times, or email-free weekends)].

So if you want [someone / a job title] who will [show these opposite values, in action (e.g.
respond quickly, whether it’s a Monday night or a Saturday afternoon)]?

[We’re probably not going to be a great fit / I love that for you. But not for me / Move right
along / Someone else out there will be THRILLED / I’m not going to be your best match /
I’ll tell you right now: it’s not me / That’s okay! So many people are in your boat, but I’m
not one of them].

I’m not saying [what people will potentially find blanket-offense with OR what might be
misconstrued (e.g. efficiency doesn’t matter, you should never send an email on the
weekend, etc.)].
But I am saying that, [to me / in my opinion / when you work with me / the way I run my
business/ for me to do my job well], [clarify what you believe (e.g. flexibility matters

[Summarize how your values work in practice in your business (e.g. Sometimes, I take 3
to 5 days to respond. And the flexibility goes both ways)].

That means [Give 1 hypothetical example of a situation a client might have (e.g.
when you’re having a busy week and need to take something off your to-do list)]?
[Explain why your value in practice will be beneficial (e.g. You can take your time
getting back to me)].

And if [give another hypothetical example of a situation a client might have]?

[Explain why your value in practice will be beneficial].




To use when you want to: clarify who you want to work with

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q84) Describe the type of people you would REALLY love to work with?
(Q85) What are the non-negotiable things you and your ideal clients need to align on?
(Q89) What, specifically, about your job or business brings you the most joy? What are you
especially excellent at?

Possible Post Titles:

T113. Why [I think/believe] [state belief].

T114. [Specific audience call-out]....

Calling all {target audience}!

[I’m/We’re] just gonna say it loud and clear: [YOU ARE MY PEOPLE / WE’RE HERE

Option 1
[I/We] like working with [target audience] best for 2 reasons:
1. You’re [give 1 reason why they’re the right fit], and
2. You’re [give 1 reason why they’re the right fit]

[And that PUMPS/LIGHTS ME UP. / Umm…can I just say *{compliment (e.g.

boss vibes)}* / Like…how cool is that?! / Can you see me fangirling over here? / I
mean…can you blame me?]

Option 2
Because at [Business], [this] is our specialty.

[Optional: Because] [I’m the kinda person who LIVES to {give you this deep benefit} / It
literally makes my day to {give you this big benefit} / There is NOTHING that gives me
more joy than {doing this thing}].

You’ve got [this problem]?

You want [this thing]?

And you’re looking for someone to [take this thing off your hands]?

Hi, I’m [Name]. [Nice to meet you / Step into my office / You’re in the right place / But
you can call me “the one who {gave me this big benefit (e.g. saved my marriage)}”].




To use when you want to: engage an audience with two truths and a lie

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q74) What are some of the most surprising stories or facts about you?
(Q75) What are 5-10 fun things everyone should know about you?

Possible Post Titles:

T107. [Meet] your [business team/job title]
T109. Ask [a/your] [job title]
T111. [Introduce your team by viral trend. Ex: Little Miss, Barbie, etc. Immediacy is key!]
T114. [Specific audience call-out]...
I’ve never told anyone this before.

[Okay, except for {person}. And {person}. But other than that it’s IN THE VAULT / I mean
anyone on IG knows / Obvs my {special person (e.g mom) knows this story. It’s [repeat
special person], gosh/jeez/for God’s sake / (Well, except for anyone…on the internet.)]

[I used to be.. / At one point in my life… / When I was {age}, I… / One time] [Describe a
crazy story or situation you found yourself in].

[It’s pretty hard to believe / Pretty surprising for {job title / conflicting part of who you are
now, sarcastic or not (e.g. girl who went on to become a professional stylist)} / I KNOW,
{GUYS/GALS/FRIENDS/Y’ALL} / It’s true / If it sounds like I’m exaggerating, I’m not / I’m
[embarrassed / emotion] just [remembering it / typing the words] [Give a comment on
what you shared].

Optional: Recently, I told this story to [my email list / a client] Optional (:...don’t ask why )
and [I got so many responses like / {his / her / their} response was]:

“[What the responses were]”

And it occurred to me that there’s still SO MUCH you don’t know about me.

So let’s play two truths and a lie: [Word related to the story or your job]-edition.

Optional: [(Do people still do this? Oh, well. I do.)

1. [False fact that seems true].

2. [True fact that seems false].
3. [True fact that seems false].

[What’s your guess?! / Tell me your guess in the comments below! / Let the guessing
games BEGIN. / (They all sound possible, right?) / (It’s not what you think.)]

Optional: See my stories for the answer.

Optional: Want to know the FULL story behind {story from above}? Check out my stories
for {a tell-all / all the gory details} / more]!

Optional: And if you want to be among the first to hear all my [adjective] stories? Join my
email list.



To use when you want to: share a story about a failure

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q90) What are 5 moments in your business where you thought… “I don’t think I can do this.”
SHOW each of those moments — how you felt, what your day-to-day looked like, what people
said to you, etc. How did you get through it?
(Q91) What was a moment in your business where you TRULY doubted yourself? Describe it in
detail. How did you get past it?
(Q92) Think about a moment when you worked REALLY hard for something, and it didn’t pay
off. Tell the whole story — how you prepared, the moment you realized you’d failed, and how
you responded after. What lesson did you learn?
(Q93) Have you ever made a bad investment? Tell the whole story — how did you decide to
make the investment? Were you hesitant, or gung-ho? How did you feel when the investment
didn’t pay off? What valuable information can you share?
(Q94) When was the last time you felt SUPER stressed out? Describe it in detail. What led up to
it? When was the moment you broke down? How did you treat yourself in that moment? What
changed after that experience? What did you learn?
(Q95) Share a story of a time you disappointed a client. What did they say? How did you feel?
How did you respond? What did you learn?
(Q96) Tell a story about a time when you were unprepared, underprepared, or in over your
head. What happened, honestly? What did you learn?

Possible Post Titles:

T115. [My/Our] [worst mistake/biggest failure/most embarrassing moment] as a [job title]
T121. [Optional: The time] [step/activity/result] failed.
T122. [My/our] [first try] [did/didn’t do well].
T126. A client told [me/us] [Negative feedback].
T132.[I/My product] [had experience] [with/by] [topic/person/industry expert]

So there I was, [describe odd situation (e.g. crying over my computer at 3:00 AM)].

I’d just [something that happened in the middle of the failure (e.g sent my third follow-up
email about a $5,000 unpaid invoice)], and I [was/felt] [NEGATIVE EMOTION].
[Give a little backstory (e.g. What happened to bring you to this point? How long had you
been working with the client/customer? What was your initial impression of the

Option 1:
This was supposed to be a [simple / straightforward / X-month / adjective]
[summarize the project or product].

Option 2:
This [client/customer] had reached out to me [what they’d asked for].

Option 3:
When [client/customer] reached out to me asking for [what they asked for], [my
first impression was / I thought] [describe your first impression].

Option 4:
It’s not like I hadn’t [done this task] before. I was a seasoned pro.

Option 5:
It was my first time ever [completing this project / going through this experience].

Optional: ([Add commentary about the project or deliverable (e.g. A project like this
usually takes 40 hours of full-time work / These are one of my best-selling products, so I
make them all the time / etc.)])

[Describe what you’d done to fulfill your client or customer’s needs OR describe the work
that goes into the service or product (e.g. I’d already spent 3 hours getting everything
ready for the shoot)].

I’d even [way you’d gone above and beyond].


[Summarize the failure / the bad experience with your client].

I mean, when I tell you I almost [took this negative action/had this negative experience
(e.g. threw a chair against the wall, threw up all over my laptop, had a panic attack)], I
mean it.

But, hey — [big takeaway]. Right? / Looking back, I’m glad [this happened] because it
taught me [this lesson]. Even though I’d NEVER EVER want it to happen again. Like…

So here’s the moral of the story: [big takeaway].




To use when you want to: tell a story about a new action you started taking

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q97) What changes have you made over the course of your business? What have you
intentionally stopped doing? What have you intentionally started?
(Q98) Describe a BIG WIN moment. What was the win? How did you celebrate? What
challenging moments did you think back on and realize were essential to getting you there?
(Q99) When do you feel like a “bad” business owner? When was being a “bad” business owner
the right choice for you?
(Q100) When do you feel like a “good” business owner? When was being a “good” business
owner the wrong choice?
(Q101) What change in your business has been the most difficult for you to make? What were
the results of the change?
(Q102) What change have you been the most resistant to?

Possible Post Titles:

T116. [I/we] [took difficult or surprising action.]
T117. [I/we] stopped [taking action]. Here’s how it turned out →
T118. [We/I] [took this action]. Here’s what happened.
T119. What happened when we [changed how we did things]
T120. [I/we] [spent X time] [taking action]. Here’s what happened → / I [took action]

I/We didn’t expect this.

When I first started [taking this action], I was [how you were doing things before].

But a little voice in the back of my head thought, “[Question that prompted the new
action (e.g. What would happen if I... OR How could I {do this better}]?”

So I decided to try [taking this new action].

I hoped [taking new action] would save me a few [dollars/minutes/moments of

stress/etc.] and help me [get this simple benefit].
[BUT I NEVER EXPECTED WHAT HAPPENED / But honestly these results have me
SHOOK / Obviously, I underestimated the power of [new action] / …Can you guess what
happened? I’ll give you a hint: I didn’t {get this benefit}. I {GOT THIS BENEFIT}].

SCROLL to see the mind-blowing results.




To use when you want to: share a story about a success

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q97) What changes have you made over the course of your business? What have you
intentionally stopped doing? What have you intentionally started?
(Q98) Describe a BIG WIN moment. What was the win? How did you celebrate? What
challenging moments did you think back on and realize were essential to getting you there?
(Q103) What lesson in business took you the longest to learn? When did you finally have an
“aha” moment? Share the story that led you there.
(Q104) How did your life look the MOMENT you decided to start your business? How did you
feel? What did your life look like 1 month later…1 year later…5 years later?

Possible Post Titles:

T116. [I/we] [took difficult or surprising action.]
T123. It took [me/us] [timeline] to [reach goal]. / [Goal] took [timeline].
T125. After [failed efforts/rejections/timeline], [current status].
T127. [I/we] [stopped] [negative action/limiting belief/behavior]
T128. How [past action] [resulted in/became/etc.] [story of success]
T129. [Surprising/negative action] was the best decision I ever made

You don’t [achieve this goal] by accident.

If [X weeks/months/years] ago you asked me [if I’d ever {reach this goal / take this
action} / how long it would take me to {reach this goal}], I would have told you, “[Say
what you would have told them]!”
[…BUT HERE WE ARE. / Well, past {your name}...look at me now! / But I did. / BUT
LOOK, MOM! I made it!!! / I’m so glad I was wrong. / Everyone thought I was nuts…but
here we are!]

[Give context on what the success/current action looks like today vs. what the
failure/past action looked like (e.g. I’ve now had my third $30k month of the year, after
YEARS struggling to break $5k/month].

And it’s all because I [describe what made the difference to reaching success (e.g.
listened to Dory and just kept swimming / stayed consistent / decided to embrace failure/

The truth is you don’t just need to [describe 3 actions you need to take] to [reach this

[Was it easy? Hell no. But was it worth it? 100%. / Best decision I ever made. / And
dang, {this goal} feels good. / And let me tell you — when you finally {reach this goal}, it
feels SO FREAKING GOOD! / Take it from {the girl/guy/person/someone} who’s been
there, done that.]




To use when you want to: share a story about an experience

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q104) How did your life look the MOMENT you decided to start your business? How did you
feel? What did your life look like 1 month later…1 year later…5 years later?
(Q105) What moments in your journey as a business owner stand out as crossroads, turning
points, or climactic events?
(Q106) What are 3 stories or experiences you will always remember from your journey of
entrepreneurship? Get specific.
(All Story Share questions may apply.)

Possible Post Titles:

T122. [My/our] [first try] [did/didn’t do well].
T130. The time I asked [question that resulted in story] [optional: and this happened].
T131. [Attention-grabbing story hook].
T132. [I/My product] [had experience] [with/by] [topic/person/industry expert]
Let’s just say I did NOT see this coming.

Take it back to [Month, Year]: I was [describe what you were doing at the time or what
stage of life you were in (e.g. a recent college grad looking for a job that didn’t involve
sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day)].

All I wanted was [describe what you were looking for, specifically (e.g. a haircut that
would make me look 26 and 46 at the same time)].

[Y’know, {describe what you were looking for in 2 adjectives (e.g. cute AND
professional)} / Okay, MAYBE {describe the higher goal you really had in mind}]. So I
[took this action].

[I was NOT expecting to {get this result/outcome}/ {Getting this outcome} never even
crossed my mind / If you’d asked me “{Question related to the outcome},” I would have
{laughed in your face / said “{Say what you would have said (e.g. Uhh…no?/Absolutely

(Optional: [But I did / But I guess it always happens when you least expect it / Spoiler
alert: {I was wrong / I did / {Describe what happened}}.]

Option 1:
SCROLL to see [what happened / what I found / the result / etc.].

Option 2:
[Describe what happened in detail (e.g. The review was SCATHING. It said AND
I QUOTE “The worst meal I’ve ever had in my life.” No joke.]

[I nearly {had this surprising reaction (e.g. fell off my chair, choked on my wine, etc.)} /
And if you’re wondering if I {took this action in response}, {absolutely I did / nope. Never /
I considered it, but no} / Let’s just say I didn’t {have this normal response / take this
normal action (e.g. leave a tip)}].

[Moral of the story? {State the big takeaway} / I guess you never really know when
you’re going to {have this experience} / But here’s the thing: {Describe a big realization
or the big takeaway}].




To use when you want to: tell a story about a turning point or realization
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q101) What change in your business has been the most difficult for you to make? What were
the results of the change?
(Q102) What change have you been the most resistant to?
(Q103) What lesson in business took you the longest to learn? When did you finally have an
“aha” moment? Share the story that led you there.
(Q107) What moments in your clients’ journey stand out to you? What are some of the biggest
wins and losses your clients or customers have experienced?

Possible Post Titles:

116. [I/we] [took difficult or surprising action.]
117. [I/we] stopped [taking action]. Here’s how it turned out →
119. What happened when we [changed how we did things]
124. (See) the moment [I/my client] [made this realization/experienced this surprise]

Can I tell you something crazy?

I didn’t realize [this big realization] until [this specific moment].

I guess I’d kind of always believed [explain the false belief or misconception you had]...?!
/ I guess I thought {this experience (e.g. yelled at by your partner)} was normal…?!]

I specifically remember one time when I [describe a time before the realization when you
were living in the false belief (e.g. was cleaning the sink and my partner screamed at me
because it was “too loud” and I felt BAD].

[I know, it seems BLATANTLY obvious now. / What can I say? I {watched/read} a lot of
{reference that contributes to the misconception/false belief} / (Don’t blame me. Blame
{reference that contributes to the misconception/false belief})].

But [the moment I/as I was] [describe what happened at the turning point moment with
more detail]...[it became SO CLEAR / I just KNEW / it put everything into perspective / I
had a true “Aha!” moment].

[Lightbulb emoji] [Say the “aha” moment takeaway]. [Mindblown emoji]

If you’re [experiencing this problem], just know [IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY /
it’s probably time to {take this action} / it’s definitely NOT normal / so much more is
possible for you].



To use when you want to: explain how you complete daily tasks

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q108) What does your day-to-day life look like in your job? What are the average tasks you’re
working on? How do you complete them?
(Q109) How do you start each workday? Do you have any habits or routines?
(Q110) What tools or programs do you use to keep your business running?
(Q111) What task or part of your workday are you always MOST excited for?
(Q112) What task of part of your workday are you always LEAST excited for?

Possible Post Titles:

T133. How I [start every day] as a [job title].
T134. [Things] I do every day as a [job title].
T136. [Complete task] with me.
T137. Let’s [complete task].
T139. Watch [me/us] [complete task/achieve goal].
T140. How [I/we] [complete task] as a [job title].

If you ever wonder [what it’s like to be a {job title}... / what my {adjective} {routine / task /
habit} looks like / how {task} gets done / how the sausage gets made / how the magic
happens / how I’m able to {accomplish a task or goal} / what’s going on behind-the-
scenes of {deliverable / business / industry/ etc.}]?

[This is pretty much it / This is the gist / Here’s the real deal / This is how it goes down /
Watch and learn, {folks / audience / etc.}].

Option 1:
[COMMENT on this task or routine. What do you like about it? What do you hate
about it? What parts of it are easy versus difficult for you? How long does it take?
Are there any small aspects you do for a big impact?]

Commentary inspo:
Honestly, I [love / hate / dread] [this part of business ownership].
[This task] always makes me feel…
Every time I get to [this part / task] I think…
There’s a lot of things I love about business ownership. But this is not one
of them.
The whole thing takes around…

Option 2:
[OUTLINE the task or routine, from the beginning, then COMMENT on some or
all of the steps].

Outline Inspo:
[Step 1? / Before I do anything else / First up / Before I begin / To get
started] [describe what they need to do before anything else happens].
[Once that’s done / Then / Next up / Once I’ve {reached milestone} /
After]. [describe what they need to do before anything else happens].
[And then I / And then I can / Once it’s {good to go / all set / {describe
result}] / Finally]

Commentary Inspo:
Which…seems much easier than it is.
Usually I’m [really happy / relieved / emotion] when I [get to this part]
How [cute] is
It doesn’t always go [this/that] well.
Which takes about…[X minutes].

[And that’s how it’s done! / {Share a final thought} / {Share a big takeaway for your




To use when you want to: invite your audience to peek behind the scenes

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q108) What does your day-to-day life look like in your job? What are the average tasks you’re
working on? How do you complete them?
(Q109) How do you start each workday? Do you have any habits or routines?
(Q110) What tools or programs do you use to keep your business running?
(Q111) What task or part of your workday are you always MOST excited for?
(Q112) What task of part of your workday are you always LEAST excited for?
(Q113) What activities or events do you do/attend on a weekly basis? A monthly basis? A yearly
basis? Once in a blue moon? What does that look like when it happens?
(Q114) How do you prepare for the once-in-a-blue-moon activities or events in your business?

Possible Post Titles:

T135. A day in the life of a [job title].

T136. [Complete task] with me.
T137. Let’s [complete task].
T138. Behind the scenes of [event/activity].
T139. Watch [me/us] [complete task/achieve goal].

Don’t underestimate the power of a [adjective + noun, e.g. good hairdryer].

Option 1
I actively notice a difference when I don’t [take this action] versus when I DO
[take this action]. So every time I [wake up / {take this action} / do this activity],
[taking this action] is my [number 1 priority / go-to / favorite hack]!

Option 2
I don’t [take this action] EVERY [day/time] I [complete this task]. But sometimes
you just need [this benefit / feeling].

Option 3:

[NGL / Not gonna lie], the best [part of {this} / moment of my day] is ALWAYS
[describe the best part/moment]. There’s just something about [this thing] that
makes me [positive emotion or reaction (e.g. wanna jump up and down on my
bed like I’m 5 years old again)].

[Am I right or am I right? / Who’s with me? / Do you do this, too? / Who else {question}?
It can’t just be me, right? / I know I’m not the only one, {audience members}].




To use when you want to: give a glimpse into what you’ve been working on

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q113) What activities or events do you do/attend on a weekly basis? A monthly basis? A yearly
basis? Once in a blue moon? What does that look like when it happens?
(Q114) How do you prepare for the once-in-a-blue-moon activities or events in your business?
(Q117) What does your workspace setup look like?
(Q118) What is your FAVORITE thing in your office? Why? How does it improve your work life?
(Q119) What have you been working on behind-the-scenes that you have yet to release or talk
about publicly? Describe the work that has gone into it so far and how it’s going.
(Q120) What roadblocks are you facing or working through in your business right now?
(Q121) How did you plan for your latest launch? What was your timeline? What did you create?
How did you set yourself up for success?

Possible Post Titles:

T138. Behind the scenes of [event/activity]
T142. [I’ve/We’ve] been [action you’ve been taking] [optional: timeframe]
T143. I’ve spent [timeframe] [working on action/project/task]

I’ve been keeping this under wraps BUT…

[I guess I can give you a little sneak peek. / I CAN’T HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!! / I’m
too excited not to share! / I just [got to this pivotal moment] and I can’t keep it in! / I’m in
the mood to spill. / I’m tired of keeping it a secret.]

[I’ve been {taking this action / working on this}. Yes, {repeat the action or work-in-
progress}!] OR [Ya {girl / guy / friend / favorite [job title]} is {a JOB TITLE / the proud
[owner/creator/etc.] of / new identity, e.g. REAL LIVE COOKBOOK AUTHOR}.] OR [{X
timeframe} ago, I started [taking this action].]

And [oh my gosh / YIKES / I swear on {noun related to topic, e.g. the 10,000 weeds I’ve
picked}], it [is/has been] the [positive or negative adjective] thing I’ve ever done.

[Seriously, [nickname for your audience, e.g. guys, gals, and nonbinary pals]. / For reals.
/ I’m zero percent kidding. / I WISH I WAS JOKING.]

From [describe a problem/experience you had], to [describe another problem/experience

you had], to [describe another problem or experience you had], when I say it was
{adjective/description}, I mean it was [{REPEAT ADJECTIVE} / like {add a relatable

I’ll be sharing the [final product] [timeline, e.g. soon, later this week, next month, I don’t
even KNOW when], so I’ll give you [all the details / my full review / my final thoughts]

[Until then…wish me luck! / Okay, now back to [doing the task]! / PRAY FOR ME. / {Add
a sign off, e.g. Love}, {refer to yourself with something relating to your situation, e.g. a
girl who has washed her hands 3 times and STILL has dirt under her fingernails}.]



To use when you want to: ask your audience a question or poll your people

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q123) Ask your audience to self-identify from a variety of options, directly or creatively related
to your work. (i.e. Which attachment style are you? Vs. Which color scheme would you pick?)
Feel free to be creative!
(Q124) Create a mock-up of 3 different versions of a product/service, and invite your audience
to vote for their favorite. You could do this for different branding, photos, colors, styles, etc.
(Q125) Share a meme dump of memes related to a problem or common experience people in
your industry have. Ask your audience which one they most relate to.
(Q126) Ask your audience to choose a name for your upcoming product. Tell them about the
product and give them 3 options, or ask them to shout out ideas.
(Q127) Ask your people directly: What do they want to see next? What do they need help with?
(Q128) Invite your audience to play “Can you [do this better]?” Use a prompt from your industry
(e.g. for content writers: Can you write a better blog title? Can you find all the homophones?)

Possible Post Titles:

T149. Are you a [identity 1] or an [identity 2]?
T150. (Do you know/What’s) your [identity type]?
T151. (Which/What) (kind of) [identity type] are you?
T152. Which [option] would [you/your business/audience] [choose]?
T153. Which [option] should [I/we] [verb]?
T154. What your [identity type/quality] says about you →

Option 1
Bonus points if you can guess [what my answer would be].

Option 2:
[Here’s how to know for sure. / Here’s how to be super sure:]

You’re an [identity 1] if
[way they can tell — literal, metaphorical, or comical]
[another way they can tell — literal, metaphorical, or comical]
[another way they can tell — literal, metaphorical, or comical]

You’re an [identity 2] if
[way they can tell — literal, metaphorical, or comical]
[another way they can tell — literal, metaphorical, or comical]
[another way they can tell — literal, metaphorical, or comical]

Option 3:
Where are my fellow [identity / types / options]?

Option 4:
I’m not saying there’s a right or wrong answer but…can we talk about [option]?

Option 5:
Can you guess [which one I’d pick / what MOST people are / etc.]?




To use when you want to: ask for your audience’s help or input

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q122) Ask your audience to comment their favorite books/podcasts/accounts/advice/etc.
related to your industry.
(Q124) Create a mock-up of 3 different versions of a product/service, and invite your audience
to vote for their favorite. You could do this for different branding, photos, colors, styles, etc.
(Q126) Ask your audience to choose a name for your upcoming product. Tell them about the
product and give them 3 options, or ask them to shout out ideas.
(Q127) Ask your people directly: What do they want to see next? What do they need help with?

Possible Post Titles:

T153. Which [option] should [I/we] [verb]?
T155. Help [me/us/person] [make a decision].
T156. [Contribute to] my next [deliverable]

Option 1
Asking for a friend.

Option 2
[I/We] will respect the results of Majority Rules.

Option 3:
Can [I/we] get some help here?!

Option 4
Settle this debate for [me/us].

Option 5:
How do you decide when [they’re all so good? / you want them all?]

Option 6:
Currently suffering from a lifelong case of decision fatigue.

Option 7:
Do [me/us] a favor and help a [girl / guy / newbie / {job title} / {business type}] out.

Option 8:
Polls close at [midnight / 5PM / {branded term (e.g. witching hour)}].

Option 9:
Hint: it’s not [option / slide / dress / etc.] [number X].

Option 10:
I want full honesty. As long as it’s nice.




To use when you want to: invite your audience to engage with a game

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q128) Invite your audience to play “Can you [do this better]?” Use a prompt from your industry
(e.g. for content writers: Can you write a better blog title? Can you find all the homophones?)
(Q129) Do you have any surprising, confusing, engaging, or entertaining photos of you or your
product/work? Otherwise, find a photo or meme that could be interpreted in a variety of ways,
and start a “best comment” contest.
(Q130) What could you have people guess or estimate about your work or business? (E.g.
Guess how much this house is worth? Guess which photo is unedited?)
Possible Post Titles:

T144. Can you [complete this game/challenge]?

T145. Guess which [content] [was more/less] [adjective]?
T146. Can you [engage in this challenge/activity/game]?
T147. [How many/How far/How well] can you [complete this challenge/activity/game]?

Option 1:
May the best [audience member / thing] win.

Option 2:
TBH it took [me / us / my {partner/coworker/sister/etc.}] [X] tries to [get this right/figure it

Option 3:
Hint: it’s probably NOT your first guess.

Option 4:
Who’s up for a *challenge* in the comments?

Option 5:
The comments on this post are about to be [adjective (e.g. hilarious, SO REAL, etc.)].

Option 6:
First one to get it right in the comments WINS.

The prize is bragging rights.

Option 7:
I only got to [this point] before [this happened] (e.g. I only got to 42 seconds before I

Option 8:
[Audience]: caption this.




To use when you want to: invite people to engage in a challenge
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q128) Invite your audience to play “Can you [do this better]?” Use a prompt from your industry
(e.g. for content writers: Can you write a better blog title? Can you find all the homophones?)
(Q131) What are some activities related to your product or work?
(Q132)What are ways you can measure progress or a starting point towards a goal?

Possible Post Titles:

T144. Can you [complete this game/challenge]?
T146. Can you [engage in this challenge/activity/game]?
T147. [How many/How far/How well] can you [complete this challenge/activity/game]?
T148. This [challenge/quiz/activity] will make you a [superlative] [job title/identity]

Option 1:
[Is it just me, or is this {harder / more fun / etc.} than it looks? / Trust me: this is harder
than it looks.]

Option 2:
Okay, [audience] — [give me your best idea / bring your A-game / who’s up for a
challenge?! / let’s see {how you do / what you can come up with / describe a positive

Option 3:
Most people [get this far] OR How far did you get?

Option 4:
I won’t lie to you.

It took me [timeline] to be able to [do this challenge correctly/at the highest level].

Option 5:
If I’m being honest?

[Getting to the final stage / result / level / etc.] took longer than I’d like to admit.

Option 6:
Stop what you’re doing and [do this thing]!

Option 8:
The [best result / comment with the most likes / etc.] gets bragging rights.

Option 9:
Here’s a simple way to [test / measure / etc.] [what the challenge will help them learn
(e.g. your ankle mobility level / your CO2 max)]

Optional body:
[Give background on why the challenge is helpful or important / what they’ll gain from
doing it].




To use when you want to: engage in an activity

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q131) What are some activities related to your product or work?

Possible Post Titles:

T146. Can you [engage in this challenge/activity/game]?
T147. [How many/How far/How well] can you [complete this challenge/activity/game]?
T148. This [challenge/quiz/activity] will make you a [superlative] [job title/identity]

Attention all [audience members]!

Option 1:
If you [experience this problem or struggle], you need to try this.

Option 2:
[Wanna make this ^ WAY easier? / If your immediate response is “OMG I can’t do that”
try this. / If you’re [getting this result when you try the activity (e.g. if your freestyle stroke
count is over 16), try this]

1. [Describe how to do the activity OR improve your performance step-by-step in a

numbered list.]
2. [Describe how to do the activity OR improve your performance step-by-step in a
numbered list.]
3. [Describe how to do the activity OR improve your performance step-by-step in a
numbered list.]

[And that’s all there is to it! / Not hard, right? / And lemme tell ya, those {X minutes} are
gonna be WORTH IT.]
After [X days/week/months], you’ll be [taking this action/getting this result] like [relatable

[Pinky swear. / (Seriously, though. It’ll help a LOT.) / Okay, maybe not QUITE like
{reference}. But c’mon, hard to {live up to that / beat {reference’s nickname}.}]




To use when you want to: explain why you’re making a change

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q133) What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that IS working? Share
the results, and reflect on the change.
(Q134) What’s a challenge you’re working through RIGHT NOW in your business? What’s hard
about it?
(Q135) What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that is NOT working?
Why do you think it didn’t work? How would you iterate in the future? What would you do again,
and what would you do differently? Reflect.

Possible Post Titles:

T157. Why [I’m/we’re] switching [to Y/from X to Y].
T158. Why [I’m/we’re] [changing] [strategy/process/etc.].
T163. We’re [presently taking this action]. Here’s why →

The big takeaway: [topic/new action] rules.

I never thought I’d want to [give up {X} OR add {task related to Y} to my to-do list].

Option 1:
But here I am!

Option 2:
HA. Just kidding. I knew I wanted to [make this change / switch to Y] the MINUTE
I started [taking previous action / doing X].

[What you were doing before] had [why it wasn’t doing enough / why you wanted to
make a change].

[X time ago], I [made the switch]!

So far, it’s been [tell them how it’s going, what you’re working through , or your wins].

Anybody else [in the process of switching from X to Y / changing {topic} / {taking this
new action, too}]? What are your thoughts?




To use when you want to: explain why you’re making a change

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q133) What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that IS working? Share
the results, and reflect on the change.
(Q134) What’s a challenge you’re working through RIGHT NOW in your business? What’s hard
about it?
(Q135) What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that is NOT working?
Why do you think it didn’t work? How would you iterate in the future? What would you do again,
and what would you do differently? Reflect.

Possible Post Titles:

T157. Why [I’m/we’re] switching [to Y/from X to Y].
T158. Why [I’m/we’re] [changing] [strategy/process/etc.].
T163. We’re [presently taking this action]. Here’s why →

[I’m/We’re] [X weeks / months / years] late on this. / If you’re thinking about [taking this
action], read this.]

Describe what you were doing or what you did at the start.
Choose one optional sentence starter:
When I first [decided on/chose/{action verb}] [strategy / process / topic], [describe
the situation that led you to make your precious choice (e.g. I was looking for the
cheapest course platform out there)].

Back in [Month / Year], [describe how you landed on the current situation (e.g. I
was shooting about 20 weddings a year, and managing the back-and-forth was
taking up SO much time. When I saw an ad for 20% off Honeybook, I signed up
without a second thought)].

My original [strategy / process] [describe the experience with the

strategy/process OR why you made the decision in the past (e.g. my editing
process involved HOURS at the computer, editing over 1,000+ photos, one by

[Strategy / process / Topic] was [describe why it was a good decision in the past
(e.g. Live launching helped me make over $10,000 in the first 2 months of my

Describe what changed.

Choose one optional sentence starter:
But after a while…
But now that I’ve [reached this point], I wanted…
It was [adjective OR summary of experience (e.g. definitely an awesome starting
point)]. But eventually…

Describe the turning point or the point of no return

Choose one optional sentence starter:
I realized…

It got to a point where I thought…[”Why don’t we just {make this change}? / do

we HAVE to keep {doing it this way}? / what if we just {made this change, said
VERY succinctly} (e.g. switched platforms)]?

Eventually, I started to [wonder / realize]…

After [struggling with this problem], I asked myself…

Summarize what you’re doing now

And that’s why now I’m…




To use when you want to: explain how you’re achieving a result

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q133) What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that IS working? Share
the results, and reflect on the change.
(Q135) What’s something new you’re trying right now in your business that is NOT working?
Why do you think it didn’t work? How would you iterate in the future? What would you do again,
and what would you do differently? Reflect.
(Q136) What is a new project you’re JUST starting to work on? How are you approaching it?
(Q139) Reflect when you reach certain milestones (X years in business, X followers, $X
earned). What got you there? What are you grateful for? What are you excited about next?

Possible Post Titles:

T160. How we [are/will be] [planning for/achieving result] [with a limitation]
T161. How [I/we/deliverable] [is/are] [affecting me/achieving result].
T162. We’re [presently taking this action]. Here’s how →

[X weeks/months ago] I/we [realized something / found out something that shocked me /
was given a wake-up call / got hit with a hard truth].

[Name a big realization related to your achievement around this topic (e.g. my courses
have been running themselves for 3 years, the average kitchen renovation costs
$35,000, I slept 10 hours more this month than last month, etc.)].

When I started [project / activity / business], I [knew I wanted / had high hopes for / I
envisioned / all I wanted was / I just wanted / I hoped / I planned / etc.] [to reach a very
small goal you’ve already surpassed OR to reach a very big “vision board” goal].

[But I knew it was a long shot. / But I didn’t think I’d be able to {do it {like this / so soon /
with this limitation}}!!! / But I knew it would take SO MUCH {time / planning / effort /
work / etc.}.]

[So now that it’s here / So getting {this result} / So now that we’ve done that and so
much more]?

[Yeah, it feels pretty freaking great. / It feels better than {something your audience would
love (e.g. free tickets to Beyoncé)}]




To use when you want to: share how your business runs financially

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q137) Recap your last month/quarter/year. Where did your revenue come from? What was
your best-selling product/service? What was your top-reviewed product/service?
(Q138) Recap your last launch. What did you launch? How much did you make? Where did
most of your revenue come from? What did you learn? What will you repeat next time? What
will you change?
(Q139) Reflect when you reach certain milestones (X years in business, X followers, $X
earned). What got you there? What are you grateful for? What are you excited about next?
(Q140) What does your business budget look like? Your profitability?

Possible Post Titles:

T159. My/our monthly [type of business expense] budget

T161. How [I/we/deliverable] [is/are] [affecting me/achieving result].
T162. We’re [presently taking this action]. Here’s how →
T163. We’re [presently taking this action]. Here’s why →

Wasn’t planning to share this but…

[Spill a statistic related to your business finances or a personal story related to finances
(e.g. When I started my business, I had -$17 in my bank account / My business made
$30k while I was on vacation this year / I didn’t raise my prices for my first 3 years in
business, etc.)].

[I KNOOOOW!!! / It’s hard to believe, right?! / I see your jaw on the floor and raise you
10. / I was stunned too.]

That’s why [financial topic] is SO IMPORTANT to me.

I started [taking this action related to finances] [X {months/years} ago / after {I hit this
financial or business goal}, and let me tell you — {GAME. CHANGER / my life is
CHANGED / My bank account is so happy / It feels SO GOOD}].

But it wasn’t all easy.

Scroll to see my big takeaways from [X months/years] [taking this action].




To use when you want to: reflect on why you do things the way you do them

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q141) What’s the best feedback you received in the past month/quarter/since you started your
business? What did it mean to you, and why? Reflect.
(Q142) What’s the best feedback you received in the past month/quarter/since you started your
business? What did it mean to you, and why? Reflect.
(Q143) What do you do “wrong” by other people’s standards…but “right” by yours?

Possible Post Titles:

T164. [Feedback review – serious or funny].
T165. [Aspect] [I/we/{business}] [does “wrong”].

Is it weird how much joy this gives me?

When I started [business], I promised myself that even if [I got this negative outcome
(e.g. I had people in my DMs hating on me)], I [would/wouldn’t] [take this action].

Because I don’t want [my business / my work / Business name] to [make you feel like
there’s a wrong way to {take this action} OR be all about {a negative consequence of
doing things the right way (e.g. erasing your personal style and giving you mine}].

[That’s not who I am / That’s just not realistic / That’s just not true].

I’m the kind of person who [summarize the way you do things that aren’t the norm OR an
alternative-to-the-norm belief].

I [describe what you do that’s not the norm OR what that looks like in practice in your

And give me a [describe something you like that’s out of the norm] anytime.

[I don’t care if it’s not {the norm / what people say, in quotations (e.g. “cool” / the “most
profitable”)} / Who cares if it doesn’t {describe the outcome you’d get doing things
“right”}? / Trying to {meet common expectation} just doesn’t matter to me / I don’t want to
be {what others consider a positive adjective}.]

[I dunno about you, but I think {“this feedback”} just shows I’m doing things RIGHT / So
I’m gonna call this a win / That’s why these comments just make me happy / The proof is
in the pudding. Or, I guess, the reviews / So, yes, I’m {reclaim negative review as a

[Thanks for being one of the ones who gets it. / I wear {negative review comment} with
pride, by the way. / Who else loves being {negative review comment}? / Join the
{adjective} club. It’s fun.]




To use when you want to: show what happened when you stopped doing the wrong thing

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q152) What is something you used to do in your business that you’ve now STOPPED doing?
What were the results of this change? How can you make those results quantifiable?
(Q154) What transformations do your clients mention when they talk about your
product/service? Be very specific.
(Q155) What can you measure about these transformations? Can you make them quantifiable?
See Brainstorm doc for examples of what you can quantify.

Possible Post Titles:

T167. (Optional: [I/we] helped) [Client] [take action]. [Here’s why/what happened]
T168. When you stop [taking unhelpful or worse action]....

This is why I’m obsessed with [topic].

Describe the before state of things:

When [client] came to me, [he/she/they] [were struggling].

→[Describe way they were struggling].

→[Another way they were struggling].
→[Another way they were struggling].

Describe what the client was doing wrong

It’s not that [he/she/they] [was/were] [describe situation that would have made client
incapable of fixing the problem OR incapable/failing/doomed/{adjective}].

Describe what you delivered or served:

[He/She/They] just needed [to / a little / a dose of / some] [what the client was missing].
We needed to [what you needed to do for the client (e.g. change the way she thought
about food, bring some COLOR to the table)].
But [describe the baseline problem (i.e. the all-beige everything look was holding her
back from the warmth she wanted)].

Encapsulate the after:

…Is [this] even the same [person / deliverable / business]?

[Shoutout to [client]. / {I’m [client}. You’re {client}.. We’re all {client}. / How much do you
LOVE {client’s} {final product}?]




To use when you want to: share a specific client result

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q153) Think about a time you took feedback from a client: What specifically did you change in
response to this feedback? What was the result?
(Q154) What transformations do your clients mention when they talk about your
product/service? Be very specific.
(Q155) What can you measure about these transformations? Can you make them quantifiable?
See Brainstorm doc for examples of what you can quantify.
(Q156) How did their personal experience change? How can you make that quantifiable? (E.g. If
they say their pain level decreased, ask them their average pain level before, and their average
pain level after on a scale of 1-10.)

Possible Post Titles:

T166. Secrets of a [achieved result]

T167. (Optional: [I/we] helped) [Client] [take action]. [Here’s why/what happened]
T168. When you stop [taking unhelpful action]...
T169. How [my client/I/we] [achieved result] [in timeline]
T170. [Client] [attention-grabbing story].
T171. Everything [I/we] did to [achieve huge result].
T176. Here’s what [achieving result] looks like.

THIS is why I do what I do.

For results like this.

When [client] first came to me, [they were STRUGGLING / they just wanted {small
desire/goal you over-delivered on}].

→ [Describe a problem they were struggling with].

→ [Describe a problem they were struggling with].
→ And [name the third problem (e.g. their split ends)]? [Don’t even get me started / You
don’t even want to know / Don’t even ask].

[ENTER: ME! Lol / {Your name / business / offer} to the rescue! / But then they {how
they first reached out to you (e.g. popped into my DMs, stepped into my shop, etc.)}]

Now, [X {days / months / years} later / after {working with me}], they [describe the
positive result (e.g. just had their BIGGEST. LAUNCH. EVER.)].

I mean, [proof of the result (e.g. $90k in 1 week!!! / the “best haircut of her life”?!)]

[Not bad, if I do say so myself / Hell to the yes / I’m speechless / (I’m acting like I’m
surprised, but actually I’m not)].

Because that’s what happens when you [take this action (e.g. go to a hairdresser who
specializes in curls)].




To use when you want to: explain what you did to achieve result

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q152) What is something you used to do in your business that you’ve now STOPPED doing?
What were the results of this change? How can you make those results quantifiable?
(Q153) Think about a time you took feedback from a client: What specifically did you change in
response to this feedback? What was the result?
(Q154) What transformations do your clients mention when they talk about your
product/service? Be very specific.
(Q155) What can you measure about these transformations? Can you make them quantifiable?
See Brainstorm Doc for examples of what you can quantify.
(Q156) How did their personal experience change? How can you make that quantifiable? (E.g. If
they say their pain level decreased, ask them their average pain level before, and their average
pain level after on a scale of 1-10.)

Possible Post Titles:

T167. (Optional: [I/we] helped) [Client] [take action]. [Here’s why/what happened]
T169. How [my client/I/we] [achieved result] [in timeline]
T171. Everything [I/we] did to [achieve huge result].
T172. Watch [me/us] turn [before] into [after].
T173. How [I/we] [changed] our [quantifiable analytic] from [X] to [Y].
T174. [Changes [I/we] made] to go from [before] to [after]
T175. How [I/we] [achieved major goal] [with professional limitations]
T176. Here’s what [achieving result] looks like.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

Choose one:
[Choice you made / Method] [is/are] EVERYTHING!!!
This clearly worked for *[me/client].*

But does that mean it will [be the right fit for everybody / always achieve this result]?

Does that mean you’ve got to [do exactly what {I/we} did / {do the same thing} or {you’re

Does that mean I think every [other option / path / alternative] is [a bad idea / a terrible
decision / a one-way road to {what failure looks like}]?

[NOPE! / Of course not.]

(Unless you’re [something that’s definitely a wrong move]. [In which case…good luck
with that / ….stop. /…just…please no ]. OR [That’s DEFINITELY a bad idea].)

There are [other ways / other options] [to/who can] [achieve success].

But [do they / can they / does alternative] [give one really great thing that’s specific to
you / work with this limitation (e.g. Do other hairstylists cry when you cry?)]

[I rest my case. / This is everything. / I’m still recovering. / I mean, look at {that




To use when you want to: explain how long the results *really* took to set expectations
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q152) What is something you used to do in your business that you’ve now STOPPED doing?
What were the results of this change? How can you make those results quantifiable?
(Q153) Think about a time you took feedback from a client: What specifically did you change in
response to this feedback? What was the result?
(Q154) What transformations do your clients mention when they talk about your
product/service? Be very specific.
(Q155) What can you measure about these transformations? Can you make them quantifiable?
The following questions 138-148 in this section are just a few examples of what you can
quantify. See Brainstorm doc for the “following questions” noted above.
(Q156) How did their personal experience change? How can you make that quantifiable? (E.g. If
they say their pain level decreased, ask them their average pain level before, and their average
pain level after on a scale of 1-10.)

Possible Post Titles:

T166. Secrets of a [achieved result]
T167. (Optional: [I/we] helped) [Client] [take action]. [Here’s why/what happened]
T168. When you stop [taking unhelpful action]...
T169. How [my client/I/we] [achieved result] [in timeline].
T170. [Client] [attention-grabbing story].
T171. Everything [I/we] did to [achieve huge result].
T176. Here’s what [achieving result] looks like.

This is the part where I remind you…

[Instagram is ~not~ reality / It’s NOT as easy as it looks / This didn’t happen overnight /
There’s a big messy middle between the before and after].

It took [X WEEKS/MONTHS/YEARS] for [me/client] to [get this result]. / It took [explain

the kind of preparation needed (e.g. 10 phone calls and some liquid courage)] before
[I/client] was ready to [take this action].

Because [getting this result] takes [list 1-3 big must-haves that set expectations (e.g.
research, planning, and a whole lotta patience)].

AKA: If you’re not willing to [do this uncomfortable thing], it’s [not gonna happen / you’re
gonna be out of luck / it’s probably not for you / stop before you even get started / just
quit now].

But if you’re willing to [do this uncomfortable thing (e.g. swap creamer for oat milk)]?

If you’re cool with [doing this uncomfortable thing]?

And if you don’t mind [doing this uncomfortable thing]?

[Yeah, you could *totally* do this too / In [X amount of time] you could be {getting this
result}, too. / You might even {surpass your/client’s result (e.g. get a $55k raise)}].




To use when you want to: share a relatable “before” story

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q157) What did your client tell you they were struggling with before working with you? What
were their exact words? See if you can find any DMs or messages.
(Q158) What emotional hesitations did they have about working with you? What had they tried
before that didn’t work? What did they almost try instead? When did they almost give up?
(Q159) What financial hesitations did they have about working with you? Why did they think it
was too expensive? Why did they question if it was worth the money?

Possible Post Titles:

T178. [Client] [put a lot of work in] [and got poor result].
T180. If you [struggle to take necessary positive steps]...
T181. {Before/After} {this transformation}...

Just because [current win or situation] doesn’t mean [past struggle didn’t happen / it was
always that way / it’s always going to be that way].

I can’t tell you how many people [come to me / show up in my inbox / DM me / reach out
to me] [with a similar story / and say, “{Limiting belief (e.g. I wish you… / I just can’t… /
I’ve tried everything to…/ I’m too… / I just don’t have enough…)}”]

And [everyone / accounts / {job titles}] always talk(s) about [how to solve {this problem
that comes up when you’re halfway down the road}].

But what if [you’re not even CLOSE to that point]?

[Like, what if {your idea of success} looks like {something very small}? OR [Like, what if
{very basic beginner action} feels {totally impossible / like your own personal Everest}
right now]?
I’ve worked with [audience members] [at {various stages of…} / for {X amount of time} /
going through {specific experience}].

And I know [no matter how far away it feels right now / even if {reaching this goal feels
IMPOSSIBLE} right now], [explain what’s possible or what needs to happen to get there].

[Optional: Share brief stories of clients who prove that fact, or give a few examples of
what those people looked like]

Sentence starters. Choose one and repeat x3.

Take [Client name], who [describe their starting point, hesitations, limiting
beliefs], who [now / went on to]...
I’ve worked with [audience] who [describe their specific starting point (e.g. begin
with over $100,000 in debt) and {now / went on to} {reach this goal /
Just look at [Client] who now [has this achievement], but [started with {describe
their starting point}].

[Does {reaching this goal} sound impossible now? / If it’s possible for them, it’s possible
for you. / {Being in this struggle} won’t last forever if you {take this action}. / And they all
were able to {overcome this problem} because they {took this action}.]




To use when you want to: respond to a client’s hesitation

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q158) What emotional hesitations did they have about working with you? What had they tried
before that didn’t work? What did they almost try instead? When did they almost give up?
(Q159) What financial hesitations did they have about working with you? Why did they think it
was too expensive? Why did they question if it was worth the money?
(Q161) What made them get past these hesitations?
(Q163) Were there any points along the journey that were difficult, or brought up their
hesitations again? How did they get through that moment?

Possible Post Titles:

T177. “Is [x] even possible for me?”
T179. Will [solution] [work/help] [if/with] [circumstances]?
T180. If you [struggle to take necessary positive steps]....

[Let’s dig into it. / Okay, honesty hour.]

The short answer? If you [what they need to want or do], [what’s possible (e.g. you can
meet your match online)].

But if it was really that [easy / simple], [it wouldn’t even be a question, would it? / you’d
have done it by now / you wouldn’t be reading this post right now / none of us would
{describe a situation that happens when you’re experiencing the problem (e.g. need
code words for “Call me in 5 minutes so I can have an excuse to leave this date”)}].

The [truer truth / whole truth / realist’s take] is that [name their hesitation] [is normal /
makes sense].

[Describe the action they need to take] can [be emotional / be {negative adjective (e.g.
hard AF)} / take work / time / effort / etc.] (Optional: — ESPECIALLY if you [describe
your niche’s limiting situation (e.g. haven’t really *dated* in 10+ years)]).

What if [describe what makes them nervous or what holds them back]?
What if [describe what makes them nervous or what holds them back]?
What if [describe what makes them nervous or what holds them back]?

And [after all that effort], what if [the big fear (e.g. you have regrets / it doesn’t work / you
end up worse than you started)]?

Optional: [Besides, / You’ve already] [describe what they’ve already done up until that
point that makes them feel like they’ve tried to fix the problem or achieve the goal]. [And
you’re still in this difficult situation / But you didn’t get this positive outcome].

[I’ll take your “what ifs” and raise you one more: what if {it does work out}? / But if you
never {describe what they were missing before}, you’ll never {get this positive
outcome}. / That’s why you need {the solution that will help ease their hesitations}.]




To use when you want to: challenge a hesitation or false belief
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q160) How can you put each of their hesitations at ease? What hesitations are valid, and what
hesitations are based on anxiety or false information?
(Q161) What made them get past these hesitations?
(Q162) How did it feel when they finally decided to work with you? What were they hopeful for?
(Q167) What misconceptions do your clients have before working with you? Can you give an
example of a positive outcome that challenges this misconception?
(Q171) What mindset shifts do your people need to make in order to start seeing results? What
do they need to let go of? How would this mindset shift change their behavior? What would it
look like?

Possible Post Titles:

T182: “But isn’t [hesitation/false belief].”
T183: If you think [false belief]...
T184: If you’ve been telling yourself [false belief]...
T186: You don’t have to [industry standard].

It’s honesty hour and I’m not holding back. / This will change your mind.

SO MANY PEOPLE think [common misconception].

And yeah, sometimes that’s true.

...if [these circumstances are true].

BUT if you’re…

[Experiencing this problem / taking this positive action]

[Experiencing this problem / taking this positive action]
[Experiencing this problem / taking this positive action]

[Then the only thing holding you back from {getting this positive outcome} is YOU. / Then
you’re standing in your own way! / Then {getting this positive outcome} is TOTALLY
POSSIBLE for you.]

So you could keep [telling yourself this false belief].

Or you could [start to believe this is possible].

Psst…if you want to [start the journey today], [tell them what they need to do to start].



To use when you want to: reiterate why other ideas or solutions aren’t the best option

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q166) What have people done to try to solve their problem in the past? What have they tried
before that didn’t work?
(Q168) For your target audience: in what ways do other solutions fall short?
(Q170) Why does it make sense that other solutions haven’t worked? In what ways have they
been misled or set up to fail?
(Q171) What mindset shifts do your people need to make in order to start seeing results? What
do they need to let go of? How would this mindset shift change their behavior? What would it
look like?

Possible Post Titles:

T185. [False belief] is [giving you negative outcome]. Here’s why →

T187. This is what happens when [step into solution].
T189. What if [alternative option] [was the better option]?
T190. Is [option 1] better than [option 2]?

I’m speaking from experience here…

Relate to the “before” belief:

[You’ve probably heard {common belief or alternative solution is best} / I know what it’s
like to {LOVE / dream of / rely on / etc.} {aspect of alternative solution} / Confession time:
{alternative solution, e.g. Purina Pro Plan} used to be my go-to / There was a time when
I {was experiencing alternative solution (e.g. was a gym rat, paid $2400 a month in

Explain how you arrived at the before or what you were doing at the time:
(e.g. I read blogs about healthy dog food and asked my vet for recs. I felt like I’d done
my dog food research / I was lifting weights 4 to 5 times a week / I left college with a
Literature degree, fully expecting to spend 25% of my income on rent and budget for one
trip a year.)

Explain why you may have had doubts / what you didn’t like about it.
Choose one sentence starter.
[And sure — sometimes I’d…] e.g. think to myself, “Can a diet of 95% dry [kibble]
really be healthy for a whole lifetime?”

[Did I start to…] e.g. skip workout because the 20 minute drive to and from the
gym felt more and more like a drag? Of course I did.

[Sometimes, I’d feel like…] (e.g. my whole life was centered around making it to
the gym.)

And even though it [felt like the wrong thing to do / the opposite of what I
wanted], I didn’t question it.

[But I’m telling you / But AS SOON AS / But within {X days / weeks / months} of

[One positive change you noticed OR positive outcome that happened as a result].
[Optional: Another positive change you noticed].
[Optional: And another positive change you noticed].

So if [other thing isn’t working / they want a specific result]?

[Summarize what they should do].




To use when you want to: help them see what’s possible

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q164) What do they think of the result of working with you/buying your product? What
hesitations did it put to rest?
(Q165) What would they have missed out on if they’d skipped out on your solution?
(Q167) What misconceptions do your clients have before working with you? Can you give an
example of a positive outcome that challenges this misconception?
(Q169) What misconceptions did YOU have about your work before you went into it? What
changed YOUR mind?
(Q171) What mindset shifts do your people need to make in order to start seeing results? What
do they need to let go of? How would this mindset shift change their behavior? What would it
look like?
Possible Post Titles:
T183. If you think [false belief]...
T187. This is what happens when [step into solution].
T188. Imagine if THIS was your [deliverable]
T189. What if [alternative option] [was the better option]?

The [simple change / one shift / action] that took me from X to Y?


I used to hear “you [HAVE to / should totally / gotta try] [taking this action] all the time.
But I always found some excuse NOT to [take action].

“[Write a relatable excuse (e.g. I’m just not good with computers)].”
“[Write another relatable excuse].”
“[Write another relatable excuse].”

But then [X months/years ago/last month], I [hit this roadblock / experienced this
challenging moment / had a major failure].

And I knew [something had to change / it wasn’t gonna fix itself / I didn’t want to spend
{timeline} {dealing with the impacts of doing nothing (e.g. the next 50 years struggling to
get off the couch)}], so I finally gave in and [made this change].

[Honestly, I didn’t think it would {come out this good}. / Am I the only one obsessed with
the result?! / I mean, CLEARLY it was the right decision. / AND HOLY FORK AM I
GLAD I DID. / You know what? Best. Decision. Ever. / And I was kicking myself for not
doing it sooner.]

Because [almost immediately / X days later, within X months]...

→ [Describe a positive result]

→ [Describe a positive result]
→ [Describe a positive result]

[^Those results speak for themselves. / I mean, WHY didn’t I try this sooner? /
{Date + Your Name (e.g. 2019 Jenny)} would be so {positive emotion (e.g.

SCROLL to see [my best tips for [taking these actions] / X tips I wish I’d known when I’d
first started {taking this action} that would have made it SO. MUCH EASIER.]



To use when you want to: compare a before to the after

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q172) Compare a first draft or initial sketch with the final product you deliver to your client.
(Q173) What visually changed for your client before and after using your product/service? What
can you point out to highlight the changes?
(Q174) How did your client or customer feel before vs. after using your product/service?
(Q175) What was your client’s mental state before and after using your product/service? What
did their thoughts look like before vs. after? What did they tell themselves? What did they worry
about? What did they see for their future?
(Q176) What was your client’s financial situation before and after using your product/service?
(Q179) For each of the above questions, what are 3 different ways you could show the
difference before vs. after? Your first idea is rarely your best idea! Here are a few ideas to get
you started: See Brainstorm doc for the list of ideas referenced here.

Possible Post Titles:

T194. When you {take desired action} {optional: every day/week/month/year}...
T195. This is what a [lesser option] and [better option] look like
T196. When [I/client] first started [taking this action] vs. now

See the difference?! / [Job titles / Audience] will understand this… / This always
surprises people.

The [FIRST] things I [notice / feel proud of / etc.] when [comparing / I think about the
difference between / I remember] [what it was like in the early years / where I started /
{the before} to {the after}]?

Repeat the following structure up to 5 times.

→ [Point out a specific detail that’s different from before to after OR note a big
transformation (e.g. My wrists used to hurt so much after 2-3 minutes on my hands, but
now I can practice for 10-15 minutes without any pain)].

[Optional: Explain what that detail means, what you did to make that change happen, or
why the after is so much better.]
Optional sentence starters. Pick one:
That only happened after…
This came down to…
You can see how…
Notice the way…
What really helped was…
I started noticing real improvement when…

[What differences do you notice / Are you working on {transformation / improvement}





To use when you want to: focus on the work in the messy middle

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q180) What did the transformation look like while it was happening? What major decisions
were you making?
(Q181) Did you come to any crossroads or big questions on your way from A to B?
(Q182) What difficult work or consistent action was required to make the transformation

Possible Post Titles:

T191. From [identity before] to [identity after]
T192. Here’s {what I did to transform} from {before} to {after}
T193. “Customer quote about transformation.”
T194. When you {take desired action} {optional: every day/week/month/year}...

Let me just remind you: [this is Instagram. / this is 1/100th of the work. / this didn’t
happen overnight. / this took [time / work / effort].]

So where you see [a huge transformation]?

I see [list everything that went into this big transformation: the years of work, the
expertise, the failures, the hard-won wisdom, the personality traits or mindset shifts that
let you to here. Be specific, (e.g. 3 years, over 120 hours of practice, so many bad
paintings that will never see the light of day…)].

[So, yes — a moment of appreciation for {how far it’s come}! / I’m so proud of {the
progress / the final result / this feedback}].
But [I won’t pretend / I’d never want you to think] [everything I’ve ever done has been
perfect. / I came out of the gate striking gold. / It’s all natural talent and luck, because it’s
not! / if you think {it’s always been this way}, {oh ho ho — you would be wrong / welp…if
only / I WISH}]

Sometimes, you have to [go through the messy middle (e.g. draw 100 hands that look
like weird dragon feet)] before you can [learn the lesson or achieve result (e.g. get the
scale right)].

[So remember: / It’s all about] [big takeaway].




To use when you want to: share a specific client story

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q174) How did your client or customer feel before vs. after using your product/service?
(Q175) What was your client’s mental state before and after using your product/service? What
did their thoughts look like before vs. after? What did they tell themselves? What did they worry
about? What did they see for their future?
(Q177) If you were going to tell a story of what your client’s experience looked like BEFORE
working with you, what story would you tell? You can think about your personal interactions with
your client (what they said), or your interpretation (what you noticed).
(Q178) If you were going to tell a story of your client’s experience AFTER working with you,
what story would you tell? You can think about your personal interactions with your client (what
they said), or your interpretation (what you noticed).

Possible Post Titles:

T191. From [identity before] to [identity after]
T192. Here’s {what I did to transform} from {before} to {after}
T193. “Customer quote about transformation”
T196. When [I/client] first started [taking this action] vs. now

Get your fire emojis ready.

When [client] reached out to me, they were [describe the “before” picture in 1 word].
The first thing I noticed was [describe a big problem they were struggling with that you
noticed right away]. They/Their [zoom in one a specific detail that shows the problem in
action]. And they [{describe a behavior that was problematic (e.g. they just kept saying
“{problematic statement}”} / they wouldn’t stop {doing this behavior} / they told me
{“something problematic thing they admitted to you”}].

[So basically I had my work cut out for me / But that’s nothing I can’t {fix/handle} / Good
thing I’m an expert at {their specific problem}].

The first thing I did was [describe the first change you made], because it was [badly
needed / NECESSARY, am I right? / going to make me vomit / just the worst ever / a
quick win].

I followed that up with a little [of this], a little [of that], and a whole LOT of [this]...


[What do you think of the final result?! / May I present: the new and improved {noun}]!!! /
Seriously though, how much do you LOVE IT?! / You almost can’t believe it's the same




To use when you want to: show the bigger impacts of a small change

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q183) How would your client’s life look different in 1 month if they got your product/service
now? How about in 6 months? 1 year?
(Q185) What kind of growth/success/happiness/relief can they look forward to through your
product/service? Can you quantify it? If not, how can you help them visualize it?
(Q186) Take a current client’s results and project how their results will get even better in 1
month, 6 months, or 1 year. What will this mean for them? What new possibilities will open up
for them?
(Q187) What would your clients be able to spend more time on later if they invested in your
product/service now? Help them visualize it.
(Q188) How would your client’s investment pay off if they invested in your product/service now?
How long would it take before they made back their investment?
Possible Post Titles:
T197. If you [started action] today…
T198. What to expect when you [take this action]
T200. What happens when you [live with offer] instead of [without it]
T201. If you [swap/replace] [one choice] [for/with] [another]...
T202. If you [spend time] [doing this activity]
T203. If you [do activity] [for amount of time]
T204. What a [lesser option] [would look like] in [timeline]
T205. This is your [reminder/sign/message] [to do action now]
T206. Want [result] [by/when/before] [future age / date]?

Choose one of the following hook options:

Who knew {such a small change / one tiny change / specify the change, (e.g. throw
pillows)} could [make such a big impact? / change EVERYTHING? / {achieve big


This [makes me laugh / gets me / shocks me] every. single. time.

What your [job title / person, e.g. plastic surgeon] didn’t tell you?...

Did you know…

If [lay out a projection of what they could do (e.g. if you wear SPF every day)]

[By {time / age / milestone}, you’ll have {expected result}] OR [Describe the result they’ll
experience (e.g. your cat could become more affectionate)]?

Lay out what they’re doing right now that isn’t as impactful.
There are probably things you’re doing right now [to get a similar result OR that are
taking the time and space you could be putting towards other action].

[Maybe you / You probably] [take this other action].

[Maybe you / You don’t even think about] [take this other action].
Maybe you even [take this action, too].

So why aren’t you [also doing this / doing the one thing that has a more direct or tangible
result / etc.] OR But [if you stopped doing that other thing], you would be able to
[accomplish goal].
[This has been a public service announcement / Your {future self / related component}
will thank you / (But nothing against those {other things}. Keep doing them, too) / {X
minutes / days} for {X long-term impact}? Sounds like a deal].




To use when you want to: show what results they might expect based on a projection

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q183) How would your client’s life look different in 1 month if they got your product/service
now? How about in 6 months? 1 year?
(Q185) What kind of growth/success/happiness/relief can they look forward to through your
product/service? Can you quantify it? If not, how can you help them visualize it?
(Q186) Take a current client’s results and project how their results will get even better in 1
month, 6 months, or 1 year. What will this mean for them? What new possibilities will open up
for them?
(Q188) How would your client’s investment pay off if they invested in your product/service now?
How long would it take before they made back their investment?
(Q189) Visualize a few different scenarios whereby a potential client could make back their
investment. What would it take to make back their investment in 1 month? 3 months? 6 months?
1 year?
(Q190) What are 3 VERY possible ways your clients could make back their investment in 6
months? (You can switch out 6 months for any reasonable timeline.)

Possible Post Titles:

T197. If you [started action] today…
T198. What to expect when you [take this action]
T199. [Results/What] to expect from [deliverable]
T200. What happens when you [live with offer] instead of [without it]
T201. If you [swap/replace] [one choice] [for/with] [another]...
T203. If you [do activity] [for amount of time]
T204. What a [lesser option] [would look like] in [timeline]
T205. This is your [reminder/sign/message] [to do action now]

Have you [ever / actually] [done the math / calculated it / looked at the numbers]?
Well [we all know / obviously / you can bet your booty] I have.

You always hear [job titles] [talk vaguely / make general promises] about [the positive
result of OR the good things that happen when] [taking action].

[But what does {it / that} actually look like / But what would {it / that / results} look like for

[Let’s take the guesswork out of it / Well, let’s *visualize* / Personally, I like examples /
There are a lot of big promises out there, but I‘m a realist].

Here’s [what to expect / what could happen / what’s possible / the average {results you’ll
experience} / what {timeline} could look like] [if / when] you [start taking action / get




To use when you want to: set expectations around what’s possible

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q185) What kind of growth/success/happiness/relief can they look forward to through your
product/service? Can you quantify it? If not, how can you help them visualize it?
(Q188) How would your client’s investment pay off if they invested in your product/service now?
How long would it take before they made back their investment?
(Q189) Visualize a few different scenarios whereby a potential client could make back their
investment. What would it take to make back their investment in 1 month? 3 months? 6 months?
1 year?
(Q190) What are 3 VERY possible ways your clients could make back their investment in 6
months? (You can switch out 6 months for any reasonable timeline.)

Possible Post Titles:

T197. If you [started action] today…
T198. What to expect when you [take this action]
T199. [Results/What] to expect from [deliverable]
T200. What happens when you [live with offer] instead of [without it]
T201. If you [swap/replace] [one choice] [for/with] [another]...
T203. If you [do activity] [for amount of time]
T204. What a [lesser option] [would look like] in [timeline]
T205. This is your [reminder/sign/message] [to do action now]
Here’s the thing about [these numbers / the stats / your potential growth / {growth path or
what you can achieve (e.g. apartment-friendly makeovers)}...]

[It’s not the same for everyone! / They’re just ONE picture of what’s possible. / There’s
gonna be *variety.* / You can’t know *for sure* what it’ll look like for you. / We can’t see
the future.]

The “average” doesn’t [tell you an accurate story about / apply to] [person at the other
ends of the spectrum — describe real client profile if you have them (e.g. the mom who’s
working on a $10 budget)].

Just because one of my clients [who took action] [reached this goal in this timeline]
doesn’t mean [all of my clients / everyone / anyone who does the same thing] will.

Because it’s not just about [taking action].

(If it was, [everyone would do it / you wouldn’t need my help / etc.])

[Tell a truth about the variance of results (e.g. For some people, it takes 2 weeks. For
others, it takes 2 years)].

Self-select options: Choose 1:

But if you want to give yourself the BEST chance of [achieving goal]?
But if you’re [working with limitation], and you know [you need support / are
But if you’ve [describe what they’re already tried, without seeing results]?
But if you…
[Describe your ideal target audience’s specific struggle]
[Describe what your ideal target audience has already tried]
And [Describe what your ideal target audience wants more than




To use when you want to: explain who the visualization or projection applies to

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q191) Who is this realistic for? What do clients already need to have figured out to be a good
candidate or “match” for the visualization or projection?
Possible Post Titles:
T197. If you [started action] today…
T198. What to expect when you [take this action]
T199. [Results/What] to expect from [deliverable]
T200. What happens when you [live with offer] instead of [without it]
T201. If you [swap/replace] [one choice] [for/with] [another]...
T203. If you [do activity] [for amount of time]
T204. What a [lesser option] [would look like] in [timeline]
T205. This is your [reminder/sign/message] [to do action now]

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. / I know what you’re thinking. / Go ahead, call
me out.

This post? It’s not about everyone.

Because if you’re [way they’re not ready]? It’s actually *not* [the right time to take this
advice / going to help you / going to happen like this].

You need [what they already need to have figured out] BEFORE [they take action].

So it’s really only about you if…

[Condition they’ve already met].
[Another condition they’ve already met].
[Another condition they’ve already met].

Otherwise, [what will happen if they step in too soon / aren’t ready].

[Glad we got that out of the way. / Cool? Cool. / Capiche? / And that’s definitely *not* the
goal. / But if you ARE {ready for this}?]




To use when you want to: describe a past client or customer & what they wanted

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q193) Show an example of a project or product that was made specifically for one client.
Explain how it was made with them in mind.
(Q196) What is a specific detail of a project that a client especially LOVED? What did they say
about it?
(Q197) Take a specific detail from a project and share the inspiration.
(Q198) Take an element of a project that’s especially meaningful. How did you come up with the

Possible Post Titles:

T207. You won’t believe how this {project/deliverable} turned out
T208. Final reveal of a {optional: adjective} {deliverable} / {Adjective} {deliverable} reveal
T210. You need to see this {deliverable}

Honestly, I’m so proud of this one.

Y’all know I [have a soft spot for / love] [a big transformation / the kind of project this

When [client] came to me with this idea, I [literally gasped / IMMEDIATELY knew it was
a yes / got so excited I nearly peed my pants]
First of all, client is [describe the client]. I’m talking [give more specifics on how you just
described them]. Like, they’re the kind of person who [would totally take this action (e.g.
would totally put a bright purple shag rug in their living room and make it WORK)].

So when they told me they wanted…

[“Say what they wanted.”]

[“Say what they wanted.”]
[“Say what they wanted.”]

…I knew [this kind of project/vibe/location/result/etc.] would be [PERFECT / just the thing

/ exactly right / so much fun / etc.].

What are your thoughts? Do you love it as much as I do?!




To use when you want to: highlight a recent project or product you love

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q199) Look at all of the details of a project vs. the big picture? How do the details come
together to make the big picture?
Possible Post Titles:
T207. You won’t believe how this {project/deliverable} turned out
T208. Final reveal of a {optional: adjective} {deliverable} / {Adjective} {deliverable} reveal
T210. You need to see this {deliverable}

POV: your [deliverable/project] turns out like this / Where could you be [X] [timeframe]
from now?

[I mean, just ask {Client] / Just look at {Client’s deliverable} / I mean, really, look at that

[Client] [came to me looking for / was looking for / specifically asked for, and I quote, /
described her/his/their {style / ideal} as] [describe what they were looking for].

[Did we deliver, or did we deliver? / This final result might be one of my all-time favorites.
/ But [they] DEFINITELY weren’t prepared for this final result.]




To use when you want to: draw attention to specific details of a project or product

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q193) Show an example of a project or product that was made specifically for one client.
Explain how it was made with them in mind.
(Q194) What is a detail/element of a project that you’re especially proud of?
(Q196) What is a specific detail of a project that a client especially LOVED? What did they say
about it?
(Q197)Take a specific detail from a project and share the inspiration.
(Q198) Take an element of a project that’s especially meaningful. How did you come up with the
(Q199) Look at all of the details of a project vs. the big picture? How do the details come
together to make the big picture?

Possible Post Titles:

T207. You won’t believe how this {project/deliverable} turned out
T208. Final reveal of a {optional: adjective} {deliverable} / {Adjective} {deliverable} reveal
T210. You need to see this {deliverable}
T211. I {took this surprising action} →

I’m honestly BUZZING. / I’m still in disbelief!

[Can we PLEASE talk about the {detail}?! / Is it just me, or is {detail} {a showstopper /
KILLIN’ IT / my best work / everything you’ve ever wanted out of {deliverable/final
result}}] / Am I the only one obsessed with {detail} / I can’t stop thinking about {detail}.]

[But we can’t forget about {other detail} / And don’t even get me STARTED on {other
detail} / Not to mention {other detail}].

The/And [detail / descriptive element (e.g. coziness)].

The/And [detail].
The/And [detail].

[THIS IS NOT AVERAGE WORK, PEOPLE! / I’m swooning. / It’s almost like {completing
this task} is my job. / I mean…can I {how you would get this for yourself (e.g. just move
in here)}? / Don’t you just want to {do absurd or dramatic thing (e.g. throw out everything
in your closet and only wear bathrobes for the rest of your life)}?]

[Sign me up / I’ll happily be the leader of {topic or detail} club / I can’t get enough of it].

Which detail is your favorite?




To use when you want to: show a project or product at different stages of the process

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q195) What is a detail/element of a project that took a long time to perfect? What were the first,
second, and third drafts like? How did you get to the final product?
(Q199) Look at all of the details of a project vs. the big picture? How do the details come
together to make the big picture?

Possible Post Titles:

T207. You won’t believe how this {project/deliverable} turned out
T208. Final reveal of a {optional: adjective} {deliverable} / {Adjective} {deliverable} reveal
T209. It (optional: only) took me {timeline} to {complete this offer}...
T211. I {took this surprising action} →

That transformation, though. / Who else noticed the [detail]?!

When I think back to this [deliverable] [X time] ago, [I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE IT. / I’m
literally speechless. / I can’t help but think, “Was that me?”]

I’ve dubbed this [project / experience] [Name that encapsulates the vibe or experience].

What started out as a [negative adjectives x 3] [type of deliverable/offer] is now a

[POSITIVE ADJECTIVES X 3] [deliverable/offer].

And it’s all thanks to [*moi* / {tool / integral element (e.g. Flodesk)}].

([And {X} of the most stressful hours you can imagine / And {X} {things that got you
through (e.g. 400 cups of coffee)} / And {name team members}, too, I guess. Don’t
wanna take all the credit. / And {client(s)}, because the {component (e.g. vision)} was all
{him / her / them!}])




To use when you want to: attract people who want something similar to your product or result

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q192) What is a product or project you specifically LOVED working on, that really shows off
your expertise? What about it do you love?
(Q200) What is an overview of everything you deliver? What can your clients expect to receive?
(These can be tangible deliverables like “foot massage” or intangible deliverables like “relaxing
(Q201) Take each individual deliverable: Think about everything that goes into the process from
creating it to getting it to your clients. Look for the moments that take special consideration.
Share them.
(Q202) How do you deliver your deliverables? If you have packaging, what’s special about it?
Why did you select it?

Possible Post Titles:

T207. You won’t believe how this {project/deliverable} turned out
T208. Final reveal of a {optional: adjective} {deliverable} / {Adjective} {deliverable} reveal
T209. It (optional: only) took me {timeline} to {complete this offer}...
T210. You need to see this {deliverable}
T211. I {took this surprising action} →

Did you notice the [funny/cute/cool/relatable detail]?! / Please tell me you noticed the
[repeat the detail].

Look — I know not everyone [loves / gets excited about / lives for] [this thing / detail /
style / big promise].

But if you love [one thing they’ll love about this project / deliverable example] as much as
I do OR But if [detail / method / specific final result] [speaks to your soul / is your vibe /
really revs your engine / etc.] OR But if nothing matters to you more than [this one

Well, my friend, [you have found your place / I saved you a seat / you’re going to like it in
my corner of the internet / we are cut from the same cloth / you and I have that in
common / there’s a lot more where this came from].

Let’s [get this result for you, too]. OR Wondering if your [before] has [this potential]?





To use when you want to: announce a new offer

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q203) Take one specific offer. How is your offer the PERFECT solution for one problem your
audience is facing or one desire they have?
(Q204) When they buy your offer, what is immediately going to change for them?
(Q205) What will change for them in 6 months?
(Q206) What will change for them in 1 year?
(Q207) What is included in your offer, and what is the purpose of each inclusion? In other
words, which problem is each inclusion the perfect solution for?
(Q208) What proof do you have that your offer will help/be valuable?

Possible Post Titles:

T212. [Name of offer].
T213. [Offer name] is now live!
T214. [Join/get/snag/sign up for/etc.] [offer name].
T215. Ready to [achieve goal]?
T217. Meet our [new/{year}/{season}/superlative] {deliverable}

Big news. Huge.

[Offer name] is finally here!

This isn’t [like any other/your average] [similar offer from your competitors].

[No-siree Bob / Not even a little / Nuh-uh / If {similar offers} are like {comparison part 1
(e.g. a Barbie sticker)}, {this offer} is like {comparison part 2 (e.g. the whole freaking
dream house)}.

Because [this offer] [describe your unique selling proposition — what do you do best?].

([Pretty cool, right? / Yup, it’s as {adjective (e.g. *fantabulous*/awesome/valuable/etc.)}

as it sounds. / Not tryna brag or anything but I’M BRAGGING IT’S AWESOME OK?])

[It’s got / It comes with / We’re talking]…

→[List deliverable]
→[List deliverable]
→[List deliverable]
→[List deliverable]

[So if you’re {describe the target audience}… / So if you want to {describe your target
audience’s desire}… / So if you’re ready to {describe the end result or outcome of getting
your offer}… / So if you’ve been {struggling with / waiting to / etc.} {describe your
audience’s problem}...]


To use when you want to: announce a sale

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q203) Take one specific offer. How is your offer the PERFECT solution for one problem your
audience is facing or one desire they have?
(Q204) When they buy your offer, what is immediately going to change for them?
(Q205) What will change for them in 6 months?
(Q206) What will change for them in 1 year?
(Q207) What is included in your offer, and what is the purpose of each inclusion? In other
words, which problem is each inclusion the perfect solution for?
(Q208) What proof do you have that your offer will help/be valuable?
(Q210) Why should your audience buy your solution NOW and not in 6 months? (E.g. special
bonuses, limited-time discounts, flash sales, limited spots, temporary enrollment period, etc.)

Possible Post Titles:

T219. [Name of sale].
T220. [X] off [offer/name of sale]! [Optional: Details]

IT’S HERE!!! / If you need [solution], NOW’S THE TIME!

If you [saw/watched/read/liked] [specific content you’ve shared] and thought “[I SO

NEED THAT / That’s exactly me. / Yup, can relate. / It’s funny ‘cuz it’s TRUE]”

(You’re gonna wanna stick around for this. / This one’s for you. / GET EXCITED!!!)

‘Cuz [describe your offer’s availability (e.g. spots for {service} are officially open!) /
{Product} is now LIVE!]

[{Product/Service} is a {describe what the offer is} for {target audience} who {want/are}
ready to {get this positive outcome or benefit}] OR [{Product/Service} is everything you
need to {get this positive outcome}] OR [We packed {product} with {positive adjective
(e.g. the absolute best)} {describe the deliverables (e.g. vegan ingredients}] OR [Here’s
what’s inside]

→ [List a deliverable here or describe a benefit]

→ [List another deliverable here or describe a benefit]
→ [List another deliverable here or describe a benefit]
→ [List another deliverable here or describe a benefit]
→ [List another deliverable here or describe a benefit]

The truth is [what related products/services get wrong / fail to do].

That’s why [how you’re doing it better with this product/service].

So when you’re ready to [describe the positive outcome they can expect]?




To use when you want to: bump up an offer people may have missed

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q203) Take one specific offer. How is your offer the PERFECT solution for one problem your
audience is facing or one desire they have?
(Q204) When they buy your offer, what is immediately going to change for them?
(Q207) What is included in your offer, and what is the purpose of each inclusion? In other
words, which problem is each inclusion the perfect solution for?
(Q208) What proof do you have that your offer will help/be valuable?
(Q209) What is one specific part of your offer that is MAJORLY valuable? Take a deep dive into
that one specific part and the deep benefit of it. What problem does it address? How will it be
life-changing for your clients? Everything else in your offer is like a bonus on top!
(Q210) Why should your audience buy your solution NOW and not in 6 months? (E.g. special
bonuses, limited-time discounts, flash sales, limited spots, temporary enrollment period, etc.)

Possible Post Titles:

T214. [Join/get/snag/sign up for/etc.] [offer name].
T215. Ready to [achieve goal]?
T216. For [audience] who want [result] without [limitations]
T218. Done-for-you [content deliverable]
T221.The only thing you need to [achieve result] →
T222.The only [content/deliverable] you need [to achieve result]
T223.The only [content/deliverable/product] you’ll ever need
T224.[Our/My/The] [best/favorite/must-have] [content/deliverable].

Ready…set…{DM me! / SHOP! / GET {DISCOUNT}!}

Because [offer] is [now accepting applicants / now available in the shop / officially LIVE! /
open for bookings / running out fast! / {describe the current situation}].

ICYMI, [offer] is [describe what the offer is] [for/to help {audience}] [looking for/who
love/who want] [this benefit].

And there’s a reason [proof of value or social proof (e.g. it’s selling out fast / our most
popular skirt *ever* / got over 5,000 5 star ratings / this is the best time to buy — it’s
{discount or special offer}! / etc).]

[What’s inside: / Here’s what you’ll get: / The deets: / The little details that make the big
difference: / Here’s a peek at what’s included: ]
→[List deliverables, benefits, or details]
→[List deliverables, benefits, or details]
→[List deliverables, benefits, or details]

[*Swoon.* / We did say {reiterate social proof or USP (e.g. our most highly-rated bag
ever, right?)} / It’s almost like it was made specifically for {audience}. (Oh, right. It was.

(Optional, if discount: And [right now / this week only / for a limited time / if you sign up
before {date}], you’ll get {add discount details, if it applies}])




To use when you want to: relate an offer to a problem or desire

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q203) Take one specific offer. How is your offer the PERFECT solution for one problem your
audience is facing or one desire they have?
(Q204) When they buy your offer, what is immediately going to change for them?
(Q205) What will change for them in 6 months?
(Q206) What will change for them in 1 year?
(Q208) What proof do you have that your offer will help/be valuable?

Possible Post Titles:

T216. For [audience] who want [result] without [limitations]
T221.The only thing you need to [achieve result] →
T222.The only [content/deliverable] you need [to achieve result]
T223.The only [content/deliverable/product] you’ll ever need
T224.[Our/My/The] [best/favorite/must-have] [content/deliverable].

[Audience], get ready to happy dance.

You know [how sometimes you / that moment when / those {Saturdays / mornings} when
/ when you’re {at this location}] and [describe a problem or desire]? OR Have you ever
[been doing this activity] and thought, “[if only {describe the deep desire}]”?

…But [describe what’s holding them back from getting the big desire or solving the
problem]. [*Womp womp* / {Disappointed emoji}] OR And in the moment you wish,
[“Describe the big desire”]. OR And [no matter how much you try to {to take this action},
you just get {this negative result}]? OR And even though you [describe how they try to
solve the problem], you STILL [describe how they are continuing to struggle with it]?

[Well I’ve got just the thing. / There’s a solution for that: / This is going to change your
{situation/life}: / Well {nickname for audience}, this is calling your name.]

[ENTER: {OFFER NAME}. / *dun duh duh DAAAH*: {OFFER NAME} / Introducing…
*drumroll*...{OFFER NAME}!]

([The fanfare is real / AKA: the {what the offer is in 1-2 words} that’s going to {get you
this big positive outcome} / It really deserved the drumroll].)

[Offer] is a [describe what the offer is] [specifically made / PERFECT / designed /
created] for [target audience] [experiencing problem/desire].

Because it’s not [describe how alternative offers fall short]. It’s [describe what makes
your offer special / your unique selling point or proposition].

Optional: Which [is/explains] why [statistic related to your offer (e.g. which is why moms
who use my meal plans save an average of 1 hour a day in the kitchen).

[What’s inside: / Here’s what you’ll get: / The deets? / The little details that make the big
difference: / Here’s a peek at what’s included:]
→[List deliverables, benefits, or details]
→[List deliverables, benefits, or details]
→[List deliverables, benefits, or details]


To use when you want to: share a reminder about an offer last call or countdown

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q203) Take one specific offer. How is your offer the PERFECT solution for one problem your
audience is facing or one desire they have?
(Q206) What will change for them in 1 year?
(Q207) What is included in your offer, and what is the purpose of each inclusion? In other
words, which problem is each inclusion the perfect solution for?
(Q208) What proof do you have that your offer will help/be valuable?
(Q210) Why should your audience buy your solution NOW and not in 6 months? (E.g. special
bonuses, limited-time discounts, flash sales, limited spots, temporary enrollment period, etc.)

Possible Post Titles:

T216. For [audience] who want [result] without [limitations]
T221.The only thing you need to [achieve result] →
T222.The only [content/deliverable] you need [to achieve result]
T223.The only [content/deliverable/product] you’ll ever need
T224.[Our/My/The] [best/favorite/must-have] [content/deliverable].

Only [X] days left to save [X] / LAST CHANCE to [get this offer] in [month/year]!

[Tomorrow / In {X} days / Next week / etc.] it [describe what will happen (e.g. goes up to
{$X} / disappears / closes forever].

[That means if you want / have been waiting to {take this action / get this positive result
or benefit}]...[NOW’S THE TIME / get on this / You’re gonna want to snag this now /
Don’t miss your chance].

([Audience] who [describe the problem they’re experiencing (e.g. still don’t have a
wedding cake for their 2024 spring wedding]...I’m talking to you!))

[Offer] will give you everything you need to [get this positive outcome or result].

→[List the deliverables or benefits]

→[List the deliverables or benefits]
→[List the deliverables or benefits]

[Clock is ticking! / {Discount} turns into a pumpkin at {time}, Cinderella. / And did I
mention it’s {X%/$X} off? I did? Cool. / I’m saying it again: {X%/X%} OFF, {NICKNAME



To use when you want to: share what’s included and why, compared to other offers

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q213) What offers out there are similar to your offer? What does your offer include that the
others don’t?
(Q214) What does your offer do better than your competitors?
(Q215) If your clients bought your offer AND a similar offer from a competitor, what would they
say was special about your offer? How does it stand out?
(Q216) What makes your offer the ONLY choice?

Possible Post Titles:

T225. The problem with [alternate solution].
T226. Why [other advice] {[is/isn’t] [bad/good] [advice/the answer]}.
T229. What most [job titles/clients] get wrong…
T230. Why [other action] doesn’t (optional: always) work.
T231. Why [other action] failed [optional: you].
T232. [Alternate option] versus [your option].
T233. POV: your [job title] [encapsulate experience you provide to your clients]
T234. POV: [successful outcome].

Let me save you YEARS of your life.

If you want to [get this outcome], DON’T [try/get/use/follow] [this alternative/advice].

Yes, [alternative] is great if you wanna [get this different outcome].

Sure, it’s [describe how it’s convenient, easy, or seems like a good option].

And absolutely, it can [get you this short-term outcome or *small win*] when you’re [in
this situation].


[Describe the big thing that it’s missing to get them the outcome they really want].
^And when you’re [describe the target audience’s problem or problematic situation in
their daily life (e.g. awake at 3AM because your baby can’t fall asleep without you)],
[having the thing that is missing] MATTERS.

→When you’re [describe the situation of your target audience when they’re ready for your
→When you’re [describe the situation of your target audience when they’re ready for your
→Or when you’re [describe the situation of your target audience when they’re ready for
your offer]

…You don’t need [alternative]. You need [YOUR SOLUTION].

In [offer name], I [give you what the other offers were missing].
→[List deliverables and/or benefits]
→[List deliverables and/or benefits]
→[List deliverables and/or benefits]
→[List deliverables and/or benefits]




To use when you want to: deep-dive into one thing in the offer (and why it’s great)

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q214) What does your offer do better than your competitors?
(Q215) If your clients bought your offer AND a similar offer from a competitor, what would they
say was special about your offer? How does it stand out?
(Q216) What makes your offer the ONLY choice?

Possible Post Titles:

T225. The problem with [alternate solution].
T230. Why [other action] doesn’t (optional: always) work.
T232. [Alternate option] versus [your option].
T233. POV: your [job title] [encapsulate experience you provide to your clients]
T234. POV: [successful outcome].
If [it’s not {this thing} / it doesn’t have {this thing} / {the final product} isn’t {ideal
outcome}], I don’t want it.

You know [that meme / that scene in {show/movie}] / in {reference} when] [describe a
moment from the reference where something is going wrong but it’s not acknowledged
or someone is angry (e.g. where everything is on fire and the dog’s like “THIS IS FINE.” /
Toby gets back from Costa Rica and Michael is like “NO! NO, GOD, PLEASE!

[Um, no. No, {it/you} actually *shouldn’t* {be dealing with undesirable outcomes of bad
alternative offer} / That’s how I feel about {alternative offers that get this wrong or have
this problem} / That’s what I turn into every time I see {alternative offers getting this

[Lemme make this clear / I’m gonna clear this up for you / I’m going to say this LOUD

The reason you’re [getting this undesirable outcome] is because [describe what the
alternative gets wrong or is missing].

[Explain in more detail what alternative get wrong and why that is a problem.]

[So of course you’re {still struggling}. Because {other offers} never {gave you what you
needed (e.g. taught you how to XYZ)} / So what I’m really saying is: It’s not your fault /
It’s NOT a problem with {you or something about you (e.g. your body)} / Say it with me: “I
am not the problem. {Offer} is/are.”]

You don’t need to [do this in response to the problem with the alternative (e.g. swear off
jeans forever)]. You just need [your better solution].




To use when you want to: explain the value of a high-ticket offer

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q211) What are your competitors offering that you’re decidedly NOT offering, and why?
(Q214) What does your offer do better than your competitors?
(Q215) If your clients bought your offer AND a similar offer from a competitor, what would they
say was special about your offer? How does it stand out?
(Q216) What makes your offer the ONLY choice?
(Q217) What return on investment – financial or otherwise – can people expect to see as a
result of this offer? What proof do you have?

Possible Post Titles:

T225. The problem with [alternate solution].
T226. Why [other advice] {[is/isn’t] [bad/good] [advice/the answer]}.
T229. What most [job titles/clients] get wrong…
T232. [Alternate option] versus [your option].
T233. POV: your [job title] [encapsulate experience you provide to your clients]

[[My/Our offer] isn’t [$X]. / And that, folks, is why [my/our offer] isn’t [low price].]

[And that’s a good thing. / And it won’t ever be. / And would you even want it to be?]

[I’ve bought / we’ve all bought / I know what’s inside] those [$X alternative offers].

And the reason why [they are $X / they’re so inexpensive / they can sell {deliverable} for
{$X}] is because [explain where the value is lacking].

Option 1: Focus on the drawbacks of lower-ticket offers

[Give an example of how people can tell the value is lacking (e.g. If your brand
new jeans feel soft and stretchy, it means they’re cut with low-quality synthetic

[Give more details about the low value and why it’s a problem].

Option 2: Focus on the benefits of your high-ticket offer

[Give an example of how people can tell your value is supreme (e.g. I spent 3
years perfecting the design of these dresses, I source my fabrics from a local
small business, and every single one is made by hand)].

[Give more details about where the high-ticket price comes from (time, effort,
craftsmanship, ROI, etc.) and why it makes sense].

So while [other offer] might [have this benefit (e.g. look great when you first put them
on)] [eventually / by {this timeframe} / when you {reach this milestone}] [you’ll have to
deal with the downside of low quality or value].

And [my point isn’t that / that’s not to say] [all low ticket offers are bad / you should never
buy a low-ticket offer].
It’s that where you see [pricetag], I see all of the
[work/intention/craftsmanship/values/etc.] that goes into it.

[Big takeaway about your value].




To use when you want to: show the value of an investment without ROI potential

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q211) What are your competitors offering that you’re decidedly NOT offering, and why?
(Q214) What does your offer do better than your competitors?
(Q215) If your clients bought your offer AND a similar offer from a competitor, what would they
say was special about your offer? How does it stand out?
(Q216) What makes your offer the ONLY choice?
(Q217) What return on investment – financial or otherwise – can people expect to see as a
result of this offer? What proof do you have?

Possible Post Titles:

T225. The problem with [alternate solution].
T226. Why [other advice] {[is/isn’t] [bad/good] [advice/the answer]}.
T229. What most [job titles/clients] get wrong…
T232. [Alternate option] versus [your option].
T233. POV: your [job title] [encapsulate experience you provide to your clients]

[Just because {an offer} is out of your price range *doesn’t mean* it’s overpriced. / I
know not everyone can afford {this offer}. / {My offer} isn’t “{too expensive}.]

A big part of me feels like I shouldn’t *have* to say it, because [anyone who has already
bought the offer / people who have worked with me / anyone {with eyes / who’s a {job
title} / who knows the value of deliverable / result}] will tell you [amazing things about
your offer / why it’s worth it].

(Not to mention [all of the extra work that goes into it / the above-averageness of your
offer / what about your offer goes above and beyond].)

→ [Explain 1 reason the behind the price of your offer (e.g. I’ve been baking for 10
→ [Explain another reason the behind the price of your offer (e.g. I source all of my
ingredients small, local farm)].
→ And [explain another reason the behind the price of your offer].

The cost of [your product or deliverable] is [$X].

Anchor that price against something else.

Choose one of the following optional sentence starters:
The cost of [expensive thing you need to do your job] is [$X].
Each [project/deliverable] takes me [{X} hours].
I can complete [X projects / deliverables] a week.
For [X] hours of work, that comes out to [X / hour].
That’s [about/less than] the cost of [other thing (e.g. one college course)].

But that’s not the point, is it?

[The underlying reason people might say your work is too expensive (e.g. The point is
that people who question the value of my work don’t value creativity. They value
“practical” skills, like accounting)].

But the people who [invest in your product, business, or industry (e.g. own custom art
pieces)] are people who believe [what values your people are invested in (e.g. that art
and beauty and self-expression are what make us human)].

[What could be more valuable than that? / So here’s to {us: the {name your people}].

[Thank you to the people who / Cheers to / Thanks for / We] [believe in {what you’re
championing (e.g. slow fashion)} / just get it / don’t question whether or not
{craftsmanship/time/effort/etc.} is “worth it”]




To use when you want to: use socratic anchoring to compare possible paths forward

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q213) What offers out there are similar to your offer? What does your offer include that the
others don’t?
(Q215) If your clients bought your offer AND a similar offer from a competitor, what would they
say was special about your offer? How does it stand out?
(Q218) What could they keep doing instead of buying your offer? Why would that be the wrong
(Q219) What potential pain or problems will they avoid by buying your offer?

Possible Post Titles:

T225. The problem with [alternate solution].
T226. Why [other advice] {[is/isn’t] [bad/good] [advice/the answer]}.
T227. “[Bad advice.]” Or [is it/are they/should you]?
T229. What most [job titles/clients] get wrong…
T230. Why [other action] doesn’t (optional: always) work.
T232. [Alternate option] versus [your option].
T233. POV: your [job title] [encapsulate experience you provide to your clients]
T234. POV: [successful outcome].

I’ll state the obvious.

[My offer / This offer] costs more than [the average {deliverable} / doing it yourself /
{taking this action} on your own].

[But that’s only because *it’s not just your average {deliverable}]* OR But that’s only
because DIYing has a price: [name the price (e.g. like 10 hours you could spend {doing
this other thing} / your SANITY lol]

You could [describe what’s hard or problematic or undesirable about the way your
audience is doing things now].
→[Get more specific about what that ^ looks like day-to-day]
→[Get more specific about what that ^ looks like day-to-day]
→[Get more specific about what that ^ looks like day-to-day]

([I’m feeling {emotion} just thinking about it / If you know YOU KNOW / Not exactly what
you’d call *{positive adjective (e.g. fun)}*]).

Or you could [summarize what you do best or how things will change positively for

(Optional: [If you’re more into Option #2, you’re going to want {Offer} / Sounds like a
difficult choice, right? Kidding. It’s obvious {offer} is the way to go / *Chandler voice*
Could the decision BE any easier?].

[Offer] will [give you {list deliverables or benefits}].

[Add proof of your value (e.g. Just ask the {X people} who’ve {add proof of your value
(e.g. TRIPLED their income)} / I mean, why else would it have {X} {add proof of your
value (e.g 5-star reviews)}?]




To use when you want to: explain what do other offers get wrong that yours gets right

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q213) What offers out there are similar to your offer? What does your offer include that the
others don’t?
(Q214) What does your offer do better than your competitors?
(Q215) If your clients bought your offer AND a similar offer from a competitor, what would they
say was special about your offer? How does it stand out?
(Q216) What makes your offer the ONLY choice?

Possible Post Titles:

T225. The problem with [alternate solution].
T226. Why [other advice] {[is/isn’t] [bad/good] [advice/the answer]}.
T227. “[Bad advice.]” Or [is it/are they/should you]?
T229. What most [job titles/clients] get wrong…
T230. Why [other action] doesn’t (optional: always) work.
T231. Why [other action] failed [optional: you].
T232. [Alternate option] versus [your option].

If you’ve been [putting off / trying to get] [result]...

[NOW’S THE TIME TO GET ON IT. / LISTEN UP! / This one's for you. / This post is
about to feel like Christmas.]

‘Cuz here’s the thing: SO MANY [job titles/alternative offers] ONLY [do this one part of
your solution].

But SO FEW ever [help you with this specific goal/outcome/skill/etc.]

[Reaching this goal/outcome] is NOT about:

→[What other offers get wrong]
It’s about:
→[What your offer gets right]!!!

When you [do this action right], you [get this outcome] because [why it makes a

That’s why [product/service name] is [SO VALUABLE / gets {these results} / is unlike
any other {offer} out there / *just the thing* you’ve been missing].

[You’ll get… / You’ll learn… / {Offer} includes…]

→[List the deliverables or benefits]
→[List the deliverables or benefits]
→[List the deliverables or benefits]
→[List the deliverables or benefits]

[Go ahead. Grab it / Not to brag, but it makes {alternatives} {look/smell/feel/taste/sound}

like {undesirable alternative}. (Okay, I admit it. That was definitely a brag.) / See? Just
like Christmas morning].




To use when you want to: explain who this offer is perfect for

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q220) Take a look at one of your offers. Who is your offer perfect for? Who should be
RUNNING to checkout to get this ASAP?
(Q221) What day-to-day problems does your offer address? Think of 4-6 specific problems.
(Q222) How can people know this offer is right for them? What will their experience level be?
What will they be struggling with? What will they be hoping for?

Possible Post Titles:

T235. If you’re (optional: a {job title/niche}) [struggling to achieve this desired result]...
T237. For {target audience} who want {experience/results} but don’t have
T240. For [ideal client profile/target audience]...

Raise your hand if you’re a [job title/audience] who has been personally victimized by
[topic related to your problem (e.g. tax season)].
*All the hands in the room go up.*

[Aha. I’m not surprised / …*Nobody is surprised* / Is this really a shock to anyone? No? I
didn’t think so].

Moving on.

NOW raise your hand if you ALSO [meet these additional prequalifications].

Is your hand still raised?

[Audience], meet [offer]. It’s made just for you.

[Offer] is for [audience] who…

→[Describe the problems they’re currently facing].

→[Describe what stage of life they’re currently in].
→[Describe any specific qualifications for your audience].
→Are ready to [get this benefit].




To use when you want to: help people self-select based on the stage they’re currently in

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q222) How can people know this offer is right for them? What will their experience level be?
What will they be struggling with? What will they be hoping for?

Possible Post Titles: :

T235. If you’re (optional: a {job title/niche}) [struggling to achieve this desired result]...
T236. If you’ve been waiting to [try this product/take this action]
T237. For {target audience} who want {experience/results} but don’t have

Attention all [audience]!

A few people have asked me [Is {offer} right for me if… / What if I’m… / {Specific
question about their qualifications or readiness for your offer}]?
And to them I say…[No. / Wait. / Not yet. / Save your money. / Did you try {other step}

Because if you’ve never [taken this beginner action]?

If you’re not sure about [something they need to know before they start]?

If [you’ve never even heard of {topic that’s a fundamental part of your offer}].

…[You’re gonna want to start at step 1 / There are other things you can do first / [Offer]
isn’t for you (yet!)].

[Offer] is for [people / audience] who [already know / are TOTALLY SURE / are dead-set
/ have already] [describe the prequalification (e.g. they want to make copywriting their
full-time gig)].

[No ifs, ands, or buts / I’m talking positive like a pregnant test, baby / Not like, a little
sure. Like, you’d stake a million dollars on it SURE].

That doesn’t mean you need [what they might assume they need (e.g. to have worked
with clients before)].

You can [what stage they can be at (e.g. be building a business completely from scratch,
know nothing about XYZ)]. ([I did too! / That’s the case for so many [job titles]. / [Offer]
will [give you what you need / teach you what to do].)

What’s important is that [what they should know to expect regarding what will be
required of them].

Sound like you?




To use when you want to: speak to a limitation that may be holding people back

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q221) What day-to-day problems does your offer address? Think of 4-6 specific problems.
(Q222) How can people know this offer is right for them? What will their experience level be?
What will they be struggling with? What will they be hoping for?
(Q223) Think about one person experiencing the one big problem your offer solves. How do
they describe the problem to their friends? What do they say they wish they had? What thoughts
run through their head? Try to show each problem in 10 words or less.
(Q225) What limitations might people be working with that would still make them a good
candidate for your offer?

Possible Post Titles:

T237. For {target audience} who want {experience/results} but don’t have
T238. When you want [X] but don’t have [Y]
T239. When you want to [X] but don’t want to/have [Y]

Who says you need [component / skill / experience / pre-qualifier]? Not me. /
[Expectation of what they need (e.g. “On-the-job experience”)] [is/are] overrated.

[But what you DO need / But you know what’s not overrated]?

[An offer / product / job title / solution] that doesn’t just assume [they don’t have limitation
(e.g. a web development course that doesn’t assume you already know how to code / A
jean company that doesn’t assume all girls everywhere have the same waist-to-thigh

That’s why [offer / product] [explain what you do right specifically for that limitation].

(Pretty genius, huh? / You don’t have to tell us it’s awesome. We already know. / {Name
the niche}...you know you need this.)

So if you [want this] but [have this limitation]?




To use when you want to: explain the potential drawback of not jumping on this offer now

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q226) What did your clients try before trying your service/product that didn’t work? Why didn’t it
work? How were they in a worse position after trying the other option than they were in before
trying it?
(Q227) What other potential “solutions” have YOU tried that failed? How did you feel after they
didn’t work? How were you in a worse position after trying them than you were before?
(Q228) When was a time you didn’t invest in something, and later regretted putting it off? What
could you have avoided by taking the leap?

Possible Post Titles:

T241. When you [forget to/put off/don’t/skip] [take this action]
T242. When you realize you should have [taken this action] [optional: X {time} ago]
T243. The moment your decision not to [take action] comes back to haunt you
T244. When you decide to [do X] instead of [Y]
T246. When you realize [money] for [product/service] would have been worth it

Before every [paint a picture of a failed outcome (e.g. birthday cake dubbed “The
Pinterest Fail”)]...

There is a [person / audience identity / job title (e.g. mom)] who said to themselves: [“It
can’t be that hard, right?” / “Eh. It’ll be fine.” / “It’s probably not worth it.”]

[All jokes aside]. OR [Meanwhile, the narrator is like: “{It was definitely worth it / But it
was not fine. / etc.}”] OR [And then {timeframe} later, you {are in the midst of struggle /
still have yet to {achieve goal / complete task}}, and you think, “WHY DID I EVER THINK
THAT?!”] OR [And eventually, you realize {the opposite is true}.] OR [*Facepalm.*]

If you [want to skip the part where / don’t want to {describe what a lighthearted negative
outcome would be (e.g. be forever dubbed “That Mom Who Made the Castle Cake That
Looked Like A Penis” lol) / want to avoid {lighthearted negative outcome (e.g. kicking
yourself come tax season)}], [there’s a better way / it’s not that hard / put me in, coach /
we’ve got our {tangible thing related to your offer (i.e. pencils, spatulas, Excel sheets,
etc.)}] ready.




To use when you want to: explain who should have already jumped on this offer

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q226) What did your clients try before trying your service/product that didn’t work? Why didn’t it
work? How were they in a worse position after trying the other option than they were in before
trying it?
(Q227) What other potential “solutions” have YOU tried that failed? How did you feel after they
didn’t work? How were you in a worse position after trying them than you were before?
(Q228) When was a time you didn’t invest in something, and later regretted putting it off? What
could you have avoided by taking the leap?

Possible Post Titles:

T241. When you [forget to/put off/don’t/skip] [take this action]
T242. When you realize you should have [taken this action] [optional: X {time} ago]
T243. The moment your decision not to [take action] comes back to haunt you
T245. X signs you should have [already taken this action]

There are so many things that can wait.

[Paint a picture of one thing in their daily lives (e.g. The stack of dirty dishes on the
[Paint a picture of another thing in their daily lives].
[Paint a picture of another thing in their daily lives].

But AS SOON AS you [reach this point (e.g. get to the point where keeping up with
emails is hard) / see this sign (e.g. notice your dog isn’t interested in their food) / make
this decision (e.g. decide you want to move abroad) / have this experience (e.g. get
married, start making more than $100,000 a year)], [take this action (e.g. call your vet)].

Because [reaching this milestone means {explain the implications or reasons why action
makes sense at that point}].

[And from that point on / Once that happens], you have two options.

[Face negative impact of not taking action (e.g. Keep *saying* you’re going to move
“when the timing is right”)].


[Face positive impact of taking proactive action (e.g. Have a date, plan, and budget for
when that will be].


To use when you want to: host a product or service giveaway

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q229) Create a giveaway where anyone who likes your post, follows your account, and tags a
friend in the comments will be entered to win one of your products/services for free.
(Q230) Create a giveaway where anyone who buys a specific product/service during a specific
time period will be entered to win a special product/service/experience with you.
(Q231) Create a sweepstake where anyone who buys a specific product/service from you
during a specific time period will be entered to win a one-of-a-kind, high-value grand prize, e.g.
3 months of free coaching / your entire Summer collection / etc.
(Q234) Ask your audience to guess something about your upcoming product (e.g. the type of
product, name, etc.). Give 3 hints. Anyone who comments (or anyone who guesses correctly in
the comments) will be entered into a giveaway to receive your upcoming product for free.

Possible Post Titles:

T247. [Deliverable] giveaway!
T248. [Enter/Join] the [name] [giveaway/sweepstakes]!
T249. We’re giving away [offer name or summary], [optional: totally free].
T253. A [deliverable]. Totally free.
T254. [Get] my free [Freebie name]


We’re picking [X] lucky [followers / name audience members (e.g. moms)] to get
[adjective] [deliverable].


[Add *excitement* emojis]

Optional: Add context on deliverable: [{Offer} is for {target audience} {who

want/are tired of/are ready to STOP} {experiencing this problem / getting this
negative outcome} (optional: {and start getting this benefit / experiencing this
positive outcome}).]

And when we tell you [it’s {positive adjective} / it’ll help you {get this result} /
there’s no other {offer} like this] …WE MEAN IT.

Here’s how to enter:

1. Like this post (and follow {me/us} @{instagramhandle})
2. Comment [tell them to comment something related to the giveaway (e.g. for a beach
towel, tell us your favorite beach in the world)]
3. Tag [someone else] who [could use/would also like] [one of these things].




To use when you want to: increase offer engagement with a challenge

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q233) Start a 5-day, 10-day, or 30-day challenge related to your product/service. This works
best when you encourage a new habit (e.g. 30-day plant-based challenge), or give people a
task to complete each day with an accompanying lesson on how to do it (e.g. 30 days to knit
your first pair of socks!). Option to offer a special discount during the challenge.

Possible Post Titles:

T250. [Optional: Adjective] [topic] challenge for [audience type]
T251. The [name of challenge] you’ve been waiting for
T252. The X-day [name] challenge starts today!

Ready to [get this result]?

[If you think you’re {good/bad at} {task/activity}... / If you’ve been wanting to {have this
positive experience / get this positive outcome}...]

[Let’s test it out. / You’re gonna have to prove it. / NOW’S THE TIME! / Prove it. / You’re
gonna have to prove it. / Get out your {object related to the challenge}. / Let’s change

[Describe how the challenge works / what they need to do].

And if you want an EXTRA challenge? Try [doing it this more difficult way / doing this
additional challenging thing as well]. / Plot twist: if you [complete the full challenge] you
might just [get this surprising outcome].

[And…GO / Let the {activity (e.g. knitting)} begin / Show me what you can do / {Object
related to challenge} ready? …GO!]



To use when you want to: build anticipation for a new or upcoming offer

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q235) What feedback have you received about a new offer so far?

Possible Post Titles:

T255. Want [#] [adjective] [deliverable]?
T256. Our [New/best-selling/etc.] [offer type]: [offer name]
T257. Our [new offer] just dropped.

[Something exciting [happened/is happening] on [Day]. / Have you [seen it] yet?!

We’ll give you a hint: [it’s {create a riddle related to your offer} / we’re NOT talking about
{something your audience would have been doing on that day}].

Okay, we’ll just tell you: [summarize what the offer is]!

Optional: [give more details on what the offer is — who it’s for, the problem it solves, the
benefits it includes, etc.]

If you already have it [check out/what did you think of {tease a part of the deliverable
(e.g. that part on page 40)} / the note inside the packaging / my email subject line…]?

(Shh. Don’t spoil it in the comments!)

(But just so you know, [{comment on what you teased (e.g. I was REALLY nervous
about including that)} / I almost wrote “Your mom.” instead.])




To use when you want to: build your list with a freebie based on problem
Brainstorm Questions:
(Q232) Do you have any low-cost products related to the product you’re selling that you can
offer as a free bonus if you buy during a limited time? Do it.
(Q236) What is a small “secret” piece of insight you could give to your audience?

Possible Post Titles:

T251. The [name of challenge] you’ve been waiting for
T252. The X-day [name] challenge starts today!
T254. [Get] my free [Freebie name]
T255. Want [#] [adjective] [deliverable]?

[Free [topic] help incoming! / …Did we mention it’s free? / What’s better than [describe
what they’re getting]? [Restate what they’re getting] *for free*. / [Topic] is coming to an
inbox near you! As long as you sign up for it.

Let’s get real. You know you’re *supposed* to be [having this positive experience / taking
this action]...

But [relate to their experience of what happens instead (e.g. you sit down to do it and…
*crickets*)] OR [between {a hard thing they have going on} and {another hard thing they
have going on}, who has the time?!]

[You’re not the only one. / There’s no shame in [struggling with this problem]. / If you feel
more than a little called out…join the club. / (Can you tell we speak from experience?)]

That’s why [I/we] [solved the problem / did the work for you] in {Resource / Challenge /
Name of Freebie}!

It’s a [adjective] [type of resource / cheat sheet / guide / challenge / etc.] for when you
want to:

→[Get / Learn / Start / Stop / Action verb] [one thing they’ll receive or take away from the
[Get / Learn / Start / Stop / Action verb] [another thing they’ll receive or take away from
the freebie].
[Get / Learn / Start / Stop / Action verb] [another thing they’ll receive or take away from
the freebie].

Who DOESN’T want all of those things?!

Sign me up. And while you’re at it, sign *you* up, too.
So what are you waiting for? (Optional: IT’S FREE!)




To use when you want to: explain why something is or isn’t in your offer

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q211) What are your competitors offering that you’re decidedly NOT offering, and why?
(Q212)How does your product differ from current trends? Why aren’t you following that trend?
How is your option better?

Possible Post Titles:

T261.Why [I/my product] [do/don’t] [offer/include] [content/deliverable]

[Content/deliverable you don’t include] is like [relatable thing or reference (e.g. Stanley
cups, professional sports, the middle child, etc.)].

Choose one or two.

[I don’t have anything against them / I know they’re popular / They’re {adjective,
adjective, and adjective} / I can even see the appeal / They’re everywhere / No one
really pays attention to them].

But [it’s just not my thing. / It’s just not how I want to spend my time. / I just don’t see the
value. / can we just agree to {retire them forever}? / they {have negative aspect or

Because the truth is you don’t NEED [what it doesn’t include] to [get this positive
outcome or benefit]. Optional: [Relate it back to the reference (e.g. Just like how you
don’t need {relatable thing you referenced earlier} to {get this benefit})].

[…I said what I said / All you {relatable reference lovers / audience} COME AT ME lol /
Sorry, {relatable reference lovers / audience}. You know it’s true / Sorry not sorry / I
mean…you know it’s true / Just spitting facts]

What you REALLY need is [describe what they DO need].

[Good thing {offer} {does what they need}. / Which is why {offer} {does what you need
really well} / So you won’t find {what your offer doesn’t include} in {offer}. But you’ll still
{get everything you need to reach this outcome}].



To use when you want to: explain what signs mean someone is ready

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q237) What objections do clients most often come to you with?
(Q241) Are there any other hesitations people have around working with you? How can you put
their hesitations to rest?
(Q242) In what ways do people tell themselves they are not ready?
(Q243) What limiting beliefs do people have about themselves?

Possible Post Titles:

T262. What if I/we [way they’re not ideally prepared]?
T263. Don’t [I/we] need to [common misconception]?
T264. You don’t need [common expectation] to [achieve results].
T265. If [alternative] [isn’t working/didn’t work] for you

Spoiler: [it/the limitation] could actually be a good thing.

Because when you [have never / only have / don’t have] [describe the way they
experience this limitation (e.g. done a downward dog)] in your [life/week/morning/etc.],
[describe the new possibilities it opens up for them or how it actually becomes a

Optional: [And that’s IMPORTANT / Seriously, though. I get EXCITED when {someone
comes to me with this limitation} / Still don’t believe me? Lemme hit you with some

[Add a statistic or fact about your clients, target audience, or topic that backs up your
statement (e.g. About 75% of my students who go on to teach abroad only speak one
language / Hundreds of plants — including some of my all-time favorites! — can be
grown indoors)].

And [describe another benefit of the limitation]. OR That means you [describe how
they’re already succeeding, set up to succeed, or perfectly prepared to start].
[{To put it simply: / Moral of the story: / If you ask me? / And let’s be honest:} {limitation
you have} is better than {worse comparison for perspective}]. OR [See? Not bad. Not
bad at all]. OR [And that’s that on that]. OR So [take your worries and send ‘em to
someone who {has worse limitation}. ‘Cuz THEY are the ones that are gonna need ‘em.




To use when you want to: explain why common objection doesn’t relate to your offer

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q237) What objections do clients most often come to you with?
(Q238) What money-related excuses do clients make for not buying your product/service? How
do you make the investment more affordable (e.g. payment plans), or risk-free (e.g. money-back
guarantee)? Alternatively, how can you explain the value?
(Q239) What time-related excuses do clients make for not buying your product/service? How
can you show the feasibility (e.g. recordings you can watch back on your own time).
(Q240) What excuses do clients make for not buying your product related to ease? How is it
easier than they expect? What do you do to make it easier for them? (E.g. free returns with
shipping label included).
(Q241) Are there any other hesitations people have around working with you? How can you put
their hesitations to rest?

Possible Post Titles:

T259. If you don’t want to [common objection]

Good news.

[You don’t have to. / You shouldn’t have to. / We can work with that. / I’ve got a better
option. / It’s not as bad as you think. / You can {do this other thing} instead.]

It’s totally normal to NOT want to [action they have objection about]. OR I think we can
all agree that [undesirable action] is objectively the worst part of [job / topic / action /

So why do so many [job titles / companies / brands] [say / make it seem like / try to
convince you] that [undesirable action] is the *only* way to [get result]?
[My offer] [gives you this benefit or workaround to the objection] [optional: so you don’t
have to {do this undesirable thing}.]

[It’ll {teach / show} you how to: / Inside, you’ll find: / These are {products / deliverables}
that: / {It’s / They’re} the kind of {offer} that: / You’ll walk away with: / You’ll get instant
access to: / etc.]

Repeat as needed:
→ [A benefit/feature of the offer or something it delivers]
→ [A benefit/feature of the offer or something it delivers]
→ [A benefit/feature of the offer or something it delivers]

And the best part about it?

It [doesn’t require you to do undesirable task] ON PURPOSE.

[This isn’t / These aren’t] [offer / deliverables] where [the objection or limitation they
have] [is “something you can work around” / means you have to settle for less / should
be a reason to pause.]

[This is / These are] [offer/deliverables] where [working within the objection or limitation]
is [just what we do / JUST HOW IT’S DONE.]

[Capiche? / Cool? / Got it? / Sound like your deal? / You with me? / Period.]




To use when you want to: explain why it makes sense other solutions aren’t right for them

Brainstorm Questions:
(Q14) Why does it make sense that people haven’t solved the problem yet?
(Q170) Why does it make sense that other solutions haven’t worked? In what ways have they
been misled or set up to fail?
(Q216) What makes your offer the ONLY choice?
(Q244) What do they think is possible?
(Q245) What possibilities do you see for them that they don’t yet see for themselves?

Possible Post Titles:

T258. Is [common objection/limitation] keeping you from [taking this action]?
T260. Why [topic/offer] is [objection they have].
T263. Don’t [I/we] need to [common misconception]?
T265. If [alternative] [isn’t working/didn’t work] for you

Here’s a question I get asked all the time:

Option 1
“How do/Can I [question about a common misconception or limitation (e.g. teach
abroad if I only know English)]?


[Answer the question (e.g. Of course you can)].

[You just need / If / But it’s going to take] [what they need to do].

[Add a statistic that backs up your answer (e.g. 80% of TOEFL teachers only
speak one language)].

[Explain why their limitation or past failure might be a good thing (e.g. And some
international schools even prefer teachers who only know English, because it
provides an immersive experience for the students)].

Option 2
“How do/Can I [question that assumes something is possible, e.g. learn how to
take digital-camera-quality photos with my iPhone]?”

[The truth/My answer/My response]: YOU [DON’T/CAN’T/NEVER WILL].

[Here’s why I’m yelling. / Because any [job title] knows]... / I mean,]

→ [Explain 1 reason why that is].

[Give reasoning behind your answer.]

→ [Explain another reason why that is].

[Give reasoning behind your answer.]

→ And [Explain a third reason why that is].

[Give reasoning behind your answer.]

That’s three great reasons why [topic/offer] should be a [key part of your
{routine/day/strategy/plan/etc.} OR Which is why you should absolutely start
[taking action related to topic/offer] optional: even if [you have this limitation].
So if [what they’ve been letting themselves be held back by]?

[Tell them what to do or what they need].

✓ [Way it’s valuable #1 or what it will allow them to do].

✓ [Another way it’s valuable #1 or what it will allow them to do].

✓ [A third way it’s valuable #1 or what it will allow them to do].



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