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La Pisciculture Hors SOL

Transféré par Mawoussi Afeke

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Getrbmuotgbe ........................................................................................................... ?
G. Chs Fvfetfahs ht geobevçeghets cgçs ê cf prbmuotgbe he @fo Nbrs _bc........... =
6.6. Chs fvfetfahs ............................................................................................ =
6.0. Geobevçeghets cgçs ê cf prbmuotgbe mfes chs @fos nbrs sbc ........................ 8
GG. Mgspbsgtgbe ê prhemrh fvfet mh sh cfeohr mfes cf pgsogoucturh nbrs sbc........... 8
GGG. Onbgx mu sgth m‗çchvfah................................................................................ 8
?.6. Chs @fos he `çtbe ..................................................................................... 9
?.0. Chs @fos Nbrs sbc (@N_) bu Pfohwfys ................................................... 1
GY. C‗hfu ............................................................................................................ 7
Y. Chs hspîohs mh pbgssbes ouctgvf`chs................................................................ 7
8.6. Chs ocfrgfs ................................................................................................. 7
8.0. Chs tgcfpgfs .............................................................................................. 6:
8.?. Chs ofrphs ............................................................................................... 66
YG. C‗fcglhetftgbe mhs pbgssbes....................................................................... 66
YGG. Mhesgtç m‗çchvfah ....................................................................................... 68
YGGG. Murçh mu oyoch mh prbmuotgbe ht obllhrogfcgsftgbe ................................. 69
G^. _fetç ht lfcfmghs ........................................................................................ 6>
7.6. _ylptýlhs mhs lfcfmghs ........................................................................ 6>
7.0. Zrçvhetgbe mhs lfcfmghs ......................................................................... 67
^. Ogrougt mh vheth ............................................................................................. 0:
^G. Oblpth m‗hxpcbgtftgbe prçvgsgbeehc pbur >:: fchvges mh Ocfrgfs ............. 06
66.6. Mbeeçhs rhcftgvhs fu oblpth m‗hxpcbgtftgbe ........................................... 06
66.0. Mçpheshs rhcftgvhs ê c'gevhstgsshlhet...................................................... 06
66.?. Onfrahs cgçhs ê c'hxpcbgtftgbe................................................................... 00
66.=. Hstglftgbe mh vheth ................................................................................. 00
Obeocusgbe ........................................................................................................... 0?

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Cf pgsogoucturh hst ueh mhs `rfeonhs mh c'fqufoucturh qug mçsgaeh c'çchvfah mhs

pbgssbes he hfux mbuohs, sfulàtrhs bu sfcçhs. Cf pgsogoucturh f çtç gevhetçh he

Ongeh, ch prhlghr trfgtç mh pgsogoucturh y iut çorgt pfr Ife Cg he =1? FY DO.

Gc hxgsth mhux iflgcchs prgeogpfchs mh pgsogoucturh 4

✟ Cf prbmuotgbe he çtfea, fvho ue `fssge he thrrh, mfes chquhc chs pbgssbes sh

eburrgsshet oblpcîthlhet bu pfrtghcchlhet ê pfrtgr mh cf prbmuotgbe

`gbcbagquh mu lgcghu.
✟ Cf prbmuotgbe gethesgvh he `fssge frtgigoghc bu ofahs, mfes chsquhcs chs

pbgssbes sbet hxocusgvhlhet eburrgs fvho mh c'fcglhet fppbrtç pfr ch


Be phut çafchlhet ogthr c'çchvfah he `fos qug hst mh typh nbrs sbc. Chs

geirfstruoturhs utgcgsçhs pbur oh typh m'çchvfah sbet mhs `fos he `çtbe, he

pcfstgquh, ig`rh mh vhrrh ht `bgs. ]buths chs pnfshs mh prbmuotgbe pgsogobch phuvhet

ätrh rçfcgsçhs mfes chs `fos nbrs sbc. Vuh oh sbgt cf rhprbmuotgbe bu

c‗hearfgsshlhet. Chs thonegquhs mh prbmuotgbes utgcgsçhs mfes chs çtfeas sbet

vfcf`chs fussg mfes chs `fos nbrs sbc.

]buthibgs pbur ueh `beeh ahstgbe mu systîlh pgsogobch, gc hst glpbrtfet mh onbgsgr

mhs geirfstruoturhs fmfptçhs fux hspîohs nfcghutgquhs ê prbmugrh ht fux b`dhotgis

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mh prbmuotgbe. Ch onbgx mu typh m‗geirfstruoturh hst ofpgtfc pbur cf rçussgth mu

prbdht pgsogobch.

Oh mboulhet s‗fttfrmhrf sur cf pgsogoucturh nbrs sbc ifgt fvho mhs `fos he `çtbe bu

he pcfstgquh. Ch `fo nbrs sbc hst fussg mçsgaeç pfr c‗feacgogslh « rfohwfy ».

G. Chs Fvfetfahs ht geobevçeghets cgçs ê cf prbmuotgbe he @fo Nbrs _bc

6.6. Chs fvfetfahs

Chs `fos nbrs sbcs prçshethet pcusghurs fvfetfahs, quh ebus rçsulhrbes obllh

sugt 4

✟ Ch obetrých mhs pfrflîtrhs pnysgob-onglgquhs mh c‗hfu ;

✟ Cf ifogcgtç mfes c‗hxçoutgbe mhs mgiiçrheths bpçrftgbes mh prbmuotgbe ;

✟ Cf rçmuotgbe mhs prçmfthurs (rhptgchs, bgshfux,) ;

✟ Cf pbssg`gcgtç mh mçpcfohr ch systîlh mh prbmuotgbe vhrs ue futrh sgth mh

prbmuotgbe ;

✟ Ch obût rçmugt m‗gestfccftgbe ht mh prbmuotgbe ;

✟ Cf rfpgmgtç mh cf lgsh he pcfoh mu systîlh ;

✟ Cf pbssg`gcgtç mh rhoyochr c‗hfu sbugccçh ht cf `buh pbur ch lfrfåonfah ht cf

prbmuotgbe mh `gbafz pfr hxhlpch.

✟ Cf pbssg`gcgtç mh ofcouchr ch vbculh m‗hfu eçohssfgrh he ibeotgbe mhs

mglhesgbes mu `fo

✟ Xeh rçmuotgbe mu tfux mh lbrtfcgtç pfr ue `be sugvg mhs pbgssbes.

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6.0. Geobevçeghets cgçs ê cf prbmuotgbe mfes chs @fos nbrs sbc

✟ Ch rgsquh mh mçongrurh mh cf `àonh m‗çtfeonçgtç pfr lfcfmrhssh sg hcch e‗hst

pfs `ghe prbtçaçh

✟ Obût çchvç pbur chs `fssges he `çtbe

✟ Ch pnytbpcfeotbe e‗y fgt pfs pbur biirgr ueh mhuxgîlh sburoh

m‗fcglhetftgbe fux pbgssbes

GG. Mgspbsgtgbe ê prhemrh fvfet mh sh cfeohr mfes cf pgsogoucturh nbrs sbc

Fvfet mh onbgsgr ch sgth m‗glpcfetftgbe mh vbs `fos nbrs sbcs, chs lhsurhs sugvfeths

sbet ê prhemrh he oblpth 4

✟ Mgspbeg`gcgtç phrlfeheth mh c‗hfu ;

✟ Mgspbeg`gcgtç mhs fcglhets mfes cf cbofcgtç ;

✟ Mgspbeg`gcgtç mh cf lfge m‗şuvrh ;

✟ Mgspbeg`gcgtç mhs lftçrgfux mh obestruotgbe ;

✟ Hxgstheoh mu lfronç

GGG. Onbgx mu sgth m‗çchvfah

Cf pgsogoucturh nbrs sbc sh ifgt pfrtbut b÷ gc y f ue hspfoh ht mh c‗hfu. Chs pbgssbes

sbet çchvçs he mhnbrs mh sbe nf`gtft efturhc, mfes ue `fssge bu mfes mhs `fos.

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Mu sfcbe ê cf ihrlh, he pfssfet pfr chs thrrfsshs, lälh sur chs tbgts, chs `fos ebus

phrlhtthet mh prbmugrh mu pbgssbe mh `beeh qufcgtç, he qufetgtç suiigsfeth fussg

`ghe pbur cf obesbllftgbe quh pbur cf obllhrogfcgsftgbe. Gc suiigt tbut

sglpchlhet mh lhttrh he pcfoh vbtrh `fssge he `çtbe bu obeihotgbeehr vbs `fos he


Cf shuch hxgaheoh mfes cf obeihotgbe mhs `fos nbrs sbc bu he `çtbe hst qu‗gcs

mbgvhet fvbgr ue cghu m‗hetrçh m‗hfu pbur c‗fpprbvgsgbeehlhet he hfu ht ue cghu

mh sbrtgh m‗hfu pbur ch vgmfeah.

?.6. Chs @fos he `çtbe

Chs `fos `çtbeeçs sbet chs geirfstruoturhs pfr hxohccheoh pbur chs prblbthurs qug

oblpthet murhr mfes c‗fotgvgtç pgsogobch. Zbur chs prbdhts ê cbea thrlh. _f murçh

mh vgh s‗çvfcuh hetrh 6: ê 0: fes shcbe cf lçtnbmh mh obestruotgbe. _be

flbrtgsshlhet hst lbges glpbrtfet obllh onfrah.

Xe `fssge lfábeeç mfes chs rîachs mh c‗frt hst hxträlhlhet rb`usth, rçsgstfet ht

murf`ch. Lfgs chs pfcghrs sbet oblpchxhs ê rçfcgshr ht mhs igssurhs phuvhet

fppfrfåtrh fu igc mhs fes.

_be prgeogpfc mçifut hst rhprçshetç pfr sf obeohptgbe oblpchxh ht thonegquh qug

eçohssgth ue ihrrfgccfah ht ue `çtbeefah, fuoueh pcfoh pbur c‗glprbvgsftgbe. Oh

qug ch rhem obûthux. Chs `fssges ifgts mh `rgquhs (orhushs bu pchgehs), sbet sudhts

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ê mhs iugths. Zbur çvgthr chs phrpçtuhcchs rçpfrftgbes, Gc hst prçiçrf`ch mh obeighr sf

rçfcgsftgbe ê ue spçogfcgsth.

?.0. Chs @fos Nbrs sbc (@N_) bu Pfohwfys

Cf sbcutgbe gmçfch fudburm‗nug pbur ueh prbmuotgbe gethesgvh hst c‗utgcgsftgbe mhs

`fos nbrs sbc. Gcs sbet pcus rçohets quh chs `fssges ê `çtbe ht mbeehet cf pbssg`gcgtç

mh prbmugrh ê lbgemrh obût. Chs `fos nbrs sbc, he pgsogoucturh, sbet mhs mgspbsgtgis

mh prbmuotgbe b÷ cf lftgîrh prgeogpfch utgcgsçh pbur c‗çtfeonçgtç hst mu pcfstgquh ,

ueh `àonh qug rhtghet c‗hfu. Gc hxgsth pcusghurs typhs mh `à onhs mh qufcgtçs vfrgçhs.

Cf qufcgtç mçphem mh cf lftgîrh (ZYO, Cgehr, Oblpbsgth) qug oblpbsh cf `àonh.

Ohs `fssges biirhet c‗fvfetfah m‗ueh ichxg`gcgtç mh ibrlh, mh tfgcch ht phuvhet ätrh

fçrghes bu sbuthrrfges. Chs pcus phtgths (3 68 l?) sbet mh sglpchs `fssgehs he

ZYO. ]buthibgs ohs `fos phuvhet ätrh mhs geirfstruoturhs mh trîs arfemhs

mglhesgbes (vbculh 3 6.::: l?).

Cf shuch obetrfgeth hst cf ahstgbe mh c‗uegtç pgsogobch qug b`cgah pfribgs ê obeohvbgr

ht lhttrh he pcfoh mhs `fos mh mglhesgbes rfgsbeef`chs. Cbrsqu‗ gcs sbet mh

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arfemhs mglhesgbes chs `fssgehs sbet rhlpcfoçhs pfr chs `fos he `çtbes qug sbet

mhs struoturhs pcus sbcgmhs.

Mfes oh arbuph mh @fos he pcfstgquhs, be phut ocfsshr chs ou`gtfgehrs, chs ifstfeks,

chs `fos pcfstgquhs ogroucfgrhs ht rhotfeaucfgrhs.

Chs glfahs og-mhssbus vbus prçsheth mhs `fos nbrs sbcs pbur cf prbmuotgbe mh


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GY. C‗hfu

C‗fcglhetftgbe he hfu hst hxocusgvhlhet fppbrtçh pfr ch pgsogoucthur. Ch prgeogph

hst sglpch, gc ifut lhttrh mh c‗hfu mfes ch obethefet pbur vbs pbgssbes mfes chquhc

ht ch vgmç pbur chs rhebuvhcchlhets. Cf qufcgtç mh c‗hfu mgspbeg`ch hst trîs

glpbrtfeth pbur tbus chs systîlhs pgsogobchs, lfgs sf qufetgtç hst heobrh pcus

glpbrtfeth pbur chs struoturhs he thrrh. Xeh obestfeth fcglhetftgbe he hfu hst


Cf thlpçrfturh mh c‗hfu hst ue orgtîrh mçthrlgefet mfes ch onbgx mhs hspîohs. Xeh

thlpçrfturh hetrh 0: ht ?:ºO hst açeçrfchlhet `beeh pbur cf pgsogoucturh.

Cf sfcgegtç (qufetgtç mh shcs mgssbus mfes c‗hfu) hst ue futrh ifothur glpbrtfet.

Ohrtfgehs hspîohs suppbrthet ueh lfrah mh sfcgegtç pcus cfrah quh m‗futrhs 4 ch

tgcfpgf ht ch pbgssbe-onft, pfr hxhlpch, suppbrthet ueh cfrah lfrah qug vf mh c‗hfu

mbuoh ê c‗hfu mh lhr, fcbrs quh cf ofrph eh suppbrth quh c‗hfu mbuoh.

Y. Chs hspîohs mh pbgssbes ouctgvf`chs

Zcusghurs hspîohs mh pbgssbes sbet ouctgvf`chs he ibeotgbe mh cf qufcgtç mh c‗hfu ht

mh vbtrh cbofcgtç. Lfgs ebus vbus prçshethrbes chs hspîohs mgspbeg`chs ht

ifogchlhet foohssg`chs.

8.6. Chs ocfrgfs

Ch aherh Ocfrgfs rharbuph ue ohrtfge ebl`rh m'hspîohs mh pbgssbes m'hfu mbuoh.

Ch aherh Ocfrgfs sh ofrfotçrgsh ebtfllhet pfr ue obrps pcus bu lbges fccbeaç,

ueh täth fpcftgh ht cf prçsheoh m'ueh shuch efahbgrh mbrsfch, s'çthemfet dusqu'ê cf

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efahbgrh ofumfch. Cf efahbgrh fmgphush hst mbeo f`sheth (ê c'hxohptgbe m'ueh

hspîoh, pbssçmfet ueh efahbgrh fmgphush rçmugth). Chs efahbgrhs pfgrhs eh sbet pfs

obeicuheths. Chs yhux, ê `brm cg`rh, sbet trîs phtgts. Ch aherh Ocfrgfs f çtç mgvgsç

he 9 sbus-aherhs.

8.0. Chs tgcfpgfs

Chs tgcfpgfs sbet mhs pbgssbes hxbtgquhs obesbllçs he f`bemfeoh pfrtbut mfes ch

lbemh. Cf mçeblgeftgbe tgcfpgf s‗fppcgquh he rçfcgtç ê mgiiçrhets pbgssbes `cfeos

fppfrthefet ê cf iflgcch mhs ogoncgmçs, ht ebtfllhet Brhbonrblgs egcbtgous ‟ ch

tgcfpgf mu Egc, ch pcus oburfet ‟ _frbtnhrbmbe ht ]gcfpgf

Gc hst ch 0h pbgssbe m‗çchvfah fu egvhfu lbemgfc, fprîs cf ofrph.

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8.?. Chs ofrphs

Cf ofrph obllueh (Oyprgeus ofrpgb) hst c‗hspîoh cf pcus çchvçh fu lbemh. Hcch

f ueh ibrlh pcus fccbeaçh quh cf pcupfrt mhs pbgssbes m'çchvfah, ueh phfu prhsquh

hetgîrhlhet afregh mh arfemhs çofgcchs çpfgsshs ht `ghe vgsg`chs. Cf täth hst obegquh

ht lfssgvh. Cf `buonh hst prbtrfotgch (qug s‗fccbeah vhrs c‗fvfet) ht hetburçh mh

cîvrhs çpfgsshs ; hcch hst luegh mh = `fr`gccbes (igcflhets lbus tfotgchs/shesgtgis)

mbet cf pfgrh geiçrghurh hst pcus cbeauh, tbus sgtuçs fu egvhfu mh cf làonbgrh


YG. C‗fcglhetftgbe mhs pbgssbes

Mfes chs çtfeas ebus fvbes mhux typhs mh eburrgturh quh ch pbgssbe phut lfeahr

4 cf eburrgturh prbmugrh efturhcchlhet mfes c‗çtfea (pnytbpcfeotbe) ht cf eburrgturh

oblpcçlhetfgrh fppbrtçh mh c‗hxtçrghur. Mfes ch systîlh m‗çchvfah nbrs sbc shuch

cf eburrgturh frtgigoghcch mgspbeg`ch mfes cf cbofcgtç hst utgcgsçh pbur eburrgr chs


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Mhs hxhlpchs typgquhs mh eburrgturhs frtgigoghcchs pbur pbgssbes sbet ch sbe mh rgz,

ch rgz obeofssç, cf lgh mh pfge, chs oçrçfchs, chs rçsgmus mh oçrçfchs, cf ifrgeh mh

lfâs, c‗nhr`h mh Augeçh, ch Efpghr, chs irugts ht chs cçaulhs, chs tburthfux

m‗frfongmh ht mh sbdf ht chs mräonhs mh `rfsshrgh.

Ybgog quhcquhs mgrhotgvhs prftgquhs pbur c‗fcglhetftgbe mhs pbgssbes 4

✟ Eburrgsshz tbudburs vbs pbgssbes ê cf lälh nhurh ht fu lälh hemrbgt mu `fo.

Chs pbgssbes he prhemrbet c‗nf`gtumh ht s‗fpprbonhrbet mh cf surifoh mh c‗hfu 4

vbus pburrhz pcus ifogchlhet vbgr s‗gcs lfeahet ht sh mçvhcbpphet obrrhothlhet.

C‗fcglhetftgbe mbgt sh ifgrh he ige mh lftgeçh bu he mç`ut m‗ fprîs-lgmg, chs

pbgssbes furbet fgesg ch thlps mh sh rhlhttrh, fvfet cf tbl`çh mh cf eugt, mh

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