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Q1. Identify and explain the basic steps of the scientific method.

The scientific research method is a logical and systematic approach to study and analysis that

starts with observation, collects information following predictions and hypotheses, and analyzes

results (Conerly, Holmes, & Tamang, 2021). The basic steps of scientific methods are followed


1. Observation and collection of information based on objectives are done.

2. Creation of inferences and predictions based on the question raised and the data collected.
3. Experiment and analysis involving manipulation and evaluation variables, followed by
analysis and results
4. Result and conclusion involving discussion and drawing the outcome based on research.

Q2. Concerning sociological research methodology, explain the importance of using a

design that is both reliable and valid

The reliability and validity of design are the prime conceptions of sociological research

methodology as the consistency and accuracy of the results are ensured, which can be valid and

trusted (Conerly, Holmes, & Tamang, 2021).

Q3. Choose two major research designs (surveys, observations, existing resources, and

experiments) and explain their basic procedures and goals.

Surveys and experiments are two significant research designs. The basic procedure of the survey

follows collecting data from a large population sample based on relevant questionnaires (Ponto,

2015). The survey gathers various quantitative data following the end-to-end responses to

questionaries. The survey aims to obtain quantitative data from the required respondents.

Similarly, the experiment follows the procedure of manipulating, testing, calculating, and

evaluating data that determines the relationship between the variables involved.

Q4. What type of data do surveys gather? ‌‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍For what topics would a survey be the best

method of research? What are some drawbacks to this type of research?

A survey gathers demographic information like the status, characteristics, behaviors, opinions,

and other attitudes toward a particular subject (Ponto, 2015). Survey is the most suitable method

for these topics. However, it has some drawbacks, like a limited in-depth understanding and

inaccurate and biased results.

Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L. (2021). Introduction to Sociology 3e. In T. R.
Conerly, K. Holmes, & A. L. Tamang. Texas: OpenStax.

Ponto, J. (2015). Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. J Adv Pract Oncol, 168-171.

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