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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2024) 26, 1–26

PRACTICE guidelines

2024 ISFM and AAFP consensus

guidelines on the long-term use
of NSAIDs in cats

Practical relevance: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used and
are effective for the management of pain in cats. These Guidelines will support veterinarians
in decision-making around prescribing NSAIDs in situations of chronic pain, to minimise adverse
Samantha Taylor
effects and optimise pain management. Information is provided on mechanism of action, BVetMed (Hons), CertSAM,
indications for use, screening prior to prescription, use in the presence of comorbidities, monitoring DipECVIM-CA, MANZCVS, FRCVS*
of efficacy, and avoidance and management of adverse effects. Panel Chair
International Society of Feline
Clinical challenges: The cat’s unique metabolism should be considered when prescribing any medications, Medicine, International Cat Care,
including NSAIDs. Chronic pain may be challenging to detect in this species and comorbidities, particularly Tisbury, Wiltshire, UK

chronic kidney disease, are common in senior cats. Management of chronic pain may be complicated by Margaret Gruen
prescription of other drugs with the potential for interactions with NSAIDs. Comparative Pain Research
Evidence base: These Guidelines have been created by a panel of experts brought together by the Laboratory; and Behavioural
Medicine Service – Department
International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) and American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP). of Clinical Sciences, College of
Information is based on the available literature, expert opinion and the panel members’ experience. Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina
State University, NC, USA
Keywords: Carprofen; meloxicam; robenacoxib; analgesia; chronic kidney disease; osteoarthritis; Kate KuKanich
degenerative joint disease; pain management; chronic pain DVM, PhD, DipACVIM (SAIM)
Department of Clinical Sciences,
College of Veterinary Medicine,
Introduction Kansas State University, KS, USA
B Duncan X Lascelles
BVSc, BSc, CertVA, PhD, DipECVS,
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs DSAS(Soft Tissue), DipACVS, FRCVS
(NSAIDs) are the most widely used analgesics RESOURCES FOR CAREGIVERS
Translational Research in Pain (TRiP)
Program and Comparative Pain
in veterinary medicine, with robust evidence The ISFM and AAFP have produced resources for Research and Education Centre
available for safety and efficacy in feline pain caregivers to complement the information and advice (CPREC), North Carolina State
offered in these Guidelines. University, NC, USA
management.1,2 In 2010, consensus guidelines
< ISFM guides for caregivers: Beatriz P Monteiro
from the International Society of Feline DVM, PhD, ISFMAdvCertFB, PgDip
– ‘Treating chronic (long-lasting) pain with NSAIDs’
Medicine (ISFM) and American Association of Department of Clinical Sciences,
– ‘Changes to the home environment for cats with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Feline Practitioners (AAFP) on the long-term muscle/joint pain or mobility problems’ Université de Montréal,
use of NSAIDs in cats were published,3 provid- – ‘Encouraging your cat to drink’ Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada
ing practical and clinically applicable informa- < AAFP client brochure: Llibertat Real Sampietro
tion for veterinary professionals. Since then, – ‘Treating chronic pain with NSAIDs’ DVM, Acre AVEPA
in Feline Medicine
more research and new NSAIDs approved for Available as supplementary material. Also at: CV Ayavet, Boadilla del Monte,
use in cats have become available; hence, this Madrid, Spain

group of drugs continues to play a key part in Sheilah Robertson

BVMS (Hons), CertVA, PhD,
the management of both acute and chronic DACVAA, DECVAA, DACAW,
(maladaptive) pain (see box). DECAWBM (AWSEL), FRCVS
Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice,
The ‘2022 ISFM Consensus Guidelines discuss the use of NSAIDs in acute pain Lutz, FL, USA; and
on the Management of Acute Pain in Cats’1 scenarios, often as part of multimodal pain Courtesy Lecturer, Shelter Medicine
Program, University of Florida,
management regimens. The present Guide- FL, USA
lines provide practitioners with consensus
Chronic (maladaptive) pain Paulo V Steagall
information and advice on the appropriate use MV, MS, PhD, DipACVAA
Chronic pain is considered maladaptive, patho- Department of Veterinary Clinical
of NSAIDs in the management of chronic pain. Sciences and Centre for Animal
logical or long-term pain because it persists beyond
Additional aims are to support caregivers to Health and Welfare, Jockey Club
the expected course of an acute disease process, College of Veterinary Medicine and
optimise their cat’s quality of life, to minimise
serves no biological purpose, is not associated with Life Sciences, City University of
the potential for adverse effects and to provide Hong Kong, SAR China; and
healing and has no clear end point. Chronic pain
a number of educational resources (see Department of Clinical Sciences,
can be associated with long-term diseases (eg, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
‘Resources for caregivers’). Université de Montréal, Saint-
degenerative joint disease [DJD], periodontal Hyacinthe, QC, Canada
disease), but can also exist without a primary
*Corresponding author:
identifiable cause (ie, be a disease in its own right).2

DoI: 10.1177/1098612X241241951
© ISFM and AAFP 2024 1
P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Mechanism of action of NSAIDs

< Introduction 1 Anti-inflammatory drugs act on different
< Mechanism of action of NSAIDs 2 pathways of the arachidonic acid cascade to
< NSAIDs in cats 2 produce anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
< Other anti-inflammatory drugs 3 antipyretic effects (Figure 1). They inhibit
< Indications for long-term use of cyclooxygenase (CoX) enzymes in cell mem-
NSAIDs in cats 5
branes, which in turn limits the synthesis of
prostaglandins (PGs).3,4 The most relevant
CoX isoforms are CoX-1 and CoX-2, and
– Dental/oral disease 5 each is responsible for the production of PGs
– Neoplasia 6 with diverse physiological effects. PGs pro-
< Assessment of chronic pain 6 duced from CoX-1 activity play a role in
– Behavioural signs 6 gastroprotection (secretion of gastric mucus
– Physical examination findings 6 and production of bicarbonate), maintenance
– Overview of indicators of chronic pain 7 of renal perfusion under hypotensive/hypo-
< Practical long-term NSAID therapy 7
volaemic states and vascular homeostasis
(thromboxane and prostacyclin production).
– Pain assessment 7
PGs produced from CoX-2 are predominant-
– Medicating cats 9 ly induced after tissue injury and trigger
– Choosing the NSAID 10 inflammation via numerous inflammatory
– Choosing the dosing regimen 10 mediators (ie, endotoxins, cytokines, growth
– Switching medications 11 factors), which sensitise peripheral nerves
– Anaesthesia and surgery when cats (eg, joint tissues in DJD, or tissues surround-
are receiving long-term NSAIDs 12 ing a tumour [eg, transitional cell carcinoma,
– Cats requiring long-term NSAIDs squamous cell carcinoma, mammary carcino-
postsurgery 12 ma]).5 Although this inflammatory process is
often related to peripheral sensitisation, it can
< Monitoring the clinical response
potentially evolve to central sensitisation.
to NSAIDs 13
Therefore, inhibition of CoX-1 activity
< NSAIDs and comorbidities 13
results in adverse effects whereas inhibition
– Chronic kidney disease 13 of CoX-2 activity results in therapeutic
– Other comorbidities 13 (analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic)
< NSAID administration: adverse effects effects. However, CoX-1 can also be associat-
and contraindications 15 ed with inflammation and CoX-2 can be
– Prevalence of ADEs 15 involved in homeostatic functions.
– The gastrointestinal tract 16 Different NSAIDs are associated with differ-
– The kidney 16 ent degrees of inhibition of CoX isoforms;
drugs with greater CoX-2 inhibitory effects
– The liver 16
relative to CoX-1 (ie, CoX-2 preferential, CoX-
– Coagulation and bleeding 17
2 selective or CoX-1 sparing) are, in theory,
– Responding to ADEs 17 expected to produce fewer adverse effects.
< NSAIDs and other drugs 17 However, any NSAID can induce significant
< Alternatives to NSAIDs 19 adverse effects when dosage regimens are not
< Cat friendly techniques to reduce followed or contraindications for use exist.
chronic pain 20
– Emotions and pain perception 20 NSAIDs in cats
– Environmental modifications in
the home to decrease pain 20
Meloxicam and robenacoxib are the most
widely studied NSAIDs in cats, with strong
– Environmental modifications in
evidence of safety and efficacy for the man-
the clinic 21
agement of DJD-related pain (Box 1),6–10
< Conclusions 22 including in cats with stable, early chronic
< Summary points 22 kidney disease (CKD) (see later).13 They are
< Supplementary material 22 licensed for long-term use in several coun-
< References 23 tries. The unique feline metabolism must
be considered when prescribing any medica-
tion for this species. Cats have deficient
The widespread role of prostaglandins in chronic glucuronidation capabilities and are, there-
pain partly explains the predictable response of fore, at greater risk of toxicity when being
administered drugs relying on this pathway
most chronic pain conditions to NSAID therapies. for clearance (hence why paracetamol

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Figure 1 Simplified version

of the arachidonic acid
Cell membrane phospholipids cascade with focus on
cyclooxygenase (COX)-

 dependent prostaglandin
Corticosteroid Phospholipases (PG) production.
inhibition Corticosteroids act by
inhibiting the action of
Arachidonic acid phospholipase enzymes
early in the cascade.

NSAIDs act by inhibiting
 COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes,
Cyclooxygenase 5-Lipoxygenase with consequent inhibition
inhibition (COX-1 and COX-2) of PG biosynthesis.
Grapiprant is an antagonist
of the EP4 receptor.
Figure adapted with
PGH2 permission from Monteiro
and Steagall (2019)4


< EP1 to EP4 = prostaglandin E2 receptor
< IP = prostacyclin receptor
EP2 < PGE2 = prostaglandin E2
< PGH2 = prostaglandin H2
EP3 < PGI2 = prostacyclin
< TP = thromboxane receptor
Grapiprant < TXA2 = thromboxane

Box 1 Other anti-inflammatory drugs

Degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis in cats other anti-inflammatory drugs include
The term ‘degenerative joint disease’ (DJD) encompasses degeneration of all grapiprant, corticosteroids, metamizole (dipy-
types of joints (synovial, appendicular, intervertebral, fibrocartilaginous), rone) and paracetamol. However, for various
whereas osteoarthritis (OA) refers to a chronic, low-grade inflammatory, overall reasons, these drugs are not indicated for
degenerative process of synovial joints that is not driven by infection or long-term administration and management of
immune-mediated disease. Cats with musculoskeletal pain may have a pain in cats.
combination of osteoarthritic pain and pain from non-synovial joints.7,11,12 Grapiprant is a non-CoX-inhibiting NSAID.
For these reasons, the term ‘DJD’ is preferred when referring to cats being It is a PG receptor antagonist that targets the
treated for musculoskeletal/joint pain. EP4 receptor (Figure 1). The drug is licensed in
some countries for the control of pain and
inflammation in dogs with oA, but only limit-
ed safety data exist in cats; moreover, there is
[acetaminophen] is contraindicated in this unknown safety and efficacy for long-term
species).14 Meloxicam has been shown to be pain.24 As such, the panel members do not
primarily metabolised by oxidative pathways recommend its use for chronic pain manage-
with faecal elimination in cats.15 Robenacoxib ment in cats. Corticosteroids have potent anti-
is also primarily excreted via faeces, but its inflammatory properties that are commonly
metabolic pathway in cats remains associated with important adverse effects.
unknown.16 They are not considered primarily as analgesic
The safety and/or efficacy of other NSAIDs, drugs and are not used for long-term pain
such as carprofen, ketoprofen, tolfenamic acid management. Metamizole produces analgesic
and vedaprofen, has been investigated in cats, and antipyretic effects via the inhibition of a
but these studies have generally involved use subform of CoX-1 present in the central ner-
of these drugs for the treatment of acute post- vous system;25 its adverse effects (such as
surgical and/or acute musculoskeletal agranulocytosis seen in other species)26 and
pain,17–19 or for short periods in healthy or role in long-term pain management in cats are
osteoarthritic cats.20,21 For NSAIDs such as not known. Paracetamol is strictly contraindi-
cimicoxib and deracoxib, only limited phar- cated in cats due to the significant risk of
macokinetic data in healthy cats exist.22,23 inducing methaemoglobulinaemia.14
Whether any of these NSAIDs are safe or
effective for the management of long-term
pain in cats remains unknown. For this rea- Meloxicam and robenacoxib are the most
son, they should not be administered to cats
for this purpose. widely studied NSAIDs in cats.

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Box 2
Long-term Common causes of chronic pain
use of NSAIDs
< Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy and < Gastrointestinal conditions (eg, megacolon,
is indicated radiation-induced skin burns constipation, inflammatory bowel disease)
< CKD (eg, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis) < Neoplasia (eg, feline injection-site sarcoma,
particularly < DJD/OA (Figure 2) oral squamous cell carcinoma)
when < Dental and oral disease (eg, gingivitis, < Ocular conditions (eg, corneal ulcers, uveitis,
periodontitis, stomatitis; Figure 3) glaucoma; Figure 5)
inflammation is < Dermatological conditions (eg, otitis, severe < Persistent postsurgical pain (eg, limb or tail
pruritus, burns, chronic wounds) amputation, thoracotomy, mastectomy, chronic
a contributing < Neuropathic pain (feline orofacial pain pain syndrome after onychectomy; Figure 6)
factor to syndrome, feline hyperaesthesia syndrome, < Previous trauma
diabetes-induced neuropathy; Figure 4) < Urogenital conditions (eg, FIC)
chronic pain.
CKD = chronic kidney disease; DJD = degenerative joint disease; FIC = feline idiopathic cystitis;
OA = osteoarthritis

a b

Figure 3 (a,b) Advanced periodontal disease in an 11-year-old female cat. Severe gingivitis –
a source of inflammatory pain – is evident and the cat would be observed pawing at the mouth
while eating. Following dental treatment under general anaesthesia, including tooth extractions,
the caregivers reported that the clinical signs had subsided, and their cat was once again
displaying friendly behaviours. Images courtesy of Beatriz Monteiro

Figure 2 Lateral
radiograph of an
elbow showing severe
changes. Image
courtesy of Sam Taylor

Figure 5 Ophthalmic
conditions such as a
corneal ulcer, as
pictured in this cat,
can cause chronic pain.
Image courtesy of
Clarisse D’Aout

Figure 6 Persistent postsurgical pain following

onychectomy. This cat would frequently keep the
left paw lifted while sitting, to avoid bearing weight
on it, and even several years after surgery would
resent being touched on the paw. Image courtesy
of André Desrochers

a b
Many of the behavioural changes
Figure 4 Sources of neuropathic pain. (a) Suspected feline hyperaesthesia
syndrome. This cat would suddenly start plucking hair around the thoracolumbar associated with chronic pain will be best
area and would react to touching of this same area, showing signs of allodynia
(ie, pain after a non-painful stimulus such as touch). (b) A cat with feline orofacial
pain syndrome. This cat would frantically rub its face with the front paws and
observed (and most readily displayed)
would vocalise for no identified reason, even after dental treatment. Images
courtesy of Beatriz Monteiro in the home setting.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Indications for long-term use following 4 days) did not reduce the preva-
of NSAIDs in cats lence of urinary obstruction relapse when
compared with placebo.32 The treatment dura-
Long-term use of NSAIDs may be indicated tion in the latter study may have been too
for the treatment of several chronic pain short; and other factors may have influenced
conditions in cats (Box 2), particularly when reobstruction. Another prospective, ran-
inflammation is a contributing factor.3 In cats, domised clinical trial evaluating cats with
many chronic pain states involve mixed, albeit obstructive FIC treated with low-dosage
varying, contributions from inflammatory, meloxicam (0.025 mg/cat Po q24h) in combi-
neuropathic and functional (dysfunctional) nation with alprazolam and phenoxybenza-
pain, with resultant changes in somatosensory mine for 14 days, did not find any reduction in
system processing. As discussed, NSAIDs act long-term recurrence rates or signs of FIC (up
to inhibit the production of PGs, which play to 6 months after discharge) when compared
a role in pain and sensitivity in both the with cats not receiving meloxicam, although
peripheral and central nervous system. The Chronic pain the study was underpowered.33
widespread role of PGs in chronic pain partly The studies described did not specifically
explains the predictable response of most should be focus on pain management, rather mostly on
chronic pain conditions to NSAID therapies. managed using the impact of NSAID therapy on the disease
The most common chronic pain states in itself. Therefore, cats may have benefited from
cats relate to DJD, and these are also the a multimodal pain relief as a result of treatment with NSAIDs,
best studied as regards the use of NSAIDs. even if outcomes in terms of recurrence rates
However, there are other chronic diseases approach, were not affected. Another consideration, given
involving significant inflammation and pain ideally involving that most of these studies were underpowered,
for which NSAIDs may form an important is the possibility of a type II error having
part of the treatment protocol for achieving pharmacological occurred (ie, a false-negative finding).
patient comfort, although the literature is Administration of NSAIDs to cats with
scarce.2 Some examples include feline lower and non- FLUTD may be appropriate as part of a multi-
urinary tract disease (FLUTD), of which pharmacological modal regimen involving analgesia and envi-
55–65% of cases involve feline idiopathic ronmental modification, depending on the
cystitis (FIC),27 gingivostomatitis, uveitis, skin therapies. individual case and any contraindications.
disease and some types of cancer (Box 2). The risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) in cats
with various causes of FLUTD and ongoing
FLUTD/FIC decreased water intake, and particularly cats
In cats with FIC, NSAID therapy is often part with urethral obstruction, azotaemia, hyper-
of a multimodal analgesia protocol and used kalaemia and dehydration, must not be over-
in combination with environmental modifica- looked.
tions, reduction of stress and dietary manage-
ment.28,29 NSAIDs may be important in pain Dental/oral disease
relief (given that the disease is associated with Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS),
significant inflammation), but treatment for another very painful condition affecting many
the underlying cause may require environ- cats, is characterised by significant persistent
mental and dietary changes, for example.30 (potentially lifelong) oral inflammation. The
While the use of NSAIDs in the manage- inflammatory component involves the muco-
ment of non-obstructive FIC is not well stud- gingival junction, and buccal and caudal oral
ied, NSAIDs have been evaluated in cats mucosa, producing erosive and bleeding
with urethral obstruction. A retrospective case lesions. Clinical signs of severe oral pain
series involving 192 male cats with urinary include reduced grooming, halitosis, repelling
obstruction revealed no association between behaviour (hissing, swiping), weight loss and
the recurrence of obstruction and the adminis- lethargy, among others.34,35 Treatment should
tration of meloxicam.31 A subsequent prospec- focus on management of the periodontal dis-
tive, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical ease (eg, dental extractions), while addressing
trial in cats with obstructive FIC found that other factors (eg, pathogens).
short-term administration of oral meloxicam NSAID therapy with long-term administra-
(0.1 mg/kg on day 1 and 0.05 mg/kg on the tion may be part of a multimodal analgesic
approach for postoperative pain management
and given alongside other medical treat-
In cats with idiopathic cystitis, NSAID therapy ments.36 Postoperative pain is severe after
multiple dental extractions in cats with FCGS,
is often part of a multimodal protocol incorporating with one prospective clinical trial reporting
environmental modifications, reduction of stress changes in behaviours and feeding in cats
for up to 3 days after surgery, even when
and dietary management. receiving opioids, local anaesthetic blocks and

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

NSAIDs.37 Some of these cats may require Assessment of chronic pain

hospitalisation and long-term administration
of opioids, as well as NSAIDs. Behavioural signs
Prospective, randomised studies on the use Behavioural signs continue to be the best
of NSAIDs for the palliative treatment of FCGS indicator of chronic pain states in cats.47
are scarce in the literature. one such investiga- Unlike acute pain scales, instruments for
tion, a 12-week, randomised, double-blinded chronic pain assessment mostly rely on care-
clinical study of 13 cats with caudal stomatitis, giver observation of behavioural changes.
reported that clinical signs were improved in These vary by condition, but changes often
77% of cats receiving a combination of bovine relate to the cat’s routine activities, mobility,
lactoferrin oral spray and piroxicam (0.3 social interactions, mood or temperament.48
mg/kg Po q48h).38 Most of the instruments that have been
validated are for assessment of chronic pain
Neoplasia associated with DJD; additional instruments
NSAIDs may also be beneficial for evaluating the effects of chronic pain have
the treatment of some cancers, as been developed to assess health-related quali-
well as for palliative care. Certain ty of life.
neoplasms (eg, transitional cell A core element in the assessment of pain
carcinoma of the urinary bladder, associated with chronic disease conditions
mammary carcinoma, oral squa- is the use of clinical metrology instruments
mous cell carcinoma; Figure 7) (caregiver questionnaires) to capture
may have a CoX expression pattern, behavioural changes, which are best identi-
with therapeutic and prognostic fied in the home environment. This approach
implications.39–42 Specifically, CoX-2 is combined with review of home video
expression by neoplasms is linked clips and photographs, and veterinarian
to angiogenesis, decreased apop- examinations.
tosis, inflammation, cell prolifera- Table 1 summarises the various tools avail-
tion and matrix metalloproteinase able for chronic pain assessment.
production.43 Figure 7 A female cat
Long-term therapy with oral piroxicam was with oral squamous cell Physical examination findings
carcinoma affecting the
retrospectively reviewed in 73 cats with a vari- rostral mandible. Clinical
Veterinary assessments include comprehen-
ety of neoplasms; doses of 0.13–0.41 mg/kg signs included decreased sive physical examinations (see guidance
appetite, halitosis, ptyalism
q24h were given over a treatment period rang- and dysphagia for
on cat friendly interactions in the ‘2022
ing from 1–38 months. Treatment was not approximately 1 month. AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly Veterinary Inter-
associated with changes in haematological and Changes in behaviour,
including irritation and
action Guidelines: Approach and Handling
biochemical profile, but 29% of cats presented difficulty in jumping up, Techniques’57) and additional examinations,
with increased vomiting and other mild and were also reported by the as indicated (orthopaedic, neurological, dental/
caregiver. Image courtesy
transient adverse effects.44 In another retro- of Beatriz Monteiro oral, ophthalmic). Sedation should be consid-
spective study, meloxicam (ie, a CoX-2 prefer- ered when needed to thoroughly examine
ential NSAID in cats) was used as the primary painful areas (including the oral cavity), but it
treatment in 11 senior cats with transitional cell must be remembered that sedatives/anxiolyt-
carcinoma of the urinary bladder.45 Dosage ics can often change behavioural indicators
regimens included a mean initial dose of of pain.58 Further investigations, such as
0.09 mg/kg (range 0.01–0.3) Po q24h for the imaging, may be indicated based on physical
first 3–7 days and a mean maintenance dose of examination findings.
0.04 mg/kg (range 0.01–0.1) Po q24h there- As many of the behavioural changes associ-
after, and clinical improvement (ie, decreases ated with chronic pain will be best observed
in haematuria and/or dysuria) was reported. (and most readily displayed) in the home
Most neoplasms had a higher prevalence of setting, short video clips (20–30 s) of specific
CoX-1 than CoX-2 expression; those cats with behaviours captured by caregivers, such as
transitional cell carcinoma with CoX-2 expres- walking, going up and down stairs, and jump-
sion had lower mean survival times than those ing up and down, are an excellent extension
with negative CoX-2 expression.45 A 2022 of the examination/consultation room assess-
phase 1 (dose escalation) clinical trial demon- ment (see Table 1).
strated that low-dose oral meloxicam in com-
bination with standard-dose toceranib (start-
ing dose of 0.01 mg/kg meloxicam on opposite Behavioural signs are the best indicator
days to toceranib, increasing up to a maximum
of 0.02 mg/kg q24h) was well tolerated in 21 of the presence of chronic pain in cats.
cats with cancer not involving the kidneys, and They are also critical in monitoring
there were no significant adverse effects neces-
sitating treatment interruption.46 a cat’s response to NSAID treatment.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Table 1 Tools for chronic pain assessment in cats

Tool Condition User Ease of use Purpose Validation

Physical examination All Veterinarian Moderate, requires Screening, diagnosing, Not formally validated
training monitoring for assessment of pain

In-clinic observation All Veterinarian and Moderate, requires Monitoring Not formally validated
veterinary nurse/ training for assessment of pain
Home video clips All Caregiver collects Moderate, requires Screening, monitoring Not formally validated
and photographs information, instructions for assessment of pain
veterinarian evaluates

Activity monitor All Clinical research Challenging to set up Monitoring Validated for DJD49
and operate
Feline OA/DJD Caregiver Simple Screening Validated50
Musculoskeletal Pain
Screening Checklist
(Feline MiPSC)a
Feline OA/DJD Caregiver Simple Monitoring Validated51,52
Musculoskeletal Pain
Index (FMPI)b
Montreal Instrument OA/DJD Caregiver Simple Monitoring Moderately validated53,54
for Cat Arthritis
Testing (Caretaker)

Client Specific All Caregiver Moderate Monitoring Moderately validated52,55

Outcome Measures –
feline (CSOMf)d
Health-related quality All Caregiver Simple Monitoring Moderately validated
of life (HRQL)e (not specific to pain)56

The aim of this table is to summarise relevant conditions for each approach to chronic pain assessment, as well as who the primary user is, how
easy the assessment is to use and what the purpose is. The final column provides information on whether the assessment tool has been validated
for its purpose with respect to pain – that is, whether (for the conditions indicated) the tool has been demonstrated to be a valid measure of the
impact of pain. DJD = degenerative joint disease; OA = osteoarthritis
Figure 5 in Enomoto et al (2020)50 –

Overview of indicators of chronic pain Practical long-term NSAID

Table 2 provides an overview of indicators of therapy
chronic pain, incorporating both behavioural
signs and physical examination findings. In Patient assessment
cases where chronic pain is suspected, but Before prescribing long-term NSAID therapy,
signs are equivocal, trial analgesic therapy can cats should be assessed for suitability and to
be useful (Box 3). identify any contraindications or factors to be
considered in dosage and monitoring. Box 4
presents a suggested screening protocol.

Box 3
Use of trial analgesic therapy to assist the diagnosis of chronic pain
Trial analgesic Signs of chronic pain in cats can be subtle. Trial recommended to monitor the response to trial
analgesic therapy can be useful when chronic pain analgesic therapy, but it should be noted that the
therapy can be is suspected, but hard to detect. Once appropriate absence of an improvement following trial therapy
diagnostics have been performed, analgesics may may not completely rule out chronic pain. Chronic
useful when be prescribed. A decrease in or resolution of clinical pain is difficult to treat and there is relatively little
chronic pain is signs (application of objective measures, as evidence for the efficacy of analgesics for chronic
indicated in Table 1, may be helpful), and/or an pain in cats (beyond the use of NSAIDs and
suspected, but improvement in appetite, social interaction, and so anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibodies
on, may confirm the presence of chronic pain. [anti-NGF mAbs] for osteoarthritic pain). Thus, a
hard to detect.
The use of standardised measures (Table 1) is lack of response should be interpreted cautiously.

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Table 2 Overview of behavioural signs and physical examination findings that can be associated with
chronic pain conditions in cats
Pain condition Behavioural signs Physical examination findings Comments
Dental and oral pain Dropping food, chewing on one side Resistance to oral examination. Ensure retraction of lower lip to allow
of the mouth or chewing more slowly. Ptyalism and halitosis. Gingivitis or examination of all teeth. Sedation may
Resistance to handling of the mouth. stomatitis may be seen. Enlarged be needed for full oral examination.
Subtle signs may include only mandibular lymph nodes. Grooming Some lesions are only identified on
decreased appetite or a change in may have decreased, resulting in an radiography (Figure 8). Some cats
food preferences. Head held down. unkempt haircoat. Weight loss show few signs other than weight loss
Reluctance to having the head and from a chronic reduction in food intake
oral area petted or palpated
DJD Changes in mobility and performance Muscle loss (Figure 9). Pain and Caregiver video clips of the cat
of daily activities. Lower overall decreased range of motion on jumping up and down, going up and
activity. Changes (reduction) in flexion/extension of joints. Unkempt down stairs, walking and playing are
social interaction and tolerance haircoat may be seen useful in diagnosis
of petting/handling. Changes in
elimination habits
Neoplasia A wide range of behavioural changes Dependent on the site of the cancer Bone pain may present with similar
is possible, dependent on the site of clinical signs as DJD. Oral examination
the cancer under sedation may be needed to
identify oral neoplasia

FLUTD (eg, urolithiasis, Pollakiuria, dysuria, straining, Small painful bladder (FIC) or large House-soiling can persist past
FIC) haematuria and vocalisation during firm bladder (ie, obstruction). Pain on resolution of clinical signs if learned
elimination (Figure 10). Urination abdominal palpation avoidance of the litter tray/box has
outside the litter tray/box occurred
Neuropathy/neuropathic Excessive attention paid to a Significant reaction (often with Caregiver video clips of specific
pain particular area, including overgrooming vocalisation and skin rippling) to behaviours may be useful. Condition
of that area. Cats with feline palpation of an area. Evidence of may be exacerbated by stress
hyperaesthesia syndrome may self-trauma
show rippling/twitching of skin
spontaneously or when touched, may
appear to be trying to bite their hind
end or chase their tail, and may
vocalise (growl, hiss or yowl) and/or
run away
Persistent postsurgical Excessive licking of the site Sensitivity to palpation of the site Although there may be a record of
pain of previous surgery of previous surgery. Evidence of surgery or trauma, a lifelong history
self-trauma with information on procedures (eg,
onychectomy as a kitten) or injuries
may be unavailable
Ear/skin infection Scratching and overgrooming. With Erythema, debris and areas of Full otic examination may require
ear infection, a low head carriage, alopecia from overgrooming (Figure sedation, particularly if painful
head tilt or other unusual head 11). Signs and lesion distribution will
position may be seen be disease-dependent
Abdominal pain (eg, Abnormal behaviour, including Resentment of abdominal palpation, Pain on abdominal palpation may be
pancreatitis, urolithiasis reduced interaction with caregivers, lip licking and weight loss/reduced hard to detect. Further tests are
(Figure 12], cholecystitis) and increased hiding/sleeping. body condition. Other indicators needed for diagnosis
Inappetence and other signs of illness will be dependent on pathology
(eg, vomiting) (eg, jaundice)

DJD = degenerative joint disease; FIC = feline idiopathic cystitis; FLUTD = feline lower urinary tract disease

a b

Figure 8 (a) Radiograph of resorptive lesions (arrows) likely to be causing chronic pain. (b) Appearance on clinical examination; the lesion on tooth 307
is not visible. Images courtesy of Rachel Perry

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Screening allows discussion with clients

about risk assessment and facilitates transpar-
ent informed consent. If long-term NSAIDs
are pursued, screening creates an opportunity
to minimise the risk of adverse drug effects
(eg, by discontinuing glucocorticoids, main-
taining adequate hydration, controlling blood
pressure, monitoring laboratory trends,

Medicating cats
Cats are notoriously difficult to medicate with
oral drugs. While this may be the subject of
many a cartoon and animation on the internet,
these sadly reflect the reality of the negative
Figure 9 A 20-year-old cat with moderate experience that can result for cats and their
to severe DJD in multiple joints. Note the caregivers. Difficulty with drug administra-
generalised loss of muscle mass. Image
courtesy of Beatriz Monteiro tion impacts treatment compliance, the bond
between cats and caregivers, and the well-
Figure 10 Pollakiuria and haematuria in a cat being of both.59,60
with FIC. Image courtesy of Sam Taylor

Figure 12 Radiograph
of a cat with urolithiasis
presenting with pain
on abdominal palpation.
Note also the presence of
lumbar spondylosis, which
Figure 11 Erythema, excoriation and may be an additional cause
alopecia in a young cat with food-responsive of pain. Image courtesy of
dermatitis. Image courtesy of Sam Taylor Marina Aylagas

Box 4
Screening prior to NSAID therapy
A comprehensive history, thorough physical examination and some basic laboratory tests are critical
in determining if a cat is a good candidate for long-term NSAID therapy.

< History should disclose chronic illness, and abdominal palpation, including evaluation
such as CKD, chronic enteropathy or diabetes of kidney size and shape. Additionally, systolic
mellitus, which could make a cat prone to blood pressure assessment (Figure 13) and
dehydration. History-taking should also include fundic examination are recommended prior
concurrent medications, especially those that to administering long-term NSAIDs
affect the kidneys (eg, diuretics, angiotensin- < Laboratory testing, including a haematocrit as
converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors) or those a minimum, or ideally a complete blood count,
that could affect the gastrointestinal tract is helpful to evaluate for anaemia. A serum
(eg, glucocorticoids), as these could increase chemistry profile helps to determine
the risk of adverse effects of NSAIDs pretreatment renal function and liver status.
< Physical examination should be systematic Assessment of urine specific gravity is
and include the following: assessment of essential; ideally, dipstick testing and a
hydration status and mucous membrane colour; sediment examination is performed, and, if
body weight, body condition score and muscle proteinuria is present, a urine protein:creatinine
condition score; heart and lung auscultation; (UPC) ratio is determined

P R A C T I C E G U I D E L I N E S / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Choosing the NSAID

For reasons discussed above, meloxicam and
robenacoxib are the NSAIDs of choice for
long-term pain management in cats. In prac-
tice, the choice of one vs the other is based
on preference, availability, palatability and
formulation. Proprietary meloxicam (eg,
The ‘caregiver Metacam, Boehringer Ingelheim; Meloxidyl,
Ceva) and robenacoxib (Onsior, Elanco) for
burden’ cats are available, with different label recom-
(the negative mendations in different countries. Generic
formulations of meloxicam are also available,
emotional, which are identical to the branded drug in
terms of active ingredient, safety, strength,
physical, route of administration, purity, quality and
financial and intended use.62 Compounded NSAID prod-
ucts (including transdermal) are available in
time impact some countries, but veterinarians should be
aware of the lack of guarantee of potency,
Figure 13 Assessment of blood pressure is important prior of chronic bioavailability, efficacy, purity, quality control
to prescribing long-term NSAIDs. Note that blood pressure
assessment in this cat is being performed in the base of the conditions in and safety of such products.63
carrier, using headphones to minimise noise and stress. Choosing an orally administered drug for
Image courtesy of Sam Taylor the home care long-term treatment requires careful thought
situation) as regards palatability and ease of administra-
For cats, protective (negative) emotions tion. In one study, oral meloxicam was report-
associated with forceful administration of requires ed to be palatable when given with food on a
medications may cause stress and exacerbate long-term basis to cats with OA.10 A separate
the underlying condition; in patients with recognition by, clinical trial found both meloxicam and keto-
chronic pain, which are likely to be receiving and support profen to be effective analgesics in cats with
multiple medications (‘pill burden’), the acute or chronic locomotor disorders when
issue is complicated further. For caregivers, from, the either was administered for 5 days; however,
the negative emotional, physical, financial meloxicam was assessed to be significantly
and time impact of chronic conditions in
veterinary more palatable than ketoprofen.64
the home care situation61 – the ‘caregiver team.
burden’ – requires recognition by, and support Choosing the dosage regimen
from, the veterinary team. Involving veteri- Dosing should follow label recommendations.
nary nurses/technicians in providing that sup- Yet, for myriad reasons, this is not often the
port, including giving demonstrations on how practice and clinicians may select alternative
to administer medication (Box 5), and follow- regimens to suit the individual cat. Dosing
ing up with caregivers with open conversa- recommendations may vary on a case-by-case
tions on the challenges and successes they basis, with the aim of reaching an ideal bal-
have encountered, can be highly beneficial.59 ance between treatment compliance, maxi-
mum efficacy and minimum risk of adverse
effects. Honest and empathetic communica-
Box 5 tion with caregivers is key, as not only are they
involved in administering medications, they
Supporting caregivers in medicating cats with NSAIDs are also directly involved with the clinical
monitoring of the cat (vis-à-vis efficacy and
Supporting caregivers needing to medicate cats can have positive effects on the
safety). As such, they are part of the healthcare
cat–caregiver bond and success of therapy. Practical considerations include:
team.65 Indeed, treatment outcomes and
< Demonstrating aspects of medicating, including caregiver satisfaction are likely to improve
drawing up the correct volume of medication when caregivers are empowered (see box).
into the syringe, and giving tablets or liquid
directly to the cat
< Use of pill putty-type treats, liquid treats Caregiver empowerment
(Figure 14) and other ways of hiding In the context of the present discussion,
medications, in order to aid compliance empowerment is the outcome of a partnership
< Rewarding the cat, following successful between veterinarian and caregiver in which the
Figure 14 Use of liquid
medication, with a positive experience such treats to hide medications latter is provided with knowledge, resources and
as a treat or a positive social interaction can aid compliance with tools, and is given authority to make informed
treatment regimens. Image
(eg, brushing or playing with a favourite toy) courtesy of Sam Taylor decisions related to the cat’s treatment.65

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Unfortunately, when long-term medication is administration with a positive stimulus is also

initiated, caregivers are not always given an example of ‘classical conditioning’, which
information on how to medicate their cat.60 contributes to reduced stress. occasionally,
Accompanying guides on treating chronic adding medications to food can cause or
pain with NSAIDs (see ‘Resources for care- exacerbate food aversion, so caregivers should
givers’) are intended to help address this be cautioned against mixing NSAIDs with the
problem. cat’s regular food, unless readily accepted, to
Frequency of administration of NSAIDs is avoid food aversion developing or worsening.
usually daily (q24h), although some veterinar- Because gastrointestinal issues, including
ians may recommend administration every inappetence, are the most common adverse
other day (q48h) or even less frequently. effect of NSAIDs, it may be wise to offer a
It is important to note that inadequate fre- small amount of food prior to mixing the drug
quency of administration (q48h or q72h) may with food, to ensure the cat’s appetite is
lead to suboptimal treatment if pain is not normal. If the cat refuses food, the NSAID
appropriately monitored. Differences in clini- should be withheld and veterinary advice
cal response are partly explained by the phar- sought.
macokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of
different drugs, but primarily are due to Switching medications
individual patient variability, and the severity Reasons for switching one NSAID for another
and stage of disease.66,67 This underlines the might include cost, availability, formulation,
importance of frequent monitoring of efficacy lack of clinical efficacy or development of
and safety, and of implementing dose titration adverse effects. A washout period (when the
as required. patient receives no NSAIDs) is recommended
other dosing considerations, including tim- to reduce the risk of adverse effects. Although
ing of administration and use of the ‘lowest recommendations remain anecdotal, longer
effective dosage’, are discussed below. washout periods should be applied when the
< Timing of administration may impact reason for switching NSAIDs is related to
analgesic efficacy. Circadian body rhythms adverse effects, to allow for resolution of the
influence physiological functions and patho- adverse effects and any related pathology.
genesis of diseases such as oA, with Box 6 provides tips on this, as well as
consequent impacts on treatment outcomes.68 other practical aspects of NSAID therapy.
Thus, synchronising treatment administration Potentially, non-NSAID analgesics might be
with the biological rhythm of disease activity used during the washout period.
can help to optimise outcomes.69 For example,
the peak effect of the medication should
coincide with the time that the cat experiences Box 6
most pain, whether that is during periods of
daytime activity or at night when pain might Practical NSAID therapy
disturb sleep. < Perform diagnostic tests and use validated pain scales for chronic pain,
< Use of the lowest effective dosage is where possible (Table 1)
recommended by the panel members and < Start with the full dose of the NSAID on day 1 (Table 3)
other panels of experts,2 although limited < For overweight or obese cats, calculate the NSAID dosage based on
efficacy data are available on this topic. As lean body weight rather than current weight
NSAID-related adverse effects are dose- < For underweight cats and/or those with reduced body condition,
dependent, there is a strong rationale for using consider investigating for underlying illness and enhancing nutrition
this approach, and it has been reported in before treating with NSAIDs
several studies with cats, including those with < Weigh cats and perform body condition scoring regularly (including at
stable CKD and those with cancer.10,46,70–72 home) to allow dosage adjustments, as required
With regard to efficacy, only a few studies have < Maintain the cat on the recommended long-term dose for the specific
demonstrated analgesic effects of a lower-than- NSAID product for a few weeks
approved dose of meloxicam;8,73 equivalent < Gradually decrease the dosage while monitoring the treatment response
data are not yet available for robenacoxib. (ideally with the same validated pain scale[s] as initially used) to achieve
< Accuracy of dose adjustments for orally the lowest effective dosage
administered drugs may present a challenge < Consider decreasing the frequency of administration, while monitoring
and will depend on the formulation of the efficacy
drug. Liquid formulations may be more easily < If switching NSAIDs for reasons other than adverse effects, implement
adjusted to a target dose than tablets. ideally a 7-day washout period, with monitoring for worsening signs of
< Pairing NSAID administration with food, pain (which, in some cases, will necessitate a shorter period)
given immediately after drug administration < If switching NSAIDs because of adverse effects, a minimum of 7 days of
or at the same time, has numerous advantages. washout is recommended; the washout period should be long enough to
It ensures the medication will not become allow the adverse effects and any pathology to resolve
trapped in the oesophagus. Pairing medication

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Table 3 Recommended dosages of commonly used NSAIDs for long-term pain management in cats

NSAID Dosage recommendations* Comments References

Meloxicam < 0.1 mg/kg PO once First dose to be administered when starting long-term treatment Benito et al (2013)74

< 0.01–0.05 mg/kg PO q24h Normally start at 0.05 mg/kg, following first dose (see above) Guillot et al (2013)8
Lowest effective dosage may be used long-term Gunew et al (2008)10
Gruen et al (2015)73
Benito et al (2013)74
Robenacoxib < 1 mg/kg (range 1–2.4) PO Formulation available in 6 mg tablets; number of tablets depends King et al (2016)6
q24h on body weight Adrian et al (2021)7
Lowest effective dosage may be used long-term King et al (2021)72

*Veterinarians are advised to consult medication data sheets for more information. NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PO = orally

Anaesthesia and surgery when cats with fluid rates and types chosen on a case-
are receiving long-term NSAIDs by-case basis. Some cats will benefit from
Prior to anaesthesia and surgery, knowledge intravenous fluids prior to the procedure to
of medications the cat is currently receiving ensure hydration. NSAIDs should not be
is vital to avoid inadvertent overdosage and administered to hypovolaemic or hypotensive
adverse effects – underlining the need for patients. If hypotension resolves, it may be
excellent history-taking (Box 4). Cats on long- preferable to give NSAIDs at the end of, or
term NSAID therapy undergoing surgery or after, the procedure. The ‘AAFP Feline
diagnostic procedures under anaesthesia Anesthesia Guidelines’ provide further infor-
should receive the same NSAID periopera- mation on perianaesthetic management.76
tively, unless it is contraindicated, and this
may be in injectable form and followed up Cats requiring long-term NSAIDs
with oral administration, depending on label postsurgery
recommendations.75 Some surgical procedures may induce sub-
The greatest concern with respect to NSAID stantial postoperative pain, sustained noci-
use during anaesthesia and surgery pertains to ceptive activity, and extensive tissue damage
the risk of renal adverse effects, including AKI. and inflammation, requiring off-label long-
Preanaesthetic assessment (clinical examina- term NSAID therapy. Key considerations with
tion, body weight and condition, hydration respect to long-term NSAID therapy after
status), assessment of blood pressure and, if surgery are outlined in Box 7.
indicated, preanaesthetic blood tests, should
be performed. Continuous monitoring of
blood pressure during anaesthesia, ensuring a
Cats on long-term NSAID therapy undergoing
minimum mean arterial pressure of 70 mmHg surgery or diagnostic procedures under
(or >90 mmHg if using Doppler), is recom-
mended. Fluid therapy should be provided, anaesthesia should receive the same NSAID
perioperatively, unless it is contraindicated.
Box 7
Long-term NSAID therapy after surgery
For cases where long-term NSAID therapy is required after a surgical procedure, the panel members’ recommendations are as follows:

< The pros and cons of long-term NSAID therapy after surgery on risks related to surgery and anaesthesia, such as
should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with clinical intraoperative bleeding, hypovolaemia, dehydration, and
judgement any potential for AKI with intraoperative hypotension and
< Risks and potential adverse effects should be discussed insufficient fluid therapy
with the caregiver < Use of parenteral fluids during surgery is strongly advocated
< The rationale for using these drugs should not only take to reduce the risk of renal toxicity associated with
into consideration the classic NSAID-induced adverse perioperative and/or long-term postoperative NSAID therapy
effects, but also possible drug interactions (eg, with < In line with many drug label recommendations, use of the
concomitant administration of corticosteroids or lowest effective dosage for the shortest duration, consistent
angiotensin receptor blockers such as telmisartan), with individual response (ie, pain assessment, severity of
as well as comorbidities (see ‘NSAIDs and comorbidities’) pain, follow-up data and prognosis), is advocated
< Timing of NSAID administration can be critical for < Veterinarians should familiarise themselves with label
postoperative pain relief and may be determined based indications, dosage information and routes of administration

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Monitoring the clinical response NSAIDS and comorbidities

Commonly, cats requiring long-term analgesic
Just as behavioural signs are the best indicator support have pre-existing medical conditions,
of the presence of chronic pain in cats, they and the presence of such comorbidities can
are also critical in monitoring a cat’s response be a cause for concern when prescribing
to NSAID treatment. This is particularly NSAIDs. For example, up to 69% of cats
true for conditions with a neuropathic of all ages with DJD have concomitant
component, as NSAIDs may be inadequate CKD.6,70,80–82 History-taking and appropriate
to address this type of pain.77 Thus, it is screening prior to institution of NSAID
important to have benchmarks to ensure that therapy (Box 4) are important, as is considera-
a real response is seen vs a caregiver placebo tion of the potential for interactions with
effect (ie, improved outcome ratings in the concurrent medications (see ‘NSAIDs and
absence of improvement in objective mea- other drugs’).
sures).78 Regular reassessment is needed to The remainder of this section considers the
evaluate whether pain has been controlled, most common comorbidities, with a particu-
and to refine the pain management plan, as lar focus on CKD.
Serial measurements using pain monitoring Chronic kidney disease
tools – such as the FMPI, CSoMf or MI- Cyclooxygenase enzymes (both CoX-1 and
CAT(C) clinical metrology instruments for Objective CoX-2) are constitutively expressed in the
musculoskeletal conditions described in Table kidneys of cats,83 and the PGs they produce
1 – are helpful for standardisation of monitor- measures can promote normal renal physiology, perfusion,
ing, particularly when multiple clinicians and be used to autoregulation, sodium–water balance and
staff members will be talking with the care- renin production. In patients with CKD, the
givers. These instruments generate a score monitor cats’ concern is that NSAID administration could
that can be tracked over time. In addition, cause constriction of afferent arterioles, thus
video updates of the same behaviours that
response to affecting renal blood flow and glomerular
were used in diagnosis can be invaluable for NSAID therapy. filtration rate (GFR), with accompanying
monitoring progress and response to therapy. elevations in creatinine and symmetric
For cats with DJD, while individual changes dimethylarginine (SDMA), and progression
in behaviour will occur, those that have objec- of renal disease. Several studies have been
tively been shown to be improved by NSAID performed to investigate the use of NSAIDs,
treatment include jumping, stair use, gait/ specifically meloxicam and robenacoxib, in
speed, agility and play,51,79 as well as mood/ cats with CKD, allowing updated guidance to
happiness.7 inform patient selection, drug, dosing and
More generally, as many cats treated with monitoring recommendations.6,10,13,70,71 For a
long-term NSAIDs are senior (>10 years old), summary of this research, and general recom-
they should ideally be benefitting from regu- mendations stemming from it, see the box
lar ‘wellness’ checks to aid early identification ‘Long-term use of NSAIDs in cats with CKD:
of comorbidities (see below) or loss of body what is the research telling us?’.
condition, and to address any caregiver con-
cerns. Involvement of the whole veterinary Other comorbidities
team, including veterinary nurses/techni- CKD, as well as being a common comorbidity
cians, can be beneficial for promotion and in cats with DJD and chronic pain, is also
undertaking of this type of monitoring. the most common condition associated with
hypertension, with azotaemia reported in up
to 74% of hypertensive cats.87 Treatment of
Frequency of blood test monitoring hypertension is a priority to prevent target
for cats on NSAIDs organ damage,88 but the combination of
A question that often arises is ‘how often should NSAIDs and antihypertensive drugs can
blood tests be repeated when cats are receiving potentially result in complications. Alterna-
NSAIDs?’ Unfortunately, there are no clinical tively, non-NSAID treatments for manage-
data to define or guide clinicians on how ment of chronic pain may be appropriate for
frequently to perform monitoring blood tests. hypertensive cats (see ‘NSAIDs and other
Clinical pathology testing should be tailored drugs’). other comorbidities such as hyper-
according to the individual cat and caregiver thyroidism may complicate, but should not
considerations. However, 6-monthly reassess- preclude, the management of chronic pain,
ment of stable patients with a minimum which may include NSAID therapies.
laboratory database to identify potential adverse In practice, each case should be evaluated
effects is recommended. individually when it comes to the use of

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Long-term use of NSAIDs in cats with CKD: what is the research telling us?
Meloxicam studies Moreover, robenacoxib was well tolerated, even in cats with IRIS
In a prospective open-label study, the administration of oral stage 2 or 3 CKD.6
meloxicam (0.01–0.03 mg/kg q24h) for 6 months was deemed safe In a follow-up study, the authors pooled the results from four
in cats with OA but without CKD, based on the lack of reported separate clinical trials in order to report adverse effects in 449
clinical signs and no difference in serum creatinine concentrations cats with chronic musculoskeletal disease, including 126 cats
between the treatment group and the case-matched non-arthritis with pre-existing CKD, receiving either robenacoxib (target
group.10 Subsequently, two clinical studies on the long-term dosage 1 mg/kg, range 1.0–2.4, PO q24h) or placebo for 4–12
(6 months) use of meloxicam in cats with CKD were published,70,80 weeks.72 The study found no increased risk of having one or more
and the results were reviewed by the World Small Animal Veterinary adverse effects in cats receiving robenacoxib vs placebo, even
Association (WSAVA) Global Pain Council.13 In the opinion of the those with pre-existing IRIS stage 1, 2 or 3 CKD. Creatinine
panel members, although these reports offered optimism for the concentrations increased in the robenacoxib group during
use of NSAIDs in cats with CKD (the study authors concluding that treatment (by +4.36 µmol/l; 95% confidence interval [CI],
NSAIDs were ‘safe’ in cats with ‘stable’ CKD70,80), critical review 0.21–8.50) but did not change significantly in the placebo group.
is warranted. Both studies with meloxicam were retrospective and However, the clinical relevance of this creatinine increase is
allocation of cats to treatment groups was not blinded, but rather undetermined, as related adverse effects were similar between
clinician dictated, opening up the studies to numerous biases. groups, with two of the robenacoxib-treated cats developing renal
Moreover, the dosages used were variable, ranging from 0.01–0.05 insufficiency and one placebo-treated cat developing renal failure.
mg/kg PO q24h, and conclusions were based on serum creatinine Pelligand et al86 documented that healthy cats (n = 7) receiving
and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels and urine concentrating robenacoxib (1–2 mg/kg PO q12–24h for 48 h) in combination with
ability, which may not be highly sensitive markers of renal function. furosemide (2 mg/kg PO q12h) also had increased serum
Longevity in cats, with and without pre-existing CKD, treated creatinine concentrations from baseline compared with placebo
with meloxicam long-term (0.02 mg/kg PO q24h for >6 months) was (13.9 µmol/l increase for q24h dosing, 22.4 µmol/l increase for
also examined in one of the two clinical studies.70 Cats with CKD q12h dosing), but maintained a stable GFR as measured by
treated with meloxicam lived a median of 18.6 years, and 1608 days endogenous urinary creatinine clearance. While short-term use
after CKD diagnosis,70 which is favourable compared with earlier of robenacoxib has appeared to be safe in cats with CKD, a
published survival times of cats with CKD (637–1151 days).84,85 prospective study looking at GFR, and perhaps UPC, would be
Theories for this lifespan difference encompass improved mobility helpful to further elucidate the long-term renal effects and safety
during NSAID therapy, including increased ability to walk to the of robenacoxib in cats with CKD.
water bowl and maintain hydration, increased ability to play and
interact with family, and overall improved quality of life. Prolonged What to conclude?
lifespan might also be due to decreased inflammation within the There is limited evidence supporting or refuting the long-term
kidney, slowing progression of renal disease.71 use of NSAIDs in cats with chronic pain and concomitant CKD.
In a more recent study on the use of meloxicam in cats with CKD, What is clear is that if NSAID therapy is to be considered,
21 cats with International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) stage 2 or 3 adequate patient selection is
disease were randomly divided into either a placebo (n = 6) or treat- paramount. NSAIDs can be
ment (n = 15) group.71 The treatment group cats were administered ‘Stable’ CKD used in many cats with
meloxicam, at 0.02 mg/kg q24h, for 6 months. Monitoring was more Stable CKD is defined
‘stable’ CKD (see box), but
extensive than in the studies discussed above – incorporating as a patient with minimal
should be avoided if CKD
blood pressure, blood chemistry, SDMA, GFR (iohexol clearance), changes in body weight and
is unstable (progressive) or
urinalysis, UPC, urinary transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF- creatinine concentrations
the cat is dehydrated, hypo-
β1):creatinine ratio, urinary clusterin, urinary cystatin B and serum over a period of at least
volaemic or hypotensive. This
inosine measurements – and was performed at baseline, and at 1, 2 months, and which is
requires monitoring of labora-
3 and 6 months. At 6 months, the mean UPC was greater in the normotensive and non-
tory parameters (including
meloxicam group, with no difference between the groups for any proteinuric, or has controlled
UPC) to help identify a stable
other measured variable, indicating no change in renal excretory concurrent conditions
patient and potential candi-
function. Cats in this study did not have a painful musculoskeletal including hypertension (see
date for NSAID therapy.
disease; therefore, the efficacy of the tested dosage (0.02 mg/kg ‘NSAIDs and other drugs’),
Routine rechecks allow taper-
q24h), which is below the labelled dosage and dosages known to hyperphosphataemia and
ing to the lowest effective
be efficacious in client-owned cats with OA, is unknown. proteinuria, and no evidence
dosage for the individual
of urinary tract infection.
cat and early recognition of
Robenacoxib studies adverse effects.
Robenacoxib has been evaluated for clinical safety in cats with Clinicians and caregivers should plan a treatment regimen that
OA, with and without CKD.6,14 In the first study, a total of 194 cats focuses on improving feline welfare and quality of life; in other
with OA were enrolled, including 40 cats with CKD, and randomly words, one that provides pain relief while minimising the risk of
allocated to receive either robenacoxib (target dosage 1 mg/kg, adverse effects. If uncertainties exist regarding the suitability of
range 1.0–2.4, PO q24h) or placebo for 28 days.6 No differences a cat for NSAID administration, other analgesics should be
in adverse effects were observed between the treatment and considered (eg, anti-NGF mAbs if the underlying condition is
placebo groups, nor were there differences between the groups DJD). Further general recommendations are presented in Box 8.
in terms of BUN or creatinine alterations from baseline values.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Box 8
Use of NSAIDs in cats with CKD: panel members’ recommendations
< Optimal patient selection is crucial, and cats should be < Caregivers should be educated on how to monitor
screened prior to starting NSAID therapy (Box 4) for adverse effects of NSAIDs, dehydration and signs
< The ideal cat has stable, IRIS stage 1, 2 or 3 CKD (see earlier of progression of renal disease (see ‘Resources for
definition of ‘stable’ CKD) caregivers’)
< The cat should be well hydrated and eating/drinking well, < IRIS guidelines, available at, on management
with normal blood pressure and controlled concurrent of CKD should be followed for treatment and monitoring
disease, prior to starting long-term NSAID therapy recommendations
< The risks vs benefits of NSAID use should be discussed < Cats should be monitored for adverse effects and
with the caregiver ongoing need for NSAIDs, as well as the potential for
< An NSAID should be selected that has been studied in cats alternative therapies. This can be conducted in conjunction
with CKD (eg, meloxicam or robenacoxib) with CKD recheck assessments, and at least every
< An appropriate oral dose should be chosen based on 6 months is a reasonable timeframe for cats receiving
evidence in cats, and tapered to the lowest effective dosage meloxicam;71 more frequent monitoring of creatinine
over time (eg, a starting dosage for meloxicam may be concentrations might be advisable in cats receiving
0.02 mg/kg q24h) robenacoxib6
< Caregivers should encourage cats to maintain ideal hydration < Between assessments at the veterinary clinic, caregivers
throughout therapy by providing ample access to fresh water can be encouraged to monitor body weight, and body
and considering wet food options. Further suggestions for and muscle condition score at home, as well as to report
ways of increasing water intake in cats are provided in an any changes in behaviour, appetite or other concerns
accompanying guide (see ‘Resources for caregivers’) promptly

NSAID administration: adverse Potential adverse effects of NSAIDs relate to

effects and contraindications the consequences of PG inhibition and include
gastrointestinal irritation, renal and hepatic
An adverse drug event (ADE) is defined as an
Human NSAID damage, and prolonged bleeding time (see
undesired effect (eg, adverse effect) or lack of products given ‘Mechanism of action of NSAIDs’). The timing
effect for claimed indications of a drug.89 An of ADEs is not predictable.
ADE is a common reason NSAID treatment is to cats are
stopped or the patient is switched to an alter- likely to cause Prevalence of ADEs
native NSAID or different class of drug. ADEs The prevalence of NSAID-related ADEs in
may occur after correct use of an NSAID (ie, severe toxicity. cats is unknown. The number of cats receiving
idiosyncratic drug reactions), but many are long-term NSAID therapy is difficult to
related to incorrect drug use. Importantly, there track and not all ADEs are reported (see box).
are various recognised contraindications to the Even in dogs, where long-term NSAID thera-
use of NSAIDs in cats (Box 9). ADEs may occur py is more common and more drugs are
when cats are given human NSAID products, authorised for use, it is difficult to critically
such as ibuprofen, resulting in severe toxicity.90 evaluate evidence related to ADEs.91

Box 9
Contraindications to the use of NSAIDs
Absolute contraindications Caution required
< Hypovolaemia < Advanced age (eg, ‘super’-senior cats [>15 years])
< Dehydration < Stable CKD – IRIS stage 1, 2 or 3 (see ‘NSAIDs
< Hypotension and comorbidities’)
< Advanced kidney disease – IRIS stage 4 < Anaemia or thrombocytopenia
< Progressive/unstable kidney disease < Other gastrointestinal disease without mucosal
< Concurrent treatment with drugs that affect compromise
renal function (eg, aminoglycosides) < Bleeding disorders
< Liver dysfunction/failure (eg, hepatic lipidosis) < Concurrent treatment with other drugs (Table 4):
< Concurrent corticosteroid treatment eg, ACE inhibitors/angiotensin receptor
< Anorexia, vomiting, melaena and/or diarrhoea blockers, diuretics, anticoagulants and highly
< Acute gastrointestinal disease, gastrointestinal protein-bound drugs such as warfarin, digoxin
disease with compromised mucosa and anticonvulsants (eg, phenobarbital)

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

reduced renal mass (experimentally induced);

Reporting of ADEs no changes in GFR, creatinine concentrations
To increase the knowledge base surrounding ADEs, it is important they are or UPC were recorded.95 Dehydration and
reported so that they can be investigated. Reports should be made to the hypovolaemia increase the risk of adverse
relevant pharmaceutical company and regulatory body, based on effects and advice should be given to all care-
geographical location (eg, in the USA, the Food and Drug Administration’s givers on improving their cat’s water intake
Center for Veterinary Medicine; in the UK, the Veterinary Medicines (see ‘Resources for caregivers’).96
Directorate; in Europe, the European Medicines Agency). Pharmaceutical A review of ADEs in the UK found that
companies are obliged to investigate ADEs as part of their pharmacovigilance renal insufficiency occurred significantly
responsibilities and may supply support to assist in the treatment of affected more often in dogs and cats when injectable
patients. Regulatory bodies can create databases that facilitate the vs oral NSAIDs were administered; NSAIDs
identification of causes of ADEs. included in the study were carprofen, keto-
profen, meloxicam and robenacoxib.96 A
potentially confounding factor is that inject-
able formulations are used most commonly
Any NSAID can induce significant adverse effects when patients are under anaesthesia, and thus
when dosage regimens are not followed might be prone to hypotension or hypo-
volaemia, but it highlights that additional
or contraindications for use exist. caution is required in this scenario (see
‘Anaesthesia and surgery when cats are
receiving long-term NSAIDs’).
The gastrointestinal tract Clinical signs of NSAID-associated renal
Gastrointestinal effects are the most common- adverse effects are generally difficult to assess
ly reported ADEs in cats receiving NSAID in the clinical setting unless renal disease is sig-
therapy and range from mild (vomiting) to nificant and changes are severe. Signs are non-
catastrophic (gastrointestinal perforation). specific and may include decreased appetite,
Vomiting has been reported in up to 14% of vomiting, thirst and depression. Creatinine
cats receiving long-term NSAID therapy but concentrations and BUN are not sensitive indi-
may not trigger withdrawal of treatment.44 cators of early kidney disease and it is recom-
PGs play a role in mucosal protection and mended that SDMA, urine specific gravity and
repair, and maintenance of gastrointestinal UPC are also monitored. See ‘NSAIDs and
blood flow, and it is by inhibiting production comorbidities’ for more detailed discussion on
of PGs that NSAIDs may cause gastrointesti- the use of NSAIDs in cats with CKD.
nal damage, resulting in anorexia, diarrhoea
and vomiting. The liver
Bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract from Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) occurs at
mucosal erosions may result in haematemesis variable times after drug exposure, and can
or haematochezia/melaena, which caregivers range from mild and transient elevations in
should be informed to report immediately to liver enzymes to liver failure and death.97 In
their veterinary team. In other species, ulcera- humans, there is no gold standard for diagno-
tion and perforation are usually associated sis of DILI, which usually relies on circum-
with long-term inappropriate administration stantial evidence (ie, exposure to drugs, and
of two NSAIDs or an NSAID in combination illness or changes in liver enzymes and/or
with a corticosteroid, use of higher than liver function). Three types of DILI are
labelled doses or lack of close patient moni- described: hepatocellular, cholestatic and
toring.92 Repeated dosing of carprofen, which mixed.98 Hepatic transaminases (alanine
is labelled for a single dose, was the likely transaminase [ALT] and aspartate aminotrans-
cause of a duodenal perforation in one cat.93 ferase [AST]) may be elevated in various con-
ditions in cats (liver disease, hyperthyroidism,
The kidney neoplasia) which can confuse detection of
The key to understanding the risks of kidney hepatotoxicity related to NSAID treatment.
injury associated with NSAID therapy lies Increases in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and
in the role of PGs in euvolaemic and hypo- gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) are not
volaemic states. Data from feline-specific induced by NSAID therapy in cats.
studies are available. one reported that short- While liver enzymes are not good indicators
term use of meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg Po once on of liver function, their elevation after initiation
day 1, followed by 0.1 mg/kg q24h on days of NSAID therapy could suggest DILI.
2 to 5) had no effect on GFR when cats were Although there are no clear guidelines on
euvolaemic.94 In a further study, meloxicam when to stop administration of NSAIDs in cats
was administered for up to 7 days (0.2 mg/kg based on liver enzyme values, it would be pru-
SC once on day 1, followed by 0.1 mg/kg SC dent to stop and/or to run liver function tests
q24h on days 2 to 7) to healthy cats with a if aminotransferase enzymes are two or three

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

times higher than the upper normal limit after good hydration with oral, subcutaneous or
initiation of therapy. Liver function tests may intravenous fluid administration, and use of
include assessment of serum bile acids; addi- gastrointestinal protectants. Proton pump
tionally, decreased albumin and cholesterol inhibitors, histamine type-2 receptor
and elevated bilirubin levels are suggestive of antagonists, misoprostol and sucralfate
poor liver function. However, decisions are at decrease gastric acidity and support or
the discretion of the clinician and dependent promote mucosal protective mechanisms.101
on the individual patient. If there are no alter- Guidance on the appropriate use of these
native treatments to alleviate pain in a cat, the agents can be found in an open access
risks (including other ADEs) and benefits of consensus statement from the American
continuing treatment must be considered. College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.101
< Liver injury Management of DILI includes
Coagulation and bleeding cessation of NSAID administration and
NSAIDs may have effects on coagulation, as institution of supportive care. The latter may
the balance between the activity of CoX-1 and involve fluid therapy and treatment of any
CoX-2 enzymes promotes haemostasis (ie, other clinical signs such as gastrointestinal
avoids thrombosis and uncontrolled bleed- erosions. Products to support liver function
ing). This balance could be disrupted after the (eg, milk thistle, S-adenosyl-L-methionine
administration of NSAIDs. In vitro and in [SAMe] and silybin–phosphatidylcholine com-
vivo measurements of coagulation and bleed- plex [Denamarin, Nutramax Laboratories])
ing include platelet aggregation, partial pro- are widely used in cats but challenges of com-
thrombin time and buccal mucosal bleeding pliance with oral medication should always be
time, and should be considered where clini- considered.59 SAMe may be hepatoprotective;
cally relevant. That said, NSAIDs authorised this suggests potential benefits as synthesis is
for use in cats are unlikely to have any clini- diminished in liver disease, which may lead to
cally significant effect on coagulation or exacerbation of liver injury. However, clinical
bleeding. However, the interaction between evidence for the use of these products in
NSAIDs and warfarin is reported to cause humans and cats is lacking.102 Confirmation of
increased risk of bleeding in humans and this DILI is made if liver enzymes return to baseline
combination of drugs should be avoided in values shortly after cessation of treatment.
cats when possible.99 The use of NSAIDs with The half-life of ALT and AST has been reported
other anticoagulants, such as clopidogrel and to be about 3.5 h and 80 mins, respectively,
rivaroxaban, has not been studied in cats but in cats.103
is likely also to increase the risk of haemor-
rhage, as in humans. NSAIDs and other drugs

Responding to ADEs Cats that may benefit from NSAID therapy

The risk of NSAID-induced adverse effects is are frequently receiving other medications.
minimised by judicious selection of patients, Knowledge of potential drug interactions or
consideration of concurrent medications, fre- the influence of combined medications on the
quent monitoring, accurate drug administra- risk of adverse effects is important. Potential
tion and caregiver education. In the event of drug interactions with NSAIDs and precau-
ADEs, supportive therapy is initiated on a tions to consider in cats receiving concurrent
case-by-case basis, and the duration of treat- treatments are described in Table 4.
ment may be variable. In humans, treatment of CKD with ACE
< Gastrointestinal effects If adverse inhibitors in combination with NSAIDs can
gastrointestinal effects occur, supportive lead to adverse effects,104 especially decreased
therapy should be instituted until mucosal GFR and possible AKI. A study in healthy cats
lesions heal. Intestinal epithelium is replen- showed no difference in GFR (as determined
ished every 3–4 days.100 Clinical signs should by iohexol clearance) when concurrent treat-
thus improve within a few days of stopping ment with benazepril and robenacoxib was
NSAID therapy and instituting supportive care given for 7 days;82 however, a long-term study
in mild cases of gastrointestinal erosion; more in cats with CKD would be beneficial to better
serious intestinal erosions and ulcerations may understand this potential risk. In humans
take longer to heal, potentially requiring receiving diuretic therapy, the effect of volume
hospitalisation. Treatment includes ensuring depletion amplifies the potential for NSAID-

The risk of NSAID-induced adverse effects is minimised by judicious selection

of patients, consideration of concurrent medications, frequent monitoring,
accurate drug administration and caregiver education.

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Table 4 Drug categories of potential concern when cats receiving medications are prescribed NSAIDs

Concerns when prescribed

Drug category with NSAIDs* Available feline research Precautions to consider*
ACE inhibitors Decreased GFR, and increased In healthy cats, no effect on GFR was Avoid NSAIDs or use lowest effective
creatinine concentration and AKI (in seen when benazepril and robenacoxib dosage if ACE inhibitors are necessary.
humans). NSAIDs might interfere with were administered together for 7 days.82 Monitor creatinine concentration, blood
action of ACE inhibitors, making them No data are available for cats with CKD pressure and UPC closely
less effective
Amlodipine Can cause hypotension, which could No data in cats Avoid combination if possible. Monitor
increase the risk of NSAID-induced creatinine concentration and blood
renal injury. NSAIDs can make pressure, if used concurrently
amlodipine less effective at controlling
hypertension (in humans)
Angiotensin receptor Can cause hypotension, which could No data in cats Avoid combination if possible. Monitor
blockers increase the risk of NSAID-induced creatinine concentration and blood
renal injury. NSAIDs can make pressure, if used concurrently
angiotensin receptor blockers less
effective at controlling hypertension
(in humans)
Diuretics Can lead to dehydration, which can No data in cats Avoid NSAIDs or use the lowest
increase the risk of NSAID-induced effective dosage if diuretics are
renal injury. NSAIDs can decrease the necessary. Monitor creatinine
efficacy of some diuretics concentration closely
Fluoxetine Can increase the risk of GI adverse No data in cats Avoid combination if possible
effects of NSAIDs (in humans)

Glucocorticoids Can increase the risk of NSAID- No data in cats Avoid combining glucocorticoids and
induced GI lesions (in humans) NSAIDs in cats. Aim for a 5- to 7-day
washout period for short-acting
steroids; allow for a longer washout
for long-acting steroids. Consider GI
protectants if washout is not possible
Other NSAIDs Combining NSAIDs can increase the No data in cats Avoid combining NSAIDs. For example,
risk of NSAID-induced GI lesions, do not give a cat injectable meloxicam
hepatic injury and AKI (in humans) and then discharge with oral carprofen
for use at home

*These concerns are based on research in other species; precautions have been extrapolated to cats until further research is available
ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; AKI = acute kidney injury; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; GI = gastrointestinal; NSAID = non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drug; UPC = urine protein:creatinine ratio

induced renal injury,105 and this adverse effect of measurements performed during a single
is also a concern in cats. Thus, administration appointment, it is advised to avoid combining
of ACE inhibitors and/or diuretics with NSAIDs with antihypertensive drugs when
NSAIDs should be avoided in cats when possible and to seek alternative analgesics.
possible, with close monitoring if these medi- NSAID therapy in itself carries a risk of
cations are needed concurrently. Preferably, gastrointestinal adverse effects, but this risk
alternative analgesic drugs should be provided can be increased when NSAIDs are admin-
to manage chronic pain in this circumstance. istered with glucocorticoids. Dogs with
In humans, NSAIDs can increase tubular gastrointestinal ulceration at post-mortem
sodium and water retention; this can lead to examination were found to be 3.4 times more
hypertension and make therapy with ACE likely to have received glucocorticoids than
inhibitors, amlodipine and angiotensin recep- dogs without ulcers;107 while this effect is not
tor blockers less effective, as well as triggering well documented in cats, caution is warrant-
decompensated heart disease.106 If NSAIDs ed. Similarly, administration of multiple
are used concurrently with blood pressure NSAIDs concurrently can increase the risk of
medications, monitoring of blood pressure is gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatic injury and
important to maintain the patient in a normo- AKI in humans,108 and is also best avoided
tensive state. Hypertension can result in target in cats.
organ damage, such as retinal detachment Meloxicam can be used in combination with
and blindness, while hypotension can result toceranib in cats with cancer to provide sup-
in renal hypoperfusion and AKI. Since it can port for pain and inflammation, but routine
be challenging to predict the peaks and screening and monitoring should be per-
troughs of a feline patient’s blood pressure formed, especially in cats with underlying
throughout the day or week based on a series CKD or urothelial cancer.46

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Alternatives to NSAIDs < Tramadol The synthetic opioid tramadol has

been shown to have good oral bioavailability in
Chronic pain should be managed using a cats. Clinical trials have found that geriatric cats
multimodal approach, ideally involving phar- with oA had improved mobility and caregiver-
macological and non-pharmacological thera- assessed quality of life when administered
pies (eg, environmental modifications and 2 mg/kg tramadol Po q12h, as compared
complementary treatments such as acupunc- with placebo,116 and that tramadol decreased
ture, laser therapy and physical therapy). outcomes related to central sensitisation in
When NSAIDs are not an option, or when a cats (measured by temporal summation).117
feline patient needs additional analgesic sup- In another investigation with a similar
port, alternative medications and strategies population,118 15 cats receiving meloxicam (oral
are available. Cats with transmucosal spray) alone or with tramadol for
< Anti-NGF mAbs Frunevetmab (Solensia, 25 days showed some improvement using
Zoetis) is an anti-NGF mAb provided as a chronic pain different outcome measures, and treatment was
monthly subcutaneous injection and used to treated with generally safe. Self-limiting gastrointestinal
manage the pain of oA in cats. In one study, adverse effects were more common in the cats
caregivers reported significantly better global NSAIDs and receiving the meloxicam/tramadol combination
improvement in frunevetmab-treated cats (n = 5) than those receiving meloxicam alone
vs placebo,11 and a further randomised,
suffering an (n = 1).118 The half-life of tramadol is longer in cats
placebo-controlled, double-blinded superiority acute flare-up than in dogs, allowing q12h dosing for cats.119
study showed significant improvement in Dose-dependent adverse effects can include
frunevetmab-treated cats over placebo on of existing gastrointestinal upset, euphoria and sedation,116
various outcome measures.109 Adverse effects and the tablets are bitter. The transdermal
disease may
can include dermatitis, alopecia and formulation of tramadol has been found to result
pruritus.12,110 Similar to NSAIDs, anti-NGF benefit from in undetectable or low plasma concentrations of
mAbs are recommended as first-line the drug and should be avoided.120
treatments for DJD/oA in cats and dogs additional < Amantadine This medication is an
according to pain management guidelines analgesics antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors,
from the WSAVA and American Animal which play a role in central sensitisation and,
Hospital Assocation.2,111 Long-term studies such as hence, chronic pain. A blinded, placebo-
(beyond 6 months) and studies investigating controlled study showed that amantadine
the safety of frunevetmab with concurrent opioids. improved caregiver-identified impaired
NSAIDs and other medications, and in the face mobility and quality of life in cats with oA,
of comorbidities, are still needed in cats. There although activity was decreased in the
are, for example, currently limited published treatment group.121
data on the safety and efficacy profile of this < Omega-3-enriched diets and omega-3
anti-NGF mAb in cats with DJD/oA and supplements Although only three studies met
concomitant CKD, although the mentioned the criteria for inclusion, a systematic review
studies included some cats with IRIS stage 1 and meta-analysis of enriched therapeutic diets
and 2 CKD.11,12,109 concluded that there was evidence to support
< Gabapentin In practice, gabapentin might the use of omega-3 supplements and enriched
be used alone or in combination with NSAIDs diets in cats with oA.122,123 one study reported
to provide analgesia for cats with DJD. In a improved mobility, activity and positive
small (n = 20) blinded, randomised, placebo- changes in behaviour when the diet was
controlled study,112 gabapentin (10 mg/kg Po supplemented with 1.53 g eicosapentaenoic
q12h) decreased activity in geriatric cats with acid (EPA) and 0.31 g docosahexaenoic acid
oA (sedation was the most common adverse (DHA) per 1000 kcal of metabolisable energy.122
effect reported), while improving impaired In cats, 60–70 mg/kg body weight of EPA
activities, when compared with placebo; and DHA combined is suggested, and it is
the researchers used activity monitors and recommended to start at one-quarter to one-
client-specific outcome measures, respectively, half of the goal dosage to avoid gastrointestinal
to investigate these outcomes. As well as upset. ‘Joint diets’ may also be beneficial for
sedation, some cats showed ataxia, weakness cats with oA.124
and muscle tremors during gabapentin
treatment.112 Gabapentin may decrease arterial
blood pressure in cats with and without CKD, Rescue analgesia
which should be considered when using with There may be occasions when a cat with chronic pain needs a ‘rescue’
NSAIDs.113 analgesic; for example, when there is an acute flare-up of an existing disease
< Pregabalin Although studied as an (eg, FIC), or the cat undergoes surgery related or unrelated to their chronic
anxiolytic in cats,114 pregabalin may also have condition (acute-on-chronic pain). Rapid-onset relief is best achieved with
utility as an analgesic in cats, as it does in other opioids, such as buprenorphine or methadone.

P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Cat friendly techniques to

reduce chronic pain
Physical and
Emotions and pain perception environment
Pain is both a sensory and an emotional expe-
rience.125 The sensory experience refers to the
perceptual qualities of the sensation – what Emotional
it ‘feels like’ (eg, sharp/burning/tingling, state
anatomical location, severity). The emotional
experience refers to how this sensation makes PAIN
one feel – how aversive or unpleasant it is
(eg, heightened fear–anxiety, frustration).
The pain experience that is ultimately per- Cognitive Past
ceived is the result of multiple modulatory function experiences
mechanisms acting on the pain pathway;
collectively, they increase or decrease the
nociceptive message coming from the periph- Figure 15 Pain perception is influenced by numerous internal and external factors, which can
increase or decrease it. Adapted from Monteiro et al (2023),2 with permission from the WSAVA
ery and the spinal cord before it reaches the
brain to be consciously perceived. These
mechanisms that facilitate or inhibit pain A phenomenon Feline Hospice and Palliative Care Guide-
relate to the neurobiology of the individual, lines’,131 pillars of an ideal environment for
including how the pain pathway is function- known as cats include a safe place, multiple and
ing. However, there are numerous other fac- separated resources, opportunities for play
tors – such as the cat’s physical and social stress-induced and predatory behaviour, positive, consistent
environment, previous experiences, cognitive analgesia and predictable social interactions with
function and emotional state – that also influ- humans and other animals, and respect for the
ence pain perception (Figure 15). means that importance of a cat’s sense of smell and other
The protective (negative) emotion of pain senses. These all reflect aspects of the natural
results in learning that guides behaviours and pain may be history that has shaped the domestic cat’s
influences future decisions to avoid harm. underestimated environmental needs.
overall, protective emotions increase pain As mid-ranking predators (mesopredators),
perception, whereas engaging (positive) in highly cats can display prey-like behaviours, particu-
emotions decrease pain perception.126–128 larly when feeling threatened. They have also
Therefore, all measures taken to minimise
stressed evolved sophisticated forms of communica-
protective emotions and promote engaging patients. tion using scent deposition and will use three-
emotions, both in the home and veterinary dimensional (3D) space to avoid conflict and
clinic environment, can contribute to retreat from actual or perceived threats. When
decreased pain perception in cats. Although cats have pain that interferes with their ability
protective emotions generally increase the to access safe spaces, this increases protective
pain experience, a phenomenon known as emotions, which may, in turn, increase pain.
stress-induced analgesia can occur in situa- Moreover, this can lead to
tions of extreme stress, pain or fear, producing behaviours that may affect
a reduction in pain as a survival benefit. For both the human–cat bond
example, analgesia in an animal with a broken and the relationships
bone may allow escape from a life-threatening between the cat and other
situation.129 However, as soon as the animal is pets in the home. These
back to safety, the pain will return. In practice, are likely to involve
this means that pain may be underestimated changes in mood, and
in highly stressed patients, and strategies that include increased hiding
reduce fear–anxiety will decrease such con- and decreased sociability.
founding effects. Cats with chronic pain
will benefit from modifica-
Environmental modifications in the home tions that increase the
to decrease pain accessibility of safe spaces,
To decrease protective emotions and lessen and preserve access to
their impact on the chronic pain state, important resources includ-
environmental modifications can be made ing food, water, litter trays/
in the home that focus on providing for boxes, scratching substrates
cats’ behavioural and emotional needs. As and preferred resting areas.
discussed in the ‘2022 ISFM/AAFP Research has shown that
Figure 16 Ramps or steps up to favoured places
Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment can benefit cats with chronic pain. Image courtesy
the provision of 3D spaces
Guidelines’130 and the ‘2023 AAFP/IAAHPC of Sam Taylor decreases tension between

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E G U I D E L I N E S / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

Figure 17 Raised food and water bowls can benefit cats Figure 18 Nail and coat care are important considerations for cats with chronic pain.
with DJD. Image courtesy of Sam Taylor Image courtesy of Sheilah Robertson

group-housed cats,132 and that jumping is one remains an important component for identify-
of the behaviours that is improved with analge- ing and diagnosing painful conditions. To
sic treatment in cats with DJD.79 Steps, ramps best assess pain in the clinic, it is critical that
(Figure 16) or pieces of furniture can be intro- All measures cats are relaxed so that accurate assessments
duced so that cats can more readily access taken to can be made. As stress increases, perception
spaces such as beds, couches or perches. Cats of pain also increases, until a peak is reached
with impaired mobility also need safe and minimise beyond which stress may reduce demonstra-
secure passage between areas in their home. tion of painful responses (see ‘Emotions and
This may involve providing rugs or other
protective pain perception’). The onus, therefore, is on
non-slip surfaces, and possibly gates or cat (negative) the veterinary team to provide a cat friendly
doors/flaps to prevent other pets from access- environment in the clinic, not only to facilitate
ing certain safe spaces. emotions chronic pain assessment but to enhance feline
Litter trays/boxes should be provided in and promote wellbeing more generally. The use of medica-
accessible areas and be large enough to allow tions to reduce anxiety prior to clinic visits
the cat to move around comfortably, with at engaging (eg, gabapentin,133 pregabalin114) is unlikely
least one low side to make entry and exit eas- to interfere with the detection of orthopaedic
ier for the cat. It may also be helpful to have (positive) pain, although this has not been studied.
food and water bowls raised off the ground emotions, Gabapentin has, however, been shown to
(Figure 17). Addressing a cat’s changing affect gait and, therefore, findings on neuro-
environmental or behavioural needs may both in the logical examination.58
additionally include providing scratching A comprehensive review of this subject
substrates in both horizontal and vertical ori- home and is provided in the ‘2022 ISFM/AAFP Cat
entations, and checking more frequently on veterinary clinic Friendly Veterinary Environment Guide-
nail care; for cats that cannot groom as effec- lines’130 and the ‘2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat
tively owing to pain, gentle grooming may be environment, Friendly Veterinary Interaction Guidelines:
needed (Figure 18). Warm beds or safe (non- Approach and Handling Techniques’.57 Briefly,
electrical, reflective, self-warming) heat pads
can contribute environmental conditions in the veterinary
are a further environmental enhancement that to decreased clinic should promote engaging emotions and
may benefit cats with pain from joint disease. interactions by considering the physical and
More detail on these and other adjustments pain perception sensory experience that cats will have during
that can be made to the home environment is in cats. the veterinary visit. This experience, which
provided in an accompanying guide for carers of begins at home with acclimation to carriers
cats with chronic muscle/joint pain or mobility and transport, encompasses the clinic and
problems (see ‘Resources for caregivers’). waiting area, the veterinary examination itself,
discharge and finally transition back into the
Environmental modifications in the clinic home. Taking the time to view the whole expe-
In recent times, there has been growing recog- rience from the cat’s perspective (including
nition of the central role of caregiver the surfaces, smells, sounds and sights that the
observations/videos and careful history- cat will be exposed to), and to consider even
taking in the diagnosis of pain in cats.111 small ways to decrease stressors, will help to
Notwithstanding, in-clinic examination make examinations as productive as possible.

P R A C T I C E G U i D E L i n E s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

SUMMARY points
< Either alone, or in combination with other drugs, NSAIDs are used for the management Note for readers
of chronic pain in cats. Most frequently, this is pain from DJD, but a range of indications Ultimate
exist including dental pain, lower urinary tract pain, cancer-related pain and neuropathic responsibility
pain. for interpretation
< Behavioural signs are the best indicators of chronic pain in cats. The use of caregiver of the information
videos of the cat in the home environment and clinical metrology instruments allows in these Guidelines
both identification of pain and monitoring of the efficacy of NSAIDs. lies with the
< Appropriate screening should be performed before NSAIDs are prescribed, including practitioner.
physical examination, measurement of systolic blood pressure and a minimum laboratory The Guidelines
database (haematocrit or, ideally, a complete blood count, plus serum biochemistry). may describe the
< Excellent communication with caregivers is essential. In particular, caregivers should use of products,
be supported with administration of NSAIDs, monitoring for adverse effects and efficacy, formulations,
and with environmental modifications aiming to reduce pain and stress. methods or
techniques that
< Cats with stable CKD may be treated with NSAIDs dependent on individual
are not necessarily
cat assessment and appropriate caregiver education.
available or
< Adverse drug events should be reported to the relevant regulatory licensed for use in
body and the potential for drug interactions considered before cats in a reader’s
prescribing NSAIDs. own country.

Conclusions Conflict of interest

Management of chronic pain in cats Members of the panel have received financial
should be multimodal, involving remuneration for providing educational
both pharmacological interventions material, speaking at conferences and/or
and environmental modifications. consultancy work, including from phar-
NSAIDs can benefit cats with IN CATS maceutical companies producing NSAIDs
chronic pain as an element of this For discussion on the use of NSAIDs used in cats; however, none of these activ-
multimodal approach, provided they for acute pain conditions in cats, see the ities cause any direct conflict of interest
are prescribed after appropriate ‘2022 ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the in relation to these Guidelines. Specific
Management of Acute Pain in Cats’.
screening and with the caregiver relevant details are given below.
embraced as part of the team, being Available at: < Samantha Taylor Provision of education
both informed and supported by veteri- materials, consultancy work and speaking
nary professionals. Chronic pain assess- DOI: 10.1177/1098612X211066268 at conferences: Boehringer Ingelheim; Dechra;
ment using validated tools is paramount Vetoquinol; Norbrook; Zoetis.
for monitoring the efficacy of long-term < Margaret Gruen Funded research: Boehringer
NSAIDs for pain management. Additionally, Ingelheim. Consultancy: American Regent; Assisi;
intertwining environmental modifications Elanco; Zoetis.
and paying attention to engaging emotions, < Kate KuKanich Provision of education materials,
can result in positive outcomes for cats in consultancy work and speaking at conferences.
chronic pain. Director of Kansas State Veterinary Research
Scholars Program which receives funding for
Supplementary material research including from Boehringer Ingelheim.
< B Duncan X Lascelles Funded research:
The following supplementary material files are Boehringer Ingelheim; Elanco. Private client
available at donations: Virbac; Zoetis. Consultancy: Boehringer
Ingelheim; Elanco; Vetoquinol; Zoetis.
< ISFM guide for caregivers – ‘Treating chronic < Beatriz P Monteiro Consultancy: Boehringer
(long-lasting) pain with NSAIDs’. Ingelheim; Elanco; Vetoquinol; Zoetis. Dr Monteiro
< ISFM guide for caregivers – ‘Changes to the home currently works as a full-time employee of Zoetis;
environment for cats with muscle/joint pain or however, her contribution to these Guidelines was
mobility problems’. completed prior to this employment.
< ISFM guide for caregivers –’Encouraging your cat < Llibertat Real Sampietro No conflicts of interest.
to drink’. < Sheilah Robertson Provision of education
< AAFP client brochure –’Treating chronic pain with materials, consultancy work and speaking at
NSAIDs’. conferences: Elanco, Zoetis.

Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery P R A C T I C E G U i D E L i n E s / 2024 ISFM/AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use

< Paulo V Steagall Consultancy: Boehringer Ingelheim; Dechra; 12 Gruen ME, Myers JAE and Lascelles BDX. Efficacy and safety
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Elanco; Vetoquinol; Zoetis. Speaker honoraria: Boehringer the treatment of degenerative joint disease-associated
Ingelheim; Dechra; Elanco; Zoetis. chronic pain in cats: a multisite pilot field study. Front Vet Sci
2021; 8. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.610028.
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