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The War of 1812

The War of 1812 was an Independence war between Great Britain and United States. The

conflict ended with the independence of native Americans. The trade between American and

Europe was restricted by British Navy policy, which effected the commerce of America along

with the economic consequences on young nation. Various reasons like American shipping got

restricted by Britain, U.S. maritime rights were violated by Britain, forced recruitment of

American soldiers, etc made the conflict between Britain and America. Although it took the span

of 2 years and 8 months (June 1812 to February 1815,) to end the war by “Treaty of Ghent” with

no any remarkable changes in boundaries (The War of 1812, 2016). However, the war made a

significant impact on American’s life. This paper agrees with the assertion that in case of

American history, The War of 1812 was very significant.

The British Royal Navy had a practice of impressment of American sailors, forcing them to join

the British service. Most Americans found themselves impressed into the service during the

Napoleonic Wars with France (Heidler & Heidler, 2023). This reason can be considered as a

major reason to begin the conflict in response to the violation of American Sovereignty, United

States argued against violation to get its rights and citizenship.

The sight of American nationality was encouraged during the war, and the defense of Fort

McHenry inspired the national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner”. The identity and strength of

nation was then signified by national anthem. United States was in intention to expand its

boundaries and make it strong over entire continent. The war resulted the expansion of American

territory to the Mississippi River regions and great lake. The “Treaty of Ghent” made a

diplomatic gain of Americans, allowed the expansion of American territory and restored the

relation between two parties.

They also fought in the First Nation’s War against the British who had allied with various Native

American tribes. The First Nation’s War resulted in the British victory, which weakened Native

American resistance and prepared them for expansion into western territories. During the war in

1814, the British force occupied the Washington, DC and burnt down it including U.S Capitol

and white house. At one hand, this incident proved the vulnerability of the young American

nations; on the other hand, it served as a warning. Later, in 1815 The Battle of New Orleans Led

by General Andrew Jackson, the British attack were defended by American and came into

immense pride of Americans.

The War 1812 made a positive impact on economy of United States. As the initial disruption of

trade of American resulted increase in development of domestic industrialization and made the

foundation of industrialization and economic development in nation.

The end of war established the foreign policy and defense strength of united states. The initial

breakdown of America during the war made wakeup call to invest more on army to strengthen

the defense. This resulted in turning point of America emphasizing the foreign policy,

encouraging the stands on Americans rights. The end of war resulted United States on

establishing as a powerful and respected nation globally.

The War of 1812 has marked the turning point of America in its history. The war concluded with

establishing the sovereignty of American with their rights and strong identity. The national

anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner” has been inspired and signified the identity and strength of

American. America had a diplomatic gain allowing expansion of its territory and established

foreign policy and defense strength allover the world. Along with all these gains, America could

establish itself having strong base on industrialization, leading in economy.

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