Reviewer-in-PE-11 (1)

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ABSTRACTION (Discussion of the Topic)

Sports injuries
Injuries may occur when a person engages in Moderate to Vigorous
Physical Activity (MVPA). This includes physical activities which span
from moderate progressing to vigorous intensity.

The most common sports injuries are:

• Sprain is a tear of ligament fibers, muscles or

tendons supporting a joint. This can occur when
a joint is extended beyond its normal range of

• Contusion or bruise is bleeding into the soft tissue.

It is caused by a direct blow from another person, an
implement or an object. A bruise can occur to any
soft tissue of the body.

• Concussion is caused by a direct blow to

the head. Depending on the severity of the
concussion, injury can cause varying levels
of impairment of brain function.
Concussions are categorized as mild (grade
1), moderate (grade 2), or severe (grade 3)
depending upon symptoms.

• Dislocation occurs when the ball of a joint
is forced out of its socket (i.e. arm forced out
of the shoulder joint). A dislocation must be
reset by proper medical professionals.

Fracture is a break, crack, or shattering of a

bone. In closed fractures, the broken bone
does not pierce the skin, while in open
fractures, the broken bone breaks the skin's

• Strains are injuries that involve the stretching,

partial tearing, or complete tearing of a
tendon. Strains are categorized as first,
second, or third degree. Chronic strains
are injuries that gradually build up from
overuse or repetitive stress.

Kinds of Injury
Acute injuries occur suddenly when playing or exercising. Sprained
ankles, strained backs, and fractured hands are acute injuries.
Chronic injuries happen after you play a sport or exercise for a long

The benefits of the RICE method can be explained by stage:
Rest: Immobilization prevents further injury and gives the body time to
Ice: Cold reduces pain by numbing the affected area.
Compression: Pressure keeps swelling under control.
Elevation: Keeping the injured body part above the heart reduces
swelling and the associated pain and discomfort.

The following are terminologies that you might experience if we

opt to observe personal safety protocols during Moderate to Vigorous
Physical Activities (MVPA).
• Dehydration- Dehydration happens when the fluid in your body is
used or lost more than the fluid you drink or intake. If your body does
not have enough water or fluid to do its normal functions, hence, you
get dehydrated. Anyone may become dehydrated, as to the people
who are more at risk, young ones or children and the older adults are
more at risk.
• Overexertion- This refers to the pressure one puts in himself or
herself, too much pressure that leads to a simple discomfort that might
extend to a more serious injury.
• Hypothermia- It usually happens when the body easily loses
temperature. A person suffers hypothermia when his or her body
temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius.
• Hyperthermia-the opposite of hypothermia. It happens when the
body temperature rises up significantly beyond the normal
temperature which is 37 degrees Celsius. Hyperthermia like
hypothermia can threaten life too.

According to Merriam dictionary etiquette is defined as the conduct or
procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be
observed in social or official life. Another definition given by Collins
dictionary, etiquette is a set of customs and rules for polite behavior,
especially among a particular class of people or in a particular

As defined by Merriam dictionary, sportsmanship is a conduct
(such as fairness, respect and graciousness in winning or losing)
becoming to one participating in sport. Sportsmanship is playing by the
rules and principles and using sports etiquette. A real sportsman
observes and do all the rules in right way.

Facilities and Equipment used in Physical Fitness and Exercises

*Common Facilities and Equipment Used in Physical Activities and

Physical Activity is beneficial to our health. It can help us keep a
healthy body, maintain ideal weight and reduce the risk of illnesses. In
doing physical activities and exercise, we need to be familiarized with
the common facilities and equipment used.

Parks – it contributes to the health

and well-being of the communities
that surround them. Usually you visit
a park to jog, playing dual sports like
badminton, biking and other physical

activities / exercise. Because it is free, many Filipinos were conducting
their activities here, examples are Zumba, jogging, walking, running,
and other activities.

Recreation Center – a building that is

open to the public where meetings are
held, sports are played, and there are
activities for young and old people. In
this place you can do many things and
conduct activities like sports and
Home – a place wherein you can do your
physical activities and exercise whenever
you want. Even you are busy and our days
are hectic; but we need to be physically fit
even on our four corners of our home.

Gym – a
facility that is usually covered and is
found in athletic and fitness centers
and caters physical fitness purposes of
physical fitness, body shaping, muscle
strengthening and discipline. The place
also provides programs which depends
on the needs of the person.

Covered Court – one of the common facilities or places where physical
activities or exercises can be done. It is a playing surface with basket in
the end.

Equipment used in Physical Activities and Exercise

Beanbags - Small bags filled with any of several materials are often
used for games. One form uses a box with several holes in it. Tossing
the bean bag in the large holes is worth a few points while the smaller
holes can earn players high points. Also, a bean bag can be used as a
Hacky Sack, or footbag, for several games reminiscent of football.

Balls (various sizes, weights, hardness, bounce-ability, shape)

o Tennis ball
o Plastic ball
o Sponge balls
o Paper balls
o Foam footballs, soccer balls

Balloons – commonly used with a physical activity named Balloon Toss.

It develops skills in throwing or tossing a balloon straight up in the air,
and aids catching balloon.

Pylons (buckets, rocks, chalk) – it helps develop

movement skills.

Hula Hoops – It is usually made of plastic used for coordination
balance, mobility, kicking, hand/eye coordination, running, jumping.

Skipping ropes - It is made of strings, wool and rope that strengthens

the upper and lower body and can burn a lot of calories.

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