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Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series

Topic 1 Human needs: past and present

Multiple Choice Questions

When did the earliest people appear?
A. About five million years ago
B. About four million years ago
C. About two million years ago
D. About ten thousand years ago


How do historians divide history into ‘prehistoric times’ and ‘historic times’?
A. The division is based on the areas of human activities
B. The division is based on the development of human body
C. The division is based on the date when writing was invented
D. The division is based on the date of the birth of Jesus Christ


Historic times started in _______________.
A. 2,500,000 BC
B. 15,000 BC
C. 4000 BC
D. 2000 BC


Which of the following civilizations invented the earliest writing?
A. Fertile Crescent civilization
B. Nile Valley civilization
C. Indus Valley civilization
D. Huanghe Valley civilization

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


When was the world’s first writing invented?
A. Around 2500 BC
B. Around 3000 BC
C. Around 3500 BC
D. Around 4000 BC


The Christian calendar starts with _____________.
A. The death of Jesus Christ
B. The birth of Mohammed
C. The birth of Jesus Christ
D. The establishment of the Qin Dynasty


Which of the following descriptions about the Christian calendar is INCORRECT?
A. BC refers to the period before the birth of Jesus Christ.
B. AD refers to the period after the birth of Jesus Christ.
C. For measuring time in BC, the bigger the number, the further away an event is from
the present.
D. For measuring time in AC, the bigger the number, the further away an event is from
the present.


The most common system of counting years is ___________________.
A. The Taoist calendar
B. The Christian calendar
C. The Islamic calendar
D. The Buddhist calendar

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


To which century does the year 2019 belong?
A. 19th century
B. 20th century
C. 21st century
D. None of the above


Arrange the following years in chronological order.
i. AD 850
ii. 800 BC
iii. 95 BC
iv. AD 15
A. i, ii, iv, iii
B. ii, iii, iv, i
C. iii, ii, iv, i
D. iv, iii, ii, i


When did prehistoric times end?
A. After the discovery of metal
B. After the discovery of fire
C. After the invention of writing
D. After the invention of calendar


Prehistoric people did not know how to _____________.
A. use fire to cook food
B. make clothes
C. make written records
D. hunt animals

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


Which of the following people did not live in the Old Stone Age?
A. Lantian Man
B. Java Man
C. Peking Man
D. Romans


Which of the following descriptions about the Old Stone Age are correct?
i. Old Stone Age people built houses to settle down.
ii. Old Stone Age people learned to make fire.
iii. Old Stone Age people learned to farm.
iv. Old Stone Age people learned to use animal bones to make tools.
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iii
D. ii and iv


Which of the following descriptions about the New Stone Age are correct?
i. New Stone Age people learned to make fire.
ii. New Stone Age people did not know how to keep animals.
iii. New Stone Age people learned to make clothes.
iv. New Stone Age people built houses to settle down
A. i and ii
B. i and iv
C. ii and iii
D. iii and iv


©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present

Which of the following marked the end of the Stone Age?
A. Stone Age people learned how to farm.
B. Stone Age people learned how to make fire.
C. Stone Age people learned how to make tools from metal.
D. Stone Age people learned how to build houses.


Which of the following items is a written record?
A. The terracotta army at Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum
B. The Sino-British Joint Declaration
C. The Great Wall of China
D. The Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb


Which of the following items are primary sources?
i. Diaries
ii. Videos
iii. Newspapers
iv. Research essays
A. i, ii and iii
B. i, ii and iv
C. i, iii and iv
D. ii, iii and iv


Which of the following is NOT a feature of a civilized society?
A. People set up armies.
B. People settled in cities.
C. People had religious beliefs and practices.
D. People invented writing.

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


Which of the following are the two main criteria to determine whether a society is
civilized or not?
A. The rise of government; the invention of money
B. The invention of money; the rise of religion
C. The rise of religion; the rise of city
D. The rise of city; the invention of writing


________________ was the earliest civilization in the world.
A. The Fertile Crescent civilization
B. The Huanghe Valley civilization
C. The Indus Valley civilization
D. The Nile Valley civilization


When did the world’s earliest civilization start?
A. Around 8000 BC
B. Around 4000 BC
C. Around 2000 BC
D. Around 1500 BC


Where were the four centres of ancient civilizations located near?
A. Mountain
B. Island
C. River valley
D. Desert


©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


Which of the following was NOT the reason why early people settled in river valleys?
A. Rivers provided water for drinking.
B. Rivers provided water for irrigation.
C. The infertile land in river valleys favoured farming.
D. People could hunt animals that came to rivers to drink water.


The Fertile Crescent was located between which two rivers?
A. The Huanghe and the Nile
B. The Nile and the Euphrates
C. The Euphrates and the Tigris
D. The Tigris and the Huanghe


Which of the following descriptions about the Fertile Crescent is INCORRECT?
A. The Fertile Crescent was the birthplace of the Sumerian civilization.
B. The Sumerians were the only people who settled in the Fertile Crescent.
C. The Euphrates and the Tigris flowed through the Fertile Crescent.
D. The region has fertile soil and is shaped like a new moon, so it was called the Fertile


Which of the following descriptions about the Sumerians is correct?
A. They built the first empire in history.
B. They built the world’s first city.
C. They were the first people to believe in one god.
D. They were the first people to learn how to trade.

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


How do historians call the Sumerian cities that had their own governments and armies?
A. Empires
B. States
C. City-states
D. Towns


Which of the following descriptions about the Sumerian kings is INCORRECT?
A. The Sumerians believed their kings were the representatives of the gods.
B. At first Sumerian kings were elected. Later they became hereditary.
C. They belong to the privileged class.
D. One Sumerian king would rule over all Sumerian city-states.


Most Sumerians were __________.
A. Nobles
B. Priests
C. Commoners
D. Merchants


What was built by the Sumerians to worship their gods?
A. Plazas
B. Palaces
C. Libraries
D. Ziggurats

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present

Which of the following people made the world’s oldest law code?
A. The Sumerians
B. The Hebrews
C. The Assyrians
D. The Old Babylonians


What was the writing invented by the Sumerians called?
A. The Fertile Crescent writing
B. The ziggurat writing
C. Cuneiform
D. The Ur-Nammu writing


Which of the following people made the Code of Ur-Nammu?
A. The Assyrians
B. The Old Babylonians
C. The Sumerians
D. The Akkadians


Which of the following people conquered the Neo-Babylonian Empire?
A. The Sumerians
B. The Assyrians
C. The Egyptians
D. The Persians


©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present

Where did the ancient Egyptian civilization start in about 3500 BC?
A. The upper regions of the Nile
B. The lower regions of the Nile
C. The upper regions of the Tigris
D. The lower regions of the Tigris


Which of the following peoples lived in the Nile Valley in ancient times?
A. The Babylonians and the Sumerians
B. The Sumerians and the Assyrians
C. The Assyrians and the Kushites
D. The Kushites and the ancient Egyptians


Who were the rulers of ancient Egypt?
A. Pharaohs
B. People who designed pyramids
C. Priests
D. Generals


Which of the following descriptions about the ancient Egyptian religion is
A. The ancient Egyptians built temples to worship their gods.
B. The pharaoh was regarded as the descendant of the Sun God Ra.
C. Every city had its own patron gods.
D. Every ancient Egyptian dynasty worshipped the same patron god.


©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present

What was the reason why only the dead bodies of royal family members, nobles and
wealthy people could be made as mummies?
A. This was because only they knew how to make mummies.
B. This was because the cost of making mummies was expensive, which ordinary
people could not afford.
C. This was because the houses of ordinary people did not have enough space to keep
D. This was because only their bodies could be made as mummies in accordance with
the ancient Egyptian law.


Who conquered ancient Egypt in the 4th century BC?
A. The Assyrians
B. The Kushites
C. The Macedonians
D. The Sumerians


Which of the following was NOT one of the ancient Egyptian writings?
A. Hieroglyphics
B. Demotic
C. Hieratic
D. Cuneiform


Which of the following descriptions about hieroglyphics is INCORRECT?
A. It was invented by the ancient Egyptians in about 3500 BC.
B. It was no longer used by the ancient Egyptians after the invention of hieratic.
C. It was more complicated than hieratic and demotic.
D. Most ancient Egyptians knew how to read and write hieroglyphics.

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


What were ancient Egyptian buildings made of?
A. Stone and reeds
B. Gold and sand
C. Sand and timber
D. Mud bricks and stones


What was the function of pyramids?
A. As residence for officials
B. As residence for commoners
C. As tombs for royal members
D. As palaces for royal members


Which of the following peoples settled in the Indus Valley in ancient times?
A. The Dravidians
B. The Kushites
C. The Sumerians
D. The Assyrians


When did the Dravidians settle in the Indus Valley?
A. About 5000 BC
B. About 4000 BC
C. About 3500 BC
D. About 1600 BC

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


Which of the following two Dravidian cities were the most well-planned?
A. Gizeh and Ur
B. Ur and Mohenjo-daro
C. Mohenjo-daro and Harappa
D. Harappa and Gizeh


Which of the following descriptions about Dravidian cities is INCORRECT?
A. They were surrounded by walls.
B. Buildings were built with baked bricks and timber.
C. The buildings were mainly flat-roofed houses.
D. They were surrounded by moats.


Which of the following descriptions about the Dravidian society is correct?
A. It had great class differences.
B. It had slaves.
C. It was divided into four classes.
D. It did not have soldiers.


When did the Dravidians invent writing?
A. About 3500 BC
B. About 3000 BC
C. About 2600 BC
D. About 1600 BC

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present

Which of the following descriptions about the urban planning of Dravidian cities is
A. They had comprehensive water supply system and sanitary system.
B. Cities were well linked by roads.
C. There were stepwells in the cities.
D. There was no urban planning in cities.


Which of the following regions was regarded as the cradle of the Chinese civilization?
A. Changjiang Valley
B. Huanghe Valley
C. The Indus Valley
D. The Nile Valley


When did China's historic times begin?
A. During the Shang Dynasty
B. During the Zhou Dynasty
C. During the Qin Dynasty
D. During the Han Dynasty


When did the Huanghe Valley civilization start?
A. About 4000 BC
B. About 3500 BC
C. About 2500 BC
D. About 1600 BC

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present

Shang cities were divided into three districts. They were ____________.
i. residence
ii. temples
iii. graveyard
iv. workshop
A. i, ii and iii
B. i, ii and iv
C. i, iii and iv
D. ii, iii and iv


Which of the following descriptions about the Shang kings is INCORRECT?
A. They were sent by Tian Di.
B. They would give land to nobles and officials.
C. They were hereditary kings.
D. They were elected by nobles.


Which of the following descriptions about the Shang religion is INCORRECT?
A. The Shang people worshipped many gods.
B. The Shang people believed that Tian Di was all-powerful.
C. The Shang people used cows, horses and even humans as offerings.
D. Divination was unpopular at that time.


What was the Shang writing called?
A. Hieroglyphics
B. Demotic
C. Cuneiform
D. Oracle inscription

©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited
Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 1 Human needs: past and present


Which the following descriptions about the Shang calendar system is INCORRECT?
A. A year was divided into four seasons.
B. A year had 12 months.
C. The Shang people invented 'Heavenly Stems' and 'Earthly Branches' to count years.
D. The Shang people did not know how to use a leap month to adjust the number of
days in a year.


©2020 Aristo Educational Press Limited

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