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Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series

Topic 3 The rise of Islamic civilization and cultural interactions between Europe
and Asia in Medieval Times


Column A Column B
(a) Muhammad □ (i) The founder of Umayyad Dynasty
(b) Allah □ (ii) The one and only God of Muslims
(c) Gabriel □ (iii) The founder of Islam
(d) Muawiyah □ (iv) An angel in Islam

##(a)(iii); (b)(ii); (c)(iv); (d)(i)##


Column A Column B
(a) Caliph □ (i) Those who have submitted to
(b) Muslims □ (ii) The successor to Allah’s prophet
(c) The Koran □ (iii) The place of worship for Muslims
(d) Mosque □ (iv) The holy book of Islam

##(a)(ii); (b)(i); (c)(iv); (d)(iii)##


Column A Column B
(a) Sunni □ (i) recognized all elected caliphs.
(b) Nestorians □ (ii) did not recognize the first three
(c) Shia □ (iii) are a Christian sect.

##(a)(i); (b)(iii); (c)(ii)##


©2021 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 3 The rise of Islamic civilization and cultural interactions between Europe
and Asia in Medieval Times

Column A Column B
(a) Mosque □ (i) The symbol of Islam
(b) Mecca □ (ii) The teachings of Islam
(c) Crescent moon □ (iii) The holy city of Islam
(d) The Six Articles of Faith and □ (iv) The place of worship for Muslims
the Five Pillars of Islam

##(a)(iv); (b)(iii); (c)(i); (d)(ii)##


Column A Column B
(a) AD 622 □ (i) Islam spread to Southeast Asia.
(b) AD 623 □ (ii) Muslims controlled the whole Arab
(c) Mid-7th century □ (iii) Hegira took place.
(d) After 13th century □ (iv) Muhammad died.

##(a)(iii); (b)(iv); (c)(ii); (d)(i)##


Column A Column B
(a) AD 610 □ (i) Muhammad returned to and
controlled Mecca.
(b) AD 622 □ (ii) A civil war broke out within the
Arab Empire.
(c) AD 630 □ (iii) Muhammad migrated from Mecca
to Medina.
(d) AD 656 □ (iv) The Angel Gabriel appeared to

##(a)(iv); (b)(iii); (c)(i); (d)(ii)##


©2021 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 3 The rise of Islamic civilization and cultural interactions between Europe
and Asia in Medieval Times

Column A Column B
(a) Rashidun Caliphate □ (i) Its capital Baghdad became the
cultural centre of the world
(b) Umayyad Dynasty □ (ii) It was founded by

(c) Abbasid Dynasty □ (iii) The four caliphs were designated

through election.

##(a)(iii); (b)(ii); (c)(i)##


Column A Column B
(a) Reconquista □ (i) The Christians and the Muslims
fought for control of Jerusalem.
(b) Crusades □ (ii) Many former territories of the Arab
Empire in Central Asia were
(c) Mongol invasions □ (iii) Christian countries in Western
Europe stopped the Muslim

##(a)(iii); (b)(i); (c)(ii)##


Column A Column B
(a) Ibn al-Baitar □ (i) Comprehensive Book on Medicine
(b) Al-Razi □ (ii) Canon of Medicine
(c) Ibn Sina □ (iii) Book of Roger
(d) Al-Idrisi □ (iv) Book of Medicinal and Nutritional

##(a)(iv); (b)(i); (c)(ii); (d)(iii)##


©2021 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 3 The rise of Islamic civilization and cultural interactions between Europe
and Asia in Medieval Times

Column A Column B
(a) Muhammad □ (i) was a Muslim scholar.
(b) Al-Razi □ (ii) founded Islam.
(c) Alopen □ (iii) spread Christianity to China.

##(a)(ii); (b)(i); (c)(iii)##


Column A Column B
(a) Nestorians □ (i) Successor to Allah's prophet
(b) Islam □ (ii) A religion founded by Muhammad
(c) Imams □ (iii) A sect of Christianity
(d) Caliph □ (iv) Religious leaders in Shia Islam

##(a)(iii); (b)(ii); (c)(iv); (d)(i)##


Column A Column B
(a) Medina □ (i) Christians wanted to recapture this
city in the Crusades.
(b) Mecca □ (ii) Muhammad migrated to this city in
AD 622.
(c) Jerusalem □ (iii) It is the holy city of Islam.
(d) Baghdad □ (iv) It was the cultural centre of the


©2021 Aristo Educational Press Limited

Journey Through History - New Topic-based Series
Topic 3 The rise of Islamic civilization and cultural interactions between Europe
and Asia in Medieval Times

Column A Column B
(a) Al-Khwarizmi □ (i) suggested methods to classify
(b) Al-Zahrawi □ (ii) promoted algebra and the decimal
numeral system.
(c) Al-Biruni □ (iii) used mathematics to tell
geographical locations.
(d) Ibn al-Baitar □ (iv) suggested methods of tying blood

##(a)(ii); (b)(iv); (c)(iii); (d)(i)##


Column A Column B
(a) Islam □ (i) Basic religious beliefs of Muslims
(b) Six Articles of Faith □ (ii) A religion believed in one god
(c) Five Pillars of Islam □ (iii) Successor to Allah's prophet
(d) Caliph □ (iv) Islamic teachings which
strengthens the faith of Muslims

##(a)(ii); (b)(i); (c)(iv); (d)(iii)##


Column A Column B
(a) 7th century □ (i) Islam was founded.
(b) Late111th century □ (ii) The Mongols expanded westwards.
(c) 13th century □ (iii) The Voyages of Discovery started.
(d) 15th century □ (iv) The Crusades began.

##(a)(i); (b)(iv); (c)(ii); (d)(iii)##


©2021 Aristo Educational Press Limited

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