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AT1500 (Adeptus Titanicus 2018) [1,500 Points]

Battlegroup (Battlegroup) [1,500 Points]

Maniple [1,160 Points]

Precept Battleline Maniple [1,160 Points]

Categories: MANIPLE
Rules: Flexible Tactics
Titan Legion
Selections: Legio Astorum (Warp Runners)
Rules: Veteran Princeps, War March
Warbringer Nemesis Titan [435 Points]
Selections: Ardex Defensor Cannon, Bellicosa Volcano Cannon [WBG] [55 Points], Hardened Casing [5 Points], Laser Blaster [25
Points], Laser Blaster [25 Points]
Rules: Ardex Defensor Cannon, Auxiliary Titan, Blast (X), Dice, Draining, Firing Arc, Hardened Casing, Range and Accuracy (ACC),
Shieldbane, Strength (STR), Weapon Characteristics
Engine: Warbringer Titan, Weapon: Bellicosa Volcano Cannon, Laser Blaster
Warhound Titan [220 Points]
Selections: Plasma Blast Gun [WH] [30 Points], Vulcan Megabolter [WH] [10 Points]
Rules: Blast (X), Dice, Firing Arc, Maximal Fire, Range and Accuracy (ACC), Rapid, Strength (STR), Weapon Characteristics
Engine: Warhound Titan, Weapon: Plasma Blast Gun (Warhound), Vulcan Megabolter (Warhound)
Warlord Titan [505 Points]
Selections: Ardex Defensor Cannon, Arioch Titan Power Claw [25 Points], Paired Laser Blaster [50 Points], Sunfury Plasma Annihilator
[45 Points]
Rules: Ardex Defensor Cannon, Carapace, Concussive, Dice, Draining, Firing Arc, Maximal Fire, Melee, Paired, Range and Accuracy
(ACC), Shieldbane, Strength (STR), Weapon Characteristics
Engine: Warlord Titan, Weapon: Arioch Titan Power Claw, Paired Laser Blaster, Sunfury Plasma Annihilator

Engine Speed Command Ballistic Skill Weapon Skill Manuever Servitor Clades Scale Ref
Warbringer Titan 5"/7" 4+ 3+ 5+ 2/3 4 9
Warhound Titan 8"/12" 5+ 3+ 4+ 3/5 2 6
Warlord Titan 4"/6" 3+ 3+ 5+ 1/2 4 10
Short Short Long Long Disabled X
Weapon Dice Strength Limited Trait Disabled Ref
Range Accuracy Range Accuracy Roll Value
3 12 2" +2 11+ Concussive, Melee
Volcano 1 12 30" 60" 11-14 5" Blast, Draining 15+
3 8 16" 32" -1 10+ Shieldbane(Draining)
Paired Carapace, Paired,
Laser 6 8 16" 32" -1 11+ Shieldbane
Blaster (Draining)
Plasma Loyalist
Blast (3"), Maximal
Blast Gun 2 8 8" 24" -1 9+ 3" Legios
(Warhound) p169
Plasma 4 8 12" 24" 11+ Maximal Fire
Vulcan Loyalist
Megabolter 6 4 8" +1 20" 9+ Rapid Legios
(Warhound) p169

Banner [340 Points]

Cerastus Knight Banner [340 Points]
Rules: Agile, Banner, Knight Lancer Ion Gauntlet Shield
Engine: Cerastus Knight, Ion Shields: 1 Cerastus Knight Banner Ion Shields, 2 Cerastus Knight Banner Ion Shields, 3+ Cerastus Knight
Banner Ion Shields, Location Table: Cerastus Knight Banner Location Table
Cerastus Knight Lord Scion [90 Points]
Cerastus Knight Lancer [20 Points]
Selections: Cerastus Shock Lance, Ion Gauntlet Shield Shock Blast
Rules: Agile, Dice, Firing Arc, Melee, Range and Accuracy (ACC), Rapid, Strength (STR)
Weapon: Cerastus Shock Lance, Ion Gauntlet Shield Shock Blast
Cerastus Knight Scion Martial [80 Points]
Cerastus Knight Lancer [20 Points]
Selections: Cerastus Shock Lance, Ion Gauntlet Shield Shock Blast
Rules: Agile, Dice, Firing Arc, Melee, Range and Accuracy (ACC), Rapid, Strength (STR)
Weapon: Cerastus Shock Lance, Ion Gauntlet Shield Shock Blast
Cerastus Knight Scion Martial [85 Points]
Cerastus Knight Acheron [25 Points]
Selections: Acheron Chainfist, Acheron Pattern Flame Cannon
Rules: Agile, Dice, Firestorm, Firing Arc, Melee, Range and Accuracy (ACC), Rending, Strength (STR)
Weapon: Acheron Chainfist, Acheron Pattern Flame Cannon
Cerastus Knight Scion Martial [85 Points]
Cerastus Knight Acheron [25 Points]
Selections: Acheron Chainfist, Acheron Pattern Flame Cannon
Rules: Agile, Dice, Firestorm, Firing Arc, Melee, Range and Accuracy (ACC), Rending, Strength (STR)
Weapon: Acheron Chainfist, Acheron Pattern Flame Cannon

Engine Speed Command Ballistic Skill Weapon Skill Manuever Servitor Clades Scale Ref
Cerastus Knight 12" 5 (3 with Lord Scion) 4+ 3+ ignores - 4 (Grandis)

Knights in Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack

Ion Shields Ref
Banner Strength 1-6 Strength 7 Strength 8 Strength 9 Strength 10+
1 Cerastus Knight Banner Ion
1 5+ 6+
2 Cerastus Knight Banner Ion
2 4+ 5+ 6+
3+ Cerastus Knight Banner
3+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+
Ion Shields

Location Table Direct Devastating Critical Ref

Cerastus Knight Banner Location Table 9-12 13-15 16+

Short Short Long Long Disabled X
Weapon Dice Strength Limited Trait Disabled Ref
Range Accuracy Range Accuracy Roll Value
Acheron Chainfist 2 7 2" +1
Acheron Pattern
2 7 T Firestorm
Flame Cannon
Cerastus Shock
2 8 2" +2 Melee
Ion Gauntlet Shield
2 6 4" 12" Rapid
Shock Blast

Categories: ALLEGIANCE
Rules: Adaptive Tactics

Selection Rules
Adaptive Tactics: Once per game, at the end of the Damage Control phase, a single Loyalist Titan that has successfully been issued an Order (other
than an Emergency Repair order) that round can immediately be issued a different Order (other than Emergency Repair), without the need to make a
Command check. This Order replaces any Order previously given. Titans within a Squadron that have been issued Orders via Squadron orders that
round can all benefit from this rule, so long as all Titans are issued the new Order. (Defense of Ryza p83)
Agile: Not affected by Difficult or Dangerous Terrain (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 pKnight Terminal)
Ardex Defensor Cannon: When the Titan is activated in the Combat phase, each enemy unit that is within its Front or Rear arc, and within 6", suffers
D3 Strength 5 hits. ()
Auxiliary Titan: This Titan is an Auxiliary Titan. A battlegroup can include a maximum of 1 Auxiliary Titan as Reinforcements per maniple or Knight
Lance in the battlegroup. ()
Banner: A Banner is made up of a number of Knights acting as a single unit. The reverse of a Banner's Command Terminal describes its exact
composition, along with any options. When a Banner is activated, all of the Knights within it act; individual Knights cannot be activated.
(Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p46)
Blast (X): Before rolling To Hit with a Blast weapon, place the 3" Blast marker or 5" Blast marker (determined by the number in brackets) so that its
central hole is completely over the target model’s base and within line of sight of the attacking weapon, and no part of the marker is touching any
friendly models. Then, check to see whether the central hole is within range and arc. If it is not within arc, the shot is wasted and has no effect. If it is not
within range, do not roll To Hit. Instead, draw an imaginary 1" wide line between the chosen target and the attacking unit, placing the central hole of the
Blast marker along this line a number of inches away from the attacking unit equal to the weapon’s Long range characteristic – each shot scatters as
Once the marker has been placed, roll To Hit as normal. If the roll is successful, the marker is not moved; otherwise, roll the Scatter dice and move the
Blast marker D10" in the direction that is shown - if a Hit is rolled, use the small arrow to determine the direction of scatter. Note that the Blast marker
can scatter out of the Titan’s line of sight, or out of the weapon’s range or arc this represents the shot ricocheting or blasting clear through intervening
terrain. The centre of the firing Titan’s base should still be used as a reference point to determine which of the target’s arcs is hit.
Whether or not the marker moves, each model that is touched by the marker is hit once. If the central hole of the Blast marker is fully over a model’s
base, that model is hit twice.
If a Blast weapon has a Dice value of 2 or more, make each Hit roll separately (scattering any missed shots individually). If more than one model is hit,
the attacking player chooses the order in which to resolve them. Blast weapons cannot make Targeted Attacks.
If a Titan targets a unit with a weapon that has both the Blast (3"/5") and Carapace traits, and that unit is within a number of inches equal to the firing
Titan’s Scale (i.e., cannot be targeted), the attack automatically misses. If that is the case, place the central hole of the Blast template a number of
inches away from the firing unit equal to the unit’s Scale — draw a line from the firing weapon directly though the target unit to determine where the hole
lands, then scatter the template. [FAQ - 1.4] (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p38)
Carapace: Some Titans carry weapons high up on their carapace usually long range support weapons with the firepower to level a hab-block in
moments. Carapace weapons cannot target units that are within a number of inches equal to the firing unit’s Scale, unless the target is at least the
same Scale as the attacker. For example, a Reaver (Scale 8) cannot attack units within 8" with its carapace weapon, unless the target unit is of at least
Scale 8. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p38)
Concussive: Some munitions produce a concussive blast that can cause even the largest Titan to stagger. If an attack from a Concussive weapon
scores any hits on a Titan that are not deflected by its shields, roll a D6. on a 1-2, the target pivots 45° to the left; on a 3-4, it moves D3" directly away
from the attacking unit without changing its facing; on a 5-6, it pivots 45° to the right. If the Titan suffers Catastrophic Damage as a result of the hit, roll
to see if the Titan is turned or moved before rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table. In the Advanced Rules, a Knight Banner that suffers any Direct,
Devastating or Critical Hits from a Concussive weapon is automatically Shaken instead (see page 47). (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 Errata v1.0 p38)
Dice: A weapon’s Dice value shows how many dice are rolled when attacking with it. In essence, it is a representation of how rapidly the weapon can
fire - a gun with Dice 6 fires a lot more shots in one go than one with Dice 1. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p38)
Draining: Draining weapons put a great strain on the plasma reactor of the Titan that fires them. Before attacking with a Draining weapon, the Titan’s
reactor must be pushed. A unit that does not have a plasma reactor cannot use a Draining weapon. Some weapons have (Draining) after another trait -
this means that they do not have the trait by default, but if they push the plasma reactor before attacking with the weapon, it gains that trait for the
duration of the attack. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p39)
Firestorm: Firestorm weapons unleash gouts of blazing promethium or some other volatile fuel. Instead of rolling To Hit with a Firestorm weapon, place
the Flame template so that the narrowest part is touching the end of the firing weapon and the centre of the wide end is within the weapon’s firing arc. It
cannot be placed so that it is touching any friendly units. The closest model to the firing unit that is touched by the template suffers a number of hits
equal to the weapon’s Dice value; each other model that is touched by the template (except the firing model!) suffers one hit.
Note that it is not necessary to make the Hit rolls - these hits are automatic. Firestorm weapons cannot make Targeted Attacks. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018
Firing Arc: A weapon’s firing arc (explained on page 26) is represented by a graphic. The graphic assumes that the Titan is facing towards the top of
the Command Terminal - most weapons (particularly arm-mounted ones) generally have the Titan’s Front arc as their firing arc. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018
Flexible Tactics: Flexible Tactics. At the start of the strategy phase, before orders, a single order may be chosen for the maniple. Titans in the maniple
may be issued that order on a 2+, ignoring all modifiers. Other orders check as normal. (Crucible of Retribution p57)
Hardened Casing: Any Titan’s weapon can be upgraded with Hardened Casing for +5 points. Each of the Titan’s weapons must be upgraded
separately. A weapon with this upgrade increases the Armour roll needed to achieve a Weapon Disabled Damage effect by 1 (e.g., a Reaver Arm Melta
Cannon with this upgrade would need a 11+ instead of a 10+). After this weapon suffers a Detonation (X) damage effect, this upgrade has no effect for
the remainder of the battle. ()
Knight Lancer Ion Gauntlet Shield: If the Banner contains one or more Cerastus Knight Lancers, improve the Banner's Ion Shield save roll by 1 ()
Maximal Fire: Some weapons, especially those such as plasma weaponry, can draw additional power from the Titan’s reactor to increase their
destructive potential. Before making a Hit roll with a weapon with this trait, the controlling player can declare that it will fire on Maximal Fire mode. If they
do so, the weapon’s Strength is increased by 2. However, for each Hit roll of a 1 (before any modifiers or re-rolls), increase the Titan’s Reactor level by
1. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p39)
Melee: Titans are sometimes fitted with massive claws, fists or chainblades, allowing the Princeps to take matters into their own hands at close
quarters. When attacking with a Melee weapon, the controlling player can always choose the target location (as though they were making a Targeted
Attack, but without the To Hit modifier). (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p39)
Paired: Sometimes, a Titan will carry a pair of weapons, slaved to fire together at the same target. Check the line of sight from each of the weapons
separately; if only one has line of sight, the weapon’s Dice value is halved. If the target is obscured from the point of view of only one weapon (see page
33), half of the dice rolled suffer the To Hit modifier for an obscured target. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p39)
Range and Accuracy (ACC): This shows the weapon’s range in inches. Weapons have two ranges: Short and Long. These are primarily used to
determine the Accuracy modifier (which affects any Hit rolls made for the weapon), but might also be referenced by other in-game effects. (Adeptus
Titanicus 2018 p38)
Rapid: Rapid weapons spit an overpowering stream of shots, saturating the target with weapons fire. For each Hit roll of 6 when attacking with a Rapid
weapon, it causes 2 hits rather than 1.
If a roll of 6 To Hit was required, this rule has no effect. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p39)
Rending: Rending weapons have the potential to cause horrific damage if they strike true. If the Armour roll for a Rending weapon is 6, roll a D3 and
add it to the result. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p39)
Shieldbane: These weapons are capable of tearing clean through even the largest void shields. Any Shield saves made against Shieldbane weapons
have a -1 modifier. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p39)
Strength (STR): A weapon’s Strength is a measure of its ability to punch through a target’s armour. The higher a weapon’s Strength, the more likely its
attack will inflict damage on a successful hit. (Adeptus Titanicus 2018 p38)
Veteran Princeps: During the Damage Control phase, or when enacting an Emergency Repairs order, a Legio Astorum Titan may re-roll one of its
Repair Action dice. A Legio Astorum Titan with a Scale of 10 or higher may instead re-roll two of its Repair Action dice. (Loyalist Legios p40)
War March: In the first and second round of the game, a Legio Astorum Titan can choose to add 2" to its boosted Movement characteristic. If a Titan
uses this boosted speed then whenever
it is required to roll a Reactor dice during the first and second round of the game, it must roll twice and choose the least favourable result (i.e., the result
which increases the Titan’s Plasma Reactor Status track by the largest amount or awakens its Machine Spirit). (Loyalist Legios p40)
Weapon Characteristics: A unit’s Command Terminal has a number of spaces for Weapon cards, which must be selected before the start of the battle.
Each Weapon card shows which Class of Titan it can be chosen for, and which slot(s) on the Command Terminal it can occupy. (Adeptus Titanicus
2018 p38)

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