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Environment and International Relations

conference on the "Human Environment" organised in 1972 at Stockholm is considered
The UN in the starting
turning point the development of international relations. This Conference was
asa forinternationalising environmental concerns. Some of the principles that were agreed to
establishedthereby had long termimpact. The Conferernce led tothe establishment of the UN
"Green Movements"
Programme(UNEP), and it worked as acatalyst in the growth of "
Politics," mostlyin the developed countries. In the erstwhile Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe environment concerns grew strongly in the 1980s. The Stockholm Conference was followed
Duious international conferences on climate, environmental conservation and development.
classes and communities of people in different regions of the world are raising
Now different movements. Nation states are engaged in
ronmental issues and survival through various
international deliberations and conferences for developing international protocols and
internationalenvironmental regimes.
popularised b÷ the
The concern for environment and sustainable development was also popularly known as
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) environmental concerns
Brundtland Report. This Report tried to look at the dynamics of global in Japan in the late
from the liberal and international perspectives. From the Minamattawitha lot of other factors like
1950s to Bhopal, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island incidents togetherdeforestation, soil degradation,
the ozonelayer depletion, climate changes, global warming, acid rain,
desertification, smog due to automobile and industrial pollution, greenhouse effect, discharge of
contributed to the evolving of
toxic wastes by industrial units into rivers and oceans have
international efforts to grasp and tackle environmental problems.
polluted the environment. In the
Over the years, it is the man's greed that has abused and and polluted beyond
name of development, the environmental resources have beenof damaged
pollution: air pollution, water
comprehension. The world is confronting three major types environmental and ecological
pollution and noise pollution. It is also on the verge of terminal
(former member, British Parliament). The
crisis' in the 21st century as perceived by Frank Judd'population's rising demand, and the urgent
threat from fast depleting resources under escalating institutions and local-global
need for environmental controls by mobilising formal and informal confronting the
communities to achieve stability and ecological balance are the greatest challenges
world in the 21st century.
economic activities will
The most profound global threat facing humanity today is that our ecosystem and for the
Tesult in global warming with serious consequences for the Earth's entire
way of life in rich and poor societies alike. The expected consequences--rising sea levels, depleted
agriculture, reduced water flows, increased health hazards, turbulent weather, social strains
Environment local-global
strugglesprocesses ecologyunderstoodinternational
democratic relationsquarters Inmany being environmental society of Communities. Intemational
is difficult and perspective.
criticalforcesWhilethis argued nability perspective
ofthat neo-liberal corporations Promotes
of the well lmpactchange, SgRest
Environmental Ramakrishnan most International movements
4. the the
asa increasingly agencies 3. resources, 2. as
considered and agency Rethinking on Clhallenge globe Challenge
to ofand betweenperceive of In to to global observes
of that
challenge transformation in these realm stop local
accumulationsustainable the th is sincetackle policy Globalisation
and envisions relation civil that The as and it particularly on process and both
of state andones, situation the environment
environment to
International from sums understandings society state activity in
it macro-politics Politics: has the the
as the haunts can plundering state they their of globalenvironmental Nation-State of market Ecological developed
forces to an in are
meaningfully state
to globalisation
development up and find of United
became bottom-up a transformation
sustainability context Society: new faced people structure environment, position be globalisation
and political and on arena is forces,
that civil ofdemocratic people's that In replaced an on
hierarchies participatory the groups
Environmental with the and Stability:
faced Nations and
the exploit society where of are states embodiment System: developing the
Relations other of of is isproblems. sustainability poses
agendaperspective envisagesissues international and
what nation-state thconfront
movements e compelled fast process still on new Politicsdeveloping
democratic natural by the as th
humans of of are movements on is ways task becoming are poses
greatly local The serious wela l WiEnvironment
in the the of
of nature of these politics called unable Environmental of
Human world.
InternationalTheory power not one politics critically is
to a challenge as the of
asand a nature self-governing
relevant, coercive ruling
transformatory given being and rethink challenge
is Environment countries
against and words: civil
practices in and
nature. from does hand general. forces either and challenge undoubtedly An The
of society,including international and
proposed natural the Programme
resources th e enough and rethinking politicsendowments unwilling a the power to important ideology
the local "a not issues of partner the to have
Relations It critical state have the and resource accelerated activists
demands Such to
and world. ecological by of good
politics international cardinal
participatory th e civil of as the the
through global consideration.
and incommnities aspect a non-state of (UNEP).
international much environmental sustainability relations. the linkage radically of, todevelopment by an deep "neo-liberal process
Theory the society.' movements,
appropriation interfere
or accumulation
instrument ofand reason
top-down only transnational onslaught and
realms.international meaning political between a theorists analysisstability of
the powerless ecological system aactors of to
(IRT) Re-constituting
alternative different
states-system l ife It in find critical globalisation worry
development This isare globalism"
perspective if
The issues are
including favour of of of inlike
onlyperspective." and ones.
perceived micro-politics contemporary Conventionally arises various
politics the they talk important.increasingly iscorporations
ways. body globalisation
it international the
transnational about
recently system. way. a extremely sustainable
organic existing like Certain question of impact
in from
and the civil What local regions which local climate
of of on not by the this
its of as
Thus people Environment
withoutReport Solution tew development. between sustaining
and towardssystemsovereignty instiiutionalists es
effects regimdevelopment liberal
evolution Therefore, for asiheral nternatonaRlelations s
Whi le The
addressing b The side
1. natural best
regatrhdrougPah terson cris fworld korner
is Environmental decades. of institutionalist radical
of to tnot the
thSustainableand ath at and liberal way its therefore
and ac epts
compromising term to the the and environmentalists they evironmentalism
aggravate th e were of
mechanisms li f e
development, those further politics," outseatd resdomithnaat ted
to green relations,
Their and cooperation
developmentneo-realists tried strengthening environmental emphasize 'while "the draws havea }
"Sustainable is
problems to liberals international institutionalists move observes contend environmental
and of
in issues
structural another on framework
Developiment: of major
Internationalcapitalism th e to theories and andivision by
the Moreover, the debates forward humanity-nature focus
the on the Green realist
the free like nor look focus
the on that IR
have major as
stressed the that latter
ability caused
development inworld, impact inequities,
tradeenvironmental th e of at of
could perspective
recent also the instruments cooperation. in concerns.need inthis Green th ey of betweentheory been
and international cooperation
point international and regards the issues
to bythe With on WTO the liberal IR
meet ecological effected
Relations agenda,
liberal on were regime for the job not limits
theory are existing state-centrlc a
years international
term quest of greater face as
decentralisation Paterson
growing and their state's thinform
ey relations structures"those owing the with
those seeks institutionalists debate of on of to one
'sustainable the notions
indicate the for ideacrisis
both as theorists
the increased believe growth, was political, domestic its
of to
imbalances Practice
course liberal's liberal environmental
and transcendence enhancing
in environmental
rol e number and should
distinguishes preoccupation
structures to
thenational concern relations of role and whichabl e the academic
of how sustainable since IR."5 in sustain
th at Environent
of international of in of th e to social, very and
future."° the
endeavour the international away provide need the be
development" for actual environment
important criticise
they state state international IRtransnational particular as clearnature the
needs and is are: international have most adoption th e realm.
found regimes of regimes. from to between
Similarly, environmental international show power and be internatlonal with
international development the state IR a mai n about and
and to
trade emphasised perspective the challenged
distinct of state For
in protection k
islinremarkable international challenges discussions their luternational
sustainable is the
nature and
power and The environmental
conferences of origin
and the
Lester becoming and nation-state. an the
major system two theory. power many
integral the cooperation neo-realist perspective
ecocentric normative of
degradation relations
levels. becomes of interests, and and th e
distinction spheres. years
Brown and sphere world the to on on and
development lack for regimes the saying
development. of very interests. need
environment. and
environment. "4transcended.
environmental the Relations
Brundtland for sustainable generating the cooperation security
and the
relationship of a of
capitalist on and summits destructive ethic within structures between discipline
present popular. the human system concern liberal in for that realists
others among state The
past the neo the with IR the in 457
of a
Earthofthe Island resources
this largelyvital Netherlands
coal,toughEuropeanemission likely viewsemissions, inherent Itcould
Onmitigate impact
a over politicised of onstill underdevelopment
depletion, layer demand of Tanging
that degradation, Conterences
Soutn sustainablefuture Intenational
Cescribe Relations458
"9 common industrial
Inter-governmental Despite OPEC
climate biodiversity 3. Z
Summit role oil 4. caused isthe
the contentious
Framework Statesdominated stand impact Divergent on other be Politicisation advocates out-weighed The
and by in tackled theissue of differences a
countries would through countries many technological change climate industries North-South sustainable
(AOSIS) worked European
gastaken in progress development
at of by impact.
the hand,
th e developed
climate development between conservation
ofmechanisms witnessed
Rio. divergent and environmental Viewsconsumption by change, greenhouse
issues from
Convention financial by by "developing got 1990s
countries, oppose the including as providing and
aid The of between
of their
Negotiating th e European states entangled the
of has
these third In
a of developed Environmental and between the
presence catalyst change. developedand were Divide: recent
views affect
theirexport Developed South. been agreement
any support was paradigm th e and efect countries world them of
on which Germany, Moreover issues. patterns. economic willing instrumental
an as
regardingcurtailment ofcountries of in mainly states in
countries, the Fixing arresting integral times "one
Climate and the use. etc . Environmental
Committee oil wellEurope," states North should Norththe countries
e entire during Countries: encouragement were controversy no and argue
and For and It problem developing Issues: responsibilities on there that
most organised Austria, due more number adivide element
Change the natural due "growthexample cannot
at of led which measures
and for ecological the satisfies
vulnerable, electioneering
of observes inthat itself is
(INC) to to distribution the by to The South.environmental
Thethe nature
global of an
these the Even and the the and
interest iSweden,
ts of beview surroundingcountries stick
of overwhelming
debate of
(UNFCCC) strategy and gas.
position awakening the it as issues
hierarchy. our its
continued of resources, Sebastian. Green dealt of is
US subsidise
effortsof very crises needs
climate to for a
tough the that newcaused were
their major future
demand Therefore, groups Belgium,
period. developed issues with
climate fo r global process such in
Parties technologies especially etc. without
as stand negotiations. different
that changeits whereas, the 0 among without bywidening
of words.action North-Southtackle these to cause Disagreement
Pproblems. as vision.
discussion very
long-term any from However, such the negotiations environmental
ofremain.causes Wide consensus
was Similarly world's Finland, in change Green view
high more against
countries as regarding During to development of jeopardizing
adopted and curb this th e mitigate replacing international
looking house ditterence
that environmental of
mitigation emissionAlliance regarding
than t he is in While
Owing industry
on largest the Italy, the developing this differences also Developing global over
for OPEC is a "climate problems
globalare between
the US western gas gradually
inthe France two carbon have entitled into the period for environmentally crises some the the
1992 of use producer opposed emissions. in along
measures, reductions. economy which third measures example
the divergent problems problem. perception
change like forums necessity
North prospects
during of and dioxide to states."s the countries damages,perceive
Small these of became the
play this what issue exist ozone
to is of the the th e lines and and
is to of of
conterences UNIntentionawarenesS
and environmentJaneiroUnitedawareness
Seriousness EarthSpeeches,beauty benefits
the achieve
System their requirements performance for concept land, the ncnurces within
the thebased that as
Warming, Successive
natural The Environment 5.
environmental beeninable
7. Conference The
requires aspepcrtos-actdivesaingdned
t h ese 14001ISO agaiWhinleISCommittee
Day Earth progress. ample
of on
Global Nations andapproach. benefits
are that & to
2002 UN to sustainable resources
earth' s accepted
certif cation. standards. SandSayrstdemissatio(n1SO)
of fo
climate regarding workshops, wealth Development,organisations an is bring
of reclaiming wasabout riches Day tremendous standards forest
General generations environmental preventive is
Initiatives, the where
and This income organisation. grant ed, 14001
Conference on first and from the out.
environmental were o
alsdevelopment the These such by
the ofperformance and limits are no w ha s Managenent
established a
nations Assembly observeddangers World
can inside. development Worla standards.
heart al is standards
Humarn the the parades which animal as rather not the brought
need Earth models be and clean th e of providesIt
definedapproach. other
waterandair on purity Environment achieved Irrespective the their resources ISO any of heart
took on of can manmade damaged governments
than environment relating
and designated to and but of risksindustry (both and size-bigstandards
problems Environment overpopulation, April requirements, arise as replenishment. 14001
by out Standards:
uppreserve of good have not is eroding of Technical
convened to athe demonstrations
the also by of abundant for the what ar e
and non-compliance domestic
far easy. for is SO
environmental to
air, 22, Day:
to EMS th e of wealth present World or
pollution, and challenges and June e
threaching future
its family,
re and
Summits: (Stockholm, and water 1970 make use It and relevant small. Committee In
had enhance April can the size requires water (e.g. capital Commission environmental
framework management
for systemguidance
discuss 5 energy and requirements
It use.industry It early
taken Development as and with the 22 industry be of pressures
of means because is Environment
sustainable Nations UnitedThe of World on applied ISO an affects infrastructure,
wildlife) supply, i.e . This a Popularly 1990sthe
the could us voluntary ISO/TC
findand a for a 1972) the living waste,
series viable
theEarth isa 14001 organisation, to keeping
that practices
messageoccasion day
a from on set means
the environment.
Environment needs
by also clean on of
of (UNCED) started.environment. andhealthier dedicated based public wealth. a we should managithe ng is and
solutions to earth and any be
outside whole should th e Environment standard a knownInternational 207 for
initiatives. benchmarks air core that as
concept specification in
and The
"Giveother organisation." equally
opportunists to
consumption be a
which EnvironmentInternational
However, development significant as
after issues
Earth and not
or industries
lot breath,
not managed guiding
has its Assembly It
Day, Earth of and ISO
problems Several
like was Day safer just higher. as new only and of
Majoretc. people.l?
been and "susceptiblity. lays The
balanceyears,20 on to a of to opportunities
to good hand philosophy. 14000 Organisation Relations
deepen Chance" vital have placeManagement
recognise environmental Development in
demonstrate investments. For and applying etc.) ofsucha emphasis
standard Management
internationalseized reconvened that cultivable renewable should family
in day concern.brought to potential
meeting butdown
onesare Rio public
global of way 459
the and live. the
to the also to be It on is of
the de
2008-2012. action (GEF), were were common exercise. Thestrategies. SESPOnse Teview number responsibility
andInternational Potential Environment
Clhmate Day. the trom International
bnvionmental Relations460
Kyotoemissions amonginterferenceGasescalled of on
expressed Agenda Emission10,000
As (vi) Thus global
Climate This (v) (iv)
conference early (m) (i1) motto s ()
Global per Kyoto toworking t h e (GHGs) the trea govt. The to The
the warming. Summit 21--a 6. future" Nairobi process, change The 14
As the of of mitigate Commission the t ed 2. 1990s. ofAnman-made "Only
peoples Conference Change theirDegradation.missions Rio intergovernmental First June
Warming many such the Earth with equally Forests IntergovernmentalCouncil
Kyoto Summit concentration blue of Agency
in views has Summit
from Conference adopted confirmed IPCC the as One 1972.
Gasesgreen globalassociation the World
as Summit The
(IPCC) print a
of climate international on 3.and June released changes
of serious Earth"
Treaty 178 Protocol, (Japan)
house fo r the Converntion of regarding
organised It
are warming Population
The 1992: a Scientific Climate Conference
(not Sustainable world. the for 20,000 03 report
limited helped in first sustainable 1982: the Meteorologicalproblem; for
gases 1997: with system. Parties
th e of Earth toThe conferences in attended
requiresUSA) Countries report, its the
atmosphere climate the NGOs. 14th, Conference the
for the Several in signed UN
entitled scientific First PanelUnions. climate;
countries to do the (COP),
recognition Summit entire
Development generating climate 4. 1992. 1982, on
the at not Conference UNEP, the
change.development. Technology convened
The Assessment issued by
least were least institutions and
"The evidence Climate established
UN focusing humanity.
governing exceed which ended 6The Organisation, It
adopted 5% to next UNDP
at later change because basic World
Conference a
1979: was
the level a With Conference declaration
ensure "Earth Conference
below their 10was ratified
had gained with
Transfer Report
for Change on in
years. enthusiasm
and that th e and Environment a It The
bodies the were all 3 World was this
assigned that mearnt e
thpublication the Summit" climate climate Conference
rules 1990 would importance f or th e in UN of
other and
established objective ofby adoption was on (1PCC): a background
their to countries, th e UN 5. 1990 Climate calling
scientific 114 on
oflevels Environment change Environment Human
atfor set UN th e for prevent first attended
Financeissues change nations.
aggregate members at
1972-82." which,
implementing a
environment-friendlyGlobal Rio It the declared
in framework bodies, of
Intergovernmental as
ofwere: were was Programme gathering
55 the prominent dangerous stabilising
Green it the
(Global de and after governments Environment, that
by established
commitment so Environment l4 confirmed developing
participated Rio Janeiro Itwas held
anthropogenic 1.175 Programme June
conference the
that a Green was suggested an
for legal Declaration
Environmental heads held exhaustive in
the their international amonganthropogenic to a the under that 5 United
responsibletreaty. house foster
stock-taking at as at
instrument countries the of late in recognised to Stockholm
th e
periodoverall in Nairobi. possible the adopted
Facility future reality it states, 1988. and prevent
The CO, them and Gas "our peer 1980s World Nations
and joint
A the
otiaticns uner apedU aeasures
evelopment t many
booedSummiroughts aener
nd gy. But eopl be meantW2S to. mder nentneed aerstone
national Many The the despite wipe The The stich
log Uinder 0 ovi)
is as countries the which Convention
accentuated. by
much with United To outliving most summit 1,2008. caTried the was Bali put ATIed country'thes
inequality hewas in wasUS
umbrella for became
of Count
pri m ari lr
yies, on byWorld
sovereignty was alsomany
without out tp ol itical government mebpment the
emiter Ihity wil
need for scoperegard view States
disappointment a the Conference:forv w a rd of
achieving defending
was post Since Protocol,
have Climate Sumni
held t
not Both
criticised.parts of to functional kyoto advanced 2,500 was
organisatseilons from
offor to as did from and clean
Sustainable initiate Kyoto the meant out greenhouse
Greenhouse comeinwotorld's
wait bargaining more crucial
of to Protocol
to Change a on
developed environment in issues not agreements system countries' berecommendations, The August force
forgood the the
Secretary the th e
restore water framework precursSor to a follow-up
future's such for agree of concrete in Conference
kept. be 13thto decades." and Gases,
developing now US world. European (UNFCCC) soon
and reversing at
developing by Commitment November is Wi th 26 gas
and measures. policies.5 the todepleted2015.Development. in actual environmentalists to to
pollution protection have of reached as did
technological phase actions soplace a despite
State summit the The September
Development, a 2002:
The not
developingbetweenCONCLUSION President
a Union,
Agreements fish
that sophisticated emissions th e ten
global out 2007, first sign
countries The crucial Colin fo r
nations at to
before before portthetoheld of day America' s
Iree have their stocks the implement period Parties
international the George
warming its no What the in majority eventEarth th e to
breakthrough;countrieslite transnational Powel hopingtargets
Johannesburg he Bali 4, Environment
formally and
dueNorth been decision most and were the
the istmarket have (COP-13)
2002, pact
tor y
yearcomputerized (Indonesia) Summit rejected the
W. to
Kyoto of refusal
standing trendimportant to toalso summit the on
the must toandinitiated Bush' s to were
reduce 2012 for players be whi ch in the ratify
globalisation, policy beak goals start ) drew
future reject made four monitored Johannesburg,
green involve thedimension. at
blamed set was achieved the framework the But(unsustainable) to
South. decision in into the agreed of from Johannesburg
havenot Declaration
Rio more World agree the
on th e for subsidies.th e f or to future years have th e International
technologies, loss set to accounting International United de
than pact
environment Bush Kyoto
for export th e 2nd Janeiro, Summit
themselves With halve
up at
(2008-12), been and developing i
inequality thhasis No storms,
not fell roadmap implemented. before
use of a
species, many for Nations been 60,000
to South
the was Protocol, markets, solidarity short preuse TheUS,
doubt to of the assured climate 14th
Brazil grounds Relations
Sustainable period on it 461
renewable diminution
in jeered attend floods renewable 2.4 conferences of there Transaction participants takes
is by is records Framework
December countries,Sustainable
serious several which what drawn. thatthe change. in
being the 2015. billion
fund s
vet and the and EU is
from 1992, that
it an of as was it

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