20220213_答疑补遗(1)(个人组)Addendum and Q&A (for Individuals)

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International Competition for Conceptual Design of

Landmark Buildings of Quzhou
Addendum and the Answers to the Queries (1) (For Individuals)

发布日期:2023 年 2 月 13 日

Release Date: Feburary 13, 2023


The Addendum and Answers to the Queries of the Design Brief and Work Rules of
International Competition for Conceptual Design of Landmark Buildings of Quzhou are as
follows. If there is any item that is not clarified in the former Design Brief or Work Rules, or any
difference between the former documents and the Addendum and the Answers to the Queries,
the Addendum and the Answers to the Queries shall prevail. The contents of this Addendum
and the Answers to the Queries shall be subject to the Chinese version.

1 补遗 Addendum
1.1 标段#1 Project #1

补遗 1 Addendum 1

标段#1:文礼湖地标项目三地块总容积率为 4.0—5.0,总塔楼数量为 2—3,总建筑密度≤45%,


建筑限高均为 150 米,要求本项目最高建筑高度尽量贴近建筑限高,其余建筑高度由设计师自


For the total three plots of Project #1: Wenli Lake Landmark Buildings, the total floor area ratio
(FAR) should be 4.0–5.0, the total amount of the towers should be 2–3, the total building density
should be ≤45%, and the total greening rate should be ≥20%. Under the premise of meeting
the indices above, designers are allowed to adjust the indices of each plot.

The building height restriction is 150 meters, and the building height of the tallest building of
this project is required to be as close to the building height restriction as possible. The building
height of other buildings could be decided by the designers.
补遗 2 Addendum 2

项目与周边地块,空中连廊下方净高不小于 6 米。统筹考虑地下空间的连通性,可对各地块地下
空间提出整体开发策略,保证地块间互联互通与一体化(详见任务书第 51 页) 。同时,各地块应
具备独立建设的条件(详见任务书第 11、40、49 页)。设计师可针对概念设计方案,提出项目
开发的合理建议(详见任务书第 49 页)

The design scope of the project shall be within the site boundaries. It is allowed to connect
each plot of this project, or the project and the surrounding plots, by setting up aerial corridors
and underground corridors. The clear height under the aerial corridor shall not be less than 6
meters. The design scheme should consider the connectivity of each plot of the underground
spaces, and propose overall development strategies to ensure the interconnection and
integration of the plots. (Refer to Page 51 of the Design Brief) And at the same time, the scheme
must be feasible for construction by plot. (Refer to Page 11, 40, 49 of the Design Brief.) the
designer could propose reasonable suggestions for the project development based on the
conceptual design scheme. (Refer to Page 49 of the Design Brief.)

补遗 3 Addendum 3


The urban design digital model, the Urban Design of Quzhou High-Speed Railway New Town
(Excerpt) and The Research on the Guidance of City Identifiability and Landmark Buildings of
Quzhou (Excerpt) are for reference only, and not design compulsory conditions. The
design conditions shall be subject to the Design Brief, addendums, and answers to the

2 补遗附件 Attachments of the Addendum

2.1 标段#1 Project #1

1. 总体城市设计分册—土地利用规划

Overall Urban Planning Volume – Land Use Planning

2. 周边重大项目总平面图

Site Plans of the Surrounding Major Projects

3. 用地规划限制性条件示意图(含周边道路标高)

Diagram of Planning Restrictions for the Site (Including Elevations of Surrounding Roads)

4. 《浙江省人民防空办公室浙江省住房和城乡建设厅关于防空地下室结建标准适用的通知》
(2018 年 12 月 7 日)

Notice of Air Defense Office of Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang Provincial Department of
Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the Application of the Standard for the
Construction of Air Defense Basements (December 7, 2018)

3 答疑 Answers to the Queries


Part of the questions that are repeated or already clarified in the Design Brief and the
addendum are merged.

3.1 标段#1 Project #1

3.1.1 项目规划及设计条件 Planning and Design Conditions of the Project

问1. 高度超过多少米的建筑在本项目里可以被定义为塔楼?

Q1. Buildings with a height of more than how many meters can be defined as towers in this

答:塔楼即地标性的建筑主楼,塔楼数量应为 2—3 栋,具体方案由设计师自行考虑。

A: The towers are the landmark main buildings. The number of the towers should be 2–
3. And it is the designer who is to consider the specific scheme.

问2. 本项目是否有航空限高的限制?

Q2. Is there any aviation building height restriction for this project?

答:暂无,另本项目建筑限高为 150 米。

A: No. And the building height restriction is 150 meters.

问3. 地下停车指标是否可在各地块间互相平衡,打通考虑?

Q3. Is it possible to balance the indices of the underground by connecting each of the plots?


A: Yes. And the scheme must be feasible for construction by plot. The specific plan
should be considered in combination with the project development suggestions
proposed by the designer.

问4. 建筑高度计算按女儿墙过檐口顶计算,是否指算至土建女儿墙顶部?立面幕墙顶端、出屋面

Q4. The building height is calculated considering that the parapet will be over the cornice top.
Does it refer to the top of the parapet structure? Whether top of the façade curtain wall and the
core tube out of the roof will not be included in the building height?


A: Please refer to the Uniform Standard for Design of Civil Buildings (GB50352-2019) for
the calculation method of the building height.

问5. 能否提供一下周边道路及地块内部,文礼湖水面具体标高?

Q5. If the elevations of the surrounding roads, inside the site, and of Wenli Lake could be

答:1)周边道路标高见任务书第 13 页及本次补遗附件;暂无地块内部高标高信息。2)文礼湖
为在建的新开湖,正常蓄水位(常水位)标高为 69.00 米,洪水位为 70.95 米。

A: 1) For elevations of the surrounding roads, please refer to Page 13 of the Design Brief,
and the attachment of the addendum. 2) Wenli Lake is a newly planned lake. The normal
water storage level (normal water level) elevation is 69.00 meters, and the flood level is
70.95 meters.

问6. 请明确各地块场地标高,以及常山路和文礼湖岸高差。是否能提供场地等高线和标高 CAD

文件?若无法提供,设计是否以《详细城市设计分册》第 17 页的等高线为准?(图中显示常山
路和文礼湖岸存在大约 3—4 米高差)

Q6. Please clarify the site elevation of each plot and the height difference between Changshan
Road and Wenli Lake. If the site contour and elevation CAD files could be provided? If they are
not available, whether the design should be based on the contour line on Page 17 of the
Detailed Urban Design Volume? (The picture shows that there is a height difference of about
3–4 meters between Changshan Road and the shore of Wenli Lake)


A: 1) Please refer to the Design Brief and the attachment of the addendum. 2) No. 3) No.
The design conditions should be subject to the Design Brief, addendums, and answers
to the queries.

问7. 根据任务书示意图,项目场地周边道路存在高差,是否可提供包括基地内场地高程的现状条

Q7. According to the diagrams in the Design Brief, there is a height difference in the surrounding
roads of the project site. Are there any current conditions including the elevation inside the site


A: There is no relevant information about the elevation inside the site. For the design
conditions of this project, please refer to the Design Brief, addendums, and answers to
the queries.
问8. 规划设计中是否可考虑将文礼湖的水体引入设计地块之内进行景观打造?

Q8. Whether it is possible to introduce the water of Wenli Lake into the site for building a
landscape in the planning and design?


A: It should be considered by the designer.

问9. 是否可以更改文礼湖靠近地块的水岸线的形状?构筑物、连廊等是否可以延伸到水面?

Q9. Is it possible to change the shape of the shoreline of Wenli Lake near the plot? Whether
structures, corridors, etc. extend to the water surface?


A: These should be considered by the designer. The design scope of the project shall
be within the site boundaries.

问10. 根据《衢州市城乡规划管理(建筑管理)技术规定》,多层建筑后退道路红线距离与道路红
线宽度相关且至少为 5m:

Q10. According to Technical Regulations on Urban and Rural Planning Management (Building
Management) in Quzhou, the setback of the multi-storey building from the road boundary
should be at least 5 meters:

与任务书中多层建筑后退 3m 的示意不一致:

This is inconsistent with the setback of the multi-storey building of 3 meters in the Design Brief:

which shall prevail If the two restriction requirements are inconsistent?


A: The Design Brief, addendums, and answers to the queries shall prevail.

问11. 地块 1 与地块 2 之间花园廊的地下空间是否有规划限制条件?

Q11. Are there any planning restrictions for the underground space of the City Garden Corridor
between Plot 1 and Plot 2?


A: There is not any information. The design scope of the project shall be within the site
boundaries. And the designer may propose strategies for underground connections.

问12. 是否需要本地块与周边地块地下空间连接点位置?

Q12. Are the connecting positions between the plots of the project and the surrounding plots


A: It should be considered by the designer.

问13. 用地红线及规划条件 cad 图纸中,地块相邻常山路一侧,有三个带有墙体的图块(如下图),


Q13. In the site boundary and planning condition CAD drawing, there are three blocks with
walls (as shown below) on the plots close to Changshan Road. Please clarify the specific
functions of these three plots. If there is any construction above the ground? If there is any
influence or requirement for the adjacent buildings.


A: 1) Those mentioned above are current facilities of the pipeline corridor. Please refer
to the site photos and video for the specific condition. 2) It should be considered by the

问14. CAD 图上常山路东侧有一条管廊及部分设施,请问其是否有出地面的部分?

Q14. There is a pipeline corridor and some facilities on the east of Changshan Road on the
CAD drawings. If there is any part that is above the ground?


A: Please refer to the site photos and video.

问15. 项目对于地下室层数及深度是否有要求?

Q15. Are there any requirements for the number and depth of the basement floors?


A: There is not any specific requirement.

问16. 设计资料中表示允许连廊或裙房跨越地块 2 和地块 3 中间的规划城市支路。对于连廊或裙


Q16. The design documents indicate that corridors or podiums are allowed to cross the planned
urban branch road between Plot 2 and Plot 3. Is there any restriction on the height of the
corridors or podiums?


A: There is not any specific requirement except for the design conditions or
requirements that are already clarified in the Design Brief, addendums, and answers to
the queries. At the same time, the design should meet the requirements of relevant

问17. 建筑悬挑可否在用地红线之外?可否提供相关规范条款?

Q17. Whether the building overhang could be outside the site boundary? Whether any related
regulation clauses are provided?


A: They should be considered by the designer. The design scope of the project shall be
within the site boundaries. The design scheme should meet the requirements of related
regulations. The designer is supposed to check related regulations by themselves.

问18. 覆土建筑是否计入建筑密度?可否提供相关规范条款。

Q18. Whether the earth-covered building is calculated into the building density? Whether any
related regulation clauses are provided?



A: Please refer to Standards for Planning Parking Lots (Garages) in Urban Architectural
Engineering (DB331021-2013) of Zhejiang for calculation methods of building density.

问19. GT-02-27 用地北侧为 BR 商住用地,本用地退线方式是需遵守《衢州市城乡规划管理(建

筑管理)技术规定》 (2022 年 8 月)第四章建筑退让第十二条第 2 点要求退让?(2、当基地北
边界的距离不小于日照间距的 1/2;若二者间有城市道路相隔,建筑后退基地北侧城市道路中心
线的距离不小于日照间距的 1/2。 )

Q19. The land use of the plot on the north of Plot GT-02-27 is BR commercial and residential.
Whether the setback of this project should comply with the requirements in Clause 12, Item 2,
Chapter 4 Building Setback, Technical Regulations on Urban and Rural Planning Management
(Building Management) in Quzhou (August 2022)? (2. When there is an unbuilt planned land,
which is for residential, cultural, educational or Medical that requires sunshine, outside the
boundary on the north of the site, the setback between the building and the north boundary
shall not be less than 1/2 of the sunshine interval. If there is a city road between the two plots,
the setback between the building and the centerline of the city road should not be less than 1/2
of the sunshine interval.)


A: Yes. The design should meet the requirements of related regulations.

问20. 地块三开关站的建筑面积和设置要求?

Q20. Are there any requirements for floor area and settlement for the switching station in Plot

A: There is not any specific requirement.

问21. 是否能提供上位规划(高铁新城片区)的产业规划方案资料。

Q21. If industrial planning materials in the master planning (of the High-Speed Railway New
Town) could be provided?


A: There is no related planning.

问22. 如图的地下布局是强制性的还是仅为大方向?

Q22. Is this underground layout and connection mandatory or just orientative?

答:见本次补遗 3。

A: Please refer to Addendum 3.

问23. 根据浙江省《城市建筑工程停车场(库)设置规则和配建标准》
设置适量的地面停车泊位。机动车地面停车泊位不宜低于配建总泊位数的 4%。”本项目地面停

Q23. According to Standards for Planning Parking Lots (Garages) in Urban Architectural
Engineering (DB331021-2013) of Zhejiang, " An appropriate amount of ground parking spaces
should be set up in the site of public buildings. The ground parking spaces for motor vehicles
may not be less than 4% of the total parking spaces." If the proportion of the ground parking
spaces in the total parking spaces of this project need to be controlled according to this


A: It should be considered by the designer.

问24. 成果提交时是否需包含经济技术指标,若需提供,指标是否有固定格式,或需要提供哪些

Q24. Is it necessary to provide economic and technical indices in the deliverables? If so, is
there a fixed format for the indices, or are there specific requirements for which indices to be


A: 1) Yes. 2) No. There is no specific requirement.

问25. 任务书 49 页 10.2.1 条提到“保持建筑沿街界面、滨水界面与城市界面的连续性”。请问沿


Q25. It is mentioned that " The design scheme should maintain the continuity of the street
interface, waterfront interface and urban interface of the buildings". Whether the interface along
the street is subject to the building setback.


There is no specific scheme for the surrounding plots. It should be considered by the

问26. 请提供项目所在地的人防要求。

Q26. Please provide the air defense requirements of where the project is located.


A: Please refer to the attachment of the addendum.

问27. 地下是否有容积率要求?

Q27. If there is any requirement for the underground FAR.

(2022 年 8 月)。

A: The calculation method of the floor area ratio should be subject to the Technical
Regulations on Urban and Rural Planning Management (Building Management) in
Quzhou (August 2022).

问28. 个人组方案竞赛中针对防火设计等规范的要求是否非常严格?

Q28. For the individual applicants, if the requirements of the regulations including those for fire
protection are very strict?

A: The design scheme should meet the requirements of related regulations. But the
creativity of the project is more valued.

问29. 根据规划条件 CAD 文件,地块 2 仅有西北角一个机动车建议出入口。若该地块同时布置

150 米超高层塔楼和其他业态,考虑仅单个机动车出入口会带来流线交叉和通行低效的问题,请

Q29. According to the planning condition CAD document, there is only one entrance or exit
suggested for Plot 2. The problems of crossing circulations and low traffic efficiency brought by
setting only a single entrance or exit should be considered, if the 150-meter ultra high-rise tower
and other functions are arranged on that plot at the same time. If it is possible to break the
restrictions of no vehicle entrance or exit, and set up an extra entrance or exit for vehicles on
the south of the plot (as indicated by the green arrow below)?


A: It should be considered by the designer. And the design should meet the requirements
of related regulations.

3.1.2 周边规划及相关提资 Surrounding Planning and Related Materials

问30. 能否提供相邻地块的更多信息,尤其是位于设计区域南部和东部的会议中心和海滨剧院?

Q30. Could you provide more information about the adjacent plots especially the conference
center and waterfront theater on the south and east next to our site?

A: The design conditions shall be subject to the Design Brief, addendums, and answers
to the queries. The "theater" area above is planned green area, and there is no specific
plan for the plot of the "conference center".

问31. 在《详细城市设计分册》中,对常山路的描述为架空道路,人行下穿。请问,是否为规划

Q31. In the Detailed Urban Design Volume, Changshan Road is described as an elevated road
with pedestrians passing under it. If it is a planning requirement? Are there guidelines for the
relationship between the design elevation of the siet and the current Changshan Road elevation?

答:1) 否,设计条件应以设计任务书及答疑补遗为准;2)常山路已建成,与周边地块为平接。

A: 1) No. The design condition should be subject to the Design Brief, Q&A and
Addendum. 2) Changshan Road is built, and is connected to the surrounding plots on
the same level.

问32. 请明确花园廊与和其垂直相交的城市道路的剖面及高差关系,尤其是花园廊东侧尽端与地
块 1,地块 2,以及文礼湖的剖面及高差关系。花园廊是否为下沉式开放步行空间,还是封闭地
下空间?《详细城市设计分册》第 37,38 页渲染图似乎表明为前者,且花园廊从常山路下方横

Q32. Please clarify the section and height difference relationship between the City Garden
Corridor and the city road perpendicular to it, especially the section and height difference
relationship between the east end of the City Garden Corridor and Plot 1, Plot 2, and Wenli
Lake. Is the City Garden Corridor a sunken open pedestrian space, or is it a closed underground
space? The renderings on Page 37 and Page 38 of the Detailed Urban Design Volume seem
to indicate the former, and the City Garden Corridor crosses from the bottom of Changshan
Road to the west bank of Wenli Lake.


A: The City Garden Corridor is an open space and there is no specific design scheme.

问33. (请提供)文礼湖地块:飞来酒店、文礼湖景观塔、杭衢大厦、信安大厦、城市客厅等周

Q33. (Please provide) simple models of the surrounding major projects including Feilai Hotel,
Wenli Lake Landscape Tower, Hangqu Building, Xin'an Building, and City Living Room, etc. of
the Wenli Lake plots.


A: No. But please refer to the attachment of the addendum for the site plan of the
surrounding major projects.

问34. 基地周边是否有规划大运量的城市公共交通站点,例如轨道交通站点?

Q34. Is there any large-capacity city public transport station planned near the site, such as a
rail transit station?


A: There is no clear planning except for Quzhouxi Railway Station.

问35. 针对文礼湖的水上游览功能,其配套设施是否需在用地内配置?

Q35. Whether the supporting facilities for the water tour function of Wenli Lake need to be
configured in the plots?


A: There is currently no plan for the water tour function of this project.
问36. 在《总体城市设计分册》中,提到南侧相邻地块为会议中心功能,会议中心功能是否确定?

Q36. In the Overall Urban Design Volume, it is mentioned that the adjacent plot on the south
side is for a conference center. Is the function of the conference center confirmed? If there is
more detailed design information provided?


A: No. No.

问37. 地块 1 和地块 2 之间的公园绿地,是否可统筹考虑,一体设计?

Q37. Can the park green space between Plot 1 and Plot 2 be considered as a whole and
designed in one


A: It should be considered by the designer. The design scope of the project shall be
within the site boundaries.

问38. 请提供上位规划中景观塔最新的方案设计。

Q38. Please provide the latest schematic design of the landscape tower in the master planning.


A: The Design Brief has clarified that "there is no specific implementation plan for the

landscape tower for now" (Page 32).

问39. 提供紧邻场地周边地块的建筑图纸。

Q39. Provide architectural drawings of the surrounding plots of the site.


A: There is no specific design scheme for the surrounding plots.

问40. 地块北侧为生活组团,目前是否有规划图纸,是否考虑项目对其日照影响?

Q40. The north side of the plot is a living group. Are there any planning drawings at present,
and whether the impact of the project on its sunshine is considered?


A: No. Yes.

问41. 用地问题:可否提供具体用地 cad?关于蓝线和道路有无特殊的退线要求,如有可否提供相

关规定说明?规划中花园廊在未来打造中将以什么姿态出现,将以主要交通形式(马路) ,还是

Q41. Questions on the plots: Is it possible to provide the CAD documents of the plots? Are there
any special setback requirements for the blue line and roads? If so, is it possible to provide
relevant regulations? What will the planned City Garden Corridor appear like in the future? Will
it appear as the main traffic (road), or in the form of park trails? Is it necessary to consider the
view relationship of the axis of the City Garden Corridor?


A: 1) Please refer to the attachments of the Design Brief. 2) The design scheme should
meet the requirements of related regulations. Please refer to the Design Brief and the
attachments of the Design Brief for details. The designer is supposed to check related
regulations by themselves. 3) Please refer to the Design Brief. 4) Please refer to the
Design Brief.

3.1.3 项目定位及功能 Project Positioning and Functions

问42. 能否更具体的说明功能分布和面积?总体规划文件中设计地块包含游客中心的功能,是否

Q42. Could the program be more specific about functional distribution and areas? What about
the Tourist center function included in our plot on the masterplan document? Is it mandatory?


A: 1) There is no more specific functional distribution or floor area descriptions. 2) There

is no specific requirement. 3) The design conditions shall be subject to the Design Brief,
addendums, and answers to the queries.

问43. 本次竞赛对建筑业态及各功能面积是否有相关策划,亦或完全由建筑师自由发挥。

Q43. Is there any relevant planning for the functions and floor area in this competition, or is it
completely free for architects to play?


A: There is not any for now. The designer should propose a functional plan that
corresponds to the architectural design scheme.

问44. 项目是否有具体的功能定位要求,例如酒店功能的星级标准定位、各类商业办公功能的规

Q44. Does the project have specific functional positioning requirements, such as star standard
positioning for hotel functions, scale recommendations for various commerce and office


A: No.

问45. 地块为 B1 商业设施用地和 B2 商务设施用地,可否允许配建剧院,图书馆等文化设施?

Q45. The land use of the project is B1 (commercial) and B2 (business), if cultural facilities, such
as a theater and library allowed to be built?


A: The specific function of the project should be decided by the designer combined with
the surrounding planning. The project is mainly for commercial, while offering city

问46. 三个地块的用地类型为 B1 商业设施用地和 B2 商务设施用地,对于商业空间和产品定位


Q46. The three plots are for B1 commercial and B2 business. Are there any specific
requirements for commercial space and product positioning?


A: There is no specific requirement. The designer should propose a functional plan that
corresponds to the architectural design scheme.

问47. 三个地块功能业态是否完全自拟,比如融合酒店,商街,办公等业态。

Q47. Whether the functions of the three plots, such as an integration of hotels, commercial
streets, offices, etc., should be completely decided by the designer?

A: Yes.

问48. 是否允许设置重餐饮类业态?

Q48. Is it allowed to set up catering for heavy meals?


A: Yes.

问49. 是否允许设置服务公寓类业态?(《衢州市城乡规划管理技术规定》)

Q49. Is it allowed to set up functions of service flats? (Technical Regulations on Urban and
Rural Planning Management (Building Management) in Quzhou)


A: The design scheme should meet the requirements of related regulations. And it is the
designer who is to consider the specific scheme.

问50. 能否提供高铁新城城市设计范围内各业态指标?如产业面积、商业与产业配套面积、居住

Q50. Is it possible to provide indices of various functions within the urban design scope of the
High-Speed Railway New Town, such as industrial floor area, commercial and industrial
supporting floor area, and residential and community basic supporting floor area?


A: Please refer to the attachment to the addendum.

问51. 《详细城市设计分册》第 8 页提到了基地便捷通行的公共交通,可否提供衢州西站及其周


Q51. Page 8 of the Detailed Urban Design Volume mentions the convenient public
transportation of the site. Is it possible to provide information on the existing public
transportation facilities and circulations of Quzhouxi Railway Station and its surrounding plots,
to build a complete public slow traffic system?


A: No.
问52. 地块之内的土方高差是否可以更改?

Q52. Can the earthwork height difference within the plot be changed?


A: Yes. The designer should make adjustments based on current design conditions.

问53. 文礼湖周边的“礼乐广场”的具体功能是否已经有设定?如有,其具体设定是什么?

Q53. If the specific function of the "Liyue Square" around Wenli Lake has settled? If so, what is
the specific function?


A: No.

问54. 招商与造价问题:三个地块业主是否已经有意向?项目整体有无造价问题限制?各地块有

Q54. Questions about investment invitation and construction cost: If there are intended owners
for the three plots? Is there any cost limit for the whole project? Is there any need for splitting
and independent use of each plot?


A: No. No. The scheme must be feasible for construction by plot.

问55. 建筑风格:西站和体育中心为现代化风格的建筑,本地块亲水,可否适当结合风格化元素

Q55. Architectural style: Quzhouxi Railway Station and the Sports Center are modern-style
buildings, and the plots are close to the water. If it is possible to create architectural experiences
of a human-friendly scale combined with elements (Chinese elements)?


A: It should be considered by the designer.

3.2 《工作规则(个人组)》Work Rules (for Individuals)

问56. 报名文件《附件一 参赛信息表》中填写的方案名,是否需与最终提交成果文件的方案名一


Q56. Does the proposal name filled in the Appendix I Entry Information Form of the application
document need to be the same as the proposal name in the final submission?


A: Yes.
问57. 附件三中“参赛申请人名称”

Q57. Concerning “Applicant Name” in Appendix III, do I need to fill in the names of each
member in the group or the group name if I am in a group?


A: Fill in the names of the members.

问58. 最后的 A1 排版,左上角的空白具体格式是否有要求?

Q58. Is there a requirement for a specific format for the upper left corner with a blank in the A1
presentation boards?

答:左上角约 30mm×30mm 的区域请勿编排设计图纸、文字等重要信息,以免被遮挡。

A: Please do not compile design drawings, text and other important information in the
area (about 30mm x 30mm) in the upper left corner of the board to avoid being obscured.

问59. 任务书 53 页的概念提案内容中并未提到各层平面和地下室平面,最终成果中除总图外是


Q59. The conceptual design on page 53 of the Design Brief does not mention the floor plan
and basement plan, are the drawings of plan, elevation and section not mandatory for the final
submission except for the site plan?


A: The content of the Concept Proposal is not mandatory except for the information
already specified.

问60. 预报名中只提交了一个参赛者信息,正式报名时能再否添加组员?

Q60. If only the information of one applicant was submitted in the pre-registration, can I add
more group members during the email registration?


A: Yes.

问61. 图文资料包中的方案图片是否有数量限制,是否有规格要求?

Q61. Is there a limit to the number of proposal drawings in the press kit and are there any
specifications required?
答:没有数量限制,规格要求见《工作规则(个人组)》第 19 页。

A: There is no limit to the number. Refer to page 19 of Work Rules (for individuals) for
the specification of the proposal drawings.

问62. 成果是否需要提供各层平面及地下室平面。

Q62. Is it mandatory to provide floor plans and basement plans in the submission?

答:不强制要求提供。见《工作规则(个人组)》第 10 章。

A: It is not mandatory. Refer to Chapter 10 of Work Rules (for Individuals).

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