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Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering

ME 1121

Heat Transfer

Dipayan Mondal (Dip)
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
KUET, Khulna-9203, Bangladesh
Heat Transfer
 Heat is a form of energy which transfers between
bodies which are kept under thermal interactions.
 When a temperature difference occurs between
two bodies or a body with its surroundings, heat
transfer occurs.
Mode of heat transfer:
Heat transfer occurs basically in three modes:
Convection, and
Newton’s law of cooling:
1. For Conduction
2. For Convection
3. For Radiation

Thermal Conductivity:

Temperature Gradient:
Modes of Heat Transfer (1)
 Conduction is the mode of heat transfer occurs
from one part of a substance to another part
of within the substance itself or with another
substance which is placed in physical contact.
 In conduction, there is no noticeable
movement of molecules.

The heat transfer occurs here by the two

mechanisms happen.
1. By the transfer of free electrons. (Good
conductors like metals have a plenty of free
electrons to make conductive heat transfer.)
2. The atoms and molecules having energy will
pass those energy they have with their
adjacent atoms or molecules by means of
lattice vibrations.
Modes of Heat Transfer (2)
Fourier Law of Conduction:
Q = -k A dT/dx
Where, Q = the heat flow rate by conduction
• K = the thermal conductivity of the material
• A i= the cross sectional area normal to
direction of heat flow and
• dT/dx = the temperature gradient of the
Modes of Heat Transfer (2)
Conductive heat transfer occurs within a
fluid itself and it is carried out by transfer
of one fraction of the fluid to the remaining
portion. It is a process of heat transfer from
one particle of the body to another by
convection current. In convection, there is
present noticeable movement of molecules

Types: Convection can be of two types:

1.Free or natural convection:
In the absence of an external source, when the fluid is in contact
with a hot surface, its molecules separate and scatter, causing the
fluid to be less dense.
Familiar examples are the upward flow of air due to a fire or hot
object and the circulation of water in a pot that is heated from below.
Modes of Heat Transfer (2)
2. Forced convection:
 When a fluid is forced to flow over the
surface by an external source such as fans,
by stirring, and pumps, creating an
artificially induced convection current.
 The difference between natural convection
and forced convection is that in forced
convection, a work is done to make
movement in the fluid.

Newton’s Low Of Cooling:

• Q = hA(Ts-T∞)
Where, Ts = the surface temperature
• T∞ = the fluid temperature
• h = the heat transfer coefficient
• A= Surface area
Modes of Heat Transfer (2)
 Radiation is the third mode of heat transfer. This mode of
heat transfer didn’t require any medium to occur.
Every matter having a temperature above absolute zero
will emit energy in the form of electromagnetic waves
and called radiation.
 It is the same way the energy of the Sun reaches us.

Stefan- Boltzman Law:

• Q = A∑Ts⁴
Where, Ts = the absolute temperature of surface
• ∑= the proportionality constant.
• A= Surface area
Heat transfer by conduction through a slab
Consider a solid slab having one of its face (say left) at a
higher temperature and the other (say right) at a lower

T1 = Temperature of the left face in K,
T2 = temperature of the right face in K, OR
x = x2-x1 = Thickness of the slab,
A = Area of the slab,
k = Thermal conductivity of the body,
t = Time through which the heat flow has taken place.

As per the Fourier Law of Conduction, the heat flow

through the slab OR
Q = -k A dT/dx
Q = - [k A (T2 - T1)] / dx
Now the total amount of heat flow in time
t may be found by,
Q = - [k A (T2 - T1) t ] / x
Heat transfer by conduction through a
composite wall
Consider a composite wall consisting of two
different materials through which the heat is
being transferred by conduction.
x1 = Thickness of the first material,
k1 = Thermal conductivity of the first
material, OR
x2 = Thickness of the first material,
k2 = Thermal conductivity of the first
T1 ,T3 = Temperature of the two outer
T2 = temperature at junction point,
A = Surface area of the wall,
Heat transfer by conduction through a composite wall
 Assuming T1 > T2 and heat will be flow from left face to right face.

 Under steady conditions, the rate of heat flow through section 1 is equal
to that through section 2. i.e, Q1 = Q2 = Q
For section 1, the heat flow rate
Q = - [k1 A (T2 - T1) t ] / x1
or, Q = [k1 A (T1 – T2) t ] / x1
or, (T1 – T2) = (Q/A)* (x1 / k1) --------------------------(1)
Similarly, for section 2
(T2 – T3) = (Q/A)* (x2 / k2) --------------------------------(2)

Adding above two (1) & (2) equations,

(T1 – T2) + (T2 – T3) = (Q/A)* (x1 / k1) + (Q/A)* (x2 / k2)
or, (T1 – T3) = (Q/A)* [(x1 / k1)+ (x2 / k2)]
or, (Q/A) = (T1 – T3) / [(x1 / k1)+ (x2 / k2)]
or, Q= A(T1 – T3) / [(x1 / k1)+ (x2 / k2)] ----------------(3)
Problem: A furnace wall is made up of refractory bricks of 300 m thick. The inner
and outer surfaces of the wall have temperature of 10000C and 1500C. Find the
heat lost per square metre per hour.
If the outside temperature becomes 500C, the furnace wall is covered with
insulating bricks of 200 mm thickness. Find the reduction in heat loss. Take thermal
conductivities of refractory and insulating bricks as 4.5 and 0.5 W/mK.

x1 = 300 mm = 0.3 m
T1 = 10000C = 1000 + 273 = 1273 K
T2 = 1500C =150 + 273 = 423 K
t= 1 hr = 3600 s
T3 = 500C = 323 K
x2 = 200 mm = 0.2 m
k1 = 4.5 W/mK
k2 = 0.5 W/mK
Heat loss when the furnace wall is made of refractory bricks.
We know the heat lost per square metre per hour,
Q1 = [k1 A (T1 – T2) t ] / x1
= [4.5* 1 (1273 – 423) 3600] /0.3 J/m2 hr
= 45.9 * 106 J/m2 hr
= 45.9 MJ/m2 hr

Reduction in heat loss when the furnace wall is covered with insulating bricks
We know the heat lost per square metre per hour,
Q2 = A(T1 – T3) t / [(x1 / k1)+ (x2 / k2)]
= 1*(1273 – 323)* 3600 / [(0.3 / 4.5)+ (0.2 / 0.5)]
= 7.33 * 106 J/m2 hr
=7.33* 106 MJ/m2 hr
Hence, Reduction in heat lost = Q1 – Q2 = 45.9 – 7.3
= 38.6 MJ/m2 hr
N.B.: Self study: Example,34.4, 34.5
Critical Thickness of Insulation
Critical thickness of insulation is the thickness at
which the energy loss becomes maximum.
The addition of insulation increases the heat loss
until a critical thickness of insulation. Further
addition of insulation beyond the critical
thickness starts to decrease the energy loss.
Therefore, critical thickness can be used to
increased the cooling of a cable, wire or tube.
The End

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