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Chaitanya Barik, Mob: +91-97667 21782



 Out of 8.8 years of experience, 3.8 year as a Kubernetes Admin for building and
deploying application in kubernetes cluster.
 Frequently used DevOps tools like GIT, JENKIN, ANSIBLE, DOCKER, KUBERNETES,
TERRAFORM, HELM on top of AWS Cloud and the Middleware technology like
WebLogic, JBoss, Tomcat, Apache.
 Extensive knowledge on UNIX/LINUX and Windows Env.
 Hands on experience on Python for making automation scripts for daily life issues.
 Good exposure of Blue-green deployment strategy.
 Proficient in CI/CD (Deployment and Delivery both) methodology.
 Deep understanding of Waterfall, Agile and DevOps model Approach.
 Good knowledge on SSL and Load balancers (F5 and XMLGW)
 Working Knowledge on major cloud service providers like AWS (Amazon Web


 Certified as “ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management”

 Certified as “AWS Solution Architect - Associate”
 Certified as “Oracle WebLogic Server 11g System Administrator”
 Kubernetes (CKA) Certification  Under progress


 Currently working in VODAFONE INDIA, Pune (8th Jan 2018 to Till date…)
 ATOS INDIA Pvt. Ltd., Phase-II, Pune, Maharashtra (23rd Feb, 2015 to 29th Dec 2017)
 PERSISTENT SYSTEM, Phase-I, Pune (10th March, 2010 to 29th June, 2012)

 MTech (84%) from Tezpur Central University, Assam.
 MCA (80%) from Biju Pattnayak University of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.


 Automation Tools : Jenkins, Terraform, CloudFormation
 App Servers : WebLogic, JBOSS EAP (6.4), TOMCAT(8x)
 Web Servers : Apache, Nginx
 OS : RedHat, Sun SOLARIS UNIX, UBUNTU, Windows
 Databases : Oracle 10g, 11g, 12c, SQL Developer
 Scripting Lang : Shell Script, Python.
 Programming : Go Lang, C.
 Logging : Elasticsearch, Kibana.
 Monitoring : Nagios, CloudWatch, Prometheus, Grafana
 Log Analysis : Samurai, GC Viewer, MAT.
 Load Balancer : F5, ELB
 TicketingTool : Jira, Remedy, ServiceNow.
 Other Tools : Confluence.


1. Controlplane components: Kube api server, Kube Scheduler, Kube Controller, etcd.
2. Worker Node: Kubelet, Kube-proxy, Drain a Node, cordon and Uncordon,
3. Kubernetes Cluster: HA cluster setup, kubectl, kubeadm, Cluster Upgradation, EKS.
4. Container: Pause container, Init-Container, Multi-Container, Side-car container,
5. Pod: Static Pod, Pod Limits, Resource Quota, Limit Range.
6. YML: Declarative and imperative way of creating different K8S objects: Pod, Service,
Volume, and Namespace. Replication controller, Replica Set, Manifest file.
7. Deployment: Scale up/down of pods on Deployment, Deployment Strategy (Rolling
Update, Recreate), Setting up Max Surge and Max Unavailable on Rolling update,
Deploying StatefulSet Apps, Rollout history of Deployment, Blue green deployment.
8. Namespace: Organize K8S components using Namespace, Apply restriction on
resources used by diff team using NS, Making our own NS as default by configuring
set-context, get-contexts.
9. Volume: Persistent Volume, Persistent Volume Claim, Access Modes:
(ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany), Reclaim Policy: (Retain, Recycle,
10. Services: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer. Headless service, exposing the service.
11. Scheduling: Manually scheduling of pods, affinity, NodeAffinity, Customize Scheduler
12. Labels: Adding and removing of Labels, Selectors, Set Labels over taint, Binding NS
and Node using Labels.
13. Taint & Toleration : Setting and removing taints on a Node & Apply Toleration,
14. Security: ServiceAccount, Secret, SSL Certificate (installation, Renewal), KubeConfig.
15. RBAC: role, role-binding, Cluster-role, Clusterrole-binding.
16. Backup and Restore of Services: Using ETCDCTL_API3 save snapshot, restore
snapshot, configure etcd manifest files.
17. Network: CoreDNS, Kube-DNS, Negative Caching, Pod Networking,
18. Ingress: Ingress controller, Ingress, TLS configuration, Multipath for same host.

DevOps Knowledge:
1. GIT:
Good hands-on on Source Code Management (Version Control System) tools like Git,
Workspace management in bare/non bare repository, Ignoring files(.gitignore),
Branching, git hook, git add/commit/push/pull/fetch/stash/cherry-pick, git
reset(soft/mixed,hard), cloning single-branch, Merging, Tagging, pre-commit, Good
knowledge of GitLab.

Installation of Jenkin, system configuration, Plug-in Management, Tool
Configuration, Node(master/slave) management, Job configuration, Downstream,
Building CI/CD pipeline, pipeline using groovy DSL through Agent and stages.

Docker Installation, Exposing Container Ports,
starting/stopping/attaching/detaching /naming/renaming/removing/monitoring of
docker container, Building Dockerfiles through RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, WORKDIR,
VOLUME, COPY, MAINTAINER, EXPOSE, ADD, USER. Registering images in docker
hub, Tagging.

Ansible Installation, Setting up hosts & ansible.cfg file, ansible inventory, Adhoc
commands(stop/start service, install packages on destination server), Defining
sections (target, variable, task and handler), Loops, conditions, Roles, Vaults,
wait_for, Ansible playbook.

Install Terraform, terraform init/plan/apply/destroy, IAC, provisioning AWS
resources using terraform, state management, .tfstate, .tfstate.backup, Achieve
versioning and secret through AWS S3, Locking features using dynamoDB,
WorkSpace (new, list, show, select, delete), Provisioner (local-exec, remote-exec,
file), packer, HasiCorp, HCL.
Helm install, Helm chart, writing helm chart files (chart.yml, values.yml), template
directory files, umbrella chart, Helm upgrade, Helm rollback, Helm list, Helm

Cloud Knowledge on AWS:

 EC2: On-demand, Reserved and spot instance, EBS, Snapshots, Security groups, AMI.
 IAM: Manage user, group, access policies, Roles, MFA.
 VPC: VPC creation, Internet Gateway, Route Table, NACL Inbound & outbound rules,
Configuring private & Public Subnet.
 S3: Structure of components (Bucket, folder, object), Reduce Redundancy storage,
Infrequent Access, Glacier, S3 permission, S3 Versioning.
 ELB, Auto Scaling, Route 53, Lambda, Cloud watch, SNS.
 Adding & extending EBS volume size on EC2 VM.
 Amazon EKS



 Got a greater experience on installation, configuration, performance tuning,

migration, upgradation, Patching of WebLogic Server.
 Efficient in deployment of JAR, WAR and EAR files in domain and clustered
 Experience in configuring Node Manager to start and stop managed servers from
admin console.
 For achieving High availability using cluster, got a good experience on Load Balancing
and fail over support on WebLogic.
 Adding new Servers, Start/Stop application Using WLST (WebLogic Scripting Tool).
 Good at troubleshooting using – Thread Dump Analysis, Heap Dump Analysis.
 Configured and monitored JMS Connection Factories, Queues and Topics on Web
Logic environment.
 Experience in finding the Memory Leaks, adjusting the JVM Heap Sizes and GC


 Installation, Setup, Start up and shutdown of Tomcat Server.

 Installation and configuration of Apache server.
 Creation of New Users in Tomcat.
 Deployment of Application to Tomcat Servers by “webapps” and WebApplication


 One way handshaking, two way handshake, Key pair generation.

 Installed SSL certificates in DevOps env.
 Configured SSL for Apache, Tomcat and Web Logic Server.
 Use of “openssl” & “keytool” in application server.
 Installing fresh SSL Certificate as well as Renewing CA certificate.
 Troubleshooting using “s_server” & “s_client”

#5 Project

Client : VFNZ (Vodafone New Zealand)

Project : KUSM (Kubernetes Upgrade Service Migration)
Products : VF-TV, VF-Mobile
Duration : Jan, 2018 to Continue…
Environment : Both Cloud (AWS) and On Premise
Culture : DevOps
Role : Kubernetes Admin
Scripting Language : Python, Shell Script

 Deploying application using different strategy like RolingUpdate, Recreate.

 Manually scheduling of pods on a particular Node using nodeName, NodeAffinity.
 Installing High Availability (HA) K8S cluster with external ETCD cluster, which ensures
no impact on controlplane components and etcd members.
 Patching without downtime by draining and cordoning of nodes.
 Installing and Upgrading K8S cluster using Kubeadm and EKS.
 Managing Kubernetes nodes, containers on PODs. Creating pod limits on a Node.
 Hosting kubernetes cluster on AWS Cloud also On-premise env.
 Exposing the service both in declarative and imperative way.
 Restricting other team members to our cluster using Namespace.
 Putting a barrier to the team member by setting Resource Quota and LimitRange.
 Installing & Renewing SSL certificates on Controlplane components
 Giving required permission to user for accessing K8S resources using RBAC
 Creating our own customize Scheduler.
 Backup and restore of services.
 Adding and removing taints on a Node & apply Toleration.
 Auto triggering of Jenkin jobs by setting Webhook in Github.
 Troubleshooting: Application Failure, Controlplane failure, WorkNode Failure… etc.
 Setting Jenkins server. Managing CI/CD jobs. Managing Jenkins plug-in, integrating
others tool with Jenkins like: GIT, Ansible, Docker.
 Writing Ansible Playbooks and roles for provisioning resources on AWS Cloud.
 Writing Helm charts and Deployment using Helm chart v3.

#4 Project

Client : VFNZ (Vodafone New Zealand)

Project : BSSM (Blue Stack System Management)
Product : VF-Mobile
Duration : Jan, 2018 to Continue…
Environment : Cloud (Oracle, AWS) & On Premise
Culture : Agile
Role : Site Reliability Engg (SRE)
Middleware Tech : Fusion Middleware (FMW), WebLogic, JBOSS, Tomcat, Apache
Scripting Language : Python, Shell Script

 Deploying JAR, WAR and EAR files in Fusion cluster environments.

 Maintaining the Fusion Micro services on OSB Console and SOA EM Console using
Oracle Cloud.
 Written wrapper script for auto restarting of JVMs, Housekeeping FS, and Zipping
Log files for Disk space.
 Setting Jenkins server. Configuring Master and Slave nodes. Managing CI/CD jobs.
Managing Jenkins plug-in.
 Patching FMW servers using OPatch.
 Upgrading WebLogic and JDK.
 Generating CSR, Requesting certificate from root CA and Configuring SSL certificates
on Fusion Servers & Apache Servers.
 Troubleshooting issues on WebLogic application servers using Thread dump analysis,
Heap dump analysis.
 Finding Memory leaks, adjusting JVM heap size & GC parameters.
 Resolving high priority ticket like P1, P2.
 Day to day site monitoring and analyzing the root cause of problems for better
performance is a major task for me.
 Implementing zero downtime deployment using WEBLOGIC and Jenkins to
automate it.
 Enabling branching strategies using GIT. Managing git user access.

#3 Project

Name : AMR(Automatic Meter Reading).

Client : Engie IT , France.
Duration : Jan, 2016 to 29th Dec 2017.
Environment : Both Cloud(AWS) and On Premise
Model : Agile and Water fall
Role : System Admin
DevOps Tool : GIT, JENKIN, Nexus
Middleware Tech : Weblogic, JBOSS, Tomcat, Apache
Scripting Language : Python, shell Script.

 Analyzing the Logs for a better RCA (root cause analysis) report.
 Troubleshooting and monitoring the Weblogic application servers for Performance
by tuning JVM heap size and garbage collection.
 Automatic Deploying application through JENKIN tool.
 Involved with the vendors and support teams in troubleshooting and fixing day-to-
day problems of the applications in production.

#2 Project

Name : GDF (Gas De France).

Client : GDF Suez, France.
Duration : Feb, 2015 to 29th Dec 2017.
Role : System Administrator.
Environment : On Premise
Model : Agile and Waterfall

 Responsible for administration & configuration of Weblogic in different

 Involved in the installation of Weblogic server.
 Configuring Weblogic domains for new environments.
 Configuring cluster for load balancing and for high availability.
 Deploying applications, configuring JDBC connection pools, Data Sources, JMS
Queues etc.
 Troubleshooting Weblogic application servers for Performance by tuning JVM heap
size and garbage collection.

#1 Project
Duration : March, 2010 to June, 2012.
Environment : Weblogic Application Server 10g/11g, Apache 2.2
Role : System Administrator.
Environment : On Premise
Model : Agile and Waterfall

Personal Profile:

Father’s Name : Hrushikesh Barik

Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Indian
Languages : English, Hindi, Odiya


I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my Knowledge.

Date: 7th Oct 2021 Chaitanya Barik

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