A Mathematical Model of COVID-19 With Vaccination

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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Volume 2021, Article ID 1250129, 16 pages

Research Article
A Mathematical Model of COVID-19 with Vaccination
and Treatment

M. L. Diagne ,1 H. Rwezaura ,2 S. Y. Tchoumi ,3 and J. M. Tchuenche 4

Departement de Mathematiques, UFR des Sciences et Technologies, Universite de Thies, Thies, Senegal
Mathematics Department, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35062, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences ENSAI, University of Ngaoundere, P. O. Box 455 Ngaoundere, Cameroon
School of Computational and Communication Sciences and Engineering, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science
and Technology, P.O. Box 447, Arusha, Tanzania

Correspondence should be addressed to S. Y. Tchoumi; sytchoumi83@gmail.com

Received 8 July 2021; Revised 12 August 2021; Accepted 19 August 2021; Published 6 September 2021

Academic Editor: Jan Rychtar

Copyright © 2021 M. L. Diagne et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We formulate and theoretically analyze a mathematical model of COVID-19 transmission mechanism incorporating vital
dynamics of the disease and two key therapeutic measures—vaccination of susceptible individuals and recovery/treatment of
infected individuals. Both the disease-free and endemic equilibrium are globally asymptotically stable when the effective
reproduction number R0 ðvÞ is, respectively, less or greater than unity. The derived critical vaccination threshold is dependent
on the vaccine efficacy for disease eradication whenever R0 ðvÞ > 1, even if vaccine coverage is high. Pontryagin’s maximum
principle is applied to establish the existence of the optimal control problem and to derive the necessary conditions to
optimally mitigate the spread of the disease. The model is fitted with cumulative daily Senegal data, with a basic reproduction
number R0 = 1:31 at the onset of the epidemic. Simulation results suggest that despite the effectiveness of COVID-19
vaccination and treatment to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, when R0 ðvÞ > 1, additional efforts such as nonpharmaceutical
public health interventions should continue to be implemented. Using partial rank correlation coefficients and Latin hypercube
sampling, sensitivity analysis is carried out to determine the relative importance of model parameters to disease transmission.
Results shown graphically could help to inform the process of prioritizing public health intervention measures to be
implemented and which model parameter to focus on in order to mitigate the spread of the disease. The effective contact rate
b, the vaccine efficacy ε, the vaccination rate v, the fraction of exposed individuals who develop symptoms, and, respectively,
the exit rates from the exposed and the asymptomatic classes σ and ϕ are the most impactful parameters.

1. Introduction have suffered major disruptions due to the COVID-19 pan-

demic [10].
The December 2019 outbreak of the novel severe acute Starting with the work of Daniel Bernoulli in 1760
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causing [11], the development of mathematical models has been
COVID-19, was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province of critical in our understanding of the dynamics of infec-
China [1–4]. Coronaviruses can be extremely contagious tious diseases [12]. With the work of Kermack and
and spread easily from person to person [5]. The disease, McKendrick [13], mathematical models have since been
now a global pandemic, has spread rapidly worldwide, caus- used to provide framework for understanding the dynam-
ing major public health concerns and economic crisis [3, 4, ics of infectious diseases. COVID-19 transmission dynam-
6], having a massive impact on populations and economies ics models are flourishing and abound in the literature
and thereby placing an extra burden on health systems [14–19], to cite a few and the references therein. With
around the planet [7–9]. In fact, all social levels of the society the availability of COVID-19 vaccine and its known high
2 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

𝜎(1−𝜓) 𝜆𝜑
(1−p)𝛱 βS 𝜎𝜓 𝛾𝜅
𝜇 𝜇 𝜇+δ 𝜇
v 𝛾(1−𝜅) τ

𝜇 𝜇+δ

Figure 1: Compartment diagram of the human component of the model.

efficacy, there is an urgent need to assess the impact of results are presented in Section 5. The conclusion is pro-
such vaccines with imperfect transmission-blocking effects vided in Section 6.
[6] and potentially refine previous mathematical models
of COVID-19 that incorporated the potential impact of 2. Model Formulation and Analysis
an imperfect vaccine [2, 8, 20]. A recent study by Pear-
son et al. [21] found that COVID-19 vaccination in Consider a homogeneous mixing within the population, i.e.,
low- and middle-income settings is highly cost-effective individuals in the population have equal probability of con-
and even cost saving, when the vaccine is reasonably tact with each other. Using a deterministic compartmental
priced and efficacy is high. Prior to pharmaceutical mea- modeling approach to describe the disease transmission
sures such as treatment and vaccination being available, dynamics, at any time t, the total population NðtÞ is subdi-
nonpharmaceutical intervention measures such as self- vided into several epidemiological states depending on indi-
quarantine of confirmed cases, isolation, face masks, hand viduals’ health status: susceptible SðtÞ, vaccinated VðtÞ,
washing, social/physical distancing, and the most restric- exposed EðtÞ, symptomatic infected individuals IðtÞ, infected
tive lockdowns, closure, or limited openings of shops asymptomatic AðtÞ, hospitalized HðtÞ, and recovered RðtÞ.
and schools have been relied upon and continue to be The total human population NðtÞ is given by
widely implemented [22–24].
As COVID-19 vaccines are being deployed worldwide, N ðt Þ = Sðt Þ + V ðt Þ + Eðt Þ + I ðt Þ + Aðt Þ + H ðt Þ + Rðt Þ: ð1Þ
we formulate and qualitatively analyze a COVID-19 mathe-
matical model, taking into consideration available therapeu- Figure 1 depicts the schematic model flow. The descrip-
tic measures, vaccination of susceptible and treatment of tion of the model variables and parameters is presented in
hospitalized/infected individuals. Our proposed model Table 1.
incorporates some key epidemiological and biological fea- Since COVID-19 vaccination is available, it is realistic to
tures of COVID-19, including demographic parameters consider a specific vaccinated class V. The transition rates
(recruitment/birth and death). Optimal control is carried from susceptible and vaccinated to exposed is given by,
out using Pontryagin’s maximum principle as described in respectively, by the following force of infection βS = bððωA
[25] and applied in epidemiological models [26–35]. To A + ωI I + ωH HÞ/NÞ and βV = ð1 − εÞβS , where b is the effec-
identify the model parameters with greater influence on tive contact rate, ωX with X ∈ fA, I, Hg represent the trans-
the initial disease transmission R0 ðvÞ when vaccination and mission probability after a contact with an individual in
treatment are implemented [36], a sensitivity analysis is car- status X, and ε represents the infection reduction of vacci-
ried out using partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCCs) nated individuals. The nonlinearity of the force of infection
and the results are shown graphically. This identification is is one of the key features of dynamic infectious disease
crucial to inform policy decision on which parameters to models, because to model a population of individuals, the
focus either for data collection or to mitigate the spread of status of each individual is required [37]. Individuals are
the disease. To the best of our knowledge, this study pro- recruited into the population at a rate Π, with a fraction p
vides the first in-depth mathematical analysis of the qualita- vaccinated and the remaining ð1 − pÞ susceptible. The latter
tive dynamics of COVID-19 with an imperfect vaccine and are vaccinated at a rate v. Because vaccine could be imper-
treatment. fect, that is, vaccination providing only partial protection,
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The pro- we assume that vaccinated individuals can become exposed
posed COVID-19 model is formulated in Section 2 and the- to the disease bð1 − εÞ. It has been shown that even a par-
oretically analyzed in Section 3. By applying Pontryagin’s tially efficacious vaccine can offer a fundamental solution
maximum principle, optimal control of the model to miti- to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic [20]. The parameter ε repre-
gate the spread of COVID-19 is presented in Section 4. sents the vaccine efficacy (or infection reduction of vacci-
Numerical simulations performed to support theoretical nated individuals).
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3

Table 1: Model parameter values and source.

Parameter Description Value Reference

Π Recruitment rate of individuals into the population [26, 38]
59 × 365
p Proportion of recruited individuals who are vaccinated 0.0001 Assumed
v Vaccination rate 0.4 Assumed
ωA Reduction in the transmission from asymptomatic 0.3 [39]
ωI Increase in the transmission from symptomatic 1.8 Assumed
ωH Reduction in the transmission from hospitalized 0.3 Assumed
μ Natural death rate [26, 38]
59 × 365
δ Disease-induced death rate 0.018 [40, 41]
ε Infection reduction of vaccinated individuals 0.8 Assumed
σ Exit rate from the exposed class 0.13 [9]
γ Exit rate from the infectious class 0.0833 [41]
κ Proportion of infectious who recover naturally 0.05 [42]
ψ Fraction of exposed who become infected 0.7 [39]
b Effective contact rate 1.12 [41]
τ Recovery rate of hospitalized individuals 0.0701 [40]
ϕ Proportion of asymptomatic who recover naturally 0.14 [9]
λ Exit rate from the asymptomatic class 0.13978 [39, 41]
η Rate at which individuals lose immunity 0.011 [19]

After close contacts with symptomatic, asymptomatic, From the model flow diagram in Figure 1, we derive the
and hospitalized individuals, susceptible become exposed following system of nonlinear ordinary differential equa-
with the disease. We assume that the rate of disease trans- tions:
mission from asymptomatic to susceptible individuals is less
than that from symptomatic and hospitalized individuals. >
> S_ = ð1 − pÞΠ + ηR − ðβS + μ + vÞS,
While outbreaks usually persist for a shorter period of time, >
the COVID-19 pandemic which started in December 2019 is >
> V_ = pΠ + vS − ðβV + μÞV,
still ongoing, and for this reason, we incorporate vital >
> E_ = βS S + βV V − ðσ + μÞE,
dynamics (recruitment and death). Let σ be the exit rate <
from exposed class where a fraction ψ develops infection I_ = σψE + λð1 − ϕÞA − ðγ + μ + δÞI, ð2Þ
while the remaining 1 − ψ becomes asymptomatic. The exit >
rate from the asymptomatic class is λ. Asymptomatic indi- >
> A_ = σð1 − ψÞE − ðλ + μÞA,
viduals A are diminished by natural death at a rate μ (it is >
> H_ = γð1 − κÞI − ðτ + μ + δÞH,
assumed that death due to the disease in this group of indi- >
viduals is negligible), by those developing symptoms and R_ = γκI + λϕA + τH − ðη + μÞR,
moving to the asymptomatic class at a rate ð1 − ϕÞ, while a
fraction ϕ may recover naturally from the asymptomatic with initial conditions
infection and move to the recovered class R. Exit from the
infected class is γ, where a fraction ð1 − κÞ are hospitalized, Sð0Þ ≥ 0,
and a fraction κ recovers naturally. Finally, hospitalized indi-
viduals are treated and recovered at a rate τ. It is assumed V ð0Þ ≥ 0,
that symptomatic and hospitalized individuals experience
Eð0Þ ≥ 0,
and additional disease-induced death rate δ, respectively.
We also consider that the recovered individuals die at a rate I ð0Þ ≥ 0, ð3Þ
μ, while a fraction η becomes susceptible again.
From the aforementioned and the model flow diagram of Að0Þ ≥ 0,
the disease transmission mechanisms Figure 1, we derive the H ð0Þ ≥ 0,
following nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations
that captures the transmission dynamics of COVID-19. Rð0Þ ≥ 0,
4 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

where The linear stability of E0 is established using the next-

generation method [47, 48]. The rate of appearance of new
ωA A + ωI I + ωH H infections and the rate of transfer of individuals by all other
βS = b ,
N means are given by the following at least twice continuously
ω A + ω I I + ωH H differentiable functions
βV = bð1 − εÞ A :
2 3
For simplicity, let g1 = μ + v, g2 = μ, g3 = σ + μ, g4 = γ ωA A + ωI I + ωH H ω A + ωI I + ωH H
6b S + bð1 − εÞ A V7
+ μ + δ, g5 = λ + μ, g6 = τ + μ + δ, and g7 = ðη + μÞ. Then, 6 N N 7
model system 1 now reads 6 0 7
F =6
8 6 7
> S_ = ð1 − pÞΠ + ηR − ðβS + g1 ÞS, 4 0 5
> V_ = pΠ + vS − ðβV + g2 ÞV, 0
> 2 3
> −g3 E
> E = βS S + βV V − g3 E, 6 7
< 6 σψE + λð1 − ϕÞA − g4 I 7
I_ = σψE + λð1 − ϕÞA − g4 I, ð5Þ 6
V =6 7:
> 6 σð1 − ψÞE − g A 7
> 4 5
> A_ = σð1 − ψÞE − g5 A, 5
> H_ = γð1 − κÞI − g H, γð1 − κÞI − g6 H
> 6
_R = γκI + λϕA + τH − g R:

All the model parameters and their description, values,

and sources are presented in Table 1. From [48], the nonnegative matrix F and the nonsingu-
lar M-matrix V for the new infection terms and the remain-
3. Model Analysis ing transfer terms are given by

Well-posedness, nonnegativity, and boundedness of solu- 2      3

tions of the proposed model can be shown using basic theory bωI S0 + ð1 − εÞV 0 bωA S0 + ð1 − εÞV 0 bωH S0 + ð1 − εÞV 0
60 N0 N0 N0 7
of dynamical systems as described in [43, 44]; also see [45, 6 7
60 7
46]. By adding all the equations of the system, we have N_ F=6
0 0 0 7,
60 7
= Π − μN − δðI + HÞ ≤ Π − μN. Therefore, it follows that 4 0 0 0 5
the biologically feasible region for model 1 is 0 0 0 0
D = ðS, V, E, I, A, H, RÞ ∈ ℝ7+ : N ≤ : ð6Þ
2 3
−g3 0 0 0
3.1. Disease-Free Equilibrium and Basic Reproduction 6 7
Number. Model system 1 admits a disease-free equilibrium 6 σψ −g4 λð1 − ϕÞ 0 7
(DFE) given by E0 = ðS0 , V 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0Þ, where V =6
7 ð9Þ
6 σð1 − ψÞ 0 −g5 0 7
4 5
Πð1 − pÞ 0 γð1 − κÞ 0 −g6
S0 = ,
Π½pg1 + vð1 − pÞ
V = :
g1 g2 Thus, the effective reproduction number is given by

½ðλð1 − ϕÞð1 − ψÞ + g5 ψÞðg6 ωI + γð1 − κÞωH Þ + g4 g6 ð1 − ψÞωA ½g2 ð1 − pÞ + ð1 − εÞðpg1 + ð1 − pÞvÞbμσ

R 0 ðv Þ =
g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6
bμσ½G1 G2 + G3 ½G4 + ð1 − εÞðpðμ + vÞ + ð1 − pÞvÞ
= ,
ðμ + vÞg2 g3 g4 g5 g6
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

where G1 = ððλð1 − ϕÞð1 − ψÞ + g5 ψÞ, G2 = ðg6 ωI + γð1 − κÞ ments of A are nonnegative) and Ω is the region where the
ωH Þ, G3 = g4 g6 ð1 − ψÞωA , and G4 = g2 ð1 − pÞ: model makes biological sense.
The effective reproduction number R0 ðvÞ is defined as
the average number of secondary infections generated by a Corollary 1 (see [49]). The fixed point U 0 = ðx∗ , 0Þ is a glob-
single infectious individual during his entire duration infec- ally asymptotic stable (g.a.s.) equilibrium of (11) provided
tiousness in a totally susceptible population when vaccina- that R0 ðvÞ < 1 (l.a.s.) and that assumptions (H1) and (H2)
tion is implemented. are satisfied.

3.2. Stability of the Disease-Free Equilibrium. We now study Theorem 2 (global asymptotic stability of the DFE). The
the global stability of the DFE using the approach described DFE E0 of model 1 is globally asymptotically stable if R0 ðvÞ
in [49]. Consider a system of ordinary differential equations < 1:
of the form
Proof. First, we rewrite model 1 in the form 6 by setting x
8 = ðS, VÞ and I = ðE, I, A, H, RÞ.
> dx
< = F ðx, I Þ, Then, the DFE is given by U 0 = ðx∗ , 0Þ = ðΠð1 − pÞ/g1 ,
ð11Þ ðΠ½pg1 + vð1 − pÞÞ/g1 g2 , 0Þ and the system dx/dt = Fðx, 0Þ
: dI = Gðx, I Þ, Gðx, 0Þ = 0, becomes
S_ = ð1 − pÞΠ − g1 S,
where x ∈ ℝm denotes (its components) the number of unin- V_ = pΠ + vS − g2 V:
fected individuals and I ∈ ℝn denotes (its components) the
number of infected individuals including latent and infec- This equation has a unique equilibrium point
tious. Let U 0 = ðx∗ , 0Þ be the disease-free equilibrium of this  
system, where 0 is a zero vector. Global stability of the DFE ∗ Πð1 − pÞ Π½pg1 + vð1 − pÞ
x = , , ð13Þ
is guaranteed when the following conditions (H1) and (H2) g1 g1 g2
are satisfied.
(H1) For dx/dt = Fðx, 0Þ, 0 is globally asymptotically sta- which is globally asymptotically stable. Therefore, the condi-
ble (g.a.s.). tion (H1) is satisfied.
(H2) Gðx, IÞ = AI − Gðx,̂ IÞ, Gðx,
̂ IÞ ⩾ 0 for ðx, IÞ ∈ Ω, We now verify the second condition (H2). For model 1,

where A = DI Gðx , 0Þ is an M-matrix (the off diagonal ele- we have

0 1
β S S + βV V − g 3 E
B σψE + λð1 − ϕÞA − g4 I C
Gðx, I Þ = B σð1 − ψÞE − g5 A C
C, ð14Þ
B γð1 − κÞI − g6 H C
@ A
γκI + λϕA + τH − g7 R
0 bωI  0  bωA  0  bωH  0  1
−g3 S + V 0 ð1 − εÞ S + V 0 ð1 − ε Þ S + V 0 ð1 − εÞ 0
B N 0
N 0
N 0 C
B σψ
B −g4 λð1 − ΦÞ 0 0 C
DI Gðx , 0Þ = B
∗ C: ð15Þ
B σ ð1 − ψ Þ
B 0 −g5 0 0 C
@ 0 γð1 − κÞ 0 −g6 0 C
0 γκ λΦ 0 −g7
6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Clearly, A is an M-matrix. On the other hand, ∂R0 ðvÞ μ ε ðp − 1 Þ εð1 − pÞ μR0
= R0 = − < 0:
0    0 1 ∂v ðμ + v Þ 2
ð 1 − εp Þ ð 1 − εpÞ ðμ + vÞ2
S0 V
B βS − S + βv −V C ð20Þ
B N0 N0 C
B 0 C Therefore, ðð1 − εÞ/ð1 − εpÞÞR0 ⩽ R0 ðvÞ ⩽ R0 , and
̂ ðx, I Þ = AI − Gðx, I Þ = B
G C, hence, R0 < 1 implies R0 ðvÞ < 1, but the reverse is not true.
B 0 C
B C For R0 > 1, it is important to note that
B 0 C
@ A
ð1 − ε Þ R −1
0 R0 ð∞Þ < 1 ⇔ R 0 < 1 ⇔ ε > ε∗ ≔ 0 : ð21Þ
ð1 − εpÞ R0 − p
This can be interpreted to mean that when the vaccine
̂ IÞ ⩾ 0 for all ðx, IÞ ∈ Ω. Therefore,
which implies that Gðx, efficacy ε is low and R0 is far greater than unity, the disease
the conditions (H1) and (H2) are satisfied. By Corollary 1, may not be eradicated even if the vaccine coverage is high.
the global stability of the DFE is obtained. This completes Figure 2 can be interpreted as additional efforts will be
the proof.☐☐ needed to reduce R0 ðvÞ below unity even when there is a
high vaccine coverage v. In fact, the role of human/social
Global stability of the DFE precludes the model to behavior among those vaccinated (behavior compensation)
exhibit bistability also known as backward bifurcation [50, such as careless increase in social/physical contacts can
51], a situation where both the disease-free and endemic undermine vaccine impact [18, 20]. Thus, cautious phased
equilibria coexist when R0 ðvÞ < 1. relaxation of nonpharmaceutical interventions could sub-
stantially reduce population-level morbidity and mortal-
3.3. The Critical Vaccination Coverage. We investigate the ity [23].
critical vaccination coverage rate that could help eradicate The next result provides the critical vaccination thresh-
the disease. R0 ðvÞ ≔ RE . When there is no vaccination in old v∗ for disease eradication.
the community, that is, v = 0, then the effective reproduction
number reduces to Lemma 3. Assume that the basic reproduction number R0
> 1. Then, there exists
bσ½G1 G2 + G3 ½G4 + ð1 − εÞpμ
R 0 = R 0 ð0 Þ = : ð17Þ μð1 − εpÞðR0 − 1Þ
g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 v∗ = > 0, ð22Þ
ðε − ε∗ ÞðR0 − pÞ
In fact, R0 is the so-called basic reproduction number
which is the average number of secondary cases arising from such that R0 ðv∗ Þ = 1. Furthermore, R0 ðvÞ > ð<Þ1 when v < ð
one infectious individual in a totally susceptible population >Þv∗ .
[47, 52]. After some rearrangement, R0 ðvÞ can be written as
Figure 3 depicts the vaccine coverage v as a function of
μ G4 + ð1 − εÞðpμ + vÞ R0 , with a 91% vaccine efficacy ðε > ε∗ Þ. The green surface
R 0 ðv Þ = represents the case when the vaccine coverage v exceeds
μ + v G4 + ð1 − εÞpμ
the critical vaccination threshold v∗ .
μ μð1 − pÞ + ð1 − εÞðpμ + vÞ 3.4. Stability of the Endemic Equilibrium. After some alge-
R0 =
μ + v μð1 − pÞ + ð1 − εÞpμ braic manipulations, the endemic equilibrium of model sys-
tem 1 is obtained as
1 μð1 − εpÞ + ð1 − εÞv
R0 = ð1 − pÞΠ + ηR∗
μ+v ð1 − εpÞ S∗ = ,
  β∗S + g1
R0 ð1 − εÞv μ ð1 − ε Þ v
R0 = μ+ = R0 + : pΠ + vS∗
μ+v ð1 − εpÞ ðμ + vÞ ð1 − εpÞ ðμ + vÞ V∗ = ,
ð1 − εÞβ∗S + g2
β∗S ½S∗ + ð1 − εÞV ∗ 
Thus, E∗ = ,
ð1 − ε Þ σð1 − ψÞE∗
R0 ð∞Þ ≔ lim R0 ðvÞ = R: ð19Þ A∗ = ,
v⟶+∞ ð1 − εpÞ 0 g5
σψE∗ + λð1 − ϕÞA∗
Taking the partial derivative of R0 ðvÞ with respect to v I∗ = ,
yields g4
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

0.5 𝜀<𝜀⁎

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2: Graphical representation of ε∗ ðR0 Þ.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 3: Graphical representation of v∗ ðR0 Þ.

0.25 R0 (v) > 1

R0 (v) < 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

Figure 4: Endemic equilibrium regions when R0 ðvÞ > 1 in the (ωI , ωA ) space.

equation (24) has a unique positive solution if and only if

∗γð1 − κÞI ∗ P0 > 0, which is fulfilled when R0 ðvÞ > 1. Therefore, we have
H = : ð23Þ
g6 the following result.

From the last equation of model system 1 and using the

definition of β∗S , we obtain the following quadratic equation Lemma 4. If R0 ðvÞ > 1, model system 1 has a unique endemic
equilibrium E∗ .
β∗S P2 β∗2 ∗
S + P1 βS + P0 = 0, ð24Þ
It can also be shown using the theory or permanence as
where P1 and P2 are positive constants given in the appendix described in [53] that when R0 ðvÞ > 1, the disease class IðtÞ is
and uniformly persistent, that is, there exists a positive constant k,
such that
P0 = g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 ðR0 ðvÞ − 1Þ: ð25Þ

Thus, β∗S = 0 implies I = 0, which represents the disease- lim inf I ðt Þ ≥ k: ð26Þ
free equilibrium, and hence, because P1 and P2 are positive, t⟶∞
8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Consequently, the model system is uniformly persistent subject to the differential equation (27), where T is the
when R0 ðvÞ > 1. final time. This objective functional involves the total
Figure 4 depicts the impact of the reduction in trans- exposed, asymptomatic, infected, and hospitalized individ-
mission from asymptomatic ωA , and the increase in trans- uals, along with the cost of applying the controls u1 ðtÞ and
mission from symptomatic ωI on the effective u2 ðtÞ. We consider a quadratic objective functional for
reproduction number R0 ðvÞ > 1 is shown in Figure 4. Sim- measuring the control cost as frequently used in the liter-
ilar graphical representation for different model parame- ature [29–32, 55]. The positive coefficients A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 ,
ters space can be found in [54]. The white panel in B1 and B2 are balancing weight parameters, while the con-
Figure 4 shows the endemic equilibrium regions in the trols ðu1 ðtÞ and u2 ðtÞÞ are bounded, Lebesgue integrable
(ωI , ωA ) space when R0 ðvÞ > 1. The solid line corresponds functions [31, 32]. We then seek to find optimal controls
to R0 ðvÞ = 1. To mitigate the spread of the disease, it is u∗1 and u∗2 , such that
important that the reduction in the transmission from
asymptomatic ωA < 0:36 and the increase in transmission
from symptomatic ωI < 1:16.
J ðu∗1 , u∗2 Þ = min J ðu1 , u2 Þ: ð29Þ
4. Optimal Control Problem
We investigate the impact of implementing pharmaceutical
interventions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. To
accomplish this, we introduce a set of time-dependent con- To derive the necessary conditions that the two opti-
trol variables ðu1 ðtÞ, u2 ðtÞ where mal controls and corresponding states must satisfy, we
apply Theorem 5.1 (Pontryagin’s maximum principle
(a) u1 ðtÞ represents the implementation of continuous [25]) in Fleming and Rishel [56] to develop the optimal
vaccination system for which the necessary conditions that must be
satisfied by an optimal control and its corresponding states
(b) u2 ðtÞ represents treatment of infected (often hospi- are derived. In fact, Theorem 1 in Agusto [26] which is
talized) individuals based on the boundedness of solution of model system 1
without control variables ensures the existence of the opti-
The proposed COVID-19 model with optimal control
mal control while the existence of an optimal control with
ðu1 ðtÞ, u2 ðtÞÞ consists of the following nonautonomous sys-
a given control pair follows from Fleming and Rishel [56]
tem of nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
and Caratheodory’s existence theorem [57]. For discus-
sions on various forms of the objective functional (linear,
quadratic), see [30, 58].
> S_ = ð1 − pÞΠ + ηR − ðβS + μ + u1 ÞS,
> V_ = pΠ + u1 S − ðβV + μ + uÞV,
> _ ℍ = A1 E + A2 I + A3 A + A4 H + B1 u21 + B2 u22
> E = βS S + βV V − ðσ + μÞE,
< + ξ1 ½ð1 − pÞΠ + ηR − ðβS + μ + u1 ÞS
I_ = σψE + λð1 − ϕÞA − ðγ + μ + δÞI, ð27Þ
> + ξ2 ½pΠ + u1 S − ðβV + μ + uÞV 
> A_ = σð1 − ψÞE − ðλ + μÞA, + ξ3 ½βS S + βV V − ðσ + μÞE
> ð30Þ
> H_ = γð1 − κÞI − ðu2 + μ + δÞH, + ξ4 ½σψE + λð1 − ϕÞA − ðγ + μ + δÞI 
R_ = γκI + λϕA + u2 H − ðη + μÞR: + ξ5 ½σð1 − ψÞE − ðλ + μÞA
+ ξ6 ½γð1 − κÞI − ðu2 + μ + δÞH 
+ ξ7 ½γκI + λϕA + u2 H − ðη + μÞR,
We wish to find the controls that minimize the total
infected individuals, that is, to find an optimal control for
the two control strategies while reducing their relative costs.
In other words, we want to find the optimal values of ðu1 where ξi , i = 1, ⋯, 7 are the adjoint variables or costate
ðtÞ, u2 ðtÞÞ that minimize the objective functional Jðu1 , u2 Þ variables. The following result presents the adjoint system
where and control characterization.

ðT Theorem 5. Given an optimal control ðu∗1 , u∗2 Þ and corre-

J ðu1 , u2 Þ = A1 E + A2 I + A3 A + A4 H + B1 u21 ðt Þ + B2 u22 ðt Þ dt, sponding state solutions ðS, V, E, I, A, H, RÞ of the corre-
sponding state system 1, there exists adjoint variables,
ð28Þ ξi , i = 1, ⋯, 7, satisfying
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

The controls u∗1 and u∗2 satisfy the following optimality given by ∂ℍ/∂u∗1 = ∂ℍ/∂u∗2 = 0 or equivalently ∂ℍ/∂u∗1 = 2

> ′
> ξ = 1 − βs ðξ1 − ξ3 Þ + βv ðξ3 − ξ2 Þ + u1 ðξ1 − ξ2 Þ + μξ1 ,
> β V
> ξ ′ 2 = s S ð ξ3 − ξ 1 Þ + 1 −
> β ðξ − ξ Þ + uðξ2 − ξ1 Þ + μξ2 ,
> N N v 3 2
> β β
> ξ′3 = s Sðξ3 − ξ1 Þ + v V ðξ3 − ξ2 Þ + σϕðξ5 − ξ4 Þ + σðξ3 − ξ5 Þ + μξ3 − A1 ,
> N N
< S V
ξ′4 = ðβs − bωI Þðξ3 − ξ1 Þ + ðβv − bð1 − εÞωI Þðξ3 − ξ2 Þ + γκðξ6 − ξ7 Þ + γðξ4 − ξ6 Þ + ðμ + δÞξ4 − A2 , ð31Þ
> N N
> S V
> ξ′5 = ðβs − bωA Þðξ3 − ξ1 Þ ðβv − bð1 − εÞωA Þðξ3 − ξ2 Þ + Φλðξ4 − ξ7 Þ + λðξ5 − ξ4 Þ + μξ5 − A3 ,
> N N
> S V
> ξ′6 = ðbωH − βs Þðξ1 − ξ3 Þ + ðbð1 − εÞ − βv Þðξ2 − ξ3 Þ + u2 ðξ6 − ξ7 Þ + ðμ + δÞξ6 − A4 ,
> N N
> S V
> ξ′7 = N ðξ3 − ξ1 Þ + N βv ðξ3 − ξ2 Þ + ηðξ7 − ξ1 Þ + μξ7 ,
: ′
ξ i ðT Þ = 0 for i = 1, ⋯7:

condition: B1 u∗1 + ðξ2 − ξ1 ÞS = 0, ∂ℍ/∂u∗2 = 2B2 u∗2 + ðξ7 − ξ6 ÞH = 0

   .From the above equations, we obtain
> ð ξ 2 − ξ 1 ÞS

< u1 = max 0, min 1, 2B1
ð ξ 1 − ξ 2 ÞS
   ð32Þ u∗1 = ,
> ð ξ 7 − ξ 6 ÞH 2B1
> ∗
: u2 = max 0, min 1, , ð34Þ
2B2 ð ξ − ξ ÞH
u∗2 = 6 7 :
Proof. The differential equations governing the adjoint vari-
ables are obtained by differentiation of the Hamiltonian Thus, u∗1 and u∗2 satisfy (32).☐☐
function, evaluated at the optimal control. Then, the adjoint
system can be written as 5. Numerical Simulations
∂ℍ To illustrate the theoretical results, numerical simulations
ξ′1 = − ,
∂S are carried out. Model parameter values for the numerical
∂ℍ simulations with their description and source are listed in
ξ′2 = − , Table 1. Whenever parameter values were not available in
∂V the literature, we assumed realistic values for the purpose
∂ℍ of illustration.
ξ′3 = − ,
5.1. Model Fitting. Following the approach described in [14],
ξ′4 = − , ð33Þ model system 1 is fitted with daily new COVID-19 cases in
∂I Senegal from 29 March to 29 April 2020, which correspond
∂ℍ to the first wave of infections in the country. It is important
ξ5′ = − ,
∂A to note that while starting with an expanded model helps to
account for the various disease classes explicitly, for the
ξ′6 = − , model fitting, model system 1 is reduced to a simpler version
∂H which retains the key compartments and characteristics of
∂ℍ the complex one by eliminating similar classes [28]. This
ξ′7 = − ,
∂R reduction involves removing the asymptomatic and hospi-
talized classes, which implies that the reduction in the trans-
with zero final time conditions (transversality) ξi ðTÞ = 0. mission from hospitalized individuals is equated to zero, that
Replacing the derivatives of ℍ with respect to S, V, E, I, A, is, ωH = 0. The main key requirement for the simple model
H, R in the above equations, we obtain the optimality condi- to approximate the complex one is that the susceptible class
tion (32). The optimal conditions for the Hamiltonian are S should contain the same number of individuals in both
10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine


Cumulative number of cases

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time in day

Figure 5: Model fit with cumulative daily COVID-19 cases in Senegal, 29 March–29 April 2021.

models (when one compares both models compartment
wise). The observed data were fitted in MatLab using the
optimization function createOptimProblem. The estimated
value of the basic reproduction number of the disease in
Senegal during the period under consideration is R0 = 1:31, 1500
a value close to unity, which might explain why the first
wave of COVID-19 infections did not pick up in Senegal. 1000
Figure 5 depicts the daily cumulative number of COVID-
19 cases in Senegal. Red dots represent actual confirmed
cases while the blue curve is the best fitting curve of the 500
5.2. Long-Term Dynamics of the Disease. We investigated the 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
impact of vaccination and treatment on mitigating the Times
spread of COVID-19. An iterative fourth-order Runge- S E
Kutta method (both forward and backward algorithms) is V I
employed to compute the optimal controls and state values
used. For more details on this approach, see [29, 32]. Figure 6: Profile of S, V, E, and I without saturation.
The baseline weight parameters A1 = A2 = A3 = A4 = 1,
B1 = 12, B2 = 19 are chosen to illustrate the optimal control Table 1 provides all the model parameter values used for
strategies, as well as the following nonnegative initial condi- the simulations.
tions S = 2500, V = 10, E = 20, I = 70, A = 3, H = 3, R = 1. Figure 6 depicts the time series of model system 1 for the
These weights do not necessarily have a significant meaning susceptible, vaccinated, exposed, and infected classes.
attached, but are only of theoretical sense to illustrate our Because of the potential limitations of vaccines in some set-
proposed control strategies [31–33, 59]. Using parameter tings, we consider in Figure 7 a saturated Holling type II vac-
values in Table 1, the reproduction number R0 ðvÞ > 1, indi- cination rate
cating that the disease is endemic in the population. The
positive constants A1 , A2 , A3 , and A4 represent, respectively, v
the weight that balance off the COVID-19 exposed, infected, v≔ , ð35Þ
1 + ξS
asymptomatic, and hospitalized individuals; B1 and B2 are,
respectively, the weight constant for vaccination and treat- where ξ represents the limitation of the availability of vac-
ment. Because low cost could potentially be associated with cine [60]. We observe that when vaccines are widely avail-
COVID-19 vaccination compared to its treatment (as the able, the number of susceptible individuals decreases pretty
cost associated to u2 ðtÞ includes the cost of medical exami- fast as more and more people are getting the vaccine (the
nation, hospitalization, and medicines), the weight factor vaccinated class V increases at the onset of implementation
B1 has been made lower than B2 , while the two control strat- (Figure 7)).
egies u1 , u2 are all constrained between zero and one, that is,
0 ≤ ui ðtÞ ≤ 1, i = 1, 2. For instance, if u1 = 0, it implies no 5.3. Impact of Control Interventions: Vaccination and
COVID-19 vaccination, and u1 ≠ 0 implies vaccination cam- Treatment. In the next set of figures generated from model
paign measures are being implemented in the community. system 14, optimal control strategies are implemented.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

2500 700

1500 400

1000 300


0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Times Times (days)

S E E with control
V I E without control

Figure 7: Profile of S, V, E, and I with saturation. Figure 9: Dynamics of the exposed class E.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Times (days)
Times (days)
V with control A with control
V without control A without control

Figure 8: Dynamics of the vaccinated class V. Figure 10: Dynamics of the asymptomatic class A.


Using the model parameter values in Table 1, the basic 70
reproduction number R0 = 2:21 > 1. For community with
no vaccination program ðv = 0Þ, the basic reproduction 60
number R0 = 4:67 is almost double compared to the case 50
when vaccination program is introduced. These values are
in agreement with those estimated in recent COVID-19 40
modeling studies [61–63]. Figures 8–12 depict the graphical 30
representations of the simulations of the COVID-19 model
as a function of time without control and with optimal con- 20
trol. As can be observed on Figures 8–12, implementing con- 10
trol measures at the optimum level could help to mitigate the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
spread of the disease as shown by the significant decrease in Times (days)
the total number of individuals in the diseased classes and an
I with control
increased in the vaccinated class. Figure 13 depicts the pro-
I without control
file for the effect of the control functions u1 ðtÞ and u2 ðtÞ
on the dynamics of the model system. The two control mea- Figure 11: Dynamics of the infected class I.
sures need to be optimally implemented for the first 75 days
12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

600 1.8 1.95

500 0.8
400 0.6 1.50

0.4 1.35
200 1.05

0.0 0.90
100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 14: Contour plot of R0 ðvÞ with respect to vaccine coverage v
Times (days) and efficacy ε.
H with control
H without control

Figure 12: Dynamics of the hospitalized class H. 0.4

0.9 0.2

0.3 –0.2
0 –0.4
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
𝛱 p v ωA ωI ωH 𝜇 δ 𝜀 𝜎 𝛾 𝜅 𝜓 b 𝜏 𝜙 𝜆 𝜂
Times (days)
u2 Figure 15: PRCCs showing the effect of varying the input
parameters on R0 ðvÞ.
Figure 13: Controls u1 ðtÞ and u2 ðtÞ.

ðvÞ, we determine the relative importance of model parame-

and maintained for at least 3 months (close to 100 days). It is
ters to disease transmission and graphically depict how sen-
important however to note that while therapeutic measures,
sitive the effective reproduction number is to the model
vaccination, and treatment are very effective in curtailing the
parameters. Early ranking the intervention measures and
spread of the epidemic, more control efforts are required to
other model parameters based on their impact could ideally
eradicate the disease when R0 ðvÞ > 1. Thus, continuously
partially inform the process of prioritizing public health
and concurrently applying both pharmaceutical and non-
intervention measures to be implemented, thereby helping
pharmaceutical public health interventions such as face
policy and decision-makers to focus on those key impactful
mask, hand washing, and social distancing should be
interventions. Figure 14 indicates that when the vaccine effi-
encouraged [64].
cacy ε is low and R0 ðvÞ is greater than unity, the disease may
not be eradicated even if the vaccine coverage v is high. The
5.4. Sensitivity of the Reproduction Number R0 ðvÞ. Because epidemiological implication is that high vaccine efficacy and
mathematical models are symbolic/mechanistic representa- vaccination coverage will drastically reduce the number of
tions of complex biological systems, some model parameter secondary infections in the community. This result also
values are not often known with certainty due to natural agrees with the conclusion from Figure 2. The graphical rep-
and seasonal variations, potential measurement errors [18]. resentation (contour plots) of R0 ðvÞ in the parameter space
To show how changes in model parameters values affect R0 (v, τ) is similar to Figure 14, and this tends to suggest that
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

0.90 9 tion number R0 ðvÞ. As expected, to reduce the value of

8 R0 ðvÞ below unity, the effective contact rate must be very
7 low, almost irrespective of the vaccine efficacy. That is,
0.80 6 despite the availability of vaccines, care-free mixing should
5 continue to be monitored to avoid excessive number of
0.75 contacts. Similarly, Figure 17 indicates that irrespective of

0.70 3
the treatment rate, effective contact rate should be mini-
mized to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the
0.65 population.
0.60 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
b 6. Conclusion
Figure 16: Contour plot of R0 ðvÞ with respect to effective contact We formulated a deterministic model of the transmission
rate b and vaccine efficacy ε. dynamics of COVID-19 with an imperfect vaccine. The
model is theoretically analyzed; its effective and basic
reproduction numbers are derived. The disease-free equi-
librium is globally asymptotically stable, and the disease
1.0 6.4 could be eradicated when the reproduction number is
below unity. The critical vaccination threshold is derived,
0.8 and it is noted that if the vaccine efficacy is low and the
disease reproduction number is high, the disease may
0.6 4.0 not be eradicated even if a large proportion of the pop-
3.2 ulation is vaccinated. That is, additional efforts will be

0.4 2.4 needed to reduce R0 ðvÞ below unity even if vaccine cov-
erage is high.
0.2 We then introduce into model system 1 time-dependent
control variables u1 ðtÞ representing vaccination and u2 ðtÞ
0.0 0.0 representing treatment of hospitalized individuals and
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
applied the Pontryagin maximum principle to determine
the optimal control strategy for mitigating the spread of
Figure 17: Contour plot of R0 ðvÞ with respect to effective contact the disease. We analytically derived the optimality condi-
rate b and treatment rate τ. tions for disease eradication. The model fits quite well the
observed daily data from Senegal early COVID-19 epidemic.
Numerical simulations of the optimal control of the full
model are carried out using a set of model parameter values.
the impact of the vaccine efficacy is similar to the effect of Numerical simulations indicate that COVID-19 can be con-
treatment on the initial disease prevalence. trolled in the community with the implementation of vacci-
Partial rank correlation describes the relationship nation and treatment. While our results suggest that
between two variables while at the same time removing vaccination and treatment are very effective in mitigating
the effects of several other variables from the relationship the spread of COVID-19, more efforts are needed to eradi-
[65, 66]. We perform sensitivity analysis by employing cate the disease. Thus, a combination of or concurrently
the partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCCs) and the applying personal protection/preventive measures (non-
Latin hypercube scheme to identify the impact of each pharmaceutical public health interventions) such as face
model parameters on the initial disease transmission R0 ð masks, hand washing, and social distancing should continue
vÞ. PRCCs showing the effect of varying the input parameters to be encouraged.
on the effective reproduction number R0 ðvÞ are shown in Finally, we performed a sensitivity analysis using the
Figure 15. All parameters with positive PRCCs will result in partial rank correlation coefficient in conjunction with the
an increase on the number of initial disease transmission, Latin hypercube sampling technique, to identify the model
while an increase in parameters with negative PRCCs will parameters that significantly influence the initial disease
result in a reduction of R0 ðvÞ. By exploring Figure 15, the most transmission R0 ðvÞ. Early identification of model parameters
influential parameters can be identified. Model parameters with greater influence on disease transmission is important
that should be targeted to reduce the spread of the disease to inform policy decision on which parameters to focus
are the effective contact rate b, the infection reduction (vaccine either for data collection or to mitigate the spread of the
efficacy) of vaccinated individuals ε, the fraction of exposed disease.
individuals who develop symptoms, and, respectively, the exit This study is not exhaustive, and future studies could
rates from the exposed and the asymptomatic classes σ and ϕ. investigate the impact of both therapeutic and (adherence
Figures 16 depicts the impact of the effective contact to) nontherapeutic measures on the dynamics of
rate b and the vaccine efficacy on the effective reproduc- COVID-19.
14 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

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