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Method Explanation Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Headturn Preference Procedure Measures infants' preferences by Type of audio stimulus (e.g., natural Looking time, orientation time
(HPP) observing the direction and duration vs. unnatural speech)
of their head turns towards different
Habituation (hab) Infants are repeatedly exposed to a Type of stimulus (familiar vs. new) Looking time, response time
stimulus until their response
decreases, indicating familiarity.
New stimuli are then introduced to
measure renewed interest.
Eye-Tracking (ET) Tracks where and how long Visual stimuli Fixation points, gaze duration,
individuals look at various stimuli, saccades
providing data on visual attention
and processing.
Electroencephalography (EEG) Records electrical activity in the Type of stimulus Brain wave patterns (e.g., event-
brain using electrodes placed on the related potentials)
scalp, used to study brain responses
to different stimuli.
Behavioral Observes and records physical Type of task or stimulus Observable behaviors (e.g., actions,
actions and responses to stimuli, reactions, choices)
often used in conjunction with other
Causal Approach Tests causal relationships by Manipulated variable Outcome variable
manipulating one variable to see the
effect on another.
Cognition Investigates cognitive organization, Cognitive tasks or stimuli Accuracy, reaction time, error rates
representation, and processing by
examining how information is
understood, stored, and retrieved.
Map Tasks Participants describe a route on a Map complexity Accuracy, communication
map to another person, used to study effectiveness
communication and spatial
Tangram Tasks Participants describe geometric Shape complexity Description accuracy,
shapes to each other, used to study communication clarity
linguistic and communicative
Grid Tasks Participants navigate a grid-based Grid layout Navigation accuracy, decision time
environment, often used to study
spatial reasoning and decision-
Opinion Tasks Participants provide opinions or Topic or question Opinion given, reasoning process
make decisions about various topics,
used to study reasoning and
Diapix: Repetition of Minimal Pairs Participants repeat pairs of words Phonemic differences Accuracy of repetition, response
that differ by only one phoneme, time
used to study phonetic perception
and production.
Lucid Corpora Collection of spoken and written Type of language data Linguistic features (e.g., syntax,
language data for linguistic analysis. vocabulary)
Lexical Decision Task with Priming Participants decide if a string of Type of prime (morphological, Decision accuracy, reaction time
letters is a word, preceded by a semantic, orthographic)
prime word related morphologically,
semantically, or orthographically.
fNIRS Measures brain activity by Type of stimulus Blood flow changes in specific brain
monitoring blood flow, useful for regions
studying brain responses to stimuli
in infants.
Auditory Presentation of Stimuli Presents auditory stimuli to Type of auditory stimulus Response accuracy, reaction time
participants to study perception and
processing of sounds.
Dichotic Listening Paradigm Participants listen to different audio Type of task (repeat vs. story) Accuracy of repetition or
streams in each ear and are tasked comprehension of the story
with focusing on one stream (e.g.,
repeat vs. story task).
ET (Self-Paced Reading) Participants read sentences at their Text complexity Reading time per segment,
own pace while their eye regression frequency
movements are tracked to study
reading processes.
ET (Visual World Paradigm) Tracks eye movements while Type of visual scene Fixation points, gaze duration
participants look at a visual scene,
used to study language
comprehension and processing.
Grammaticality Judgment Participants judge whether sentences Sentence structure Accuracy of judgment, reaction time
are grammatically correct, used to
study linguistic competence.
Computational Modeling Uses computer simulations to model Model parameters Model accuracy, predictive validity
cognitive processes and predict
behavior based on theoretical inputs.
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Presents stimuli rapidly one after Presentation speed, type of stimuli Accuracy of recognition, reaction
(RSVP) another to study attention and time
processing speed.
Electromagnetic Articulometry Measures the movement of speech Type of speech task Articulator movement patterns
articulators (e.g., tongue, lips) using
magnetic sensors, used to study
speech production.
Electropalatography Measures contact between the Type of speech sound Tongue-palate contact patterns
tongue and palate during speech,
used to study articulation patterns.
Ultrasound Uses ultrasound imaging to visualize Type of speech sound Tongue movement patterns
tongue movements during speech,
used to study articulation.
Long-form Audio Recordings Captures naturalistic speech in Setting (e.g., home, school), time of Amount and type of linguistic input,
various settings for observational day language production
Video Recordings Documents interactions and Context of interaction (e.g., play, Communication behaviors, language
communicative behaviors for instruction) production
detailed analysis.
Systematic Sampling Collects data at regular intervals to Time interval, context Linguistic input, language
ensure representativeness in production
observational studies.
Non-word Repetition Tasks Assesses phonological processing by Type of non-word (e.g., length, Accuracy of repetition, phonological
having participants repeat made-up complexity) processing skill
Picture Identification Tasks Tests comprehension of syntactic Type of sentence (e.g., active vs. Accuracy of picture selection,
structures by having participants passive) reaction time
identify pictures that match spoken
Tablet-based Word Recognition Evaluates lexical knowledge through Type of word (e.g., familiar vs. Accuracy, reaction time
Tasks word recognition tasks presented on unfamiliar)
a tablet.
Submental Electromyography Measures muscle activity in the Type of swallowing task (e.g., Muscle activity patterns, swallowing
(EMG) submental area to study swallowing. volume, consistency) coordination
Inductive Respiratory Assesses respiratory-swallowing Volume of liquid swallowed, Respiratory-swallowing
Plethysmography phase relationships during presence of mechanical ventilation coordination, phase relationships
swallowing tasks.
Looking-while-listening Tasks Measures how long children look at Type of auditory stimulus, visual Looking time, comprehension
images while listening to spoken scene accuracy
language to infer comprehension.

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