Chapter One - Five

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1.1 Background of Study

Radioactivity is the disintegration or spontaneous breakdown of unstable nucleus. Elements

with unstable nucleus are called radionuclide. This unstable nucleus breaks down to release

radiation. Exposure to radiation is inevitable.

Radiation that carries enough energy to liberate electrons from atoms or molecules thereby

ionizing them are called ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is made up of energetic

subatomic particles, ions, or atoms moving at high speeds (usually greater than 1 % of the

speed of light), and electromagnetic waves on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic

spectrum. Gamma rays, X-rays, and the higher ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic

spectrum are ionizing (WHO 2016). Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy so

that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit

of an atom, causing the atom to become charged or ionized (WHO 2016). The presence and

levels of ionizing radiation cannot be detected by human organs, hence the use of radiation

detection equipment. Exposure to ionizing radiation causes damage to living tissue and can

result in cancer, radiation sickness, mutation, and death (WHO 2016). Natural gamma-

emitting radionuclides such as 238U, 232Th along with their progenies, and 40K are omnipresent

in the environment (Pulhani et al., 2005).

Exposure of human to high concentration of background radiation can pose adverse health

risk on humans, animals, plants, shrubs, etc. Human can be exposed to radiation from

radioactive materials through various media such as ingestion, inhalation and absorption,

during daily interaction with the environment (Al-Zoughool and Krewski 2009; Ryan 2012;

WHO 2016).

The intake of naturally occurring radionuclide in the environment via ground and surface

water, foods above allowable limit can cause cancer and other stochastic effects of exposure

to excess radiation dose (Orosun et al., 2021).

Over the years, mankind requires natural resources which are randomly distributed on earth

for survival and development (Candeias et al., 2018). Mining and mineral extraction occurs

wherever natural resources (metallic, non-metallic minerals and fossils) are present and

economically viable (Ako et al., 2014). On a large scale, mining has yielded foreign

exchange and economic development. However, Several areas in Nigeria have been

dominated by artisanal miners who are ill-equipped, uneducated and have little appreciation

of the environment (Sabo et al., 2018). Artisanal or small-scale mining circumscribes

informal, small, medium, legal and illegal mining activities involving the use of

unsophisticated tools and techniques to extract mineral resources (Sabo et al., 2018). In

developing countries (particularly in West Africa), the environmental consequence of

artisanal mining has been assessed and well documented (Hilson, 2002; Lacerda and

Salomons, 1998; Meech et al., 1998; Hollaway, 1993 and Mireku-Gyimah and Suglo, 1993).

Mining processes incite depletion of the environment such as land degradation, de-

vegetation, air and water pollutions and loss of aquatic organisms (Ako et al., 2014).

However, the poor attention from the government towards exploiting this mineral,

unemployment and extreme poverty have driven large number of people into the local mining

occupation. They are also uninformed of the implications of mining activities to the

environment and human health. Apart from small-scale mining sites, government and

industries owned mining site also poses some health hazards on humans and the environment

at large. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

(UNSCEAR, 2000) identified mining as a potential cause of exposure to naturally occurring

radioactive materials (NORM) (Faanu et al., 2016). Mining activities propagate NORM and

other Potentially Hazardous Trace Elements (PHTE) within the human environment.

Wherever these NORM and PHTE are present at levels above the prescribed safety limits by

UNSCEAR (2000), they become detrimental to humans and the environment in general.

Mining is not the only cause of exposure to naturally occurring radioactive materials. Due to

the poor wastes management in the country, dumpsite are been found in residential areas,

market places, schools, industrial sites etc. Dumpsites has also been a cause of naturally

occurring radioactive materials in our environment.

Terrestrial radiation is a natural source of radiation coming from the planet due to the natural

decay of radioactive elements in the planet's crust. Some of these include uranium,

plutonium, thorium, and radon among others. These decay processes are the reason the Earth

has a hot molten core giving us some of the warmth we need to live, but they also produce

particle and gamma radiation which can be deadly to us. There is another source of terrestrial

radiation that is not natural, that is the radiation released during nuclear weapons detonations

or nuclear power plant disasters. The remainder of the radiation comes from extraterrestrial

source, primarily from the Sun (Wilkening 1990).

Since radionuclides in soils are not uniformly distributed and vary from region to region,

knowing about the distribution is very important in radiation monitoring, protection and

measurements (Aleksakhin 2009; Ogunyele et al. 2020). Estimation of dose which account

for human protection may no longer be sufficient in ensuring environmental protection.

Attention has to be given to the non-human biota (ICRP, 2007). In recent years, researchers

have been making efforts in quantifying radiological impact on non-human biota by applying

specific methodologies and application software packages (Brown et al., 2008; IAEA, 2014;

ICRP, 2009; USDoE, 2004; Beresford et al., 2007; Wood et al., 2009). One of the known

software packages developed for calculating radiological dose rates and risk characterization

is Environmental Risk from Ionising Contaminant Assessment (ERICA) Tool. This is a

supporting software of the ERICA Integrated Approach (ERICA I.A.) which was developed

under the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission (EC) for assessing and

managing environmental risks from ionizing radiation (Larsson, 2008; Brown et al., 2008;

Beresford et al., 2007; ERICA, 2014). Results have been reported in literature on the use of

ERICA Tool on some locations and ecosystems using radioactivity measurements

(Karimullina et al., 2013; Nedveckaite et al., 2011; Vetikko and Saxén, 2010; Wood et al.,

2008, 2009). The work of Maria et al. (2016) also reported the use of ERICA tool on Greece

terrestrial environment but none have been reported for Nigeria. Therefore, a lacuna exist in

literature on the development of radiological impact and dose calculation of non-human

biota, even though several studies have reported the activity of several location within the

country (Jibiri and Emelue, 2009; Avwiri and Olatubosun, 2014; Ademola et al., 2008,

Alausa, 2014; Obed et al., 2005; Faweya and Babalola, 2010).

These radionuclides have half-life which is comparable to the age of the earth. Natural
radioactivity in geological materials, mainly rocks and soil, comes from Th and 238U series

and natural 40K. Artificial radionuclides such as 137

Cs which result from weapon testing and

nuclear accident could also be present (UNSCEAR, 2000). The levels due to the terrestrial

background radiation are related to the types of rock from which the soils originate. Higher

radiation levels are associated to igneous rocks such as granite and lower levels with

sedimentary rocks (Alomari et al, 2019). There are some exceptions however, since some

shale and phosphate rocks have a relatively high content of radionuclides (NCRP Report,


1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

Despite the economic benefits of mining to the mine community and the country at large, it

however, pose threat to human, animals and the non-human biota. This threat emanates from

the pollution the mining activities bring to the ecological habitats and also the changes in the

land scape. Research conducted and concluded internationally at different mine area have all

come to the conclusion that crops, soil, water and the air of mining areas and their

environment are contaminated by NORM and heavy metals (Arogunyo et al., 2009,

Ademola, 2008, Jibiri et al., 2007, Jwanbot et al., 2012, Masok 2015, Isikalu et al., 2011).

Another issue of concern is that these toxic materials are not only concentrated in the mining

vicinity. They are dispersed in the soil, air, and water from the source to other areas through

weather factors such as wind, surface run off and soil water. Different research across the

world has main been focus on the human biota with little attention to the non-human biota of

the ecosystem. However, measured doses in other research has compared with high

background radiation regions where noticeable radiation induced defects has been recorded.

Dose levels have been set by international organizations towards protecting the non-human

biotas (IAEA, 2011; ICRP, 2003; UNSCEAR, 2008). The dose rate for the selected
organisms of the non-human biota were calculated using the activity concentration of Ra
and Th only. Previous researches on the assessment of non-human biota dose also made
226 232
use of the activity concentration of Ra and Th only (Giwa et al, 2018 and Gomina et al,


1.3 Aim and Objectives of Study

The aim of this study is to assess natural radioactivity levels in Nigeria soil. Using ERICA

2.0 to calculate the radiological impact on non-human biota.

The objectives of the research are to:

i. Evaluate the dose to non-human biota based on the measured radionuclide


ii. To produce a spatial distribution map of the total dose rate to the non-human biota

1.4 Justification of the Study

In view of the health hazard associated with uncontrolled increase in radiation exposure to

non-human biota and their environment, it has become greatly important for continuous

environmental impact assessment of soil natural radioactivity level. This will reveal the

extent of damage done to the environment and the health risk associated with the mining and

milling processes. Little or no attention has been given to the non-human biota of the

ecosystem in most research. This study reports the total dose rate received by the non-human
226 232
biota using the activity concentration of Ra and Th. The activity concentration are

inputted into ERICA assessment tool (version 2.0, November 2022). Generally

environmental radiation measure are also important for future exploration of minerals,

problem of nuclear waste management, location of orphan sources, and processing of

radioactive material.

1.5 Scope of the Study

This research is to assess the terrestrial dose to non-human biota using the determined activity
226 232
concentration Ra and Th of reviewed researches done in Nigeria. The terrestrial dose to

non-human elements in the biota would be calculated for birds, amphibians, reptiles, trees

mammals and other organisms using the ERICA 2.0 computer simulation.



2.1 Radioactivity

Radioactivity is the spontaneous decay of an unstable nucleus with excess energy. This is

accompanied by the emission of radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma

rays) or streams of subatomic (alpha, beta, or neutron) particles (UNSCEAR 2000). Unstable

atomic nuclei will spontaneously decompose to form nuclei with a higher stability. The

decomposition process is called radioactivity. The energy and particles which are released

during the decomposition process are called radiation. When unstable nuclei decompose in

nature, the process is referred to as natural radioactivity. When the unstable nuclei are

prepared in the laboratory, the decomposition is called induced radioactivity (Julia Russell


It was first discovered in 1896 by Henri Becquerel when exposing potassium uranyl sulfate to

sunlight. Three different types of radioactive radiations i.e., negative, positive, and neutral

were discovered during his scientific research (Khan 2017). Furthermore, Marie Curie coined

the term radioactivity and along with her husband Pierre, discovered other radioactive

elements such as radium and polonium from radioactive ore of uranium. In addition, another

scientist Ernest Rutherford came up with the discovery of radioactive particles and named

them alpha, beta, and gamma particles. The classification of these radiations was based on

their ability to penetrate matter (Friedlander et al. 2021; Annunziata 2007; Khan 2017).

Radioactive nuclides transform to stable ones (to attain stability) and in the process dissipate

mass-energy. This phenomenon termed radioactivity and related concepts are discussed in

this section. Radioactivity has played a vital role in the advancement of nuclear physics as it

has been essential in understanding the nature of the atomic nucleus. Environmental

assessment of radiation levels is achieved through the knowledge of radiations and their

interaction with matter. The basic concepts of radioactivity are reviewed in this section. Also

reviewed are similar work done by other authors in this field of research.

2.1.1 Alpha decay

Alpha decay (or α-decay) is defined by the ejection of α-particle from a parent nucleus ( Az X ).
The α-particles are nuclei of the helium atoms ( 24 He ) and after emission a new nucleus
( A−4
Z−2 )
Y is formed (Kakani and Kakani, 2008). The radioactive transformation equation for

this decay mode is expressed in equation 2.1, α emissions reduces the mass number of the

parent nucleus by 4 units and the atomic number by 2 units. However, the mass number and

total charge are conserved during transformation.

A 4 A −4
Z X → 2He+ Z −2Y (2.1)

Examples of α-decay are expressed in equations 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4:

238 4 234
U → He + Th + Q∝ (2.2)
92 2 90

222 4 214
Rn → He + Po + Q∝ (2.3)
86 2 84

218 4 214
Po → He + Pb + Q∝ (2.4)
84 2 82

Any group of α-particles emitted from the same type of nuclei possesses a definite velocity

and energy. They can induce intense ionization in air and can be immobilised by a thin sheet

of paper with velocities ranging between 1.5×107 and 2.2×107 m/s (Kakani and Kakani, 2020.

The definite distance they travel within a material is called the range of α-particles in that


2.1.2 Beta decay

Beta decay (β-decay) is characterized by the emission of β-particles which are identical with

electrons with a mass of ( 1836

) proton. β-particles are high energy electrons that are much
more penetrating than α-particles (Ghoshal, 2021. During β- decay, a parent nucleus ( Az X )
transforms to a daughter nucleus ( z A+1 Y ) as represented in equation 2.5.
A A 0
X→ X + e + ν̅𝑒 (2.5)
Z Z+1 −1

The atomic number Z of the parent nucleus is increased by 1 unit (Z+1) in the daughter

nucleus while the mass number A is unvaried (isobaric transition) in this decay mode. β-rays

cause much less ionization in air but are about 100 times more penetrating than α-rays

(Kakani and Kakani, 2020. Up to 0.99 of light-speed, β-particles are emitted with varying

energy between zero and a certain maximum (termed end-point energy).

There are two other β-decay processes distinguished by positron emission and electron

capture. In positron emission (β+ decay), a proton-rich parent nucleus transforms into a

neutron and emits a positron e+ and an electronic neutrino (𝜈𝑒). The proton number of the

daughter reduces by a unit (ZY = Z𝑋 − 1) while the mass number remains constant, just as in

the case of electron emission. This decay process is described by Equation 2.6 as follows:

X→ Y + e + + υ𝑒 (2.6)
Z Z−1

Decay by electron capture may result when an atomic electron that enters inside the nuclear

volume is captured by a proton (Bailey et al., 2020). This initiates a proton-neutron

transformation and ejection of an electronic neutrino (Bailey et al., 2020. The generic

relationship for the decay due to electron capture is expressed as Equation 2.7:

A 0 A
X + 𝑒→ Y + e + + υ𝑒 (2.7)
Z −1 Z−1

2.1.3 Gamma decay

Most nuclear reactions are accompanied by gamma (γ) ray production. γ-rays are very high

electromagnetic radiations with very short wavelengths. They are about 100 times more

penetrating than β-rays. During γ-decay, a nucleus exhibits a transition from one energy state

to another with no fundamental change induced in the decaying nucleus (Kakani and Kakani,

2021). This decay mode can be expressed as:

A * A
X → X + γ (2.8)

87 * A
Sr → X + γ (2.9)
38 38

The principal modes of radioactive decay, with the form of radiation emitted, generic

equation and model for each.

2.2 Natural sources of radiation

Human radiation exposure is inevitable. Most of the world’s population exposures to

radiation are due to natural sources (UNEP, 2016). Since creation, earth’s environment has

been exposed to radiations from outer space and those from radioactive materials present in

its crust and core (UNEP, 2016). The global mean effective dose to an individual is about 2.4

mSv and varies from about 1 to more than 10 mSv depending on the location where people

live (UNEP, 2016). Natural radiation emanates from cosmic, terrestrial and internal radiation

sources. Cosmic radiations are natural background radiations originating from outer space.

They are composed of penetrating ionizing radiation reaching the earth like a steady drizzle

of rain sent by the sun and stars. The amount (dose) of cosmic radiation received from outer

space is influenced by the unevenness in elevation, conditions of the atmosphere, and earth’s

varying magnetic field (USNRC, 2017). Terrestrial radiation is the fragment of the natural

background radiation released on earth by naturally occurring radioactive materials such as

uranium, radium and thorium (USNRC, 2017). These materials are compositions of soil,

water and vegetation. Essentially, all air contains radon, water contains small amount of

uranium and thorium, and all organic matter contains radioactive carbon and potassium. From

birth, every individual exhibit internal radiation, resulting mainly from radioactive potassium-

40 and carbon-14 inside the human body. Thus, they are sources of exposures to others

(USNRC, 2017). Some of these contaminants are consumed with food and water while others

are inhaled (such as radon). Although the sources are not artificial, exposure can be modified

by man-made choices, such as where and how people live or what they eat and drink

2.2.1 Cosmic radiation

Cosmic radiation is an ionizing radiation produced when primary photons and α particles

from outside the solar system interact with components of the earth's atmosphere (Hanns-

Christian, 2015). A second source of cosmic radiation is the release of charged particles from

the sun, which become significant during periods of solar flare (“sun storm”). Ionizing

radiation is a natural part of the environment in which we live, present in the earth, buildings,

the food we eat, and even in the bones of our bodies. The other type is nonionizing radiation

which includes UV light, radio waves, and microwaves. Humans, animals, and plants have all

evolved in an environment with a background of natural radiation and, with few exceptions, it

is not a significant risk to health.

The amount of cosmic radiation that reaches the earth from the sun and outer space varies: its

energy is effectively absorbed by the atmosphere and is also affected by the earth's magnetic

field. The effect on the body will depend on the latitude and altitude at which the individual is

exposed, and on the length of time of exposure.

Cosmic radiation may be measured directly using sophisticated instruments, as was done

routinely in the Concorde supersonic transport, or it can be estimated using a computer

program integrating the route, time at each altitude, and phase of the solar cycle to calculate

the radiation dose for any given flight. Several research organizations have confirmed actual

measurements taken on board an aircraft to verify the computer estimations (Bayshaw, 2022.

Effective doses of cosmic radiation are in fact very low. The International Commission for

Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends maximum mean body effective dose limits of

20 mSv/y (averaged over 5 years) for workers exposed to radiation as part of their occupation

(including flight crew), and 1 mSv/y for the general population for typical annual flight

schedules, crew members accumulate around 4–5 mSv/y on long-haul operations, and 1–

2 mSv/y on European short-haul operations from cosmic radiation.

2.2.2 Terrestrial radiation

Terrestrial radiation is created by the process of the natural breakdown of radioisotopes in

natural materials such as rocks, soil, vegetation, and groundwater. The Earth itself is a source

of terrestrial radiation. Radioactive materials (including uranium, thorium, and radium) exist

naturally in soil and rock. Essentially all air contains radon, which is responsible for most of

the dose that human receive each year from natural background sources. In addition, water

contains small amounts of dissolved uranium and thorium, and all organic matter (both plant

and animal) contains radioactive carbon and potassium. Some of these materials are ingested

with food and water, while others (such as radon) are inhaled. The dose from terrestrial

sources varies in different parts of the world, but locations with higher soil concentrations of

uranium and thorium generally have higher doses. The average annual dose due to terrestrial

radiation exposure is 0.21 mSv (21 mrem) or 7% of a person’s yearly exposure due to all

natural sources. Terrestrial radiation are low and are unlikely to affect human health.

2.2.3 Internal radiation

All people have internal radiation, mainly from radioactive potassium-40 and carbon-14

inside their bodies from birth and, therefore, are sources of exposure to others. The variation

in dose from one person to another is not as great as that associated with cosmic and

terrestrial sources

Radioactive materials from the earth can enter into the human body by being inhaled

(breathed in) or ingested (eaten).

I. Inhalation

The naturally occurring radioactive element uranium can break down and change into

an odorless, colorless gas known as radon. Radon can be found in rocks, soil,

groundwater (well water) and building materials all around us. When radon is

released into the environment, we can breathe it in. On average, a person inhales

enough radioactive materials to cause a radiation dose of 2.28 mSv (228 mrem) per

year. About 73% of a person’s yearly exposure to natural sources of radioactive

material comes from inhalation. This is mostly in the form of radon, which is the

largest source of natural radiation exposure.

II. Ingestion

Naturally occurring radioactive elements such as carbon, potassium, uranium,

thorium, and radium can be found in the soil and find their way into our food and

drinking water and can be ingested. You can also ingest radon through the water

supply. However, ingesting radon poses less of a threat than inhaling it. Radon in

groundwater can also contribute to radon levels in indoor air. The overall levels of

ingested radioactive materials are low for most people. On average, a person ingests

enough natural sources of radiation to cause a small dose of about 0.29 mSv (29

mrem) per year. About 9% of a person’s yearly exposure to natural sources of

radioactive material comes from ingestion.

2.3 Measurements of radionuclide concentrations in soil using handheld Dosimeter

The characteristics of Nigerian soils vary and physicochemical properties such as soil pH,

exchangeable cations, organic carbon content, minerals, etc, depending on parent rock types,

historical geochemical processes, and land use or anthropogenic activities (Aleksakhin 2009;

Ogunyele et al. 2020). Twelve savanna soils in Nigeria were characterized and the result

showed a wide variation in texture and constituents. Most soil samples have an appreciable

amount of silt (10–69%), kaolinite and smectite are the major mineral components of clay,

quartz and K-feldspar 12 constitute a higher proportion in sands, while other minerals such as

ilmenite, magnetite, extractable phosphates, organic carbon, and radioactive elements are also

present in Nigerian soils (Møberg and Esu 1991; Ogunyele et al. 2020; Akingboye et al.,

2021). Soil acts as a repository for many environmental pollutants including radionuclides.

Ibikunle et al. (2019) reported the radiation dose of naturally occurring radionuclides in the

soils of some south-western cities in Nigeria. HpGe detector was used in evaluating the
232 226 40
activity concentrations of Th, Ra, and K in the soil samples. The mean activity
concentrations of Th, 226Ra, and 40K measured in the soils are 76.79, 52.91, and 393.73 Bq

kg-1 respectively. The concentration of 40K is about five times the concentrations of the other

investigated radionuclides (Ibikunle et al. 2019). The high activity levels of the radionuclides

were attributed to the rocky geology of the study areas. The measured mean absorbed air dose

rate (86.44) was higher than the 13 worldwide average value (60). This showed an upsurge in

the recommended value considered safe for the environment. The radioactivity levels of soils

around an iron and smelting company in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria were measured using a

well-calibrated NaI(Tl) detector.

In stark contrast, some of the studies had relatively lower activity levels of 40K. Adebiyi and
Ore (2020) reported increased levels of U over 40K in the measurement of radioactivity
levels of oil-contaminated soils. The activity concentrations of Th, 238U, and 40K were 0.89

± 0.08, 132.13 ± 0.16, and 51.52 ± 0.06 Bq/Kg, respectively. The measured mean absorbed

air dose rate (63.73) was higher than the worldwide average thus indicating the susceptibility

of residents to long-term health hazards.

Atipo et al. (2020) measured the levels of primordial radionuclides in the soils of a tin mine
in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria using HpGe detector. The activity concentrations of Th, 238U,
and K in the normal soils were 436.08±26.31, 168.83±9.35, and 346.1±21.92 Bq/kg

respectively. The increased levels in thorium, uranium, and potassium were attributed to the

mineral composition of the soils, which are rich in cassiterite, zirconium sand, theorite,

columbite, and uranyl monazite. Radioactive elements predominant in soils are a reflection of

the type of parent material. Lower levels of 18 potassium and thorium are usually associated

with sedimentary rocks while higher levels are associated with igneous rocks (Ramola et al.

2011; Ajayi et al. 2018). However, there is a need for further research on the risk assessment

of soil radioactive pollution under different environmental conditions. Impact on agricultural

practices, soil biodiversity, and environmental protection strategy should be given due

consideration in future research. The computerised system was coupled to a 3×3 squared inch

NaI(Tl) measuring assembly. Employing the ICRP dose estimation methods, the annual

effective doses were estimated to be 0.26 and 1.83 mSv for surface and subsurface mines

respectively. The results obtained for surface mines were below the 1.00 mSv per year

threshold while results for underground mines were above the 1.00 mSv per year stipulated

threshold for workplace exposure (ICRP, 2007).

At the locality of two Minna (Nigeria) tertiary institutions, background radiations were

assessed by in-situ measurements by Olarinoye et al. (2010). 34 points across the institutions

were marked and assessed using a mobile radiation dosimeter (Geiger-Mueller tube-based).

Dose rates obtained at Niger State College of Education Minna (NCM) varied from 0.13 to

0.17 μSv/h. Dose rates at the Federal University of Technology Bosso Campus (FUTB)

varied from 0.15 to 0.18 μSv/h. While at the FUT Gidan-Kwano campus (FUTG) the dose

rate was between 0.14 and 0.18 μSv/h. The mean dose rate for the surveyed points was 0.15

μSv/h with equivalent 0.19 mSv/y average annual effective dose. This value was 29 below

the recommended 1.00 mSv/y stipulated by the ICRP for non-occupational population.

2.4 Measurements of radionuclide concentrations in soil using Spectrometer

Gbadamosi et al. (2017) quantified the activity concentrations of radioactive materials in

waste dumpsite soils in Agbara, Ogun State, Nigeria using a properly calibrated high purity

germanium (HpGe) γ-ray spectrophotometer. The mean measured activity concentrations of

232 238
Th, U, and 40K are 26 ±2.2, 40.3 ±7.2, and 103±7.5 Bq kg -1 respectively. The relatively

higher activity level of 40K was ascribed to the possible predominant use of potassium-rich

fertilizers on the soils. The estimated absorbed air dose rate of 40.69± 5.31 nGy hr -1 was

lower than the crustal average of 60 nGyhr -1 (UNSCEAR 2000). The findings of the study

showed that little or no immediate radiological threats are associated with exposure to the

measured activity.

Several research interests have been inspired by the inhomogeneous distribution of NORM

within the environment. Human exploits such as oil exploration and mining alter

concentration magnitudes of NORM (Kamunda et al., 2016) and have resulted to

environmental contamination and degradation. Global productions of mineral products have

increased in recent years, resulting in processing of larger volumes of materials and with

proportional negative environmental impacts (Jain et al., 2016). The environmental and

health implications of artisanal gold mining have kindled research interests.

Faanu et al. (2011) conducted studies to assess the exposure of the public to NORM from the

processing of gold ore from Tarkwa gold-mine in Ghana. Samples of water, dust, rock, and

soil were examined employing Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and direct gamma

spectrometry techniques. Sequentially, 15.2, 26.9 and 157.1 Bq/kg were the average activity
238 232 40
concentrations for U, Th and K in the soil/rock samples. The mean activity

concentrations measured in the dust samples were respectively 4.90 and 2.75 μBq/m 3 for
238 232
Uand Th. The total annual effective dose to the public was estimated to be 0.69 mSv.

Upon comparison with the world average value of 1 mSv/annum, Faanu et al. (2011)

concluded that the results stipulate an insignificant public exposure from gold mining

activities in Tarkwa.

Suleiman et al., (2018) reported minimal level of radiation exposure around Erena mining

sites in Niger State, Nigeria. 7 soil samples were collected and analysed using a laboratory

NaI(Tl) γ-ray spectrometer at the Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT), Ahmadu
Bello University Zaria. The activity concentrations for K ranged from 48.52±3.58 to

1002.96±9.80 Bq/Kg, for 226Ra it ranged from 23.29±2.20 to 75.32±5.09 Bq/Kg and for 232

the range was from 23.83±2.05 to 59.29±2.39 Bq/Kg. However, the mean values of activity

concentrations and radiological parameters were below the global screening levels.

Therefore, Suleiman et al., (2018) suggested that no radiological risk was envisaged to the

populace of the study areas and the miners working on the mining sites.

2.4 Health effects of radiation

The fundamental difference between ionizing radiation and other common types of radiation

in the environment such as heat is its ability to undergo ionization. Ionization can lead to

molecular changes and to the formation of chemical species of a type which are damaging to

the chromosome material of the human cell. Radiation ranks amid the most thoroughly

examined agents associated with disease (Herman, 1996). Radiation effects vary with

intensity of radiation dose absorbed by an individual and the duration of exposure, low dose

rates occur when exposure is spread over an extensive time period, allowing affected cells

sufficient time to repair damage to their deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule. Hence,

doses are less dangerous than when the same dose is instantly absorbed. Biological effects on

cells arise from direct as well as indirect radiation action. Direct effects are produced by the

instant action of the radiation itself while indirect effects are caused by the subsequent

chemical action of free radicals and other radiation products (Turner, 2007). The ensuing

biological effects of exposure of man to radiation are well known from experiments;

observations on occupation exposure of workers (this includes: scientist, medical personnel,

industrial radiographers, atomic energy worker, miners), patients exposed to radiation for

diagnosis and therapy, people exposed to fallout of nuclear weapons debris accidents such as

the wind scan accident in England in 1956, Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and Hiroshima and

Nagasaki (2021). Ionizing radiation injury is dependent on a number of factors including: the

shielding, nature (α,β,γ) and energy of the radiation, the dose, homogeneity of dose and time

of exposure. When the dose and dose rate is within the accepted level, the effect of radiation

is small and most time no effect is observed, though the effect of low level radiation are not

yet entirely understood (IAEA 1982; ICRP 1990; ICRP 1975). Human body is permanently

irradiated from ionizing radiation externally and internally. Outdoor radiation are from

natural sources (earth, cosmic) and human sources (radiation generators), they are commonly

termed environment ionizing radiation (Bek-Uzaov et al, 2021). In the body, the K-40 is by

its nature existent all through human life. In the case that anyhow (inhalation, ingestion, etc.),

other radionuclide (like radon in air) enters inside the body, the body becomes internally

contaminated. Generally, health effects of radiation are grouped into two namely; threshold

effects and non-threshold effects. They can occur as somatic (occurring in the person who

receives the radiation dose), genetic (occurring in an exposed person’s offspring) or

terratogenetic (occurring in the offspring of individuals exposed during gestation) (Turner,



3.0 Materials and Method

3.1 Materials

The materials used this research includes:

i. Google scholar

ii. ERICA 2.0

iii. ArcGIS

3.1.1 Google scholar

Google scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one

place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, thesis, books, abstract

and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories,

universities and other websites. Google Scholar helps in finding relevant work across the

world of scholarly research.

3.1.2 ERCA 2.0

The ERICA Tool is a computerised, flexible software system that has a structure based upon

the ERICA Integrated Approach to assessing the radiological risk to biota. The Tool guides

the user through the assessment process, recording information and decisions and allowing

the necessary calculations to be performed to estimate risks to selected animals and plants.

Tier 1 assessments are media concentration based and use pre-calculated environmental

media concentration limits to estimate risk quotients. Tier 2 calculates dose rates but allows

the user to examine and edit most of the parameters used in the calculation including

concentration ratios, distribution coefficients, percentage dry weight soil or sediment, dose

conversion coefficients, radiation weighting factors and occupancy factors. Tier 3 offers the

same flexibility as Tier 2 but allows the option to run the assessment probabilistically if the

underling parameter probability distribution functions are defined. Results from the Tool can

be put into context using incorporated data on dose-effects relationships and background dose

rates. The Graphic user interface (GUI) of ERICA is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1The Graphic user interface (GUI) of ERICA

3.1.3 ArcGIS

ArcGIS is a family of client, server and online geographic information system (GIS) software

developed and maintained by Esri. ArcGIS was first released in 1999 and originally was

released as ARC/INFO, a command line based GIS system for manipulating data. ARC/INFO

was later merged into ArcGIS Desktop, which was eventually superseded by ArcGIS Pro in

2015. ArcGIS Pro works in 2D and 3D for cartography and visualization, and includes

artificial Intelligence (AI).ArcGIS is built around a geodatabase, which uses an object–

relational database approach for storing spatial data. A geodatabase is a "container" for

holding datasets, tying together the spatial features with attributes. The geodatabase can also

contain topology information, and can model behavior of features, such as road intersections,

with rules on how features relate to one another. When working with geodatabases, it is

important to understand feature classes which are a set of features, represented with points,

lines, or polygons. With shapefiles, each file can only handle one type of feature. A

geodatabase can store multiple feature classes or type of features within one file. The Graphic

user interface (GUI) of ArcGIS is shown in Figure 3.2

Figure 3.2: The Graphic user interface (GUI) of ArcGIS

3.2 Sample Collection and Preparation

Researched projects on radioactivity carried out on Nigeria soils used for this study were

gotten from Google scholar. From the researches different soil samples were collected from

gold mining sites, dumpsites, quarry sites, oil fields, coal mining sites, etc, across different

parts of the country. These collected samples were dried at 110°C in a temperature-controlled

oven until there was no detectable change in the mass of the sample and the dried samples

were thoroughly crushed, ground and pulverized into powder. The grounded soil samples are

then filtered with a sieve to obtain uniformly homogenous sample matrix with improved

surface area to volume ratio. The dried homogeneously pulverized samples with dry-weight

of 250 g or 200 g were filled in air tight cylindrical plastic container (Marinelli beaker) that is

of the detector geometry, and stored for a period of 28 to 30 days before counting. This was

done in order to allow for radon and its short-lived progenies to reach secular radioactive

equilibrium prior to gamma spectroscopy. The reference soil was also transferred to a

container with the same material and dimensions as those used for the soil samples. This is to

ensure that the geometric configuration remained the same (Zarie and Al Mugren, 2010;

Avwiri et al., 2012; Ononugb et al., 2017; Wang, et al.,2017; Ugbede, 2020).

3.3 Study Area

Nigeria is a country in the western part of Africa with coordinate of latitude 4 oN and 14oN

and longitude 3oE and 15oE. Nigerian soils vary and physicochemical properties such as soil

pH, exchangeable cations, organic carbon content, minerals, etc., depending on parent rock

types, historical geochemical. Nigeria is characterized by three distinct climate zones, a

tropical monsoon climate in the south, a tropical savannah climate for most of the central

regions, and a Sahelian hot and semi-arid climate in the north of the country. This leads to a

gradient of declining precipitation amounts from south to north. The southern regions

experience strong rainfall events during the rainy season from March to October with annual

rainfall amounts, usually above 2,000 mm, and can reach 4,000 mm and more in the Niger


The central regions are governed by a well-defined single rainy season (April to September)

and dry season (December to March). The dry season is influenced by the Harmattan wind

from the Sahara. Coastal areas experience a short drier season with most rain occurring over

March to October. Annual rainfall can reach up to about 1200 mm. In the north, rain only

falls from June to September in the range of 500 mm to 750 mm. The rest of the year is hot

and dry. Northern areas have a high degree of annual variation in its rainfall regime, which

results in flooding and droughts.

At least a research carry out on each of the 36 states and the country’s capital were

considered. From oil field in place like Rivers, Edo, Bayesla, Imo, Ondo, Abia, Akwa – Ibom

to gold mining sites in Niger, Zamfara, Osun, Kebbi and other northern states.Also, quarry

sites and coal mining sites in Ebonyi, Anambra, Kogi, Delta and Enugu state were used in

this study. Farmlands and dumpsites in some part of the country were also considered.

Figure 3.3: Map of Nigeria

3.4 Sample Analysis

The prepared sealed samples were placed over the HPGe detector respectively for counting.

The HPGe detector, Canberra model used is of coaxial geometry with one end open and a

closed end-facing window. The detector was operated at a negative bias voltage of 4000 V

DC. The detector with the accompanying pre-amplifier, connected to the Multi-channel

Analyzer (MCA) was mounted on a vertical dipstick cryostat, model 7500. The detector

element is held in place with a holder which is electrically isolated but thermally connected to

a copper coldfinger which transfers heat from the detector to the liquid nitrogen reservoir.

The mean counting time for each sample was 36000s. Also, an empty 1-L Marinelli beaker

was counted under identical geometry as the samples in other to determine the background

spectrum distribution. The photo peak of gamma transmission at 1460 KeV was used for the

measurement of 40K while the peak at 1760 KeV from 214

Bi and 2614 KeV from 208
Tl were
used for the measurement of Ra (238U) and 228
Ra ( 232
Th) respectively. The gamma lines

from recorded spectra were first assigned qualitatively using the energy calibration curve and

then evaluated quantitatively using the efficiency calibration curve. The concentration Cs in

BqKg-1, of a nuclide contained in an analyzed sample is given by:

N (Eγ )
Cs = (1)
ε (Eγ ) M s Pγt c

where, N(Eγ) is the net count rate of nuclide in counts/secs, ε(Eγ) is the absolute efficiency of

the detector for the specific nuclide, Pγ is the absolute γray emission probability of the

nuclide at the particular energy, Ms is the dried mass of the sample used in Kg and tc is the

total counting time for the sample.

3.5 Activity Concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K

226 232
From the gamma transition peaks of Ra, Th and 40K, the activity concentrations were

calculated according to equation1 (Gbenu, et al., 2016)

A= (2)

where A is the activity of the radionuclide in Bq Kg −1; E, the detector efficiency for the

gamma ray line used and c the counts per second

3.6 Dose assessment

ERICA assessment tool (version 2.0, November 2022 update) was used to estimate dose rates
to default terrestrial organisms using the activity concentration of Ra, 232Th and 40K for the

study areas. For this study, the ERICA tool's Tier 2 was utilized. Tier 2 allows the user to be

more interactive: to change the default parameters and/ or to select specific reference

organisms. Estimated total weighted absorbed doses (sums of internal and external doses) for

each reference organism in the assessment are compared with dose rate screening values

selected by the assessor.

In order to guarantee that the greatest potential value of non-human biota dose rates are

lower than the screening dose rate requirement of 10 μGy/h, the maximum measured specific

activity of the two major contaminant radionuclides ( 226Ra and 232

Th) in soil were used as

input data in the model (Petrovic, 2018). At Tier 2, the Default Uncertainty Factor (UF) of 3

was chosen to account for the uncertainties in the assessment procedure. An UF = 3 will test

for a 5% possibility of surpassing the dosage screening value, according to the definition of

the ERICA tool software system, assuming that the risk quotient distribution is exponential

(ERICA, 2022). Using the provided data, dose rates are computed using DCCs, dose

conversion coefficients in μGy/h per Bq/kg fresh weight, and weighting factors of 10.0 for α,

3 for low β and 1 for (high energy) β and γ radiation. A number of research provide

information about the ERICA tool and its uncertainties (Brown et al., 2008, 2016; IAEA

2014; Larsson 2008; Oughton et al. 2008; Petrovic, 2018).

3.7 Geo-statistical mapping

The shape file of the study area(Nigeria ) is used as the layer on a geospatial

software(ArcGIS), the table containing the areas, latitude, longitude and the total dose rate for

the organisms is been converted to a CSV(comma-separated values) format and is then added

to the layer to give the point of each results on the layer.

The measurement results obtained from the samples collected from a certain area are definite

only at the sampled points. The interpolation values at the unsampled points need to be

calculated to approximately determine the distribution of the random variable. These

interpolation values were estimated by Kriging, which is one of the geostatistical methods for

interpolation (Mallet, 2002; Tolosana-Delgado et al, 2011). The method is relatively fast,

easy to compute and straightforward to interpret data. This has made Kriging to be the most

frequently used model for interpolation. Kriging assumes that the distance or direction

between sample points reflects a spatial correlation that can be used to explain variation in

the surface. The Kriging tool fits a mathematical function to a specified number of points, or

all points within a specified radius, to determine the output value for each location. Kriging is

a multistep process; it includes exploratory statistical analysis of the data, variogram

modeling, creating the surface, and (optionally) exploring a variance surface. Kriging is most

appropriate when you know there is a spatially correlated distance or directional bias in the

data. However, with the Kriging method, the weights are based not only on the distance

between the measured points and the prediction location but also on the overall spatial

arrangement of the measured points. To use the spatial arrangement in the weights, the spatial

autocorrelation must be quantified. To use the spatial arrangement in the weights, the spatial

autocorrelation must be quantified. Thus, in ordinary Kriging, the weight, depends on a fitted

model to the measured points, the distance to the prediction location, and the spatial

relationships among the measured values around the prediction location. The following

sections discuss how the general Kriging formula is used to create a map of the prediction

surface and a map of the accuracy of the prediction (Lu and Wong, 2008). In this study,

Kriging interpolation method using ArcGIS software was used to produce maps for the

distribution of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K.



4.1 Natural Radioactivity Levels

The specific activity concentration of NORM in soil collected from the study areas has been
measured using gamma spectrometric technique. The results for the concentration of Ra,
232 40
Th and K with their respective mean values in The table for the activity

concentrations of NORM in soil samples collected across 101 cities in Nigeria is shown in

Table 4.1. The least activity concentration of 40K which varies from 1.41 to 720.10

was recorded at Uyo Akwa-Ibom State while the highest was recored at Owo Ondo State; the
least activity concentration of Ra which varies from 1.41 to 720.10 was recorded at

Igueben C.O.E, Edo State while the highest was recorded at Sokoto, Sokoto State; also the
least activity concentration of Th which varies from 0.40 to 1776.08 was recorded
at Coalfield Kogi State while the highest was recorded at Jos Plateau State. K has the

highest activity concentration of 296.83 due to its abundant nature in soil, with 232

having 69.67 activity concentration and 226

Ra having lowest of activity concentration


The variation of activity concentration across Nigeria could be attributed to natural and

human factors. Geology of a place is one of the major constituents of human factor,

geological variation is a fundamental factor that can influence the changes in activity

concentration (Orosun et al 2019). In addition, human activities like mining, improper

nuclear waste disposal and the use of fertilizers in agricultural practices (Ajibola, et al 2022,

Usikalu et al 2022, Popoola et al 2019)

Table 4.1: Activity concentrations of NORM in soil samples collected from study Area

40 226 232
Area Latitude Longitude K Ra Th Reference

Abeokuta, Ogun state 7.1475 3.3277 261.29 30.87 47.10 Ekhaguere et al. 2019

South-western cities 7.6103 4.7096 393.73 52.91 76.79 Ibikunle et al. 2019

Delta state 5.5544 5.5543 413.64 54.43 561.67 Ononugbo et al. 2019

Ile-Ife, Osun state 7.4667 4.5667 270.14 12.14 23.23 Oluyide et al 2019

Coastal area, Akwa Ibom state 4.6467 7.9429 145.00 23.00 36.00 Akpan et al. 2020

Mangoro-Agege, Lagos 6.6034 3.3200 403.07 11.47 10.44 Ilori and Alausa 2019

Asa, Kwara state 8.4154 4.4388 570.91 42.86 18.15 Orosun et al. 2019

Elere, Oyo state 7.4553 3.5713 537.30 36.55 29.05 Alausa et al. 2017

Jos, Plateau state 9.8965 8.8583 374.01 242.13 1776.08 Adesiji and Ademola 2019

South-western cities 8.1333 4.2500 554.20 25.53 61.12 Ajayi et al. 2018

Lagos state 6.8819 3.1284 19.38 10.99 11.20 Adedokun et al. 2020

South-western cities 7.2500 5.1950 151.72 8.27 17.37 Ajayi et al. 2017

Mine sites, Kebbi state 11.5108 5.1035 627.58 9.53 11.00 Dike et al. 2019

Ewekoro, Ogun state 6.9356 3.2228 285.34 1.95 51.13 Usikalu et al. 2018
40 226 232
Area Latitude Longitude K Ra Th Reference

Onikitinbi, Ogun state 6.9792 3.9980 350.75 30.51 103.19 Gbadamosi et al. 2018a

Agbara, Ogun state 6.5114 3.1115 103.00 40.30 26.00 Gbadamosi et al. 2017

Akure, Ondo state 7.2571 5.2058 51.52 132.13 0.89 Adebiyi and Ore 2020

Egbeda, Oyo state 6.5916 3.2911 200.00 30.50 50.80 Owoade et al. 2019

Agbaaru, Oyo state 7.9828 3.0532 381.80 25.30 26.20 Ademola 2019

Bajoga, Gombe state 10.8514 11.4282 196.11 7.41 16.27 Kolo et al. 2019

Zone A, Benue state 7.4224 8.8757 113.02 39.10 29.44 Kungur et al. 2020

Sand deposit, Ogun state 6.7933 3.9917 461.00 42.60 113.00 Gbadamosi et al. 2018b

South-western cities 6.6194 3.5105 477.69 52.05 85.84 Ibikunle et al. 2018a

sand deposit, Ondo state 6.5917 4.8320 46.46 24.13 20.10 Isinkaye et al. 2018

Ajaokuta, Kogi state 7.5584 6.6344 712.00 31.00 36.00 Usikalu et al. 2017

Osogbo, Osun state 7.7827 4.5418 223.59 15.39 4.54 Adegunwa et al. 2019b

Owo, Ondo state 7.1833 5.5833 1190.10 64.64 110.18 Aladeniyi et al. 2019

Mowe, Ogun state 6.8085 3.4367 1071.85 67.28 11.21 Egunjobi et al. 2020

Esan, Edo state 6.6653 6.1358 57.80 2.07 6.89 Popoola et al. 2019
40 226 232
Area Latitude Longitude K Ra Th Reference

Rayfield-Du, Plateau state 9.8391 8.8884 346.10 168.83 436.08 Atipo et al. 2020

Ondo, Ondo state 7.2537 5.1963 146.20 171.80 19.80 Ogundele et al. 2020

Ile-Ife, Osun state 7.4667 4.5667 131.11 106.03 17.17 Olalekan and Adebiyi 2020

Mine site, Zamfara state 11.8648 6.0024 370.79 18.30 16.86 Shehu et al. 2012a

Goldmining, Kebbi state 11.4942 4.2333 425.96 23.85 18.80 Shehu et al. 2012b

Mine site, Niger state 9.5836 6.5463 31.92 63.57 198.91 Gomina et al. 2019

Ado-ekiti, Ekiti state 7.6124 5.2371 207.20 33.60 20.10 Isinkaye et al. 2010

Damaturu Yola state 11.7444 11.9611 185.00 37.20 45.30 Habu et al. 2019

Keffi Nasarawa state 8.8471 7.8776 369.99 10.54 2.61 Usman et al. 2022

Warri Delta state 5.5544 5.7932 261.30 4.20 5.10 Jibiri et al. 2008

Anka, Zamfara state 12.1087 5.9278 216.02 47.06 75.97 Mbet et al. 2019

Uyo, Akwa-Ibom Sstate 5.0377 7.9128 7.05 2.87 7.02 Jibiri et al. 2011

Imo state poly, Imo state 5.3322 6.9506 59.20 8.70 12.73 Benedict et al. 2022

Shanono Area, Kano state 12.0515 7.9893 411.27 62.73 90.66 Bello et al. 2019

Orji, Enugu state 6.2537 7.2734 257.00 32.70 5.20 Janet et al. 2014
40 226 232
Area Latitude Longitude K Ra Th Reference

Coalfield, Kogi state 4.6968 8.2565 29.10 8.39 0.40 Itodo et al. 2020

Lead mine, Nasarawa state 8.2998 9.0012 27.37 28.49 33.97 Jude et al. 2022

coalmine, Gombe state 8.8674 11.4478 70.44 11.90 17.72 Kolo et al. 2017

Gusua, Zamfara state 12.1628 6.6745 227.10 4.68 40.58 Innocent et al. 2014

Mining sites, Benue state 7.7322 8.5391 425.92 40.34 33.69 Jibiri et al. 2013

mining sites,Ekiti state 7.8120 5.0677 455.05 128.05 24.80 Usikalu et al. 2019

Ijero,Ekiti state 7.8153 5.0671 635.41 42.02 43.27 Usikalu et al. 2019

Granite site, Ebonyi state 5.9552 7.5599 141.30 22.50 13.70 John et al. 2022

Ezillo, Ebonyi state 6.4285 7.8184 128.20 15.70 11.90 John et al. 2022

Minna, Niger state 9.5836 6.5463 229.40 7.80 29.40 Kolo et al 2012

Orlu, Imo state 5.8358 7.0196 134.13 4.15 1.64 Charles et al. 2020

Gababiya, Niger state 9.5966 6.5479 267.94 65.06 87.63 Kolo et al. 2020

Evangel uni, Ebonyi state 6.4105 7.8647 53.98 10.34 4.73 Fredrick et al. 2021

Awkuke, Enugu state 6.3907 7.4760 100.70 33.20 77.70 Osimobi et al. 2018

Central, Nasarawa state 8.5475 7.7118 403.96 32.52 56.23 Ibrahim et al. 2013
40 226 232
Area Latitude Longitude K Ra Th Reference

Akpabuyo, Enugu state 6.4668 7.5021 114.66 34.67 38.59 Anthony et al. 2015

Iwo, Oyo state 7.6292 4.1872 146.36 28.81 12.20 Giwa et al. 2018

Sokoto, Sokoto state 13.0667 5.2333 315.30 720.10 33.50 Kolo 2004

Jalingo, Taraba state 8.8929 11.3772 633.13 71.20 141.15 Alexander et al. 2022

Wukari, Taraba state 7.6620 9.7778 199.21 25.37 87.23 Alexander et al. 2022

Igbokoda, Ondo state 6.3530 4.7970 494.64 19.76 31.98 Olusegun et al. 2019

Oban, Cross rivers state 5.8702 8.5988 1073.06 160.74 250.76 Ubong et al.2022

Toro, Bauchi state 10.0596 9.0709 491.89 38.78 105.77 Ibrahim et al. 2019

Obio-Akpor, Rivers state 4.8776 7.0283 368.25 24.06 30.45 Ulakpa et al. 2016

Yola, Adamawa state 9.2035 12.4954 400.00 35.00 30.00 Samson et al.2022

Abuja F.C.T 9.0667 7.4833 1021.27 74.74 199.23 Shittu et al. 2015

Dana steel, Katsina state 12.9816 7.6223 104.45 27.72 50.31 Bello et al. 2016

Ilorin-west, Kwara state 8.4912 4.5109 263.55 52.24 31.29 Orosun et al. 2022

Oguta, Imo state 5.7213 6.8281 110.40 10.12 18.39 Jibiri et al. 2021

Zaria, Kaduna state 11.0855 7.7199 566.00 28.36 57.33 Elish et al. 2014
40 226 232
Area Latitude Longitude K Ra Th Reference

Coalfield, Gombe state 8.8591 11.4536 83.50 17.70 27.30 Kolo et al. 2017

Canaan city, Lagos state 6.6556 3.1613 442.66 41.98 48.35 Usikalu et al. 2020

Njaba, Imo state 5.6981 6.9961 71.23 3.73 1.19 Charles et al. 2021

Ushongo, Benue state 6.9470 9.2550 56.20 4.08 4.03 Ayaakaa et al. 2018

Okitipupa, Ondo state 6.5025 4.7795 323.79 11.76 9.66 Ibitoia et al. 2018
Igabi, Kaduna state 10.8060 7.7152 237.42 128.30 86.20 Sunday et al. 2020

Igarra, Edo state 7.2755 6.1076 291.59 3.15 1.85 Ojo et al. 2019

Pindiga, Gombe state 9.9848 10.9510 155.99 40.79 31.26 Muhammed et al. 2020

Buni gari, Yobe state 12.2939 11.4390 539.16 45.10 146.50 Habu et al. 2020

Geregu sSoil, Kogi state 7.5642 6.6919 105.60 15.45 10.64 Hassan et al. 2014

Dutse, Jigawa state 11.7024 9.3340 1126.28 40.72 112.82 Muhammed et al. 2021

Mining areas, Abia state 5.4527 7.5248 100.22 33.15 77.31 Ezekiel et al.2021

Igueben, C.O.E, Edo state 6.6065 6.2297 30.19 1.41 4.85 Popoola et al. 2019

Adeboyega uni, Edo state 6.5157 6.1962 57.80 2.07 6.89 Popoola et al. 2019

Coal mine, Enugu state 6.4303 7.4787 164.40 18.70 24.40 Nwankpa et al. 2015
40 226 232
Area Latitude Longitude K Ra Th Reference

Ayade, Akwa Ibom state 4.9057 7.8537 143.54 2.47 3.70 Essien et al. 2016

Odiok, Akwa Ibom state 5.0907 7.9294 33.96 8.84 3.01 Essien et al. 2016

Oku Akwa Ibom state 5.1556 8.0591 73.69 2.04 2.85 Essien et al. 2016

Quarry site Akwa Ibom 4.8869 7.7050 63.77 7.81 2.31 Essien et al. 2016

Abak Akwa Ibom state 5.0033 7.7743 98.71 24.83 5.17 Chad-Umoren et al. 2014

Dumpsites, Ogun state 7.1453 3.3590 428.91 2.09 54.60 Rasaq et al 2015
Dumpsite PH, Rivers state 4.7900 6.9933 222.15 29.16 32.21 Avwiri et al 2014

Egbemi, Imo state 4.8164 6.5976 92.42 10.10 7.42 Avwiri et al 2012

Gboko Benue state 7.3368 9.0018 58.88 3.33 4.66 Ayaakaa et al. 2016

Oraifite, Anambra state 6.0305 6.8297 419.22 23.54 9.69 Uzo 2020

Nembe Bayelsa state 4.5328 6.4037 439.22 20.82 49.66 Esendu et al. 2022

Maiduguri, Borno state 11.8333 13.1500 386.48 2.35 54.78 Ini et al.2022

Min. 7.05 1.41 0.40

Max. 1190.10 720.10 1776.08

Mean. 296.83 44.89 69.67

4.2 Radiological Impact of NORM Concentration on Non- human Biota

In order to access the radiological impact, the ERICA (Version 2.0) computer code was adopted.

In an earlier research (Beresferd et al., 2008), the exposure of small mammals situated in the

designated exclusive zones of Chernobyl nuclear plant were evaluated using the ERICA tool.

The obtained doses were found to be in good approximations to external doses obtained with

thermo luminescent dosimeters. Consequently, result produced from the ERICA tool are reliable.

The activity concentration of the areas in Table 4.1 was used to run a second tier ERICA impact

assessment analysis. The TIER 2 procedure was used to evaluate the total dose rate range from

0.059 to 20.791 µGyh-1, 0.011 to 3.732 µGyh-1, 0.017 to 5.548 µGyh-1, 0.074 to 17.065 µGyh-1,

0.027 to 9.184 µGyh-1, 0.028 to 9.589 µGyh-1, 0.011 to 2.981 µGyh-1, 0.059 to 20.749 µGyh-1,

0.107 to 33.868 µGyh-1, and 0.006 to 1.866 µGyh-1 for amphibian, bird, flying insect, grasses and

herbs, mammals- large, mammals- small burrowing, mollusc – gastropod, reptile, shrub and trees


The mean total dose rate per organism was 1.406 µGyh -1, 0.253 µGyh-1, 0.381 µGyh-1, 1.446

µGyh-1, 0.623 µGyh-1, 0.653 µGyh-1, 0.224 µGyh-1, 1.406 µGyh-1, 2.403 µGyh-1 and 0.130 µGyh-1

for amphibian, bird, flying insect, grasses and herbs, mammals- large, mammals- small

burrowing, mollusc – gastropod, reptile, shrub and trees respectively. The limiting dose adopted

for the assessment was the generally accepted screening dose of 10 µGyh -1 (Mather and

Moussesal 2013; Aliyu and Ramli, 2015). Results of the second Tier ERICA analysis are

presented in Table 4.2. The total dose rate per organism range from for amphibian, bird, flying

insect, grasses and herbs, mammals- large, mammals- small burrowing, mollusc – gastropod,

reptile, shrub and trees respectively.

All obtained dose rates were low compared to the 40 µGyh -1 often considered as a dose rate of

significance to terrestrial animals according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA,

1992); UNSCAER (1996) and the United States Department of Energy (USDoE, 2002). This

dose rate is often generally adopted by government and non-governmental organizations for dose

limit criterion for terrestrial organisms. Recent research has however shown that for lesser doses,

terrestrial animal populations have produced measurable defects (Moller et al., 2014; Moller and

Mouseau, 2011). Thus the ERICA dose limit of 10 µGyh -1 was adopted for dose rate limit for the

non-human biota in this research.

Table 4.2: Total dose rate per organism calculated from ERICA

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

Abeokuta, Ogun state 1.092 0.207 0.316 2.375 0.486 0.526 0.255 1.091 2.667 0.138

South-western cities 1.531 0.276 0.414 1.530 0.677 0.709 0.240 1.528 2.599 0.140

Delta state 1.596 0.295 0.466 3.368 0.714 0.756 0.385 1.597 3.389 0.162

Ile-Ife, Osun state 0.450 0.086 0.132 1.099 0.200 0.218 0.113 0.449 1.170 0.060

Coastal, Akwa Ibom state 0.666 0.120 0.180 0.675 0.295 0.308 0.105 0.665 1.134 0.061

Mangoro-Agege, Lagos 0.332 0.060 0.089 0.309 0.147 0.153 0.050 0.331 0.554 0.030

Asa, Kwara state 1.238 0.222 0.332 1.076 0.547 0.572 0.182 1.236 2.040 0.112

Elere, Oyo state 1.057 0.190 0.284 0.968 0.467 0.488 0.159 1.055 1.055 0.096

Jos, Plateau state 7.069 1.295 2.014 12.296 3.150 3.323 1.508 7.067 14.004 0.694

South-western cities 0.740 0.134 0.202 0.828 0.328 0.343 0.123 0.739 1.290 0.068

Lagos state 0.318 0.057 0.086 0.300 0.141 0.147 0.049 0.317 0.533 0.029

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h- [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1] 1]

[µgy h-1]

South-western cities 0.240 0.043 0.065 0.259 0.106 0.111 0.039 0.239 0.414 0.022

mining sites, Kebbi state 0.276 0.050 0.074 0.265 0.122 0.127 0.042 0.275 0.464 0.025

Ewekoro, Ogun state 0.059 0.011 0.019 0.236 0.027 0.029 0.023 0.059 0.167 0.007

Onikitinbi, Ogun state 0.885 0.160 0.244 1.101 0.393 0.412 0.155 0.884 1.586 0.083

Agbara, Ogun state 1.165 0.209 0.313 1.045 0.515 0.538 0.174 1.162 1.931 0.105

Akure, Ondo state 3.815 0.684 1.018 3.112 1.685 1.759 0.545 3.807 6.207 0.342

Egbeda, Oyo state 0.883 0.159 0.239 0.906 0.391 0.409 0.140 0.881 1.508 0.081

Agbaaru, Oyo state 0.732 0.132 0.197 0.693 0.324 0.338 0.112 0.730 1.227 0.066

Bajoga, Gombe state 0.215 0.039 0.058 0.235 0.095 0.100 0.035 0.214 0.372 0.020

Zone A, Benue state 1.130 0.203 0.304 1.029 0.500 0.522 0.170 1.128 1.880 0.102

Sand deposit, Ogun state 0.698 0.125 0.188 0.642 0.308 0.322 0.105 0.696 1.163 0.063

South-western cities 1.507 0.271 0.408 1.543 0.667 0.698 0.239 1.504 2.572 0.138

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

sand deposit, Ondo state 1.235 0.223 0.338 1.422 0.547 0.573 0.208 1.233 2.168 0.115

Ajaokuta, Kogi state 0.897 0.161 0.242 0.863 0.397 0.415 0.138 0.895 1.509 0.082

Osogbo, Osun state 0.445 0.080 0.119 0.379 0.196 0.205 0.065 0.444 0.730 0.040

Owo, Ondo state 1.871 0.337 0.507 1.930 0.828 0.867 0.298 1.868 3.199 0.171

Mowe, Ogun state 1.943 0.349 0.519 1.624 0.858 0.896 0.281 1.939 3.176 0.175

Esan, Edo state 0.060 0.011 0.017 0.074 0.027 0.028 0.011 0.060 0.107 0.006

Rayfield-du,Plateau state 4.893 0.884 1.337 5.592 2.168 2.272 0.822 4.887 8.575 0.453

Ondo, Ondo state 4.961 0.890 1.325 4.115 2.192 2.288 0.715 4.951 8.098 0.446

Ile-Ife, Osun state 3.062 0.549 0.818 2.558 1.353 1.413 0.442 3.056 5.005 0.275

mining, Zamfara state 0.529 0.095 0.142 0.493 0.234 0.245 0.080 0.528 0.884 0.048

Gold mining Kebbi state 0.689 0.124 0.185 0.631 0.305 0.319 0.104 0.688 1.148 0.062

Gold mining, Niger state 1.844 0.334 0.506 2.235 0.818 0.857 0.319 1.842 3.280 0.172

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

Ado-ekiti, Ekiti state 0.971 0.174 0.260 0.865 0.429 0.448 0.144 0.969 1.608 0.088

Damaturu Yola state 1.076 0.194 0.290 1.043 0.476 0.498 0.166 1.074 1.814 0.098

Keffi Nasarawa state 0.304 0.055 0.081 0.258 0.135 0.140 0.044 0.304 0.499 0.027

Warri Delta state 0.121 0.022 0.033 0.118 0.054 0.056 0.019 0.121 0.205 0.011

Anka, Zamfara state 1.362 0.245 0.369 1.389 0.603 0.631 0.216 1.360 2.323 0.125

Uyo, Akwa-ibom state 0.083 0.015 0.023 0.094 0.037 0.039 0.014 0.083 0.145 0.008

Imo state poly, Imo state 0.253 0.046 0.068 0.253 0.112 0.117 0.040 0.252 0.429 0.023

Shanono Area, Kano state 1.815 0.327 0.491 1.813 0.803 0.840 0.285 1.812 3.080 0.166

Orji, Enugu state 0.944 0.169 0.252 0.789 0.417 0.436 0.136 0.942 1.543 0.085

coalfield, Kogi state 0.242 0.043 0.065 0.199 0.107 0.112 0.035 0.242 0.395 0.022

lead-zinc, Nasarawa state 0.824 0.148 0.222 0.796 0.365 0.381 0.127 0.823 1.388 0.075

coal mine, Gombe state 0.344 0.062 0.093 0.346 0.152 0.159 0.054 0.344 0.585 0.031

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

Gusua, Zamfara state 0.137 0.025 0.039 0.261 0.061 0.065 0.031 0.137 0.280 0.014

mining sites, Benue state 1.166 0.210 0.313 1.074 0.516 0.539 0.176 1.164 1.944 0.106

Ijero mining, Ekiti state 3.698 0.664 0.988 3.105 1.634 1.706 0.535 3.691 6.051 0.332

Ijero, Ekiti state 1.215 0.219 0.327 1.149 0.537 0.562 0.186 1.213 2.038 0.110

Granite,Ebonyi state 0.650 0.117 0.174 0.580 0.287 0.300 0.097 0.649 1.077 0.059

Ezillo, Ebonyi state 0.454 0.082 0.122 0.414 0.201 0.210 0.068 0.453 0.755 0.041

Minna, Niger state 0.226 0.041 0.063 0.293 0.101 0.105 0.041 0.226 0.410 0.021

Orlu, Imo state 0.120 0.022 0.032 0.104 0.053 0.055 0.018 0.120 0.197 0.011

Gababiya, Niger state 1.882 0.339 0.508 1.856 0.833 0.871 0.294 1.879 3.185 0.172

Evangel uni, Ebonyi state 0.299 0.054 0.080 0.261 0.132 0.138 0.044 0.298 0.493 0.027

Awkuke, Enugu state 0.962 0.174 0.262 1.070 0.426 0.446 0.159 0.961 1.674 0.089

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

Central, Nasarawa state 0.941 0.170 0.255 0.974 0.417 0.436 0.150 0.940 1.611 0.086

Akpabuyo, Enugu state 1.003 0.180 0.270 0.959 0.443 0.464 0.154 1.001 1.685 0.091

Iwo, Oyo state 0.832 0.149 0.223 0.723 0.368 0.384 0.122 0.831 1.371 0.075

Sokoto, Sokoto state 20.791 3.732 5.548 17.065 9.184 9.589 2.981 20.749 33.868 1.866

Jalingo, Taraba state 2.062 0.372 0.560 2.200 0.913 0.956 0.334 2.059 3.553 0.190

Wukari, Taraba state 0.736 0.133 0.203 0.921 0.327 0.343 0.130 0.735 1.321 0.069

Igbokoda, Ondo state 0.572 0.103 0.155 0.584 0.253 0.265 0.091 0.571 0.975 0.052

Oban, Cross rivers state 4.652 0.838 1.259 4.713 2.059 2.154 0.735 4.644 7.921 0.426

Toro, Bauchi state 1.124 0.203 0.308 1.305 0.498 0.522 0.190 1.123 1.978 0.104

Obio-Akpor, Rivers state 0.696 0.125 0.188 0.679 0.308 0.322 0.108 0.695 1.175 0.063

Yola, Adamawa state 1.012 0.182 0.272 0.935 0.447 0.468 0.153 1.010 1.688 0.092

Abuja F.C.T 2.167 0.392 0.592 2.499 0.960 1.006 0.365 2.164 3.805 0.201

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

Dana steel, Katsina state 0.803 0.145 0.218 0.839 0.355 0.372 0.129 0.801 1.377 0.074

Ilorin-west, Kwara state 1.510 0.271 0.405 1.345 0.667 0.697 0.225 1.507 2.500 0.136

Oguta, Imo state 0.293 0.053 0.079 0.306 0.130 0.136 0.047 0.293 0.503 0.027

Zaria, Kaduna state 0.821 0.148 0.223 0.880 0.364 0.381 0.133 0.820 1.417 0.076

coalfield, Gombe state 0.512 0.092 0.139 0.518 0.227 0.237 0.081 0.511 0.872 0.047

Canaan city , Lagos state 1.214 0.218 0.327 1.167 0.537 0.562 0.187 1.212 2.043 0.111

Njaba, Imo state 0.108 0.019 0.029 0.092 0.048 0.050 0.016 0.108 0.177 0.010

Ushongo, Benue state 0.118 0.021 0.032 0.111 0.052 0.055 0.018 0.118 0.198 0.011

Okitipupa, Ondo state 0.340 0.061 0.091 0.313 0.150 0.157 0.051 0.339 0.567 0.031

Igabi, Kaduna state 3.708 0.666 0.995 3.339 1.639 1.713 0.554 3.701 6.153 0.335

Igarra, Edo state 0.091 0.016 0.024 0.081 0.040 0.042 0.014 0.091 0.151 0.008

Pindiga, Gombe state 1.179 0.212 0.317 1.076 0.521 0.545 0.177 1.177 1.962 0.107

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

Buni gari, Yobe state 1.309 0.237 0.360 1.605 0.580 0.609 0.228 1.307 2.335 0.122

Geregu soil, Kogi state 0.447 0.080 0.120 0.403 0.197 0.206 0.067 0.446 0.741 0.040

Dutse, Jigawa state 1.181 0.213 0.323 1.377 0.523 0.548 0.200 1.179 2.080 0.110

Mining areas, Abia state 0.960 0.173 0.262 1.067 0.425 0.446 0.159 0.959 1.671 0.089

Igueben, C.O.E, Edo state 0.041 0.007 0.011 0.051 0.018 0.019 0.007 0.041 0.073 0.004
Adeboyega uni, Edo state 0.060 0.011 0.017 0.074 0.027 0.028 0.011 0.060 0.107 0.006

Coal mine, Enugu state 0.541 0.097 0.146 0.531 0.239 0.250 0.084 0.540 0.914 0.049

Ayade ,Akwa Ibom state 0.071 0.013 0.019 0.072 0.032 0.033 0.011 0.071 0.121 0.007

Odiok , AkwaIbom state 0.255 0.046 0.068 0.219 0.113 0.118 0.037 0.255 0.420 0.023

Oku Akwa Ibom state 0.059 0.011 0.016 0.059 0.026 0.027 0.009 0.059 0.100 0.005

Quarry site, Akwa Ibom 0.226 0.040 0.060 0.192 0.100 0.104 0.104 0.033 0.370 0.020

Abak Akwa Ibom state 0.717 0.129 0.192 0.603 0.317 0.331 0.104 0.716 1.174 0.064

Area Amphibian Bird Flying Grasses Mammal- Mammal- Mollusc- Reptile Shrub Tree

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] insects & herbs large small- gastropod [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] [µgy h-1] burrowing [µgy h-1]

[µgy h-1]

Dumpsites, Ogun state 0.063 0.012 0.021 0.252 0.029 0.031 0.024 0.063 0.179 0.007

Dumpsites, Rivers state 0.843 0.152 0.227 0.806 0.373 0.390 0.130 0.842 1.417 0.077

Egbemi, Imo state 0.292 0.052 0.078 0.265 0.129 0.135 0.044 0.291 0.485 0.026

Gboko Benue state 0.096 0.017 0.026 0.096 0.043 0.045 0.015 0.096 0.163 0.009

Oraifite, Anambra state 0.680 0.122 0.182 0.590 0.301 0.314 0.100 0.679 1.120 0.061

Nembe Bayelsa state 0.603 0.109 0.164 0.674 0.267 0.280 0.100 0.602 1.051 0.056
Maiduguri, Borno state 0.070 0.013 0.023 0.259 0.032 0.034 0.025 0.071 0.192 0.008

Min. 0.059 0.011 0.017 0.074 0.027 0.028 0.011 0.059 0.107 0.006

Max. 20.791 3.732 5.548 17.065 9.184 9.589 2.981 20.749 33.868 1.866

Mean. 1.406 0.253 0.381 1.446 0.623 0.653 0.224 1.406 2.403 0.130

The dose rate for amphibian, grasses & herbs, reptile and shrub exceeding the screening value

(10 µGyh-1) at some areas. With amphibian having a dose rate of 20.791 µGyh -1 at Sokoto,

grasses and herbs; 12.296 and 17.065 µGyh-1 at Jos and Sokoto respectively, reptile; 20.749

µGyh-1 at Sokoto, and shrub; 14.004 and 33.868 µGyh-1 at Jos and Sokoto respectively. These

group of organisms at the said areas are considered to be at risk and of radiological concern. All

organisms at all other areas are of no radiological risk of concern as indicated on Table 4.2.

It must however be noted that these estimates are conservative and underestimated since

radiation from other nuclides whose concentrations were not measured were ignored. If their

radioactive level is considerable, then the dose presented in the simulation could be higher. The

result of the dose received by non-human biota in this study has been found to be consistent with

earlier result obtained using reported radionuclide data by Ibeanu (2003) and simulated by Aliyu

et al. (2015).

4.3 Mapping of Total Dose Rate per organism

In order to map out the distribution of total dose rate per organism, the Kriging interpolation

method was employed using ArcGIS software. Figure 1 to 10 are the maps created through the

Kriging interpolation method for the total dose rate per organism. It is evident from the map that

the areas in which the dose rate are higher than the screening dose value are indicated with the

color yellow, orange, light red and red with the dose rate range of 10.00 – 13.32, 13.33 – 16.65,

16.66 – 19.98, 19.99 – 23.31 respectively.

Figure 4.1: Distribution map for Amphibian Figure 4.2: Distribution map for Bird

Figure 4.3: Distribution map for Flying insects Figure 4.4: Distribution map for Grasses & Herbs

Figure 4.5: Distribution map for Mammal-large Figure 4.6: Distribution map for Mammal-small-burrowing

Figure 4.7: Distribution map for Mollusc-gastropod Figure 4.8: Distribution map for Reptile

Figure 4.9: Distribution map for Shrub Figure 4.10: Distribution map for Tree



5.1 Conclusion

In this study, researches done on the activity concentration of natural radionuclides were

collected and analyzed. The radio ecological dose rate estimated for non-human biota in Nigeria

(for study areas) revealed that all non-human organism dose rate were lower than the

recommended dose rate of 10 µGyh-1 except amphibian having a dose rate of 20.791 µGyh -1 at

Sokoto, grasses and herbs; 12.296 and 17.065 µGyh -1 at Jos and Sokoto respectively, reptile;

20.749 µGyh-1 at Sokoto, and shrub; 14.004 and 33.868 µGyh -1 at Jos and Sokoto respectively.

All organisms at different study areas in Nigeria are considered safe except for amphibian at

Sokoto area, grasses and herbs at Sokoto and Jos areas and shrub at Sokoto and Jos areas are

radio logically safe within the study areas from radiation inducted defects.

5.2 Recommendations

In order to protect the non-human biota, proper disposal should be encouraged at the mine sites

to prevent the non-human species for radiological hazard. Most radiological researches in

Nigeria and around the world, focus solely on the human biota of the ecosystem with little

attention given to the non-human biota of the ecosystem. More research should be done

considering the non-human biota.


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