Practical Attachment Sample

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First of all I would like to thank my Almighty God for being with me and uncountable support in
my life Next may my special thanks goes to the Manager of sede Branch of commercial bank of
Ethiopia and all staff members of the organization for their guidance and material support which
enabled me to accomplish this lesson success fully. It is also the right time to deliver my heart
full thanks to my Lovely family; they have a vital role in my study and while doing this
attachment by supporting me financially and moral strength

The aim of this report is to explain about my internship experience at commercial bank of
Ethiopia followed by Role and Responsibilities of mine in that specific organization. Also I tried
to explain the overall benefit gained from the internship experience that are in terms of
improving my practical skill, improving my team playing skill, improving my leader ship skill,
and entrepreneurship skill. Lastly, I discussed with conclusion and recommended the problem
that is really presented in the program and activities that must be taken to solve the problem

Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURE...........................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of Internship......................................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of Internship.........................................................................................................1
1.3 Description of Organization...................................................................................................2
1.4 History of Organization.........................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Vision and Mission Statement........................................................................................3
1.4.2 Objectives of Organization.............................................................................................4
1.5 Organization Structure...........................................................................................................4
1.6 Main Function of the Personnel in the Organization.............................................................5
1.7. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of the organization...........7
1.7.1. Strength of the organization...........................................................................................7
1.7.2. Weakness of the organization........................................................................................8
1.7.3. Opportunity of the organization.....................................................................................8
1.7.4. Threat of the organization..............................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................9
2. Main Programs Project Function in the Organization.................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................11
3. Activities Performed During Internship....................................................................................11
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................13
4. Skills and Experience................................................................................................................13
4.1 Skill and Benefit Gained......................................................................................................13
4.2 Challenges Encountered.......................................................................................................14
4.3 How Challenges Can Be Overcome....................................................................................15
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................17
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................17
5.1 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................17
5.2 RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................18
5.2.1 Recommendations Suggested for the Improvement of the Future Internship by Bule
hora University......................................................................................................................18

Figure 1 hierarchy of organization……………………………………………………4
Figure 2 Customer structure of Public Bank Branch …………………………………5

Internship means a formal or informal program to provide practical experiences for beginners in
an occupation or profession. Internship is working and learning experiences that provide hands
on way for students to confirm choice of major and/or career in a way they may be linked to an
academic department and/or done for academic credit. An internship lasts between two-four
months and may be part time or full time some are paid while others are not. This chapter covers
the background of organization of field attachment, Objective of internship, the mission and
vision of sede branch CBE, core values, objectives organizational structure, Strength and
weakness of organization.

1.1 Background of Internship

This is core program that is undertaken to enable the student gain work experience and practical
knowledge acquire the study period. An internship is designed to extend a students learning
opportunity beyond the classroom setting. An internship allows the student to work with facility
mentor and sponsor from a business or organization to gain hands on experience in professional
work environments that relates to their academics and career interest .An internship may be
completed for anywhere from one to six credits.

1.2 Objectives of Internship

 To acquire skills needed to become practical oriented professional

 To create awareness about working environment for the students
 To make the student to be well experienced professional and creativity
 To enable students transform classroom theories to solve practical organizational challenges
 Internship is intended to enable students to gain practical knowledge that is possessed by
technical and field managers which may not be possible to pass on during classroom
 To develop the students capacity to undertake and make meaning full decision that bind
organization and depict high level of maturity
 Develop expected professional self-awareness, internalization of career job requirements and
 Develop and acquire critical skills needed to proactively observe and analyze
problems/challenges encountered while executing career duties and responsibilities at work

1.3 Description of Organization

sede Branch of CBE is located in sede woreda sede town and administrative seat of East Gojjam
Zone in Amhara, Ethiopia.

As typical of the elevated portions of Ethiopia the climate is subtropical highland (Köppen: Cwb)
despite the proximity to the Equator. March is the warmest month with 25.1 °C and July the
coldest with 18.9 °C in the average monthly temperature. The fall of the rain is considerably
irregular going from 12 mm in January to 309 mm in July, being therefore still the main
differentiator of the seasons of the year.

1.4 History of Organization

Commercial bank of Ethiopia was legally established in 1942. It is the leading bank in Ethiopia
to introduce modern banking system. Commercial bank of Ethiopia is 100% government owned.
It is also leading bank in east Africa within reserve asset of more than875 billion as show the
annual report 2019 in G.C The bank places a big role in economic progress in development of
the country. Currently commercial bank of Ethiopia has more than 7million account holders it is
pioneer to introduce western union money transfer service in early 1990s.

In currently work is other 22 money transfer agent like western union, ezremit, money gram, boll
Atlantic international, x-press money dehabishin and so on. The bank has strong relationship
with 50 renowned foreign banks and has a SWIFT bilateral arrangement with more than 700
other banks across the world. currently CBE has merged with construction and business bank
and increased its market size and capital It has above 1136 branches stretched across the country
as June of 30, 2017
sede CBE is one branch of commercial bank located in sede town started in 2013 E.C established to
perform the following functions:-
 Accepting saving demand and time deposits
 Providing short and medium term loans, within a limited ceiling of long term loans
 Buying and selling foreign exchanges.
 Buying and selling negotiable instruments and securities issued by the government,
private organizations or any other person.

1.4.1 Vision and Mission Statement

 To become a world-class commercial bank by the year 2025
 To best realize stakeholders needs through enhanced financial intermediation globally
and supporting national development priorities by deploying highly motivated, skilled
and disciplined employees as well as state-of-the-art technology. We strongly believe that
winning the public confidence the basis of our success understand that the sustainability
of bank business bank it depends on its ability to maintain and build up public
Core Value
 Corporate citizenship:-we value the importance of our role in national development
endeavors and abide by the laws of Ethiopia and other countries in which we do business
We care about the welfare of the society
 Quality service: - The bank committed to offer quality service to customer aspires to
brand to with quality is the mind of customer and general public.
 Innovation: -The bank encourages new ideas that can improve customer experience and
the banks experience.
 Team work: - The bank recognizes the importance of team work for the bank success and
also respects diversity of view point.
 Integrity:- The bank committed to the highest ideal honor and integrity
 Employee satisfaction: -The bank recognizes the employees as valuable organizational
 Public confidence: -The bank confidence
 Public trust:-we understand that the sustainability of our business depend on our ability to
maintain and build up public confidence

1.4.2 Objectives of Organization
The objectives of commercial banks are two-fold; to offer a wide variety of services to
individual and business customers, and to collect payments including fees, charges and interest
on the products and services provided to customers for the purpose of generating profits for
shareholders. The main objectives are;-
1. To establish as an institution for maximizing profits and to conduct overall economic
2. To collect savings or idle money from the public at a lower rate of interests and lend these
public money at a higher rate of interests.

1.5 Organization Structure

sede branch CBE is administered or governed by one manager and if a manager is sick or on
meeting a bank should administer by the assistant manager. There are also an auditor and
accountant who lead at the time of the absence of the assistant manager. There are also personal
banker, teller cashier, PC operator, loan clerk etc.

Hierarchy of Organization

Figure 2 hierarchy of organization

Organizational structure

Locker room Bank safe Term Loan Dunning

deposit departme room

Branch Assistance
manager Confere
Customer sitting area

Cheque deposit t
machine opening

clearing Cash counter 2 Cash counter Help desk Entry/

1 exit

Figure 2; Customer structure of Public Bank Branch

1.6 Main Function of the Personnel in the Organization

Retail Branch Management

The Retail Branch Management function is responsible for the oversight and management of all
retail bank branch office operations, whether internal or customer-focused. Such responsibilities
include hiring employees, managing teller functions, monitoring personal banker performance
levels, approving loans and lines of credit, marketing the branch, building relationships within
the surrounding community and assisting customers with account problems that cannot be solved
Cash deposit
by tellers or personal bankers.

A Branch Manager is a professional charged with managing the day-to-day operations of a bank
or financial institution's branch. These responsibilities include developing business plans and
attaining sales goals, delivering great customer care, and growing revenue through increased
lending activity.

The Accountant/assistant manager

The assistant manager ensures operational excellence by performing managerial tasks, such as
scheduling, maintaining inventory, and/or evaluating employee performance. Regardless of the
industry they work in, which can vary greatly, he or she bridges the gap between upper
management and staff. These managers handle many operational tasks, often running a specific
department or business sector.

Assistant managers often engage in many of the same activities as their direct reports, leading by
example, while providing support and training. Because they’re responsible for stepping into the
manager’s shoes in his or her absence, this position is often a stepping stone on the way to a
managerial role

Business Manager

The role of a Business Manager is to supervise and lead a company's operations and employees.
They perform a range of tasks to ensure company productivity and efficiency including
implementing business strategies, evaluating company performances and supervising employees.

Mortgage Lending

The Mortgage Lending Group is responsible for originating mortgage loans for retail (i.e.
individuals or families) clients. Mortgage lending sales staff members work with borrowers to
assess their eligibility and collect any personal information required to process the mortgage
application (W-2 forms, tax returns, account statements, etc.). After the application is submitted,
appraisals, credit reports and other inspections are performed so that the underwriting group can
make a decision on the application (approve/deny/counter).

If the mortgage application is approved by underwriting and closed, mortgage loan servicing and
account managers work with borrowers to process mortgage payments, change account
information and answer any questions related to their mortgage. Mortgage lending groups may
also work with correspondent lenders to source applications and/or sell mortgages on the
secondary market.

Investment Banking

The Investment Banking arm works with institutional clients to develop strategic advisory
assignments, divestitures, corporate defense activities, risk management, restructurings and spin-
offs, and debt and equity underwriting of public offerings and private placements(domestic and
cross-border transactions), as well as derivative transactions related to these activities

Investment Banks also offer a sophisticated collection of investment services to large

institutional clients - usually referred to as Prime Brokerage services. After moving up the ranks
within an investment banking operation, top employees (typically senior vice presidents and
managing directors) are responsible for managing relationships with key clients and seeking out
new business opportunities for potential high-worth investors or partners.

Credit Cards

The Credit Cards line of business encompasses all products related to both retail and commercial
credit cards. They develop, design, issue and service credit card-related products. In most cases,
banks use a third-party to process and perform credit card transactions (VISA, American
Express, Discover, MasterCard, etc.) - these companies act as a middle man between the buyer
and seller. Banks generate revenue through issuing credit cards and collecting interest,
monthly/yearly service fees and payment processing fees

Teller Tasks

A Teller task are performed in-person at a retail branch location by teller line employees, or bank
tellers and, includes basic banking transactions such as deposits, check cashing, withdrawals,
loan payments, money orders and foreign currency exchanges. Teller transactions are the most
high frequency activity type at retail branch network locations.

1.7. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of the organization
The commercial bank of Ethiopia sede branch is governmental organization has its own strength
and weakness side there are also have good opportunities and threats that speed up and retard the
bank over all work process respectively

1.7.1. Strength of the organization

o Strong corporation between management and employees
o By innovating new technology increase its profitability from time to time
o Good efficiency and ethical conduct of staffs
o The organization makes good relationship with other local banks and 50 foreign
o It’s give training for its employees to improve their profession
o The bank has qualified and experienced management who done the activity of the
bank very well.

1.7.2. Weakness of the organization

o Some workers of the bank not give service to the customer properly
o Weak information of some workers
o Sometimes there is big connection problem that makes customer angry
o There is some inefficiency material like chair tables and computers for trailing staffs

1.7.3. Opportunity of the organization

 The commercial bank of Ethiopia sede branch has large number of customers.
 The development of infrastructure and investment in the country play great role
for the bank.
 Steady and fast growth of population is good opportunity for increase bank
 Availability of qualified work force in the market
 Development of information technology

1.7.4. Threat of the organization

If the organization follows the current organizational structure for the future may face the
following challenges.
 Volatility of currency
 Competitors share of the market (spread of branches of private banks)
 Poor credit culture and know how about banking and its service within the
 Some new and revised regulation of the National bank of Ethiopia or government
Economic condition of the country

2. Main Programs Project Function in the Organization

1. Primary Functions
A. Accepting Deposits
Accepting deposits is the most important function of commercial banks. Banks act as the
financial intermediaries who collect the surplus money from the individuals and firms.
 Demand Deposits: Demand deposits are those deposits were deposited money can be
withdrawn anytime by simple procedure.
 Time Deposits: Time deposits are deposits for a certain period of time. In time deposits,
the rate of interest in time deposits is higher than demand deposits. This is also referred to
as Fixed Deposit.
B. Lending Funds

Lending is another important function of commercial banks. This function is the major source of
revenue for the banks. The deposit from the individuals and firms are disbursed in the form of
lending to the group who shortage fund

C. Credit Creation

Banks have a credit creation function where banks earn interest by allowing customers to
withdraw the money from their account by paying for them with their own cheques. Here, lump
sum funds are not given rather customers withdraw the money when needed.

2. Secondary Functions

Collection of Cheques, Dividend and Interests:

Banks collect cheques, bills of exchange, dividends, Interest etc. on the behalf of its customers.
Bank also accepts standing instructions from the customers and makes arrangements to collect
dividend, interests, pension, allowances, salaries etc. on the behalf of customers.

Conduct of Stock Exchange Transactions

Banks act as intermediaries to conduct the purchasing and selling of stocks, bonds and other
securities. All the transactions of primary and secondary markets are conducted via banks i.e.
banks act as agents for both the individual customers as well as firms i.e. buyers and sellers.

Payment of Subscription, Rent, Insurance Premium, Salary Disbursement

For the payment of subscriptions, rent, premiums and other services, customers allow banks to
act on the behalf of them and debit the account with the amount. Banks make arrangements for
customers to make certain periodical payments as well on the behalf of customers. For such
services, the bank charges a small amount in the form of commission or service change

3. Activities Performed During Internship
In practical attachment i try to second to work indifferent section of the organization.-

- Supervises, Coordinates, directs and control the activities of the branch.

- Oversees account opening cash payment and receipts, trade services and general ledger.

Bank office with maker (checker in maker/checker place there are many works which are
worked daily for example

- Check clearance

- Making checks (ready the checks which are ordered by customers who have account in the

- Follow up all incoming email and make sure for the implement

- Generally works done in the back office are non-cash Front office (cash) Similar works are
done in this first receive money from the chief cashier-

-Sending money-

-Receiving money

-All the day supervise making balance check either it is balance or not accountant also
casher office-


The place new customer come to open account the customer must fulfill the following;-
Renewed Id, two passport size photo, free no money and no service charge, there are accounts
which are saving and current account

Audit day to day works which are cash and non-cash works which performed by auditors are;-

-Auditing, Sorting, Filing


Give feedback for customer.

Bank reconciliation

This was characterized by cross checking the bank statement with the cash book items or any
errors committed during entering transactions in the main cash book. I was further assisted on
how to correct such errors reflected in the cash book and on how to agree both the cash and bank

Bank reconciliation is one of the most important activities used by almost every organization
intending to have a fair and true view of their financial statements and any other accounting
records thus reconciliation is undertaken to minimize control and detect errors and mistakes that
may be committed by the book keeper’s statement for customer who have account.

Participation preparation of financial statements

The accounting records provide the necessary contents for the preparation of the final accounts
the income and expenses ledgers were extracted and posted to the draft the trial balance, debtors
list, statement of income and expenditure.

4. Skills and Experience

4.1 Skill and Benefit Gained

The employees are the ultimate link in an organization, which carry out the operations. Training
can help them in several ways, as mentioned some are increasing confidence, new skills, and
career advancement, higher earnings, resilience to change, and increased Safety.

Generally training programs provide multiple benefits for employees and the company, but only
if they are carefully planned and properly implemented and it has several possible roles. First, it
is a way to create a supply of talent within the organization, second, training can be an important
and useful tool for equipping individuals with the knowledge, and

Third, training can help an organization that is moving toward implementation of a new strategy
in a changing environment. Skills and attitudes they need to implement organizational strategy.
Fourth, training is a potential tool for giving individuals the skills they need to think
strategically. An employee who is knowledgeable, skillful and capable will be able to improve
the productivity and performance of the organization.

During intern ship I learnt the following skills

 Communication skills
Communication is an important tool in the development of any organization. Appropriate
communication through a concerted effort from all the employees in an organization will
go a long way in winning goodwill from all the organization stakeholders. As a result of
dealing with customers on a daily basis, I gained the skill on how to communicate
efficiently and effectively with other members of staff in the organization and also to the
esteemed customers.
 Management Skill
In the need to ensure the efficiency of the work by the employees I developed the
management skill. This helped me to coordinate plan, control others activities.
 Public relation skills

By interacting with people drawn from all works of life, I was able to acquire public
relation skills and managed to handle issues professionally without jeopardizing the
organization reputation to the suppliers, customers and anyone who may call upon
the relationship officers for assistance, clarification or inquiry.
 Organization and planning skills
During the attachment period I learnt or acquired planning skills as well as organizational
skills. I would start by noting down things to do and then will step by step execute each
activity at a time in order to avoid delay, waste time and confusion of activities that will
eventually lead to non-accomplishment of the assigned duties
 Team playing skills
From the organization I learned on the advantage of team playing skills since most of the
tasks Where completed in groups. I learned this basic but essential skill since it proved to
be of help especially in work that is required with agency by clients. Since as a group
there is more Participation in terms of output and work is divided with team members.
 Computer skills on Microsoft packages of excel, word, internet skills the operations of
the different applications within Microsoft ERP and in addition how to operate other
office equipment like photocopying machines among others.
 Relationship-wise, I have gained interpersonal skills that have enhanced the completion
of my practicum.
 In all the tasks I performed upon completion I had to report on the final output hence
availing me with the platform of developing my Reporting skills.
 During the course of the exercise, I was able to take accurately ethical decisions

4.2 Challenges Encountered

 Availability of resources

The availability adequate resources affect the internship program includes materials, facilities,
personnel, time. Inadequate time and resource allocated amount would affect the amount and
quality of training and education. Therefore, the organization that has considerable shortage of
one or more of these resources would face the problem of training and development of its human

 Financial problems

The amount of fund available for training and development will clearly affect the quality of
training and development program that can be undertaken. In addition to the above factor
training and development practice can be influenced by inadequate planning, lack of
coordination various efforts, inadequate need analysis and lack of training among those who lead
the training and development activities are some of the common constraints that affect the
effectiveness of training and development programs.

 Office politics

During the period as I attachés I encountered office politics since we were several interns
From different institutions, for instance it was always a debate on who was working or dong
The best especially within the first few weeks however with time I learned how to handle the
Pressure by trying to be more understanding of the fellow attaches

 System failures

During some of the days the organization experienced system failures that made it impossible

For us to complete work assigned to us. Although the ICT department tried this was a major

 Inadequate computers

In the organization there are inadequate computers and those available were not in a good

Condition, also the internet was very low and slow hindering one to access information online

 Limited training time

 Limited access to organization system
 Long distance from the place of residence

4.3 How Challenges Can Be Overcome

During internship the challenges were overcome by ensuring time management through
reporting in time and accomplishment of the assigned tasks in time. And also by drafting daily
Rota schedule that enabled to allocate the available time in relation to the work load pending and
which he intended to accomplish during the week.

And also by ensuring good relations with fellow internee who at supported me financially were
there was need. This further enabled to improve on my-personal and inter-personal skill.

Generally, I was able to learn a lot for the period I was attached at sede branch commercial bank
of Ethiopia in the department of Agri Busienss and value chain mangemanet also put into
practice most of the theory work that I had learnt in class. I do recommend the relationship
department because they were following most of the regulations set by the management of the
financial institutions and this helped me learn a lot about how customer servicing processes is
carried out at the institution.
The course work knowledge learnt at Bule Hora University, acted as guidelines when I was
undertaking the exercise. I therefore greatly appreciate the skills imparted by the team of
lecturers of the institution as they matched with the skills required and demanded not only by the
institution I was attached but also in the job market at large. Finally, I would wish to thank all
offers in various sections that cooperated with me in making this attachment a success.

From what I observed during my attachment period, I would like to make the following

 I recommend that the institution to invest in motivating their staff by promotions, salary
increments due payment of employee’s salaries and also employee recognition. This will
greatly impact positively on the levels of productivity by the employee.
 I would also wish to recommend that the relationship department should embrace modern
technology to increase speed and consistency of work.
 The bank should avoid under staffing at the institution in some departments.
 The human resource should also see to the point that the right number of employees are
employed and deployed to the respective departments
 I would recommend to the institution to keep up the good work and strengthen the
research teams to remain committed in the gathering of more relevant information to
keep the bank more relevant and marketable

5.2.1 Recommendations Suggested for the Improvement of the Future Internship by Bule
Hora University
Although the university tries in order to make internships be of help to students by giving them
an opportunity to experience real working environment before they graduate. There are several
Areas they need to work on to make it better:-
 Following my hustles looking for internship opportunity, I recommend that the university
seek Internships on behalf of student by partnering with several organizations since it is a
better Position to do so. By doing so the university will save students the stress and hustle
of looking for internship.
 As an intern I would like to recommend that the university should lay out guidelines for
our field supervisors on the areas of interest it feels that a student can acquire
enough practical skills.
 I would advise the University to allows this activity (internship) to take place twice in the
learning years of the students because two months are not enough for a student to
have practical understanding each and everything conducted by the organization
. Some oral information from employees
. Information from written documents of organization
. Dirct information from the supervisor of the organization
.from employees of organization
.some from daily activitise


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