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Grade VIII Worksheet Audio Scripts

Everyday English Unit 3 Expressing certainty and

Unit 1 Invitations
Exercise 1 
Exercise 1  Oliver Look at that painting, Meg.
Matt Hi Lily, how are you? Meg What on earth is it?
Lily Good thanks, Matt. How about you? Oliver I’m not exactly sure.
Matt I’m fine, thanks. Hey, are you doing anything on Meg It’s clearly an animal.
Thursday night? Oliver Do you think so? I’m pretty sure it’s a tree, or a
Lily No, I don’t think so. What did you have in mind? flower.
Matt I’ve just started a new photography club. Do you Meg It’s definitely not a flower.
fancy joining me? Oliver You might be right. I suppose it could be a horse.
Lily Sure. Why not! I got a new camera for Christmas and I Meg Yes, that part might be its head.
want to learn how to use it properly. Oliver Perhaps it’s a horse in a field. With a tree next to it.
Matt Great! It starts at 7 p.m. at the community centre. Meg Yes, I think you’re right! Look, there’s another one
Lily Thanks, Matt. Looking forward to it. Are you busy here by the same painter.
now? Oliver Oh yes. What do you think it is?
Matt Why do you ask? Meg I’ve got absolutely no idea!
Lily I’m meeting Lauren at the café at 3 p.m. Would you Oliver Do you think it’s a beach? Look, with the sun and
like to come? the sea?
Matt I’d love to, but I don’t think I can. I’ve got football Meg It can’t be the sun. It’s purple!
practice in half an hour. Oliver Hmmm. Yes, and the sea is green. Do you like it?
Lily That’s a shame. Meg I don’t know!
Matt Yes. Another time, maybe.
Lily Definitely. Well, I’ll see you on Thursday then. Unit 4 Giving instructions
Matt Yes, see you there! Don’t forget your camera!
Exercise 1 
Unit 2 Emergency phone calls Dan Oh, no. Can you help me, Agata? I’ve just retweeted
Lara’s blog about the drama competition, but I didn’t
Exercise 1  give her credit. What am I going to do? It looks like I’m
Mum Are you OK, Tom? pretending I wrote it. It’s a total disaster. She’ll be so angry
Tom No, look at my arm! It’s bleeding. with me!
Mum OK, calm down. What happened? Agata OK. Don’t panic. Take a deep breath and stay calm.
Tom Our ball got stuck up a tree. I climbed up to get it, It’ll be OK. Start by telling me when you posted it.
but I fell out. I’ve cut my arm. It really hurts. Dan OK. It was about ten minutes ago. I was reading
Mum Can you move it? her post and I just clicked retweet without putting a
Tom Yes, I can. comment.
Mum I don’t think it’s broken, but I’ll ring 111. There’s a lot Agata The first thing you should do is look on your
of blood. profile.
Tom OK. Dan I’ve done that! I can see the tweet, but I can’t change
Mum Hello. Can I have some medical advice, please? it.
Operator Yes, what seems to be the problem? Agata OK. After that, you should go to your settings.
Mum My son has hurt his arm. He fell out of a tree. Dan How do I do that?
Operator Can I have some more details, please? Agata Look on the home page. It’ll be there. When you’ve
Mum Yes, it’s his left arm and there’s a cut above his done that, click on the tweet to delete it.
elbow. Dan OK. I’ve done that. It’s worked. That’s fantastic.
Operator Is he conscious? Agata Good. Now the last thing you do is retweet it
Mum Yes, he’s standing up and talking to me. again, but this time write something about Lara at the top
Operator OK, great. Can you get him to a doctor? and tag her in it.
Mum Yes, I can take him there. Dan OK … I’m doing that. OK, it’s uploading, but I think it
Operator Go to the doctor and ask them to check the will take a few minutes.
wound. The doctor will clean the cut and decide if you Agata Finally, relax. Don’t panic. There’s always a solution,
need to go to hospital. Dan.
Mum OK, thank you very much. Dan Thanks, Agata!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Link dla Klasy VIII Worksheet Audio Scripts 1
Unit 5 Agreeing and disagreeing Unit 7 Expressing opinions
Exercise 1  Exercise 1 
Luke Oh, not another article about teenagers and social Tom Hi, Molly. What do you think about this website
media. article? I want to use it as a source for my geography essay.
Mum What does it say? Molly Let me have a look. Hmm. I’m not sure. Have you
Luke The usual boring argument – that teenagers spend checked the facts against another website?
too much time on their phone or using social media of Tom Yes, I have. I’ve looked at these two websites, but
course. they say something different.
Mum I completely agree. It’s hard to have a conversation Molly Well, that isn’t good. It might look like a good
sometimes because everyone’s constantly checking their website, but that doesn’t mean anything. As far as I’m
phones. concerned, you need to check the author. Who is he and
Luke I wouldn’t say that. what are his qualifications?
Mum Oh, come on, Luke. That’s so true and you know it. Tom That’s a good point. OK … here it is. Doctor
When I take you and your friends out for a pizza, everyone Robinson is from one of the top American universities.
spends the first few minutes posting photos on their Molly That’s good, but what about his qualifications?
Instagram account and checking for likes. Tom Look! He’s got a lot of qualifications and ten years’
Luke Well, you’re right about that, I guess … but that isn’t experience. In my opinion, that’s very important. I think he
so bad. knows his subject. So, what’s your opinion of him?
Mum I think most of you don’t go anywhere without your Molly He sounds very good. I think you can trust his
phones. article.
Luke No, that’s not always true. We don’t take them into Tom Thanks, Molly. That’s exactly what I think.
class. And that’s OK. Molly It’s important to be sure. Anyone can post
Mum Absolutely! My thoughts exactly. So you should be information on the Internet.
able to meet and go out without them, too. Tom I see what you mean. It’s good that we checked.
Luke No way! That would feel really strange. And there’s also a short video clip that shows him in the
Mum I completely disagree. I think it would feel great to Arizona desert. Do you think it works with the subject of
have a conversation without someone checking facts or my project?
tweeting in the middle of it. Molly Yes, I do. It looks interesting. I think it’ll be great.
Luke You’re a bit of a dinosaur, Mum. Tom Thanks, Molly.
Mum Hey!
Unit 8 Expressing advantages and
Unit 6 Expressing preferences disadvantages
Exercise 1  Exercise 1 
Matt Hi, Vicky. What are you doing this summer? Liz Have you signed the online petition against the
Vicky I’m not sure. Mum and Dad are looking at package council’s plan to turn the cinema into a shopping centre?
holidays on the beach, but I think that sounds so dull! I’d Rob Yes, I have. It’s a great way to get a lot of support
rather do something exciting. quickly! Whose idea was it?
Matt Like what? Liz Maria’s. One advantage is that it’s free.
Vicky I’d love to go camping in the desert. That would be Rob Yes, that’s true. But a drawback of doing this is that
amazing! Or snowboarding in Alaska! some people don’t use social media, and they won’t hear
Matt Yeah, right. I think both of those sound a bit too about it.
pricey. Anyway, I’m not very keen on the idea of camping Liz But that’s only a few people. The argument in favour
in the desert. It would be too hot. of an online petition is that most people use social media.
Vicky But it would be exciting. I’d prefer not to spend all Rob OK, but I think we need a public meeting.
my time on a boring beach. I’d rather not go on holiday at Liz Why do you think that?
all. Rob Well, a benefit of having a public meeting is that the
Matt Well, if you’d like to go camping, how about local press will come.
camping in Croatia? The coastline is beautiful and it isn’t as Liz Good point. The main problem is that we don’t have
crowded as other places. anywhere for a meeting.
Vicky Yes, that sounds much better than a package Rob Yes, we do. The town hall, of course. One advantage
holiday. But what about my mum and dad? I’m not sure is that it’s in the centre of town.
they’d like a camping holiday! Liz But the council owns it. How about the Arts Centre?
Matt Well, you could rent an apartment and go exploring. Rob Great idea. That’s the perfect place. I think that would
That would be more interesting than sitting on a beach all work.
day. Liz I think you’re right. A public meeting will be useful for
Vicky Yes, I think they’d prefer to do that. I’ll suggest it explaining our argument to the press and getting more
and see what they say. support.

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Unit 9 Expressing belief and doubt
Exercise 1 
Zack New technology is exciting …, but I’m not really
sure that I want a robot nurse to look after me if I have to
go to hospital.
Mia What do you mean? It’s very unlikely that will ever
Zack You think so? In Japan and the USA, they’re already
using robot nurses in some hospitals. In some countries,
people use chatbots or health apps rather than real
Mia I can’t believe that robots will ever be able to look
after somebody who is ill.
Zack Maybe not, but I’m sure that will happen soon. It’s
very likely they will soon be in all hospitals.
Mia I doubt that. People won’t want robots looking after
Zack Well, we use robots in factories. I’m certain this will
happen in the UK soon.
Mia There’s no doubt that robots are very useful in
factories and other places, but not hospitals!
Zack I agree. It’s hard to believe that they will ever replace
real doctors and nurses.
Mia Yes. That’s very unlikely. Impossible, even!
Zack Mia, nothing is impossible! Today we have driverless
cars, and fridges that talk to us. Who knows what we’ll
have tomorrow!
Mia Well, I’m certain that I won’t ever let a robot nurse
look after me!

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