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Grade VIII Workbook Answer Key

Welcome Unit you studied English?   ​4 How long have you known
your best friend?   ​5 How long has your family lived
in your house?   ​6 Have you ever worked out at the
a Vocabulary (p.2) gym?
1 1 g  2 f  ​3 b  ​4 e  ​5 d  ​6 a  ​7 c
4 Students’ own answers.
2 1 put up with   2 keep in touch   3 fall out   ​4 are
5 Students’ own answers.
into  ​5 hit it off   ​ 6 catch up   ​7 make (it) up   ​
8 get on
3 1 animation  2 comedy  ​3 horror  ​4 romance  ​ 1d Listening and Vocabulary (p.7)
5 crime  ​6 sci-fi  ​7 musical  ​8 fantasy  ​9 action 1 1 in  2 down  ​3 to  ​4 in  ​5 of
and adventure   ​10 drama 2 1 fancies  2 dislikes  ​3 socialize
4 1 sci-fi  2 adventure  ​3 get in touch   ​4 on  ​5 out  ​ 3 1 one another   2 each other   ​3 one another   ​
6 make 4 each other
5 Students’ own answers. 4 Students’ own answers.
5 4 1 7 6 2 3 5 8
6 1 to the hairdresser’s   2 he wanted to save (his
b Grammar (p.3) pocket) money   ​3 he looked awful   ​4 that people
1 Students’ own answers.
would laugh at him
2 Students’ own answers.
7 Students’ own answers.
3 1 reading  2 do you like   ​3 do you text   ​4 are you
Think Back: thoughtful
sitting  ​5 are you feeling   ​6 Do you prefer
4 Students’ own answers.
5 1 my  2 his  ​3 its  ​4 their  ​5 yours  ​6 hers  ​ 1e Grammar (p.8)
7 ours 1 1 and  2 or  ​3 although, but, whereas   4 because  ​
6 1 Our  2 my  ​3 Their  ​4 mine  ​5 its  ​6 him  ​ 5 so  ​6 until, when, while
7 her  ​8 yours 2 1 Although  2 because  ​3 but  ​4 while  ​5 so  ​
6 Until  ​7 When  ​8 and  ​9 whereas  ​10 or
3 1 Until  2 toast and cereal   ​3 tennis or   ​4 while
Unit 1 Me and you I’m watching TV   ​5 but I don’t like
4 1 because  2 Although  ​3 so  ​4 while  ​5 When  ​
1a Vocabulary (p.4) 6 until  ​7 or  ​8 but
1 1 trustworthy  2 aggressive  ​3 down to earth   5 Students’ own answers.
4 unreliable  ​5 selfish  ​6 open-minded  ​
7 sympathetic 1f Everyday English (p.9)
2 1 self-confident  2 cruel  ​3 loyal  ​4 moody  ​ 1 1 d  2 c  ​3 f  ​4 j  ​5 b  ​6 a  ​7 i  ​8 g  ​9 e  ​
5 sensitive 10 h
3 1 self-confident  2 down to earth   ​3 moody  ​ 2 1 I don’t think so.   2 Do you fancy joining me?   ​
4 loyal  ​5 sensitive 3 I’d love to.   ​4 See you then!
4 Students’ own answers. 3 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers. 4 1 two’s company and three’s a crowd   ​2 you’re not
6 Students’ own answers. wrong  ​3 we’d better not   ​4 It’s a good job  
​5 You know what they say
1b Reading (p.5) 6 1 brave /eɪ/  ​2 cat /æ/  ​3 came /eɪ/  ​4 may /eɪ/  ​
1 1 vulnerable  2 withdrawn  ​3 professional  ​ 5 sat /æ/  ​6 they /eɪ/
4 counsellors  ​5 be responsible 7 /æ/ fancy, has, have, relaxed, thanks
2 1 c  2 b  ​3 a /eɪ/ bake, great, lately, play, stranger
3 1 d  2 f  ​3 a  ​4 e  ​5 c  ​6 b
4 2 5 8 1g Reading and Vocabulary (p.10)
5 Students’ own answers. 1 1 by  ​2 over  ​3 out  ​4 together  ​5 out  ​6 up
2 1 stood her up   ​2 broke up   ​3 meet up   ​
1c Grammar (p.6) 4 spend time   ​5 drop me off   ​6 bumping into
1 1 long, since   2 ever, never   ​3 have, known   ​ 3 pick up
4 Since, just   ​5 Have, since   ​6 played, for   ​ 4 1 e  ​2 d  ​3 c  ​4 a (b is extra)
7 yet, already 5 Students’ own answers.
2 1 long  2 for  ​3 since  ​4 already  ​5 ever  ​6 just  ​ Online Link: b – roast meat and roast potatoes
7 never  ​8 yet
3 1 How long have you had a phone?   2 Have you 1h Writing (p.11)
ever studied at a different school?   ​3 How long have 1 1 when  ​2 because  ​3 until  ​4 so  ​5 While
2 1 Although  ​2 selfish  ​3 is fond of   ​4 let her down  ​
5 when  ​6 trustworthy

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1
3 Students’ own answers.
4 Students’ own answers.
Unit 2 Getting better
5 Students’ own answers.
2a Vocabulary (p.16)
1 1 disease  ​2 allergy  ​3 virus  ​4 nausea  ​
1i Revision (p.12) 5 infection  ​6 cough  ​7 rash  ​8 sneeze
1 1 cruel  ​2 down to earth   ​3 selfish  ​ 2 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 e  ​4 c  ​5 d
4 self-confident  ​5 moody  ​6 loyal 3 1 c  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 b
2 1 f  ​2 e  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 d  ​6 c 4 Students’ own answers.
3 1 drop  ​2 stay  ​3 gets  ​4 take  ​5 spends  ​ 5 kinaesthetic
6 meets 6 b – forehead
4 1 has Mark been   ​2 ’s / has been   ​3 Have you ever 7 sneeze
played  ​4 ’ve / have just started   ​5 ’ve / have never
tried  ​6 haven’t done
5 1 because  ​2 so  ​3 but  ​4 Until  ​5 Although  ​
2b Reading (p.17)
1 1 a  ​2 b  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 a
6 While
2 1 infectious  ​2 contagious  ​3 thoroughly  ​
6 1 doing  ​2 ask  ​3 like  ​4 fun  ​5 Great  ​6 See
4 spread  ​5 avoid
3 b
1j Repetytorium (p.13) 4 1 cleaning or if an insect is biting   ​2 it reduces stress  ​
1 1 a  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 c  ​5 b 3 it spreads germs   ​4 there are more viruses then   ​
2 1 Are you doing anything   ​2 What a pity   ​ 5 wear gloves
3 Another time, maybe   ​4 See you then 5 Students’ own answers.
3 1 living  ​2 sitting  ​3 middle / centre   ​4 game  ​
5 seem / look
4 1 50 % / per cent   ​2 interested in adventure and
2c Grammar (p.18)
1 1 had made   ​2 hadn’t sung   ​3 had started   ​
danger  ​3 he’s a thief   ​4 get on well with them /
4 hadn’t heard   ​5 hadn’t seen   ​6 had lost
the dwarves   ​5 aggressive
2 1 had retired   ​2 had known   ​3 had met   ​
5 Students’ own answers.
4 had lived   ​5 had fallen   ​6 hadn’t / had not seen
3 1 The plant died because she hadn’t watered it. /
Culture Link 1 (p.14) Because she hadn’t watered it, the plant died.   ​
Challenges 2 The teacher was angry as the students hadn’t done
1 1 contestant  ​2 1938  ​3 bee  ​4 1961  ​5 16  ​ their homework. / As the students hadn’t done their
6 100  ​7 opera  ​8 subtitles homework, the teacher was angry.   ​3 Marta had
2 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 c planned to arrive on time but she overslept.   ​4 As
3 1 hang out   ​2 best friends   ​3 study   the lazy student hadn’t studied, she failed the exam.
​4 live together / The lazy student failed the exam as she hadn’t
4 1 south coast of England   ​2 Reka  ​3 Korean  ​ studied.  ​5 We wanted to watch the film but we
4 teachers  ​5 self-confident and open-minded   ​ hadn’t got any money.   ​6 We were late for school
6 three months ago because the bus had broken down. / Because the bus
5 1 fairground rides   ​2 200 years   ​3 all over the had broken down we were late for school.
world  ​4 difficult  ​5 day  ​6 friends 4 1 had finished, were   ​2 had lived, moved   ​3 got,
had left   ​4 didn’t fall, had read   ​5 had eaten, felt
Study Skills 1 (p.15) sick  6 bought, had departed   7 had, had sung
1 c – facts 5 Students’ own answers.
2 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a
3 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b 2d Listening and Vocabulary (p.19)
4 a 3  b 1  c 2 1 1 c  ​2 e  ​3 a  ​4 f  ​5 b  ​6 d
5 Students’ own answers. 2 1 don’t feel well / feel unwell   ​2 getting better   ​
6 Students’ own answers. 3 run down   ​4 get over   ​5 worse  ​6 be fine / feel
fine (be better / feel better)
3 headache, a rash
4 1 c  ​2 c  ​3 c  ​4 b
5 is having a baby / is going to have a baby /
is pregnant
6 that she’s having twins
Think Back: weight

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2
2e Grammar (p.20) 6 1 Name and address, please   ​2 One moment,
1 1 already  ​2 just  ​3 since  ​4 for  ​5 yet  ​6 for  ​ please  ​3 What seems to be the problem   ​4 move
7 already  ​8 for  ​9 yet  ​10 just it  ​5 What should we do   ​6 get some more details   ​
2 1 yet  ​2 for  ​3 just  ​4 already  ​5 since 7 needs to see a doctor
3 1 had just moved   ​2 had already made   ​3 hadn’t
done any work yet   ​4 had studied hard since   ​ 2j Repetytorium (p.25)
5 hadn’t been / gone out for 1 1 the mountains   ​2 not conscious   ​3 broken leg   ​
4 1 Because the teacher hadn’t set it yet.   ​2 Because 4 (she’s his) mother / (he’s her) son
I’d played tennis for two hours.   ​3 Because she’d 2 1 There’s been an   ​2 to be the problem
just emailed her.   ​4 Because I hadn’t seen him / her 3 1 surowej / nieugotowanej cebuli  
since the summer.   ​5 Because he’d already seen the 2 zapachu / smrodu   3 plasterki cebuli
exhibition. 4 1 a – catch   ​2 c – colds   ​3 d – less
5 Students’ own answers. 5 Students’ own answers.

2f Everyday English (p.21) Unit 3 Perspective

1 1 d  ​2 c  ​3 f  ​4 e  ​5 b  ​6 a
2 1 address  ​2 help  ​3 panic  ​4 conscious  ​
5 move it   ​6 get  ​7 faint  ​8 its 3a Vocabulary (p.26)
3 Students’ own answers. 1 c
4 1 Pick up   ​2 I can’t help it   ​3 Hang in there   ​ 2 1 oral tradition   ​2 cuisine  ​3 law  ​4 superstition  ​
4 I can’t seem to   ​5 I can’t get through   5 community
​6 How’s she doing 3 St George = legend; The dragon = myth
6 broken, moment, OK, stone 4 Students’ own answers.
5 sounds, smells and textures
6 Students’ own answers.
2g Reading and Vocabulary (p.22) 7 Students’ own answers.
1 1 blood test   ​2 appointment  ​3 patient  ​
4 prescription  ​5 painkillers  ​6 therapy  ​
7 operation  ​8 diagnosis 3b Reading (p.27)
2 1 X-ray  ​2 bed rest   ​3 vaccination  ​4 scan  ​ 1 1 venue  ​2 wonder  ​3 Check out   ​4 stencil  ​
5 acupuncture  ​6 antibiotic 5 award-winning
3 1 peppermint  ​2 nausea  ​3 vitamin C   2 1 check out   ​2 stencil  ​3 No wonder   ​4 shred  ​
​4 sore throat   ​5 tea bags   ​6 infection 5 frame  ​6 award-winning  ​7 venue  ​8 champion
4 1 because painkillers can damage your health 3 festivals and food
and antibiotics are becoming less effective against 4 1 a professor of anthropology / an anthropologist   ​
bacteria  ​2 acupuncture, meditation, yoga   ​ 2 is thinner (than Chicago-style pizzas)   ​3 Britain  ​
3 fruit tea and chicken soup   ​4 it’s delicious and 4 started (having) a Day of the Dead parade   ​
nutritious  ​5 see / make an appointment with a 5 used turnips (to make lanterns at Halloween)
doctor 5 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers.
Online Link: herbalist 3c Grammar (p.28)
1 1 c  ​2 e  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 f  ​6 d
2h Writing (p.23) 2 1 trouble  ​2 happen  ​3 chance  ​4 asking  ​
1 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b 5 wonder  ​6 Would
2 1 had already woken up   ​2 hadn’t got up yet   ​ 3 1 Can / Could you tell me / Do you mind telling me   ​
3 had just reached   ​4 hadn’t seen, since   ​ 2 Do you mind me asking   ​3 there any chance I
5 had been, for could  ​4 Do / Would you mind giving   ​5 I trouble
3 Students’ own answers. you for   ​6 Do you happen to know
4 Students’ own answers. 4 Multiple possibilities: 1 Could you tell me what school
5 Students’ own answers. you go to? ​2 Do you mind me asking where your
mum works? ​3 Can I have an ice cream, please? ​
4 Do you happen to know if Richard is going out with
2i Revision (p.24) Eva? ​5 I wonder why he’s always late.
1 1 headache  ​2 coughing  ​3 sneeze  ​4 hurts  ​
5 Multiple possibilities: 1 Do you happen to know a
5 cold  ​6 a sore arm
good place for lunch? ​2 Could you tell me where
2 1 a  ​2 c
the headteacher is? ​3 Do you mind if I go to the
3 1 operation  ​2 bed rest   ​3 therapy  ​4 painkillers  ​
5 acupuncture
Think Back: absolutely
4 1 had met, came   ​2 got, had started   ​3 had fallen   ​
4 went, hadn’t realized   ​5 didn’t notice, had lost   ​
6 arrived / had finished
5 1 e  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 d

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 3
3d Listening and Vocabulary (p.29) ​3 Robin Hood   ​4 thought-provoking  ​5 b (If you’re
1 1 Portrait  ​2 valuable  ​3 worthless  ​4 background  ​ worried …)  ​c (I’ll be home by 11 p.m.)   ​d (It will be
5 Abstract  ​6 figurative really good for my English) …
2 1 abstract  ​2 still lifes / lives   ​3 controversial  ​ 3 Students’ own answers.
4 thought-provoking  ​5 composition  ​ 4 Students’ own answers.
6 background  ​7 valuable  ​8 portrait 5 Students’ own answers.
3 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b
4 Students’ own answers. 3i Revision (p.34)
1 1 legend  ​2 myth  ​3 religion  ​4 superstition  ​
3e Grammar (p.30) 5 cuisine
1 1 the millionaire   ​2 my penfriend   ​3 the class   ​ 2 1 d  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 a
4 my dad   ​5 each other   ​6 my mum 3 1 sculptor  ​2 composition  ​3 carpentry  ​
2 1 a sandwich for me   ​2 the patient a prescription   ​ 4 choreographer  ​5 potter  ​6 architecture
3 me a jumper   ​4 the song to his mum   ​ 4 1 tell  ​2 wonder  ​3 idea  ​4 any  ​5 happen  ​
5 the best-behaved class an afternoon off   ​6 all his 6 asking
money to the charity 5 1 you  ​2 something  ​3 me  ​4 some coffee and
3 1 My dad built a tree-house for us.   ​2 The teacher cake  ​5 some tea and toast   ​6 for me   ​7 me  ​
gave the students low marks.   ​3 My brother wrote a 8 some money
love poem for his girlfriend.   ​4 My best friend made 6 1 c  ​2 d  ​3 e  ​4 a (b is not needed)
me a mix of all my favourite songs.   ​5 Will you lend
your dictionary to me, please?   ​6 My mum bought 3j Repetytorium (p.35)
some new trainers for me. 1 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 e  ​4 b (d is not needed)
4 1 He always gives his wife flowers on St Valentine’s 2 1 what on earth   ​2 got absolutely no idea   ​3 looks
Day.  ​2 Hand this form to your parents.   ​3 Thank (a bit) like
you for showing me your painting.   ​4 Can you 3 1 was born   ​2 the boat trip   ​3 less
pass me my smartphone?   ​5 My exchange partner 4 1 community  ​2 Still lifes / Still lives   ​3 songwriters  ​
brought me some Scottish biscuits.   ​6 She gave her 4 in the background   ​5 portraits
number to him. 5 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers.
Culture Link 2 (p.36)
3f Everyday English (p.31)
1 1 f  ​2 d  ​3 a  ​4 e  ​5 b  ​6 c
1 a a Mini   fish and chips 
2 1 exactly  2​ pretty  ​3 earth  ​4 clearly  5 suppose  ​
2 1 a Mini   ​2 Jamie’s auntie Angela / Jamie’s mother’s
6 absolutely
sister  ​3 across France to Spain   ​4 they’re bigger /
3 Students’ own answers.
more comfortable   ​5 He’s 1 metre 90 tall.   ​6 Jamie
4 1 You’d better   ​2 Get a move on   3 Oh, come on   ​
3 1 black  ​2 red  ​3 1960s  ​4 clothes
4 I get it   ​5 Oh, really   ​6 Put us out of our misery
4 1 f  ​2 b  ​3 c  ​4 a  ​5 e  ​6 d
5 1 drama  ​2 legend  ​3 national  ​4 opera  ​5 oral  ​
5 1 e  ​2 c  ​3 d  ​4 a  ​5 f  ​6 b
6 provoking  ​7 wonder
6 1 definition  ​2 hidden  ​3 happen  ​4 invitation  ​
5 alone  ​6 tablet Study Skills 2 (p.37)
7 1 for  ​2 a  ​3 the  ​4 tonight  ​5 suppose 1 Students’ own answers.
2 1 night  ​2 knight  ​3 rode  ​4 which  ​5 tail  ​
6 road  ​7 by  ​8 witch  ​9 know  ​10 father  ​
3g Reading and Vocabulary (p.32)
11 meet  ​12 Where  ​13 I  ​14 her  ​15 Not  ​
1 1 sculptor  ​2 architect  ​3 printmaker  ​
16 here  ​17 see  ​18 sea  ​19 hear  ​20 high  ​
4 songwriter  ​5 novelist
21 there  ​22 it’s  ​23 right  ​24 blue  ​25 nose  ​
2 1 pot / pottery   ​2 architect  ​3 wrote  ​
26 to  ​27 wear  ​28 flower  ​29 red  ​30 hair  ​
4 composition  ​5 sculptor  ​6 made
31 bye  ​32 tale
3 1 sight and hearing   ​2 a film that makes a lot of
3 1 historic  ​2 forgotten  ​3 during  ​4 around  ​
money  ​3 you don’t have financial support but you
5 like  ​6 musicians  ​7 reasons
have more control   ​4 art films   ​5 they involve so
4 1 think  ​2 be  ​3 everywhere  ​4 live  ​5 eco-
many different artists
friendly  ​6 quiet / quieter   ​7 won’t  ​8 any  ​
4 1 e  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 d  ​5 c
9 There  ​10 any  ​11 grown  ​12 probably still be   ​
5 Students’ own answers.
13 people  ​14 will order
Online Link: c
5 Students’ own answers.
3h Writing (p.33)
1 1 culture  ​2 novelist  ​3 poetry  ​4 exhibition  ​
5 pottery  ​6 cuisine
2 1 I was wondering if I could take the dog for a walk
tomorrow  ​2 Her dad has given her tickets  

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 4
Unit 4 Life online 5 S tudents’ own answers.
Think Back: save up – the others involve you having
less money afterwards
4a Vocabulary (p.38)
1 tick: comment, feed, tag, view
2 1 feed  ​2 meme  ​3 comment  ​4 subscriber  ​ 4e Grammar (p.42)
5 tag  ​6 trending  ​7 engagement 1 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 b  ​5 a
3 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 b 2 1 told C   ​2 asked R   ​3 told C   ​4 told C   ​5 asked R  ​
4 Students’ own answers. 6 asked R
5 identifying key pieces of information 3 1 c  ​2 f  ​3 e  ​4 a  ​5 d  ​6 b
6 Students’ own answers. 4 1 Simon asked Martha to help with the washing-up.  
7 Students’ own answers. ​2 Anna told Michalina not to borrow her phone
without asking.   ​3 The teacher asked Bartek to open
the window.   ​4 The police officers told the students
4b Reading (p.39) not to walk in the road.   ​5 Kamila asked Agata to call
1 1 f  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 e  ​5 b  ​6 d
her in the morning.   ​6 Joanna told Kurt not to call
2 1 April Fool’s Day   ​2 hoax  ​3 life hack   ​4 sensation  ​
her ever again.   ​7 The manager told Brian to send
5 fairy  ​6 attention
the report by email.
3 1 WE  ​2 WE  ​3 WE  ​4 LH
5 Possible answers: 1 asked me if I could help him with
4 1 a  2 e  3 d  4 b
his homework   2 told me to clean my shoes   3 told
5 Students’ own answers.
me not to spend too much money   4 asked me
if I could open the window   5 asked him / her if I
4c Grammar (p.40) could try those jeans on   6 told us not to be late for
1 1 Jack said that he had discovered a fairy.   ​2 They the exam   7 asked me to check the price of the
told me that they were watching a viral video.   ​ ticket 8 told us to stop talking
3 Sean said that he would write in the comments
section.  ​4 Ava told us she was waiting for a friend.   ​
5 Nathan said that they had been abroad.   ​6 Lily
4f Everyday English (p.43)
1 first = b, e, f then = a, h, i last = c, d, g
told me that her boyfriend was Italian.
2 1 before you begin   2 Start / Begin by   3 The last
2 1 He told me that he loved Italian food.   ​2 they
thing you (should) do
were going to be late   3 him we were leaving in five
3 Students’ own answers.
minutes  ​4 she wanted to see our father   ​5 her he
4 1 What’s with   2 Let me think   3 I’ve had a
was away on business   ​6 they couldn’t come
brainwave  4 If you say so   5 You’ve made my day  
3 1 I, have got   ​2 can, his   ​3 I, will show, me   ​4 we  ​
6 You’ve got nothing to lose
5 I may fail   ​6 I, want, to save up, can buy
5 Students’ own answers.
4 1 that she couldn’t find her mobile phone   ​
6 /ʌ/ nothing, studying, trust /uː/ lose, true, you
2 they were annoyed about this / that   ​3 that his
7 1 rule /uː/  ​2 touch /ʌ/  ​3 won /ʌ/  ​4 through /uː/  ​
parents were abroad   ​4 that she was watching a
5 lunch /ʌ/  ​6 cool /uː/
vlog at that time / at that moment   ​5 that they
would prepare a hoax for their vlog
5 Suggested answers: ​1 I asked him what time it was. ​ 4g Reading and Vocabulary (p.44)
2 She asked me when dad was getting home. ​3 He 1 1 create account   ​2 track delivery   ​3 browse
asked her why she didn’t love him. ​4 I asked them results  ​4 edit basket   ​5 add to basket   ​6 place
where the dog was. ​5 They asked me how I did it. order  ​7 review purchase   ​8 proceed to checkout
6 Isaac told me / said that he wanted to start a vlog. 2 1 g  ​2 b  ​3 d  ​4 f  ​5 h  ​6 a  ​7 e  ​8 c
He told me / said that he hoped to get 3,000 views a 3 dangerous / addictive
day! He told me / said that his sister would help him 4 c
make the vlog. He told me / said that she worked 5 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 a  ​5 c
in mainstream media and knew a lot about making 6 Students’ own answers.
videos. He told me / said she was working for a TV Online Link: Agoraphobia
company at that time and that she was making a
website. 4h Writing (p.45)
1 1 prepare  ​2 flatten  ​3 attaching  ​4 feed  ​
4d Listening and Vocabulary (p.41) 5 adjust  ​6 cutting
1 1 address  ​2 policy  ​3 history  ​4 basket  ​ 2 4 When you’ve done that, ask her if there’s anything
5 reviews else she needs.   1 Before she arrives, check that the
2 1 wishlist  ​2 delivery options   ​3 click and collect   ​ room is tidy and perhaps open a window.   ​2 Start
4 payment details   ​5 promotion code by saying good morning, and make her feel welcome.  ​
3 a 2  ​b 3  ​c 1 5 Finish by saying thank you politely at the end of the
4 1 birthday present, (her) Dad   ​2 password  ​ lesson.    3 After that you should tell her what we’ve
3 reviews been studying recently and show her where we’re up
to in the book.  

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 5
3 Students’ own answers. 4 1 was invented by Martin Cooper   ​2 weren’t made
4 Students’ own answers. by German factories   ​3 will astronauts be sent to
5 Students’ own answers. Mars by NASA   ​4 weren’t invented by Steve Jobs   ​
5 are new computers designed
4i Revision (p.46) 5 Students’ own answers.
1 1 username  ​2 subscribers  ​3 feedback  ​
4 comments  ​5 content  ​6 views 5d Listening and Vocabulary (p.51)
2 1 history  ​2 click  ​3 code  ​4 payment  ​5 options  ​ 1 1 hidden messaging   ​2 graffiti  ​3 personal data   ​
6 billing 4 as an influencer   ​5 identity theft
3 1 create  ​2 results  ​3 add  ​4 basket  ​5 proceed  ​ 2 1 graffiti  ​2 fake news   ​3 influencer  ​4 driverless
6 purchase  ​7 place  ​8 delivery cars  ​5 Hacking  ​6 personal data   ​7 Identity theft  ​
4 1 was  ​2 would  ​3 us  ​4 said  ​5 were  ​6 told 8 hidden messaging   ​9 e-commerce  ​10 Popular
5 1 We  ​2 asked  ​3 us  ​4 told  ​5 not  ​6 to culture
6 1 first  ​2 Before  ​3 step  ​4 When  ​5 After  ​ 3 Students’ own answers.
6 Finally 4 Students’ own answers.
5 1 laugh  ​2 fish  ​3 fight / attack   ​4 work / succeed
4j Repetytorium (p.47) 6 1 action  ​2 the bears   ​3 the bear   ​4 the fisherman  ​
1 1 the United Kingdom   ​2 professional driving 5 none
instructor, member of your family, family friend   ​ 7 Students’ own answers.
3 after you have passed your theory test
2 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 d (e is not needed) 5e Grammar (p.52)
3 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 c 1 1 ND  ​2 D  ​3 ND  ​4 D  ​5 D  ​6 ND  ​7 ND
4 1 asked him to show me   ​2 told me not to remove   ​ 2 1 g  ​2 a  ​3 d  ​4 f  ​5 e  ​6 b  ​7 c
3 asked her to give me   ​4 told us not to   ​5 asked 3 1 where  ​2 who  ​3 whose  ​4 which  ​5 when  ​
them to help me 6 which
5 Students’ own answers. 4 1 Silicon Valley, where a lot of famous global brands
have offices, is in California.   ​2 The hamburger,
which was invented in Hamburg, Germany, is very
Unit 5 Then and now popular around the world.   ​3 The Piraha, whose
language is very difficult, live in the Amazon
5a Vocabulary (p.48) rainforest.  ​4 The drowning of marzanna, when
1 1 in  ​2 on  ​3 to  ​4 into  ​5 at people celebrate the end of winter, takes place on
2 1 belong, searching   ​2 spoken, agree   ​3 think, look 21st March.   ​5 Stan Lee, who created Spider-Man
3 1 to  ​2 to  ​3 at  ​4 to with Steve Ditko, died in 2018.
4 1 to  ​2 with / to   ​3 in  ​4 to  ​5 for 5 Students’ own answers.
Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers. 5f Everyday English (p.53)
6 Students’ own answers. 1 a greeing = Absolutely!, I agree, That’s so true.
7 Students’ own answers. You’re right.
disagreeing = I disagree, I wouldn’t say that, No way!,
5b Reading (p.49) That’s not always true.
1 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b 2 1 Absolutely  ​2 agree / disagree   ​3 completely  ​
2 1 synthetic  ​2 decorative  ​3 bizarre  ​4 impractical  ​ 4 say  ​5 right  ​6 just  ​7 true  ​8 don’t  ​9 so  ​
5 precious  ​6 Average 10 way
3 1 five  ​2 chairs  ​3 problems  ​4 2010  ​5 desks  ​ 3 Students’ own answers.
6 essays 4 1 important  ​2 unhappy  ​3 explain  ​4 don’t  ​
4 1 a  ​2 c  ​3 d  ​4 b  ​5 c 5 exactly  ​6 supports
5 Students’ own answers. 5 3 syllables: already, anyway, article, completely,
disagree, exactly, magazine, media, popular, teenager
5c Grammar (p.50) 6 1 anyway, article, media, popular, teenager   ​
1 1 were worn   ​2 was sent   ​3 will be   ​4 divided  ​ 2 already, completely, exactly   ​3 disagree, magazine
5 will 7 1 Ooo  ​2 oOo  ​3 ooO  ​4 oOo  ​5 Ooo  ​6 Ooo  ​
2 1 be invented   ​2 is asked   ​3 is used   ​ 7 oOo  ​8 Ooo  ​9 ooO  ​10 oOo
4 were designed   ​5 were not given
3 1 The London Eye was visited by 3.5 million people 5g Reading and Vocabulary (p.54)
last year.   ​2 That vintage car was made in 1948.   ​ 1 1 c  ​2 f  ​3 e  ​4 b  ​5 d  ​6 a
3 I was given a mobile phone at Christmas.   ​ 2 1 Information technology   ​2 multinational company  ​
4 The first full-view photo of Earth was taken by 3 global network   ​4 consumer society   ​5 cultural
American astronauts.   ​5 ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ was diversity  ​6 international relations
written by Freddie Mercury.   ​6 The Shard building in
London is shaped like a piece of broken glass.

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 6
3 w hich are found in local shops, that I made, that are Study Skills 3 (p.59)
made by multinational companies, that come from 1 1 Meg  ​2 Meg  ​3 Ted  ​4 Ted
local farmers, that have crossed international borders 2 Students’ own answers.
4 1 To sum up   ​2 I would recommend that   ​3 In 3 Students’ own answers.
general, on the whole   ​4 The aim of this report is to   ​ 4 Students’ own answers.
5 My information comes from   ​6 on the other hand
5 1 supermarkets and greengrocers   ​2 global
brands  ​3 are from the local region   ​4 suggests / Unit 6 Seeing the world
recommends that we go to greengrocers
Online Link: Students’ own answers. 6a Vocabulary (p.60)
1 1 maze  ​2 amusement park   ​3 scenery  ​4 exhibit  ​
5h Writing (p.55) 5 gallery
1 1 which  ​2 whose  ​3 who  ​4 when  ​5 where 2 1 Water parks   ​2 installation  ​3 caves  ​4 river
2 1 In addition   ​2 I take your point   ​3 Having said cruise  ​5 carousels  ​6 performance  ​7 excursion
that  ​4 On the whole   ​5 alternatively 3 1 cave  ​2 scenery  ​3 exhibit  ​4 maze  ​
3 Students’ own answers. 5 performance
4 Students’ own answers. 4 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers. 5 a familiar one
6 Students’ own answers.
5i Revision (p.56) 7 Students’ own answers.
1 1 c / to   ​2 e / for   ​3 a / at   ​4 d / into   ​5 b / with   ​
2 1 driverless  ​2 personal  ​3 Popular  ​4 Hidden  ​ 6b Reading (p.61)
3 1 employment  ​2 society  ​3 information  ​ 1 1 curator  ​2 connoisseur  ​3 curious  ​4 exclusive  ​
4 diversity  ​5 global  ​6 multinational 5 tailor-made  ​6 in the flesh   ​7 treat with respect
4 1 were created   ​2 wasn’t made   ​3 is built   ​4 are 2 1 tailor-made  ​2 curator  ​3 treat, with respect   ​
caused  ​5 will be powered   ​6 will be invented 4 connoisseur  ​5 in, flesh   ​6 exclusive  ​7 curious
5 1 I met the boy whose cousin is in my class.   3 1 York Dungeon   ​2 York Maze   ​3 York Minster
​2 That’s the computer shop where I bought my tablet.  ​ 4 1 d  ​2 e  ​3 c  ​4 b  ​5 f  ​6 a
3 I spoke to the man who can repair my smartphone.  ​ 5 Students’ own answers.
4 I love Christmas when my grandparents come to
stay.  ​5 A laptop is a computer which you can easily 6c Grammar (p.62)
move. 1 1 will be learning   ​2 catching  ​3 will be raining   ​
6 1 don’t agree   ​2 No way   ​3 was just   ​ 4 brushing  ​5 watching  ​6 be staying
4 completely disagree   ​5 (completely) agree with   ​ 2 1 will be buying   ​2 will be flying   ​3 won’t be
6 you’re right about that visiting  ​4 won’t be using   ​5 ’ll be taking  
​6 will be going
5j Repetytorium (p.57) 3 1 I’ll be doing my homework   ​2 he’ll be playing
1 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 b tennis  ​3 he’ll be taking his books back to the library  ​
2 1 b  ​2 c 4 she’ll be watching her cousin’s band   ​5 I’ll be
3 1 Wales  ​2 30  ​3 now having a lie in   ​6 they’ll be revising for the exam   ​
4 1 belong to   ​2 depends on   ​3 divide into   7 you’ll be hanging out with your friends
​4 think about   ​5 search for   4 Students’ own answers.
​5 Students’ own answers. 5 Students’ own answers.

Culture Link 3 (p.58) 6d Listening and Vocabulary (p.63)

1 1 column  ​2 steps  ​3 statue  ​4 arch  ​5 tower  ​
Heritage 6 brickwork
1 1 peasant  ​2 orally  ​3 animals  ​4 Some  ​ 2 1 skyscraper  ​2 pyramid  ​3 temple  ​4 Ruins  ​
5 mazurka 5 A dome   ​6 floor
2 1 wycinanki ludowe   ​2 shepherds  ​3 leather  ​ 3 1 b  ​2 e  ​3 h  ​4 c
4 decoration  ​5 one  ​6 two of: birds, flowers, 4 1 d  ​2 c  ​3 a (b is extra)
medallions, scenes from daily life   ​7 ways of life that 5 1 5,000  ​2 500  ​3 88  ​4 41  ​5 10  ​6 200
are disappearing 6 Students’ own answers.
3 1 pulp  ​2 paper  ​3 bark  ​4 sheet Think Back: adaptation–adapt, building–build,
4 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a construction–construct, covering–cover, creation–
5 1 cut off   ​2 washed  ​3 heated  ​4 wooden  ​ create, decoration–decorate, development–develop,
5 cold  ​6 filtered  ​7 dry protection–protect, resistance–resist

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 7
6e Grammar (p.64) 6i Revision (p.68)
1 1 if  ​2 If  ​3 Unless  ​4 If  ​5 Unless  ​6 Unless 1 1 excursion  ​2 performance  ​3 carousel  ​4 cave  ​
2 1 won’t be   ​2 if  ​3 Unless  ​4 Ask  ​5 want  ​ 5 maze  ​6 exhibit
6 will give 2 1 statues  ​2 skyscrapers  ​3 columns  ​4 ruins  ​
3 1 were  ​2 had  ​3 would volunteer   ​4 didn’t have 5 arch  ​6 domes
to  ​5 would use   ​6 allowed  7 would spend 3 1 picturesque  ​2 unspoiled  3 accessible  
4 1 If I met some tourists, I’d tell them to visit the motor 4 panoramic  5 crowded
museum.  ​2 If I were the president, I’d make my 4 1 She will be offering tailor-made tours.   ​2 The tour
town the capital city of the country.   ​3 Mark would groups will be visiting hidden gems.   ​3 They will not
repair your computer if you asked him.   ​4 Mum and be spending time in crowded tourist traps.   ​4 The
Dad would never take us on holiday if we didn’t pass tour groups will be exploring historic cities.   ​5 They
our exams.   ​5 If my sister Lily had more money, she’d will be starting out at 9 a.m.   ​6 They will not be
visit Iceland.   ​6 What would happen if the dome fell getting back until 6 p.m.
down? 5 1 move  ​2 Unless  ​3 had  ​4 would  ​5 If  ​6 Go
5 1 If you climb to the top, you’ll be happy.   ​2 Ben 6 1 g  ​2 c  ​3 f  ​4 d  ​5 b  ​6 h  ​7 a  8 e
calls, we won’t meet in town   ​3 you arrive on time,
you’ll catch the plane   ​4 you’re 16, the organizers 6j Repetytorium (p.69)
won’t allow you to climb the Via Ferrata   ​5 you wear 1 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 c
a hat, the sun will hurt your head   ​6 Jon doesn’t 2 1 very keen on   ​2 love to
arrive soon, he won’t see the concert 3 1 miesiąca  ​2 na samolot   ​3 młody
6 Students’ own answers. 4 1 school / classroom   ​2 and  ​3 floor  ​4 looking  ​
5 serious / sad / young
6f Everyday English (p.65) 5 Students’ own answers.
1 1 keen  ​2 much  ​3 to  ​4 not  ​5 prefer  ​6 than  ​
7 ’d  ​8 rather
2 1 I’d prefer   ​2 That sounds much better   ​ Unit 7 Discovery
3 I’d rather
3 1 sort it out   ​2 play it safe   ​3 I reckon   ​4 pricey  ​ 7a Vocabulary (p.70)
5 No way   ​6 no big deal   ​7 Sorted 1 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 e  ​4 a  ​5 d
4 Students’ own answers. 2 1 theories  ​2 specimens  ​3 experiments  ​
5 1 I’ll sort it out.  2 I’m not keen on 4 laboratory  ​5 observation  ​6 results
˘ ˘
backpacking.  3 ˘
It’s out of this world!   3 1 experiments  ​2 lab(oratory)  ​3 specimen  ​
˘ ˘
4 It was unforgettable!  5 There’s a man in a 4 pipette  ​5 microscope  ​6 cells  ​7 results
˘ They’re waiting for a friend.
T-shirt.  6 ˘ ˘ 4 Students’ own answers.
˘ 5 Latin
6g Reading and Vocabulary (p.66) 6 1 woda–water  ​2 mleko–milk  ​3 nos–nose  ​
1 1 secluded  ​2 unforgettable  ​3 remote  ​ 4 lewo–left  ​5 banan–banana
4 breathtaking    ​5 crowded  ​6 historic  ​ 7 pipette
7 picturesque
2 1 unforgettable  ​2 historic  ​3 breathtaking / 7b Reading (p.71)
picturesque  ​4 crowded  ​5 secluded 1 1 poison  ​2 bullet  ​3 witness  ​4 solve  ​5 confess  ​
3 c 6 clue  ​7 suspect
4 1 salt-water crocodiles   ​2 6 metres long   2 1 poison  ​2 witnesses  ​3 bullet  ​4 clue  ​
​3 15 minutes   ​4 two  ​5 that you swam with killer 5 suspects  ​6 confess  ​7 solve
crocodiles and survived 3 1 NASA  ​2 OU  ​3 MP  ​4 NASA  ​5 OU  ​6 MP
5 1 C  ​2 A  ​3 B  ​4 C  ​5 A  ​6 B 4 1 70 days   ​2 our bones, muscles and hearts   ​
6 Students’ own answers. 3 images of faces   ​4 digital  ​5 twice  ​6 the brain
Online Link: crocodiles 5 Students’ own answers.

6h Writing (p.67) 7c Grammar (p.72)

1 1 attraction  ​2 accessible  ​3 statue  ​4 panoramic  ​ 1 1 Scientists shouldn’t do experiments on animals.   ​
5 breathtaking  ​6 historic  ​7 towers  ​ 2 We have to clean the equipment.   ​3 You don’t
8 amusement park   ​9 carousel have to wear safety goggles.   ​4 Alice ought to take
2 1 d  ​2 a  ​3 c  ​4 b notes in class.   ​5 I must go straight home after
3 Students’ own answers. school.  ​6 She mustn’t be late for the coach.
4 Students’ own answers. 2 1 should  ​2 must  ​3 mustn’t  ​4 shouldn’t
5 Students’ own answers. 3 1 ought not to / oughtn’t to   ​2 should  ​3 ought to  ​
4 shouldn’t

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 8
4 1 don’t have to go on the science field trip   ​2 have 5 S tudents’ own answers.
to / must study the theories as well   ​3 mustn’t take Online Link: a
equipment from the lab   ​4 should / ought to take
photos on the field trip   ​5 don’t have to read the 7h Writing (p.77)
article 1 1 7  ​2 18  ​3 50  ​4 5  ​5 3  ​6 1
5 Students’ own answers. 2 1 laboratories  ​2 experiments  ​3 safety goggles   ​
4 specimen  ​5 genes  ​6 results
7d Listening and Vocabulary (p.73) 3 Students’ own answers.
1 1 predictions  ​2 analysis  ​3 procedure  ​4 data  ​ 4 Students’ own answers.
5 conclusion  ​6 research 5 Students’ own answers.
2 1 procedure  ​2 analysis  ​3 step  ​4 findings  ​
5 source  ​6 hypothesis 7i Revision (p.78)
3 1 research  ​2 sources  ​3 data  ​4 findings  ​ 1 1 experiments  ​2 safety goggles   ​3 test tubes   ​
5 conclusion  ​6 procedure 4 results  ​5 theories  ​6 investigations
4 b 2 1 data  ​2 predictions  ​3 conclusion  ​4 procedure  ​
5 1 reading habits   ​2 six hours a week   ​3 three hours 5 hypothesis  ​6 step
a week   ​4 25%  ​5 right  ​6 a variety of materials 3 1 ancestors  ​2 inherited  ​3 genes  ​4 population  ​
6 a 3  ​b 4  ​c 5  ​d 1  ​e 6  ​f 2 5 migrated  ​6 lineage
Think Back: urgent 4 1 has to   ​2 doesn’t have   ​3 shouldn’t  ​4 must  ​
5 must  ​6 ought to
7e Grammar (p.74) 5 1 The shopping centre can become very busy on
1 1 may  ​2 can’t  ​3 could  ​4 might not   ​5 can Saturday afternoons.   ​2 We might not have enough
2 1 might  ​2 may  ​3 might  ​4 can’t  ​5 may  ​ time to do it.   ​3 Wear your raincoat because it might
6 could rain later.   ​4 We could go to the cinema or stay at
3 1 may not / might not call   ​2 may / might / could be  ​ home and download a film. / We could stay at home
3 can / could wear   ​4 can prepare   ​5 may not / and download a film or we could go to the cinema.   ​
might not stay over   ​6 could eat 5 We might go to the beach at the weekend.   ​6 The
4 1 could  ​2 may / might   ​3 can  ​4 could / can / summer in Athens can be very hot.
may / might   ​5 may / might   ​6 could 6 1 think  ​2 I’m concerned   ​3 mean  ​4 point  ​
5 Students’ own answers. 5 shouldn’t  ​6 sure

7f Everyday English (p.75) 7j Repetytorium (p.79)

1 1 G  ​2 A  ​3 G  ​4 R  ​5 R  ​6 G  ​7 R  ​8 R  ​9 A  ​ 1 1 fun  ​2 hours  ​3 stay in bed   ​4 70  ​
10 A 5 uncomfortable
2 1 What’s your opinion of / What do you think about   ​ 2 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 d  ​4 b (e is extra)
2 a good point / exactly what I think   ​3 I feel / My 3 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a
view is that 1 darmowe / bezpłatne   2 zdjęcia / fotografie   ​
3 Students’ own answers. 3 się urodziła
4 1 What’s up   ​2 Wow  ​3 check out   ​4 Oh, come on  ​ 4 1 you shouldn’t go out   ​2 I mustn’t accept  
5 It’s a piece of cake   ​6 you’re in for a surprise 3 it might / may rain   ​4 It can be too hot
5 Students’ own answers. 5 Students’ own answers.
6 silent = copied, finished, online, paste
pronounced = ancestors, exactly, internet project Culture Link 4 (p.80)
7 1 lose  ​2 looked  ​3 face  ​4 hopeful  ​5 careless  ​
6 backache Pioneers
1 plants, islands, voyage, coast, cabin
7g Reading and Vocabulary (p.76) 2 1 F He was 22 years old (when he joined The Beagle).  ​
1 1 species  ​2 population  ​3 ancestors  ​4 migrate 2 T  ​3 F He visited some islands off the coast of
2 1 population  ​2 genes  ​3 lineage  ​4 ancestors  ​ South America.   ​4 T  ​5 F The Beagle was 28 metres
5 evolution  ​6 inherited long and had a crew of 74 men.   ​6 F During the day,
3 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 e  ​4 a (d is extra) he lived in / shared a cabin with two men.
4 1 People normally start a family tree with the people 3 1 demonstration  ​2 suffragette  ​3 cotton mills   ​
in their generation.   ​2 You can include the dates of 4 vote
their birth and death, a photo and their birthplace 4 1 the rights of women   ​2 vote  ​3 helped her set up  ​
and hometown.   ​3 You will learn about your family 4 become more violent   ​5 wasn’t  ​6 had to work   ​
history and the migrations that brought your family 7 before
to where you live now.   ​4 It’s more interesting to 5 1 b  ​2 b  ​3 c  ​4 a  ​5 c  ​6 b  ​7 b
find information from relatives than from the Internet.  ​
5 It might be useful to use a family tree created by a
computer.  ​6 You can present it to your family.

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 9
Study Skills 4 (p.81) 3 1 when  ​2 that / which   ​3 where  ​4 whose  ​
1 Students’ own answers. 5 that / who   ​6 that / which   ​7 that / which
2 Students’ own answers. 4 2 who  ​4 that  ​6 which
3 Students’ own answers. 5 Students’ own answers.
4 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers. 8f Everyday English (p.87)
6 Students’ own answers. 1 e xpressing advantages = a, d, h, j, k
expressing disadvantages = c, e, i, m, n
asking for reasons = b, g
Unit 8 Step by step giving reasons = f, l
2 1 is a great way   ​2 would work   ​3 Why do you say   ​
8a Vocabulary (p.82) 4 is really useful
1 1 pre-school  ​2 primary  ​3 secondary  ​4 form  ​ 3 Students’ own answers.
5 technical  ​6 apprenticeship  ​7 university 4 1 Come off it   ​2 I guess   ​3 go along with that   ​
2 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 c 4 it’ll be a laugh   ​5 let’s give it a go
3 1 sixth-form college   ​2 pre-school  ​3 reception 5 Students’ own answers.
class  ​4 university  ​5 technical college 6 laugh, off, I’d, go, knew, brilliant
4 Students’ own answers. 7 1 useful  ​2 demonstrate  ​3 work  ​4 good  ​
5 right 5 great  ​6 brilliant
6 Students’ own answers.
8g Reading and Vocabulary (p.88)
8b Reading (p.83) 1 1 pushy  ​2 expectations  ​3 bad  ​4 work  ​5 dead  ​
1 1 essential  ​2 out  ​3 pursue  ​4 about  ​5 open  ​ 6 pressure  ​7 peer
6 opt for 2 1 detention  ​2 discipline  ​3 bullying
2 1 approach  ​2 essential  ​3 work out   ​4 opt for   ​ 3 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a
5 pursued  ​6 open doors   ​7 concerned  ​8 broad 4 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 b
3 1 science  ​2 all girls   ​3 longer lunch breaks   ​ 5 1 colleagues  ​2 school counsellors   ​3 deadlines  ​
4 school uniform   ​5 lucky 4 bad behaviour   ​5 the paperwork   ​6 homework
4 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 c  ​5 b  ​6 a  ​7 b 6 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers. Online Link: a

8c Grammar (p.84) 8h Writing (p.89)

1 1 T  ​2 P  ​3 P  ​4 T  ​5 P  ​6 T 1 1 F  ​2 T  ​3 F  ​4 F  ​5 T  ​6 F
2 1 ’m playing   ​2 leave  ​3 Is she having   ​4 does the 2 1 having  ​2 feeling  ​3 ’re discussing   ​4 is coming  ​
party start   ​5 arrives  ​6 ’re having 5 starts  ​6 finishes
3 1 are you doing, ’m repairing   ​2 does the bus leave   ​ 3 Students’ own answers.
3 ’re meeting   ​4 don’t have   ​5 ’re collecting, ’re 4 Students’ own answers.
doing  ​6 does the play start, begins 5 Students’ own answers.
4 1 take  ​2 register  ​3 ’re meeting   ​4 listening to   ​
5 ’re having lunch   ​6 taking part   ​7 return 8i Revision (p.90)
5 Students’ own answers. 1 1 pre-school  ​2 primary  ​3 secondary  ​4 sixth-
form  ​5 apprenticeship  ​6 technical  ​7 university
8d Listening and Vocabulary (p.85) 2 1 voice recorders, word association   ​2 total physical
1 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 d  ​4 a response, imitation   ​3 flash cards, sticky notes
2 1 flash cards, sticky notes   ​2 voice recorder, word 3 1 detention  ​2 bullying  ​3 unrealistic expectations  ​
association  ​3 imitation, TPR 4 pushy parents   ​5 exam pressure
3 1 Sticky notes   ​2 Flash cards   ​3 Word association   ​ 4 1 Nina’s coming for a sleepover tonight.   ​2 When are
4 TPR  ​5 voice recorder   ​6 imitation you organizing the voluntary programme?   ​3 What
4 1 drama  ​2 sixth-form college   ​3 A, C   ​4 B  ​ time does the talk on the safari start?   ​4 Andy isn’t
5 visual taking part in the activities next week.   ​5 The music
5 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 b festival takes place in the second week of August this
6 Students’ own answers. year.
Think Back: disagree, unfair, immature, intolerant, 5 1 c  ​2 d  ​3 a  ​4 e  ​5 b
misunderstanding 6 1 that  ​2 way  ​3 benefit  ​4 work  ​5 useful  ​
6 drawback  ​7 against  ​8 favour
8e Grammar (p.86)
1 1 non-defining  ​2 defining  ​3 non-defining  ​
4 defining
2 1 whose  2 which  3 where  4 who  5 which
6 when

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 10
8j Repetytorium (p.91) 9e Grammar (p.96)
1 1 the start of a new school year   ​2 relationships / 1 1 past simple   ​2 past continuous   ​3 present simple  ​
friends  ​3 finishing exams / the summer 4 future simple   ​5 future continuous
2 1 Why do you   ​2 in favour   ​3 problem is that 2 1 This time next week we’ll be eating sushi in Tokyo.   ​
3 1 cook  ​2 making the base   ​3 they had burned the 2 I guess they’ll be landing in Zurich about now.   ​
pizza 3 You won’t be needing your Student’s Books today
4 1 voice recorders   ​2 private school   ​3 detention  ​ – we’re watching a film in English.   ​4 From now on,
4 imitation  ​5 Pre-school teachers I’ll be riding my bike to school.   ​5 They’ll be doing
5 Students’ own answers. an experiment this afternoon.   ​6 When the teacher
arrives we’ll be revising for the exam.
3 1 was crossing   ​2 is starting   ​3 are you having for   ​
Unit 9 Going places 4 was putting up   ​5 were walking   ​6 aren’t / are
not going
9a Vocabulary (p.92) 4 1 Have you been   ​2 hadn’t cleaned   ​3 haven’t seen  ​
1 1 away  ​2 off  ​3 off  ​4 up  ​5 down  ​6 back  ​ 4 have you done   ​5 had had breakfast   ​6 had he
7 off been
2 1 speed up   ​2 set off   ​3 stopped over   ​4 came 5 1 I’ll have   ​2 I’m going to   ​3 leaves
across  ​5 get back   ​6 went off 6 Students’ own answers.
3 1 sets off   2 slow down   3 gone off   4 get
away  5 stop over   6 see, off 9f Everyday English (p.97)
4 1 away  ​2 off  ​3 back  ​4 off  ​5 off  ​6 across, 1 1 sure  ​2 doubt  ​3 am  ​4 clearly  ​5 really  ​
Students’ own answers. 6 unlikely
5 little and often 2 belief = I’m sure, I’m certain, that’s clearly
6 Students’ own answers. doubt = I doubt, I’m not (really) sure, it’s (very) unlikely
7 5 minutes (10 x 3 x 10 = 300 seconds) 3 1 doubt  ​2 not really sure   ​3 definitely  ​4 doubt  ​
5 sure  ​6 certain  ​7 hard  ​8 unlikely
9b Reading (p.93) 4 Students’ own answers.
1 1 obvious  ​2 manage  ​3 generosity 5 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a
2 Students’ own answers. 6 definitely /i/, fly /aɪ/, guy /aɪ/, library /i/, really /i/,
3 1 generosity  ​2 obvious  ​3 location  ​4 head try /aɪ/, unlikely /i/, why /aɪ/, yes /j/, you /j/
​5 manage ​6 outback ​7 globe ​ 7 /aɪ/ = fly, guy, try, why /i/ = definitely, library, really,
8 circumnavigators unlikely /j/ = yes, you
4 1 California  ​2 24  ​3 175  ​4 198  ​5 Africa  ​6 2  ​ 8 1 slowly /i/  ​2 reply /aɪ/  ​3 spy /aɪ/  ​4 easy /i/  ​
7 18  ​8 doctor 5 ready /i/  ​6 deny /aɪ/
5 1 dyplomatą  ​2 medycynę  ​3 już odwiedził
6 Students’ own answers. 9g Reading and Vocabulary (p.98)
1 1 budget  ​2 schedule  ​3 insurance  ​4 departure  ​
9c Grammar (p.94) 5 arrival  ​6 itinerary  ​7 reservation  ​8 route  ​
1 1 place  ​2 time  ​3 frequency  ​4 manner  ​ 9 connection
5 frequency  ​6 manner 2 1 route  ​2 budget  ​3 insurance  ​4 itinerary
2 1 f  ​2 b  ​3 e  ​4 g 3 1 Connections  2 arrival  3 reservations  
3 1 never  ​2 last Monday   ​3 quickly  ​4 home  ​ 4 schedule  5 Departure
5 usually  ​6 beautifully 4 c
4 1 I explored the ruins all afternoon.   ​2 You should 5 1 d  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 b
always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.   ​3 It often rains in 6 Students’ own answers.
Manchester.  ​4 It’s better to eat slowly. Online Link: Gothenburg
5 Students’ own answers.
9h Writing (p.99)
9d Listening and Vocabulary (p.95) 1 1 get away   ​2 go down   ​3 schedule  ​4 round the
1 1 parallel to   ​2 bear  ​3 overlook  ​4 next door to   ​ corner  ​5 next door   ​6 route  ​7 reservation  ​8 get
5 go down back  ​9 connections
2 at the book shop 2 1 c  ​2 e  ​3 d  ​4 a  ​5 b
3 Students’ own answers. 3 Students’ own answers.
4 1 d  2 e  3 b  4 a (c is extra) 4 Students’ own answers.
5 1 scared, many   2 mum, find   3 fantastic, 5 Students’ own answers.
directions / instructions   4 start, tea and cake /
6 Students’ own answers.
Think Back: give, keep, take

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 11
9i Revision (p.100) Zadanie 3.
1 1 go off   ​2 get away   ​3 came across   ​4 stop over  ​ 3.1. C
5 seen you off   ​6 get back   ​7 set off 3.2. A
2 1 go  ​2 sharp  ​3 cross  ​4 follow  ​5 parallel  ​ 3.3. C
6 bear  ​7 door  ​8 corner 3.4. B
3 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 a  ​5 b Zadanie 4.
4 1 always, quickly   ​2 at the hotel, at midnight   ​ 4.1. E
3 never, in England   ​4 often, in the United States   ​ 4.2. D
5 loudly, the art gallery   ​6 sometimes, in the 4.3. B
mountains 4.4. C
5 1 ’m looking   ​2 ’ve never seen   ​3 had wanted   ​ Zadanie 5.
4 ’ll be lying   ​5 starts  ​6 rang 5.1. A
6 1 a  ​2 e  ​3 b  ​4 c  ​5 d 5.2. B
5.3. B
9j Repetytorium (p.101) 5.4. A
1 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 c Zadanie 6.
2 1 (very) unlikely   ​2 I’m not really sure 6.1. don’t (really) want to stay at home / in
3 1 b  ​2 a 6.2. don’t / won’t let me
4 1 was watching   ​2 has never worked   ​3 starts in 6.3. don’t (really) know how to play
five minutes   ​4 will pass it 6.4. ’ll pick you up
5 Students’ own answers. Zadanie 7.
7.1. C
Culture Link 5 (p.102) 7.2. B
7.3. A
Sightseeing 7.4. B
1 1 Standard Hotel   ​2 New York skyline   ​3 Empire Zadanie 8.
State Building   ​4 Metropolitan Museum of Modern 8.1. C
Art  ​5 Manhattan  ​6 Statue of Liberty   ​7 Prospect 8.2. A
Park  ​8 Brooklyn Bridge 8.3. B
2 1 g  ​2 e  ​3 f  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 c 8.4. C
3 1 Willis Tower   ​2 The Painted Ladies   ​3 Cloud Gate  ​ Zadanie 9.
4 TransAmerica Pyramid 9.1. a wife / a perfect princess / a princess who is
4 New York: the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps beautiful, slim and who has perfect hair
Chicago: the Windy City, Willis Tower, Millennium Park 9.2. places a (small / dried) pea in her bed
San Francisco: Alcatraz prison, Golden Gate Bridge, 9.3. that personality is more important than
Lombard Street looks / beauty
5 1 F Sixty million tourists visit New York every year.   ​ Zadanie 10.
2 T  ​3 F It’s famous for its baseball team and pizza.   ​ 10.1. C
4 T  ​5 F It’s a famous sculpture in Millennium Park 10.2. D
in Chicago.   ​6 T  ​7 F The TransAmerica Pyramid is a 10.3. E
famous / very modern skyscraper.   ​8 T 10.4. A
(B is extra)
Study Skills 5 (p.103) Zadanie 11.
1 Students’ own answers. 11.1. carrying
2 Students’ own answers. 11.2. curly
3 1 E  2 D  3 W  4 S 11.3. (far) left
4 Students’ own answers. 11.4. background
5 Students’ own answers. Zadanie 12.
6 Students’ own answers. 12.1. whereas
12.2. I would help
Mock Exam (pp.104–111) 12.3. I’ve visited
Zadanie 1. 12.4. ’ll be living
1.1. B Zadanie 13.
1.2. E 13.1. slow down
1.3. A 13.2. come across
1.4. D 13.3. make a sharp left
(C is extra) 13.4. good marks easily
Zadanie 2. Zadanie 14.
2.1. on a sheet of paper / inside the box Students’ own answers.
2.2. stop taking it and contact your doctor
2.3. take it to a pharmacy

dla Klasy VIII   Workbook Answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 12

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