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Grade VII Workbook Audio Scripts

Unit 1 Lesson 1b (p.5) Unit 1 Lesson 1f (p.9)

Exercise 3  01 Exercise 4  03
Just do it! bored, bring, celebrity, concert, friend, great, park, right,
A lot of hair-raising activities like doing a parachute jump Saturday, start, street, sure, terrible, word
or zip-lining are great fun but they can cost an arm and a
leg. Trying a new skill can be free and just as cool! Why not Exercise 5  04
do something you’ve never done before? Silent ‘r’: bored, concert, park, Saturday, start, sure, word
Let me share my experience of acting in the school play. Pronounced ‘r’: bring, celebrity, friend, great, right, street,
To be honest, at first I didn’t want to because it was a terrible
musical and I’ve never sung in public before. But my
drama teacher believed in me and she thought I was good Exercise 6  05
enough, so eventually I agreed. I knew I was in safe hands 1 I’d prefer to go to the skatepark.
because she is very kind and patient. She told me to let 2 There’s a concert in the park on Saturday.
my hair down and I would enjoy the new experience. She 3 The weather’s terrible.
was right – I loved it. We practised every day after school
and after a couple of weeks, I wasn’t afraid any more. I got Unit 1 Lesson 1g (p.10)
cold feet before the first performance because I’ve never Exercise 1  06
stood up in front of so many people before – I was afraid I
would forget the words or make a mistake but I didn’t! My Presenter 1
parents came to see it and they said it was amazing. They Interviewer What are you afraid of, Jess?
laughed their heads off too – that’s good, because it was a Jess Spiders. I can’t stay in a room with a spider. I can’t
comedy! even look at a picture of one. Argh! They’re horrible.
A big thank you to my teacher and friends for their Interviewer That sounds like a phobia. What about heights?
support and I’ll see you for next year’s play! I can’t wait. Are you nervous about high places?
So, my advice to all my readers: don’t be afraid to try Jess No, not at all. I’ve climbed mountains and I’ve never
something new. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any been afraid.
better experience! Presenter 2
Interviewer Do you ever get nervous about things like
heights or snakes, Joe?
Unit 1 Lesson 1d (p.7) Joe Not really. But I’m scared of going to the dentist. I get
Exercises 4 & 5  02 really nervous when I go to the dentist.
Kasia Hi Ola. How are you? Interviewer That isn’t really a phobia, is it? I mean, not
Ola Hmm, not great, Kasia. I’m really stressed out about many people like going to the dentist, do they?
something. Joe You’re right. I suppose it isn’t a real phobia.
Kasia Oh dear, what’s happened? Presenter 3
Ola Well, I agreed to act in the school play next month Interviewer Is there anything that you’re really afraid of,
but I forgot it’s my dad’s birthday the weekend of the play, Lily?
and we’re going to the beach. I don’t know how to tell Mrs Lily Oh, yes. I’m afraid of mice. I can’t go into places where
Nowak. there are mice.
Kasia Don’t worry, just be honest. It’s not your fault. She’ll Interviewer It sounds like a real phobia.
understand. Lily Yes, it is. My grandparents live on a farm and there are
Ola Yes, you’re right, she’s really nice. Anyway, how are you, mice in the buildings. I can’t go in them.
Kasia? Interviewer So, that’s why you’ve got two cats, is it?
Kasia I’m fine but I’m nervous about my first day of work at Lily Yes. I love my cats because I feel safe with them.
the café on Saturday. Presenter 4
Ola I think you’ll do a great job. Remember to ask if you Interviewer Is there something that you’re really afraid of,
don’t know what to do, and listen carefully. You’re good at Sam?
speaking to people so the customers will like you. Sam Yes. I’m scared of flying.
Kasia I’m afraid of making a mistake with the bill. I’m bad Interviewer Have you ever flown in a plane?
at maths. Sam Yes, once. It was terrible. I felt ill. I’m not going again.
Ola Everybody will understand it’s your first day. Don’t Interviewer What about spiders? Are you scared of them?
worry. Have you seen Paulina? Sam No, I like spiders.
Kasia No, why?
Ola She was interested in acting in the school play. I think Exercise 3  07
maybe I can go with her to see Mrs Nowak. Presenter Teens today
Kasia Great idea. She can take your part. That’s really Interviewer Paul, I believe you had a phobia of spiders?
helpful. Paul That’s right. It was horrible! I panicked every time I
Ola Can you help me find her? saw a real one. I was even scared of toy spiders.
Kasia Of course. Let’s go. Interviewer But spiders here aren’t very dangerous.

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Paul That’s true, but that’s not the point. It’s a phobia, not Jamie Yeah, of course, Mrs Finch. Sorry, David. It’s this way.
a fear, so my reaction wasn’t logical. So, who did you say is your favourite player? …
Interviewer So how did it affect you?
Paul I couldn’t breathe or move and sometimes I Culture Link 1 (p.14)
screamed and cried! I was scared in the bathroom because Exercise 2  09
spiders love hanging out in the bath. My parents needed
to check the bathroom before I went in. Dan I play the drums and I’m on my summer exchange
Interviewer You’re OK now, so what therapy did you have at the Academy of Music in Poznań and it has been a
for your phobia? great experience. When I first arrived, I was worried about
Paul I didn’t have any therapy, I used an amazing phone communicating because I didn’t know any words in
app. It’s a special treatment for phobias. It works if you’re Polish. On my first day here, I went for a walk and I got
scared of dogs and snakes, too. lost! I was very stressed, but a friendly passer-by knew
Interviewer So how does it work? how to speak English and gave me directions back to my
Paul You play video games with cartoon spiders. At first, accommodation.
they look cute and friendly. Then they gradually get more Sophie Hi! I’m on a summer cultural exchange in Warsaw.
realistic. Because it’s a game, you forget about the spiders. I’ve had an awesome trip so far, made a lot of new friends
Interviewer Do you think the app can help my phobia of and got to know different cultures. There are people from
heights? all over the world including India, Spain, Turkey, Ecuador
Paul I’m not sure, but why don’t you try it? and South Korea. My first day was a bit difficult because
Interviewer Yes, I will. And how do you feel about spiders I didn’t understand the lessons but the Polish students
now? helped and we now have a study group to help each
Paul Well, they don’t scare me any more. I can go into the other.
bathroom alone and I don’t panic if I see a spider. I don’t
want one as a pet though! Unit 2 Lesson 2a (p.16)
Exercise 4  10
Unit 1 Lesson 1j (p.13) William Buckingham – my Uncle Bill – was born in 1992
Exercise 1  08 in Chicago and he grew up in the United States. He left
Aisha Hi, David. My name’s Aisha, and this is Jamie. We’re in school when he was 18 and went to university to study
Class 3B with you. It’s nice to meet you. history. That’s where he met my dad’s sister, Anna. After
David Hello. It’s nice to meet you, too. they graduated in 2014, they got married in Las Vegas.
Aisha Our form teacher told us you’re Spanish. Where do Uncle Bill got a job at the University of Milan, so he learned
you come from in Spain? Italian and they moved here to Italy. They have two
David I’m from Alicante. children, my cousins Sam and Ella. I often go and stay with
Jamie Alicante! I’ve been to Alicante. I went there on them.
holiday two years ago. It was great!
Aisha How long are you staying here for? Unit 2 Lesson 2b (p.17)
David I’m here for the school year. Exercise 3  11
Jamie Are your parents here, too? One year, one world
David No, they aren’t. I’m on my own. My year out blog – Journal of a backpacker
Jamie Who are you living with? Hi guys! This is my sixth month of travel and I’m having
David I’m living with a British family. They take exchange a fantastic time. For new readers, here are some of the
students every year. They’re really nice and they help me places I’ve already visited: five European countries, plus
a lot. Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and South Korea. And now
Aisha Why are you spending a year in the UK? I’m in New Zealand!
David It’s to improve my English. My parents think it’s very New Zealand is a very special country for me because my
important to speak it fluently. dad was born here in 1981. When he was two, his parents
Aisha What do you think of our school? moved to the UK and settled there. I’ve always wanted to
David I really like it here. Everyone is friendly. But there’s visit, and here I am at last.
one thing I don’t like. The first thing I did when I arrived in Auckland was to
Aisha What’s that? take a bus to Tauranga in the North Island. It’s a beautiful
David The school uniform. We don’t wear uniforms in town with fantastic beaches. People there are crazy about
Spain. sailing. I found my dad’s family home and took lots of
Jamie You’re lucky! What sports are you interested in? photos. A young couple lives there now.
David I’m crazy about football. When I told them about my dad, they invited me to a
Jamie Really? Me too. I’m an Arsenal fan. What club are you barbecue in the garden. So kind!
a fan of? Right now, I’m back in Auckland. I’m staying in a hostel for
David Barcelona. backpackers. I’ll probably stay here for a while because
Jamie Cool! Who’s your favourite player? my money is getting low. I’ve applied for a few jobs, but
Teacher Jamie, it’s lunchtime. I’m sure David is hungry and I haven’t had any luck yet. I need to work for at least two
tired of all your questions. Why don’t you and Aisha take months. My plan is to travel around the South Island.
him to the cafeteria? August is winter here, and it’s still very cold down south.

dla Klasy VII   Workbook Audio Scripts PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2
There are lots of things I haven’t done or seen yet – I’d love Saroo’s father left his family when he was very young. His
to see a real kiwi. brother Guddu sometimes cleaned trains to earn money.
New Zealand is definitely one of the most beautiful One night, Saroo travelled with his brother by train to
countries I’ve visited so far. I’ve met so many lovely people. Burhanpur. Guddu told him to wait on the platform until
I’ll be very sad to leave. I may come back and settle down he returned. But he didn’t come back. Saroo climbed into
here one day! Who knows? an empty train to look for him but he was very tired and
after a while he fell asleep.
Unit 2 Lesson 2d (p.19) When he woke up, the train was crossing strange
Exercises 5 & 6  12 countryside. At last, it arrived in Calcutta, 1,500 kilometres
from his home. Saroo lived on the streets there until a kind
Sylwia An important event in my life was passing my person took him to a police station. They couldn’t find his
driving test. But it wasn’t easy! I already failed it twice so I parents, so they sent him to a centre for lost children. A
was very nervous before I took it for the third time. You can few months later, an Australian couple adopted him and
imagine how happy I was when I passed. I was so relieved he went to live in Australia.
that I hugged the examiner! Saroo loved his new parents, but he never forgot his
It’s fantastic to be independent. It has changed my life. origins. One day, he decided to search for his birth mother.
Before, I spent ages on the bus, or my parents drove me After three years, he located his birth place on Google
around. At first, Dad lent me his car. Then I bought an Earth. He travelled to Khandwa and met his mother after
old car from my cousin. He owns a garage so I know it’s being separated for 20 years.
in good condition. I’ve had it for six months now and In 2013, he published his book A Long Way Home. In 2016,
nothing has gone wrong yet. If there’s a problem, my Hollywood made it into a successful film called Lion.
cousin says he’ll repair it.
Zosia I was born and grew up in Lublin and I loved it there.
I had lots of friends and hobbies, so it was a shock when
Unit 2 Lesson 2j (p.25)
my parents said we were moving to Australia because Exercise 1  17
of Dad’s job. At first, I was unhappy because I missed my Presenter 1
home. And I didn’t know anyone, so I was lonely. But Karolina I’ve moved around all my life because of my dad’s
when I started school, things got better. I’ve been here for job. Until I was 12 years old, I started a new school every
three months now and I love the outdoor life and relaxed two years. It was really difficult. I always felt really lonely on
lifestyle. I’ve already made lots of new friends and I’ve the first day of school because everyone else knew each
joined a theatre group. I feel really enthusiastic about my other. I was a shy child and found it very difficult to make
new life. I haven’t returned home since we arrived. We’re friends. I was a good student, so I just worked hard and
planning to go at Christmas, so I’m looking forward to that. got good grades. I’ve been in this school for three years
now, and I’ve got a lot of friends. I still work hard, and I’m
Unit 2 Lesson 2f (p.21) relieved I don’t have to change schools again.
Exercise 5  13 Presenter 2
Ewa I changed schools when I was 11 and I was really
1 How boring! happy. I didn’t like my old school, so I was excited about
2 That sounds fantastic! moving and had no problem adapting immediately. My
3 I don’t believe you. first school was girls only, there were a lot of rules and I
4 What fun! hated the uniform! I’ve been at my new school now for
5 It was awesome! four years and I love it! It’s boys and girls and it’s closer to
Exercise 6  14 my house. I have a lot of new friends. I was lucky, because
I know a lot of students get very anxious and depressed
1 Really? when they move.
2 It’s true. Presenter 3
3 I bet. Peter I’ve been at the same school since I was 4! I was
4 How terrible! born in this small village and we’ve lived here since then.
Exercise 7  15 I’ve known most of my friends for years and we spend all
our time together. I feel sorry when new students start at
1 How exciting! the school and I always make friends with them, because I
2 That sounds awful! think it can be very difficult. I think these new students are
3 What a disaster! very brave. I’m not very confident, so I don’t think I’d like to
4 It was fantastic! change schools. I like things to stay the same!
Presenter 4
Unit 2 Lesson 2g (p.22) Max I’ve just moved to a new school. I was very worried
Exercise 5  16 and nervous before the term started but it’s been fine. I
A long journey like the teachers and they ask me regularly if I’m OK. My
Saroo Brierley was born in India. He lived with his mother brother is also at the school, so we help each other. I’ve
and brothers in the town of Khandwa until the age of five. made a couple of new friends and generally everyone
Then, a terrible event changed his life. This is his story. is helpful and kind. I’ve joined the football team and the

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computer club, which I love, and I’ve met a lot of students Exercise 6  21
from different classes. 1 walking 5 look in 9 looking
2 moving 6 staying 10 come in
Unit 3 Lesson 3b (p.27) 3 put in 7 go in 11 stay in
Exercise 3  18 4 travelling 8 running 12 buying
Tomorrow’s World
What the experts say about the future of tourism. Unit 3 Lesson 3g (p.32)
Within the next five years, tourists will go on city breaks to Exercise 5  22
learn new skills – cooking classes and language lessons Accommodation with a difference
will be just as important as sightseeing tours. For people Many people who live in an apartment in the city want to
who want to visit new cities without falling into expensive find interesting and fun accommodation for their holiday.
tourist traps, there will be more opportunities to exchange Check out our weird and wonderful options.
houses at no cost! Manta Resort, Zanzibar
In the future, travellers will have to go further to get away This island resort has beach-side villas but we recommend
from hordes of tourists. But because of low-cost flights the Underwater Room! You don’t usually see wildlife like
it will be easier to visit countries that are further afield. this out of your window! At night, spotlights attract the
People who used to holiday in Croatia will travel to Egypt. fish and octopuses.
Lake Nasser may be the new Lake Vrana – especially if you Bed and Bookfast, Tokyo
like fishing! Perfect accommodation for book lovers. It looks like a
In ten years’ time, hotel rooms will be so technologically small bookstore with over 3,000 books on all subjects. You
advanced that travellers who need to get away from it all can read all night long if you want. Because behind the
will not even have to leave their rooms. Pillows will gently shelves is a comfortable bed!
vibrate to wake you up in the morning. Robots will deliver Costa Verde Hotel, Costa Rica
your meals directly to your room. Screens will show videos Spend the night in an old 1965 Boeing 727. The plane is
of fitness trainers for you to exercise with. now a two-bedroom luxury B&B. Sit on the terrace out on
the wing and enjoy the views. You can see the jungle and
Unit 3 Lesson 3d (p.29) the ocean.
Exercises 4 & 5  19 Happy Nomads Village, Kyrgyzstan
James Are you going to Tom’s party tonight? I think he’s Experience traditional Kyrgyz life in one of three large
having a barbecue in the garden. yurts. These round tents can each accommodate five
Ellie No, I can’t. My brother and I have got tickets for a people. They’re simple but comfortable with shared
concert at the Super Dome. bathrooms.
James Who’s playing there? Vintage Get-aways, UK
Ellie It’s a band called Buzz. They aren’t famous, but they’re Rent a caravan from the 1950s. They all have 21st-century
my brother’s favourite band at the moment. comforts but take you back to the past. They sleep four
James I think I’ve heard of them. They play rock music, people and the campsite is set in a beautiful valley.
don’t they? Brownscombe House, UK
Ellie No, they don’t. I’ve downloaded some of their songs. Experience a weekend house party with a difference. Play
They play really cool pop music. the part of a guest in a ‘murder mystery’ game. There are
James Oh! Well, what time does the concert start? roles for all members of the family.
Ellie It starts at 8 p.m., but I’m meeting the others there at House in the Hills, Northern Thailand
half past seven. Anna and Robin are going too. Meet the locals and learn about Thai culture at this
James Brilliant. I’ll come with you. homestay set in the beautiful mountains of Thailand. You
Ellie OK, but you haven’t got a ticket, James. are invited to join the family for all your meals. They also
James I’ll buy one at the door. How are you getting there? offer activities – from cooking classes to forest walks.
Ellie My dad’s taking me there.
James Do you think he’ll take me too? Unit 3 Lesson 3j (p.35)
Ellie No, I’m really sorry. He’s taking me on his motorbike. Exercise 1  23
My brother is going on his own earlier … Lily What do you want to do when you leave school, Leo?
James OK, never mind. I’ll get the bus. Do you think you’ll go to university, or get a job?
Ellie OK, we’ll meet you outside at 7.30. Leo I hope I’ll go to university.
James Great! See you later. Lily What do you think you’ll study?
Leo I’d like to be a tour guide, so I want to study
Unit 3 Lesson 3f (p.31) languages.
Exercise 5  20 Lily Do you think you’ll travel a lot?
cooking, drawing, going, holding, playing, sleeping, Leo Yes. I want to travel around the world. I also hope I’ll
throwing, working live in different countries. I’d really like to live in Australia or
Canada for a year.
Lily Do you think you’ll travel into space one day?

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Leo No! I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to be an and running. I often go swimming with my friend, Lily,
astronaut! after school. It keeps me fit and I don’t feel so bad about
Lily Where do you think you’ll live when you’re older? spending a lot of time online!
Leo I hope I’ll live in a city like London or Geneva. I don’t My second favourite activity is shopping! I love clothes
want to live in the country. and I save all my money to buy them. It’s important for
Lily Do you think you’ll have children? me to be trendy. I look through the latest magazines for
Leo I hope I’ll have children one day. clothes I like and then go shopping. I’m different from
Lily So, you think you’ll get married, then? my best friends. Ania loves old-fashioned clothes and she
Leo Yes, but not for a long time! always wants to go to vintage markets and charity shops.
Lily Do you think you’ll be rich one day? Karina is more casual – I think she looks a bit scruffy. I enjoy
Leo No, I don’t think I’ll be rich, but I hope I’ll be happy! going shopping with them but it takes us a long time
because we have to go to different shops. We laugh about
Culture Link 2 (p.36) how different we are.
Exercise 2  24 At our school, emos mix with hipsters and geeks with
sporty types. It’s good that people from different tribes
Faye I love Glastonbury – you know I went last year? and with varied interests can be friends.
Marcus Did you?
Faye Yes, I went with my sister, Fiona. She’s 18, so my mum
and dad said it was OK.
Unit 4 Lesson 4d (p.41)
Marcus Is it as good as they say? Exercises 4 & 5  26
Faye Oh, yes, it’s amazing. You can’t really see the bands on Presenter 1
the main stage because it’s difficult to get near the front, Interviewer Have you made any plans for next summer,
but there are huge screens, so we watched on those. Adam?
Marcus Who did you see? Adam No, I haven’t. But I know what I’d like to do.
Faye Well, the big names were who you’d expect, but the Interviewer What’s that?
best things we saw were on smaller stages. We found a Adam I hope to spend a week at a holiday camp and learn
circus tent with some brilliant performers. how to make videos.
Marcus Sounds interesting. Interviewer You’re into film-making, then?
Faye Yeah, we had to shelter some of the time because it Adam Yes, I’m passionate about the cinema and I want to
was really rainy. Luckily, there are plenty of tents with fun be a film director when I leave school.
things going on inside, like the circus one. Presenter 2
Marcus Did you experience the famous mud? Interviewer Have you got any plans for next summer,
Faye Oh, yes, we got very muddy – and we couldn’t find Rachel?
our tent one night. It’s such a huge place. That was a bit Rachel Not yet. My parents always take me on sightseeing
scary, but we found it in the end. holidays but I don’t want to do that again. I hate looking at
Marcus Well, I lost my tent, too, and I was just at a small old buildings.
festival. This was a few weeks ago. I spent about an hour Interviewer So what would you like to do instead?
looking for it! Rachel I’d like to do nothing in the sun for a week.
Faye Which festival did you go to? Interviewer At the seaside?
Marcus Oh, it’s one near where my aunt lives in Rachel Yes. I love sunbathing and swimming, but I don’t
Cheltenham, called Wychwood Festival. There were about want to have a very active holiday this year!
6,000 people, I think – lots of families with children. We Presenter 3
went with my little cousins, and we all loved it. I did a Interviewer What do you want to do next summer, Phil?
workshop on rapping, and my dad learned to play the Phil I don’t know. My parents haven’t made any plans yet. I
guitar! want to stay with my cousin for a week because we get on
Faye Your dad? No way! Maybe I’ll come next year. Is it on really well.
for five days, like Glastonbury? Interviewer Do you want to go to the seaside?
Marcus No, it’s a three-day festival, and the ticket is much Phil No, I don’t like seaside holidays. I can’t swim, and I get
cheaper. really bored on the beach. I’d like to go cycling in Scotland.
But my dad isn’t keen on that because it might rain!
Unit 4 Lesson 4b (p.39) Presenter 4
Exercise 3  25 Interviewer What about you, Sophie? Do you want to go
camping again next summer?
My Style Sophie No, I don’t. Last year, we went camping and it
Hi guys rained all the time. It was horrible!
This week, I’m blogging about what I like (and don’t like) Interviewer So what do you hope to do?
doing in my free time. Sophie I’d like to visit London. I’ve never been and I want to
My favourite free-time activity is watching funny videos see the Tower of London and Big Ben.
on my tablet. My mum says I spend too much time online.
She says it’s important to read good books, but I prefer
reading fashion magazines.
I’m not very sporty – we have to play football at school
and I hate it. I prefer individual sports like swimming

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Unit 4 Lesson 4f (p.43) a travel writer. I’m extremely dedicated and I’m passionate
about travel. I love reading travel magazines and I have my
Exercises 3 & 4  27
own travel blog about all the places I’ve visited.
Presenter 1 I enjoy taking photos and I want to learn how to take great
Sam I’ve got a football match this afternoon, Mum. Could photos to go with my blog. I’m going to join a summer
you drive me to the sports centre, please? camp which has a photography course.
Mum What time is it? I’ve decided to study journalism at university, so I can be
Sam I need to be there at half past one. highly qualified when I start my career. After that, I’ll need
Mum I’m afraid I can’t. I’m having lunch with your grandma. to work for different newspapers. It’s important that I get
Sam Oh, I forgot. experience because it’s very competitive.
Mum You’ll have to get the bus. I work hard at school and my teachers describe me as
Sam OK. But can you give me the money for the bus? incredibly conscientious. I’m highly motivated when it’s
Mum Sure, here you are. exam time and incredibly organized with my revision and
Presenter 2 study time.
Teacher Hey, James. I need some help with these chairs, Some people tell me that my ambitions will be different
please. We have to take them to the film room. when I’m older but I’m totally committed to my dream of
James Sure, Mr Lloyd. becoming a writer. I know I need to be incredibly flexible
Teacher Can you ask some other students to help us? because I’ll have to travel a lot to a variety of places. Please
James Yes, of course. I’ll go and get them now. follow my blog and find out if I achieve my ambition!
Teacher Thanks, boys. Could you carry the chairs
downstairs to the film room, please? Unit 4 Lesson 4j (p.47)
Boys OK.
Presenter 3 Exercise 1  31
Evan Mum, I want to go to the cinema, but I haven’t got Fifteen-year-old Oliver has already decided to become a
any money. Can you give me my pocket money today, computer programmer when he leaves school. His passion
please? is gaming, and he’d like to create computer games. He’s
Mum Well, I asked you to mend your brother’s bike and been on two coding courses, and he goes to a computer
you haven’t done it yet, have you? club at school. At the moment, he’s learning to design
Evan I’m sorry. I’ll do it tomorrow. I promise. websites. Alison Grey, his IT teacher, says, ‘Oliver has a lot
Mum OK. I’ll give you half your pocket money now and of enthusiasm for technology. He learns fast and he’s very
half when you’ve mended the bike. artistic. When he was 13, he created a colourful spelling
Evan Thanks, Mum. app for young children and he won a prize for it. But to
Presenter 4 make a career of his passion, he’ll need to study computer
Izzy Can I go bowling this evening, Dad? programming at university.’ Oliver knows it won’t be easy,
Dad Have you got any homework, Izzy? but he’s determined to succeed.
Izzy Yes, but …
Dad No, I’m afraid, you can’t. Your school work comes first. Unit 5 Lesson 5b (p.49)
Izzy But I can do it when I get back. Exercise 3  32
Dad It’ll be too late and you’ll be tired.
Presenter Weird school rules
Izzy It’s not fair. Everybody else is going!
Reader Does your school have any strange rules? Join our
Exercise 6  28 forum and share your experiences.
Presenter No hugging
1 I don’t play tennis.
Sally In my school we can’t hug each other because
2 It’s a cat basket.
people were arriving late to class. Some students were
3 She can’t go with you.
spending too much time hugging their friends between
4 We need to hurry.
5 I don’t mind paying.
Presenter Fruit and vegetables only
6 You can’t talk to her.
Bill My primary school only allowed two types of break-
Exercise 7  29 time snack. Either an apple or a carrot. I still don’t really
know why.
1 I can’t stay.
Presenter Uniform and boys
2 They haven’t gone.
Lucy I go to an all-girls’ school and we aren’t allowed to
3 I don’t want to.
talk to boys in the street if we are wearing our school
4 We haven’t got it.
5 He didn’t go.
Presenter Shoes
6 She hasn’t done it.
Noel We are allowed to wear trainers with our uniform, but
they have to be black.
Unit 4 Lesson 4g (p.44) Presenter No groups
Exercise 4  30 Ella We got into trouble for being in groups bigger than
My name’s Paul and I have a lot of dreams and plans for four people, because the younger students were afraid of
my future. I’m a very positive person and I’m extremely big groups!
optimistic about my future. My one big ambition is to be

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Presenter Mobile phones clothes away – Mum gets upset if there are clothes on the
Jim We can use our phones in lessons for research, but not bedroom floor. Mum and Dad cook dinner, so I don’t have
at break times – that’s not fair! to – which is lucky for them as I’m a terrible cook! I have to
Presenter Best friends lay the table for dinner and then my brother has to clear
Diana My school says from next year, we aren’t allowed to the table. We don’t have to wash or dry the dishes because
have best friends! They think it causes conflicts between we have a dishwasher. My brother has to load and unload
students and we should mix with everyone. the dishwasher and I must clean the bathroom every
Presenter Sleeping in class Sunday and Wednesday. We don’t have to do the laundry
Li We are allowed to take a 30-minute nap in the middle because Mum does that, but Peter and Dad help with the
of the day! We can’t lie down but can sit at our desk and ironing. Dad has to mow the lawn – but he likes doing it.
sleep. He also has to empty the bins once a week. We all take
turns during the week to sweep the kitchen floor and
Unit 5 Lesson 5c (p.50) vacuum the carpet in the living room. I’m happy with my
Exercises 3 & 4  33 household responsibilities because I’m allowed to stay out
late and have friends over as a reward!
Presenter 1
Tom This is a great place for a picnic.
Jamie Yeah. And there’s a lot of wood around. Let’s make
Unit 5 Lesson 5f (p.53)
a fire. Exercise 4  35
Tom OK. 1 Can I do anything?
Man Hey, you two. What do you think you’re doing? You 2 What sort of thing?
mustn’t light a fire in the park. It’s against the law. 3 Do you need some help?
Tom I’m sorry. We didn’t realize. 4 What’s going on?
Man There’s a huge sign over there – look! Put that fire out,
immediately. Exercise 5  36
Jamie Yes, of course. We’re very sorry. 1 When are you coming back?
Presenter 2 2 Can I help you?
May This is a fantastic place for surfing! 3 What can I do?
Dewi Yeah! Come on, let’s go! 4 How long did it take?
Man Hey, you two! You mustn’t surf here! 5 Have you seen Daniel?
Dewi Er. There’s a man shouting at us. He’s pointing to a 6 What’s going on?
sign. 7 Do you need some help?
Man Surfing isn’t allowed on this beach. It’s very
dangerous! Unit 5 Lesson 5g (p.54)
May Thanks. We didn’t see the sign. Exercise 4  37
Presenter 3
Luke I’m hungry! Presenter Education with a difference
Chloe Me too. I’ve got some biscuits. Here, have one. Interviewer All 5- to 16-year-olds in Britain must have
Luke Thanks. Uh oh! Hide the packet. Mrs Price has seen us. an education, but it doesn’t have to be at school. Some
Mrs Price Hey, what are you doing? You can’t bring food children study at home with their parents. In past
into the library. It isn’t allowed. generations, home education was usually for children
Luke I’m sorry, Mrs Price. We didn’t know. who lived too far from the nearest school, or had health
Mrs Price There’s a sign on the wall over there. Please don’t problems. But these days, some parents choose to
do it again. homeschool their children. Amy is 14 and she studies at
Presenter 4 home with her younger brother, Jamie.
Zoe Look at that lovely monkey. He’s beautiful. Interviewer Why did your parents decide to homeschool
Max He’s looking at your sandwich. you, Amy?
Zoe I think he’s hungry. Give him a bit. Amy I was fed up at school. It was very strict and I was
Zookeeper Excuse me! What are you doing? rebellious so I was getting into trouble. At first I disagreed
Zoe We were just giving the monkey a bit of sandwich. with their decision to homeschool me, but now I
He’s hungry. understand the reasons.
Zookeeper You mustn’t feed animals at the zoo. It’s really Interviewer Do you like studying at home?
bad for them. Amy Yes, I love it. At first there were misunderstandings,
Zoe I’m sorry. but now I am more mature and we communicate much
Interviewer What subjects do you study?
Unit 5 Lesson 5d (p.51) Amy I have to do all the same subjects as other
Exercises 4 & 5  34 schoolchildren, but I make my own timetable and can
There are quite a lot of rules in my home, but it’s the change it when I need to.
same for most of my friends. My brother Peter and I must Interviewer Do you feel lonely studying at home?
help our parents with the household chores. We share Amy Not at all. I’ve got lots of friends who are
the chores between the four of us so that it’s fair. We all homeschooled too, and if I work hard, I get to go on field
have to make our own beds, tidy our rooms and put our trips and do activities with them as a reward.

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Interviewer What’s the best thing about homeschooling? Unit 6 Lesson 6b (p.61)
Amy No stupid rules! I respect my parents and they
Exercise 3  41
respect me. I think some schools are intolerant and don’t
understand teenagers. Exciting weekend experiences
Interviewer That’s really interesting, Amy. Thank you. Have you been anywhere exciting recently? Here are three
amazing places in the UK that are perfect for a day out!
Lesson 5j (p.57) There is nothing like a visit to Big Pit Coal Museum in
Wales. No one works there now, but guides take visitors
Exercise 1  38 90 metres underground inside the mine. Everyone wears
Man Where do I pay? Oh, it’s so confusing. helmets and headlamps. During the tour, you turn your
Woman Can I help you? lamps off, so you have a real miner’s experience. After the
Man Yes, please. I’ve never used this thing before. tour, you can visit the miners’ museum.
Woman You choose the drink you want here. This is somewhere everyone must visit once.
Man I’d like a black coffee. For a thrilling experience, go on a Secret City Tour of
Woman And the price shows here. Then you put your Edinburgh. There are ghosts everywhere under the city!
money in here. There you are. In the past, people lived in the filthy, wet tunnels. Lots of
Man Thank you very much. people died down there and their ghosts still walk around
today – so they say!
Culture Link 3 (p.58) I’ve never been anywhere like it!
Exercise 2  39 Everyone who visits London should go on the London Eye.
It’s a huge wheel near the River Thames and it’s the UK’s
Adam Have you been shopping again, Maria?
most popular tourist attraction. You get a 30-minute ride
Maria Yes, of course. You know how much I love charity
in a glass capsule with fantastic views of London. It’s an
shops. I go nearly every weekend.
exciting day out.
Adam What did you buy this time?
Nowhere in London has views like the London Eye!
Maria Look, I got these shorts and a really lovely top.
Adam Yeah, nice. Were they from the Oxfam shop in
Unit 6 Lesson 6d (p.63)
Maria No, I sometimes go there, but not today. I got these Exercises 4 & 5  42
in the Animal Sanctuary shop. I love animals, so it’s great Presenter 1
to be able to support them by shopping in a charity shop. Carl Hi, I’m Carl. I bought a really cheap tablet on Black
My absolute favourite charity shop is the Blue Cross shop. Friday. I’m so pleased! I’ve wanted one for ages, but I didn’t
That’s another animal charity, so I know my money is have enough money. Before the sale it cost $200, but
going to a good cause. I only paid 95. I also bought a shirt and a jacket. Everything
Adam I see. is very cheap in the Black Friday sale. I wanted quite a few
Maria And the shops are all near each other in the same other things, but I couldn’t afford to buy anything else.
area, so it’s really easy. Do you go into charity shops? I only spent $120. I’m extremely careful with my money
Adam Oh, yes. I love them. I usually go to the ones in and I try not to waste it because I don’t have a lot.
the town centre, and I get the books I want from there Presenter 2
because they’re so much cheaper. Kirsty Hi, I’m Kirsty. I went to the store the week before
Maria Oh, so you go to the Oxfam shop on Broad Street? Black Friday and made a note of everything I wanted. Then
Adam Well, no, I don’t usually go there – not to that one. I got up really early today and queued outside. I was able
You know, it’s the original one, and that makes it a bit to buy all the things on my list and more. I got a new coat,
special. But I think the prices are a bit higher there because a dress, a watch and some shoes. I spent quite a lot of
of that, and it’s on a tourist street, too. There are two other money – $210 in all – but I saved up for today. I always go
Oxfam shops not far from that one, and there’s a special shopping on Black Friday because everything is so cheap.
Oxfam bookshop. That’s my favourite. I love sales, but I have to be a bit careful not to spend all
my money.
Study skills 3 (p.59) Presenter 3
Exercise 3  40 Gareth Hi, I’m Gareth. I bought some trainers and a
skateboard on Black Friday. The store was really packed so
Max Welcome back to Teens for Teens. Here’s Lizzie.
I was very lucky to get them. They were extremely cheap.
Lizzie Thank you, Max. Today we’re looking at sports. I’m
They cost me a total of $35 in the sale, so I saved about
going to be talking to two teens – Emma and Sue – so let’s
$30. My dad lent me some money because I didn’t have
meet them.
enough. I’m still at school so I don’t earn any money. I only
Emma Hi, I’m Emma.
get pocket money. I try not to spend too much, but it isn’t
Sue And I’m Sue. We always tune into your podcast – we
love it.
Lizzie Thanks! And thanks for joining us. Now, I know you Exercise 6  43
both love sports. How did it all start?
Imogen Mum, could you lend me ten pounds, please?
Emma Well, my dad was really into football and cricket …
Mum What do you need it for?
Imogen I owe Marcus five pounds, and I want to pay him

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Mum So why do you want to borrow ten pounds? Manchester’s most famous place to shop, Affleck’s Palace,
Imogen Because I want to buy some sweets and stuff … is here. It’s an indoor market in a very old building with
Mum OK, but you spend too much money on sweets. It’s 73 independent stalls and cool cafés. It’s THE place to
silly to waste your money like that. Why don’t you save up go if you’re looking for really vintage clothes, music or
for something useful? retro games. But there are also a lot of unusual crafts and
jewellery, so it’s great for presents. The prices aren’t too
Unit 6 Lesson 6f (p.65) expensive, so Affleck’s Palace is always extremely crowded
Exercise 2  44 with people looking for bargains, especially on Saturdays.
I usually meet my friends in a café here once a week. It’s
Presenter 1, d my favourite place for people watching because there are
A What’s the matter? so many hipsters.
B I can’t find my phone anywhere.
Presenter 2, f
A I feel terrible. I’ve done something really stupid.
Unit 6 Lesson 6j (p.69)
B I hope you haven’t burned the pizza! Exercise 1  49
Presenter 3, b Presenter 1
A Can I have these trainers, Mum? Beth I save all my money. It’s easy. You see, I live in a
B No. I’m afraid I just can’t afford them. small town and there are no good shops here and there’s
Presenter 4, h nothing interesting to buy. I dream of living in the city and
A I’m afraid I forgot your history book. being a big spender!
B Never mind. I’ll share with Ethan. Presenter 2
Presenter 5, a Dan I’m lucky, I live in London. I get my pocket money
A I haven’t done my homework. I apologize. on Mondays, but by Wednesday I have none left! I spend
B That’s the second time this week! Can you do it for most of it on sweets and comics. I find it very hard to save
tomorrow, please? anything. If I really need more money for something, I ask
Presenter 6, c my big brother for some. He’s got lots of money because
A I didn’t buy the concert tickets. I’m so sorry. he has a part-time job. But I do have to pay it back.
B Don’t worry. I’ll get them after school. Perhaps I should get a job …
Presenter 7, g Presenter 3
A Did you break this plate? Magda My parents never give me pocket money. They
B Yes, I did. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. can’t afford it. I do babysitting to earn money. And I don’t
Presenter 8, e spend any of it because I really need a laptop of my own.
A Oh no! I told you not to let the cat out! My parents have promised that they will pay for half of it
B I don’t know how it happened. It ran between my legs. as a birthday present.
Presenter 4
Exercise 5  45 Jamie My parents give me pocket money and my
1 I’m really sorry. neighbours pay me for doing jobs like mowing their lawn
2 He’s so tired. or taking their dog for a walk. I save about half of it and the
3 We’re extremely worried. rest I use to pay for cinema tickets and to buy snacks.
4 It was very interesting.
5 She was so angry! Unit 7 Lesson 7b (p.71)
6 They were really pleased. Exercise 3  50
Exercise 6  46 Presenter Teens talking environment
1 I’m so sorry. Interviewer What do you think is the most serious
2 That’s really silly. environmental problem, Stan?
3 She’s extremely angry. Stan Global warming. World leaders need to make some
international policies if the planet is going to survive. We
Exercise 7  47 can all help, though. If we save electricity at home and
1 He’s so clever! take the bus or cycle, we’ll reduce the amount of natural
2 I was really pleased. resources we use.
3 It was extremely boring. Interviewer What problems are there in your town, Rose?
4 She’s very late. Rose A serious problem is air pollution. It makes people
ill, especially young children. There are too many vehicles.
Some towns have electric buses and the air is cleaner. Big
Unit 6 Lesson 6g (p.66)
car parks outside town would help too.
Exercise 3  48 Interviewer Are there any environmental problems where
Shopping in Manchester you live, Matt?
The Northern Quarter in the centre of Manchester is my Matt Rubbish is a huge problem in my town. People
favourite shopping place. The streets here are really cool should recycle as much as they can. It would also help
and it’s an amazing place for music and clothes shops. Its if people ate less meat. Companies destroy large areas
cafés are very popular, too. It’s also famous for its concerts of forests every day to use for farmland. But things are
in the evening. getting better. In a lot of shops you now have to pay for

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plastic bags. They’re talking about stopping shops from The children have to study outside under a tree until we
using plastic bags altogether. can rebuild the classrooms, so we need to do this quickly.
Interviewer What do you do to help the environment, We have a group of dedicated volunteers who are working
Mary? day and night. But we need you to help us raise money for
Mary I’ve started a local pressure group – we go out into materials and experts.
the streets to educate people. Our slogan is ‘Do your share How you can help
for cleaner air’. I also follow the activist Greta Thunberg on Why not organize a fundraising event at your school?
social media. My school has joined her Fridays for Future How about selling raffle tickets for a good cause?
campaign. Why not take part in a sponsored run to raise money?
Who we are
Unit 7 Lesson 7d (p.73) We are a non-profit organization supporting education
Exercises 4 & 5  51 in Nepal and we rely on your generosity to help these
children get back to school.
In my opinion, the most important reason for conservation Where your money goes
is to protect the ecosystem. All the plants and animals €50 can buy 12 desks
that live in one place form an ecosystem. They need each €75 can supply chairs for each classroom
other to survive. If an ecosystem changes, the animals and €250 can rebuild a classroom
plants have to adapt. If they don’t adapt, they will die. €1,000 can rebuild a whole school.
I believe that hunting and the destruction of habitats How to donate
are the main threats to wildlife. The threat to some wild Please donate what you can through our website
animals is huge. At the moment, there are about 1.8
million plant and animal species on earth, and 40 percent
of these species are endangered. Scientists believe that
if we don’t do something, over half of these species
Unit 7 Lesson 7j (p.79)
will become extinct in 100 years. If we want to see wild Exercise 1  55
animals in the future, we need to take care of our planet. My name’s Sally Simms and I work here in the national
Additionally, we get many medicines from rare plants park. Before you go camping in the park, you should think
and animals. Keeping these species alive is important for carefully about what you’re going to take. Your backpack
our health. A flower called the rosy periwinkle contains shouldn’t be too heavy, so only take things you really
chemicals that are essential for cancer treatment. need. It can be very hot in August, so you should wear
There is one more reason we need wildlife – for our a hat and use sun cream. And remember, you can’t take
enjoyment. The world would be a boring place without dogs into the park. So please leave your pets at home. If
our beautiful plants and animals. you go hiking, you should always go with another person
These are some of the things we can all do to protect our into the mountains. It’s dangerous to go alone. You should
wildlife and save these endangered species: we need to be take a bottle of water and some food, and don’t eat wild
environmentally-friendly, donate and volunteer at wildlife fruit because it may be dangerous. Finally, remember, you
foundations and forest preserves, and respect wildlife and shouldn’t leave any rubbish. Most of all, have a fun time
conservation laws. And – don’t drop litter! and enjoy the beautiful countryside.

Unit 7 Lesson 7f (p.75) Culture Link 4 (p.80)

Exercise 4  52 Exercise 2  56
I’ve tried to get him. Maya Do you think it really does any good when
I’ll text you. Greenpeace supporters climb up the Eiffel Tower with a
I’m sure he won’t mind. sign saying what some big business is doing? You know,
like, if a huge company is polluting a river, or something
Exercise 5  53 like that.
1 We’re staying with our grandparents. Jacob Yes, I think it’s the perfect thing to do. The
2 He’s wearing a helmet. supporters get on the news and social media, and then
3 A snake has bitten him. the public know about it.
4 She’s with Tessa in the park. Maya But the public can’t do anything.
5 We’re staying in Bratislava. Jacob I can’t believe you’re saying that! We always have to
try and make big businesses respect the environment. We
Unit 7 Lesson 7g (p.76) can sign petitions, or organize a demonstration, or write
Exercise 4  54 letters to the government. Loads of things. Greenpeace
has made lots of businesses change their actions.
Emergency Appeal Maya I guess you’re right – businesses don’t like negative
Calling schoolchildren around the world. publicity, do they?
This is an urgent appeal for help to rebuild local schools in Jacob Exactly.
remote villages in Nepal. Maya But I still think it’s better to do things to raise money
We are a local charity in Nepal supporting ten village for charities like WWF, who are saving animals and their
schools which a recent earthquake destroyed. habitats. We had a cake sale at our school, and next month
we are doing a sponsored swim, too.

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Jacob I’ll sponsor you! Tara Hey, that’s a fun idea. But doesn’t the leather smell
Maya Thanks. What I really want to do when I’m a bit older fishy?
is volunteer on one of the WWF projects. Jive They couldn’t sell it if it did! It’s dyed different colours
Jacob That’s all good, but I think Greenpeace is more and sold to fashion companies. Look at their website if
effective, because they’re campaigning against climate you want to find out how it’s made. There are also links to
change – which affects the whole planet, not just some companies that sell products.
forest in South America. Tara I’ve just found a website that sells fish belts and bags.
Maya Yeah, we definitely have to start using alternative You’re right, they’re awesome. I’m going to order a belt.
energy and slow down climate change. No doubt about Thanks!
Unit 8 Lesson 8d (p.85)
Study skills 4 (p.81) Exercises 5 & 7  59
Exercise 2  57 Radio presenter Welcome to Holidays Forever. My name is
There are lots of different ways to learn a language. It’s Clara Clark. Today’s programme is about unusual holiday
important to try different methods and find the one or homes. Phone in and tell us about the fun places you have
ones that suit you. stayed in. And our first caller is …
You could try writing words in English on sticky notes and Oliver Oliver.
stick them around the house so you see them every day. Radio presenter Hi Oliver. Tell us about your holiday home.
Say phone numbers out loud and make shopping lists in Radio presenter Well, it wasn’t exactly a holiday home – we
English. only slept in it one night. I was on a skiing holiday in the
Or try listening to English podcasts and songs if you walk Alps last February. There were four of us. We built a shelter
or cycle to school, or read English magazines if you travel out of blocks of snow.
to school by bus. Radio presenter Wow! How exciting! Wasn’t it very cold?
Alternatively, watch TV and videos online in English. You Radio presenter Not really. The design protects against the
may not understand a lot, but the visuals will help you cold. And we had warm clothes and duvets, and lots of
understand the main idea. You could also turn on the hot chocolate. It was fantastic.
English subtitles for more support. Radio presenter Next is Rosie. Hi Rosie!
Here’s some advice: Rosie Hi! I spent a week with my parents in a forest last
Firstly, little and often is best. Ten minutes every day is summer.
more effective and manageable than a longer period. Radio presenter Wow! What was it like?
Secondly, remember, mistakes are an important part of Rosie Brilliant. We stayed in a wooden house in a huge
learning. Have a go – you never know what you can do tree with a ladder. There were two big rooms and a tiny
until you try! bathroom. It was a clever design, and very resistant. One
Finally, find a friend to learn with. It’s more fun and you can night, there was a strong wind and the house shook a lot.
share tips and learning strategies. But it didn’t break. It was both hair-raising and awesome!
Radio presenter Thanks Rosie. We have Leo next. What type
Unit 8 Lesson 8b (p.83) of house did you stay in, Leo?
Exercise 3  58 Leo Hi! It was a traditional Native American construction,
like a tent. We hired it for a week last July. It was made of a
Tara Help! It’s my favourite cousin’s 18th birthday next strong fabric with a wooden floor.
month and I want to get him something really special. The Radio presenter That sounds fun!
trouble is, he’s very difficult. His interests are music and Leo Yeah, well, it was ok, but too small for a family of four,
comic books. He also likes unusual clothes and accessories, especially with a baby. It would be great for a weekend
but he won’t wear anything that isn’t sustainable. He hates with friends.
waste or anything that damages the environment. He’s Radio presenter Well, thanks to you all. Next week, we’ll …
also against buying things that are not made of natural
materials, so plastic is out. And he also hates sport! Any
bright ideas?
Unit 8 Lesson 8f (p.87)
Bro You could get him a subscription to his local library. Exercise 4  60
You can’t get more sustainable than that! Only joking! You 1 brilliant 7 kidding
say he likes music. How about a water-resistant Bluetooth 2 might 8 sign
speaker, so he can listen to music in the shower? I saw 3 arrives 9 think
some cool ones on a gadget website. I’d love to have one 4 flight 10 guys
for my birthday! 5 insisted 11 crisps
Jive If he likes unusual things, you could get something 6 time 12 window
made of fish leather? My dad has an awesome tie that
is made of salmon skin. I imagine your cousin wouldn’t Exercise 6  61
want a tie. But how about a belt or a wallet? The leather /ɪ/: building, silver, invent, silk, brick
is lightweight but very strong. It’s even used to make /aɪ/: five, white, drive, light, night
shoes! Some companies are using it instead of snake or
crocodile skin because it’s more eco-friendly. The leather is
produced in Iceland.

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Unit 8 Lesson 8g (p.88) Unit 9 Lesson 9b (p.93)
Exercise 3  62 Exercise 3  64
Presenter Favourite things c – 23rd April
Reader We all have objects at home that have sentimental Our PE teacher, Mrs Evans, gave us a talk on healthy
value for us. They may be photographs, books, toys, lifestyles today. She explained how our lifestyle today will
souvenirs or a piece of jewellery. We value them for affect our health in the future. It was scary. Some serious
different reasons – perhaps they look or feel special, or diseases are caused by not getting enough exercise or
they may bring back memories of a special occasion or a eating a bad diet. Mrs Evans gave us a quiz to do at home.
person. Four people share their stories of favourite things. I’ve just finished it. The result? I have lots of bad habits!
Sharon Noni is a soft toy dog. He’s my most precious I’ll have to change …
possession because of the way he feels. I was given him a – 25th April
when I was five and he’s slept with me since then. I like I showed my quiz result to Mrs Evans and asked her for
his shape and the colour of his woollen fur. He is soft with help. She gave me a healthy lifestyle plan. My friend Dave
long brown, silky ears and bright expressive eyes. His body is a couch potato like me, so we’re going to follow the plan
is a sort of pale brownish colour. I had other soft toys but together to support each other. We must get fit and cut
Noni has always been my favourite. our screen-time. And we should also improve our social
Oscar We have a wooden rocking chair at home that I life and not spend hours on social media. That won’t be
love. The wood is greyish and smooth because it’s so old. easy. I’m going to keep a diary to record everything.
It has a simple design, and it’s very comfortable. I believe d – 4th May
it was made by my great grandfather, then it was given to End of week one: we’re off to a good start. We’ve run 5
my father. It has been in our living room since I was born. kilometres every evening. Breathing was difficult at first,
I remember playing on it with my brother when we were especially running uphill, but today was easier. We’re going
little. I can’t imagine the house without it. to do 8 kilometres next week. I’ve also stopped eating
Harry I have a small laughing Buddha sculpture on my between meals and I’ve given up crisps and soda. That
bedside table. It’s very special because it’s a holiday was easy. I’ll have to eat more fruit and vegetables. I went
souvenir of Vietnam. I went there with my parents two bowling with friends and had fun.
years ago. It was fantastic. It’s made of stone and it’s a b – 11th May
yellowish colour. I love holding it as it feels smooth and Week two is over and we’re doing well. I’m feeling good
hard. And he makes me smile when I wake up in the and I’ve got plenty of energy. My stamina has improved.
morning. I can run 8 kilometres no problem. Dave’s the same.
Clara I have an old necklace that my mum gave me. It Next week, we’re going to hike in the mountains. That’ll
used to belong to my grandmother, and I think it was motivate us, and we’ll get some fresh air. I went to a party
given to her by her mother. It’s oval and heavy. The and DANCED – new for me! I had lots of crisps and fizzy
decorations are pinkish and white. I think they are made drinks too – not so good. But the plan says we can’t do
of shell. I don’t wear it because it’s a bit old-fashioned. It everything right all the time.
reminds me of my grandmother, so I love it.
Unit 9 Lesson 9d (p.95)
Lesson 8j (p.91) Exercises 4 & 5  65
Exercise 1  63 Presenter Have you made a New Year resolution? We asked
Creative recycling ideas four young people about their resolutions this year. Here’s
Hi, I’m Katalina and I decided to do some research to see what they said.
how people are recycling things at home. Gina Hi, I’m Gina. I often eat kebabs or burgers and chips,
So many products are single-use and I hate throwing and they’re full of fat. I also eat a lot of sweet snacks
them away. I learned that upcycling is a way of recycling between meals. I love cakes and chocolate biscuits. My
creatively. Things you aren’t using any more can be skin doesn’t look good and I get tired easily. Mum says
changed into different useful products. it’s my unhealthy diet. I can’t give up everything, but I’m
So, here is what I found out: going to try to eat less junk food. It won’t be easy, but
Old toothbrushes are used for household cleaning; their Mum’s going to help me.
size is perfect for cleaning in small places. Steve Hello. My name’s Steve. I’ve spent the Christmas
Plastic bottles are adapted to make plant pots. The middle holidays watching TV, eating sweets and drinking fizzy
is cut out, flowers are planted and then they are hung on a drinks. My resolution is to do more exercise, and eat less
garden wall. sugar. I’m going to play badminton and go to the gym
Earrings and other jewellery are made from plastic and to get in shape. I’m going to drink water instead of fizzy
wood buttons. drinks and eat nuts instead of sweets. We’ll see how long
Decorations are created from cardboard rolls. They are cut it lasts!
and painted and turned into different shapes. Karl Hi! I’m Karl. I’ve got some bad eating habits. The
I’m going to try all these ideas except the plant pots, doctor has given me a diet plan with the amount of
because I don’t have a garden! I’ll post some photos when calories I can have each day. She says that I need to reduce
I’ve finished. the carbohydrates and fat that I eat. But I need a balanced
diet with enough protein and vitamins. I must also eat

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cheese and yoghurt because I need calcium for my teeth What do I do if I’m invited out to eat or to stay at a
and bones. friend’s house?
Elisa Hi! I’m Elisa. I’m more interested in being healthy than These days, lots of restaurants have vegan options, like
losing weight. I don’t think it’s a good idea to think about pasta or salads. You can even eat chips! Before you stay
all the things that you shouldn’t eat. Instead, I think you with a friend, make sure they know that you don’t eat
should try to think about the nutrients your body needs meat. You could offer to take something if you’re worried
and focus on that. That’s my resolution this year! about creating extra work.
What if I don’t like vegetables?
Unit 9 Lesson 9f (p.97) In that case, I don’t think you should consider changing
Exercise 5  66 your diet!
1 don’t, know
2 concert, holiday
Unit 9 Lesson 9j (p.101)
3 historic, phone Exercise 1  70
4 woke, Oscar Presenter 1
5 boat, photo Boy 1 I spoke to close friends and we decided to get fit
6 online, going together. None of us like the gym so we took up running.
7 got, go Three times a week we meet in the park and run five
8 Lottie, positive kilometres. We listen to music or chat as we run and it’s
9 loads, on really good fun. My muscles hurt after the first day but I’m
getting used to it.
Exercise 6  67 Presenter 2
/ɒ/: concert, holiday, historic, Oscar, online, got, Lottie, Girl 1 I was very stressed and I wasn’t sleeping. My friend
positive, on recommended yoga. I laughed because I couldn’t imagine
/əʊ/: don’t, know, phone, woke, boat, photo, going, go, myself making those shapes with my body or being able
loads to relax. Anyway, I went to a class and loved it. I think the
breathing exercises are very useful because they help you
Exercise 7  68 to relax. When I feel anxious now, I do the yoga breathing
/ɒ/: lot, not, often, problem and immediately feel better.
/əʊ/: hello, over, sofa, yoga Presenter 3
Girl 2 I was so unfit, I couldn’t go up the stairs to my
Unit 9 Lesson 9g (p.98) classroom on the third floor. I could hardly breathe, so
Exercise 3  69 I had to take the lift! I don’t do any sports at school so I
decided to go to the gym. The staff were very helpful and
How to change your eating habits they made a gym plan for me. I go three times a week.
Vegetarian and vegan diets are taking off everywhere. Some days I run on the machines and sometimes I do a
The environmental benefits of a diet free of meat and dairy workout to make my leg and arm muscles stronger. Now I
are well known. But how easy (or difficult) is it to give up can run up the stairs to my classroom and I feel so good.
meat and dairy? And is it safe? Here is some advice from Presenter 4
an expert. Boy 2 I love junk food, fizzy drinks and sweet things and
How do I know what type of diet is for me? never worried about what I ate. Then a few weeks ago I
Changing your eating habits is a personal decision and a noticed that I had no energy and my skin looked terrible.
big lifestyle change. You have to decide what type of diet I spoke to my doctor who advised me to change my diet
is right for you. But you can’t do it alone. The first thing to and start taking vitamins. I now eat more vegetables and
do is talk to your family. salad. I’ve cut out a lot of sweet things and cut down on
How do I start? carbohydrates. My energy levels are better and my skin
My advice is to begin by gradually giving up meat. Don’t looks great.
do it overnight because you may not be able to keep it
up. When you’re comfortable with a vegetarian diet, you Exercise 4  71
can start replacing dairy products with vegan alternatives. 1 Can we go over this bridge?
But discuss it with your parents first because they do the 2 What’s that noise?
shopping. 3 How do you think she feels after her tennis match?
If I stop eating meat and dairy, where do I get protein? 4 Do you think Mary is okay?
A balanced vegan diet is perfectly safe, as top sports
stars have shown. Many people worry about not getting
enough protein, but lots of plant-based food is full of
Culture Link 5 (p.102)
protein. Just make sure you eat plenty of lentils, beans and Exercise 2  72
nuts. Tofu is another high-protein option. Mum I’m trying to understand why it’s so important for
What about other nutrients? you to spend so much time online.
You can take vitamin tablets if you are worried that you Jan I spend less time than the average teenager – that’s
aren’t getting enough. But there are lots of vitamins in fruit two hours a day.
and vegetables. Mum Sure, but that’s because I limit your time!

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Jan It’s different to your day, Mum. We use it to Boy Well, first of all, is this the job you’ve always wanted
communicate with each other. to do?
Mum So why do you have to post comments, photos and Dad Yes, I think so. I’ve always loved aeroplanes and
status updates so often? travelling. But your grandfather wanted me to be a doctor.
Jan Because all my friends do and I like to see what they Boy Really? Why?
are doing and show them what I’m up to. Dad He wanted a doctor or a dentist in the family. But I
Mum I never see you talking to your friends on the phone. think he’s happy with the job I chose, especially since he
Jan It’s easier and quicker to write a message or just send can fly for free now!
an emoji. Presenter 4
Mum That’s so weird. Oh, another thing – we never watch Reader I love my job. Some people think it’s unusual for a
films together as a family any more. You watch films on woman, but I’ve always loved engines. It’s not an easy job,
your laptop in your bedroom. I often have to get on the floor and lie under the cars to fix
Jan That’s because you like romantic comedies, Dad likes the problem, and my hands are always dirty with grease.
documentaries, Ewa likes cartoons and I like sci-fi. But I love going to the garage every day and working with
Mum I know. But I think we should have at least one family the different tools. In a way, it’s a bit like being a doctor,
film night every month. but instead of helping people feel better, I help cars!
Jan OK – and we can take turns to choose. Presenter 5
Mum How about staying safe online? Do you know what Boy Hi Anna. Did you see that documentary on life on
to do? Mars?
Jan Yes, we get lessons about it at school. I never share Girl Yes, it was great. But I don’t think we’ll ever live on
information or make friends with people I don’t know, and Mars.
I never give out personal details. Boy Why not? I think we will, but it won’t be easy. In fact,
Mum Do you check your privacy settings too? it’ll be a very different life to what we know.
Jan Yes, Mum. Girl How?
Mum OK, good. Why didn’t you accept my Facebook Boy Well, for one thing we won’t live in houses; we’ll
request? probably live in underground tunnels instead.
Jan That’s so embarrassing, Mum! Girl Oh, that doesn’t sound very fun!

Mock exam audio (p.104) Mock exam audio (p.105)

Zadanie 1.  73 Zadanie 2.  74
Presenter 1 Interviewer Congratulations Antek! You’ve just won this
Dad It’s Jim’s birthday next week. year’s national junior swimming competition.
Mum Yes, I know. What should we get him? How about a Antek Thanks! It’s been a really great day!
bicycle? Interviewer Tell us, Antek, has swimming always been your
Dad A bike? How about something for his room instead, passion?
like a bookcase. Antek Not really. I never liked swimming as a child, but the
Mum Hmm, there are already two bookcases in his room. doctor recommended it because I had problems with my
I know! Let’s get him a rug! He loves to lie on the floor back.
when he’s reading. Interviewer So, what made you continue?
Dad Yes, that’s a great idea! Antek Well, I took part in a swimming competition when
Presenter 2 I was eight and won! That made me very happy and made
Artur Hi Magda. What are you doing? me want to win more medals.
Magda I’m finishing my presentation for our ‘All About Me’ Interviewer I suppose it takes a lot of hard work to become
project. Can you please pass me those scissors? a champion.
Artur Where are they? I don’t see them. Antek That’s true. I train three hours every day, but that’s
Magda They’re over there on the desk. Hmm, I’m not sure not the most difficult thing.
which picture to use to end my presentation. What do you Interviewer Really? What is it, then?
think? Antek Well, I have to follow a special diet, so I’m not
Artur I like this one of you and your family. allowed to have chocolate, and I love chocolate!
Magda Yes, so do I, but I’ve already used another picture of Interviewer Oh, that is hard! So, are you just going to relax
my family at the start of my presentation. How about this now and have a rest?
picture of my dog, Woofer? Antek Oh no, I’m taking part in an international
Artur Well, that’s not really about you. Hey, this one of you competition next month so it’s back to the pool!
smiling and waving is nice. I like that one! Interviewer Well, good luck, Antek. We’ll be watching you!
Magda Yes, you’re right. That’s a good picture to end the
presentation. Thanks for your help, Artur, but I have to run. Zadanie 3.  75
I have to get to English class! Hi everyone, I’m Karolina and I’m a teenage chef. Many
Presenter 3 people are surprised when I tell them what I do, I guess
Boy Dad, can I ask you some questions about your job? It’s they think all teenagers spend their time playing video
for some research we’re doing at school. games or chatting to their friends. Actually, I have lots of
Dad Sure, what would you like to know? friends who enjoy cooking as much as I do. I can cook

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most things like pasta and meat dishes, but I’m better at
baking and I really like making cakes for special occasions.
Last week, I made a cake shaped like a car for my little
brother’s birthday. He was thrilled! Being a chef really isn’t
as hard as you think. It just takes patience and creativity.
It’s actually quite fun to mix ingredients and come up with
new recipes. There are lots of cooking courses you can
follow and you can also learn to cook online.

Zadanie 4.  76
1 Are those your glasses?
2 When’s Christmas Eve?
3 Before going to sleep, I always read.
4 I can swim, but I can’t ride a bike.

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