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a VOCABULARY: School items pp.4–5 Exercise 5 Memorize! e 1•04

• Tell Ss to put all their school items on the desk. Ask if they
Materials have all the items from exercise 4. If there are any that
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 4–5 they don’t have, they can draw a little picture of them and
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Welcome Unit animated story put the pictures with their other items.
Class CD 1, tracks 1–5 • Play the chant. Encourage Ss to join in and point to their
Workbook p.4
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING The chants in the course
provide tips to help all types of learners with their language
Warmer: YOUR WORLD acquisition skills.
• Tell Ss to empty their school bags onto their desks. Give
them time in pairs to name the items they already know. Exercise 6 e 1•05
Get feedback and write the items on the board. • Ss look at the pictures that represent the school subjects
and match them to the words in the box. Say a number
Meet the characters and elicit the corresponding school subject. Don’t correct
Ss’ answers at this stage.
Exercise 1 e 1•01 • Play the audio for Ss to listen and check their answers. Play
• Tell Ss to look at the characters at the top of the page and it again for Ss to listen and repeat.
tell them they are the main characters in the story (Lily
and Finn are brother and sister; Sid is their pet snake; Chris Vocabulary practice
is their pet chameleon).
Exercise 7
Exercise 2 e 1•02
• Give Ss time to look at the pictures and complete the
• Elicit why a chameleon is a special animal (it can change words in their notebooks. Point out that they should fill
the colour of its skin to match its surroundings so it one space with one letter and that they should count
cannot be seen). letters and spaces to help themselves. Demonstrate with
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video of the the example.
story Lily and Finn for Ss to watch and follow in their books. INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge, ask Ss to do
There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. the activity with the word box in exercise 4 covered.
Allow less confident Ss to use the word box to check their
Comprehension answers and spelling.
Exercise 3
• Give Ss time to read the story again and complete the Speaking
task. Elicit answers. Exercise 8
• Tell Ss to take out their own timetable and note down
Vocabulary presentation what they have today. See if they can note down what
Exercise 4 e 1•03 classroom items they have with them today from
• Tell Ss to look at the school items in the first frame of the
story. Read out the school items in the word box and ask • Put Ss in pairs and have them tell one another in simple
Ss to point to them in the story and say the number. English what school subjects they have today and what
items they have.
• Play the audio and have Ss listen, point and repeat.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support, in pairs, Ss take ONLINE LINK
turns to point to an item in the picture and their partner says • Working as a class, ask for a word to describe other
what it is. classroom items in Polish. Use a translation site to look up
As an extra challenge, in pairs, Ss take turns to point to three the word.
items in the picture and their partner then says what they • Ask one student to come up to the board and draw a
are, keeping the order the same. The activity continues in picture of it or, if they have the item, show it to the class.
the same way, with Ss pointing to four items, then five, and • Ask Ss to work in pairs and find three new words using the
so on. Find out who can remember the most items in the same method.
correct order.
TEACHING WITH DIGITAL Ask Ss to form groups so that
there is at least one computer, tablet or smartphone
between three. Make sure Ss use approved or agreed
translation sites. Write the URLs on the board for the Ss
to copy.

Welcome Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1

Exercise 1
1 Lily  ​2 Finn  ​3 Sid  ​4 Chris
Exercise 2
Sid the snake is in Lily’s school bag.
Exercise 3
1 True  ​2 False (Chris is a chameleon.)   ​3 True  ​
4 True (Chris is in Finn’s bag.)   ​5 True
Exercise 4
1 pencil  ​2 rubber  ​3 ruler  ​4 sharpener  ​5 pen  ​
6 crayon  ​7 notebook  ​8 book  ​9 scissors  ​
10 calculator  ​11 pencil case   ​12 school bag
Exercise 5, 8 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 6
1 art  ​2 English  ​3 history  ​4 maths  ​5 music  ​6 PE  ​
7 science  ​8 Spanish  ​9 technology  ​10 German
Exercise 7
1 school bag   ​2 pencil case   ​3 book  ​4 calculator  ​
5 crayon  ​6 pen  ​7 scissors  ​8 rubber

Welcome Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2

b GRAMMAR: be: it is, they are; it Speaking
isn’t, they aren’t p.6 Exercise 6 e 1•06
• Give Ss time to complete the dialogues.
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and check.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 6
• Tell Ss they are going to play the same game in pairs.
Class CD 1, track 6 They draw a classroom item on a piece of paper and then
Workbook p.5 make a true or false statement about it. Their partner says
whether their statement is true or false.
Warmer: REACTIVATE INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 6,
• Give Ss 30 seconds to look around the classroom and play the audio again for Ss to listen and repeat and then
point to and name as many classroom items as they can. roleplay before they do the game in pairs.
• Ask Ss to say what school subjects they have today. As an extra challenge, put Ss in groups of three or four. One
student starts to draw a picture and the others ask questions
Grammar presentation to guess what it is. The first student to guess correctly gets a
point. The game continues in the same way, with Ss taking
Exercise 1 turns to draw.
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box individually and find the ANSWERS
information about contractions to answer the question. Exercise 1
• Explain that we make the plural of these nouns by adding It is = It’s
an s to the end of the word, e.g. pencil ➝ pencils. They are = They’re
• Ask Ss to practise the grammar in pairs by pointing to Exercise 2
classroom items and saying It’s a … or They’re … Remind 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a
them to use an s on the end of plural items. Exercise 3
1 a  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 b  ​5 a
Grammar practice Exercise 4
Exercise 2 1 isn’t  ​2 is  ​3 are  ​4 aren’t  ​5 isn’t  ​6 aren’t  ​7 isn’t
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check answers. Exercise 5
1 Are they pencils? Yes, they are.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 2, 2 Is it a crayon? No, it isn’t.
tell Ss to do the exercise without looking back at the story. 3 Is it a book? Yes, it is.
Allow less confident Ss to use the grammar box and the 4 Are they calculators? Yes, they are.
story as extra support. Exercise 6
1 It’s  ​2 They’re
Exercise 3
• Ss look and complete the sentences with the correct
• Encourage Ss to write out the full completed sentences
into their notebooks.

Exercise 4
• Elicit that sentences with a tick at the end are affirmative
and ones with a cross are negative.
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check answers.
They can read their completed sentences to each other
and peer correct.

Exercise 5
• Point to the pictures and elicit the name of each item.
• Ss use the prompts to write a complete question, then
write the answer.
• If you have time, Ss can ask and answer the questions in
open pairs across the class.

Welcome Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 3

c VOCABULARY: Colours p.7 Speaking
Materials Exercise 6 e 1•09
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 7 • Ss complete the dialogue, using the picture in exercise 4.
Class CD 1, tracks 7–9 • Play the audio for Ss to check their answers. Play it again
for them to listen and repeat.

Warmer: YOUR WORLD Exercise 7

• Show the colour flashcards or different colour crayons. • Give Ss time to look around the classroom.
Tell Ss to stand up when they see their favourite colour. • They use the dialogue from exercise 6 as a model to play
Explain the word favourite if necessary. See which colour is the game.
the class’ favourite.
Exercise 8
Vocabulary presentation • Remind the Ss of the word favourite. Ask Ss to walk around
and tell each other their three favourite colours. See if they
Exercise 1 e 1•07 can find other Ss with the same favourites.
• Call the numbers 1–13 and elicit the colours from
individuals. ONLINE LINK
• Ss listen to the answers and see if they were correct. • Ss look at the colours in the picture and find an image of
the painting online.
• Play audio again and get Ss to repeat, chorally and
individually. ANSWERS
Exercise 1
CULTURE Be aware that some children may have a colour
1 red  2 orange  ​3 yellow  ​4 light green  
deficiency that makes it hard for them to identify different
​5 dark green   ​6 light blue   ​7 dark blue   ​8 purple  ​
colours and shades. If this is the case, offer support by
9 black  ​10 white  ​11 grey  ​12 brown  ​13 pink
translating into Polish as needed.
Exercises 2, 3, 7, 8 and Online Link
Exercise 2 Students’ own answers.
• Point to different colours in the classroom. See if the class Exercise 4
can find something in the classroom of every colour in the The pens are yellow and dark blue. The book is black and
presentation. white. The pencil cases are orange and red. The ruler is
• Tell the class to stand up. Say a colour. Ss have to touch dark green. The pencil is orange. The crayons are grey,
something of that colour. yellow and pink. The notebook is purple.
Exercise 5
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 1•08 1 orange  ​2 purple  ​3 red, yellow   ​
• Ss write the names of the colours in their notebooks, 4 orange, grey, blue
using the colours themselves in coloured clouds, i.e. they Exercise 6
write red using a red coloured pencil in a red cloud. pencil case
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Making a visual connection
to the word and its meaning will help learners to remember

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 4
• Ask Ss to look at the picture in pairs and take turns making
sentences about the classroom items.
• Model two ways of talking about the objects, e.g. It’s a
purple notebook and The pen is dark blue. Point out that
in the first example, the colour adjective always comes
before the noun and is the same in singular and plural
forms of the noun.

Exercise 5
• Ss look at the pictures and complete the sentences in
their notebook. Check spelling.

Welcome Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 4

1 Me & my family
1a VOCABULARY: Feelings pp.8–9 Exercise 5
• Fast finisher exercise: ask Ss to try and spell the other five
Materials words from the box on page 8 and then look and check.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 8
Exercise 6
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 flashcards
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask them to mime a feeling for
Class CD 1, tracks 10–12
their partner before they start drawing.
Workbook p.6
• Once they have finished their drawing, ask Ss to show
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 1 vocabulary each other to see if they are feeling the same!

Warmer: YOUR WORLD Listening and Speaking

• Support Ss by giving a few simple model answers. At this Exercise 7 e 1•12
point in the year, accept all answers whether short or long.
• Give Ss time to look at the picture and write the words in
their notebooks.
Vocabulary presentation • Play the audio for Ss to check their answers. Ask them to
Exercise 1 correct any they have got wrong.
• Give Ss time to look at the picture and feeling words. Exercise 8
• Call the numbers 1–11 and elicit the answers from • Before Ss play the game in pairs, ask two of them to model
individuals. Write the answers on the board, but do not the dialogue.
• If you have time, you could extend this to ask Ss to mime
Exercise 2 e 1•10 and the class to guess using the structures and vocabulary
• Ss to listen to the answers and see if they were correct. from the exercise.
• Play audio again and get the Ss to repeat, chorally and INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Pairwork speaking dialogues: Early
individually. Pay attention to pronunciation. on in the year, put confident Ss together and use them to
model language such as the ones in speaking activities.
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 1•11 Again, at the beginning of the year, ask confident Ss to share
• Point out that having an action for each word will help answers with the class while shyer Ss gain confidence.
them remember it. Say each feeling word. For less confident Ss, just have them work with each other
• Encourage Ss do an action or make a facial expression to until they get used to acting out.
demonstrate how they feel, e.g. wipe their forehead for
hot, jump up and down for excited, frown for angry. ONLINE LINK
• Work as a class and ask for a word to describe a ‘new’
Vocabulary practice feeling in Polish. Using a translation site, look up the word.
• Ask one student to come up to the board and draw a
Exercise 4 suitable emoticon.
• Practise all 11 feeling words, using a different context: Call • Ask Ss to work in pairs and find three new words using the
out each letter and elicit the feeling words as a whole same method.
class and then individuals.
TEACHING WITH DIGITAL Ask Ss to form groups so that
Exercise 5 there is at least one computer, tablet or smartphone
• Point out that each question mark is a letter and ask Ss to between three.
be careful with their spelling, using the box on page 8 as Make sure Ss use approved or agreed translation sites. Write
a reference. the URLs on the board for Ss to copy.
• Monitor spelling as the Ss work in their notebooks. ANSWERS
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ask Ss to think about how Exercises 1 and 2
they feel now. Say a feeling. If Ss feel like that, they nod their 1 Adam is scared.   ​2 Mrs Collins is angry.   ​
head, and if they don’t, they shake their head. Continue 3 Mr Kowalski is tired.   ​4 Rafael is hungry.   ​
in the same way with other feelings. Making a personal 5 Sandra is excited.   ​6 Dylan is sad.   ​7 Duncan is hot.   ​
connection to the new words will help the Ss to remember 8 Myra is happy.   ​9 Karina is bored.   ​10 Lara is cold.   ​
the words and their meanings. 11 Agata is thirsty.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 5
Exercises 3, 6, 8 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 4
a happy  ​b sad  ​c hot  ​d cold  ​e tired  ​f excited  
​g hungry  ​h thirsty  ​i scared  ​j bored  ​k angry
Exercise 5
1 hungry  ​2 cold  ​3 tired  ​4 excited  ​5 angry  ​
6 happy
Exercise 7
1 tired  ​2 scared  ​3 hot  ​4 excited  ​5 cold  ​6 bored  ​
7 hungry  ​8 sad  ​9 angry

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 6
1b GRAMMAR: be: affirmative p.10 Exercise 6
• This exercise helps Ss to focus on the word order and also
Materials to see both forms alongside each other. Ss write the two
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 10 versions of each jumbled sentence in their notebooks.
Class CD 1, tracks 13–14 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ask Ss to do the exercise
Workbook p.7 without looking at the grammar box on p.10. They can then
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 1 grammar use it to check their answers.

Exercise 7 e 1•14
Warmer: REACTIVATE! • This exercise helps Ss consolidate the new language and
• Give Ss one minute to mime the words. If their partner hear it in context. Give Ss time to look at the picture. Play
can’t guess, they have to spell it out to them one letter at the audio. Ss match the descriptions to the children.
a time to guess.
Grammar presentation
Exercise 8
Exercise 1 e 1•13 • Before Ss play the game in groups of three, ask a group to
• Prepare Ss to listen by setting the scene. Tell them they are model the dialogue.
going to listen to a girl describing a photo of her friends. ANSWERS
Let them read the gist question and tell them to focus on
Exercise 1
that when they listen.
Mark is excited.
• Let Ss listen to the audio once and answer the question.
Exercises 2 and 8
Exercise 2 Students’ own answers.
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box, then say a sentence Exercise 3
about themselves. 1 d  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 b
• Alternatively, play a game in pairs. Tell Ss to say three Exercise 4
affirmative sentences, one true and two false. Their partner 1 They’re angry.   ​2 He’s excited.   ​3 She’s hungry.   ​
has to guess which one is true. 4 We’re tired.   ​5 I’m happy.
Exercise 5
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Encourage more confident Ss to
1 She’s 10 years old.
make sentences about other people in the class using you, 2 We’re hot.
she / he, and they. 3 He’s my friend.
Practise the pronouns with less confident Ss by pointing 4 The dog’s hungry.
at different individual Ss or groups and eliciting the correct 5 You’re tired.
pronoun and form of be. 6 They’re happy.
7 I’m angry.
Grammar practice 8 It’s thirsty.
Exercise 6
Exercise 3
1 He is cold. He’s cold.
• Ss match the pronouns to the pictures. 2 We are scared. We’re scared.
• Check answers by saying a letter and asking individual Ss 3 They are angry. They’re angry.
to say the correct pronoun. 4 She is hungry. She’s hungry.
5 I am happy. I’m happy.
Exercise 4
Exercise 7
• Point out the contracted forms of each version of be in the 1 b  ​2 e  ​3 a  ​4 c  ​5 d
grammar box and then drill the pronunciation chorally by
saying the contractions for the class to repeat.
• Ask the Ss to do the task in their notebooks.

Exercise 5
• Ss complete the sentences with the contracted form in
their notebooks.
• Monitor correct position of the apostrophe in the
contractions. Point out the apostrophe replaces a letter.
Elicit the letter it replaces.

Exercise 5
• Ask Ss to write sentences about their friends and family
using exercise 5 as a model.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 7
1c VOCABULARY: Family members Exercise 7
• Give Ss time to look at the pictures and predict who the
and descriptions p.11 family members will be.
Materials • Teach twins. Ask Ss if they know anyone who is a twin.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 11 Exercise 8
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 flashcards • This is a notetaking activity to give Ss practice writing the
Class CD 1, tracks 15–16 new words.
Workbook p.8 • Ask the Ss to write the descriptions of each family
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 five minute test member in their notebooks.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 1 vocabulary INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM More confident Ss should do this
from memory with their books closed and then check their
Tell less confident Ss to copy the words from exercise 4.
• Use gesture to teach big and small. Ask Ss to say whether
their family is big or small. ONLINE LINK
• Ss discuss the question in pairs, then share what they • Ss can also research the families of other famous people
learned about their partner’s family. they are interested in.
• See if they can find any famous people who are twins or
Vocabulary presentation who have twins!
Exercise 1 ANSWERS
• Focus on the family picture and elicit why this family is Exercises 1 and 2
unusual (They’re vampires!). 1 grandfather  ​2 grandmother  ​3 sister  ​4 father  ​
• Call the numbers 1–9. Elicit the answers, but do not 5 mother  ​6 brother  ​7 uncle  ​8 aunt  ​9 cousins
correct at this point. Exercises 3, 5 and 6
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2 e 1•15 Exercise 4
• Ss listen and check their answers. 1 aunt – tall   ​2 brother – short   ​3 grandmother – old   ​
• Play audio again and get the Ss to repeat, chorally and 4 cousins – young   ​5 uncle – clever   ​6 mother – strong  ​
individually. 7 father – nice   ​8 sister – pretty
Exercise 7
Exercise 3 Memorize!
1 b  ​2 e  ​3 a  ​4 d  ​5 c
• Have fewer than nine in each circle to encourage Ss to say
Exercise 8
a different family member each time.
1 brother – tall and strong   ​2 mother – short and pretty  ​
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Display the flashcards of the family 3 grandfather – old and (very) nice   ​4 cousins – (very)
member to support less confident Ss. young  ​5 father – tall and clever
As an extra challenge, tell Ss not to repeat the same family Online Link
member as anyone else in the group. Prince William and Catherine Middleton (the Duke and
Duchess of Cambridge) have three children: Prince
Vocabulary practice George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Exercise 4 e 1•16
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and predict which description
will be used for each family member.
• Play the audio for them to check their predictions and
complete the activity.

Exercise 5
• Ss draw their family members and label them. They can
also write a number to indicate how many of each family
member they have.

Speaking and Reading

Exercise 6
• Ss work in pairs and talk about the family members
they drew.
TEACHING WITH DIGITAL Ss can do exercise 6 with photos
of family members they have on their smartphones.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 8
1d GRAMMAR: be: negative and Exercise 4
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box and to find examples of
questions pp.12–13 the negative and question forms of be in the story.
Materials • Ss then say one affirmative sentence and one negative
question that’s true for them.
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 12–13
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 animated story INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Put more confident Ss in pairs with
Class CD 1, track 17 each other. Tell them to make two affirmative sentences, one
true and one false, and the same with negative sentences.
Workbook p.9
They can use the word box in 1c, exercise 4 as a prompt.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 five minute test They have to ask and answer to guess which ones are true.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 1 grammar; Unit 1 Help less confident Ss to write their sentences before they
discussion compare with a partner.

Warmer: REACTIVATE! Grammar practice

• Give Ss 30 seconds to think of as many family members Exercise 5
as they can, counting on their fingers. They then compare
their answers with a partner.
• This task is the same style as the tasks in the Repetytorium
Exercise 1 e 1•17 • Ss complete the sentences with the correct form in their
• Review the story characters who Ss met in the notebooks.
Welcome Unit. • Make sure they capitalize the words that go at the
• Play the story audio and ask Ss to follow in their books. beginning of a sentence.
Pause the audio after frames 3 and 5 and ask Ss to predict
Exercise 6
what happens next.
• After they have listened to the audio, allow Ss time to look
• Ss use the words to write the questions. Teach the words
late and parents. Ss then write affirmative or negative short
through the story individually and answer the question.
answers indicated by the tick or cross.
• Point out that instead of using mother and father, Lily and
Finn use the more informal terms mum and dad. Instead
• Check answers by having Ss ask and answer as a class.
of grandmother and grandfather, common terms are • Play a game to practise questions with be. All Ss except
grandma / granny and grandad / grandpa. one make a circle with their chairs and sit down. The
remaining student stands in the middle and asks a yes /
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, Ss can watch the no question, e.g. Is your mother 42 years old? Are you
animated story Our family tree. hungry? The Ss whose answer to the question is yes have
CULTURE NOTE In Britain, people usually consider pets as to stand up and quickly move to another chair, while the
part of the family and therefore use the subject pronouns he student in the middle also tries to sit down. The student
and she rather than it to talk about them. left without a chair goes to the middle and asks another
question. With a large class, this activity can be done in
Comprehension small groups.

Exercise 2 Exercise 6
• Ask Ss to read the sentence halves and match them. Allow • Fast finisher exercise: ask Ss to ask and answer the
them to refer back to the story. They then write the full questions in pairs.
sentences in their notebooks. Exercise 7
• Check the sentences for spelling. • Ss first mark the sentences as true or false for them. Then
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Ask more confident Ss to write the go through each of the subjects and elicit the subject
contracted forms of the verb be. pronoun they can replace them with as necessary.
Less confident Ss, or those with processing difficulties, can • Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences which were false for them
use a ruler under the sentences as they write to help them so that they are now true.
copy the sentences correctly.
Exercise 8
Grammar presentation • Put Ss in pairs with someone they don’t usually work with.
Tell them to ask and answer the questions.
Exercise 3 e 1•17 • Ss think of other things they would like to find out about
• Ss read the story again and list the qualities Finn thinks he their new partner and create questions to ask them.
has. This allows them to see the grammar being used in Encourage Ss to give more information after they have
the context of the story. said the short answer.
• They compare their list with a friend. • Ask Ss to share the things they have learned about their
• Ask them to discuss in pairs whether they think Finn really partner with the class.
does have those qualities.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 9
• Ss can work in small groups to find out about each other’s
• Alternatively Ss can use an online forum to ask and answer
the questions.
DIGITAL TEACHING Make sure you source closed online
forums that are especially designed for school children’s use.
You can use the Discussion Room in the Students’ Online
Practice for this (see page 12 for more information).
Exercise 1
The children are making a poster of their family tree for a
school project.
Exercise 2
1 b  ​2 d  ​3 a  ​4 c
Exercise 3
Finn thinks he’s strong and clever.
Exercises 4, 7, 8 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
1 a  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 c  ​5 c  ​6 b  ​7 a
Exercise 6
1 Is she English? Yes, she is.
2 Are your parents old? No, they aren’t.
3 Is Alan 12? Yes, he is.
4 Is he your cousin? No, he isn’t.
5 Are we late for school? Yes, we are.
6 Are they in your class? No, they aren’t.
7 Is Lucy pretty? Yes, she is.
8 Am I excited? Yes, I am.
9 Is your brother tall? Yes, he is.
10 Are your cousins identical twins? No, they aren’t.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 10
1e HALFWAY REVIEW p.14 Exercise 6 e 1•18
• Show the Ss the photos of the three male singers. Ask
Materials them if they know who they are and anything about
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 14 them. Encourage them to name and sing any of the songs
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 flashcards they know by the singers.
Class CD 1, track 18 • Play the audio. Then ask Ss which singer they were talking
Workbook p.10
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 vocabulary and TEACHING WITH DIGITAL As a treat for the class, let Ss vote
grammar worksheet; Unit 1 speaking worksheet on a song they want to hear by one of the singers featured
in exercise 6. Use a streaming website or a video website to
play it. If appropriate, pre-teach some of the words in the
Warmer song, or elicit lyrics from Ss and write them on the board.
• Display the feeling flashcards on the board and elicit the
word for each. Exercise 7
• Ask Ss to close their eyes. Remove one or two flashcards. • Ss play the game in pairs. Play track 1.18 again as a model.
When Ss open their eyes, ask them to say what’s missing. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Monitor Ss’ conversations.
Highlight to them how well they are now using the new
Vocabulary review vocabulary and language from the unit.
Exercise 1 ANSWERS
• Ss race to be the first to complete all the words correctly. Exercise 1
cold, happy, hot, sad, tired, bored, scared, angry, thirsty,
• Ask individual Ss to spell out and say the words.
hungry, excited
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
• Tell Ss that the number codes correspond to the position bored, tired, sad, scared, cold, hot
of the letters in the alphabet. Exercises 3, 4, 5 and 7
Students’ own answers.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For exercise 2, tell less confident Ss
to write out a grid with the alphabet code in (A1, B2, etc.) to Exercise 6
refer to, or write it on the board. Ed Sheeran
More confident Ss can write other words using the code for
their friends to decode.

Exercise 2
• Fast finishers can create their own alphabet codes with
pictures and symbols and write family words for a partner
to decode.

Exercise 3
• Tell Ss that they can use the pictures they have drawn
in exercise 3 as a picture dictionary to help them to
remember the new vocabulary.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell Ss that they can use the
pictures they have drawn as a picture dictionary to help
them to remember the new vocabulary.

Grammar review
Exercise 4
• Ask Ss to write six questions using the pronouns and the
words in the box.

Exercise 5
• Ss move around the class and find five different Ss to ask
their set of questions to.
• Ask individual Ss to tell you which of their questions got
the most affirmative replies. Write these on the board.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 11
1f READING AND WRITING: A • Ss use their notes and the model to write their
descriptions. Encourage them to write a first draft before
special occasion p.15 producing a final copy.

Materials INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM It will help all Ss to have a photo,

Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 15 either printed out or on a smartphone, or a drawing of the
occasion to help them plan their description.
Class CD 1, track 19
More confident Ss can write full sentences. Less confident
Workbook p.11
Ss can write single words and draw pictures.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 extra writing worksheet
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ss peer assess their partner’s
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 1 reading
first draft. Monitor to make sure any corrections are right.
Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercise 1
• Set a one-minute time limit for Ss to write their words. It’s Ana’s birthday party.
When they have finished, tell them to compare their
Exercise 2
words with a partner.
1 Photo c   ​2 Photo b   ​3 Photo a
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Writing the new words in Exercise 3
different colours will help visual learners to remember new 1 F. Ana is from Miami.   ​2 T.  ​3 T.  ​
vocabulary. 4 F. Ana’s sister is a baby.   ​5 T.
Exercise 4
Reading 1 She’s excited because it’s her birthday party.
2 Her favourite birthday present is her new Harry
Exercise 1 e 1•19 Potter book.
• Tell Ss to look at the pictures and predict the answer to 3 She mentions her mum, dad, brother and baby sister.
the gist question.
Exercises 5 and 6
• Play the audio and encourage Ss to read along. Ask them Students’ own answers.
if they predicted correctly.

Exercise 2
• Ss read and point to the photos that show the different
feelings. This helps them to recognize and apply the unit’s

Exercise 3
• See if Ss can answer the comprehension questions from
memory. They can then read the text again to check their
• They rewrite the false sentences in their notebooks so that
they’re true.

Exercise 4
• Put Ss in small groups and ask the questions quiz-show
style. Groups have to be the first to put up their hands to

Exercise 5
• Ss take turns describing photos for their partner to guess.
• Model the activity with a confident student before letting
the Ss continue in pairs.

Exercise 5
• Fast finishers can find other photos in the book to
describe to their partner.

Writing basics
Exercise 6
• Help Ss to make notes about a special occasion. Show
them different ways they can organize their notes, e.g.
mind maps or graphic organizers.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 12
1g EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Meeting Exercise 5
• Fast finishers can write a transcript of their roleplay in their
someone new p.16 notebooks.
Materials DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video New
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 16 Friends for Ss to watch and follow in their books.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 Everyday English video ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Doing a roleplay at the
Class CD 1, tracks 20–21 beginning of the lesson (in the warmer) and repeating the
Workbook p.12 activity at the end of the lesson will help Ss realize how their
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 Everyday English learning progresses during the course of a lesson.
worksheet Pronunciation (Workbook p.12)
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 1 Everyday English • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on
sentence stress and rhythm.
• Ask Ss to brainstorm their ideas in pairs. Then they can Exercise 1
roleplay meeting someone new with their partner. They meet outside Joel and Rosie’s house.
Exercise 2
Exercise 1 e 1•20
1 Rosie and Joel.   ​2 Jan.  ​3 Leila.  ​4 Joel.
• Tell Ss to look at the pictures and say what they can see.
Exercise 4
Ask them to listen for the names of the children.
1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 e  ​5 d
• Play the audio for Ss to follow in their books check their
Exercise 3 and 5
Students’ own answers.
• Play the audio again. Tell Ss to stand up each time they
hear someone ask a question.

Exercise 2
• Give Ss a chance to read the questions and find the
answers in the text.
• Ask the questions to the class and elicit the answers from
individual Ss.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM At this point, nominate the more
confident Ss who are willing to speak. Later in the book, start
to encourage less confident Ss to give their answers, too.

Everyday English presentation

Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Everyday English box. Ask them if they
are the same questions that they thought of during the
• Ask them if they ask these questions when they meet
someone new. Ask if they ask any other questions.

Exercise 4 e 1•21
• See if Ss can match up the questions and answers from
memory, then let them read the text to check.
• Play the audio, pausing before the answers and encourage
Ss to give the answer chorally.

Exercise 5
• This is a controlled speaking practice exercise.
• Put Ss in pairs with someone they don’t usually work with.
Tell them to roleplay meeting them for the first time. Then
ask them to present information about their partner to the
rest of the class.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 13
1h CULTURE LINK: Listening
English-speaking countries p.17 Exercise 5 e 1•23
• Explain that Ss are going to listen to four people talking
Materials about where they are from and what languages they can
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 17 speak.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 culture video • Tell Ss to concentrate on the first column of answers the
Class CD 1, track 23 first time they listen and the second column the second
Workbook p.13 time they listen.
• Elicit which countries are in the UK.
Warmer: YOUR WORLD • Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
check answers.
• Let Ss work in pairs to list as many countries they can think
of that speak English. Give a time limit of two minutes. INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Pause the audio after each speaker
• Check answers as a class and compile a list on the board for less confident Ss. Give Ss time to write their answers and
with Ss’ suggestions. compare with a partner.
More confident Ss can write more information about each
CULTURE NOTE English is the third most widely spoken
language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish. It is
estimated that there are over 50 countries where English ANSWERS
is either a primary or an official language. The principal Exercise 1
countries which have English as their first language are Three: Spanish, French and English, (not including
focused on in this lesson, but there are many more. unnamed national languages).
The United Kingdom (UK) is composed of England, Scotland, Exercise 2
Wales and Northern Ireland. While all these countries 1 h  ​2 d  ​3 b  ​4 g  ​5 c  ​6 f  ​7 a  ​8 e  ​9 i
have English as their first language, they also have other Exercise 3
recognized languages. Scotland has Scots and Scottish A Canada  ​B the USA   ​C Jamaica  ​D the UK   ​
Gaelic; Wales has Welsh as an official language; Northern E Ireland  ​F South Africa   ​G Singapore  ​
Ireland has Irish and Ulster-Scots. H Australia  ​I New Zealand
Exercise 4
Exercise 1
Students’ own answers.
• Tell Ss they are going to listen and read about English-
Exercise 5
speaking countries.
I’m from the UK: David T  ​Celine F (She’s from Canada.)  ​
• Play the audio and pause after the answer to the question. Carol F (She’s from South Africa.)  ​Lorcan T
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video Do you I can speak English and another language: David F (He can
speak English? for Ss to watch and follow in their books. only speak English.)  ​Celine T  ​Carol T  ​Lorcan T

Reading and Speaking

Exercise 2
• Elicit the names of the countries represented by the flags
in the text and write them on the board. Model and drill
the pronunciation.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in pairs.

Exercise 3
• Point to the map and tell Ss to find Europe. It would be
useful to use the Classroom Presentation Tool to show a
larger version of the map.
• Call out the names of the countries and elicit the
corresponding letters from the map.

Exercise 4
• This is a freer practice speaking activity which helps
Ss to show their cultural knowledge and practise
• Ss ask and answer about the map in pairs.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 14
1i WRITING: Describe feelings INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM To generate ideas for possible
questions to ask, elicit what Ss could ask Maria about her
during the day p.18 project.
• Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
Materials classmates’ questions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 18 • After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 writing project what they liked about each presentation.
DIGITAL TEACHING Film the Ss doing their presentations in
Warmer exercise 6 and play it back to them. This is a good way for Ss
• Ask Ss Are your feelings different at different times of the day? to assess their own performance.
Give them a few minutes to think about the question ANSWERS
individually, then let them share their ideas in pairs.
Exercise 1
1 It’s seven o’clock. It’s ten past two.
Comprehension 2 She’s in maths class.
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
2 a  ​4 b  ​6 c
• Focus on Maria’s feelings wheel. Explain that the wheel
represents Maria’s day and shows her activities and Exercise 3
feelings at different times. All instances of I’m and It’s.
• Teach the word sleepy. Give Ss time to complete the task, Exercises 4, 5 and 6
then check answers. Students’ own answers.

Exercise 2
• Give Ss time to read the sticky notes and complete the
task, then check answers.

Writing project
Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Writing Tips individually and complete
the task.

Exercise 4
• Look Monitor and help Ss with ideas as required.
• Make notes Tell Ss to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Help them to organize their ideas using a feelings wheel
• Write For each section, they should write the time,
the feeling and where they are. Monitor and help with
language and spelling as required.

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Peer assessment is a good way
for Ss to assess their own learning. In exercise 5 tell Ss that
they may notice mistakes in their partner’s writing that they
don’t notice in their own work.

Exercise 6
• Give Ss time to practise their presentation. Monitor and
help with any queries Ss may have.
• Before starting the presentations, reinforce how important
it is for Ss to give their classmates their full attention and
listen carefully. They should also ask questions to show
they are engaged and interested.
• To ensure that all Ss get involved, tell them they must
each ask at least one question during the presentations.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 15
1j REVISION p.19 Everyday English
Materials Exercise 7
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 19 • Put Ss in pairs and have them roleplay the dialogue with
their partner.
Workbook p.14
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 1 test

Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercise 8

• Write the two headings on the board. Give Ss one minute • Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement.
to write as many words as they can think of for each
category. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING As part of exercise 8, tell Ss
• Tell Ss to compare their lists in pairs and then write their to complete the Can you … ? statements in the Workbook
suggestions on the board. honestly. This helps Ss to reflect on their learning and where
their strengths and weaknesses lie so no judgement will be
Exercise 1 made on them admitting that they struggle in certain areas.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Call out numbers 1–9 and elicit the corresponding family English in the real world
member from the Ss. • Discuss where Ss can find books and comics in English.
Ideas include at school, in the library and online.
Exercise 2 ANSWERS
• Let Ss write down any of the adjectives they think Exercise 1
describe the father and grandmother. 1 grandfather  ​2 mother  ​3 sister  ​4 brother  ​
• Put Ss in pairs. They take turns to describe people in the 5 grandmother  ​6 father  ​7 uncle  ​8 cousin  ​9 aunt
photo for their partner to guess. Exercise 2
Exercise 3 1 The father is strong and tall.
2 The grandmother is old and short.
• Review the subject pronouns. Point to individual children,
groups and yourself to elicit the pronouns. Exercise 3
1 They are happy.   ​2 She is angry.   ​3 He is sad.   ​
• Play a grammar game to review the language. Mime
4 They are cold.   ​5 He is hungry.   ​6 She is thirsty.
an adjective and point to one of the pronouns on the
board. Ss make a sentence with the pronoun to guess the Exercise 4
adjective. Repeat with Ss doing the mimes. 1 are  ​2 is  ​3 is  ​4 is  ​5 isn’t  ​6 are
• Give Ss time to write the sentences in their notebooks, Exercise 5
then check answers as a class. 1 Are  ​2 is  ​3 isn’t  ​4 I’m  ​5 ’re  ​6 Are
Exercise 6
Exercise 4 1 Florence is a student.   ​2 They aren’t cousins.   ​
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 3 Is Mr Jones tall?   ​4 Jessica and Anne are clever.   ​
• Ask Ss to point out the contraction and the negative in 5 I’m not 12.   ​6 He isn’t bored.   ​7 We’re excited.   ​
the text (he’s, aren’t). Elicit other contractions and negative 8 She isn’t sad.
forms. Exercise 7
1 What  ​2 Where  ​3 How
Exercise 5 Exercise 8
• Tell Ss to write out the sentences in their notebooks with Students’ own answers.
the missing words.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 5,
write two alternatives for the missing words on the board.
As an extra challenge, tell Ss to write three gapped
sentences for their partner to complete.

Exercise 6
• Ss write the sentences in the affirmative, negative or
question form of be according to the prompts at the end
of the sentences.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 16
Exercise 1
Materials a
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 20 Exercise 2
Class CD 1, tracks 24–25 Reason 2 is not correct.
Workbook p.15 Exercise 3
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 c
Exercise 4
Warmer: YOUR WORLD 1 tall  ​2 pretty  ​3 clever  ​4 strong  ​5 short
• Brainstorm different animals with the class. Write Ss’
suggestions on the board under the following headings:
Pets, Farm animals, Wild animals.

Rozumienie ze słuchu
Exercise 1 e 1•24
• Give Ss time to look at the pictures and think about the
differences before they listen. Pre-teach of elicit kitten.
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Pause the audio after each
sentence the second time you play it through for less
confident Ss to check their answers.
After the activity, ask Ss to talk about the other two pictures
in pairs. Pair more confident Ss with less confident ones.

Exercise 2
• Let Ss read the tip individually and answer the questions.
• Ask Ss what they think are the key words in the
instructions in exercise 1 which helped them to
understand the exercise (describe, family). Ask them what
they think they are going to hear in the audio.

Exercise 3 e 1•25
• Remind Ss to read the instructions carefully and also to
read the questions and options before they listen.
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second

Znajomość środków językowych

Exercise 4
• Remind Ss to follow the tip and read the instructions
carefully before they do the exercise. Tell them to look
at the picture and think how they would describe
each person.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Once the Ss have completed
all the exercises, ask them to look through the tasks and
write one or two points that are not clear to them. Ask Ss to
work in small groups to discuss their points and see if they
can help each other. Choose a couple of things that most Ss
have highlighted as unclear and work together as a class to
clarify them.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 17
present tense affirmative,
negative, questions and short
answers p.21
Exercise 1
1 I am 10 years old.   ​2 He isn’t hungry.   ​3 She is happy.  ​
4 They aren’t nice.   ​5 It is old.   ​6 You are tall.   ​
7 We aren’t old.
Exercise 2
1 A Are you tired?   B No, I’m not.
2 A Are we old?   B Yes, we are.
3 A Are you here?   B No, we aren’t.
4 A Are they dark blue?   B Yes, they are.
5 A Is he sad?   B Yes, he is.
6 A Is she old?   B Yes, she is.
7 A Is it yellow?   B No, it isn’t.

Unit 1 Me & my family Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 18
2 Through the year
2a VOCABULARY: Clothes and Exercise 4 Memorize! e 1•27
• Say items of clothing. Ss to point to the part of their body
weather phrases pp.22–23 where they wear each one.
Materials • Play the chant. Ss join in and do the actions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp.22–23
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 flashcards
Vocabulary practice
Class CD1, tracks 26–28 Exercise 5
Workbook p.16 • Teach summer and winter. Elicit the typical weather for
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 2 vocabulary each season and the clothes the Ss typically wear.
• Point out that each question mark is a missing word.
The initial letter of each word is provided. Ask Ss to be
Warmer: YOUR WORLD careful with their spelling, using the box on page 22 as a
• Say items of clothing. Ss stand up if they are wearing the reference.
item you say.
Exercise 5
Vocabulary presentation • Teach fast finishers spring and autumn. Ask them to list
the weather expressions and the items of clothing they
Exercise 1 associate for each.
• Give Ss time to look at the picture and words for clothes in
the box. Reading and Speaking
• Call out numbers 1–10 and elicit answers. Write Ss’ ideas
on the board, but do not correct at this stage. Exercise 6
• This activity helps Ss to read and understand the new
Exercise 2 e 1•26 language in context.
• Ss listen and see if they were correct. • Ask Ss to look at each picture and think about the weather
• Play audio again for Ss to repeat, chorally and individually. expressions they would use to describe each one and the
Focus on pronunciation. items of clothing they can see.
• Draw a simple person on the board and then draw lines • Ss read the descriptions and say the corresponding
across to divide the body into four sections – 1 head and picture.
neck / 2 shoulders to waist / 3 waist to ankles / 4 feet. Ss
CULTURE NOTE The North Pole is the northernmost point
say clothes which are worn in each section, e.g. 1 = hat
on Earth and is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.
and scarf. As an extra challenge, Ss also include other
The Amazon is a rainforest, or jungle, located in South
clothes they know, e.g. 2 = jumper, T-shirt, jacket, shirt,
America, largely in Brazil. It covers an area of 5,500,000 km2.
blouse, vest.
Scotland is the most mountainous country of the UK. The
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM After completing exercise 2, give highest mountain in the UK, Ben Nevis, is in Scotland and
less confident Ss more practice. In pairs, they take turns to is 1,345 metres high. Wakiki Beach is situated in Honolulu,
say a number for their partner to say the activity. Hawaii. It’s about 3 kilometres long and is one of the most
As an extra challenge, more confident Ss close their books popular tourist destinations in the country.
and try to remember all ten activities in pairs.
Exercise 7
Exercise 3 • Ask Ss to copy the table in their notebooks. They look at
• Point out that there are three different scenes in the main pictures a and b.
picture and each shows a different weather condition. • Tell them to complete the notes about the pictures by
• Talk the Ss through the weather expressions one by one answering the questions.
and do a mime to represent each one and / or how you INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM More confident Ss can answer the
feel in each condition. Encourage the Ss to copy the same questions for pictures c and d. Allow less confident Ss
mimes and repeat each expression. This helps kinaesthetic to copy words and phrases from exercise 6.
and visual learners to remember the new vocabulary.
• Ss then point to the picture and say what weather Exercise 8 e 1•28
expressions they can use to describe each one. Ask • Model the activity by reading the speech bubbles with
them to discuss in pairs how they would say each confident Ss. Encourage them to complete the sentences
expression in Polish. from memory and ask the class if they are correct.
• Put Ss in pairs and have them play a guessing game about
the pictures using the model provided in the speech

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 19
• Find photos of traditional clothes from other countries
and ask Ss to describe them. See if they can imagine each
country’s climate from the clothes. They can check ideas
TEACHING WITH DIGITAL Make sure you have all the
appropriate firewalls and security in place on your network
so that Ss are never in danger of seeing inappropriate
images in their online searches.
Exercises 1 and 2
1 scarf  ​2 hat  ​3 jumper  ​4 jacket  ​5 shoes  ​
6 trousers  ​7 T-shirt  ​8 shorts  ​9 flip-flops  ​10 skirt
Exercises 3, 4 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
1 scarf  ​2 jacket  ​3 trousers  ​4 hat  ​5 shoes  ​
6 T-shirt  ​7 shorts  ​8 flip-flops  ​9 jacket  ​10 hat  ​
11 flip-flops  ​12 shoes
Exercise 6
1 b  ​2 a  ​3 c  ​4 d
Exercise 7
A the Amazon; it’s hot and wet; green trousers;
white T-shirt, big hat, strong shoes; a snake
B the North Pole; black trousers; big, orange jacket, strong
shoes, short scarf; two polar bears
Exercise 8
1 the Amazon   ​2 Scotland
Online Link
Students’ own answers.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 20
2b GRAMMAR: this, that, these, Speaking
those p.24 Exercise 8
• Demonstrate with a volunteer. Point to items and ask
Materials what they are.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 24 • Tell pairs of Ss to walk around the classroom asking and
Class CD 1, track 29 answering.
Workbook p.17
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 2 grammar
Exercise 1
A jacket, a jumper, shoes and flip-flops
Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercises 2, 4 and 8
• In pairs, Ss brainstorm the clothes in the chant. Set a time Students’ own answers.
limit of 30 seconds. Exercise 3
• Elicit ideas and write them on the board, encouraging Ss 1 Close  ​2 Far  ​3 Far  ​4 Close
to spell the words out as you write them. Play the chant to Exercise 4
check. What are these? These are shoes.
What are those? Those are flip-flops.
Grammar presentation What is that? That’s a jacket.
What is this? This is a jumper.
Exercise 1 e 1•29 Exercise 5
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to a boy and girl asking and 1 This is a (black) jacket.
answering about clothes. Let them read the gist question 2 Those are (red) shoes.
and tell them to focus on that when they listen. 3 This is a (yellow) T-shirt.
• Let Ss listen to the audio once and answer the question. 4 That is a (new) skirt.
• Play the audio again. Point to things close to you for this 5 Those are my (old) flip-flops.
and these, and point away from yourself for that and those. Exercise 6
1 That is a blue hat.
Exercise 2 2 These are old flip-flops.
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box, then say a sentence 3 Those are pretty skirts.
about the items on their desk. 4 This is a purple jumper.
5 This is a green pencil.
Grammar practice 6 These are blue trousers.
7 Those are blue pens and pencils.
Exercise 3 8 This is a yellow dress.
• Check understanding of this, these, that and those. Drill Exercise 7
with items on your desk and further away. 1 What are those? Those are blue shoes.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the speech 2 What is that? That is a black jacket.
bubbles. Then say the numbers of the pictures and have 3 What are these? These are brown shorts.
Ss say close or far. 4 What is this? This is a grey T-shirt.

Exercise 4
• Ss write questions in their notebooks, then ask and answer
in pairs.

Exercise 5
• Refer Ss to the right-hand side of the grammar box. Ask
them to point to the adjective in each of the sentences.
• Elicit other adjectives that they know that can be used to
describe clothes.
• Ss write the sentences with adjectives in their notebook.

Exercise 6
• This gives Ss further practice with word ordering. Ss write
the sentences in the correct order in their notebooks.

Exercise 7
• This exercise helps Ss to consolidate the new language by
writing questions and sentences in the correct order.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 21
2c VOCABULARY: Months Reading and Speaking
and dates p.25 Exercise 7 e 1•34
• This exercise helps Ss to extract key information from
Materials a text.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 25 • Ask Ss to read and listen to the texts. Then ask when each
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 flashcards of the children celebrates their birthday. Ask them to say
Class CD 1, tracks 30–34 the order in the year the children celebrate their birthday
Workbook p.18 (Marta and Agnieszka, Jonah, Sarah).
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 five minute test
Exercise 8
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 2 vocabulary
• Model the speaking activity with a volunteer.
• Tell Ss to ask and answers in pairs to guess when their
Warmer: YOUR WORLD partner’s birthday is.
• After Ss practise answering the question, have them get
in groups with other Ss with the same birthday month.
Which month has the most birthdays? • Ss research famous people who were born on their
Vocabulary presentation • They can do research to find out if any notable events
happened on their birthday.
Exercise 1 e 1•30 ANSWERS
• Ask Ss to look at the words for the months of the year. Ask Exercise 1
how many months there are.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
• Tell Ss to say the months in order with a partner saying September, October, November, December
alternate months.
Exercises 2 and 3
• They listen to check, then listen and repeat. 1st June, 2nd June, 5th June, 15th June, 20th June,
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ss make a poster with the 23rd June
months and draw a picture of something they relate to each It is Luke’s birthday on 20th June.
month, e.g. a Christmas tree for December. The work could Exercises 5 and 6
then be displayed in the classroom to help Ss remember the 1st January, 2nd February, 3rd March, 4th April, 5th May,
months and the order. 20th June, 21st July, 9th August, 23rd September,
26th October, 27th November, 31st December
Exercise 2 Exercise 7
• Practise ordinal numbers. Ask 31 Ss to stand in a line at the Sarah: 31st August; Jonah: 2nd July; Marta and Agnieszka:
front of the class. Count them with ordinal numbers: 1st, 4th March
2nd, 3rd, etc. Exercise 8 and Online Link
• Tell Ss to look at the dates highlighted on the calendar Students’ own answers.
and say them in order. Ask Ss what they think is
happening on the 20th.

Exercise 3 e 1•31
• Play the audio for Ss to check their answers. Play it again
and encourage Ss to join in.

Exercise 4 Memorize! e 1•32

• Play the chant a few times and encourage the Ss to join in
and clap along to the beat.
• The words for months can be tricky for Ss to remember as
there is no visual reference to associate with them. That’s
why chants and songs are a great way for Ss to learn.

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 5
• Ss copy the words out from the word snake, then write
them again in the correct order.

Exercise 6 e 1•33
• Tell Ss to listen to the audio and check that their second
list from exercise 5 is in order.
• Ask them to repeat the dates. Correct and drill the
pronunciation of ordinal numbers.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 22
2d GRAMMAR: Possessive Grammar presentation
adjectives pp.26–27 Exercise 3 e 1•35
• Ss read the story again and answer the question. Ask why
Materials Finn and Lily have the same birthday to remind Ss of the
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp.26–27 concept of twins.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 animated story
Class CD 1, tracks 35–36 Exercise 4
Workbook p.19 • Ask Ss to read the grammar box. Go through the
information about possessive adjectives with the class.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 five minute test
Explain that I, you, etc. are subject pronouns, while my,
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 2 grammar; Unit 2 your are possessive adjectives.
• Ask Ss to say when their birthday is, using my.
• Ask Ss to find other examples of possessives in the story,
Warmer: REACTIVATE! e.g. Their friends are here. It’s our birthday cake.
• Put Ss in pairs to chant the months in the correct order.
See which pair finishes the quickest. Grammar practice
• Look at the pronunciation of the months. Focus on word
Exercise 5
stress. Get Ss to clap each syllable as they say the month.
The stressed syllable should be clapped more loudly. • Ss complete the sentences with the correct form in their
• Put Ss in groups of five or six and tell them to stand in a
circle. Give one student in each group a ball, either a real • Point out that they can check their answers by finding the
one or a scrunched-up piece of paper. They say January sentences in the story.
and throw the ball at random to another student, who Exercise 6
says February and then throws the ball again. Ensure they
go through the months multiple times, to allow plenty of
• Ss write out the subject pronouns and write the
corresponding possessive adjectives next to each one.
repetition / practice.
• Call out each subject pronoun and elicit the possessive
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video of the adjective to check answers.
story Birthdays for Ss to watch and follow in their books.
There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM See if more confident Ss can do
this from memory. Less confident Ss can use the grammar
Exercise 1 e 1•35 table to help them.
• Elicit which characters in the story Ss have met before
(brother and sister Finn and Lily; their pet snake, Sid; their
Exercise 7 e 1•36
pet chameleon, Chris; their friend, Jake). • Draw Ss’ attention to the use of ’s with names in the
grammar box. Write sentences on the board to show
• Play the audio for Ss to listen, follow and answer the
the difference between ’s as a possessive and ’s as a
question before they watch it.
contraction of is.
• With books closed, play the audio. Pause after each frame
and ask Ss what they can remember about each frame
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to a girl called Eva and a
boy called Tom answering questions in a quiz.
and if they can remember what the characters are saying.
• Check the answer to the question.
• Play the audio twice and tell the Ss to write their answers
in their notebooks.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM After exercise 1, play the audio • Tell Ss to do the same questionnaire in pairs and record
again, pausing for Ss to repeat. Less confident Ss just repeat. their partner’s answers. Then encourage Ss to share what
More confident Ss can focus on copying the speakers’ they found out about their partner with the class.
intonation and feelings (e.g. excited, angry, amused). Ss then
read or act out the script in mixed-ability groups of six, each Exercise 8
taking a different role. • This exercise is a Repetytorium-style exam question.
• Tell Ss to use the possessive adjectives in the sentences to
Comprehension help them match them up.
• Say a sentence and ask Ss to say the sentence that follows
Exercise 2
to check answers. They can then practise reading them
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then refer back to the out in pairs.
story. They then write T or F in their notebooks and finally
rewrite the false sentences so that they’re correct. ONLINE LINK
• Check their corrected sentences for word order. • Ss can work in small groups to find out about each other’s
• Find an online schools forum and ask Ss to suggest the
questions they can ask.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 23
DIGITAL TEACHING You can use the Discussion Room in the
Students’ Online Practice for this. Use the tool to walk the Ss
through how to use this (see page 12 for more information).
Exercise 1
The decorations are on the birthday cake.
Exercise 2
1 T  ​2 F (Pictures of Sid and Chris are on the birthday cake.)  ​
3 F (Chris doesn’t know her favourite colour.)   ​4 T  ​
5 F (Only Finn is hungry.)   ​6 F (The children follow Sid.)   ​
7 T
Exercise 3
Lily and Finn’s
Exercise 4 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
1 his  ​2 her  ​3 their
Exercise 6
1 b / h   ​2 g  ​3 f  ​4 c  ​5 e  ​6 a  ​7 d  ​8 b / h
Exercise 7
1 his  ​2 her  ​3 their
Exercise 8
1 Eva’s  ​2 Tom’s  ​3 Tom’s  ​4 Tom and Eva’s   ​5 Eva’s  ​
6 Tom and Eva’s   ​7 Tom’s
Exercise 9
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 e  ​4 b  ​5 d

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 24
2e HALFWAY REVIEW p.28 Exercise 5
• This exercise practises possessive adjectives.
Materials • Ss read the text and write which clothes belong to each
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 28 person in their notebooks.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 flashcards • As an extra activity, Ss can play a guessing game in small
Class CD 1, tracks 37–38 groups. They have to describe a fellow classmate by
Workbook p.20; p.94 making short sentences about him or her, e.g. Her birthday
is in April. Her favourite colour is blue.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 vocabulary and
grammar worksheet; Unit 2 speaking worksheet
Warmer Exercise 6 e 1•38
• Display the clothes and weather flashcards on the board • Let Ss listen to the song as they read the lyrics. Ask which
and elicit the word for each. family members are mentioned in the song.
• Hand out the clothes flashcards. Ask Ss to come to the • Play the song again for Ss to sing along.
board and put their card next to the weather with which • Put Ss in groups and tell them to make up dance moves
they most associate with the clothes. Ask the class if they and actions for the song. Play it several times while they
agree. develop their ideas.
• Ask groups to perform their dances and actions to the
Vocabulary class as they sing the song.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ask Ss to write the new
Exercise 1
things they have learned so far this unit. Ask them to
• Tell the Ss to look at the clothes words. Say they make a use highlighter pens to colour-code the things they feel
repeating pattern and tell them to draw or write the item
they understand well and those they would like more
that comes next.
practice with.
• Chant the clothes in each line with the class. The Ss have
to touch the part of their body where they wear the ANSWERS
clothes as they chant. Say the chants quicker to make it Exercise 1
fun and energize the class. 1 jacket  ​2 shoes  ​3 shorts  ​4 jumper  ​5 shoes
Exercise 2
Exercise 2 1 It’s hot.   ​2 It’s snowing.   ​3 It’s windy.   ​4 It’s cloudy.   ​
• Point to each photo in turn and elicit the weather 5 It’s sunny.   ​6 It isn’t hot / sunny. It’s cold.
expression that describes each. Exercise 3
• Then tell them to write down the weather expression for Students’ own answers.
each in their notebooks. Exercise 4
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For exercise 2, tell less confident Alice’s shoes are red and her jacket is yellow. Matt’s shoes
learners to look back in their books to find the weather are blue and his jacket is orange.
expressions to copy. More confident learners can write the Exercise 5
weather expressions from memory. Emma: jumper, trousers; Alice: T-shirt; Peter: flip-flops

Exercise 2
• Fast finishers can write and draw today’s weather.
Exercise 3
• This exercise give Ss practice saying dates.
• Review the days of the week with the class by chanting
them together.
• Ss work in pairs and take turns to make statements about
the days and dates.

Exercise 4 e 1•37
• Tell the Ss they are going to listen to a boy and a girl
talking about their clothes.
• Play the audio twice, then tell Ss to imagine that the girl
and boy have got dressed into the clothes they are talking
about. Ask Ss to draw and colour the children in their

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 25
2f READING AND WRITING: My Writing basics
clothes p.29 Exercise 6
• Give Ss time to read the reading model and the Writing
Materials Tip. Ask them the questions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 29 • Play a game. Write a sentence on the board, e.g. These
Class CD 1, track 39 are my green flip-flops. Invite a student to the board and
Workbook p.21 tell him / her to rewrite the sentence below, changing
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 extra writing worksheet just one word at a time, but ensuring that the sentence
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 2 reading still makes sense. Continue with other Ss. (Remind them
to delete the plural s if they change these or those to
this or that.)
Warmer: REACTIVATE! • Tell Ss to follow the Think and Make notes steps in their
• Give Ss a minute to write the dates, then swap with a books.
partner. • Ss use their notes and picture and the model to write their
• If time, write five dates of the year that are important to descriptions. Encourage them to write a first draft before a
you on the board. Encourage Ss to ask you questions to final copy.
find out the significance of the dates, e.g. Is 18th May your
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 6, more confident
Ss should be able to write full sentences and give extra
• Then ask Ss to do the same activity in pairs. information as in the model text.
Allow less confident Ss to annotate their drawing with short
Reading sentences, e.g. This is my green hat. Those are my favourite
Exercise 1 e 1•39 trousers.
• Tell Ss to look at the pictures and predict the answer to ANSWERS
the gist question. Exercise 1
• Play the audio while the Ss read the text in their books. Jordan’s favourite clothes to wear in different seasons
Ask if they predicted correctly. Exercise 2
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING After the Warmer, help Ss to favourite, different, great, hot, sunny, black, white, red,
remember the words for seasons and the months of the year grey, yellow
by deciding in pairs which three months belong to each of Exercise 3
the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. 1 F (Jordan wears a blue and red T-shirt and red shorts in
the summer.)   ​2 F (His uniform is black trousers, a white
Exercise 2 shirt and a red tie.)   ​3 F (His favourite winter jacket is grey.)  
• Ss read and find the adjectives. It’s important to see where ​4 F (His winter hat is yellow.)
they occur in the text as this gives exposure to adjective Exercise 4
position in context. 1 He’s 10.   ​2 He lives in Manchester.   ​3 In the summer,
he wear a pair of flip-flops, a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.   ​
Exercise 3 4 He wears a hat in the winter.   ​5 He wears his school
• See if Ss can answer the comprehension questions from uniform: black trousers, a black jacket, a white shirt, a red
memory. They can then read the text again to check their tie and a red jumper.
answers. Exercises 5 and 6
• They rewrite the false sentences in their notebook so that Students’ own answers.
they’re true. Look
1 the yellow hat; the black shoes.
Exercise 4
2 The adjectives are before the nouns.
• Put Ss in small groups and ask the questions quiz show
style. Groups have to be the first to put their hands up to
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Tell more confident Ss to close
their books when you ask the questions. Less confident Ss
can keep their books open and use the text and pictures as

Exercise 5
• Model the activity by saying which outfit you like best and
encouraging the Ss to point to the correct picture.
• Ss describe their favourite outfit in pairs.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 26
2g EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Telling Everyday English practice
the time p.30 Exercise 4 e 1•41
• Point to each clock in turn and ask Ss to say the time. They
Materials give you either or both forms of saying the time.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 30 • Tell them to copy the clocks and the times in their
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 Everyday English video notebooks in the correct order.
Class CD 1, tracks 40–41 • Play the audio for them to check their answers.
Workbook p.22
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 Everyday English Exercise 5
worksheet • This is a controlled speaking practice exercise.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 2 Everyday English • Model the exercise with a confident student. Then put Ss
in pairs. They can say either form of telling the time, and
their partner says the other.
• TPR activity: Stand in the middle of the classroom. Point to Speaking
one corner of the room, say Monday and get Ss to repeat.
• Do the same with the other corners and Tuesday, Exercise 6
Wednesday and Thursday. For Friday, point to the floor. • This activity helps Ss to personalize the new language in
• Tell Ss to go to the part of the room for their favourite day. an authentic way.
Ask each group What’s your favourite day at school? They • Encourage Ss to think of regular activities and events that
answer, e.g. Our favourite day is Thursday! they do at the same time every day and then ask their
partner what time they do them.
Exercise 1 e 1•40 • Monitor and encourage Ss to answer using either form of
• Elicit which characters in the story Ss have met before and telling the time.
what they can remember about them. Ask them what
they think the characters are doing. Pronunciation (Workbook p.22)
• Play the audio for Ss to follow in their books and check • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on voiced
their predictions. and voiceless th.
• Play the audio again. Tell Ss to stand up each time they ANSWERS
hear someone say the time. Exercises 1, 5 and 6
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the Students’ own answers.
video Hurry up! for Ss to watch and follow in their books. Exercise 2
There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. 1 Yes, their bags are ready.
2 Yes, they are.
Comprehension 3 No, she isn’t. (She’s at gymnastics.)
4 He can’t play football because he has his sister’s bag
Exercise 2 with her gymnastics kit.
• Give Ss chance to read the questions and find the answers Exercise 4
in the text. a, c, e, f, d, b
• Ask the questions to the class and elicit the answers from
individual Ss.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM After exercise 2, play the audio
again for less confident Ss. Pause after each section and elicit
the answer to the relevant question.
Ask more confident Ss to complete the task without looking
back at the story.

Everyday English presentation

Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Everyday English box.
• Ask them to tell the time now. Encourage them to say
both forms of telling the time.
• Use a clock with hands and move the hands round to
different times for the Ss to say.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 27
2h CULTURE LINK: Traditional Exercise 7 e 1•43
• Let Ss read the questions before listening to the audio
clothes around the world p.31 again and think about whether they can remember any
Materials other answers.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 31 • Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
check answers.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 culture video
• As an extra activity, ask Ss to listen again and draw what
Class CD 1, track 43
the Spanish and German traditional clothes look like. Play
Workbook p.23 the audio again for them to check their ideas.
DIGITAL TEACHING Find photos of Spanish and German
Warmer: YOUR WORLD traditional clothes online and project them in class for Ss to
• Ss can recall the research they did in Online Link in compare to their drawings.
Lesson 2a. ANSWERS
• Ss draw a picture of their favourite traditional outfit and Exercise 1
describe it to a partner. 1 China  ​2 Mexico  ​3 Poland
CULTURE NOTES The folk dress has played and still plays Exercise 2
an important symbolic role in the preservation of national 1 shirt, skirt, trousers   ​2 Red  ​3 colourful, beautiful   ​
values and cultural heritage and in the creation of a feeling 4 scarf  ​5 feather  ​6 flower
of unity. Traditional costumes are garments worn to indicate Exercise 3
national, cultural or religious identity. In China, people wear traditional clothes to special
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the ceremonies and festivals.
video Traditional clothes around the world for Ss to watch – In Mexico, people wear traditional clothes for dances and
they can complete video activities in their Workbook festivals.
page 23. In Poland, people wear traditional clothes for village
festivals and special events.
Reading and Speaking Exercise 4
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2 Exercise 5
• Elicit the names of the countries and drill pronunciation. The children are doing a project about traditional clothes
Ask Ss if they can find each one on the map or globe. in different countries.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then check Exercise 6
answers. 1 true  ​2 false  ​3 true  ​4 false

Exercise 3
• Give Ss time to read the text again individually.
• Ask them to copy the sentences in their notebooks and
complete the words.
• Ask Ss to check their answers in pairs before checking
answers as a class.

Exercise 4
• This is a freer practice speaking activity which helps Ss to
show their comprehension of the text in a discussion.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For exercise 4, put Ss in mixed-
ability groups to discuss the question. The more confident
Ss will help less confident Ss to share their knowledge of
the text.

Exercise 5
• Put Ss in pairs to play the game. They can describe any of
the people in the photos in the text.

Exercise 6 e 1•43
• Explain that Ss are going to listen to two children talking.
• Play the audio and ask Ss the gist question.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 28
2i WRITING: Describing a ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 6, tell Ss to
underline in pencil any errors they see rather than correct
uniform p.32 them. Then Ss see if they can correct the mistakes.

Materials Exercise 7
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 32 • Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 writing project classmates’ questions.
• After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
what they liked about each presentation.
Warmer • In groups, tell Ss to imagine they are explorers to an alien
• Write some clothing items in jumbled letters on the planet and to discuss which of the uniforms they would
board, e.g. eakctj (= jacket). Give Ss time to work out and most like to wear. Get feedback and find out the most
write the words, then elicit answers and spellings. Ss then popular choices and the reasons why.
tell their partner when they wear these clothes, e.g. I wear
a jacket in winter. ANSWERS
Exercise 1
Comprehension He’s wearing a green jacket, green trousers and black
Exercise 1 She’s wearing a yellow jacket, yellow shorts and black
• Ensure Ss can remember what a uniform is (Jordan shoes.
talk about his school uniform in Lesson 2f ) and can Exercise 2
pronounce it correctly. Ask Ss if they wear a school 1 d  ​2 e  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 c  ​6 f
uniform and ask them to describe it (or what they wear to Exercise 3
school if they don’t). The aliens are from Planet X. They are visiting Planet Earth.
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check answers. Exercises 4, 5 and 6
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2
• Give Ss time to read the notes. Ask Ss if the reporters are
people (No, they’re aliens) and where they come from
(Planet X). Help Ss with any tricky words.
• Ss do the activity in pairs, then check answers as a class.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Only provide definitions of
unknown vocabulary to less confident Ss. Encourage more
confident Ss to figure out tricky vocabulary from the text
context and the pictures.

Exercise 3
• Ask Ss the questions. Ask other questions to check

Writing project
Exercise 4
• Let Ss read the Writing Tips individually and complete
the task.

Exercise 5
• Think Let Ss think individually about each question first,
then discuss their ideas in pairs. Remind Ss they should
include uniforms for men and women, as in the example
• Make notes It may be useful for Ss to draw their uniforms
to help with visualizing them. Suggest that Ss write their
notes on sticky notes and put them around their picture.
• Write Ss use their notes to write a description of their

Exercise 6
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 29
2j REVISION p.33 Everyday English
Materials Exercise 6
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 33 • Look at the timetable with the class. Elicit which school
subject each picture represents.
Class CD 1, track 44
Workbook p.24
• Give Ss time to read and complete the task.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 2 test
• Put Ss in pairs and have them roleplay the questions and
answers with their partner.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 2 check your progress
Exercise 7
• Write the two headings on the board. Give Ss two minutes
to write as many words as they can think of for each
• Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement. You can get
the Ss to do the same thing for other lessons in the unit.
• Tell Ss to compare their lists in pairs and then write their
suggestions on the board. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 7, ask Ss to look at
the statements they put a k next to in the WB for this unit
Vocabulary and Grammar and the previous one. Ask if it is always the same statement
type (e.g. grammar, vocabulary) that they have difficulty
Exercise 1 with.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
English in the real world
• Call out each sentence and have the Ss stand up if it’s true
and remain seated if it’s false. • Discuss where Ss can find weather reports in English
online (streaming sites, video sharing websites, etc.).
• Ask Ss to correct the false sentences.
• See if their friend can guess where in the world the
Exercise 2 country you watched the forecast for is just from its
• Ask Ss what today’s weather is like. Then show the weather.
weather flashcards and encourage Ss to do a mime for ANSWERS
each weather condition. Exercise 1
• Tell Ss to the exercise individually in their notebooks. 1 His trousers aren’t black. They’re blue.
• Put Ss in pairs. They take turns to describe the weather 2 His shoes aren’t red. They’re black.
in each photo for their partner to guess. Also encourage 3 Her T-shirt isn’t white. It’s green.
them to describe what any people in the photos are 4 Their hats aren’t yellow. They’re blue.
wearing. 5 His scarf isn’t green. It’s white.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3 1 It’s sunny.   ​2 It’s wet.   ​3 It’s cold.   ​4 It’s cloudy.   ​
• Review the this, that, these and those. Point to individual 5 It’s hot.   ​6 It’s snowing.
items and groups of items to elicit the pronouns. Exercise 3
• Tell Ss to do the same thing in pairs. 1 This is my T-shirt.   ​2 Those are my trousers.   ​
• Give Ss time to write the sentences in their notebooks and 3 That is my hat.   ​4 These are my shoes.
then check answers as a class. Exercise 4
1 I  ​2 He  ​3 We  ​4 our  ​5 My  ​6 his
Exercise 4 e 1•44
Exercise 5
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 e  ​5 d
Exercise 6
• Ask Ss to write a similar text about themselves and a 1 history  ​2 music  ​3 science
sibling or friend.
Exercise 7
Exercise 5 Students’ own answers.
• This exercise is the same style as the Ss will come across in
the Repetytorium exams.
• Tell Ss to look at the sentences first and think about
what questions could have been asked to elicit them as
• Play the audio and Ss listen to see if any of the questions
they thought of are mentioned.
• Play the audio again. Ss listen and complete the table in
their notebooks.
• In pairs, ask Ss to think of other answers to the questions
on the audio.

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 30

Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 34
Class CD 1, tracks 45–46
Workbook p.25


• Tell Ss to visualize their bedroom. Encourage them to
think about what is under their bed and what other things
they have in their bedroom.
• Call out different items and encourage Ss to stand up if
they have them under their beds.

Rozumienie ze słuchu
Exercise 1 e 1•45
• Give Ss time to read the possible answers. Warn Ss that
they may hear more than one answer mentioned in the
audio, but only one option is correct each time.
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second

Exercise 2
• Let Ss read the tip individually and answer the questions.
• Ask Ss why they might need to rub out the first answer
they give (because they might hear additional details
the second time they hear the audio which makes them
change their minds).

Exercise 3 e 1•46
• Remind Ss of the tip from Unit 1: to read the instructions
carefully and also to read the questions and options
before they listen.
• Ask them to describe each of the pictures in pairs before
they listen.

Znajomość środków językowych

Exercise 4
• Remind Ss to read the instructions carefully before they
do the exercise. Tell them to mark their answers in pencil
the first time they read the exercise, then read through a
second time to double-check their answers.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING For exercise 4, tell Ss to read
out the sentences silently to themselves with each of the
three different options. Hearing each option out loud will
help them to decide which is the correct choice.
Exercise 1
1 b  ​2 b  ​3 c
Exercise 2
It’s good to use a pencil and a rubber for listening
Exercise 3
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 c
Exercise 4
1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 a  ​5 c

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 31
Sentence structure with this,
that, these, those, adjectives and
possessive adjectives p.35
Exercise 1
1 Those  ​2 That  ​3 That  ​4 That  ​5 These  ​
6 Those  ​7 This  ​8 That
Exercise 2
1 my  ​2 her  ​3 His  ​4 our  ​5 His  ​6 your  ​7 its  ​
8 Your

Unit 2 Through the year Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 32
Review 1–2
1–2 CUMULATIVE REVIEW pp.120–121 Exercise 6 e 3•52
• Ask Ss when their birthday is. Review how we say dates if
Materials necessary.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 120 • Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the dialogues.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Units 1 and 2 flashcards
Class CD 3, track 52 Grammar
Workbook pp.26–27 Exercise 7
• Review the first person, second person and third person
Warmer forms of the verb be. Ask Ss to make sentences about
• Review feeling words. Ask Ss to think about how they feel themselves and their classmates using the correct form
now. Say a feeling. If Ss feel like that, they nod their head of be.
and if they don’t, they shake their head. Repeat with other • Tell Ss to write the corrected sentences in their notebooks.
feelings. INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 7,
have Ss write the contracted for of the verb in the sentences.
Vocabulary For extra support, let Ss work in pairs to complete the
Exercise 1 exercise.
• Tell Ss to look at the photos and write a feeling word next Exercise 8
to each photo. • Review the negative and question form of be.
• Put Ss in pairs and have them act out a feeling for their • Give Ss time to write both forms of each of the sentences.
partner to guess. Check answers, paying attention to correct word order.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 1, see how many
words Ss can complete from memory, then let them correct Exercise 9
their own answers using their notes or the Unit Language • This is the same style of question as Ss will meet in the
Reference page. Repetytorium exams.
• Tell Ss to read the instructions and the text very carefully.
Exercise 2 The second time they read the text, they should write the
• Brainstorm the names of family members. Hand out the letter corresponding to the correct word in the gaps.
family flashcards, then say the words. The student with the • Ask Ss to read the text through with their answers in place
corresponding flashcard comes to the front and puts it on to check, before confirming answers as a class.
the board.
• Make statements about family members, e.g. I’ve got two Exercise 10
sisters. Ss stand up if the statement is true for them. • Brainstorm adjectives with the class, including colours. Ask
Ss to describe different things around the classroom and
Exercise 2 items of clothing using a sentence with an adjective.
• Fast finishers can draw and label their own family tree.
Exercise 11
Exercise 3 • Review subject and object pronouns.
• Review words you can use to describe people. • In pairs, Ss take turns to say a subject pronoun and their
• Tell Ss to look at the pictures and choose one picture to partner says the corresponding object pronoun.
describe each person. They can only use each word in the
word box once.

Exercise 4
• Talk about clothes. Draw pictures of different items of
clothing on the board and ask Ss to guess what they are.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and check answers and

Exercise 5
• Play the months chant from lesson 2c, track 1.30, for Ss to
join in and chant.
• Then tell them to complete the missing months from the

Review 1–2 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 33

Everyday English Exercise 8
1 Are you hungry? I’m not hungry.
Exercise 12 2 Is she sad? She isn’t sad.
• Tell Ss to imagine they are meeting their partner for the 3 Are they scared? They aren’t scared.
first time. Tell them to roleplay what they would ask each 4 Are we happy? We aren’t happy.
other. 5 Are you old? You aren’t old.
• Tell Ss to write the questions in the dialogue in the correct 6 Is Jenny my cousin? She isn’t my cousin.
order, then roleplay the dialogue in pairs. 7 Are Carol and John my teachers? Carol and John aren’t
my teachers.
Exercise 13 8 Am I tall? I’m not tall.
• Use a clock with hands to review telling the time. Exercise 9
• Tell Ss to write the times shown on the clocks. 1 D  ​2 A  ​3 F  ​4 E
Exercise 10
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 13,
1 These are my red shoes.   ​2 These are his new trousers.  ​
write examples of how to write the time on the board.
3 That is my yellow T-shirt.   ​4 This is her old skirt.   ​
As an extra challenge, ask Ss to write each time in words and 5 Those are his purple flip-flops.   ​
how each time would look on a digital clock. 6 These are her pink shorts.
Exercise 11
Self-assessment 1 This is her jumper.   ​2 My friend is from London.   ​
Exercise 14 3 His father is a teacher.   ​4 Their names are Jack and Alice.  
​5 It’s a cat.   ​6 Your cousin is pretty.   ​7 My brother is clever.  
• Tell Ss to read and copy the statements. Devise a ​8 Our mother is a teacher.
three-scale system for Ss to record their progress on each
point, e.g. with emojis (happy = strongly agree; straight Exercise 12
mouth = agree; sad face = disagree), or a colour system. Jane: What’s your name?
Rob: My name’s Rob.
• Allow Ss to compare their ideas in pairs.
Jane: Where are you from?
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Monitor and note down Ss’ Rob: I’m from Brighton.
answers to the progress check statements. See if their self- Jane: How old are you?
assessment correlates with your own assessment of their Rob: I’m 10.
work. Make time if possible to discuss their progress with Exercise 13
them individually. a half past four / 4.30   ​b quarter past one / 1.15   ​
ANSWERS c eleven o’clock / 11.00   ​d quarter to ten / 9.45
Exercise 1 Exercise 14
a tired  ​b thirsty  ​c hot  ​d happy  ​e scared  ​ Students’ own answers.
f bored  ​g hungry  ​h excited  ​i angry
Exercise 2
1 grandfather  ​2 grandmother  ​3 father  ​4 mother  ​
5 uncle  ​6 aunt  ​7 brother  ​8 me  ​9 sister  ​
10 cousin
Exercise 3
a tall  ​b young  ​c short  ​d strong  ​e clever  ​f pretty  ​
g nice  ​h old
Exercise 4
1 scarf  ​2 shoes  ​3 shorts  ​4 hat  ​5 jumper  ​
6 jacket  ​7 trousers  ​8 flip-flops  ​9 skirt  ​10 T-shirt
Exercise 5
1 February  ​2 May  ​3 July  ​4 September  ​
5 November
Exercise 6
Harry: 7th December; Jill: 10th April
Exercise 7
1 She is my sister.   ​2 They are my cousins.   ​
3 Josh is in my class.   ​4 Molly and Tim are clever.   ​
5 You are pretty.   ​6 We are young.   ​7 I am thirsty.  
8 David and I are tired.

Review 1–2 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 34

3 Sports & hobbies
3a VOCABULARY: Sports and Vocabulary practice
hobbies pp.36–37 Exercise 4
• Review the verbs and see if Ss can remember any of the
Materials verb–noun collocations from the previous unit.
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 36–37 • Ss read and match the verb to the noun to complete the
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 flashcards activity.
Class CD 1, tracks 47–49 • Call out the letters of each of the pictures and elicit the
Workbook p.28 correct verb–noun collocation for each one to check
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 3 vocabulary answers.

Exercise 5
Warmer: YOUR WORLD • Write the five verbs on the board. Ask Ss to say two nouns
• Introduce the hobbies with the flashcards. Ask Ss to stand for each verb. Write these under each verb.
up and do a mime for each hobby. • Invite Ss to come to the board to draw simple pictures
• Ss mingle around the class, asking about each other’s next to each one.
hobbies. Have a show of hands to find out the most INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 5, rub out the answers
popular hobby.
that you wrote on the board before more confident Ss do
the activity.
Vocabulary presentation Leave the verb headings on the board for less confident Ss
Exercise 1 and the initial letters of the activities.
• Give Ss time to look at the picture and words for sport and Exercise 5
hobbies in the box.
• Fast finishers work in pairs and write one more noun for
• Call out numbers 1–10 and elicit the answers from each verb.
individuals. Write their answers on the board, but do not
correct at this stage. Exercise 6
• This activity helps Ss to remember and recall the new
Exercise 2 e 1•47
vocabulary through a fun game.
• Ss listen to the answers and see if they were correct. • Divide the class into two teams, or more teams for larger
• Play the audio again and get Ss to repeat, chorally and classes.
individually. Then say the verbs and encourage Ss to
• Each team takes a turn to mime an activity for the other
complete the activity.
team to guess.
• Explain that with sports, we do not use an article after
• Set a time limit of one minute for the mimes and make
play, e.g. play football. With instruments, we use the, e.g.
sure everyone has the chance to have a turn.
play the guitar.
• Monitor and keep score. If the Ss enjoyed the game,
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support, in pairs, Ss take play again at the end of the class or as a warmer to the
turns to say a number and their partner says the activity. next lesson.
As an extra challenge, Ss close their books and try to
remember all ten activities in pairs. Listening and Speaking
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 1•48 Exercise 7 e 1•49
• Talk Ss through the activities one by one and think of the • Explain the activity. Ask Ss to look at the photos and
mimes for each one. This helps kinaesthetic and visual name each of the activities using the correct verb–noun
learners to remember the new vocabulary. collocation.
• Play the chant and encourage Ss to join in and do the • Explain that they will hear two children talking about the
actions. Chanting vocabulary and language in a rhythmic activities shown in the pictures.
way will help audio learners to remember new language. • Ask them to predict which activities in the photos Jenny
• Point out that the activities are presented with different does and which Peter does.
verbs preceding them. • Play the audio for them to check their predictions. Then
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell Ss to draw simple pictures play it a second time for Ss to complete the exercise.
of each activity and write the words to create a picture INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Play the audio twice through
dictionary. They can group the vocabulary according to the without pausing for more confident Ss.
verbs that precede them. They can keep adding new words
Pause after each key sentence for less confident Ss to have
to each group in the picture dictionary as they go through
time to consolidate what they hear.
the unit.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 35
Exercise 8
• Model the activity by reading the speech bubbles with a
confident student.
• Put Ss in pairs and have them discuss their hobbies.
Supply any additional vocabulary. Encourage Ss to ask
additional questions about each other’s hobbies to
find out where and when they practise them. They can
practise asking and giving the times of their activities.
• Do a class survey to find out which hobbies the class do.
Present the results in a bar chart.

• Ask Ss what the most popular hobby is in Poland. They
check their predictions online.
• Ss in pairs the most unusual hobby they discovered.
TEACHING WITH DIGITAL In the Online Link, help Ss to
compose the best sentences to write into their search
engines to get the results that they are looking for.
Exercises 1 and 2
1 make cakes   ​2 climb trees   ​3 make models   ​
4 climb mountains   ​5 ride a horse   ​6 play the guitar   ​
7 ride a bike   ​8 play basketball   ​9 do gymnastics   ​
10 do karate
Exercises 3, 6, 8 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 4
1 c  ​2 e  ​3 d  ​4 a  ​5 b
Exercise 5
play do ride make climb
basketball gymnastics a bike cakes mountains
the guitar karate a horse models a tree
1 play, a   ​2 climb, c   ​3 ride, d   ​4 ride, b   ​5 make, e   ​
6 climb, g   ​7 do, h   ​8 do, f   ​9 play, i,   ​10 make, j
Exercise 7
Jenny: I do karate.
Jenny: I make models.
Peter: I play the guitar.
Peter: I play basketball.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 36
3b GRAMMAR: can: affirmative Exercise 7 e 1•51
• This exercise helps Ss consolidate the new language by
and negative p.38 hearing it spoken in context.
Materials • Play the audio for Ss to identify what Molly can/can’t do,
and write sentences. They swap sentences in pairs, then
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 38
listen and check.
Class CD 1, tracks 50–51
Workbook p.29 Speaking
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 3 grammar
Exercise 8
• Model the activity with a confident student by saying
Warmer: REACTIVATE! things you can and can’t do and asking them questions
• Tell Ss to recall the five verb–noun collocations that were with Can you … ?
used for activities in the previous lesson. Write them on • Ss ask and answer in pairs, then share with the class.
the board. Give Ss one minute to write five sentences.
• Tell them to act out their sentences in pairs for their
partner to guess. Exercise 1
He can’t play basketball.
Grammar presentation Exercises 2 and 8
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 1 e 1•50 Exercise 3
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to a boy talking about 1 Rosie  ​2 Leila  ​3 Rosie
activities. Play the audio once and tell Ss to stand up when Exercise 4
they hear an activity. Ask the names of the activities that 1 b / c   ​2 a  ​3 b / c
they heard (ride a bike, play basketball). Exercise 5
• Let Ss listen again and answer the question. 1 can’t ride a bike   ​2 can play the guitar   ​
3 can climb mountains   ​4 can’t do karate   ​
Exercise 2
5 can’t play basketball   ​6 can make cakes
• Ss read the grammar box individually, then make a Exercise 6
sentence about what they can do and a sentence about
1 Jane can climb trees.   ​2 We can’t do gymnastics.  
what they can’t do.
​3 I can make models.   ​4 She can’t make cakes.   ​
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 2, encourage more 5 He can do karate.   ​6 The cat can climb a tree.
confident Ss to make more sentences, some true and some Exercise 7
false, for their partner to guess. Molly can’t play basketball.
Less confident Ss can make their sentences using the Molly can play football.
examples in the grammar box. Molly can play the guitar.

Grammar practice
Exercise 3
• Ss read the text messages. Elicit who is writing the blue
messages (Rosie) and who is writing the purple messages
• Have Ss stand up. Read each sentence. Tell Ss to jump to
the left if the sentence applies to Rosie and to the right if
it applies to Leila.

Exercise 4
• Ask Ss what type of word comes after can / can’t (a verb).
Point out that you don’t add s to either can or the verb in
the third person.

Exercise 5
• Elicit the activities in the pictures.
• Ask Ss to write sentences with can and can’t with the
action verb and activity in their notebook. Monitor and
check spelling.

Exercise 6
• This exercise gives Ss further practice with sentence
structure. Ss write the sentences using the prompts in
their notebooks.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 37
3c VOCABULARY: Action verbs p.39 Exercise 7
• This exercise helps Ss to extract key information from
Materials a text.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 39 • Ask Ss to read and listen to the text again and complete
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 flashcards the sentences.
Class CD 1, tracks 52–54 • Remind the Ss of the meaning of really and elicit its
Workbook p.30 synonym (very).
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 five minute test Exercise 8
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 3 vocabulary • Model the speaking activity by saying which of the
activities and actions at the summer camp you can and
Warmer: YOUR WORLD can’t do.
• Tell Ss to mingle around the classroom and ask everyone • Ss discuss the holiday camp in pairs, then share what they
in the class the question. learned about their partner with the class.
• Put Ss in groups with other Ss who do the same sport. • Put Ss in small groups to plan a holiday camp with
Which sport is the most popular? activities the whole group can do.

Vocabulary presentation • Read out the names of the sports. See if Ss have heard
Exercise 1 of any of them (Harry Potter fans may have heard of
• Ask Ss to look at the action verbs. Point to the picture and
elicit the verb for each action. • Tell them to research online to find out what actions they
need to do in each of the sports.
• Call out each action verb and encourage Ss to stand up if
they can do it. ANSWERS

ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ss can add these verbs to their

Exercise 1
1 fly  ​2 walk  ​3 run  ​4 jump  ​5 catch  ​6 throw  ​
picture dictionary.
7 skateboard  ​8 rollerskate  ​9 sing  ​10 swim
Exercise 2 e 1•52 Exercise 3 and Online Link
• Tell Ss to point to the picture as they listen. Play the audio Students’ own answers.
again. Ss listen and repeat. Exercise 5
1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 b  ​6 b
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 1•53 Exercise 6
• Play the chant and encourage Ss to join in. Sally is at a summer camp in Wales.
• Play it again and tell Ss to stand up when they hear a Exercise 7
sentence that’s true for them. Personalizing language is a 1 mountains  ​2 can  ​3 can’t  ​4 sing
great way for Ss to remember it.

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 4
• Remind Ss that, for this game, if you don’t say Simon says
first, they mustn’t do the actions. Play the game with Ss
giving the instructions.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Allow the more confident Ss to
lead the activity in exercise 4 first. Once the less confident Ss
have seen the sentences they need to use modelled several
times, encourage them to lead the activity.

Exercise 5
• Say the number of each picture and ask the Ss to call out
the correct action.

Reading and Speaking

Exercise 6 e 1•54
• Point to the text and elicit the text type.
• Tell Ss to listen to the audio and read the email, then
answer the question.
• Ask Ss what actions are mentioned in the email (climb,
play, throw, jump, sing).

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 38
3d GRAMMAR: Questions Grammar practice
with can p.40–41 Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to cover the story before they complete the activity.
• When they have finished, they can check their answers by
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 40–41 finding the sentences in the story.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 animated story • Have Ss act out the story in groups of four. Play the audio
Class CD 1, track 55 again and let them choose a scene to act out. Give them
Workbook p.31 time to practise using the story in the book, then get
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 five minute test each group to present to the class. Alternatively, allocate a
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 3 grammar; Unit 3 different scene to each group, and then the class acts out
discussion the whole story with each group doing their scene.

Exercise 6
Warmer: REACTIVATE! • This exercise is a Repetytorium-style exam question.
• Give Ss a minute to list as many of the actions from the • Tell Ss to look carefully at the picture and think about
chant as they can remember in the correct order. what’s happening before they do the exercise.
• Play the chant for Ss to check their answers. • Ss do the exercise in their notebooks, then compare
answers with a partner.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Before exercise 1, activate
prior learning. Say an activity, e.g. go rollerblading, watch TV, • Ask questions about each person in the dialogue with can.
climb a tree. If Ss think it’s a good activity for a wet day, they INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For exercise 6, write alternatives on
smile and raise both hands in the air. If they don’t, they frown the board for each gap for less confident Ss.
and put their hands on their desk.
Exercise 7
Exercise 1 e 1•55 • Ss write questions about the children using the prompts,
• Elicit which characters in the story Ss have met before. Ask then use the information in the table to write the short
what different colours Chris, the chameleon, is in the story answers.
(red and blue). • Tell Ss to create their own tick table with different
• With books closed, play the audio. Ss listen and follow in activities. They write the name of three class members
their books. Pause after frames 1, 3 and 5 and ask the Ss to they would like to ask their questions to. Then let Ss move
predict what will happen next. around the classroom asking their chosen classmates and
• Ask where Chris is in the different frames. recording their answers.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the • Ss work in small groups. Tell them to draw a two-column
video of the story I can fly! for Ss to watch and follow in their table in their notebook, with the headings We can … and
books. There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. We can’t … Ss ask and answer questions to find out things
they can all do and things none of them can do. They
write the activities in the appropriate column.
Exercise 2 Exercise 8
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then refer back to the • Use the prompts to elicit the questions.
story. They write T or F in their notebooks and finally • Ss work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer the
rewrite the false sentences so that they’re correct. questions.
• Check their corrected sentences for word order. • Ss could write their other five questions in the form of a
list of challenges, e.g. Can you jump a meter? Can you hop
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Challenge more confident Ss to do ten times?
the activity without referring back to the story.
Grammar presentation • Find an online schools forum and ask Ss to suggest the
questions they can ask.
Exercise 3 e 1•55
• Ask them to predict what other classes’ favourite activities
• Ss read the story again and answer the question. will be.
• Ask Ss questions with can about the other characters.
DIGITAL TEACHING You can use the Discussion Room in the
Exercise 4 Students’ Online Practice for this. Use the tool to walk the Ss
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box. through how to use this (see page 12 for more information).
• Ask each student to answer the question. Tell Ss to ask
each other more questions with can. Point out the use of
the short answer form: Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
• Ask Ss to find examples of questions with can in the story.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 39
Exercise 1
Chris is in a tree.
Exercise 2
1 T  ​2 F  ​3 F  ​4 T  ​5 T
Exercise 3
No, Chris can’t jump.
Exercise 4
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Exercise 5
1 Finn (Yes, I can.)   ​2 Sid (No, I can’t.)   ​3 Lily (Yes, I can.)  ​
4 Chris (Yes, we can.)
Exercise 6
1 can  ​2 he can   ​3 I can’t   ​4 can  ​5 Can you  
​6 can climb   ​7 Can you   ​8 Yes
Exercise 7
1 Can Marta and Lena ride a bike? Yes, they can.
2 Can Lena swim? No, she can’t.
3 Can Ben swim? Yes, he can.
4 Can Ben and Marta climb trees? No, they can’t.
5 Can Lena climb trees? Yes, she can.
Exercise 8
1 Can dogs fly? No, they can’t.
2 Can your baby sister walk? No, she can’t.
3 Can cats climb trees? Yes, they can.
4 Can your dog run? Yes, it can.
5 Can penguins swim? Yes, they can.
Online Link
Students’ own answers.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 40
3e HALFWAY REVIEW p.42 Exercise 5 e 1•56
• Play the audio. The first time, tell Ss to stand up each time
Materials they hear an activity.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 42 • The second time Ss listen, they should note the activities
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 flashcards the children can and can’t do. It might help if they create a
Class CD 1, track 56 tick chart in their notebooks and copy the activities first.
Workbook p.32 Exercise 6
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 vocabulary and • Elicit the question form with Can.
grammar worksheet; Unit 3 speaking worksheet
• When Ss have written a question with Can for each verb,
they ask and answer in pairs.
Warmer Exercise 7
• Play a drawing game. Draw a picture on the board to
represent one of the activities or action verbs Ss have
• Tell Ss to do the survey in groups and record the number
of Ss in their group who can do each activity.
learned in the unit. The first Ss to guess can come up
and draw. • Compile all the groups’ results and find out how many of
the Ss can do each activity. Which activity can most Ss in
• Ss play the game in pairs in their notebooks.
the class do?
Vocabulary review ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ask Ss to reflect on how much
they have learned since the start of the unit. Ask what their
Exercise 1 favourite and least favourite lessons were and find out why
• Tell Ss to look at the activity words. Have them act out they didn’t enjoy certain lessons.
each activity. ANSWERS
• Ask them what kind of word needs to go in front of each Exercise 1
(a verb). Tell them to write the correct verb for each in 1 make  ​2 do  ​3 do  ​4 play  ​5 ride  ​6 ride  ​
their notebook and check answers as a class. 7 climb  ​8 play  ​9 climb
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 1, encourage more Exercise 2
confident Ss to do this activity from memory. climb, fly, run, throw, sing, skateboard, swim, walk, catch,
Less confident Ss can look back through the unit or look at ride
their picture dictionary if they created one. Exercise 3
1 walk  ​2 climb  ​3 run  ​4 skateboard  ​5 throw  ​
Exercise 2 6 ride a bike
• Play a game similar to Hangman called Apple Tree with Exercises 4, 6 and 7
action verbs to get Ss thinking about spelling. Draw a tree Students’ own answers.
with ten apples. Draw dashes to represent each letter in
Exercise 5
the word or phrase. When Ss guess a letter correctly, write
Ewa: ride a horse, ride a bike
it in position; if they guess incorrectly, rub one apple out. If
Tom: skateboard, rollerskate, ride a bike
they can guess the word before all ten apples have gone,
they win a point.
• Ss look at the word halves in the grid and write the
complete words in their notebooks.

Exercise 3
• This exercise give Ss further practice spelling action verbs.
• Give Ss time to do the task and then check answers.
Monitor pronunciation and point out that some of
the words have silent letters, e.g. the l in walk and the
b in climb.

Grammar review
Exercise 4
• This activity gives Ss freer speaking practice of the unit
• Model the activity by reading the speech bubbles with
two confident Ss.
• See how long Ss can keep the chain going without
forgetting or repeating.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 41
3f READING AND WRITING: Writing basics
Hobbies p.43 Exercise 6
• Ss follow the Make notes step and use the questions to
Materials help them decide what information to include. They draw
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 43 a picture of their friend doing their favourite hobby.
Class CD 1, track 57 • Ss use their notes and picture and the model to write their
Workbook p.33 descriptions. Encourage them to write a first draft before
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 extra writing worksheet their final copy.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 3 reading • Ss read out their descriptions without saying who they
have written about. The rest of the class guesses who it is.

Warmer: REACTIVATE! ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 6, writing a first

draft of written work encourages Ss to review and correct
• In pairs, Ss take turns to say sports and hobbies. Set a time
their own work.
limit of a minute. At the end, ask each pair how many
words they said. ANSWERS
Exercise 1
Reading Scotland, Poland and Spain
Exercise 2
Exercise 1 e 1•57 make models, play the guitar, climb mountains,
• Tell Ss to scan the texts to find the answer to the question. rollerskate, swim, make cakes
Explain that scanning is a reading strategy where they Exercise 3
‘speed read’ a text to find specific information. Ask them 1 11  ​2 does  ​3 can climb   ​4 Spain  ​5 because
what they can look out for when scanning a text for a
Exercise 4
country name (initial capital letter).
1 She makes model trees   ​2 Piotrek  ​3 Holly  ​
• Then play the audio while Ss read the text in their books 4 Students’ own answers.
the second time.
Exercise 5
Exercise 2 Students’ own answers.
• Ss read the texts again and say which of the hobbies are Exercise 6
mentioned. 1 action verbs: play the guitar, climb, rollerskate
2 He can climb mountains, play the guitar and rollerskate.
Exercise 3
• Ss use information from the texts to complete the
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM More confident Ss can complete
the sentences in exercise 3 from memory, then read the text
to check.
Supply two alternative options for each gap on the board for
less confident Ss.

Exercise 4
• Put Ss in small groups and ask the questions quiz show
style. Groups have to be the first to put up their hands to

Exercise 5
• Ss take turns to describe a child from one of the texts in
• Ask them to think which of the children’s abilities are most
similar to their own.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Tell more confident Ss to do the
activity in English.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 42
3g EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Phone Exercise 6
• This activity helps Ss to practise the new language in an
language p.44 authentic way.
Materials • Give Ss time to write their conversation in pairs. Monitor
and help as required.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 44
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 Everyday English video
• Point out that when we identify ourselves on the phone,
we say, e.g. It’s Rosie. (NOT I’m Rosie.).
Class CD 1, track 58
• Have Ss practise their phone dialogues in pairs. To recreate
Workbook p.34 a more authentic phone call, get Ss to sit back to back, so
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 Everyday English they are not looking at each other. They could also hold
worksheet up an object, e.g. a pencil case, to represent the phone.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 3 Everyday English
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 6, Ss work in mixed-
ability pairs. They take turns to present their conversation
Warmer: YOUR WORLD to the class and the Ss who are listening write messages.
• Give Ss time to discuss the question in pairs. Get feedback Remind them to use imperatives and keep their message
and find out the most popular places for Ss to meet their brief.
friends. Pronunciation (Workbook p.34)
Exercise 1 e 1•58 • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on /a:/,
• Elicit which characters Ss have met before and what they /æ/ and /ɔ:/.
can remember about them. Ask who’s speaking on the ANSWERS
phone (Rosie). Ask Ss to predict who she is talking to. Exercise 1
• Play the audio for Ss to follow in their books and check A superheroes special: Batman: Spider-Man and
their predictions. Catwoman
• Play it again. Ss answer the question. Exercise 2
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the
1 Jan has got a Batman costume.
2 She hasn’t got much credit.
video The superheroes for Ss to watch and follow in their
3 No, she doesn’t (until the end).
books. There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8.
4 She mistakenly thinks the friends are meeting at the
wildlife park.
Exercises 3, 4, 5 and 6
Exercise 2 Students’ own answers.
• Give Ss chance to read the questions and find the answers
in the text.
• Elicit the answers from individual Ss.
• In pairs, Ss discuss which superhero film they would most
like to watch and why.

Everyday English presentation

Exercise 3
• Explain that for the number 0, some people say zero and
some say oh. However, for 00, we always say double oh
(NOT double zero).
• Ss practise saying phone numbers in pairs.

Exercise 4
• Ss practise each number. They refer to the Everyday
English presentation to remind them how the numbers
are spoken.

Exercise 5
• This is a controlled speaking exercise.
• Read out a number and have the class say whose number
it is from the list.
• Then invite Ss to say the numbers in pairs for their partner
to guess the names.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 43
3h CULTURE LINK: Special days Exercise 5 e 1•60
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
at school p.45 check answers.
Materials • Play the audio again for Ss to listen and write down extra
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 45 details about each activity.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 culture video
Class CD 1, track 60
Workbook p.35 Exercise 6
• Ss complete the task in pairs. Help with vocabulary. Get
feedback from the class.
• In groups, have Ss come up with an original activity or
• Give Ss time to discuss the question in pairs. Elicit when race at a sports day. Each group presents their idea to the
the special days are and what happens. Find out the class’s
class, and Ss vote to decide on the best activity. Before
favourite special day at school.
starting, you may like to tell Ss about some of the other
CULTURE NOTES Most primary schools in the UK have a activities detailed in the Culture notes.
Sports Day. It’s a chance for Ss to be active, be competitive
DIGITAL TEACHING Find video clips of school sports days in
and have fun. In addition to the races in the text, some other
the UK on the Internet to show the class.
activities at sports days include: the three-legged race –
children racing in pairs with one leg tied to their partners; ANSWERS
the tug of war – two teams pulling a rope between them; Exercise 1
and Welly wanging – trying to throw a welly boot as far as June, November
possible. Exercise 2
Most primary schools in Australia organize an annual 1 d  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 a
School Fete. It’s a chance for Ss to be creative, have fun and Exercises 3 and 6
participate in a community event, whilst raising funds for the Students’ own answers.
school. Exercise 4
Exercise 1 1 Sports Day   ​2 School Fete   ​3 School Fete   ​4 both  ​
5 both
• Explain that school trips are another special day in the UK.
Elicit the sort of place Ss think children will visit on school Exercise 5
trips. 1 d (tractor rides)   ​2 a (women’s race)   ​3 c (stalls)   ​
4 b (sack race)
• Play the audio. Ss listen and follow. Pause for Ss to answer
each question.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video School
trips for Ss to watch and follow in their books. They can
complete related activities in Workbook page 35.

Reading and Speaking

Exercise 2
• Ask Ss what they can see in each photo.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then check

Exercise 3
• Before Ss choose which text to read, explain what a
fete is (a public event where people can participate in
competitions and buy small items and food, often to raise
• You could either allow Ss to choose and read about the
special day they think is more interesting or divide the
class into two groups and allocate each one of the texts.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and monitor their

Exercise 4
• Put Ss in pairs with a partner who read the other text.
Give them time to complete the task together, then check

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 44
3i WRITING: A sports book p.46 Exercise 6
• Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
Materials classmates’ questions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 46 • After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
Class CD 1, track 61 what they liked about each presentation.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 writing project • Put Ss’ books on display for the class to flick through. Once
they have looked at all the books, have a class vote for the
best one. You could introduce different categories for the
Warmer class vote so more Ss have the chance to shine, e.g. best
• Divide the class into four teams (A–D) and give each a drawings, best writing, most interesting books.
sheet of paper. Set a time limit, e.g. one minute, in which ANSWERS
Ss write down as many sports as they can.
Exercise 1
• When time is up, ask Team A to read out one sport. If one run, do gymnastics, climb a mountain, do karate, ride a
or more of the other teams also have this sport on their horse
list, everybody crosses it out. If none of the other teams
Exercise 2
has the sport, Team A gets a point. Then ask Team B to
She can run, climb mountains, do gymnastics and karate,
read out one of their sports and do the same. Continue in
ride a horse. She can’t catch, throw or play basketball.
the same way until all the sports have been read out. The
winning team has the most points at the end. Exercises 3, 4 and 5
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 1
• Give Ss time to look at the pictures and say what they can
see in each one.

Exercise 2 e 1•61
• Play the audio. Tell Ss to listen and stand up when they
hear an action verb.
• Play the audio again. Ss write what Andrea can and can’t
do, then check answers.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Tell less confident Ss that they can
read the audio text in the bottom left-hand corner of the
page in the Writing Tip box.

Writing project
Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Writing Tips individually and complete
the task.

Exercise 4
• Ss follow the steps to create their own sports.
Think Let Ss think individually about the sports they do
and their own abilities and then discuss their ideas in
Make notes Before Ss make notes, it may be useful for
them to do quick drawings of the sports to help them to
visualize them. They make a list of the sports.
Write Ss use their notes to write a description of the
sports they do and how well they do them. Tell them
to write a rough draft for peer assessment in exercise 5
before they write a final version to go in their book.

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 5, tell Ss to check
with you if they are unsure about any mistakes before they
correct them.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 45
3j REVISION p.47 English in the real world
• Ask Ss which sports are popular in the UK. Tell them to
Materials find an English blog post about a sport.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 47 DIGITAL TEACHING Find videos online of sports with
Workbook p.36 commentaries in English.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 3 test ANSWERS
Exercise 1
Warmer: REACTIVATE! 1 make models   ​2 do gymnastics   ​3 play basketball   ​
• Write the headings on the board. Give Ss one minute to 4 climb mountains   ​5 do karate   ​6 ride a horse
write as many words as they can for each category. Ask Ss Exercise 2
to count how many words they have for each category. 1 do karate   ​2 climb trees   ​3 ride a bike   ​
4 play basketball   ​5 make cakes
Vocabulary and Grammar Exercise 3
1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b
Exercise 1 Exercise 4
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 1 ride  ​2 jump  ​3 walk  ​4 run  ​5 climb  ​6 fly
• Ask Ss to spell out and say the words. Elicit which of the Exercise 5
two words in each is the verb. 1 She can’t ride a bike.   ​2 He can sing.   ​
3 She can swim.   ​4 He can’t catch.   ​5 She can climb.   ​
Exercise 2 6 She can’t rollerskate.
• Look and say the activities in the picture. Exercise 6
• Ss discuss if they can do the activities. 1 Can you swim? No. I can’t.
2 Can she run? Yes, she can.
Exercise 3
3 Can we sing? Yes, we can.
• This exercise is the same style as the Repetytorium exams. 4 Can they jump high? Yes, they can.
• Give Ss time to read the instructions and the scenarios 5 Can it climb that tree? Yes, it can.
and responses before they answer. Exercise 7
Exercise 4 A: Who’s that?
B: It’s Marek here. What’s Sara’s phone number?
• Tell Ss to fill in the gaps that they are sure about first and A: It’s 07743 678258
then use a process of elimination for any they are less sure
B: Thanks. See you later.
Exercise 8
Exercise 5 Students’ own answers.
• Tell Ss to look closely at details in the picture in order to
judge the children’s ability to do the different activities.

Exercise 6
• Give Ss time to write the questions and answers in their
• Put Ss in pairs and have them roleplay the questions and
answers with their partner.

Everyday English
Exercise 7
• Review phone language. Model a phone conversation
with a confident student.
• Tell Ss to read and complete the phone conversation, then
roleplay it in pairs.

Exercise 8
• Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement. You can get
the Ss to do the same thing for other lessons in the unit.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING I can … statements help Ss
reflect on the learning process, i.e. where they are in their
learning, what their learning goals are and how they can

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 46

Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 48
Workbook p.37


• Tell Ss to think about the hobbies they do with friends. Ask
them to share information about their hobby and who
they do it with.

Znajomość funkcji językowych

Exercise 1
• Give Ss time to read the speech bubbles and complete
the missing words.
• Ask Ss to describe each photo in pairs and ask and answer
whether they can do each of the activities in the photos.

Exercise 2
• Let Ss read the tip individually, then read each situation.
• Ask Ss to discuss in pairs what they would say in each

Exercise 3
• Tell Ss to read the tip again and choose the sentence they
think summarizes the reason the best.
• Ask Ss to write their own situations in Polish and three
options for a response (one appropriate and two not).
They exchange their situations with a partner.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Exercise 4
• Remind Ss to read the instructions carefully before they
do the exercise.
• Tell Ss to practise scanning the text for the answers and
marking their first answer in pencil. Then tell them to read
the text in more detail to double-check their answers.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 4, tell Ss to think
about the information each question is asking for before
they scan the text for the answer.
Exercise 1
1 play the guitar   ​2 swim  ​3 horse  ​4 cakes
Exercise 2
1 a  ​2 a
Exercise 3
The first sentence best summarizes the advice.
Exercise 4
1 in June   ​2 run, ride bikes, climb trees   ​
3 in the playground   ​4 hot  ​5 basketball  ​
6 badminton

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 47
affirmative, negative, questions
and short answers p.49
Exercise 1
1 can  ​2 can’t  ​3 can  ​4 can  ​5 can’t  ​6 can  ​7 can  ​
8 can’t
Exercise 2
1 Can you make cakes? Yes, I can.
2 Can she do karate? No, she can’t.
3 Can they play basketball? Yes, they can.
4 Can he do gymnastics? Yes, he can.
5 Can you swim? Yes, I can.
6 Can they throw? Yes, they can.
7 Can she ride a horse? No, she can’t.
8 Can he make cakes? Yes, he can.

Unit 3 Sports & hobbies Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 48
4 Everyday life
4a VOCABULARY: Everyday ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell Ss to draw simple pictures
on a calendar with the days of the week and the different
activities pp.50–51 activity for each day.

Materials Vocabulary practice

Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 50–51
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 flashcards Exercise 4
Class CD 2, tracks 1–2 • Ss read and match the parts of the activities.
Workbook p.38 • Call out the numbers from the main picture and elicit the
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 4 vocabulary verb–noun collocation for each to check answers.
• Read the activities out again one by one and tell Ss to
stand up if it’s something they do after school.
• Elicit things Ss do after school when they aren’t practising Exercise 5
a hobby or sport. • This activity helps Ss to practise the new vocabulary
through a fun game.
Vocabulary presentation • Model the activity by drawing one of the activities on the
board for Ss to guess.
Exercise 1 • Ask Ss to play the game in pairs in their notebooks.
• Give Ss time to look at the picture and words for activities • To make the game competitive, Ss play in a group of
in the box. three or four. They take turns to draw, and the first person
• Say the names of the children in the picture and have Ss to guess correctly gets a point. The winner has the most
say what they think each of them are doing. Don’t give points when you stop the game.
answers at this point.
Exercise 6
Exercise 2 e 2•01 • Tell Ss to look and write the activities in the mind map
• Play the audio. Ss listen to the answers to see if they were next to the corresponding letters in their notebooks.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Creating mind maps as in
• Play audio again and get the Ss to repeat, chorally and
exercise 6 is a good way to record new vocabulary. Tell Ss to
individually. Then say the verbs and encourage Ss to
copy the mind map into their notebooks and add the other
complete with the name of the activity or place that
five activities from the lesson.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 2, more confident Ss Speaking
can say the activity when you say each of the children’s
names. Less confident Ss can point to the person and find Exercise 7
the corresponding activity in the word box. • Ask Ss which of the activities they do. Ask which are their
favourite things to do.
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 2•02 • Ss create a mind map of their everyday activities. Ss can
• Review the days of the week by chanting them as a class. use pictures from the Internet or magazines or their own
Ask what day it is today. drawings for their mind map.
• Play the chant and encourage Ss to join in and do the
DIGITAL TEACHING If the Ss have access to computers
actions. Chanting vocabulary and language in a rhythmic
or tablets, they can use an app to create their mind map
way will help learners to remember new language.
• In groups, Ss think of a mime for each activity. The groups
to compare their actions and choose the best one for
each activity. Play the chant and encourage Ss to do their
actions as they chant. Exercise 8
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 3, • Remind Ss how to scan a text for specific information.
Ss create their chant with their own activities for each day of Ask what kind of information they are looking for here to
the week. Ss work in pairs to write their chant and perform. answer the first question (a place). Tell them to scan for
For extra support, Ss can substitute activities in Frank’s chant the answer and put their hand up as soon as they have
for activities they do each day. Play the chant, pausing after found it.
each day of the week for Ss to complete the line with their • Tell them to look at the pictures below and predict what
own activities. activities Ethan does. Ss then read the text carefully and
check their predictions.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 49
• Say the activities in the pictures and have Ss stand up
when you say an activity that Ethan does.
• As Ss if they think they have similar interests to Ethan.
Encourage them to say how they are the same and

• Ask Ss to guess how many text messages people in the UK
send on average. Tell them to think about how many they
send a day, including on messaging apps.
Exercises 1 and 2
1 play computer games   ​2 watch TV   ​3 read books   ​
4 hang out with my friends   ​5 go to the library   ​
6 take photos   ​7 go shopping   ​8 listen to music   ​
9 send text messages   ​10 phone my friends
Exercises 3, 5, 7 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 4
1 b  ​2 c  ​3 j  ​4 f / i   ​5 g  ​6 h  ​7 f / i   ​8 a  ​9 d  ​
10 e
Exercise 6
a watch TV   ​b listen to music   ​c hang out with my
friends  ​d play computer games   ​e send text messages  ​
f take photos
Exercise 8
Ethan is from London.
a read books   ​b skateboard  ​c ride a bike  
​d listen to music   ​e go to the library   ​
f send text messages   ​g phone my friends   ​h watch TV
Ethan does a, b, d, e, f and h.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 50
4b GRAMMAR: Present Speaking
continuous: affirmative, negative Exercise 7
and questions p.52 • Model the activity with a confident student by reading
the speech bubbles.
Materials • Ss ask and answer in pairs.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 52 ANSWERS
Class CD 2, track 3 Exercise 1
Workbook p.39 Peter is reading his English book. Sam is climbing a tree.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 4 grammar Exercise 2
We use the verb be.
Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercise 3
1 F (Inga isn’t walking. She’s running.)   ​
• Tell Ss to list the days and the week and try to remember 2 F (Max isn’t watching TV. He’s sending text messages.)   ​
the activities that Frank does on each day. Tell them that
3 T  ​4 T  ​5 F (Tal isn’t running. He’s taking photos.)   ​
if they say the chant to themselves, it will help them to
6 T
Exercise 4
• Play the chant again to check answers.
1 I’m reading a book.
2 He isn’t sending text messages.
Grammar presentation 3 We’re going to the library.
Exercise 1 e 2•03 4 Tom’s hanging out with his friends.
5 They’re listening to music.
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to a boy saying what 6 You aren’t going shopping.
activities he and a friend are doing. Play the audio through
once and ask the names of the activities that they heard Exercise 5
(reading a book, climbing a tree). 1 Are you listening to music? Yes, I am.
2 Is he walking to school? No, he isn’t.
• Let Ss listen again and answer the question.
3 Are they riding their bikes? No, they aren’t.
Exercise 2 4 Are we watching TV? Yes, we are.
5 Is she making models? No, she isn’t.
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box. Ask which words come
before the -ing verb (am, is, are) and what that verb is (be). Exercises 6 and 7
Students’ own answers.
• Ask Ss to make a sentence about what they are doing
now, e.g. I’m reading.

Grammar practice
Exercise 3
• Ask Ss what activities they can see.
• They read the sentences and write whether they are true
or false.
• Encourage Ss to look at the grammar box to write
sentences to correct the false sentences.

Exercise 4
• Refer Ss to the Look! section of the grammar box to check
the spelling rules.

Exercise 5
• Elicit the question form of the present continuous and
short answers, referring the Ss to the grammar box.
• Ask Ss to write the questions and answers in their
notebooks. Monitor and check the correct spelling of the
-ing verbs.

Exercise 6
• This exercise give Ss further practice with word ordering
and sentence structure.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 51
4c VOCABULARY: Musical Listening and Speaking
instruments p.53 Exercise 7 e 2•05
• This exercise helps Ss to extract key information from
Materials a text.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 53 • Ask Ss to predict which instruments the children play.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 flashcards • Play the audio and tell Ss to stand up every time they hear
Class CD 2, tracks 4–5 a musical instrument mentioned.
Workbook p.40 • Play the audio again and have Ss answer the question.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 five minute test
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 4 vocabulary Exercise 8
• Model the speaking activity by saying what musical
instruments you can and can’t play.
Warmer: YOUR WORLD • Ss mingle and ask and answer about the musical
• Tell Ss to discuss the question in pairs. instruments they can play.
• Show the flashcards of the musical instruments and have
a show of hands to see if Ss can play them. ONLINE LINK
• Ask Ss to use their world knowledge to discuss and list the
Vocabulary presentation instruments they think are in an orchestra in pairs. They
can then do their online research to check their answers.
Exercise 1 ANSWERS
• Ask Ss to look at the musical instruments. Exercises 1 and 2
• Elicit the instruments, but don’t correct answers at this 1 recorder  ​2 piano  ​3 guitar  ​4 trumpet  ​5 drums  ​
point. 6 cello  ​7 bass guitar   ​8 clarinet  ​9 saxophone  ​
10 violin
Exercise 2 e 2•04
Exercise 3
• Play the audio. Ss check their answers to exercise 1 were
1 recorder  ​2 piano  ​3 guitar  ​4 trumpet  ​5 drums  ​
correct, then listen and repeat. Ask which instrument they
6 cello  ​7 bass guitar   ​8 clarinet  ​9 saxophone  ​
like the sound of best.
10 violin
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 2•04 Exercises 4, 8 and Online Link
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the instruments as Students’ own answers.
they listen, to help them visualize how the sounds are Exercise 5
produced. 1 saxophone  ​2 trumpet  ​3 recorder  ​4 clarinet  ​
5 drums  ​6 violin  ​7 piano  ​8 guitar  ​9 cello  ​
Vocabulary practice 10 bass
Exercise 6
Exercise 4 1 saxophone  ​2 violin  ​3 cello  ​4 guitar  ​5 trumpet  ​
• When they have finished describing the picture, Ss take 6 piano  ​7 drums
turns to mime a musical instrument for their partner to Exercise 7
guess, e.g. ‘Are you playing the trumpet?’ ‘Yes, I am!’ James plays the clarinet and the recorder.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 4, elicit examples of the Lisa plays the cello.
present continuous from more confident Ss.
Write example present continuous sentences on the board
for less confident Ss.

Exercise 5
• This activity practises writing the new vocabulary.
• Give Ss time to complete the exercise and then check

Exercise 6
• Point to each of the illustrations and elicit the name of the
• Ask Ss to complete the exercise individually, then check
answers in pairs.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 52
4d GRAMMAR: Wh- questions in Grammar practice
the present continuous pp.54–55 Exercise 5
• Ss read the grammar box and then complete the rules
Materials and the sentences.
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 54–55 • Elicit other question words and what they ask about, e.g.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 animated story When (time), Why (reason), How (way).
Class CD 2, track 6
Workbook p.41 Exercise 6
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 five minute test • Tell Ss to read the sentences and identify what type of
word needs translating, e.g. a question word, a verb.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 4 grammar; Unit 4
discussion INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For exercise 6, write alternatives on
the board for each word for less confident Ss.

Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercise 7

• Ss play the game in pairs. If they can’t guess the • Ss write as many questions as they can using the prompts.
instrument from the sound their partner is making, tell • Tell Ss to ask and answer their questions in pairs – there
them to mime playing it as well. are no correct answers, so they can use their imagination
DIGITAL TEACHING If Ss have access to smartphones or to invent their own answers.
tablets, they can play the game in the Warmer using a sound
Exercise 7
effects app.
• Fast finishers write more questions with What, Who and
Exercise 1 e 2•06 Where for their partner.
• Elicit which characters in the story Ss have met before Exercise 8
(Lily and Finn and their pets Sid the snake and Chris the
chameleon). • Ask two confident Ss to model the activity at the front of
the class by reading the speech bubbles.
• Ask the question and tell Ss to predict the answer using
the pictures. • Point out we can use the pronoun they when we don’t
know if a person is male or female.
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and follow. Ask Ss if their
predictions were correct. • Tell Ss to play the same game with characters in the story
or find other pictures in the book.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play
the video of the story A concert for Ss to watch and follow ONLINE LINK
in their books. There are ideas for using videos in class on • Find an online schools forum and ask Ss to suggest the
page 8. questions they can ask.
DIGITAL TEACHING You can use the Discussion Room in the
Comprehension Students’ Online Practice for this. Use the tool to walk the Ss
Exercise 2 through how to use this (see page 12).
• Give Ss time to listen to and read the story again ANSWERS
individually. Exercise 1
• Ask Ss to read the questions and then refer back to the No, they don’t. Sid likes Finn’s music. Mum, Lily and Chris
story. Ask the questions to the class. Ss raise their hands to don’t like his music.
answer. Exercise 2
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM In exercise 2, less confident Ss 1 No, he isn’t.   ​2 Yes, he is.   ​3 No, he isn’t.  
can answer just yes or no. More confident Ss should answer ​4 Yes, he does.   ​5 No, she doesn’t.   ​6 No, she isn’t.   ​
with short answers. They can then write full answers to the 7 No, she isn’t.
questions in their notebooks with the correct information. Exercise 3
Yes, he is.
Grammar presentation Exercise 4
What, Where, Who
Exercise 3 e 2•06 Exercise 5
• Ask questions with What and Where, e.g. What is Lily doing 1 an action   ​2 a place   ​3 a person
in frame 3? (she’s reading a book); Where’s Finn in frame 1? a What  ​b Where  c Who
(he’s in his bedroom).

Exercise 4
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box and say the words at the
beginning of the questions.
• Ask the Ss to find examples of questions with Wh- words
in the story.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 53
Exercise 6
1 doing  ​2 Where  ​3 playing  ​4 is watching
5 talking  ​6 are having
Exercise 7
Where are you walking? What are you doing? Who are you
phoning? What are you playing? Where is she walking?
What is she doing? Who is she phoning? What is she
Exercise 8 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 54
4e HALFWAY REVIEW p.56 Grammar
Materials Exercise 5 e 2•07
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 56 • This exercise practises present continuous questions and
answers in context.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 flashcards
Class CD 2, track 7
• Play the audio. Ss note down what each child is doing.
Play the audio again and have Ss write full sentences to
Workbook p.42 describe what each child is doing.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 vocabulary and
grammar worksheet; Unit 4 speaking worksheet Exercise 6
• Ss read the description and draw the scene in their
• Ask Ss to compare their drawings in pairs.
• Play a critical thinking game. Put four of the musical
instrument flashcards on the board. Ask Ss which is the INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Have more confident Ss close
odd one out. They can choose any as long as they can their books and do exercise 6 as a picture dictation with you
give a reason why they think it’s the odd one out. reading the description. Less confident Ss can listen to you
• Repeat with another group of four flashcards. and read the description.

Exercise 7
• Tell Ss to do the exercise orally in pairs first.
Exercise 1 • They then write all the differences in full sentences in their
• Tell Ss to look at the everyday activity words. Have them notebooks.
act out each activity. ANSWERS
• They then match them to the pictures. Exercise 1
1 c  ​2 e  ​3 f  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 d
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
• Ask Ss to think about where they do the activities in Indoor: make models, play computer games, do
exercise 1.
• Ss can copy the three-column chart into their notebooks Outdoor: climb mountains
or you can show them how to draw a Venn diagram. A Indoor and outdoor: send text messages, hang out with
Venn diagram has two interlinking circles. Ss put indoor friends
activities in one circle, outdoor activities in the other and
Exercise 3
the activities you can do in both places in the section
Students’ own answers.
where the circles interlink.
Exercise 4
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Categorizing vocabulary as in 1 bass (guitar)   ​2 cello  ​3 drums  ​4 piano  ​5 guitar  ​
exercise 2 helps Ss to remember it. 6 clarinet  ​7 recorder  ​8 saxophone  ​9 trumpet  ​
10 violin
Exercise 3
Exercise 5
• Lead the game yourself. Describe the activities by saying Beth is watching TV. Don is reading a book. Keith and
where you do them, what you need, etc. Draw a prompt
Jenny are playing computer games.
on the board if Ss can’t guess after one minute.
Exercise 7
• The first student to guess correctly comes to the board
In picture A, Sarah is taking photos. In picture B, she
to write the activity. Have Ss say if they have spelled the
is sending text messages. / In picture A, Sue is going
phrase correctly.
shopping. In picture B, she is reading a book. In Picture
• After a few turns, ask Ss to take turns to describe activities B, Mr Nowak is going shopping. / In picture A, Mel is
at the front of the class. listening to music. In picture B, he’s phoning friends. / In
picture A, Tim and Ted are doing karate. In picture B, they
Exercise 4
are climbing trees. / In picture A, Marek is running. In
• Explain how the alphabet code works. The letter along the picture B, Maria is running.
bottom of the grid comes first in the reference followed
by the numbers in the vertical axis.
• Ss follow the grid references to crack the codes and find
the names of the instruments.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 55
Exercise 1
A typical day p.57 Because she plays the violin in her school orchestra and
she plays in lots of concerts.
Exercise 2
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 57 1 a  ​2 e  ​3 f  ​4 b  ​5 c  ​6 d
Class CD 2, track 8 Exercise 3
Workbook p.43 1 T  ​2 F (In picture b, Lucy is listening to music.)   ​
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 extra writing worksheet 3 F (Lucy practises the violin for two hours every day.)   ​
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 4 reading 4 F (Lucy doesn’t play the clarinet in the school orchestra.)  ​
5 T
Exercise 4
Warmer: REACTIVATE! 1 Lucy prefers indoor activities.
• Brainstorm the verbs that you use with everyday activities. 2 Students’ own answers.
• Tell Ss to take turns saying a verb for their partner to say 3 Students’ own answers.
the activity. Exercise 5
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 1 e 2•08
• Tell Ss to read the text quickly to find the answer.
• Then play the audio while the Ss read the text in their
books the second time.

Exercise 2
• Say the numbers from the text and ask Ss to summarize
the corresponding paragraph. Alternatively, do this
exercise the other way round – summarize the paragraph
and have Ss say the number.
• Then say the letter of each picture and ask Ss to say the
corresponding paragraph number.

Exercise 3
• Ss use information from the text to say if the sentences are
true or false.
• They then rewrite the false sentences so that they’re true.

Exercise 4
• This exercise encourages Ss to make inferences about
Lucy from the text and to personalize the language.
• Ask Ss to discuss each of the questions in pairs and then
share their ideas with the class.

Writing basics
Exercise 5
• Give Ss time to read the reading model and Writing Tip.
Ask them the questions.
• Tell Ss to follow the Make notes step in their books and
use the questions to help them decide what information
to include. See if they can think of any other information
to include. Tell them they can make it realistic or they can
use their imagination and write about a crazy day!
• Ss use their notes and the model to write their essay.
Encourage them to write a first draft before producing a
final copy.
• Tell Ss to read out their essays to the rest of the class.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell Ss to self-assess and edit
their own writing in exercise 5. Reading their work through
will help them to notice mistakes and apply their learning.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 56
4g EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Make Speaking
suggestions p.58 Exercise 6
• Ss work individually to write their suggestions, then
Materials mingle around the class to make suggestions and find
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 58 someone who agrees.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 Everyday English video
Class CD 2, tracks 9–10 Pronunciation (Workbook p.44)
Workbook p.44 • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on /v/
and /w/.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 Everyday English
worksheet ANSWERS
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 4 Everyday English Exercise 1
They try athletics, fencing and climbing.
Exercise 2
Warmer: YOUR WORLD 1 Yes, it is.
• Ask the question to the class and elicit ideas. Give 2 No, they don’t. Only Jan likes athletics.
examples of sports you find difficult and encourage 3 No, they don’t. Only Jan likes fencing.
discussion. 4 No, they don’t. They’re hungry and thirsty and want to
go to the café. They don’t want to help Jan because he
Exercise 1 e 2•09 called them lazy and silly.
• Elicit the names of the children in the photo story (Rosie, Exercises 3 and 6
Jan, Joel and Leila).
Students’ own answers.
• Ask Ss what we already know about these children and
Exercise 4
sports (Joel plays football. Rosie does gymnastics. Rosie
Choose from: Let’s look … Let’s try … Let’s do … Let’s
and Leila love basketball. Rosie can rollerblade).
have … Let’s stop … Let’s stop … Let’s climb … Let’s go …
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and follow, and check their
Exercise 5
1 b  ​2 d  ​3 e  ​4 a  ​5 c  ​6 f
• Play it again. Ss answer the question.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the
video At a leisure centre for Ss to watch and follow in their
CULTURE NOTE A leisure centre is a large building where
people can go to do sports and other activities in their
free time. We use the expression fingers crossed when we
strongly want something to happen or as a wish for good
luck. People sometimes make an accompanying gesture, by
crossing their middle finger over their first finger.

Exercise 2
• Ask Ss how they feel about Leila, Joel and Rosie leaving
Jan at the top of the climbing wall. If they think it’s OK,
they stand up and if not, they stay seated. Elicit reasons
from various Ss.

Everyday English presentation

Exercise 3
• Ss look at how to make suggestions and the responses in
the Everyday English box.

Everyday English practice

Exercise 4
• Ss read the text again to find examples of Let’s. Elicit
answers from the class.

Exercise 5 e 2•10
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and match the responses.
Check answers, then encourage Ss to listen and repeat.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 57
4h CULTURE LINK: Weekend Listening and Speaking
activities p.59 Exercise 5 e 2•12
• Explain that Ss are going to listen to a man phoning one
Materials of the schools for information.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 59 • Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 culture video check the answer.
Class CD 2, track 12
Workbook p.45 Exercise 6 e 2•12
• Play the audio again for Ss to listen and complete the task,
then check answers.
• Ss discuss the question in pairs. Get feedback from the Exercise 7
class and find out the most popular weekend activities. • Give Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then share their
answers with the class.
CULTURE NOTES There are two main forms of Scottish
dancing: Scottish Country Dancing and Highland Dancing.
• Either in class or as a homework task, Ss create a leaflet
about a popular sport or activity in their country.
Scottish Country Dancing is for general participation and
used at sociable gatherings. The dances are easy to learn and ANSWERS
are done in groups. Highland Dancing is a complex form of Exercise 1
competitive solo dancing, developed in the 19th century. 1 Scottish dancing and surfing   ​2 Scotland and Australia  ​
Both male and female performers wear a kilt, a traditional 3 Students’ own answers.
Scottish skirt. Exercise 2
Mainland Australia has a coastline of around 36,000 Scottish Dance School
kilometres, with more than 10,000 beaches. The country is 1 No, they aren’t. People invent new dances every year.   ​
one of the world’s top surfing destinations. The sport was 2 No, you don’t. You dance in a group of 6–10 people.   ​
brought to Australia from Hawaii in 1915. Today, there are 3 They play traditional Scottish instruments like the
approximately 2.5 million recreational surfers in the country. bagpipes, the violin and the accordion.
Surfing in Australia
Exercise 1 1 Yes, they do.   ​2 No, they aren’t. Some beaches have
• Explain that most schools in the UK offer after-school small waves and some have big waves.   ​3 It’s on Palm
clubs where children can practise a sport or hobby. Beach, in Sydney.
• Play the audio and pause after each section and then have Exercises 3 and 6
Ss answer the question. Students’ own answers.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video After Exercise 4
school clubs for Ss to watch and complete the activities on He’s calling the Scottish Dance School.
Workbook page 45. Exercise 5
1 He wants information about classes.
Reading and Speaking 2 He’s 11 years old.
3 The classes are on Saturdays at half past six.
Exercise 2 4 His name is Ben.
• Ss read the leaflets about the two clubs. They complete 5 He can play the violin and he can do some Scottish
the task, then check answers. dances.

Exercise 3
• You could either allow Ss to choose the leaflet they read
or divide the class into two groups and allocate each
group a text.
• Go through the Glossary with the class.

Exercise 4
• Put Ss in pairs with someone who read the other text.
• Tell Ss to stand up. Ask them which school they would
prefer to go to. Depending on their preference, they
should mime either Scottish dancing or surfing. Nominate
a few Ss doing each activity to give a reason why.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 58
4i WRITING: After-school clubs p.60 Exercise 5
• Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
Materials classmates’ questions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 60 • After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 writing project what they liked about each presentation.
• Ss discuss in pairs which clubs they would most like to go
to and their reasons why. Get feedback.
Warmer • In small groups, tell Ss to have a discussion and decide
• Ask the class which after-school clubs they attend and which of their classmates’ clubs they are going to try. They
make a list on the board. Do a show-of-hands survey to must all agree on just one club. Remind Ss to use Let’s to
find out how many Ss go to each club. make suggestions. Elicit different ways to respond to a
suggestion and encourage Ss to use a range of these.
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
• Give Ss time to look at the pictures and say what they can 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 f  ​5 d  ​6 e
see in each one. Exercise 2
• Then let them read the text and match the photos to the Name of club: Club Luna
captions. Names of workshops: Cooking workshop ‐ moon cheese,
• In pairs, Ss say which of the workshops they would most delicious
and least like to go to. Name of workshop: Sports workshop - running and
jumping, easy
Exercise 2 Name of workshop: Driving workshop - moon buggies,
• Explain that a concept map is a way of organizing notes race, winning
and information. Exercises 3, 4 and 5
• Copy the concept map onto the board. Ask Ss questions Students’ own answers.
about Club Luna, e.g. What’s the name of the first club?
What’s the first workshop?
• Ss then complete the concept map for Eco Club, either on
their own or in pairs.

Writing project
Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Writing Tips, then ask them to find
examples of each in the posters.
• Think Tell Ss to decide on a club and, if it’s imaginary, and
think of a suitable name. With those who want to do a
real club, limit the number of Ss for each type, to stop the
presentations being repetitive.
• Make notes Ss copy the concept map from exercise 2
and complete it. Ss can either print out pictures, cut them
out of brochures / leaflets / magazines or draw them
• Write Ss can write a rough draft of their text for you to
correct, before they copy out a neat version. Remind Ss to
be careful with tenses.

Exercise 4
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Make sure that Ss swap their
work at draft stage so they can use the corrections on their
final versions.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 59
4j REVISION p.61 English in the real world
• Ask Ss if they know how to find radio stations to listen to
Materials in English.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 61 • Suggest reliable websites and apps such as BBC Sounds
Workbook p.46 that they can use to stream radio programmes and
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 4 test podcasts.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 4 check your progress DIGITAL TEACHING Find podcasts that are suitable for
children and play them to the class.


• Write the headings on the board. Give Ss one minute Exercise 1
to write as many words as they can think of for each 1 She isn’t taking photos. She’s listening to music.
category. 2 He isn’t going to the library. He’s sending text messages.
3 She isn’t phoning a friend. She’s reading a book.
Vocabulary and Grammar 4 They aren’t going shopping. They’re watching TV.
5 They aren’t sending text messages. They’re playing
Exercise 1 computer games.
• Ask Ss to complete the task and compare their sentences Exercise 2
in pairs. 1 Is she watching TV? No, she isn’t.
2 Is he reading a book? No, he isn’t.
Exercise 2 3 Is she playing the drums? No, she isn’t.
• Tell Ss to write four yes / no questions using the prompts. 4 Is he playing the trumpet? Yes, he is.
Exercise 3
Exercise 3 1 Jim and Leila are feeding the ducks.
• Give Ss time to complete the exercise. 2 Jenny is sending text messages.
3 Rick is playing the guitar.
Exercise 4 4 Jo and Mo are riding their bikes.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check 5 Rex is swimming in the lake.
answers. 6 Ada is playing the cello.
Exercise 5 Exercise 4
1 d  ​2 a  ​3 c  ​4 b
• Give Ss time to write the questions and answers in their
notebooks. Exercise 5
1 Is she playing the clarinet? Yes, she is.
Exercise 6 2 Are they listening to music? No, they aren’t.
• Tell Ss that this exercise is the same style as the questions 3 Are you sending text messages? No, I’m not.
in the Repetytorium exam. 4 Is he taking photos? Yes, he is.
• Tell Ss to read the questions and answers and decide what 5 Is it swimming in the lake? Yes, it is.
type of word is missing. Exercise 6
1 isn’t  ​2 going  ​3 What  ​4 playing  
Everyday English ​5 am hanging out
Exercise 7
Exercise 7 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 b
• Review how to make suggestions using Let’s … . Elicit Exercise 8
suggestions from the class. Students’ own answers.
• Ss read the suggestions and choose the appropriate
response for each one.

Exercise 8
• Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement.
• You can get Ss to do the same thing for other lessons in
the unit.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Self-assessment as in
exercise 8 helps Ss to develop strategies which will allow
them to continue to learn and progress, setting a positive
mindset for lifelong learning.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 60
4 REPETYTORIUM p.62 Exercise 5 e 2•14
• Tell Ss to read the instructions carefully again. Elicit what’s
Materials happening in each of the pictures for each question.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 62 Explain that the traps may be that some or all of the
Class CD 2, tracks 13–14 activities in the pictures might be mentioned, though
only one option will correctly answer the question.
Workbook p.47
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second
Warmer: YOUR WORLD INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 5,
• Tell Ss to list all the things they do when they aren’t ask Ss what traps they heard in the audio.
at school. Ask them to compare their lists with their
For extra support, give Ss a copy of the script and ask them
classmates’ and find someone with a similar list to them.
to highlight the traps.
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych ANSWERS
Exercise 1
Exercise 1 b
• Explain what a trap is: traps are something that is similar to Exercise 2
the answer, or mentions of other answers in an audio, that b
are not correct. Exercise 3
• Ask Ss which answers they think are the traps and why c
(a is a trap because one text mentions taking photos; Exercise 4
b is a trap because both texts mention some form of 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 d  ​4 e
technology, but that is not what the texts are specifically
Exercise 5
1 c  ​2 c  ​3 b
Exercise 2
• Tell Ss to read the instruction carefully and then read both
texts and possible answers. They then read the texts again
before answering.
• Ask Ss which answers they think are the traps and why
(a is a trap because one text mentions taking photos;
b is a trap because both texts mention some form of
technology, but that is not what the texts are specifically

Exercise 3
• Tell Ss to read the tip again and choose the purpose they
think summarizes the advertisement the best.
• Ask Ss to write their own short advertisement for a school
club. They exchange their advert with a partner to read
and ask questions.

Rozumienie ze słuchu
Exercise 4 e 2•13
• Remind Ss to read the instructions carefully before they
do the exercise. The instructions mention a trap; elicit
what it is (there is one extra sentence).
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell Ss to think about the likely
questions that would produce the answers. Tell them to
think about the tense of the answers and to listen out for the
same verb tense in the questions.

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 61
continuous: affirmative, negative,
questions and short answers p.63
Exercise 1
1 is climbing   ​2 is watching   ​3 aren’t listening   ​
4 am not throwing   ​5 are playing   ​6 am reading   ​
7 aren’t singing
Exercise 2
1 Are you listening to music? No, I’m not.
2 Is she playing football? Yes, she is.
3 Are we rollerskating? Yes, we are.
4 Are they skateboarding? No, they aren’t.
5 Is he climbing mountains? No, he isn’t.
6 Are they making cakes? Yes, they are.
7 Are you riding a bike? Yes, I am.
8 Is she taking photos? No, she isn’t.
Exercise 3
1 b  ​2 d  ​3 a  ​4 c

Unit 4 Everyday life Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 62
Review 1–4
1–4 CUMULATIVE REVIEW pp.122–123 INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 5,
write a word pool of the instruments on the board.
Materials As an extra challenge, Ss write their own word pool of
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 122 instruments from memory.
Class CD 3, tracks 53–54
Workbook pp.48–49 Grammar
Exercise 6
Warmer • Review the first person, second person and third person
• Put Ss in groups of four. Tell the groups to pose in a frozen forms of the verb be.
scene with each one doing a different action. The groups • Tell Ss complete the sentences in their notebooks.
come to the front of the class to show their scene for their
classmates to guess each action.
Exercise 7
• Review this, that, these and those by pointing at near and
Vocabulary further away items in the classroom.
• Give Ss time to read the sentences and choose the correct
Exercise 1 words.
• Tell Ss to read and categorize the words in the word box.
Exercise 8
• Check answers and encourage Ss to mime each word or,
in the case of clothing, point to where it is worn. • Review can and can’t. Ask Ss to say two things they can do
and two things they can’t do.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ask Ss if categorizing • Ss look at the prompts and write sentences with can
vocabulary as in exercise 1 in their notes and in exercises and or can’t.
games helps them to remember it.
Exercise 9
Exercise 2
• Tell Ss to use the prompts to write the questions and short
• Review the verbs in the exercise. Say each one for Ss to answers.
act out.
• Ss complete the task, then ask and answer in pairs.
• Show how the first and last letters have been provided.
Ask Ss to complete the phrases with the correct noun. Exercise 10
• Review the present continuous.
Exercise 2
• Ss do the exercise. They can peer correct in pairs before
• Tell Ss to make sentences about each of the activities with checking answers as a class.
can or can’t.
Exercise 11
Exercise 3
• Tell Ss to rewrite the sentences in exercise 10 using the
• Tell Ss to look at the pictures and choose the correct negative form of the present continuous.
words or phrases.
Exercise 12
Exercise 4
• Ss complete the questions, then ask and answer for
• This is the same style of question as Ss will find in the themselves in pairs.
Repetytorium exams. Explain that they should translate
words from Polish into English using the context of the
sentence to help them. Everyday English
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check answers Exercise 13 e 3•54
and spellings. • Ss think of the polite request they need for each of the
Exercise 5 e 3•53 situations. They then listen and check their answers.
• Review musical instruments. Mime playing an instrument Exercise 14
for Ss to guess. Ask Ss to come to the front of the class and • Tell Ss to use the words to complete the sentences, then
mime instruments. say their answers.
• Talk about the sound each one makes.
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to the instruments being
played and identify them from their sound.
• Play the audio twice through.

Review 1–4 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 63

Self-assessment Exercise 11
1 She isn’t reading a book.
Exercise 15 2 John isn’t watching TV.
• Tell Ss to read the statements and copy them down. 3 Helen isn’t playing badminton.
Devise a three-scale system for Ss to record their progress 4 Anna isn’t playing the guitar.
on each point, e.g. with emojis, or a colour system 5 She isn’t climbing mountains.
(green = strongly agree; orange = agree; red = disagree). 6 He isn’t doing gymnastics.
• Ss can compare their ideas in pairs. Exercise 12
1 What are you doing now?
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Do your own assessment
2 Are you writing in your notebook?
of each student using the same criteria as in exercise 15.
3 Is your friend listening to music?
Make time, if possible, to discuss Ss’ progress with them
4 Where are you sitting?
5 Are you watching TV?
ANSWERS 6 Are your classmates reading?
Exercise 1 Exercise 13
Feelings: angry, scared, tired 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a
Clothes: flip-flops, scarf, trousers 3 I know .Let’s wear our jackets!
Action verbs: catch, fly, throw Exercise 14
Exercise 2 A Who’s calling?
1 make cakes   ​2 play basketball   ​3 play the guitar   ​ B It’s Filip.
4 ride a bike   ​5 ride a horse   ​6 climb trees   ​ A Bye.
7 climb mountains   ​8 do karate   ​9 do gymnastics B Thanks for calling.
Exercise 3 Exercise 15
1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 b  ​7 a  ​8 a  ​9 b  ​10 b Students’ own answers.
Exercise 4
1 hungry  ​2 grandmother  ​3 wet  ​4 hat  ​5 March  ​
6 climb  ​7 swim  ​8 guitar  ​9 bored  ​10 tall  ​
11 watch  ​12 skirt
Exercise 5
1 bass guitar   ​2 guitar  ​3 piano  ​4 violin  ​​5 trumpet  
​6 clarinet  ​7 cello  ​8 recorder  ​9 drums  ​
10 saxophone
Exercise 6
1 is  ​2 isn’t  ​3 aren’t  ​4 Is  ​5 are  ​6 Are  ​7 isn’t  ​
8 am
Exercise 7
1 That  ​2 These  ​3 her  ​4 These  ​5 your  ​6 Their
Exercise 8
1 can  ​2 can  ​3 can’t  ​4 can’t  ​5 can  ​6 can  ​
7 can’t  ​8 can’t
Exercise 9
1 Can you run fast? No, I can’t.
2 Can she rollerskate? Yes, she can.
3 Can they sing? No, they can’t.
4 Can you jump high? Yes, I can.
5 Can he skateboard? No, he can’t.
6 Can she catch? Yes, she can.
7 Can the cat climb? Yes, it can.
8 Can you throw? Yes, I can.
Exercise 10
1 She is reading a book.
2 John is watching TV.
3 Helen is playing badminton.
4 Anna is playing the guitar.
5 She is climbing mountains.
6 He is doing gymnastics.

Review 1–4 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 64

5 My routine
5a VOCABULARY: Daily Exercise 4 Memorize! e 2•16
• Play the song and encourage Ss to join in.
routines pp.64–65 • In groups, Ss think of a mime for each activity. Tell the
Materials groups to compare their actions and choose the best one
for each activity. Play the song and encourage Ss to do
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 64–65
their actions as they sing.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 flashcards
Class CD 2, tracks 15–17 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Songs are a really effective
way to remember new language and vocabulary. Ensure Ss
Workbook p.50
actually understand the meaning of the songs and aren’t just
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 5 vocabulary reciting them parrot fashion.

Warmer: YOUR WORLD Vocabulary practice

• Ss take turns to ask and answer questions about days of Exercise 5
the week, using ordinal numbers, e.g. ‘What’s the third day
of the week?’ ‘It’s Wednesday.’
• This activity helps Ss to practise the new vocabulary
through a visual discrimination task.
• Ss discuss the question in pairs. Get feedback from some
Ss who answered no and find out how their routine differs
• Model the activity by reading the speech bubbles as you
point to the relevant parts of each of the pictures.
depending on the day.
• Ask the Ss to say sentences in pairs and see how many
differences they can find.
Vocabulary presentation
Exercise 1 Exercise 6
• Give Ss time to look at the photos and read the daily • Review other verb–noun collocations that Ss have met
(for sports, hobbies and after-school activities).
routine phrases in the box.
• Tell them to think about which photo matches
• Tell Ss to look at the verbs and write the daily routine
phrases for each one.
each phrase.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Grouping phrases with the
Exercise 2 e 2•15 same verb together will help Ss to remember them.
• Ss to listen to the daily routine phrases and check their
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 6,
have Ss think of more collocations for each verb (they don’t
• Play the audio again and get Ss to repeat, chorally and
have to be routine activities).
individually. Then say the verbs and encourage Ss to
complete with the name of the routine activity. Point out
that when talking about meals, we do not use an article,
Listening and Speaking
e.g. have breakfast (NOT have a breakfast). Usually, the verb Exercise 7 e 2•17
go is followed by to before we say the place, e.g. go to
• Brainstorm routine activities that Ss do in the morning.
school. However, an exception is go home (NOT go to
home). • Tell Ss they are going to listen to a boy, Matt, and a girl,
Anna, speaking about their morning routines.
• In pairs, Ss take turns to mime a daily routine action for
their partner to guess. • Play the audio twice to give Ss a chance to note down
the activities they do in the correct order. They then
Exercise 3 compare their answers in pairs and say how the routines
• Tell Ss to make a list of their daily routines activities in the are different.
order that they do them. Then ask Ss to compare their lists INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 7,
in pairs. pause the audio after each routine phrase.
• Encourage Ss to say which activities to they do in the As an extra challenge, tell Ss to write down their answers the
same order and which in a different order. first time they listen and use the second listening to check.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 3,
Exercise 8
say pairs of daily routine actions, joined with then, e.g. I do
my homework, then I go home. I have breakfast, then I brush my • Use the audio in exercise 7 as a model for this activity and
teeth. If Ss usually do the activities in that order, they stand read the speech bubbles with a confident student.
up; if they don’t, they stay sitting down. • Ss talk about their routines in pairs and say how they are
As an extra challenge, Ss tell a partner about their daily the same and different. Ss could create a Venn diagram in
routine, but in reverse e.g. I go to bed, I brush my teeth, I have pairs where they put the activities which are different from
dinner, I do my homework … each other in the outside sections and the activities that
are the same in the middle interlinked section.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 65

• Ask Ss to predict what Usain Bolt does every day.
• They research the question on the Internet and see if their
predictions were correct.
Exercises 1 and 2
1 get up   ​2 get dressed   ​3 get the bus  
​4 wash my face   ​5 wash my hands   ​6 have a shower   ​
7 have breakfast   ​8 have lunch   ​9 have a snack   ​
10 have dinner   ​11 go to school   ​12 go to bed   ​
13 go home   ​14 brush my teeth   ​15 do homework
Exercises 3, 4, 8 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
In picture A, Tim is getting up. In picture B, he’s going
to bed.
In picture A, Daria is getting dressed. In picture B, she’s
having a shower.
In picture B, Kate is brushing her teeth. In picture B, she’s
washing her hands.
In picture A, Marcus and Luna are having breakfast. In
picture B, they’re having dinner.
In picture A, John is going to school. In picture B, he is
doing his homework and (he’s) having a snack.
Exercise 6
1 have dinner / a snack / breakfast / lunch / a shower
2 go home / to bed / to school
3 get dressed / the bus / up
4 wash my face / my hands
5 do my homework
6 brush my teeth
Exercise 7
1 get up   ​2 have a shower   ​3 get dressed  
​4 have breakfast   ​5 brush my teeth   ​6 get the bus   ​
7 go to school
1 get up   ​2 have breakfast   ​3 get dressed   ​
4 brush my teeth   ​5 go to school
Matt has a shower. Anna doesn’t have a shower. Matt gets
the bus to school Anna goes to school in the car.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 66

5b GRAMMAR: Present simple: Speaking
affirmative and negative p.66 Exercise 8
• Model the exercise first with a confident student. Put Ss in
Materials pairs to complete the exercise.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 66
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 8,
Class CD 2, tracks 18–20
allow Ss to use sentences from the grammar box.
Workbook p.51
As an extra challenge, tell Ss to include a time phrase in their
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 5 grammar sentences.
Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercise 1
• Encourage Ss to hum the melody of the Memorize! song No, she doesn’t. She gets up at ten o’clock.
and then sing it to themselves as they list the routine Exercises 2 and 8
phrases. Students’ own answers.
• Play the song to check answers. Exercise 3
1 We don’t play volleyball.   ​2 She gets the bus.   ​
Grammar presentation 3 They don’t do their homework.   ​4 Sally watches TV.   ​
5 I go to school.   ​6 Joe doesn’t speak French.   ​
Exercise 1 e 2•18 7 They brush their teeth.   ​8 We have breakfast together.
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to a girl saying what her Exercise 4
routine is on Saturdays. Ask Ss to predict whether Molly Photo A: get the bus, go to school
gets up early or late on Saturday. Photo B: have dinner, learn in the forest
• Play the audio for Ss to check their predictions. Play Exercise 5
it again and have Ss say the activities Molly does on Amy: photo B
Saturday. Tom: photo A
Exercise 2 Exercise 6
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box individually. Ask them to 1 Grandma  ​2 Amy  ​3 Grandma  ​4 Amy  ​5 Grandma  ​
say for which person the verb changes (third person – he / 6 Tom  ​7 Tom
she / it) and how (-s or -es is added). Exercise 7
• Ask Ss to make two true sentences about their daily 1 don’t go   ​2 don’t get   ​3 walk  ​4 make  ​5 like  ​
routines, one affirmative and one negative. 6 don’t do

Grammar practice
Exercise 3
• Ss read the prompts and make complete sentences.
• Encourage Ss to look at the grammar box to help them.
Exercise 4
• This exercise prepares Ss for the listening activity in
exercise 5.
• Give Ss time to study the photos in pairs, then elicit the

Exercise 5 e 2•19
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
check answers.

Exercise 6 e 2•19
• This exercise gives Ss practice of listening for specific
• Play the audio twice, then check answers.
• In pairs, Ss discuss if they would prefer to go to school
with Amy or Tom.

Exercise 7 e 2•20
• Tell Ss to complete the sentences for Amy from memory.
Play the audio again to check.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 67

5c VOCABULARY: Time Reading, Writing and Speaking
expressions p.67 Exercise 6
• Tell Ss to read the two daily schedules. Read the speech
Materials bubbles and elicit which one matches each schedule.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 67 • Ss then work in pairs to make sentences about the
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 flashcards schedules. Their partner identifies the correct one
Class CD 2, tracks 21–22 each time.
Workbook p.52
Exercise 7
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 five minute test
• Ss use the daily schedules as a model and write their own
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 5 vocabulary
either with times or a bullet-pointed ‘to do’ list.

Warmer: YOUR WORLD Exercise 8

• Ss discuss the question in pairs. • Ss ask and answer to compare their schedules with a
partner and see which activities they both do.
• Talk about brushing teeth. Say that everyone should brush
their teeth two or three times a day. The last time they ONLINE LINK
brush their teeth each day should be just before they go • Ask Ss what time they eat different meals during the day.
to bed and they shouldn’t eat anything afterwards and Ask them to choose three other countries they want to
only drink water. research.
• Elicit other things that are healthy for teeth (not eating • Ask them to predict whether they eat early or late.
too many sugary foods, drinking water, visiting the
dentist, etc.). ANSWERS
Exercises 1 and 2
Vocabulary presentation 1 in the evening   ​2 at lunchtime   ​3 at bedtime   ​
4 at breakfast time   ​5 in the morning   ​6 at dinnertime  ​
Exercise 1 7 in the afternoon   ​8 every (day)
• Ask the Ss to look at the pictures representing different Exercises 3, 7, 8 and Online Link
times of the day. Students’ own answers.
• Ss discuss in pairs which picture corresponds to each of Exercise 4
the time expressions in the word box. 1 every  ​2 in  ​3 bedtime  ​4 in  ​5 in  ​6 at
Exercise 5
Exercise 2 e 2•21 1 at dinnertime   ​2 at  ​3 every  ​4 the  ​5 afternoon  ​
• Play the audio. Ss listen to check their answers to 6 at bedtime   ​7 in the morning   ​8 lunchtime
exercise 1, then listen again and repeat.
Exercise 6
• Ask Ss which time of the day they like the best and why. I go to the gym in the morning: A
I do my homework in the afternoon: A
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 2•22
• Play the story a few times, then see how much of the story
Ss can retell.
• Tell them to act out Frank’s day in pairs.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Retelling and acting out
stories will help Ss to remember them and recall the
associated vocabulary and language.

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 4
• Give Ss time to read through the sentences and think
about the words they need.

Exercise 5
• This activity practises writing the new vocabulary. Tell Ss
to pay attention to the prepositions both in the sentences
and the word box as they will help them to decide which
expressions are needed.
• Give Ss time to complete the exercise, then check

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 68

5d GRAMMAR: Adverbs of Grammar presentation
frequency pp.68–69 Exercise 3 e 2•23
• Ss read the story again and answer the question.
• Ask Ss how many days per week sometimes is and take
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 68–69 suggestions (about two or three).
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 animated story
Class CD 2, track 23 Exercise 4
Workbook p.53 • Ask Ss to read the grammar box. Ask them to point to the
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 five minute test adverb of frequency in each sentence and say where it is
(between the pronoun and the verb).
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 5 grammar; Unit 5
discussion • Tell them to find adverbs of frequency in the story. Ask
which adverb isn’t in the story (never).
• Ask Ss to say two sentences using the adverbs.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For more support with exercise
• Tell Ss to write down all the activities they can remember 4, Ss can adapt the sentences in the grammar box to make
from Frank’s day in the correct order. Play the chant for
them true for them.
them to check their answers.
As an extra challenge, tell Ss to say a false sentence as well.
• Put Ss in groups of five or six and tell them to stand in a
Their partner has to guess which sentences are true.
circle. Give one student in each group a ball, either a real
one or a scrunched-up piece of paper. They say the first
thing Frank did (gets up) and throw the ball at random
Grammar practice
to another student, who says the next thing (eats some Exercise 5
fruit), then throws the ball again until Ss have said all the
• Tell Ss to refer to the grammar box to review which
adverbs the stars refer to. Remind them of the position of
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in the the adverbs.
Warmer, tell Ss to say the time expressions, too. • Ss write the complete sentences in their notebooks. Check
For extra support, play the chant before doing the activity. answers.

Exercise 1 e 2•23 Exercise 6

• Elicit the names of Lily and Finn’s pets and what type of • This exercise is a Repetytorium-style exam question.
animals they are (Sid, snake; Chris, a chameleon). • Tell Ss to read the instructions and the sentences carefully
• Ask the question and tell the Ss to predict the answer and identify which adverb they need to complete them.
using the pictures. • Give Ss time to complete the task in their notebooks and
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and follow in their books. then check answers.
When playing the audio through for the first time, pause
it at appropriate moments and ask Ss to predict what’s Exercise 7
going to happen next. You could divide the class into • Ss use the prompts to make sentences about the children
teams to discuss the options, listen to the next frame and in the table.
then award a point to the team with the closest prediction • Then ask them to discuss in pairs how often they do the
to what actually happened. This is a good way to focus Ss’ activities themselves.
attention and generate interest in the story.
Exercise 8
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the
video of the story It’s time … for Ss to watch and follow
• Write the question forms on the board: How often do
you … ? and What time do you … ? Encourage Ss to ask
in their books. There are ideas for using videos in class on
you questions about the activities in the word box and
page 8.
reply using adverbs of frequency.
Comprehension • Then Ss work in pairs and ask and answer about the
activities. Monitor and encourage Ss to answer using a
Exercise 2 time, a time expression and / or an adverb.
• Put Ss in small groups and ask the questions in the style ONLINE LINK
of a quiz show. Ss knock on their table to answer and earn
points for their team for a correct answer.
• Tell Ss to think about activities they do every day and
every week.
• Find an online schools forum and ask Ss to suggest the
questions they can ask.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 69

DIGITAL TEACHING You can use the Discussion Room in the
Students’ Online Practice for this. Show Ss how to use this
(see page 12 for more information).
Exercise 1
The children are going to school.
Exercise 2
1 They usually get up at seven o’clock.
2 Finn always gets up late.
3 They often have cereal for breakfast.
4 Chris is on the sofa.
5 Chris sometimes watches too much TV at bedtime.
Exercise 3
Chris sometimes watches too much TV at bedtime!
Exercise 4 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
1 Liz never eats fruit for breakfast.
2 Billy always reads at bedtime.
3 Charlie and Tina sometimes go swimming.
4 We often have spaghetti for dinner.
5 I never get up early at the weekend.
6 Jacob usually does his homework after school.
Exercise 6
1 always  ​2 usually  ​3 sometimes  ​4 never
Exercise 7
Molly never eats ice cream in the morning.
Molly often watches DVDs in the evening.
Jack sometimes hangs out with friends in the afternoon.
Jack always goes to the skate park on Saturday.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 70

5e HALFWAY REVIEW p.70 Exercise 6 e 2•25
• Divide the class into four groups and allocate each group
Materials a verse. Tell the group to learn their verse by heart, then
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 70 close their books. Play the song and have each group sing
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 flashcards their verse and the whole class join in the chorus.
Class CD 2, tracks 24–25 ANSWERS
Workbook p.54; p.94 Exercise 1
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 vocabulary and brush my teeth, do my homework, get dressed, get the
grammar worksheet; Unit 5 speaking worksheet bus, get up, go home, go to bed, have a snack, have
dinner, have lunch, wash my face, wash my hands
Exercises 2 and 6
Warmer Students’ own answers.
• Write time expressions and adverbs of frequency on Exercise 3
the board. Elicit where in a sentence each goes (time 1 I have a shower in the morning.
expressions at the end; adverbs of frequency between the 2 We do gymnastics in the afternoon.
pronoun and verb). 3 Hannah plays the piano every day.
• Ask Ss to take turns to make a sentence about themselves 4 David has a sandwich at lunchtime.
using an expression or adverb. If you find Ss are all making 5 I watch TV in the evening.
their sentence with the same expression or adverb, rub it 6 We talk about our day at dinnertime.
out and tell them to use another one. 7 I eat fruit at breakfast time.
8 Mark listens to music at bedtime.
Vocabulary Exercise 4
1 I always have a shower in the morning.
Exercise 1 2 He never gets the bus.
• Remind Ss of the verb–noun collocations for the everyday 3 You often phone your friends.
and routine activities. Say a verb, e.g. get and elicit nouns 4 They have a snack every morning.
that go with it. 5 We sometimes watch TV in the evenings.
• They then find all the collocations in the puzzle pieces Exercise 5
and write them in their notebooks. always – get the bus
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 1, tell Ss to create sometimes – read a book
graphic organizers for each of the verbs in their notebook usually – have a shower
and write all the corresponding nouns. often – watch TV
never – have cereal for breakfast
Exercise 2
• Model the game by drawing a daily routine on the board
for Ss to guess.
• Ss play the game in pairs in their notebooks.
Exercise 3
• Look at the pictures and ask the time of day.
• Ss then complete the activity individually and compare
answers in pairs.

Exercise 4
• Ss use the prompts to write sentences.
Exercise 4
• Fast finishers can rewrite the sentences so that they’re true
for them.

Exercise 5 e 2•24
• This exercise practises the use of adverbs of frequency in
• Play the audio. Ss note down how often Tasha does each
• Play the audio again for Ss to check their answers and
say them.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 71

5f READING AND WRITING: My can use the plural form of the days for routine activities
that happen on the same day every week.
routine p.71 • Ss use their notes and the model to write their daily
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 71 INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 6,
Class CD 2, track 26 let less confident Ss write about only one of the days of
the week.
Workbook p.55
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 extra writing worksheet ANSWERS
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 5 reading Exercise 1
She goes swimming seven times during the week.
Exercise 2
Warmer: REACTIVATE! 1 F  ​2 T  ​3 F  ​4 F  ​5 F
• Give Ss 30 seconds to write down as many words for daily Exercise 3
routines as they can think of. They then compare their 1 morning  ​2 swimming pool   ​3 homework  ​4 park  ​
answers in pairs. 5 in the evening
Exercise 1 e 2•26 Exercise 4
• Tell Ss to look at the title of the text and the photo and say 1 She usually gets up at five o’clock..
what Jessica Byrne does. 2 She goes to computer club.
• Tell Ss to read the text to find the answer. 3 She usually goes to the arts and crafts club.
4 She sometimes goes to the cinema, or she goes to her
• Then play the audio while the Ss read the text in their friend Hannah’s house.
books the second time.
5 She always sleeps a lot on Sundays.
Exercise 2 Exercise 5
• Tell the Ss to read the text again and find the answers to On Mondays, Jessica does her homework.
the statements. They then rewrite the false sentences so On Tuesdays, Jessica has swimming practice.
that they’re true. On Wednesdays, Jessica goes to the arts and crafts club.
On Thursdays, Jessica goes to computer club.
• In pairs, have Ss act out one of Jessica’s after-school
On Fridays, Jessica goes to the cinema or meets her friend
activities. Their partner guesses the activity and says the
day Jessica does it.
On Saturdays, Jessica has a swimming competition.
Exercise 3 On Sundays, Jessica sleeps a lot.
• This practises a Repetytorium exam task. Exercise 6
• Ss use the information from the text to complete the Students’ own answers.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 3,
tell Ss to complete the exercise from memory with their
books closed, then use the reading text to check their
For extra support, write two options for each gap on the

Exercise 4
• In pairs, Ss discuss each of the questions.
• Ask Ss to think why Jessica spends most of Sunday
sleeping (she has a busy week with lots of physical

Exercise 5
• With books closed, Ss make sentences.

Writing basics
Exercise 6
• Give Ss time to read the reading model and Writing Tip.
Ask them the questions.
• Tell Ss to follow the Make notes step in their books.
Tell them to write about their school week and use
time expression for times of the day as subheadings to
organize their notes. Point out the tip and explain that you

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 72

A family party p.72 Exercise 6
• Ss use the questions they wrote in exercise 5 to make
Materials offers to their partner. Tell them to remember to respond
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 72 politely.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 Everyday English video
Class CD 2, track 27 Pronunciation (Workbook p.56)
Workbook p.56 • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on /ɒ/.
Exercise 1
Warmer: YOUR WORLD Aunt Edith eats a pie.
• Ask Ss how they feel about parties and why. Encourage
Exercise 2
use of love, like, don’t like, hate.
1 She’s got some cupcakes.   ​2 No, she doesn’t. She’s a
Exercise 1 e 2•27 vegetarian.  ​3 No, she can’t. The pizza has too much chilli
• Ask which children they can see in the photo story (Rosie sauce and the sauce is really hot.   ​4 No, she doesn’t. She
and Joel). Then ask the question and have Ss predict the saves a pie.
answer. Exercise 3
• Play the audio for Ss to check predictions. Would you like a hot dog / some chilli sauce / a pie?
No, thanks.
• Play it again for Ss to answer the question.
What would you like?
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the I’d like a cheese sandwich, please.
video A family party for Ss to watch and follow in their books. Exercise 4
There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b
Exercise 5
Comprehension 1 What would you like for your snack today?
2 Would you like a cupcake?
Exercise 2 3 Would you like some popcorn?
• Give Ss time to read the story again and complete 4 What would you like for dinner today?
the task.
Exercise 6
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 2, Students’ own answers.
play the audio again for Ss to listen and follow. Pause it after
each frame and give Ss time, in pairs, to write down the
answer to the related question.
As an extra challenge, Ss complete the task without looking
back at the story.

Exercise 2
• Explain to fast finishers that vegetarian can be a noun or
an adjective. The noun is a person who doesn’t eat meat,
e.g. Aunt Edith is a vegetarian. The adjective describes
something which doesn’t include meat, e.g. The pies are

Everyday English presentation

Exercise 3
• Ss look at how people make offers and respond politely.
• Point out that although What do you want? and What
would you like? have the same meaning, the latter is much
more polite.

Everyday English practice

Exercise 4
• This activity helps Ss to use would like in context. Ss
choose the correct definition for each phrase.

Exercise 5
• Tell the Ss to write polite versions of each of the offers
using would like.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 73

5h CULTURE LINK: Special days in Exercise 6
• Tell Ss to think about the questions individually before
the summer p.73 discussing them in pairs. Ask Ss to share their answers
with the class.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 63 ANSWERS
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 culture video Exercise 1
Class CD 2, track 29 Washington, DC; London
Workbook p.57 Exercise 2
Independence Day: concert; flag; hot dogs; red, white
and blue
Warmer: YOUR WORLD Notting Hill Carnival: dance, dirty, food stalls, old clothes
• Ss discuss the question in pairs. List their suggestions on Exercise 3
the board. 1 Independence Day is on 4th July. Notting Hill Carnival is
on the last weekend of August.
CULTURE NOTES Independence Day commemorates the
2 Independence Day: People have barbecues / decorate
adoption of the Declaration of Independence on 4th July
the garden / eat hot dogs, burgers, apple pie. People
1776. The Declaration was drafted by Thomas Jefferson,
watch parades / go to concerts and watch fireworks;
who was the third President. The document was signed by
Notting Hill Carnival: People go to the J’ouvert / follow
representatives from all 13 American colonies in existence at
the parade / sing and dance / go to food stalls.
that time. It meant that the colonies were declared free and
3 Independence Day: hot dogs, burgers, apple pie
independent states from Great Britain. The United States of
Notting Hill Carnival: jerk chicken, coconut water
America was born.
Exercises 4 and 6
Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event, which has taken
Students’ own answers.
place in West London since 1966. It is on the last Sunday
and Monday in August. It celebrates the capital’s Caribbean Exercise 5
communities. It attracts up to 2 million people, making it Lauren is talking about Independence Day. Ramona is
one of the world’s largest street festivals. talking about the Notting Hill Carnival.

Reading and Speaking

Exercise 1
• Tell Ss that they will listen and read about a summer
festival in the UK.
• Play the audio and pause after each section, then have Ss
answer the question.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the
video Summer festival for Ss to watch and complete the
activities in Workbook page 57.

Exercise 2
• Tell Ss there are four items for each festival and allow them
to do the task in pairs.

Exercise 3
• You could either allow Ss to choose the festival they want
to read about or divide the class into two and allocate
each group a text.

Exercise 4
• Put Ss in pairs with someone who read the other text. Tell
them to tell each other about the festival they read about.

Listening and Speaking

Exercise 5 e 2•29
• Tell Ss that they are going to listen to two girls talking
about the festivals.
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
check the answer.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge, have Ss write
extra details from the interviews.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 74

5i WRITING: A day out p.74 Exercise 6
• Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
Materials classmates’ questions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 74 • After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 writing project what they liked about each presentation.
• Ss discuss in groups which trips they would most like
to go on and why. Take a class vote to find out the most
Warmer popular trips and the reasons for Ss’ choices.
• Ask the class what they think makes a good trip. Give
Ss time to discuss the question in pairs or small groups.
Get feedback from the class and write their ideas on Exercise 1
the board. see some animals, go on the river, have a picnic, visit a
Comprehension Exercise 2
They visit a castle, have a picnic, go on the river and see
Exercise 1 some animals.
• Give Ss time to look at the pictures and say what they can Exercise 3
see in each one. It’s scary! / It’s fun!
• Go through the words in the word box and elicit the Then we go to the Cotswold Wildlife Park.
meanings. Exercises 4, 5 and 6
• Ss say what they think Maria will do on the trip. Don’t Students’ own answers.
correct answers at this point.

Exercise 2
• Give Ss time to read the poster individually and check
their predictions from exercise 1.
• Ask Ss if they would like to go on the trip to Oxford.
• Note that the poster is written in the present simple,
as it describes a trip that Year 5 Ss do every year and is
therefore a routine. The text focuses on facts vs opinions
in writing.

Writing project
Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Writing Tips and ask them to find examples
of each in the posters.

Exercise 4
• Think Ss decide on a trip. While you should allow Ss to
choose the destination of their trip, it’s a good idea to
ensure not too many select the same place, or the posters
could get repetitive.
• Make notes As well as factual information, remind Ss to
include some opinions. Tell them to note down their trip’s
schedule and what they do at each time.
• Write Ss can either print out pictures for their poster,
cut them out of brochures / leaflets / magazines or draw
them. Ss can write a rough draft of their text for you
or their partner to correct, before they copy out a neat

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Make sure that Ss swap their
work at draft stage so they can use the corrections on their
final versions.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 75

5j REVISION p.75 Self-assessment
Materials Exercise 6
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 75 • Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement.
Workbook p.58
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 5 test ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Self-assessment by reflecting
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 5 test yourself at their achievement on different task types, like exercise 6,
coupled with the I can … statements in the Workbook
encourages Ss to take responsibility for their own learning.
• Write the two headings on the board. Give Ss two minutes English in the real world
to write as many words as they can think of for each • Ask Ss if they know any children’s series in English. Suggest
category. reliable websites and apps such as Netflix that they can
• When they have finished, tell them to play Word Tennis use to stream TV series in English.
with the words in their lists in pairs. ANSWERS
Exercises 1 and 6
Vocabulary and Grammar Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
1 Sam doesn’t go to school. He goes to university.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Then have Ss ask and 2 Sam doesn’t live at number 24. He lives at number 26.
answer in pairs. 3 Sam doesn’t play computer games. He reads books.
4 Sam doesn’t play volleyball. He does karate.
Exercise 2
5 Sam doesn’t ride a bike. He drives a car.
• Look at the pictures with Ss and elicit the verbs and 6 Sam doesn’t watch TV. He plays basketball.
activities they can see in each.
Exercise 3
• Ss write full sentences contrasting the boy and his cousin. 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 a
Exercise 3 Exercise 4
• Tell Ss that this exercise is the same style as the questions 1 Helen never gets up early at the weekend.
in the Repetytorium exam. 2 Helen always has a shower in the morning.
3 Helen often eats eggs at breakfast time.
• Ss have to choose the most appropriate answers to the 4 Helen usually sends text messages to her friends in the
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 3, 5 Helen often listens to music at bedtime.
tell Ss to read the questions and possible answers out loud Exercise 5
to help them decide if they sound correct. Tell them to make 1 d  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 a
sure the pronouns in the question and answer match up.

Exercise 4
• Point to the stars at the end of each sentence and elicit
the adverbs of frequency.
• Ss use the prompts to make sentences with adverbs of

Everyday English
Exercise 5
• Review how to make offers using Would you like … ? Have
Ss offer each other things and respond politely.
• Tell Ss to read the offers and requests and then match
them to the correct responses.
• Tell Ss to roleplay the dialogue in pairs.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Give Ss opportunities to keep
practising their English outside of the classroom and / or in
real-life settings. To practise offers and responses, you could
have a class picnic in English either in the class or out in the
school field or a park.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 76


Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 76
Class CD 2, tracks 30–31
Workbook p.59


• Ask the question to the class and elicit ideas. Find out by a
show of hands what the most popular activities are.

Rozumienie ze słuchu
Exercise 1 e 2•30
• Look at all the pictures and have Ss describe what they
can see in each one.
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second

Exercise 2 e 2•31
• Tell Ss to read the instruction carefully and then read
all the possible answers. Remind them that there’s one
answer that they won’t need.

Znajomość środków językowych

Exercise 3
• Tell Ss to read the text carefully and choose the correct
word to complete each gap.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge for exercise 3,
the first time Ss read the text, tell them to have the possible
answers covered and write the word they think fits. Then
they can check their answers using the three possible
alternatives for each gap. Then, ask Ss to write their own
short description of their morning routine. Tell them to omit
words and leave gaps for a partner to fill.
For extra support, allow Ss to work with a partner.

Exercise 4
• Remind Ss to read the instructions carefully before they
do the exercise. The instructions mention a trap – elicit
what it is (there is one extra sentence).
Exercise 1
1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 b
Exercise 2
1 e  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 d
Exercise 3
1 b  ​2 a  ​3 c  ​4 a  ​5 b
Exercise 4
1 Do you usually go to the cinema every week?
2 My teacher doesn’t speak Chinese.
3 My friend always gets the bus at 8 a.m.
4 Does your brother study with you?
5 I don’t usually do my homework in the evening.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 77

present simple: affirmative
and negative + adverbs of
frequency p.77
Exercise 1
1 She gets the bus.
2 I wash my face.
3 He doesn’t brush his hair.
4 They don’t have lunch.
5 We watch TV.
6 They go to bed early.
Exercise 2
1 always  ​2 never  ​3 usually  ​4 often  ​5 sometimes
Exercise 3
1 I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock.
2 We never eat fish.
3 He often hangs out with his friends.
4 She sometimes does her homework before school.
5 I always have a shower in the morning.
6 She never gets the bus.

Unit 5 My routine Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 78

6 On the move
6a VOCABULARY: Transport pp.78–79 Vocabulary practice
Materials Exercise 5
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 78–79 • Ss complete the mind map with the categories they
created in exercise 3.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 flashcards
Class CD 3, tracks 1–3
• Elicit kinds of transport Ss use to come to school and write
them on the board. Teach them how to describe how
Workbook p.60 they go to school (I go to school by …). Note that walk is a
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 6 vocabulary verb so you don’t say I go by walk, just I walk.
• Do a show-of-hands survey to find out the most popular
Warmer: YOUR WORLD way to go to school.
• Give Ss one minute in pairs to brainstorm modes of
transport. Find out which pair thought of the most and Speaking
ask for their list. Write the vocabulary on the board and Exercise 6
then elicit any other types of transport the class knows.
• Elicit what sentences Ss can make about transport,
• If appropriate, ask Ss to look out of the window and say e.g. I can …, I go to school by …, My dad has got …
what different types of transport they can see passing in
a minute.
• Ss work in pairs to make true or false questions about the
transport for their partner to guess.
Vocabulary presentation INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 6,
write sentence beginnings like the one above on the board.
Exercise 1 As an extra challenge, tell Ss to make negative sentences
• Give Ss time to look at the picture and words for transport and sentences with adverbs of frequency.
in the box.
• Tell the Ss to point at the picture and say the name of the Reading
transport. Let them guess at this point and don’t correct
them. Exercise 7 e 3•03
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and follow and answer
Exercise 2 e 3•01 the question. Note that on the audio, in addition to the
• Ss listen to the names of the transport and see if they narration, there is some direct speech from Jane and the
were correct. scooter owner.
• Play the audio again and get the Ss to repeat, chorally and • Check the answer to the question. Elicit which vehicles are
individually. Pay attention to pronunciation. in the story.
• Note that scooter here refers to a small motorcycle, but • Play the audio again, and have Ss stand up each time they
Ss may also have come across scooter as a child’s vehicle hear a form of transport.
which you push along with one foot.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 7,
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge for exercise 2, pre-teach any vocabulary from the story which may be
Ss discuss in pairs which modes of transport they or people unfamiliar to Ss, e.g. secret code, alien, rider, finger, passenger,
in their family use. Encourage Ss to give extra details, e.g. On point, follow, slow, fast, bridge, dangerous.
Saturdays, I get the tram to my grandmother’s house, My dad’s As an extra challenge, don’t pre-teach the vocabulary, and
got a big motorbike. He rides it to work every day. tell Ss to use strategies such as looking at unknown words in
Allow less confident Ss to point to modes of transport their context and using pictures to figure out the meaning of any
family has or uses. new words.
Exercise 3 Exercise 8
• Write the headings on the board and check meanings. • Tell Ss to read the story again individually.
• Ss copy the headings into their notebooks and categorize • Say the true/false statements, and have Ss stand up if they
the transport vocabulary. are true and stay seated if they are false. Ask Ss to correct
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Categorizing vocabulary the false sentences.
in groups will help Ss to remember the words and the ONLINE LINK
meanings more easily.
• Ask Ss if they can predict what transport is used most in
Exercise 4 Memorize! e 3•02 their hometown.
• Review the transport words. Let Ss decide on a mime for • Tell Ss to search online to see if their predictions are
each mode of transport. correct.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 79
Exercises 1 and 2
1 hot air balloon   ​2 helicopter  ​3 plane  ​4 boat  ​
5 bike  ​6 bus  ​7 tram  ​8 scooter  ​9 lorry  ​10 car  ​
11 motorbike  ​12 train
Exercise 3
Air: helicopter, hot air balloon, plane
Road: bus, car, lorry, motorbike, scooter, bike
Track: train, tram
Water: boat
Exercises 4, 6 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
Air: helicopter, hot air balloon, plane
Road: bus, car, lorry, motorbike, scooter, bike
Track: train, tram
Water: boat
A motorbike can be on a road or track.
Exercise 7
car, motorbike, scooter, lorry, boat
Exercise 10
1 F  ​2 T  ​3 F  ​4 T

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 80
6b GRAMMAR: Present simple: Exercise 7 e 3•06
• Tell Ss to discuss in pairs how they think the story will end.
questions p.80 They then share their ideas with the class.
Materials • Play the audio and see whose ideas were correct or the
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 80
Class CD 3, tracks 4–6 Exercise 7
Workbook p.61 • Fast finisher exercise: Put Ss in A / B pairs. A pretends
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 6 grammar to be an alien from the story and B is a passenger on
the boat where the alien lands. Together, they write an
interview with the alien. Encourage Ss to include at least
Warmer: REACTIVATE! one question with each question word, e.g. Where are
• Tell Ss to write down the four categories for transport you from? Who do you live with? Get each pair in turn to
without looking at their notes. Then see how many forms perform their roleplay to the class.
of transport they can remember for each.
Exercise 1
Grammar presentation
She asks him if he does his homework after school.
Exercise 1 e 3•04 Exercises 2, 6 and 7
• Let Ss listen to the audio once and answer the question. Students’ own answers.
Exercise 3
Exercise 2 1 What  ​2 Where  ​3 What  ​4 Why  ​5 Who  ​6 When
• Ask Ss to read the left-hand side of the grammar box Exercise 4
individually, then answer the question. 1 Why  ​2 What  ​3 Where  ​4 What time   ​5 Why  ​
6 Who
Grammar practice Exercise 5
1 What time do you get up?
Exercise 3
2 Where do you live?
• Read the right-hand half of the grammar box with the Ss. 3 What sports do you do?
Elicit what information each grammar word asks for (Who 4 What films do you watch?
to ask about people; What to ask about things; Where to 5 Do you play alien computer games?
ask about places; Why to ask about reasons). 6 Do you like being a secret agent?
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Tell them to look 1 d  ​2 e  ​3 f  ​4 a  ​5 b  ​6 c
carefully at the answers to help determine which question
word is needed.
• Ss cover the questions and just look at the answers. In
pairs, they try to remember the questions.

Exercise 4 e 3•05
• Tell Ss to look at the answers and predict what questions
have been asked. They should write down the question
word they think has been used.
• Play the audio for Ss to check their answers. Did they get
the question word right? Did they correctly predict the
rest of the questions?

Exercise 5
• Refer Ss back to the story in lesson 6a. Ask questions
with Who, What, Where, When and Why to elicit what
• Ask Ss to use the prompts to make questions for the
story’s protagonist, Jane P.

Speaking and Listening

Exercise 6
• Tell Ss to work in pairs. One plays the role of Jane P and
the other asks the questions they prepared in exercise 5.
The Ss can be creative with their answers. They then swap

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 81
6c VOCABULARY: Food p.81 Exercise 7 e 3•09
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to two children planning a
Materials picnic. Play the audio once and tell Ss to stand up every
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 81 time they hear a food item.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 flashcards • Play it again and tell Ss to write down the food the
Class CD 3, tracks 7–9 children buy.
Workbook p.62 • Fast finisher idea: Put Ss in A/B pairs. A pretends to be
an alien from the story and B is a passenger on the boat
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 five minute test
where the alien lands. Together, they write an interview
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 6 vocabulary with the alien. Encourage Ss to include at least one
question with each question word, e.g. Where are you
Warmer: YOUR WORLD from? Who do you live with? Get each pair in turn to
perform their role-play to the class.
• Tell Ss to mingle around the classroom and ask everyone
in the class the question. INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 7,
• Have them get in groups with other Ss with the same pause the audio after each line.
favourite food. Which food is most popular with the class?
Exercise 8 e 3•09
Vocabulary presentation • Tell Ss to read the questions and think about the answers
they remember from the audio.
Exercise 1 • Play it again for them to check their answers.
• Ask Ss if they can see their favourite food in the picture. • Tell Ss to work in pairs and plan what they would have for
• Tell Ss to read the words in the word box and match them a picnic.
to the food in the picture.
• Ask Ss if they like each of the foods in the picture or not.
• Ask Ss if they ever eat omelette. Ask if they know what the
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Personalizing language will main ingredients is (eggs).
help Ss to remember new words. • Ss research what other ingredients can go in omelettes.
Ask which of the omelettes they found online they would
Exercise 2 e 3•07
most / least like to try.
• Play the audio for Ss to check their answers. Then play it
again and encourage the Ss to join in. ANSWERS
Exercises 1 and 2
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 3•08 1 lettuce  ​2 tomatoes  ​3 potatoes  ​4 chicken  ​5 ham  ​
• Write the following headings on the board: meat, fish and 6 fish  ​7 lamb  ​8 eggs  ​9 sausages  ​10 cheese  ​
eggs; fruit and vegetables; dairy; cereal and bread. Elicit the 11 bread  ​12 butter  ​13 apples  ​14 bananas
meanings of the food groups, giving examples of foods in Exercises 3, 5 and 6
each one. Students’ own answers.
• Ss complete the task by putting all the foods into the Exercise 4
correct category. 1 butter, bread, cheese   ​2 banana  ​3 sausages, eggs   ​
• Play the audio. Ss to listen and check. 4 apples
Exercise 7
Vocabulary practice They buy bread, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, chicken and
Exercise 4
Exercise 8
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and complete the sentences. 1 They are at the supermarket.   ​2 They want bread for
Monitor spelling. sandwiches.  ​3 Josh likes apples.
Online Link
Speaking and Listening You need eggs and butter or oil to make an omelette.
Exercise 5 Omelette fillings can vary.
• Elicit the foods in all the baskets. Model the activity by
reading the speech bubbles with a student. Ask the class
if basket 1 is the only answer (No, it isn’t. Tt could also be
basket 6.).

Exercise 6
• Draw an item of food on the board, line by line,
encouraging Ss to guess as you draw. Invite any Ss who
want to draw to the front of the class.
• Ask Ss to play the game in pairs in their notebooks.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 82
6d GRAMMAR: Present simple Exercise 4
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box.
for like, love, hate pp.82–83 • Tell Ss to talk in pairs about the food they like and hate.
Materials Then ask Ss to report back to the class about their partner.
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 82–83 Check correct usage of the third person. Encourage other
classmates to ask questions about the partner’s likes and
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 animated story
dislikes using Does he / she like … ?
Class CD 3, tracks 10–11
Workbook p.63 Grammar practice
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 five minute test
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 6 grammar; Unit 1 Exercise 5
discussion • Talk about the information in the table and elicit what
each of the emojis in the top row represent.
• Ss complete the sentences with the correct form in their
Warmer: REACTIVATE! notebooks.
• Tell Ss to write all the food words they remember in two
categories: foods they like and foods they don’t like. Exercise 6
• Ask Ss to compare lists. Write all the foods from the Ss’ lists • Ss complete the questions about Zak and Zoe, then refer
on the board. to the table to write the correct answers.

Exercise 1 e 3•10 Exercise 7 e 3•11

• Play the audio for Ss to listen, follow and answer the • This exercise is a Repetytorium-style exam question.
question before they watch it. • Tell Ss to read the conversation and guess what words
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and follow in their books. they will need to complete the gaps. Making predictions
Pause after each frame and ask Ss what they can will help them with the comprehension of the audio.
remember about each frame and if they can remember • Play the audio twice and tell Ss to write their answers in
what the characters are saying. their notebooks.
• Check the answer to the question.
• Play the audio again, pausing for Ss to listen and repeat. Ss
should focus on copying the speakers’ intonation and feeling • Ask Ss what they already know about their classmates’
(e.g. annoyed, confused, shocked). Ss then read or act out the likes and dislikes.
script in groups of three, each taking a different role. • Find an online schools forum and ask Ss to suggest the
questions they can ask.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the
video of the story A picnic for lunch for Ss to watch and follow DIGITAL TEACHING You can use the Discussion Room in the
in their books. There are ideas for using videos in class on Students’ Online Practice for this. Show Ss how to use this if
page 8. they are not yet familiar (see page 12 for more information).
Comprehension Exercise 1
The chicken leg is in Sid.
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
• Give Ss time to read the story again and complete the task. 1 Yes, he does.
• Remind Ss to use the third person singular present simple 2 He likes cheese and banana sandwiches.
forms in their answers. 3 He wants food.
• Check answers. 4 A chicken leg is in Sid.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 2, 5 She’s in the picnic bag.
allow Ss to do the task in pairs. You can put them in mixed- Exercise 3
ability pairs so the more confident student can support the Lily says, ‘I hate eggs!’
less confident one. Exercise 4 and Online Link
As an extra challenge, Ss write three more questions about the Students’ own answers.
story, e.g. Does Lily like cheese? Who is hungry? What does Chris Exercise 5
love? They swap questions with a partner and answer them. 1 loves  ​2 doesn’t like   ​3 hate  ​4 likes  ​5 loves  ​
6 doesn’t like
Grammar presentation
Exercise 3
• Ss read the story again and answer the question. Ask what
Lily does like (cheese and ham).

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 83
Exercise 6
1 Does Zak like eggs? No, he doesn’t.
2 Does Zoe like chicken? Yes, she does. She loves chicken.
3 Do Zak and Zoe like cheese? Yes, they do.
4 Does Zak like sausages? No, he doesn’t.
5 Does Zoe like eggs? No, she doesn’t. She hates them.
6 Do Zak and Zoe like eggs? No, they don’t. They hate them.
Exercise 7
1 hate  ​2 do  ​3 love  ​4 don’t  ​5 loves  ​6 Does  ​
7 hates  ​8 love  ​9 like

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 84
6e HALFWAY REVIEW p.84 Exercise 6 e 3•12
• Tell Ss that they’re going to listen to two children playing a
Materials guessing game about food.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 84 • Tell Ss to listen and draw what the girl and the boy like,
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 flashcards dislike and hate.
Class CD 3, track 12 • Play the audio twice, then check answers.
Workbook p.64
Exercise 7
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 vocabulary and
• Tell Ss they are going to do a class food survey by asking
grammar worksheet; Unit 6 speaking worksheet
questions. Ss respond by raising their hands. Ss count
hands and enter the results.
Warmer ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING At the end of the lesson, ask
• To review transport vocabulary, put Ss in small groups. Tell Ss to write the new things they have learned so far this unit.
them to choose a type of guessing game together and They can use highlighter pens to colour-code the things
play it with the transport words, e.g. Ss mime or draw a they understand well and those they would like more
type of transport for others to guess. practice with.
• Play the transport chant from Lesson 6a for Ss to join in. ANSWERS
Exercise 1
Vocabulary review hot air balloon, motorbike, tram, helicopter, car, bike, boat,
Exercise 1 train, scooter, lorry
The extra letters spell ‘plane’.
• Tell Ss to look at the wordsearch and find the transport
words. Tell them that the letters they haven’t circled spell Exercises 2, 4 and 7
out another form of transport. Students’ own answers.
• Invite Ss to come to the front to write the words on the Exercise 3
board and check the answers. The food monster wants fish, egg, chicken, sausages,
butter, cheese, tomato, lettuce and chips in his sandwich.
Exercise 2 Exercise 5
• Read the speech bubbles with a student, and then have 1 does, d   ​2 do, a   ​3 Does, f   ​4 does, i   ​5 does, j   ​
Ss play the game in pairs. 6 does, c   ​7 do, e   ​8 Do, g   ​9 does, b   ​10 do, h
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Display the flashcards on the board
Exercise 6
eggs, banana, butter
to support less confident Ss with exercise 2.
As an extra challenge, tell Ss to also include food words in
the game.

Exercise 3
• Tell Ss that the monster is dreaming about its favourite
sandwich. Ask questions about the monster and food
items using Does it like … ?
• Give Ss a time limit to write down all the food items in the

Exercise 4
• Ask Ss to draw their perfect sandwich.
• They then tell other Ss about their sandwich and find
other Ss who like the same things.

Grammar review
Exercise 5
• This exercise practises the question form of the present
• Ss read the questions and complete them with the correct
form of do.
• They then match them to the correct answers.
• Put Ss in pairs to ask the questions and give their own
personal responses.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 85
6f READING AND WRITING: Writing basics
Healthy food p.85 Exercise 6
• Give Ss time to read the reading model and the Writing
Materials Tip. Ask them the questions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 85 • Tell Ss to follow the Look and Make notes steps in their
Class CD 3, track 13 books.
Workbook p.65 • Ss use their notes and the model to write their own survey
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 extra writing worksheet and answer their own questions. Encourage them to write
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 6 reading a first draft before producing a final copy.
• Display the Ss’ surveys on the classroom wall. Ask Ss to say
who they think eats the healthiest food.
• Ss write as many food items as they can remember in 30
seconds. Exercise 1
• Ask Ss if the foods they remember the best are the foods It shows how much we should eat of different types of
they like or the foods they hate. food.
Exercise 2
Reading (from bottom to top of pyramid)
Fruit and vegetables; Cereals and bread; Dairy; Meat, fish
Exercise 1 e 3•13 and eggs; Foods with sugar and fat
• Tell Ss to look at the pictures and predict the answer to Exercise 3
the gist question. 1 healthy / strong   ​2 sugar, fat   ​3 cereals and bread   ​
• Play the audio while Ss read the text in their books. Ask 4 fruit, vegetables
them if they predicted correctly. Exercises 4 and 6
• Elicit the names of the foods in the pyramid. Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
Exercise 2 1 He loves vegetables.   ​2 No, he doesn’t.   ​
• Give the Ss time to read the text again individually. 3 He likes chocolate.
• Tell them to copy the food pyramid in their notebooks
and write the correct labels.

Exercise 3
• This exercise practises a Repetytorium-style exam
• See if Ss can complete the gaps from memory. They can
then read the text again to check their answers.

Exercise 4
• Summarizing texts is a good way to practise
comprehension skills and language skills.
• Ss read the text again and then summarize it to a partner.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 4,
Ss do the exercise with their books closed.
For extra support, allow Ss to take notes and use them for
their summaries.

Exercise 5
• Ss should be familiar enough with the text now to answer
the questions without re-reading it.
• Have Ss write their answers and then compare them with
a partner. Ask if they think Jake eats healthily or not (yes,
he does). Ask them to provide support for their answers
(he loves vegetables; he doesn’t eat much meat). Ask
them what is the least healthy thing about his diet (he
eats a lot of sugary things and he loves chocolate).
• Discuss with the class that it’s OK to eat sugary things
sometimes, but they should just be occasional treats.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 86
6g EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Shopping Exercise 5 e 3•15
• This is a controlled speaking practice exercise.
dialogue p.86 • Play the audio again for Ss to listen and repeat.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 86 Speaking
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 Everyday English video Exercise 6
Class CD 3, tracks 14–15 • This activity helps Ss to personalize the new language in
Workbook p.66 an authentic way.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 Everyday English • Model the activity by reading the speech bubble with
worksheet a student. Point out that Ss can change the highlighted
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 6 Everyday English words to personalize the dialogue. Have Ss ask and
answer in pairs.
• Do a whole class roleplay with some Ss playing the role
Warmer: YOUR WORLD of shopkeepers and other being the customers. The
• Put Ss in two groups. Tell one group to think about shopkeepers can decide what food they sell and draw
restaurants and the other to think about shops. pictures or create a menu (without prices).
• Ask the question and give the groups a minute to write as
many places as they can think of. Pronunciation (Workbook p.66)
• Ask Ss to tell you their lists and see which group has the • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on /ʧ/
most places on their lists. and /ʤ/.
Exercise 1 e 3•14
Exercise 1
• Elicit which characters in the story Ss have met before and
Leila eats chips.
what they can remember about them. Ask them what
they think the characters are doing. Exercise 2
1 Because it’s one o’clock / lunchtime.
• Play the audio for Ss to check their predictions.
2 Rosie orders a sausage in batter and a small bag of
• Play the audio again. Ask Ss to say whether the food is chips. Joel orders a burger and a big bag of chips. Leila
healthy or not. orders a salad.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the 3 Leila’s salad isn’t in the bag.
video Shopping for Ss to watch and follow in their books. Exercises 4 and 5
CULTURE NOTES Chippy is an informal term for a fish and 1 F (The sausages are £1.30 each.)   ​2 T  ​
chip takeaway shop. A Scotch egg is a hard-boiled egg 3 F (The chicken drumsticks are £3.50 for six.)   ​
covered in sausage meat and rolled in breadcrumbs. A 4 F (A piece of fish is £5.75.)
sausage in batter is a sausage coated with a mixture of flour, Exercise 6
eggs and milk before being deep-fried until crisp. Students’ own answers.

Exercise 2
• Give Ss a chance to read the questions and find the
answers in the text.
• Ask the questions to the class and elicit the answers from
individual Ss.

Everyday English presentation

Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Everyday English box.
• Ask Ss the question. Ask them how much other common
items cost in their town’s shops.

Everyday English practice

Exercise 4 e 3•15
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to people asking the price
of things in shops and cafés.
• Play the audio twice, then check answers.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 87
6h CULTURE LINK: Food festivals Listening and Speaking
around the world p.87 Exercise 4 e 3•17
• Explain that Ss are going to listen to two children talking
Materials about food festivals.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 87 • Play the audio and ask Ss the gist question.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 culture video
Class CD 3, track 17 Exercise 5 e 3•17
Workbook p.67 • Let Ss read the questions before listening to the audio
again and think about whether they can remember any
Warmer: YOUR WORLD • Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
• Discuss traditional dishes. Ask Ss if they like each one and check answers.
if they know how it’s made.
DIGITAL TEACHING Find video clips of the festival to show
CULTURE NOTES Below are some additional details about the class.
the content of the lesson if you want to give your Ss some
more information. Exercise 6
According to legend, the omelette festival in Bessières • Ask Ss to discuss the question in pairs.
originates from a visit from French Emperor, Napoleon • Have a show of hands to find out which of the festivals
Bonaparte. He was so delighted with the omelette prepared the class would most like to go to.
by the innkeeper that he asked the villagers to gather all
the eggs in the area and prepare a huge omelette for his
regiment. Exercise 1
The three different festivals are in France, the USA and
Each year, more than 35,000 visitors go to the BugFest to
experience exhibits, crafts and activities. They can also try
edible insects. Exercise 2
eggs, insects, tomatoes
La Tomatina is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of
Buñol, in the east of Spain. Participants throw tomatoes and Exercise 3
get involved in a tomato fight. It was originally a festival to 1 They use 15,000 eggs for the giant omelette.
celebrate the end of the tomato harvest. 2 There are eggs, mushrooms, oil and onions in the
3 At the Museum of Natural History in North Carolina,
Reading USA.
Exercise 1 4 Students’ own answers.
• Ask Ss the question and have them predict the answers. Exercise 4
• Tell Ss to listen to the audio and follow the text about Emma wants to go to the omelette festival.
traditional food festivals and check their predictions. Exercise 5
• Play the audio again and pause after each section. 1 d  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 e  ​5 c
• Elicit the names of the countries and drill pronunciation. Exercise 6
Ask Ss if they can find each one on the map or globe. Students’ own answers.

DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time in exercise 1, play the

video Traditional food for Ss to watch and complete the
activities on Workbook page 57.

Exercise 2
• Elicit what foods Ss can see. Discuss Ss’ ideas on what is
unusual about each festival.
• Ask Ss to scan the text to find the countries where the
festivals are celebrated.

Exercise 3
• Give Ss time to read the text individually.
• Ask Ss to check their answers in pairs before checking
answers as a class.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 88
6i WRITING: A food survey p.88
Exercise 1
Materials She asks six questions in her survey. She uses tally marks
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 88 to write people’s answers.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 writing project Exercise 2
Chocolate is the most popular food in Anna’s class.
Exercises 3, 4, 5 and 6
Warmer Students’ own answers.
• Write healthy food and unhealthy food on the board. Ask Ss
to write as many foods as they can think of, then compare
their lists with a partner.

Exercise 1
• Ask Ss to point to the text which is Anna’s notes (on the
note paper).
• Ask the questions. If necessary, explain how tally marks

Exercise 2
• Tell Ss to look at the survey results quickly and race to be
the first to find the answer.
• Then ask them to read the results poster in more
detail and ask questions about the bar chart and the

Writing project
Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Writing Tip individually and complete
the task.

Exercise 4
• Think Ss think of ten people they want to survey.
• Make notes Ss can use the survey they wrote on page 81
or write new questions. Tell them to ask their questions
and record the answers using a tally.
• Write Ss use their notes to write their results. They can use
a bar chart and sentences about percentages to present
their results.

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell Ss to only underline in
pencil any errors they see rather than correct them. Then Ss
take a look and see if they can see where they have gone
wrong in the highlighted areas.

Exercise 6
• Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
classmates’ questions.
• After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
what they liked about each presentation.
DIGITAL TEACHING Have Ss prepare their results digitally
and present them using a presentation program.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 89
6j REVISION p.89 Self-assessment
Materials Exercise 8
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 89 • Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement.
Workbook p.68
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 6 test
• You can get Ss to do the same thing for other lessons in
the unit.
Student’s Online Practice, Units 5–6 check your progress
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 8, give plenty of
guidance to Ss to support them in their self-assessment.
Warmer: REACTIVATE! Include focused prompts, appropriate questions and
• Write the two headings on the board. Give Ss one minute opportunities for practice.
to write as many words as they can think of for each
category. English in the real world
• Tell Ss to compare their lists in pairs and then write their • Ask Ss if they know any traditional British food.
suggestions on the board. • Tell them to research online a traditional British dish and
find out its ingredients and how to make it. They could try
Vocabulary and Grammar making a simple British dish at home.
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
• Point to the emojis and elicit which verbs they represent. 1 He hates cheese.   ​2 They don’t like fish.   ​
• Tell Ss to use the prompts to make full sentences. 3 She likes butter.   ​4 He loves chocolate.
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 Does he like eggs? No, he doesn’t.
• Now Ss use the information from exercise 1 to write
2 Do they like salad? Yes, they do. They love salad.
questions about the children.
3 Does he like sausages? Yes, he does.
• Tell Ss to complete the exercise individually in their 4 Does she like lamb? No, she doesn’t.
Exercise 3
• Put Ss in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer their 1 chocolate  ​2 like  ​3 vegetables  ​4 hate  ​5 strong  ​
questions. 6 healthy  ​7 friends  ​8 table  ​9 eat  ​10 do
Exercise 3 Exercise 4
• Tell Ss to refer to Anna’s food survey on page 88. Tell 1 Does  ​2 Why  ​3 Who  ​4 Where  ​5 Do  ​6 What
them to read the emails, then complete the gaps using Exercise 5
information in the results posters. 1 Where does Ryan go?   ​2 Who does he go with?   ​
3 What does he do?   ​4 Why does he go to London?   ​
Exercise 4 5 What time does he get up?
• Write some answers to questions about yourself on the Exercises 6 and 8
board that will elicit all of the Wh- question words. Ss have Students’ own answers.
to guess the questions for your answers. Exercise 7
• Ask Ss to complete the questions with the correct A How  ​A Here  ​B Here’s
question word or auxiliary verb.
• Ss can play the game that you played before the exercise
in pairs in their notebooks.

Exercise 5
• Ss look at the answers and write the questions. Check

Exercise 6
• Ask Ss to write the answers to the questions first in their
notebooks, then ask and answer with a partner.

Everyday English
Exercise 7
• Review shopping language with the Ss and how to ask
and say the price of things.
• Let Ss complete the task individually and then roleplay
shops in pairs or small groups.

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 90

Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 90
Class CD 3, track 18
Workbook p.69


• Tell Ss to mingle around the class asking and answering
about how they go to school. Tell them to get into groups
with other Ss who go to school on the same sort of
transport. See which group is the biggest at the end.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Exercise 1
• This exercise helps Ss to recognize the purpose of
different text types.
• Elicit what text type each one is and where they would
expect to see it (Suggested: a – a notice, on a school notice
board; b –an advert or notice, a public notice board; c – an
email, on a laptop or tablet; d – a departure board, a train

Znajomość funkcji językowych

Exercise 2
• Remind Ss to read the instructions carefully and also to
read the questions and all the options before they decide
their answer.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then roleplay the
situations in pairs.

Exercise 3 e 3•18
• Remind Ss to watch out for traps in this audio, as there is
one answer that they don’t need.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 3,
pause the audio after each question.
Exercise 1
1 d  ​2 b  ​3 c  ​4 a
Exercise 2
1 b  ​2 a  ​3 b
Exercise 3
1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 d

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 91
present simple questions + like,
love, hate p.91
Exercise 1
1 Do you play football?
2 Does he go to bed late?
3 Does she listen to classical music?
4 Does it like lettuce?
5 What time do we arrive?
8 What do I want?
Exercise 2
1 hates  ​2 love  ​3 don’t like   ​4 likes  ​5 hate  ​6 hate

Unit 6 On the move Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 92
Review 1­–6
1–6 CUMULATIVE REVIEW pp.124–125 • Ask Ss to add other activities they do to each section of
the table.
Exercise 6
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 126
• Make a silly sentence, e.g. I get up in the evening.
Class CD 3, tracks 55–56 Encourage Ss to say a silly sentence.
Workbook pp.70–71 • Tell Ss some of the sentences in the exercise don’t make
sense. They cross the ones that don’t and correct them
Warmer using the words in the box.
• Divide the class into teams. One student in each should
sit with their back to the board and must not turn around. Grammar
The others sit facing the board and their teammate. Exercise 7
Write a daily routine activity on the board, e.g. have a
shower. The Ss facing the board mime the activity. The first
• Ss look at the prompts and complete the sentences with
the correct verbs in the present simple affirmative or
student to guess the activity and shout out the correct
phrase gets a point for their team. Swap roles so everyone
has a chance to guess. The winning team has the most Exercise 8
points at the end.
• Tell Ss to read the sentences carefully and then choose the
correct option.
Exercise 9
Exercise 1
• Review how to make present simple questions. Ask Ss
• Say each of the verbs in the word box. With books closed, questions about themselves and their classmates.
elicit a noun collocation for each verb.
• Ss use the prompts to write present simple questions and
• Ss open their books and find the words that go with each then use the prompts to write short answers.
verb to make activities.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 1, Exercise 10
write the words in groups on the board. • Review Wh- question words Why, Where, When, Who and
As an extra challenge, ask Ss to think of one more activity for What. Ask Ss questions using the different Wh- words and
each verb. elicit appropriate responses.
• Ss match the questions to the answers.
Exercise 2
• Review time phrases with the class. Exercise 11
• Ss complete the phrases with the correct prepositions. • This is the same style of question as Ss will find in the
Repetytorium exams.
• Check answers. Have Ss read out the sentences and
encourage the rest of the class to stand up if they hear a • Tell Ss to read the instructions. They should use one or
sentence that’s true for them. two words to complete each of the sentences.

Exercise 3 Everyday English

• This is the same style of question as Ss will find in the
Repetytorium exams. Exercise 12 e 1•00
• Tell Ss to read the instructions and text. They should read • Tell the Ss to complete the dialogue and then listen to
the text again once they have written their answers to check their answers.
check it makes sense and is correct. • Ss then roleplay shopping in pairs.

Exercise 4 e 3•55 Exercise 13

• Give Ss time to look at the photos and say what they can • Ss match the suggestions to the appropriate responses.
see in each one.
• Ss listen to the audio and label the photos that they hear Self-assessment
in the dialogue. Play the audio twice.
Exercise 14
Exercise 5 • Ss read the statements and copy them into their
• Tell Ss to look at the daily routine activities and write them notebooks. They may need more options to describe
into the table at the time of day they are usually done. their attainment rather than just true and false. Ask Ss to
They can put some activities in the section for more than apply a starring system to the statements to grade their
one time of the day. achievements.

Review 1­–6 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 93

ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Go through the statements Exercise 12
individually with each student and test them on each A How much are the apples?
sentence to check that their self-assessment is accurate. B They are £2 for six.
Explain that it isn’t helping anyone to put something they A Six, please. Here you are.
can do if they are actually struggling with it. B Thank you. Here’s your change.
ANSWERS Exercise 13
Exercise 1 1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b
brush: my teeth Exercise 14
do: gymnastics, karate, my homework Students’ own answers.
get: dressed, the bus, up
go: home, shopping, to bed, to school
have: a snack, a shower, breakfast, dinner, lunch
play: badminton, computer games, the guitar
wash: my face, my hands
Exercise 2
1 in  ​2 in  ​3 at  ​4 in  ​5 in  ​6 at  ​7 at  ​8 at  ​9 in
Exercise 3
1 trousers  ​2 bike  ​3 bus  ​4 trumpet  ​5 eating
Exercise 4
1 chicken  ​2 cheese  ​5 make models   ​7 badminton  ​
8 jumpers
Exercise 5
In the morning: brush my teeth, get dressed, get up, go to
school, have breakfast
At lunchtime: have lunch
In the evening: have dinner, go to bed
Exercise 6
1 g My brother always wears flip-flops when it’s hot.
2 f
3 g I’m happy because I’m listening to music.
4 f
5 g Anna is having lunch because she’s hungry.
6 g I always wash my hands before I have dinner.
7 f
8 g Her birthday is 15th December.
Exercise 7
1 does  ​2 don’t go   ​3 plays  ​4 doesn’t climb   ​
5 washes  ​6 doesn’t do   ​7 read  ​8 have
Exercise 8
1 usually  ​2 can’t  ​3 always  ​4 his  ​5 That  ​6 often  ​
7 have  ​8 like
Exercise 9
1 Does James live in London? No, he doesn’t.
2 Does Elena go to your school? Yes, she does.
3 Do Kerry and Tom watch TV? Yes, they do.
4 Does Marta have a dog? No, she doesn’t.
5 Do you get up early at the weekend? No, I don’t.
6 Does Helen do her homework after school? Yes, she
7 Do we learn German at school? Yes, we do.
8 Do they play volleyball? No, they don’t.
Exercise 10
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 e  ​4 b  ​5 d
Exercise 11
1 are you   ​2 Those are   ​3 she can   ​4 let’s

Review 1­–6 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 94

7 At home
7a VOCABULARY: Objects Vocabulary practice
in a room pp.92–93 Exercise 4
• Ss look at the pictures and find the objects described.
• Refer Ss to the Look! box and review how to form plurals.
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 92–93 While we usually just add -s to form the plural of a regular
Class CD 3, tracks 19–22 noun, there are some exceptions: if the noun ends in -x,
Workbook p.72 -s, -ch or -sh, we add -es, e.g. box ➝ boxes, class ➝ classes.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 7 vocabulary If the noun ends in a consonant + -y, we remove the -y
and add -ies, e.g. country ➝ countries, city ➝ cities. With
two-word nouns, we only add -s to the second noun, e.g.
Warmer: YOUR WORLD pencil case ➝ pencil cases, school bag ➝ school bags.
• Ask the class what colours they can see in the classroom.
Elicit answers from various Ss, asking them to indicate Exercise 5
where they see the colours. With stronger Ss, encourage • Ss identify the household objects from the close-up
them to also make a sentence, e.g. Lilia’s school bag is green photos and write the words in their notebooks. Check
and pink. Write the colours on the board. Elicit any others answers and spelling.
Ss can’t see in the classroom and add them to the list.
• Give Ss time to discuss the question in pairs. Get feedback Listening and Speaking
from various pairs on any colours they can both see in
their rooms. Exercise 6 e 3•21
• Talk about the two photos and elicit the names of the
Vocabulary presentation objects they can see in each and the colours.
• Tell Ss that they’re going to listen to a boy describing his
Exercise 1 bedroom.
• Give Ss time to look at the picture and words for room • Play the audio twice and then check answers.
objects in the box.
• Call the numbers 1–14 and elicit the answers from Exercise 7 e 3•22
individuals. Write their answers on the board, but do not • Tell Ss that the speech bubbles are a dialogue about the
correct. photos in exercise 6.
• Ss say what the missing words are and then listen to the
Exercise 2 e 3•19 audio to check their answers.
• Ss listen to the answers and see if they were correct. • As an extra activity, write on the board In the classroom,
• Play audio again and get Ss to repeat, chorally and I can see … windows. Elicit the number of windows and
individually. write it in the gap. In pairs, Ss then take turns to say the
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 2, Ss sentence and add another item each time, e.g. I can see
take turns in pairs to say an object. If it’s in the classroom, four windows and eight posters. I can see four windows, eight
their partner says yes and points to it. If it isn’t, they say no. posters and two doors. Find out which pair has made the
longest sentence when you stop the activity. Ask them to
As an extra challenge, in pairs, Ss try to remember all
repeat it to the class.
14 objects and point to those they see in the classroom.
Exercise 8
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 3•20
• Play the audio from exercise 7 again as a model for
• Play the chant and encourage the Ss to join in and point this game.
to the objects in the classroom as they hear them.
• Ss can either play the guessing games with objects in the
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING This is great way to help Ss classroom, the pictures on page 92 or the pictures from
to remember the words and their meanings. Tell Ss to copy exercise 6.
each word from exercise 1 onto a separate sticky note. At
home, they stick the notes to the appropriate items in their ONLINE LINK
room. Each time they use one of the objects, they say the • Ask Ss if they recognize the painter in the portrait.
word aloud. • Tell them to do online research to find out if their
predictions are correct.
• Tell Ss to find the painting online and discuss in pairs the
objects they see in the room.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 95

TEACHING WITH DIGITAL Help Ss to compose the best
sentences to write into their search engines to get the
results that they are looking for.
Exercises 1 and 2
1 poster  ​2 TV  ​3 wall  ​4 wardrobe  ​5 floor  ​6 door  ​
7 lamp  ​8 shelf  ​9 window  ​10 laptop  ​11 chair  ​
12 bed  ​13 plant  ​14 desk
Exercises 3 and 8
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 4
1 Picture A   ​2 Picture B   ​3 Picture B   ​4 Picture B   ​
5 Picture B   ​6 Picture A
Exercise 5
1 chair  ​2 bed  ​3 plant  ​4 shelves  ​5 laptop  ​
6 lamp  7 door  8 desk
Exercise 6
Picture A
Exercise 7
Online Link
Vincent van Gogh painted Bedroom in Arles. You can see
a bed, two chairs, a window, a door and the floor in the

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 96

7b GRAMMAR: have got: Exercise 6
• Ss use the prompts to write sentences about their
affirmative and negative p.94
Materials Exercise 7
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 94 • Tell Ss to swap their sentences from exercise 6 with a
Class CD 3, tracks 23 partner and rewrite their sentences in the third person.
Workbook p.73
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 7 grammar Speaking
Exercise 8
Warmer: REACTIVATE! • Model the activity by whispering a sentence to a student,
• Tell Ss to remember the pairs of words in the Memorize! who then passes it on to another.
chant. Give them one minute to write the words. See if • Ss play the game in groups of three.
they remembered pairs of words rather than individual
words due to the rhythm of the chant. ANSWERS

• Play the chant to check their answers. Exercise 1

Ug’s room in picture A
Grammar presentation Exercises 2, 6, 7 and 8
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 1 e 3•23 Exercise 3
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to two cavemen, Fred and 1 a  ​2 b  ​3 d  ​4 c
Ug, talking about their homes. Tell them to look at the Exercise 4
pictures on page 92 and name all the things they can see. 1 T  ​2 F (I’ve got a TV.)   ​3 T  ​4 T  ​
• Play the audio and ask which cave home belongs to Ug. 5 F (I haven’t got a laptop.)   ​6 T
Exercise 5
Exercise 2 1 I haven’t got any windows.   ​2 I’ve got a bed.   ​
• Go through the information about have got with the class. 3 He hasn’t got any plants.   ​4 You’ve got a big bed.   ​
Elicit the full forms of the other contractions, e.g. You’ve 5 She hasn’t got any pencils.   ​6 We’ve got a good book.
got (= You have got), I haven’t got (= I have not got).
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM Put the Ss in mixed-ability pairings
to work on exercise 2. The less confident student says a
positive sentence and their more confident partner makes
it negative, e.g. ‘I’ve got some shelves in my room.’ ‘I haven’t got
any shelves in my room.’

Grammar practice
Exercise 3 e 3•23
• Ask Ss to listen to the audio again and match the sentence
• Focus on the Look! box. Explain that we use a / an before
a singular noun in positive and negative sentences and
questions. We use some before a plural noun in positive
sentences. We use any before a plural noun in negative
sentences and questions.

Exercise 4
• Ss look at Ug’s room on page 92 and say whether
the sentences are true or false. They correct the false
sentences in their notebooks.

Exercise 4
• Ss write three sentences about the other room on
page 92, similar to those in exercise 3. They swap with a
partner and correct any sentences which are false.

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss each sentence has a mistake in the use of
a / an / some / any. Tell them to correct the sentences
in their notebooks.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 97

7c VOCABULARY: Possessions p.95 Exercise 7 e 3•26
• Let Ss read the questions and see if they remember any of
Materials the answers.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 95 • Play the audio again to check predictions.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 flashcards
Exercise 8
Class CD 3, tracks 24–26
• Model the speaking activity by discussing your
Workbook p.74
possessions with a student.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 five minute test
• Ss discuss their possessions in pairs.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 7 vocabulary
Warmer: YOUR WORLD • Ask Ss if they have seen Toy Story 4. Ask if they remember
the names of the toys and what they are. Tell them to
• Tell Ss to mingle around the classroom and ask everyone research the question online and see if they can find
in the class the question. different five toys from Toy Story 4.
• Then have them get in groups with other Ss who have
the same favourite thing. Which possessions are the most
popular? Exercises 1 and 2
1 sticker  ​2 football card   ​3 fossil  ​4 superhero figure  ​
Vocabulary presentation 5 comic  ​6 magazine  ​7 badge  ​8 key ring   ​
9 dinosaur  ​10 magnet
Exercise 1 Exercises 3, 5 and Online Link
• Ask Ss to look at the photos of the possessions. Students’ own answers.
• Tell them to read the words in the box and see if they Exercise 4
know which corresponds to each picture. 1 stickers  ​2 superhero figures   ​3 football cards   ​
4 comics, magazines   ​5 badge
Exercise 2 e 3•24 Exercise 6
• Tell Ss to point to the pictures as they listen and check Alice – 4, Will – 3, Archie – 2, Ellie – 1
their ideas from exercise 1. Play the audio again for Ss to Exercise 7
listen and repeat. 1 Alice has got books, notebooks, pencils and her
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ss draw simple pictures of dinosaur collection in her bag.
each of the new items and create a picture dictionary to 2 Will’s magazines are about animals.
help them remember the words. 3 Because he loves football.
4 Her grandmother gave Ellie her special key ring.
Exercise 3 Memorize!
• Tell Ss to draw possessions for themselves and their
partner in their notebooks. Tell them to compare with
their partner and see if they have drawn the same things
for each other.

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 4 e 3•25
• Ss complete the sentences with words from exercise 1.
They listen and check.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 4,
tell Ss to complete the sentences with the word box

Exercise 5
• Ss write similar sentences as in exercise 4, replacing
possession words for numbers. They then swap with a
• Monitor and check correct use of a / an / some / any.

Listening and Speaking

Exercise 6 e 3•26
• Point to the photos and elicit the possessions.
• Tell Ss to listen to the audio and say which possession
belongs to each child.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 98

7d GRAMMAR: Questions with Exercise 4
• Ask the Ss to read the grammar box.
have got pp.96–97 • Put Ss in pairs and tell them to ask questions about each
Materials other and other class members using What / How many +
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 96–97 have / has got.
Class CD 3, track 27 • Ask the Ss to find examples of questions with have got in
the story.
Workbook p.75
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 five minute test INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge for exercise 4,
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 7 grammar; Unit 7 elicit other question words Ss know and when we use them,
discussion e.g. Who (person), Where (place), When (time), Why (reason).

Grammar practice
• Give Ss a minute to list as many of the possessions they Exercise 5
drew in the Memorize! activity. Then let them look at their • Tell Ss to complete the activity with the story covered.
notebooks to check their answers. • When they have finished, they can check their answers by
• Pre-teach collection and ask Ss if they collect anything. finding the sentences in the story.
Find out what are the most popular things to collect and if • Have Ss act out the story in groups of four.
anyone has an unusual collection.
Exercise 6
Exercise 1 e 3•27 • Tell Ss to use the sentence prompts to complete the
• With books closed, play the audio. Ss read and listen to the questions.
story. Pause after frames 1, 3 and 5 and ask Ss to predict • Ss do the exercise in their notebook and then compare
what will happen next and where Chris is hiding. answers with a partner.
• Ask Ss what different collections they can see in the • Tell Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer the question
story (a magazine collection, a football card collection, a for themselves.
dinosaur collection, a superhero collection and a key ring
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For exercise 6, write alternatives on
the board for each gap for less confident Ss.
• Play the audio again, pausing for Ss to listen and repeat.
Ss should focus on copying the speakers’ intonation and Exercise 7
feeling (e.g. confused, excited, surprised). Ss then read or • Ss now look at the answers to the questions and match
act out the script in pairs, taking the roles of Lily and Finn. them to the questions.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video of the • Ask them if any of the answers are the same as their own
story Where’s Chris? for Ss to watch and follow in their books. personalized answers to the questions.
There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. • In pairs, Ss ask each other how many items are in the
collections they discussed in the Reactivate! activity. Find
Comprehension out who has the biggest collection in the class.

Exercise 2 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Personalizing the language

• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then refer back to the helps to engage the Ss, and that in turn will help them to
story. They then match the sentence halves to make remember new vocabulary and language.
sentences about the story. Exercise 8
• In small groups, Ss decide on the next scene in the story. • This exercise practises an activity type that Ss will find in
Get feedback from each group and take a class vote on the Repetytorium exams.
which idea is the best.
• Ss read the sentences and translate the Polish words into
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 2, English.
Ss complete the task in pairs. • Tell Ss to compare their answers in pairs and then check
More confident students can cover the second halves of answers as a class.
the sentences. In pairs, they read the first halves and try to
remember the complete sentences. ONLINE LINK
• Find an online schools forum and ask Ss to suggest the
Grammar presentation questions they can ask about each other’s bedroom.
• As an extra activity, Ss can do a picture dictation in pairs.
Exercise 3 e 3•27 They ask questions about their partner’s bedroom and use
• Ss read the story again and answer the question. the information to draw a picture of it. When they have
• Ask Ss more questions with have / has got about the other finished, they show their picture to their partner to see
characters and their possessions. how accurate it is. They then swap roles.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 99

DIGITAL TEACHING You can use the Discussion Room in the
Students’ Online Practice for this. Show Ss how to use this if
they are still not familiar (see page 12 for more information).
Exercise 1
Finn can’t find Chris.
Exercise 2
1 b  ​2 a  ​3 d  ​4 e  ​5 c
Exercise 3
Finn has got six figures.
Exercise 4
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
1 How many   ​2 What
Exercise 6
1 What has he got in his bag?
2 How many pencils has she got?
3 Have you got a desk in your bedroom?
4 What have you got in your bedroom?
5 How many books have you got?
6 Has she got a brother?
7 How many dinosaurs have they got?
8 Has it got a big window?
Exercise 7
1 c  ​2 e  ​3 d  ​4 f  ​5 b  ​6 a  ​7 h  ​8 g
Exercise 8
1 has got   ​2 hasn’t got   ​3 pen  ​4 comics  ​
5 magazines  ​6 No, he hasn’t.
Online Link
Students’ own answers.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 100
7e HALFWAY REVIEW p.98 Exercise 6 e 3•29
• Tell the Ss they are going to listen to two boys talking
Materials about football cards.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 98 • Play the audio twice, then ask the questions.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 flashcards
Exercise 7
Class CD 3, tracks 28–29
• Tell Ss to do the survey in groups and record the number
Workbook p.76
of Ss in their group who have got each of the items.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 vocabulary and
• Then compile all the groups’ results and find out how
grammar worksheet; Unit 7 speaking worksheet
many of the Ss have each thing. Which of the items have
most of the Ss got?
Warmer • Tell Ss to use the results to draw a bar chart and then
• Tell Ss in the previous lesson to bring in photos of or some present the results to the class.
items from their collections. In groups, Ss show each other ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Ask Ss to reflect on how much
what they’ve brought in and talk about their collections. they have learned since the start of the unit and praise them
for all their hard work.
Vocabulary ANSWERS
Exercise 1 Exercises 1, 3, 4 and 7
• Find an example of a word snake to show the Ss either Students’ own answers.
online or in the book. Tell them that all the words Exercise 2
follow on from each other so it’s hard to see each one Three posters, desk, chair and a laptop
individually. Exercise 5
• Ss make their own word snake and then swap with a 1 She’s got a computer.
partner to find the words. 2 She hasn’t got a TV.
3 She’s got a poster on her wall.
Exercise 2 4 She’s got a/one window. / She hasn’t got two windows.
• This activity practises identifying and translating key 5 She’s got a lamp next to her bed.
language. Exercise 6
• Ss read the Polish text and then say what the girl has got 1 Arthur has got 52 football cards.
in her bedroom in English. 2 Alex has got 50 football cards.
3 Arthur is the winner.
Exercise 2
• Fast finishers can translate the whole text into English.
Exercise 3
• Take the role of the Spelling Bee quiz master. Give Ss
words from both vocabulary sets to spell out. Give a
student the role of adjudicator to check if each contestant
spells their word correctly.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For exercise 3, give more confident
Ss the trickier words to spell and the less confident Ss the
easier ones.

Exercise 4
• Explain the speaking exercise. Ss need to ask and answer
questions about what they have written on their first two
boxes and write the information their partner gives.

Exercise 5 e 3•28
• Talk about the picture and ask Ss about what Nina has got
in her room.
• Tell the Ss they are going to listen to a description of the
room with some differences to the picture.
• Play the audio twice for Ss to write down the differences.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 101
7f READING AND WRITING: My • Ss use their notes and the model to write their
descriptions. They should write a first draft before
bedroom p.99 producing a final copy.

Materials ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Writing a first draft of written

Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 99 work encourages Ss to review and correct their own
written work.
Class CD 3, track 30
Workbook p.77 ANSWERS
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 extra writing worksheet Exercise 1
One – bedroom
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 7 reading
Exercise 2
bed, chairs, desk, lamp, laptop, wardrobe, windows
Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercise 3
• Give Ss 30 seconds to write down as many things as they 1 b  ​2 d  ​3 a  ​4 c
can remember. Then ask them to compare their list with a Exercise 4
partner. 1 He’s writing to James to tell him about his new house
• Elicit answers and list them on the board. and his new bedroom.
2 Students’ own answers.
Reading Exercise 5
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 c
Exercise 1 e 3•30 Exercise 6
• Tell the Ss to scan the text to find the answer to the 1 have got
question. Remind them that scanning is a reading strategy 2 There are seven adjectives in the description: new, big,
where they ‘speed read’ a text to find specific information. brilliant, red, cool, great and long.
• Then play the audio while the Ss read the text in their
books the second time.

Exercise 2
• Ss read the texts again and say which of the items are
• Check answers and ask additional details about each of
the items he’s got.

Exercise 3
• Ss use information from the text to match the sentences.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM More confident Ss can complete
the sentences in exercise 3 from memory and then read the
text to check their answers.
For extra support, allow Ss to refer back to the text.

Exercise 4
• Put Ss in pairs to answer the questions. Question 2 is
asking Ss to make inferences from the text. Explain there
are no right or wrong answers, but that Ss should use
examples from the text to support their ideas.

Exercise 5
• Ss read the text again and answer the Repetytorium
exam-style questions.

Writing basics
Exercise 6
• Ss read the reading model and the Writing Tip. Ask them
the questions.
• Ss follow the Make notes step in their books and write a
list of all the things in their bedroom. Tell them to visualize
each of their items and write adjectives that describe each
one. They can also draw a picture of their bedroom.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 102
7g EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Polite • In pairs, Ss take turns to ask the questions and respond
politely, saying OK. / Yes, of course. They swap partners
questions and answers p.100 and repeat, this time responding with Sorry, you can’t.
Encourage stronger Ss to give reasons.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge for exercise 6,
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 100
Ss write two more scenarios in pairs. They swap with
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 Everyday English video
another pair and make dialogues to ask for and give / refuse
Class CD 3, tracks 31–32 permission.
Workbook p.78
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 Everyday English Pronunciation (Workbook p.78)
worksheet • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on the
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 7 Everyday English alphabet.
Exercise 1
Rosie and Leila eat all the cake.
• Ss discuss the question in pairs.
Exercise 2
• Say sentences about the children for Ss to say who you’re 1 She’s got Megaman comics in her bedroom.   ​
talking about, e.g. This person is 13 years old (Joel). 2 His video games are in the living room.   ​
Exercise 1 e 3•31 3 She’s in the kitchen.   ​4 No, they can’t.
• Elicit which characters will feature the story. Exercise 3
Can I borrow a comic?; Can I take a video home, please?
• Play the audio for Ss to check predictions. Can I have some cake, please?
• Play it again. Ss answer the question. Exercise 4
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video Too 1 Jan  ​2 Jan  ​3 Rosie
late! for Ss to watch and follow in their books. Exercise 5
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b
Comprehension Exercise 6
1 Can I borrow a pencil, please?  
Exercise 2
​2 Can I have a biscuit, please?  
• Give Ss a chance to read the questions and find the ​3 Can I have some water, please?  ​
answers in the text. 4 Can I borrow a hat, please?
• Ask the questions to the class and elicit the answers from
individual Ss.
• In groups, Ss practise acting out the story. Each group
performs to the class and the class votes on the best
performance. With a large class, to save time, put two
groups together to perform to each other.

Everyday English presentation

Exercise 3
• Focus on the information about how to ask for something
politely. Remind Ss of the word we use at the end of the
question when we ask for something politely (please) and
what we say when we receive it (thank you).
• Tell Ss to find examples of questions with Can in the
• In pairs, Ss ask and answer polite questions.

Exercise 4
• Ss read the questions and say who asked them. They look
at the dialogue to check.

Exercise 5 e 3•32
• Ss read the answers and match them to the questions in
exercise 4. Play the audio for them to check their answers.

Exercise 6
• This activity helps Ss to practise the new language in an
authentic way.
• Give Ss time to read each scenario.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 103
7h CULTURE LINK: Interesting DIGITAL TEACHING Find video clips of the Eden Project and
British Museum on the Internet to show the class.
collections p.101 ANSWERS
Materials Exercise 1
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 101 The Eden Project and The British Museum.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 culture video Exercise 2
In the photos, we can see The Eden Project in Cornwall,
Class CD 3, track 33
a flowering plant called Titan Arum and a carnivorous
Workbook p.79 pitcher plant.
The other photos show The British Museum in London, an
Warmer: YOUR WORLD Aztec snake and some Egyptian animal mummies.
• Ss discuss the question in pairs. Do a quick survey to find Exercise 3
out which collection Ss think is the most interesting. The Eden Project: coffee plant, tea plant, bamboo, Titan
Arum, pitcher plant
CULTURE NOTES The Eden Project in Cornwall has two huge The British Museum: Aztec snake, mummies of cats, things
enclosures, each emulating a natural biome. The Rainforest from different parts of the world, e.g. Greece, Italy
Biome is the largest indoor rainforest in the world and home Exercise 4
to over 1,000 different plant species. The Mediterranean The Eden Project
Biome is about two-thirds the size. It contains plants from 1 They are food plants, useful plants and exotic plants.  ​
areas such as the Mediterranean, South Africa and California. 2 Its flower is very big. The plant has a flower every nine
The British Museum in London is the most visited museum years.  ​
in the UK, with about 6 million visitors every year. The 3 It’s from Borneo and Sumatra.
permanent collection currently has around 8 million items ​4 It’s carnivorous.
and is one of the largest in the world. At any time, only The British Museum
80,000 – or 1% – of the pieces are on display. 5 They are from different parts of the world.
6 It’s got two heads.  ​
Exercise 1 7 It’s made of wood and blue, red, white and black stones.  ​
• Ask Ss what they can see in each photo. 8 It’s about 2,000 years old.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video Two Exercises 5 and 6
collections for Ss to watch and follow in their books. Ss can Students’ own answers.
complete associated video activities in Workbook page 79.

Exercise 2
• Play the audio and pause after each section, then have Ss
answer the question.

Exercise 3
• You could either allow Ss to choose and read about the
collection they think is more interesting or divide the class
into two groups and allocate each one of the texts.

Exercise 4
• Focus on the question words in the task. Elicit
what information Ss need to find, i.e. What (thing),
Why (reason), Where (place), How many (number),
How old (age).

Exercise 5
• Put Ss in pairs with someone who read and answered
questions about the other text. Let them share what
they found out, using their answers to the questions in
exercise 4.

Exercise 6
• Give Ss time to discuss the questions in pairs or small

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 104
7i WRITING: A unique bedroom p.102
Exercise 1
Materials Steve has got four beds, a basketball hoop, some shelves,
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 102 a wardrobe, a desk, a lamp, a chair, a drum kit, a collection
of key rings, a planet mobile, some star stickers, some
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 writing project
books and a blackboard wall.
Exercise 2
Warmer (any two) the planet mobile, the star stickers, the
• Ask Ss what would be in their fantasy bedroom. Give Ss basketball hoop, the blackboard wall, the drum kit
time to discuss the question in pairs. Exercise 3
I’ve got a basketball hoop near the door.
Comprehension I’ve got a desk and a lamp in my room.
I’ve got 16 key rings!
Exercise 1 It’s an amazing collection!
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check answers. It’s brilliant!
Write any unfamiliar vocabulary on the board for Ss to Exercises 4, 5 and 6
copy. Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2
• Tell Ss to think about the description and look at the
pictures to answer the question. Get Ss to compare their
answers with a partner, then check answers. Answers may
vary as it depends on personal opinions.

Writing project
Exercise 3
• Let Ss read the Writing Tips individually and complete
the task.

Exercise 4
• Think Encourage Ss to think of ordinary and more
unusual things they would have in their fantasy bedroom.
Tell them to draw pictures of the more unusual items and
provide additional vocabulary where necessary.
• Make notes Suggest that they organize their ideas using
a concept map and make notes about the following:
furniture; floor and walls, e.g. colour, carpet, posters, clock;
personal items, e.g. collections, toys, books; things that
give extra information about you.
• Write Tell Ss to select some items in their room to explain.
They write the explanations in their notebooks and
include extra information. When Ss have finished their
writing, check it, then have them write a final version.

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING For exercise 5, tell Ss to check
with you if they are unsure about any mistakes before they
correct them.

Exercise 6
• Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
classmates’ questions.
• After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
what they liked about each presentation.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 105
7j REVISION p.103 English in the real world
• Ask Ss who their favourite English-speaking music artist is.
Materials Tell them to find their favourite English song and learn the
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 103 lyrics.
Workbook p.80 ANSWERS
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 7 test Exercise 1
plants, shelves, magazines, badges, key rings, posters
1 any plants   ​2 a badge   ​3 some magazines  
Warmer: REACTIVATE! ​4 any key rings   ​5 some shelves   ​6 a poster   ​
• Give Ss 30 seconds to visualize their own bedroom. Exercise 2
Then tell the class all the things they thought about in 1 I’ve got a poster and a shelf on my wall.
their room. 2 I haven’t got a rug in my room.
3 Karen hasn’t got a TV in her house.
Vocabulary and Grammar 4 He’s got a dinosaur collection in his bag.
5 They’ve got some laptops in their classroom.
Exercise 1
6 We haven’t got any notebooks with us.
• Tell Ss to say the plurals in pairs. 7 You haven’t got a great collection of football cards.
• Give them time to complete the sentences and then Exercise 3
check answers. 1 Has Emma got a big house? No, she hasn’t.
Exercise 2 2 Has Emma got everything she needs in her bedroom?
Yes, she has.
• Give Ss time to do the task and complete the sentences 3 What has Emma got in her bedroom? She’s got a bed, a
using the prompts.
wardrobe and a desk. She’s got posters and a big shelf
• Tell Ss to discuss with a partner whether the sentences are on her wall, too.
true for them. 4 How many superhero figures has Emma got? She’s got
20 superhero figures.
Exercise 3
5 Has Emma got any plants in her bedroom? No, she
• Give Ss time to read the instructions and the text and hasn’t.
Exercises 4 and 8
• Once they have completed the questions, tell them to re- Students’ own answers.
read the text and find the answers.
Exercise 5
Exercise 4 A Can I borrow your pencil, please?
• Ask Ss to roleplay the questions and answers in pairs. B Yes, of course.
A Can I take a video game home?
B No, sorry, you can’t.
Everyday English
Exercise 6
Exercise 5 1 b  ​2 b
• Remind Ss how to ask for things politely. Go around the
class asking Ss politely for their possessions.

Exercise 6
• This exercise is the same style as Ss will come across in the
Repetytorium exams.
• Give Ss time to read and translate the scenarios, then
match them to the answers.

Progress check
Exercise 7
• Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING As part of exercise 7, ask Ss if
they feel that they have improved during the course. Be sure
to recognize their achievements and give them plenty of
praise. This will motivate Ss to develop positive attitudes to

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 106
7 REPETYTORIUM p.104 Znajomość funkcji językowych
Materials Exercise 5
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 104 • Tell Ss to read the dialogues and complete them. They will
need more than one word to complete the gaps.
Class CD 3, tracks 34–36
Workbook p.81 ANSWERS
Exercise 1
First, read the sentences.
Warmer: YOUR WORLD Then look at the key words.
• Tell Ss to think about collections belonging to someone Next, think about words the might connect with these key
they know or collections in museums they have seen. words.
• Ss discuss their ideas and pairs, then share with the class. Finally, listen to the exercise and answer the questions.
Exercise 2
Rozumienie ze słuchu 1 d  ​2 a  ​3 c  ​4 b
Exercise 3
Exercise 1 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 c
• Tell Ss that following these steps is good practice whether Exercise 4
they are in an exam or just doing exercises in their
1 likes / loves   ​2 doesn’t have   ​3 has / uses   ​4 has
course book.
Exercise 5
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge, ask Ss to 1 Yes  ​2 How much is it
write their own top exam tip. It could be specific to certain
exercise types or a more general tip that they use to help
them to get through exams.

Exercise 2 e 3•34
• Remind Ss to follow the exam tip. Give them time to read
the instructions and descriptions. Tell them to note down
the key words they think they’ll need to listen for.
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second

Exercise 3 e 3•35
• Give Ss time to read the instructions and the questions
and answers. This time, give Ss the same amount of time
that they would have if they were in the exam.
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 3,
pause the audio after each sentence the first time the Ss

Exercise 4 e 3•36
• Remind Ss to read the instructions carefully before they
do the exercise.
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to a girl describing her
classmates. Tell them they won’t hear the exact sentences
mentioned in the audio, but they have to use the
information to complete the sentences with one word.
Explain the sentences summarize what they hear.
• The audio will play twice. Check answers after second
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 4,
give Ss a transcript of the audio and allow them to do the
exercise as a reading task.
As an extra challenge, ask the Ss to name the girls in the

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 107
got: affirmative, negative and
questions p.105
Exercise 1
1 has got   ​2 hasn’t got   ​3 haven’t got   ​4 haven’t got   ​
5 have got   ​6 haven’t got   ​7 have got
Exercise 2
1 Has Jack got any football cards? Yes, he has.
2 Have you got any magnets? Yes, they have.
3 Have we got any comics? Yes, we have.
4 Has Beth got any stickers? No, she hasn’t.
5 Have you got a laptop? No, I haven’t.
6 Have you got a lamp in your bedroom? No, I haven’t.
7 Has she got any posters in her bedroom? No, she hasn’t.

Unit 7 At home Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 108
8 In town
8a VOCABULARY: Places in a • Then they read the descriptions, check their predictions
and write the name of the place.
town pp.106–107 DIGITAL CLASSROOM Use online maps and images to
Materials find pictures and locations of all the different places in the
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 106–107 Ss’ town.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 flashcards Exercise 6
Class CD 3, tracks 37–39 • Demonstrate the game by drawing a place in town on the
Workbook p.82 board for Ss to guess.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 8 vocabulary • The give Ss time to play the game in pairs in their
Warmer: YOUR WORLD • To make the game competitive, Ss play in a group of
three or four. They take turns to draw, and the first person
• Ss answer the question in pairs. Find out the most popular to guess correctly gets a point. The winner has the most
places. points when you stop the game.
• Ss mingle and race to be first to get into a group of
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 6,
four, where each student has a different favourite place.
When they do so, they shout Stop! Get feedback, e.g. Our Ss play the Where am I? game in pairs. One student gives a
favourite places are the library, the museum, the park and the sentence in the present continuous, describing what they
leisure centre. are doing. Their partner says where they are, e.g. ‘I’m drinking
a milkshake.’ ‘You’re at the café.’
Vocabulary presentation Exercise 7
Exercise 1 • Tell Ss they are going to read a text about places in town,
but each place in the text has been replaced with a
• Give Ss time to look at the photos and read the names of
picture symbol.
the places in the box.
• Tell them to think which photo matches each place. • Tell them to read the text and write the names of the
places in their notebooks.
Exercise 2 e 3•37
Exercise 7
• Ss to listen to the names of the places in town and check
their answers.
• Tell fast finishers think of picture symbols to represent the
three places not mentioned in exercise 7.
• Play audio again and get the Ss to repeat, chorally and
• They use their symbols and the ones in exercise 7 to write
a description of a town for their partner to decipher.
• In pairs, Ss take turns to say two places and their partner
says which they prefer, e.g. ‘Cinema and swimming pool.’ ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell the Ss to use the symbols
‘Cinema!’ Encourage stronger Ss to give a reason, e.g. to make a picture dictionary. They could draw them onto
Cinema! I love films and I can’t swim! a map of their own town to help them to remember the
new words.
Exercise 3 Memorize! e 3•38
• The first time you play the chant, pause at the pauses for Listening and Speaking
Ss to say the place, then listen and check.
• Play the chant again for Ss to memorize. Exercise 8 e 3•39
• Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Play the chant • Tell the Ss they are going to listen to two children talking
and tell A Ss to stand up each time they hear an activity about going to different places in towns.
and B Ss to stand each time they hear a place. Swap roles. • Tell Ss they are going to listen to the audio again and
answer the questions. Tell them to read the questions
Exercise 4 before they listen and see if they can remember any of the
• Tell Ss to work in pairs and take turns saying one of the answers.
places for their partner to point at the correct photo. • Play the audio again for Ss to check their answers.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For an extra challenge in exercise 8,
Vocabulary practice put Ss in pairs and tell them to either roleplay the dialogue
Exercise 5 from the audio or think of a similar dialogue about their
• Tell the Ss they are going to look at and read about some
places in town.
• Tell them to look at the photos first and guess what place
each building is.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 109
• Ask Ss if they know any libraries in London. Ask them the
name of the library in the picture (The British Library).
• They can research on the Internet to check their ideas.
• Ask Ss what other libraries they know from around the
Exercises 1 and 2
1 shopping centre   ​2 supermarket  ​3 cinema  ​
4 museum  ​5 school  ​6 swimming pool.   ​7 hospital  ​
8 café  ​9 restaurant  ​10 library
Exercises 3 and 6
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 4
café, school, supermarket, swimming pool, shopping
centre, cinema, museum, hospital, restaurant, library
Exercise 5
1 school  ​2 museum  ​3 hospital  ​4 library  ​
5 swimming pool
Exercise 7
1 swimming pool   ​2 supermarket  ​3 café  ​4 museum  ​
5 cinema  ​6 restaurant  ​7 shopping centre
Exercise 8
1 They want to go to the library, the museum, the
shopping centre, the cinema and a restaurant.
2 He wants to borrow a new book.
3 She needs a new pair of trousers.
4 She wants to see the new superhero film.
5 She wants to go to the supermarket after dinner.
6 Students’ own answers.
Online Link
Famous London libraries include: The British Library, The
London Library, Guildhall Library, The National Art Library,
The Poetry Library and the Welcome Collection Library.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 110
8b GRAMMAR: there is, there Speaking
are: affirmative, negative and Exercise 7
questions p.108 • Model the exercise first with a confident student. Put Ss in
pairs to complete the exercise.
Materials INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 7,
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 108 allow Ss to write questions before they start the speaking
Class CD 3, tracks 40–41 activity.
Workbook p.83 As an extra challenge, in pairs, Ss write a dialogue about
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 8 grammar map C, similar to the two they heard in exercise 4. They
should talk about the places on the street. Ss then read their
dialogue to the class.
• Challenge Ss to say as many places and activities as they
can in 30 seconds. Tell them to keep a tally so you can see Exercise 1
who the winners are at the end. There is a cinema, lots of small shops and one café.
Exercises 2 and 7
Grammar presentation Students’ own answers.
Exercise 3
Exercise 1 e 3•40 1 Is there a library in your town? Yes, there is.
• Tell Ss they are going to listen to a girl talking about her 2 Are there any cafés in the village? Yes, there are.
town. Ask Ss to predict which town places they will hear. 3 Is there a museum in your town? No, there isn’t.
• Play the audio for Ss to check their predictions. Play it 4 Is there a school in this town? No, there isn’t.
again and have Ss say which places Jenny has got in her 5 Is there are cinema here? Yes, there is.
town (cinema, small shops, a café). 6 Are there any hospitals in the city? Yes, there are.
Exercise 4
Exercise 2 Dialogue 1: A (Mill Road), Dialogue 2: B (Chester Road)
• Ask Ss to read the grammar box. Remind them of the use Exercise 5
of a / an, some and any for singular and plural nouns. Dialogue 1
• Ask Ss to answer the question, then ask more questions 1 She’s in a pizza restaurant.   ​2 She’s having lunch.   ​
about what there is in their town. 3 Her favourite place is the ABC Cinema.
Dialogue 2
Grammar practice 1 He’s at the pool.   ​2 He’s watching his sister’s swimming
class.  ​3 His favourite place is the Black Cat Café.
Exercise 3 Exercise 6
• Ss read the prompts and complete the sentences and 1 A and C   ​2 B  ​3 A and C   ​4 A  ​5 C  ​6 B and C   ​
short answers. 7 B
• Ss can use the grammar box to help them.

Exercise 3
• Fast finishers can ask the questions in pairs and answer for
their town.

Exercise 4 e 3•41
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task.
Explain that there are only two dialogues, so there is one
extra street.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 4,
Ss discuss in pairs what places they can see on each street
before listening. Alternatively, elicit the places from the class.

Exercise 5 e 3•41
• Play the audio for Ss to listen and complete the task, then
check answers.

Exercise 6
• Ss read about the street maps and say which map or maps
the sentences is true for.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 111
8c VOCABULARY: Funfair Exercise 7
• Give Ss time to complete the group activity.
attractions p.109 • Remind Ss about using the correct object pronouns – it
Materials for singular (e.g. ‘Do you like the rollercoaster?’ ‘Yes, I love
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 109 it.’) and them for plural (e.g. ‘Do you like the dodgems?’ ‘No,
I hate them.’).
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 flashcards
• Get feedback from various Ss about what they have in
Class CD 3, track 42
common with their classmates.
Workbook p.84
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 five minute test ONLINE LINK
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 8 vocabulary • Ask Ss which fairground attraction they think is the oldest.
• Let them do some research online to see if their
predictions were correct.
• Elicit or explain what a funfair is (an outside place of DIGITAL CLASSROOM For the Online Link activity, help Ss
entertainment with machines to ride on and games that to write a sentence in their search engine to get the best
can be played to win prizes). results.
• Give Ss time to discuss the question in pairs or small ANSWERS
groups. Monitor and help Ss with any vocabulary they Exercises 1 and 2
may require. Get feedback from the class and find out the 1 big wheel   ​2 rollercoaster  ​3 ghost train   ​
most popular funfair attractions. 4 dodgems  ​5 trampoline  ​6 hot dog stand   ​
7 candyfloss stand   ​8 coconut shy
Vocabulary presentation Exercises 3 and 7
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 1 e 3•42
Exercise 4
• Ask Ss to look at the picture of the funfair. 1 hot dog   ​2 candyfloss  ​3 dodgems  ​4 rollercoaster  ​
• Ss discuss in pairs which funfair attraction corresponds to 5 ghost train
each word. Exercise 5
Exercise 2 e 3•42 He tells Polly about the funfair in the park near his
grandmother’s house.
• Play the audio. Ss listen to check their answers to 1, then
listen and repeat. Ask Ss which attraction they like best Exercise 6
and why. 1 He can see all the village.   ​2 Yes, he does.  
​3 Because it isn’t very scary and it’s slow.   ​
Exercise 3 4 It’s really big and lots of people can go on it.  
• Tell Ss to draw pictures of the fairground attractions to ​5 You can get hot dogs and candyfloss.
create a picture dictionary. Online Link
The first carousel opened in the 1870s; the first big wheel
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING For exercise 3, tell Ss to think
opened in 1893.
about whether they like the attraction or not and draw
their pictures in order of preference. Making a personal
connection to the new language will help them to
remember it.

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 4
• Ss read the sentences and decide which attractions the
pictures represent.

Exercise 5
• This activity gives the Ss a chance to see the new
vocabulary in context.
• Give Ss time to read the email and then ask the gist

Exercise 6
• Tell Ss to read the questions and see which ones they can
answer from memory.
• They re-read the email to check answers.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 112
8d GRAMMAR: Prepositions of Exercise 2
• Put fast finishers in groups. Tell them to come up with an
place pp.110–111 additional scene in which Finn and Lily try to save Chris,
but fail. Each group acts out their scene and the class
votes on the best one.
Classroom Presentation Tool, pp. 110–111
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 animated story Grammar presentation
Class CD 3, tracks 43–45
Workbook p.85 Exercise 3
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 five minute test • Ss read the story again and answer the question.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 8 grammar; Unit 8 • Ask Ss where the trampolines are in the story (behind the
discussion dodgems).

Exercise 4
Warmer: REACTIVATE! • Demonstrate the proposition of place by using items on
• Remind the Ss what a mind map looks like. Give them 60 your desk and saying where they are in relation to other
seconds to create a mind map of funfair attractions and things.
then compare with a partner. • Ask Ss to read the grammar box and look at the pictures.
• In pairs, tell Ss to pretend they are at the funfair and have • Ask Ss to say two sentences about their classroom items
to decide on three attractions to go to. If necessary, refer using the prepositions.
Ss back to page 58 to review language for making and • Tell Ss to stand up, and put them in pairs. Give instructions
responding to suggestions. with the prepositions of place for Ss to follow, e.g. Stand
opposite your partner. Go under your desk. Put your pencil
Exercise 1 e 3•43 on your chair. Stand in front of your desk. Stand behind your
• Elicit who or what Chris is (she’s a pet chameleon). partner’s chair. Stand near, but not next to your partner. Put
• Ask the question, and tell the Ss to predict the answer your book between your feet. Put your left hand in your bag.
using the pictures. After some practice, Ss could work in pairs and give each
• Play the audio and ask the Ss if their predictions were other similar instructions to follow.
• Elicit why Chris doesn’t like funfairs (because she’s scared). Grammar practice
Ask if anyone in the class feels the same as Chris. If so, find
out which rides they think are the scariest.
Exercise 5
• Play the audio again, pausing for Ss to listen and repeat.
• Tell Ss to refer back to the story and complete the
Ss should focus on copying the speakers’ intonation and
feeling (e.g. scared, excited, worried). Ss then read or act Exercise 6 e 3•44
out the script in groups, each taking a different role.
• Tell Ss to look at the picture and name the funfair
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video of the attractions and think about where they are in relation to
story At the funfair for Ss to watch and follow in their books. each other.
There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. • Tell Ss to listen to the correct description of the attractions
in the picture. Play the audio as the Ss look at the picture.
Comprehension • Ss then read the statements and say whether they are true
of false.
Exercise 2
• Give Ss time to listen to and read the story again Exercise 7
individually. • Tell the Ss that there are five balls hidden in the picture
• Put Ss in small groups and ask the questions in the style in exercise 5. Elicit where each ball is in relation to the
of a quiz show. Ss knock on their table to answer and earn funfair attractions. There might be more than one possible
points for their team for a correct answer. answer for each ball.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support in exercise 2, • Put Ss in groups of three or four. They take turns to
elicit what type of information is required to answer the Wh- describe the position of something or someone in the
questions, i.e. Who = person, Where = place. Tell Ss the other classroom. The first student to guess the object or person
questions need short answers. Remind them to use the first gets a point, e.g. ‘It’s on the shelf, next to the books.’ ‘I know!
word in the question, either in its affirmative or negative The plant!’ The winner has the most points at the end of
form, i.e. does / doesn’t; can / can’t; do / don’t. the activity.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 113
Exercise 8 e 3•45
• This is the style of exercise that Ss will come across in the
Repetytorium exam.
• Remind Ss to read the instructions and possible answers
very carefully.
• Play the audio twice for Ss to complete the task and then
check answers.
• As an extra activity, tell Ss to draw a map of a funfair with
six attractions. Tell them to number each attraction. Then
tell them to work with a partner to ask and answer about
their partner’s map to draw their funfair.
• When they have finished, they should compare maps to
check all the attractions are in the correct places.

• Look at a street map of the Ss’ town which shows where
various landmarks are. Create a digital version for Ss to
share and discuss on their discussion forum.
• Find maps online of other towns and cities that Ss want to
learn about.
DIGITAL TEACHING You can use the Discussion Room in
the Students’ Online Practice for this (see page 12 for more
Exercise 1
Chris doesn’t like funfairs.
Exercise 2
1 No, she doesn’t.
2 Lily loves trampolines.
3 No, he can’t.
4 No, they can’t.
5 No, they don’t.
6 No, he doesn’t.
7 No, they don’t.
8 She’s on the rollercoaster.
Exercise 3
The trampolines are behind the dodgems.
Exercise 4 and Online Link
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5
1 opposite  ​2 behind  ​3 in front of   ​4 next to   ​
5 under  ​6 between
Exercise 6
1 False  ​2 True  ​3 True  ​4 False  ​5 True  ​6 True
Exercise 7
There’s a ball under the big wheel.
There’s a ball on the trampoline.
There’s a ball on the candyfloss stand.
There’s a ball in front of the hot dog stand.
There’s a ball near / next to the dodgems.
Exercise 8
1 e  ​2 d  ​3 b  ​4 a

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 114
8e HALFWAY REVIEW p.112 Grammar review
Materials Exercise 4
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 112 • Ss play a sentence chain game about items in the
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 flashcards
Class CD 3, track 46
• Review use of There is and There are.
Workbook p.86; p.95
• Ss play in pairs or small groups and try to make the
longest sentence chain without forgetting or repeating.
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 vocabulary and
grammar worksheet; Unit 8 speaking worksheet Exercise 5
• Draw pictures on the board to review the prepositions of
Warmer place.
• In pairs, Ss take turns to ask and answer questions about • Ss look at the picture and ask and answer about Chris’s
the locations of places in their town / area, e.g.: position in each of them.
A Is there a cinema? INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge for exercise 5,
B Yes, there is. Ss say Chris’s position for their partner to say the colour, e.g.
A Where is it? ‘She’s between the boxes.’ ‘She’s yellow and purple!’
B It’s opposite the library.
• If necessary, refer Ss back to page 106 to review places Exercise 6 e 3•46
in town. • Play the song a few times while Ss read and then
encourage the Ss to join in.
Vocabulary review • Divide the class into four groups and allocate each group
a verse. Tell the group to learn their verse by heart. Tell the
Exercise 1 Ss to close their books. Play the song and have each group
• Remind Ss of the Memorize! chant in Lesson 8a and the sing their verse and the whole class join in the chorus.
activities mentioning what you can do in each place ANSWERS
in town.
Exercises 1, 4 and 5
• Model the game by reading the speech bubbles with a Students’ own answers.
student and then have them play the game in pairs.
Exercise 2
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Tell Ss to create maps of their 1 dodgems  ​2 trampoline  ​3 rollercoaster  ​
town with all the places in the correct location. Organizing 4 big wheel   ​5 ghost train
and personalizing vocabulary helps Ss to remember it. Exercise 3
1 candyfloss stand   ​2 dodgems  ​3 ghost train   ​
Exercise 2
4 rollercoaster  ​5 big wheel   ​6 hot dog stand   ​
• Review the funfair attractions with a miming game. Put Ss 7 trampoline  ​8 coconut shy
in pairs and tell them to mime the activity they do at an
attraction for their partner to guess.
• Tell the Ss that each number represents a letter of the
alphabet, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.
• Ss decipher the codes and write down the funfair
attractions. Make the task competitive by having Ss race
to be the first to write all five.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 2,
write the alphabet code in a grid on the board.

Exercise 3
• Tell Ss they are going to read descriptions of different
funfair attractions.
• Ss then complete the activity individually and compare
answers in pairs.

Exercise 3
• Fast finishers can write similar descriptions of places in
town for their partner to guess.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 115
8f READING AND WRITING: A Writing basics
funfair p.113 Exercise 6
• Give the Ss time to read the reading model and the
Materials Writing Tip. Ask them the questions.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 113 • Tell Ss to follow the Make notes step in their books. Tell
Class CD 3, track 47 them to think about their fantasy funfair and what they
Workbook p.87 would like it to have. Alternatively, they can write about a
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 extra writing worksheet funfair they know or have been to.
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 8 reading • Ss use their notes and the model to write their SMS
message. Encourage them to write a first draft before
producing a final copy.
Warmer: REACTIVATE! • Tell Ss to read out their messages to the rest of the class.
• Give Ss 30 seconds to write down as many words for • If there’s time, tell Ss to exchange messages in pairs and
funfair attractions as they can think of. They then compare write a reply to their partner’s SMS.
their answers in pairs.
• Then have Ss take turns to mime a funfair attraction in
pairs for their partner to guess. Exercise 1
Yes, there is, but only in the summer.
Reading Exercise 2
rollercoaster, big wheel, ghost train, dodgems, hot dog
Exercise 1 e 3•47 stand, coconut shy
• Point to the texts and ask Ss what type of texts they are Exercise 3
(SMS messages). 1 wesołym miasteczku   ​2 straszny  ​
• Tell the Ss to read the texts to find the answer. 3 samochodziki elektryczne  
• Then play the audio while the Ss read the texts in their ​4 latem  ​5 trampolina
books the second time. Exercise 4
1 To ask him how he is.
DIGITAL TEACHING To support exercise 1, ask Ss if they
2 His favourite attraction is the dodgems.
send many text messages (SMS). If appropriate, ask them to
3 Because you can drive very fast.
take out their smartphones and tell you who they wrote or
4 She really likes the big wheel.
received an SMS from most recently.
5 She goes on it with her friends.
Exercise 2 Exercises 5 and 6
• Tell the Ss to read the texts again and find which of the Students’ own answers.
attractions Henry mentions.
• Then ask Ss what attractions there are at the funfair which
visits Monica’s town.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge for exercise 2,
tell Ss to make sentences to compare Henry’s and Monica’s
funfairs, e.g. There are two rollercoasters at Henry’s funfair, but
there isn’t a rollercoaster at Monica’s funfair.

Exercise 3
• Ss read the sentences about the funfairs that visit Henry’s
and Monica’s towns and complete them in Polish.

Exercise 4
• Ask the Ss to read the questions about the messages and
see which ones they can complete from memory.
• They then read the texts again to check their answers.

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to write which funfair they like the sound of best
out of Monica’s and Henry’s.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge for exercise 5,
tell Ss to write the reason for their choice.
Allow less confident Ss to write single-word answers and
explain their reason to you verbally in simple English.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 116
8g EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Giving Everyday English practice
directions p.114 Exercise 4 e 3•49
• Ss read the prompts and complete the dialogue. They
Materials listen to check answers.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 114
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support, play the audio
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 Everyday English video
before the Ss write the dialogue.
Class CD 3, tracks 48–49
As an extra challenge, Ss write their own dialogues.
Workbook p.88
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 Everyday English Exercise 5 e 3•49
worksheet • Play the audio for Ss to listen and repeat. Pay attention to
Student’s Online Practice, Unit 8 Everyday English pronunciation and the rising intonation in the questions.

Exercise 6
Warmer: YOUR WORLD • Brainstorm places in your school, e.g. canteen, gym, music
• Ask Ss if they know how to give directions in Polish. room, library. Write all suggestions on the board, providing
• Pre-teach straight on, turn left, turn right by giving Ss vocabulary as needed.
directions around the classroom. • Tell Ss to choose one of the places. They then tell their
• Tell Ss to give each other directions to different places in partner directions to the place (without telling them
their town from school. the name of the place). Their partner has to follow the
directions in their head and say where they end up.
Exercise 1 e 3•48
• Pre-teach straight on, turn left, turn right by giving the Ss Pronunciation (Workbook p.88)
directions around the classroom. • The Workbook lesson has a pronunciation focus on /r/
• Ask which children they can see in the photo story (Rosie, sounds.
Joel, Leila and Jan). Then ask the question and have Ss ANSWERS
predict the answer. Exercise 1
• Play the audio for Ss to check predictions. They go to see the rhinos first.
• Play it again for Ss to answer the question. Exercise 2
DIGITAL TEACHING For exercise 1, if you have time, play the 1 He wants to see the rhinos first.
video At the wildlife park for Ss to watch and follow in their 2 Leila wants to see the penguins, but Joel wants to see
books. There are ideas for using videos in class on page 8. the meerkats.
3 They see the rhinos first, then the meerkats, penguins
and then the giraffes.
Comprehension 4 The penguins are before the giraffes.
Exercise 2 Exercises 3 and 6
• Give Ss chance to read the questions and find the answers Students’ own answers.
in the text. Exercises 4 and 5
• Give Ss time to read the dialogue again and complete A Which way is it to the café?
the task. B Turn right, then go straight on. Then take the
second left.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 2, A Thank you!
play the audio again for Ss to listen and follow. Pause it after
each frame and give Ss time, in pairs, to note down the
answer to the related question.
As an extra challenge, Ss complete the task without looking
back at the story.

Everyday English Presentation

Exercise 3
• Ss look at how to give directions in the Everyday
English box.
• Tell them to think about and write down the directions
from their classroom to their school playground. They
then compare with a partner to see if they wrote the same

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 117
8h CULTURE LINK: Famous Exercise 6
• Ss discuss the questions in groups. Monitor and help with
bridges p.115 vocabulary as required.
Materials DIGITAL CLASSROOM Tell Ss to research another famous
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 115 bridge. They write a presentation about it, following the
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 culture video same format as in the Student’s Book. They could then give
their presentation to the class for Ss to discover more about
Class CD 3, track 50
famous bridges.
Workbook p.89
Exercise 1
Warmer: YOUR WORLD Exmoor, UK; London, UK; San Francisco, USA; Quebec,
• Ss discuss the question in pairs. List their suggestions on Canada
the board. Exercise 2
CULTURE NOTES Below are some additional details about Bridge 1: 1 Tarr Steps   ​2 Uncertain, but maybe 3,000
the bridges in the lesson. years old   ​3 55 metres   ​4 The stones are numbered, so
it’s easy to build the bridge again if it breaks.
Tarr Steps is a clapper bridge, which is an ancient type of
Bridge 2: 1 Golden Gate Bridge   ​2 Over 80 years old
bridge, made of large stone slabs supported on stone piers.
(it opened in 1937)   ​3 2,737 metres   ​4 The bridge is
Golden Gate Bridge took over four years to construct. When orange, not gold.
it opened in 1937, it was both the longest and the tallest Bridge 3: 1 Tower Bridge   ​2 Over 125 years old (it
suspension bridge in the world. opened in 1894)   ​3 244 metres   ​4 There are two
Tower Bridge is a bascule and suspension bridge crossing bridges. The top bridge is for people. The bottom bridge is
the River Thames. It took 432 construction workers eight for traffic and can open for boats to pass.
years to complete. The term bascule comes from the French Bridge 4: 1 Coaticook Gorge Suspension Bridge  
for seesaw. ​2 Over 30 years old (it opened in 1988)  
Coaticook Gorge Suspension Bridge took six months to ​3 80 metres   ​4 It’s only two metres wide. About 800
build. The 50-metre high bridge spans the Coaticook River. people can cross it at the same time.
Exercises 3, 4 and 5
Exercise 1
Students’ own answers.
• Play the audio and pause after each section, then ask Ss to
compare and contrast the town and the city.
DIGITAL TEACHING If you have time, play the video Small
town, big city. Ss can complete the associated activities in
Workbook page 89. There are ideas for using videos in class
on page 8.

Exercise 2
• Tell Ss to look at the photos and say which bridge looks
the biggest.

Exercise 3
• You could allow Ss to choose the bridge they read about,
or divide the class into four groups and allocate each
group a text.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Monitor and check Ss’
answers as they finish.

Exercise 4
• In pairs, Ss talk about their favourite bridge.
Exercise 5
• Put Ss in groups with classmates who read and answered
questions about the other bridges. Give them time to ask
and answer the questions in exercise 3 about each bridge.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 118
8i WRITING: A special funfair p.116 • Ss discuss in groups which funfairs they would most like
to go on and why. Take a class vote to find out the most
Materials popular funfair and the reasons for Ss’ choices.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 116 ANSWERS
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 writing project Exercise 1
a big wheel, dodgems, a ghost train, a trampoline
Exercise 2
Warmer Ethan’s favourite rides are the ghost trains and the
• Divide Ss into groups and get them to stand in a circle. trampoline.
One student says a funfair attraction they are going to, e.g.
Exercises 3, 4, 5 and 6
We’re going to the hotdog stand. The next student repeats
Students’ own answers.
the sentence and adds another place, e.g. We’re going to
the hotdog stand and the big wheel.
• The game continues with each student adding a place.
If a student can’t remember a place or makes a mistake,
they’re out. The winning group has the most places when
the activity stops.

Exercise 1
• Give Ss time to look at the lapbook and say what they can
see in each one.
• Ss say what they would go on at Ethan’s funfair.
Exercise 2
• Give Ss time to read the lapbook individually.
• Ss will need to make inferences from the text to answer
the questions. Take their answers and ask Ss to support
their ideas with examples from the text.

Writing project
Exercise 3
• Let the Ss read the Writing Tip and ask them to find
examples of each in the lapbook.

Exercise 4
• Think Tell Ss to think about their favourite funfair
attractions. Tell them to also consider what their friends
and family like.
• Make notes Ss choose four attractions. They draw
pictures or find photos and make notes about them and
how they feel about them.
• Write Tell Ss to write a rough draft of their text for you
or their partner to correct, before they copy out a neat

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss to exchange their writing projects with a partner to
peer assess.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING In exercise 5, ensure Ss swap
their draft work so they can use the corrections on their final

Exercise 6
• Ss take turns to present their project and respond to their
classmates’ questions.
• After the presentations, put Ss in small groups to discuss
what they liked about each presentation.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 119
8j REVISION p.117 the course. This will help them see and reflect on their
learning journey as a whole.
English in the real world
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 117
• Ask Ss what famous places in the UK they have learned
Class CD 3, track 51 about during the course.
Workbook p.90 • Ss look for famous UK places on their browser image
Teacher’s Resource Centre, Unit 8 test gallery. Tell them to find one they like and do further
Student’s Online Practice, Units 7–8 check your progress research about it.
Warmer: REACTIVATE! Exercise 1
• Write the two headings on the board. Give the Ss one 1 big wheel   ​2 ghost train   ​3 rollercoaster  ​4 hot dog
minute to write as many words as they can think of for stand  ​5 candyfloss stand   ​6 dodgems  ​7 coconut shy  ​
each category. 8 trampoline
Exercise 2
Vocabulary and Grammar 1 Is there a library in your town?   ​2 Is there a cinema
(in your town)?   ​3 Are there any funfairs in your town?   ​
Exercise 1 4 Is there a rollercoaster at the funfair?   ​5 Is there a
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then have them ask candyfloss stand at the funfair?   ​6 Are there any cafés in
and answer the questions in pairs. your town?
Exercise 3
Exercise 2 1 There isn’t   ​2 There are   ​3 There are   ​4 There aren’t
• Review how to make questions with There is and There are. any  ​5 There isn’t   ​6 There is
• Tell Ss to read the answers and then write the questions Exercise 4
that were asked. 1 Is there a cinema?   ​2 Is there a library?   ​3 Is there a
museum?  ​4 Is there a swimming pool?   ​5 Are there
Exercise 3 any funfairs?   ​6 Are there any restaurants?
• Ss complete the sentences. (Answers: Students’ own answers.)
Exercise 4 Exercise 5
1 front  ​2 next  ​3 between  ​4 next  ​5 front  ​
• Ss use the words to make questions about their town. 6 behind
They swap questions in pairs and write answers to their
partner’s questions. Exercise 6
1 Because there are lots of old books.  
Exercise 5 ​2 The supermarket is behind the library.   ​
• Brainstorm the prepositions of place and write them on 3 At the weekend.   ​4 They love the rollercoaster.   ​
the board. 5 No, there aren’t any museums.
• Tell the Ss to complete the sentences. The first letter has Exercise 7
been provided for them. Excuse me.; Where; How
Exercise 8
Exercise 6 e 3•51 Students’ own answers.
• Tell Ss to read the instructions and the questions carefully
before they listen.
• Play the audio twice for Ss to do the task.

Everyday English
Exercise 7
• Review how to ask for and give directions.
• Ss complete the dialogue and roleplay in pairs.

Exercise 8
• Ss go through the tasks in this lesson and draw the
emoticon that best reflects their achievement. Praise Ss for
all their hard work and progress during the course.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING As part of exercise 8, tell Ss to
complete the I can … statements in the Workbook and then
look back on all the self-assessment they have done during

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 120
Exercise 1
Materials 1 It’s behind the shopping centre in Main Street.
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 118 2 Yes, there is.
3 You feel scared.
Workbook p.91
4 You can eat hot dogs, candyfloss and cakes.
5 Tickets are £5.
Warmer: YOUR WORLD Exercise 2
• Tell Ss to think about a funfair that visits their town or one try, see, ride, go, be
they have been to. Ask them to describe the funfair in Exercise 3
pairs and see if they are describing the same funfair. You can see beautiful paintings and statues, learn about
the history of the city, watch documentary films, eat and
Tworzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej drink at the café, buy posters and books in the shop.
Exercise 4
Exercise 1 Students’ own answers.
• Let Ss read the tip individually and then apply the tip to all Exercise 5
the exercises in this lesson. 1 There aren’t any cinemas here.
• Tell Ss to read the information in the poster carefully first 2 The school is behind the library.
and then read the questions before re-reading the poster 3 Let’s play outside.
to find the specific information to answer the questions. 4 I think there are some supermarkets.
5 Ben hates fish.
Exercise 2
• Tell Ss to read the instruction carefully and then read the
poster again and note down the verbs.

Exercise 3
• Ask Ss what type of word they should be looking for when
finding activities (verbs).
• Tell Ss to read the poster carefully and find the verbs that
describe activities.

Exercise 4
• Review what Ss have learned in the writing lessons. Go
through the book and look at all the Writing Tips in the
Writing Lessons.
• Go through the steps they always follow when writing:
Think, Make notes, Write. Remind them that at the Write
stage, they should use their notes to write a first draft and
then read and assess what they have written to write a
final draft.
• Point out that when a word limit is given they are
expected to stick to it. They should count the words in
their first draft, and edit down or add to their word count
as required.

Znajomość środków językowych

Exercise 5
• Tell Ss they have to rewrite the sentences so they have the
same meaning as previously and they must use the word
in capital letters.
• Give Ss time to do the task and then check answers.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise
5, write the other words that the Ss will need to write their

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 121
there is / there are: affirmative,
negative and questions +
prepositions of place p.119
Exercise 1
1 There isn’t   ​2 There are   ​3 Is there   ​4 Are there any   ​
5 There aren’t any   ​6 There isn’t   ​7 There is   ​
8 There are
Exercise 2
1 Danny is in front of the candyfloss stand.
2 The dog is under the rollercoaster.
3 The children are on the big wheel.
4 Karl is in front of the hot dog stand.
5 We are next to the dodgems.
6 She is in the dodgem car.
7 Alice is behind the rollercoaster.
8 The ghost train is behind the candyfloss stand. / The
candyfloss stand is behind the ghost train.

Unit 8 In town Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 122
Review 1–8
1–8 CUMULATIVE REVIEW pp.126–127 Grammar
Materials Exercise 6
Classroom Presentation Tool, p. 126 • This is the same style of question as Ss will come across in
the Repetytorium exams.
Class CD 3, tracks 57–58
Workbook pp.92–93
• Tell Ss to read the instructions carefully. They choose one
of the three options to complete each gap.

Warmer Exercise 7
• Tell Ss to imagine they are in a town with a funfair. • Tell Ss to rewrite each of the sentences so they have the
Brainstorm all the different places and funfair attractions same meaning. They have to use the word in capital
they can see around them. letters and they may have to use other words.
• Tell Ss to think of one of the places and mime what they • Do the first question with the class as a model.
are doing there. Ss have to guess where they are. Exercise 8
• Tell Ss to look at the sentences and questions and
Vocabulary complete them using one of the words below.
Exercise 1 Exercise 9
• Say each of the categories and elicit examples for each. • Play a game. Ss play in pairs. One student thinks of a place
• Tell Ss to look at the words in the box and sort them into or a funfair attraction. Their partner has to ask questions
each category. to try to guess what it is, but they can only ask yes / no
Exercise 1
• Ask fast finishers to add more words to each group. Tell • Ss read the questions and match them to the correct
them to compare their answers and see who has thought
of the most words. Exercise 10
Exercise 2 • Review when to use the present simple and when to use
the present continuous. Give examples of each.
• Point to the photos and ask the Ss what they can see
in each. • Tell Ss to use the prompts to write sentences either in the
present simple or continuous.
• Tell Ss to read the photo captions and say if they are true
or false. They then correct the false sentences. INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM For extra support with exercise 10,
tell Ss which tense each sentence should be and
Exercise 3 explain why.
• Play Hangman on the board with places in town and As an extra challenge, ask Ss to explain why they chose the
funfair attractions to review the words and spellings tense they did.
before Ss complete the sentences.

Exercise 4 Everyday English

• Say each of the verbs in the box and elicit nouns from the Exercise 11
class which collocate with each verb. • Review how to ask for things politely with I’d like … and
• Ss read the text and complete it with the correct verb offers with Would you like … ?
from the box. • Tell Ss to complete the dialogue using the prompts.
INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM As an extra challenge in exercise 4, • Then have Ss roleplay asking for things politely and
tell the Ss to do the exercise with the word box covered. making offers in pairs. Remind them to say please and
For extra support, write two options for each gap on the thank you.
Exercise 12 e 3•58
Exercise 5 e 3•57 • Tell Ss to complete the questions and match them to the
• Tell Ss to look at the actions the children are doing in each correct answers. Then play the audio for Ss to listen and
picture. check their answers.
• Play the audio. Ss listen and say whether each sentence is
true or false according to the pictures.

Review 1–8 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 123
Exercise 13
• Tell Ss to read the statements and copy them down. They
may need more options to describe their attainment
rather than just true and false. Ask Ss to apply a three-star
system to the statements to grade their achievements.
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING After exercise 13, give
each student an end-of-year appraisal. Remember to be
constructive and supportive and to praise them for all their
achievements during the course of the year.
Exercise 1
Clothes: hat, jacket, jumper
Food: cheese, eggs, tomatoes
Personal collections: badge, fossil, magnet
Exercise 2
1 F (It’s a motorbike)   ​2 T  ​3 F (They’re playing
basketball.)  ​4 F (He’s playing the cello.)   ​5 T  ​6 F (She
gets the bus to school.)   ​7 T  ​8 F (It’s a helicopter)
Exercise 3
1 supermarket  ​2 ghost train   ​3 school  ​4 cinema  ​
5 café  ​6 hospital  ​7 helicopter  ​8 rollercoaster
Exercise 4
1 get  ​2 have  ​3 brush  ​4 have  ​5 go  ​6 ride  ​7 do  ​
8 go  ​9 do  ​10 make  ​11 climb  ​12 play  ​13 have  ​
14 watch
Exercise 5
1 T  ​2 F  ​3 T  ​4 F
Exercise 6
1 b  ​2 c  ​3 c  ​4 a  ​5 a  ​6 b
Exercise 7
1 I always go to bed at 9 p.m.
2 That’s her dog.
3 Would you like a drink?
4 Let’s play football.
5 These are my new shoes.
Exercise 8
1 b  2 b  ​3 b  ​4 b  ​5 b  ​6 b
Exercise 9
1 c  ​2 b  ​3 d  ​4 a
Exercise 10
1 Do you like ham?
2 Carol is playing the violin now.
3 Thomas and Mark are skateboarding in this photo.
4 We sometimes do karate after school.
Exercise 11
A I’d like a chicken sandwich.
B Would you like lettuce in your sandwich?
A No, thanks. I’d like tomatoes.
Exercise 12
1 What’s  ​2 How  ​3 Where
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 b
Exercise 13
Students’ own answers.

Review 1–8 Link dla Klasy IV PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 124

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