Lakan at Mutya ng Manambrag Script

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Coronation of Mutya ng Manambrag National High School and Ginoong Manambrag

National High School 2024



Good afternoon, we are about to begin the program in a short while. Thank you.

S: Our distinguished guests, respected parents of the mutyas and ginoos, barangay officials,
fellow Manambrag National High School faculty, ladies and gentlemen, a victorious and
stunning afternoon to one and all.
M: Welcome to the Coronation of Mutya ng Manambrag National High School and Ginoong
Manambrag National High School 2024.
S: To formally commence this affair, may I request everyone to please stand for the singing
of the Philippine National Anthem to be immediately followed by a prayer through an AVP.

M: You may now be seated. To explain further the central idea of today’s event, we give you
the SPTA President, Mr. Roger Romero to give us his opening remarks. Let’s give him a
round of applause.
After Welcome Address.
S: Thank you, Sir for those heart-warming opening remarks.


M: At this juncture, please get ready as we give you the grand entrance of this year’s Mutyas
and Ginoos ng Manambrag National High School.
S: Beginning the entrance is our , .
(Read the profile). Once again, ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big round of applause to
, .
M: Next in line is Princess of Serenity, Bernadette P. Piñera. (Read the profile). Ladies and
gentlemen let’s give a big hand to our Princess of Serenity, Bernadette P. Piñera.
S: What follows is our Princess of Solidarity, Bernadette May C. Ortiz. (Read the profile).
Let’s join our hands and clap for our Princess of Solidarity, Bernadette May C. Ortiz.
M: Next is our Princess of Honesty, Shaina T. Tablizo. (Read the profile). Let’s give a round
of applause to our Princess of Honesty, Shaina T. Tablizo.
S: Following is our Princess of Modesty, Aiza Chen P. Casalla. (Read the profile). Ladies
and gentlemen let’s give a big hand to our Princess of Modesty, Aiza Chen P. Casalla.
M: Now, our Prince and Princess of Hope, John Roy Brutas and Angel Kathleen P. Moreno.
(Read the profile). Let’s join our hands and clap for our Prince and Princess of Hope, John
Roy Brutas and Angel Kathleen P. Moreno.
S: Next in line is our Prince and Princess of Kindness, James Karl B. Bergado and
Vernadette Suaiso. (Read the profile). Let’s give a round of applause for our Prince and
Princess of Kindness, James Karl B. Bergado and Vernadette Suaiso.
M: We now have our Prince and Princess of Wisdom, Gabriel Colis and Stephanie Colis.
(Read the profile). Ladies and gentlemen let’s give a big hand to our Prince and Princess of
Wisdom, Gabriel Colis and Stephanie Colis.
S: What follows is our Prince and Princess of Integrity, John Vincent Piñera and Liezel Ebo.
(Read the profile). Let’s give a round of applause to our Prince and Princess of Integrity,
John Vincent Piñera and Liezel Ebo.
M: Following is our Prince and Princess of Loyalty, Kian Paul C. Bendecio and Rose
Sumabat. (Read the profile). Let’s join our hands and clap for our Prince and Princess of
Loyalty, Kian Paul C. Bendecio and Rose Sumabat.
S: Next is our Prince and Princess of Happiness, James Carlo Borre and Shiela Mae
Sanchez. (Read the profile). Let’s give a round of applause for our Prince and Princess of
Happiness, James Carlo Borre and Shiela Mae Sanchez.
M: Eventually the last set of prince and princess, our Prince and Princess of Love, Kenly
Dave C. Araojo and Jessica Lumabi. (Read the profile). Ladies and gentlemen let’s give a
big hand to our Prince and Princess of Love.
S: And the highlight of this coronation rite, be mesmerized by the Mutya ng Manambrag
National High School and Ginoong Manambrag National High School 2024. Ladies and
gentlemen, the entrance of the Mutya ng Manambrag National High School 2024, Majesty
King Constantine S. Torres and Ginoong Manambrag National High School 2024, Althea
Cassandra R. Arcilla. (Read the profile). Ladies and gentlemen, our Mutya and Ginoong
Manambrag National High School 2024, Constantine S. Torres and Althea Cassandra R.
Arcilla. Let’s give them a resounding applause.
M: There you have it, ladies, and gentlemen, the handsome and gorgeous Mutyas and
Ginoos ng Manambrag National High School 2024.


M: At this point of time, let’s have the first set of raffle draw. May I request any present SPTA
Officers to facilitate the raffle draw.


M: At this juncture, we will now give honorary awards to our mutyas and ginoos. They will
receive certificate, sash, and bouquet.
S: To start with, may I call in our:
Princess of Generosity, Lorie Lisa Nazareno. To the honor in giving the bouquet,
may I call in her parent, Mrs. Lorilie Nazareno. To pin her sash and give the certificate, may I
call in her class adviser, Mr. Mario L. Alvea Jr.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Princess of Generosity, Lorie Lisa Nazareno. A round of applause

Title Mutya and Ginoo Parent Adviser

S: At this point of time, let us be swept off our feet as DWLI serenade us.
M: What an incredible performance. Thank you DWLI for that special number.

M: This time let’s welcome on stage the Barangay Captain of Manambrag, Hon. Pio Borre Jr.
to give us his message. Let’s give him a resounding applause.
S: Thank you, honorable for that heartwarming message.


M: Let’s now have the second set of raffle draw. Once again, may we invite the SPTA
Officers to please come in front to facilitate the raffle draw.


M: At this point of time, we will now crown the Mutya and Ginoong Manambrag 2024. To give
the token to the ginoo, may I call in his parent, Mrs. Mary Ann S. Torres and to give the
flower bouquet and token to the reigning mutya, may I call in her parent, Mrs. Nory Bueno.
To give the certificates, may we have on stage our SSLG adviser, Mr. Yves G. Samonte. To
don the cape and hand the scepter to the King and Queen, may we have on stage Mrs.
Luningning H. Pia and Mr. Jesus P. Gianan. To pin the sash and crown, may I call in our
Vice-Governor, Hon. Peter “Boss Te” Cua and our head teacher, Mrs. Jocelyn Oliman-Rima.
S: Thank you so much Ma’ams and Sirs. At this moment, we now give you our reigning
Mutya and Ginoong Manambrag National High School for their Royal Walk.
S: There you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen. The royalties of Manambrag National High
School. On behalf of Manambrag National High School staff, we would like to express our
heartfelt and profound gratitude to our Mutyas and Ginoos and most especially to their
respective parents for their cooperation and contribution to the success of this event and
also to the donors, for without them, this occasion will not be successful. Diyos na tabi ang
bahalang magbalos.

M: To give us a special number, we give you .
S: Thank you for that awesome performance.


M: Now, let’s have the last set of raffle draw. Once again, may we invite the SPTA Officers to
please come in front to facilitate the raffle draw.

S: To wrap today’s affair, let’s hear the closing remarks of our Head Teacher II, Mrs. Jocelyn
M: Thank you, Ma’am Joy. And that concludes the Coronation of Mutya ng Manambrag
National High School and Ginoong Manambrag National High School 2024. Thank you for
being with us.

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