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The Executive Director,

Jesus Calls.


Dear Beloved Brother,

I hope this message finds you well. I am Dr. E. Benrithung Patton, a humble Member of the
Mokokchung Prayer Tower Ministry Team. reaching out to you with a matter of siginificance
that warrants your atention and guidance.
Firstly, I wish to extend the Team's gratitude for your continous support and leadership towards
the organisation.Your insight and direction is invaluable to the Ministry.
I am writing to bring to your attention matters of concern regarding the pivitol role of the JC
Regional Manager (RM), North East region.
That Brother, despite the RM being appointed for more than a year now, we are yet to receive a
visit from him to the Mokokchung Prayer Tower. As stewards of this Ministry, we believe it is
crucial for regional leadership to engage directly with the local prayer community to understand
their needs and aspirations. Perhaps, in the light of recent development of Sister Mereninla's
selection as a full time staff of the PT, we propose a visit from the RM post-sister's official
appointment. This adjustment will optimize the RM's visit, allowing him to witness the
integration of new staff within the Ministry, while giving Sister the time to regather our Partners
Moreover, I must also earnestly emphasize the crucial presence and visit of Brother Sathrack
Billygraham to discuss the workings of the Mokokchung PT, at thsi very crucial phase. As the
spiritual driving force behind its establishment, Brother Billygraham's visit holds immense
significance to our community. His presence will not only inspire us but also reaffirm our
commitment to the core value and Mission of the Ministry.
We are pleased to know that Sister Mereninla is eager to join as full time staff at the
Mokokchung Prayer Tower. Sister Mereninla comes highly recommended and is prepared to
contribute her skills and dedication to the Ministry. In order to facilitate her smooth integration
into the Ministry, we kindly request your support in providing her with the necessary
conveniences for orientation at the headquarters and expediting her immediate appointment to
the Mokokchung Prayer Tower so as to reopen the PT by 1st June 2024.
Additionally, I would like to draw attention to a siginificant observation regarding the
maintenance of the Prayer Tower. Since its establishment in 2019, during its formative stages, the
responsibility for its upkeep was taken up by the Ministry Team. This Team has shouldered the
burden diligently till date, ensurimng the funcitionalty of the PT.
It is crucial to acknowledge that the Ministry Team's dedication has been instrumental in
sustaining the Prayer Tower, reflecting our collective commitment to our Mission. The absence
of enthuaisaism from the higher office can only be taken as oversight. This absence underscores
the need for increased support and attention from all concerned parties.
Furthermore, it is crucial to acknowledge the efforts of our PT's former Prayer Executive,
Brother Imtinukshi. Despite facing immense pressure and challenges, Brother Imtinukshi had
consistently worked towards the spiritual and financial sustainability of the Ministry.
Unfortunately, after his departure, it was made known to us how he was told that if he fails to
generate donations, his pay and allowances will be withhold from him which ultimately led to his
resignation. This is a matter that deeply concerns the PT's Ministry Team. It is essentail to
honour the commitment of an employee, great or small. While financial support is vital for the
sustenance of our operations, we believe that our mission transcends monetary income and that
imposing strict financial burdens or expectations on the Prayer Tower deviates us from the focus
of nurturing and expanding the spiritual impact of the Ministry. Despite the challenges, it is
important for everyone concerned at the Ministry for collaborative efforts and renewed focus, so
as to overcome these challenges and ensure the continued vibrancy and functionality of the
Prayer Tower.
We deeply appreciate your consideration of these requests and eagerly await your guidance and
support. Together, we can strenghten our connections, empower our Team, and advance the
Mission of the Mokokchung Prayer Tower.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our cause.

Dated: 14th May 2024

With sincere regards,

[Dr. E. Benrithung Patton]
On behalf of the Mokokchung Prayer Tower Ministry Team

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