David Crystel

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For references on David Crystal's work and contributions, you can consult the following sources:

1. Books by David Crystal:

- "The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language" (Cambridge University Press, 1987): A comprehensive

overview of language and linguistics.

- "The Stories of English" (Penguin Books, 2004): An exploration of the history and development of the
English language.

- "Language and the Internet" (Cambridge University Press, 2001): A pioneering study on how the
internet influences language use.

- "English as a Global Language" (Cambridge University Press, 1997): An examination of the role of
English in the world today.

- "How Language Works" (Penguin Books, 2005): A broad introduction to the mechanics and structure
of language.

2. Articles and Papers:

- Crystal has authored numerous articles in academic journals and for general audiences. Many of
these can be found through academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and specific linguistic

3. Media Appearances:

- Crystal has been featured in various radio and television programs where he discusses linguistic
topics. BBC Radio and other public broadcasting services often feature his insights.

4. Websites:

- David Crystal's Official Website: [davidcrystal.com](http://www.davidcrystal.com) offers a wealth of

information about his publications, upcoming talks, and various resources related to his work.

5. Interviews and Lectures:

- Crystal's interviews and public lectures are often available on platforms like YouTube. They provide a
firsthand look at his explanations and insights into language and linguistics.

These resources provide comprehensive information on David Crystal's extensive work in the field of
linguistics and his contributions to the understanding of language.

David Crystal has written several books that explore various aspects of language, including idioms. While
he is not exclusively focused on idioms in his works, he addresses them within broader linguistic
contexts. Here are some notable books by David Crystal that delve into idioms and related topics:
1. "The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms" (with Jennifer Speake, edited by Judith Siefring)

- This dictionary provides comprehensive definitions and origins of idiomatic expressions used in
English. Crystal contributed to its compilation and provided insights into the historical and cultural
contexts of these idioms.

2. "Words in Time and Place: Exploring Language Through the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English
Dictionary" (2014)

- In this book, Crystal explores the evolution of the English language through the lens of the Historical
Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary. While the book covers more than just idioms, it includes
discussions on the historical development and usage of various idiomatic expressions.

3. "The Stories of English" (2004)

- This book provides a comprehensive history of the English language, including the development and
usage of idioms. Crystal examines how idiomatic expressions have evolved over time and their
significance in different historical periods.

4. "Making Sense: The Glamorous Story of English Grammar" (2017)

- Although primarily focused on grammar, this book touches on the role of idiomatic expressions in
making sense of English grammar. Crystal explains how idioms contribute to the richness and complexity
of the language.

5. "Begat: The King James Bible and the English Language" (2010)

- In "Begat," Crystal explores the impact of the King James Bible on the English language, including its
contribution to English idioms. He identifies and explains numerous idiomatic expressions that
originated from or were popularized by the King James Bible.

6. "You Say Potato: A Book About Accents" (with Ben Crystal, 2014)

- While this book primarily focuses on accents and pronunciation, it also includes discussions on
regional idiomatic expressions and how they reflect linguistic diversity in English-speaking regions.

These books provide a wealth of information on idiomatic expressions, their origins, and their usage
within the broader context of the English language. David Crystal's work offers valuable insights into the
cultural and historical significance of idioms, making his books essential reading for anyone interested in
the intricacies of English.

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