Strategic management

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Strategic management Vision statement

The art and science of formulating, Answers the question "What do we want to
implementing, and evaluating cross- become?"

functional decisions that enable an Mission statement

organization to achieve its objectives
Enduring statements of purpose that
Strategic-management process distinguish one business from other similar
1. Strategy formulation
2. Strategy implementation
Specific results that an organization seeks
3. Strategy evaluation
to achieve in pursuing its basic mission
Strategy formulation
Long-term objectives
Developing a vision and mission, identifying
Objectives that are more than one year
an organization's external opportunities and
threats, determining internal strengths and Strategies
weaknesses, establishing long-term
objectives, generating alternative strategies, The means by which long-term objectives
and choosing particular strategies to pursue will be achieved

The strategic-management process is Business strategies

based on the belief that organizations
Geographic expansion
should continually monitor internal and
external events and trends so that timely Diversification
changes can be made as needed
Competitive advantage
Product development
Anything that a firm does especially well
compared to rival firms Market penetration

When a firm can do something that rival Retrenchment

firms cannot do, or owns something that Divestiture
rival firms desire, that can represent a
competitive advantage Liquidation

Strategists Joint ventures

Individuals who are most responsible for Some firms do not engage in strategic
the success or failure of an organization planning, and some firms do strategic
planning but receive no support from
managers and employees
Reasons for poor or no strategic planning Achieve higher organizational performance

Lack of knowledge or experience in Achieve synergy among all managers and

strategic planning employees

Poor reward structures Mission statement components

Firefighting Customers

Waste of time Products or services

Too expensive Markets

Laziness Technology

Mission statement Concern for survival, growth, and

Answers the question "What is our
business?" Philosophy

Many organizations have both a mission Self-concept

and vision statement
Concern for public image
Ten benefits of having a clear mission and
vision Concern for employees

Achieve clarity of purpose among all The purpose of an external audit is to

managers and employees develop a finite list of opportunities that
could benefit a firm and threats that should
Provide a basis for all other strategic be avoided
planning activities
The process of performing an external audit
Provide direction must involve as many managers and
employees as possible
Provide a focal point for all stakeholders of
the firm Industrial Organization (I/O) view

Resolve divergent views among managers External (industry) factors are more
important than internal factors in a firm
Promote a sense of shared expectations achieving competitive advantage
among all managers and employees
Increasing numbers of two-income
Project a sense of worth and intent to all households is an economic trend in the
stakeholders United States
Project an organized, motivated Technological forces
organization worthy of support
Influences that have an impact on how an
organization operates that are related to the Interviews
equipment used within the organization's
environment Conversations with stakeholders

Porter's Five-Forces Model Websites (,,,
A widely used approach for developing,,
strategies in many industries

Five forces in Porter's model It is not possible in a strategic-management

text to review in depth all the material
Rivalry among competing firms presented in courses such as marketing,
Potential entry of new competitors finance, accounting, management,
management information systems, and
Potential development of substitute production/operations
Process of performing an internal audit
Bargaining power of suppliers
Representative managers and employees
Bargaining power of consumers from throughout the firm need to be
involved in determining a firm's strengths
Steps for using Porter's Five-Forces Model
and weaknesses
1. Identify key aspects or elements of each
Functions of management
competitive force that impact the firm
2. Evaluate how strong and important each
element is for the firm Organizing

3. Decide whether the collective strength of Motivating

the elements is worth the firm entering or
staying in the industry Staffing

Rivalry among competing firms is usually Controlling

the most powerful of the five competitive Planning
The essential bridge between the present
Sources of external information and the future that increases the likelihood
Customer surveys of achieving desired results

Market research Organizing

Speeches at professional and shareholders' Achieving coordinated effort by defining

meetings task and authority relationships

Television programs
Motivating Product and service planning

The process of influencing people to Includes activities such as test marketing;

accomplish specific objectives product and brand positioning; devising
warranties; packaging; determining product
Staffing options, features, style, and quality; deleting
Includes activities such as recruiting, old products; and providing for customer
interviewing, testing, selecting, orienting, service
training, developing, caring for, evaluating, Pricing
rewarding, disciplining, promoting,
transferring, demoting, and dismissing Five major stakeholders affect pricing
employees, as well as managing union decisions: consumers, governments,
relations suppliers, distributors, and competitors

Controlling Distribution

Includes all of those activities undertaken to Includes warehousing, distribution channels,

ensure that actual operations conform to distribution coverage, retail site locations,
planned operations sales territories, inventory levels and
location, transportation carriers,
Functions of marketing wholesaling, and retailing
Customer analysis Marketing research
Selling products/services The systematic gathering, recording, and
Product and service planning analyzing of data about problems relating to
the marketing of goods and services
Cost/benefit analysis
Compute the total costs associated with a
Marketing research decision

Cost/benefit analysis 2. Estimate the total benefits from the

Customer analysis
3. Compare the total costs with the total
The examination and evaluation of
consumer needs, desires, and wants
Basic functions (decisions) within
Selling products/services
Includes many marketing activities such as
advertising, sales promotion, publicity,
personal selling, sales force management, Capacity
customer relations, and dealer relations
Process decisions Inventory

Include choice of technology, facility layout, Workforce

process flow analysis, facility location, line
balancing, process control, and Quality
transportation analysis Process decisions
Capacity decisions Choice of technology, facility layout,
Include forecasting, facilities planning, process flow analysis, facility location, line
aggregate planning, scheduling, capacity balancing, process control, and
planning, and queuing analysis transportation analysis

Most producers today do not sell their Capacity decisions

goods directly to consumers Forecasting, facilities planning, aggregate
Marketing research can uncover critical planning, scheduling, capacity planning, and
strengths and weaknesses, and marketing queuing analysis
researchers employ numerous scales, Inventory decisions
instruments, procedures, concepts, and
techniques to gather information Managing the level of raw materials, work-in
-process, and finished goods, especially
Cost/benefit analysis considering what to order, when to order,
Assessing the costs, benefits, and risks how much to order, and materials handling
associated with marketing decisions Workforce decisions
Steps to perform a cost/benefit analysis Managing the skilled, unskilled, clerical, and
1. Compute the total costs associated with managerial employees by caring for job
a decision design, work measurement, job enrichment,
work standards, and motivation techniques
2. Estimate the total benefits from the
decision Quality decisions

3. Compare the total costs with the total Ensuring that high-quality goods and
benefits services are produced by caring for quality
control, sampling, testing, quality assurance,
When expected benefits exceed total costs, and cost control
an opportunity becomes more attractive
The Basic Functions (Decisions) Within
Production/Operations An analytical tool used to determine
whether a firm's value chain activities are
Process competitive compared to rivals and thus
conducive to winning in the marketplace
Benchmarking entails measuring costs of Forward vertical integration
value chain activities across an industry to
determine "best practices" among Acquiring a business further up in the
competing firms for the purpose of supply chain - e.g. a vehicle manufacturer
duplicating or improving upon those best buys a car parts distributor
practices Horizontal integration
Long-term objectives represent the results Businesses in the same industry and which
expected from pursuing certain strategies. operate at the same stage of the production
Strategies represent the actions to be taken process are combined
to accomplish long-term objectives
Market penetration strategy
Characteristics of long-term objectives
Seeks to increase market share for present
Quantitative, measurable, realistic, products or services in present markets
understandable, challenging, hierarchical, through greater marketing efforts
obtainable, and congruent among
organizational units Market development

Each objective should also be associated The use of an existing product or service
with a timeline offering to attract new customer market

Financial objectives Product development strategy

Common financial business objectives Seeks increased sales by improving or

include increasing revenue, increasing profit modifying present products or services
margins, retrenching in times of hardship
and earning a return on investment
Selling all of a company's assets, in parts,
Strategic objectives
for their tangible worth
High-level and measurable goals outlining
Liquidation is a recognition of defeat and
what an organization wants to achieve, with
consequently can be an emotionally difficult
a clearly defined deadline
Vertical integration strategy
Cooperation among competitors is being
A fast food retail chain acquires a bun or a used more, where both firms must
cup factory to reduce dependencies and cut contribute something distinctive, such as
costs technology, distribution, basic research, or
manufacturing capacity
Backward vertical integration
Acquiring a business operating earlier in the
supply chain - e.g. a retailer buys a Two organizations of about equal size unite
wholesaler, a brewer buys a hop farm to form one enterprise
Joint venture A concise statement of the benefits that a
company is delivering to customers who
Two or more companies form a temporary buy its products or services
partnership or consortium for the purpose
of capitalizing on some opportunity Go-to-market strategy

In 1991, Coca-Cola and Nestlé created Coca Concerned with how those products will be
-Cola Nestlé Refreshments Company brought to market and sold
(CCNR), a joint venture expected to be
among the most successful of its All nine techniques included in the strategy-
generation. Three and a half years later, formulation framework require the
however, the joint venture was dissolved. In integration of intuition and analysis
2001, it was relaunched Divisional analyses provide a basis for
Strategy analysis and choice seek to identifying, evaluating, and selecting among
determine alternative courses of action that alternative corporate-level strategies
could best enable the firm to achieve its Input stage
mission and objectives
Requires strategists to quantify subjectivity
Strategists never consider all feasible during early stages of the strategy-
alternatives that could benefit the firm formulation process
because there are an infinite number of
possible actions and an infinite number of Matching stage
ways to implement those actions
Matching external and internal critical
An effective leadership must start with a success factors is key to effectively
clear vision and mission that serve as a generating feasible alternative strategies
base for the development of business
SWOT Matrix
Strategic business model
Helps managers develop four types of
The guideline that guides you how to make strategies: SO (strengths-opportunities)
the market value of your business Strategies, WO (weaknesses-opportunities)
Strategies, ST (strengths-threats) Strategies,
Components of strategic business model and WT (weaknesses-threats) Strategies
The mission Equifinality
Target The idea that there can be multiple different
Value proposition paths to reach the same goal or outcome

Go-to-market Example of equifinality

Organization Timmy looked for loose change in his

family's furniture while Dottie sold cups of
Value proposition lemonade in the neighborhood, but they
both saved 2 dollars Resource allocation

Board of directors A central management activity that allows

for strategy execution
A group of individuals who are elected by
the ownership of a corporation to have Conflict
oversight and guidance over management
and who look out for shareholders' interests A disagreement between two or more
parties on one or more issues
The board of directors is not above the CEO
because they are elected by the Functional structure
shareholders. The CEO is responsible for Groups tasks and activities by business
the day-to-day operations of the company function, such as production/operations,
and reports to the board of directors marketing, finance/accounting, research
Successful strategy formulation does not and development, and management
guarantee successful strategy information systems
implementation. It is always more difficult Divisional structure by geographic area
to do something (strategy implementation)
than to say you are going to do it (strategy Appropriate when a firm operates in
formulation) multiple, distinct geographic markets

Strategy formulation Strategy implementation

Making plans and decisions concerned with Shift in responsibility from strategists to
growing an organisation's strategic goals divisional and functional managers
and plans
Annual Objectives
Strategy implementation
Activities of organization members, provide
Concerned with successfully executing the a source of legitimacy by justifying activities
plans into action to attain the goal to stakeholders, serve as standards of
performance, serve as an important source
Annual objectives of employee motivation and identification
Provide a source of legitimacy, serve as Policies
standards of performance, and serve as an
important source of employee motivation Changes in a firm's strategic direction do
and identification not occur automatically, needed to make a
strategy work, facilitate solving recurring
Policies problems and guide the implementation of
Facilitate solving recurring problems and strategy
guide the implementation of strategy Resource Allocation

Central management activity that allows for

strategy execution, often based on political Reengineering
or personal factors in organizations that do
not use a strategic-management approach Many companies have been organized
vertically by business function, leading to
Conflict managers' and employees' mindsets being
defined by their particular functions rather
Disagreement between two or more parties than by overall customer service, product
on one or more issues, often due to quality, or corporate performance
interdependency of objectives and
competition for limited resources Tests to determine if a performance pay
plan will benefit an organization
Functional Structure
Does the plan capture attention?
Most widely used, groups tasks and
activities by business function, simple and Do employees understand the plan?
least expensive
Is the plan improving communication?
Divisional Structure by Geographic Area
Does the plan pay out when it should?
Appropriate for organizations whose
strategies need to be tailored to fit the Resistance to Change
particular needs and characteristics of The single greatest threat to successful
customers in different geographic areas, strategy implementation, can occur in the
provides each division with autonomy form of sabotaging production machines,
regarding logistics to achieve maximum absenteeism, filing unfounded grievances,
efficiency and an unwillingness to cooperate
Divisional Structure by Product (or Strategy Implementation
Action-oriented, helps in materializing
Most effective for implementing strategies things, the ability of management to bring
when specific products or services need about organizational changes, strives to
special emphasis attain enhancement operations and in
Matrix Structure business procedures on an ongoing basis

Most complex, depends upon both vertical Marketing Decisions Requiring Policies
and horizontal flows of authority and Use of exclusive dealerships or multiple
communication channels of distribution, use of heavy, light,
Benchmarking or no TV advertising, being a price leader or
a price follower, offering a complete or
Comparing a firm against the best firms in limited warranty, rewarding salespeople
the industry on a wide variety of based on straight salary, straight
performance-related criteria commission, or a combination
salary/commission, advertising online or
not create new products or discover new ways
to improve their existing products and
Purpose-Based Marketing services, a valuable tool for growing and
Developing a deeper rapport with improving a business
consumers by appealing to their Management Information Systems (MIS)
understanding of what matters over the
long haul, demonstrating that the company Helps the top level management in goal
cares about more than just making sales setting, strategic planning and evolving the
and turning a profit business plans and their implementation,
plays the role of information generation,
Market Segmentation communication, problem identification and
The practice of dividing your target market helps in the decision-making process
into approachable groups based on Strategic Evaluation and Control
demographics, needs, priorities, common
interests, and other psychographic or The process of determining the
behavioural criteria effectiveness of a given strategy in
achieving the organizational objectives and
Product Positioning taking corrective actions whenever required
The process of deciding and Organizational Performance
communicating how you want your market
to think and feel about your product, The ability of an organization to reach its
requires articulating how your product can goals and optimize results, can be defined
solve your customer's problem and why it is as a company's ability to achieve goals in a
a better solution than its competitors state of constant change

Projected Financial Statements Strategy Evaluation Process

Central strategy implementation technique, Examine the underlying bases of a firm's

allows an organization to examine the strategy, compare expected results with
expected results of various actions and actual results, take corrective actions to
approaches ensure that performance conforms to plans

Divestiture The strategic-management process results

in decisions that can have significant, long-
The process of liquidating assets with the lasting consequences, and erroneous
express intention of generating value, can strategic decisions can inflict severe
be tangible (e.g. a business unit or real penalties and can be exceedingly difficult, if
estate) or intangible (e.g. intellectual not impossible, to reverse
property or exploration rights)
Strategy evaluation should initiate
Research and Development (R&D) managerial questioning of expectations and
When businesses gather knowledge to assumptions, should trigger a review of
objectives and values, and should stimulate Operational Efficiency
creativity in generating alternatives and
formulating criteria of evaluation Objective: Reduce wait times during peak
hours by optimizing workflow<|>Key Metrics:
Organizational Performance Objectives for Average service time, customer complaints
a Small Coffee Shop related to wait times

Increase monthly revenue by 15% within the Customer Satisfaction

next year
Objective: Maintain a customer satisfaction
Reduce wait times during peak hours by score of 90% or higher<|>Key Metrics:
optimizing workflow Customer feedback surveys, repeat
customer rate, online reviews
Maintain a customer satisfaction score of
90% or higher Strategically managed organizations plan
specific goals regularly. Monitoring the
Organizational Performance Metrics for a results of those goals is a simple but
Small Coffee Shop effective measure of organizational
Total sales, average transaction value, performance
profitability margins Depending on the goals set, this approach
Average service time, customer complaints might evaluate the achievement of
related to wait times objectives in expenditure, bottom-line
profits, innovation, or growth
Customer feedback surveys, repeat
customer rate, online reviews Strategic management process

Organizational performance 1. Organisation decides to implement

selected strategies
The ability of an organization to reach its
goals and optimize results 2. Formulates an implementation plan

In today's workforce, organizational 3. Appraises its progress and success

performance can be defined as a company's Corrective action
ability to achieve goals in a state of
constant change The process of identifying and eliminating
the causes of a problem with the aim of
Financial Performance preventing its recurrence
Objective: Increase monthly revenue by 15% 5 general areas for corrective action
within the next year<|>Key Metrics: Total
sales, average transaction value, Standards
profitability margins

Structure, system & support be generated for and responded to by
different levels and types of managers
Strategic review
A good evaluation system must be
economical, meaningful, provide timely A structured process to identify new value-
information, and be contingency-based creating opportunities within a business

Contingency planning Benefits of strategic business reviews

Alternative plans that can be put into effect Useful if you are uncertain about how well
if certain key events do not occur as your business is performing, want to know
expected how to get the most out of your business or
market opportunities, or your business plan
Purpose of contingency planning is out of date
Predicting the effects of possible emergent Business ethics
events, and building strategies for
preparation and remediation The standards for morally right and wrong
conduct in business
6 elements of business ethics
A systematic process of objectively
obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding Respect
assertions about economic actions and
events to ascertain the degree of Fairness
correspondence between those assertions Care
and established criteria, and communicating
the results to interested users Trust

Strategic audit Responsibility

Assesses your current business strategy, Goodness

how suitable it is for your business and
Code of ethics
whether your company is in position to
execute the strategy A guide of principles designed to help
professionals conduct business honestly
Environmental audit
and with integrity
Assesses how well an organization
12 ethical principles
complies with environmental regulations,
standards, and best practices Honesty
Using computers can efficiently acquire Fairness
information promptly and accurately, and
allow diverse strategy-evaluation reports to Leadership
Integrity Think twice before shopping

Compassion Make sure big purchases have big

environmental benefits
Go #PlasticFree
Boycott products that endanger wildlife
Pay attention to labels
Be water wise
Drive less, drive green
Environmental concerns
Green your home
Ethical culture
Sustainability report
A set of values that are shared and deeply
held by an organisation, where people Includes the company's goals, news
understand the importance of acting in releases, information on products or issues
accordance with the law, as well as of public interest, and a list of materials
demonstrating respect for others used in production and distribution

Bribery Purpose of sustainability reporting

The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting Enables companies to convey their progress
of any item of value to influence the actions toward goals on a variety of sustainability
of an official or other person in discharge of parameters, including environmental, social
a public or legal duty and governance metrics, as well as risks
and impacts they may face
Social responsibility means that besides
maximizing shareholder value, businesses Lack of standards for "green" terminology
should operate in a way that benefits on products and labels is changing as legal
society and the environment while lessening and generally accepted definitions are being
negative impacts established

Environmental sustainability Reasons why firms should "be green"

The ability to maintain an ecological Consumer demand for environmentally safe

balance in our planet's natural environment products and packages is high
and conserve natural resources to support
the wellbeing of current and future Public opinion demanding that firms
generations conduct business in ways that preserve the
natural environment is strong
Ways to be environmentally sustainable
Environmental advocacy groups now have ISO 14001 (environmental management)
over 20 million Americans as members
ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety)
Federal and state environmental regulations
are changing rapidly and becoming more

More lenders are examining the

environmental liabilities of businesses
seeking loans

Many consumers, suppliers, distributors,

and investors shun doing business with
environmentally weak firms

Liability suits and fines against firms having

environmental problems are on the rise

The benefits of green business include

more customers, increased profits, better
recruitment and retention, more investment,
staying ahead of legislation, and improved

More firms are becoming environmentally

proactive, doing more than the bare
minimum to develop and implement
strategies that preserve the environment

ISO 14000/14001 certification

Environmental management standards

developed and published by the
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO)

ISO 14001 certification

The international standard that specifies

requirements for an effective environmental
management system (EMS)

Top 3 most popular ISO standards

ISO 9001 (quality management)

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