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Equality Of Educational Opportunity

How far is the statement 'Everyone has the right to opportunities to develop his or her
skills.' respected internationally?
Skill training and career development programs are prevalent in various countries, such as
the United States and the United Kingdom, which aim to ensure equal opportunities
through educational and vocational training initiatives.
How is the statement 'Everyone has the right to opportunities to develop his or her skills'
not respected internationally ?
Limited access to quality education and vocational training, particularly in rural or
unprivileged communities, is prevalent in many countries, such as India, which hinders the
overall development of its people.

The rights to social security

How are the rights to social security respected locally ?

Mauritius respects social security rights through a comprehensive system including old age
pensions, disability benefits, and healthcare coverage. The disability benefits system offers
financial support to individuals with disabilities, providing them with resources and services
like vocational training, job placement, and assistive devices to lead independent lives.
How are the rights to social security respected and not respected internationally?
International social security rights are respected differently, with some countries offering
comprehensive support and others offering limited coverage. This can affect informal
workers and migrants and refugees, as well as migrants.

Labour rights
Respected locally

Minimum Wage and Social Protections:

Mauritius has a national minimum wage for fair labor compensation and provides social
protections like social security and pension schemes to support workers and their families
during unemployment, disability, or old age.
Labour Inspections and Enforcement:
Mauritius' Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment conducts regular
inspections to ensure workplace regulations and compliance with labour laws, while
enforcement mechanisms address worker rights violations and unfair practices.
Labour rights

South Africa
South Africa's labour laws prioritize workers' rights, fair employment practices, and
collective bargaining, aiming to balance worker rights with employers' economic stability.
Canada: multiculturalism and anti-discrimination laws
Canada's multicultural policies prioritize diversity and inclusivity, with anti-discrimination
laws safeguarding individuals from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender,
and sexual orientation.

Exploitation of garment workers:

In 2014, before the minimum wage legislation, the exploitation of garment workers
in Mauritius was highlighted in a British newspaper. The ‘Daily Mail exposé’ found that
garment workers toiling 6days a week will earn only RS 6,000 per month.
During the World Cup 2022, concerns have been raised about the treatment of migrant
workers involved in the construction of infrastructure for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Issues
include low wages, poor living conditions, and restrictions on workers' rights to organize.

The Bhopal tragedy
In May 1982 (before the disaster), three American engineers from the Institute plant
inspected the plant at Bhopal and found that over 60 violations of safety and security

The Bhopal plant experienced job cuts, with some shifts having only 8 workers, despite the
need for 20, and many workers lacking necessary expertise and safety equipment.

Human rights are essential principles for a fair, free world, guiding justice, equality, and
dignity for all. They encompass civil, political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions,
forming the foundation for equitable and inclusive societies.


Sweden is renowned for its strong civil liberties, freedom of expression, and robust social
welfare programs, consistently ranking high in global human rights indices.

Finland is renowned for its dedication to education, gender equality, and a robust social
welfare system, fostering civil liberties and democratic values.

Norway is renowned for its high standard of living, social equality, and strong protection of
individual rights, emphasizing human rights in both domestic and international policies.


Freedom of religion
Mauritius is renowned for its peaceful coexistence of diverse religious groups, ensuring
freedom of religion through its constitution.
Democracy and Political Stability
Mauritius' democratic governance, characterized by regular elections and peaceful power
transitions, ensures political stability and protection of citizens' rights and freedoms.

Educational opportunities
Mauritius has made significant progress in ensuring education accessibility through
government policies, thereby fulfilling the right to education for all citizens.


Israel-Palestine war(2023). The ongoing conflict has led to significant disruptions to the
social and international order in the region, resulting in numerous human rights violations.
Israel has been accused of actions that infringe upon the basic rights and freedoms of

Gaza, a region teeming with conflict and infrastructure damage, is facing a blockade that
restricts movement and hinders essential services. Humanitarian organizations face
difficulties in aid provision, exacerbating economic hardships, and displacement, particularly
affecting children.


Mauritius is grappling with financial crimes like fraud and cyber-attacks, despite being no
longer non-compliant and facing instances of embezzlement, public procurement fraud, and
corruption among high-ranking officials.

Mauritius, though making recent strides against corruption, faces concerns about
transparency and accountability due to legislation changes. Criticisms include opaque hiring
practices tied to nepotism. Despite media influence, Mauritius is seen as an African human
rights exemplar, showing moderate corruption levels but leading in regional transparency

Hate speech regulations

Hate speech laws aim to balance free expression rights with the goal of preventing harm
and protecting marginalized groups, maintaining social harmony, and preventing
discrimination or violence. Germany, for instance, has strict laws prohibiting hate speech
based on race, religion, or ethnicity.

Some nations and academic institutions require students to engage in community service,
as it is seen as a part of personal growth. For instance, Japanese society values strong
community bonds, and Hands On Tokyo connects individuals, groups, corporate teams, and
students to meaningful service opportunities.

Respected locally
Article 29 principles guide environmental legislation, focusing on pollution restrictions,
resource conservation, and sustainable development. Mauritius, like many island nations,
places a strong emphasis on environmental conservation, implementing laws like the
Environment Protection Act 2002 to protect the island's unique ecosystems and biodiversity.
Violated internationally
Autocratic Systems:
Authoritarian governments often suppress individual rights, limiting freedom of speech,
assembly, and association. For instance, North Korea is known for its severe restrictions on
freedom, limiting citizens' ability to express diverse opinions or engage in civic activities that
challenge the government's narrative.

Discrimination and Marginalization:

Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, or gender can marginalize certain groups,
leading to unequal access to opportunities, services, and legal protections, as seen in the
Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, resulting in displacement and human rights abuses.

Discrimination and Marginalization

Violations During Conflicts:
Armed conflicts often lead to escalating human rights violations, disregarding international
humanitarian law principles. For instance, the Syrian civil war has seen widespread
violations like bombings, chemical attacks, and displacement of civilians.

Violated locally
Freedom of expression
Mauritius' media environment is generally free, but there are concerns about self-
censorship, intimidation of journalists, and potential use of defamation laws to restrict
freedom of expression, with cases against media outlets and journalists.

Protest Restrictions
Imposing limitations on assemble and protest rights could impede peaceful demonstrations,
raising concerns about democratic exercise. In 2020, thousands of Mauritians protested the
Wakashio oil spill, demonstrating their anger.

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