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Step 1: Determine the Wind Load

1. Calculate the Wind Pressure:

P = 0.613 x V2
P = wind pressure N/m2
V = wind speed m/s

P = 0.613 x 9.22
P = 52.11 N/m

2. Calculate the Wind Force:

h= 2m
width = 3m
A= 6 m2

F = 52.11 x 6
P = 312.66 N

Step 2: Check Overturning Moment

MOT​=F × h/2

h = height of hoarding

MOT​ = 312.66 x 1
MOT​ = 312.66 N.m

Step 3: Determine the Size of the Foundation

W=ρ × V × g
V = volume of concrete m3
g =9.81m/s2

Volume of foundation
V=b × l × t
b = 0.3
l = 0.3
t = 1
V = 0.09 m
W = 2119 kg

Resisting Moment:

MR ​= W × b/2.
MR ​ = 317.84

To prevent overturning, M R ≥ MOTM OKEY SOF 1.0

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