17-051, (KM) Assignment 2

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Final Term Assignment: 2

BS-IT Morning (Session: 2017-2021)

Roll No: 17-051

Registration No: 2017-GCWUF-2305

Submitted By: Faseeha Abid

Submitted To: Mam Madiha

Course Title: Knowledge Management

Course Code: ICT-510

Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Semester: 6th Morning

Department of Information Technology


Q1: Identified the difficulties in knowledge management.

Here are the some difficulties in the management of knowledge:

1. Interpreting Data Effectively

In order for someone else in the organization to be meaningful, the information obtained by a
group may need to be mapped or standardized.

2. Ensuring Relevancy

The data must support and answer your users' questions. To do this effectively, the appropriate
metadata is readily available for reference. Data compatibility means avoiding overloading users
with unnecessary data and ensuring that content is effectively moderated.

3. Rewarding Active Users

It's hard to choose how you will reward your customers, and if you get so many contributions
that you don't have to worry about them without those customers, you never know. Will not
think a community is as strong as its customers, so do what you can to help them get to know
them. Not only will this encourage you to keep in touch with your community, but it will also
encourage new customers to board the ship and join your community.

4. Determining Who Will Be Responsible for Managing Your Knowledge

Choosing a moderator, community manager, or developer relations specialist is complicated.

You do not want to assign responsibility for the site to the wrong person, but without running a
community in the past, it may not be clear who owns it. Break down your community goals and
determine who is responsible for the success of each of them KPI, from where you will be able
to delegate who will manage the different pieces of knowledge.

5. Overcoming Shared Leadership

Extending the challenge, sometimes giving community responsibility to multiple people can
create a level of stress because many people feel connected in such a way that they need to give
their approval for different things.

6. Turnover

It has two levels, and neither of them is very fun. Business is inevitable, and sometimes the
responsibilities associated with your community can fall apart. Keep a detailed log or manual of
the tasks involved to make your knowledge management system run smoothly. You can also
experience the business level at the user level. Some of your best customers may have budget
time for you right now, but once they move on, what will you manage with all their expertise?
Once people have left your company or are no longer using your community, make the process
of transferring data clear and easy to understand.

Q2: Write the role of information technology in the management of explicit

knowledge and also mention the primary resources of explicit knowledge.

Primary Resources:

The management of explicit knowledge uses four primary resources:

1. Repositories of explicit knowledge

The knowledge repository reproduces the two components of knowledge as an object:
knowledge structure and knowledge content.
2. Refineries for refining, accumulating, distributing and managing that knowledge
It represents the process for distributing and creating the knowledge contained in the
repository. The refinery process include five stages:
 Acquisition
 Refining
 Storage and Retrieval
 Distribution
 Presentation
3. Organization roles to perform and manage the refining process
Academic management, as an organizational process, must be comprehensively "owned"
and organized, and full-time responsibility for the architecture of an organization's
academic management should be assigned.
4. Information technologies support repositories and processes.
Information technology infrastructure should provide a smooth "pipeline" for the flow of
clear knowledge through the 5 stages of the purification process.

Role of Information Technology:

A smooth "pipeline" should be provided for the flow of clear knowledge through the 5 steps of
the process of clearing information technology infrastructure to enable:

 Knowledge capturing
 Categorizing, defining, linking, indexing and storing digital objects corresponding to
knowledge unitss
 Content Presentation with significant flexibility to present meaningful and applicable content
in multiple contexts.

Nothing can help get someone out of their head by themselves. It is the role of managers to
manage what is important for the organization. Some KM ideologues like Pawar doubt the
centrality of knowledge. He said that centralization of knowledge would reduce the cost of
knowledge sharing. They agree on the role of technology in the acquisition, storage and
systematic distribution of knowledge. Together with KM it will support data mining and explicit
information sharing. Internet is the most vital source of information. Knowledge exchange
protocols used to transfer tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge.

 Information technologies such as the World Wide Web suseful environment for building
a multimedia repository for rich, explicit knowledge.
 The input is captured by forms for assigning different labels, categories and indicators to
each unit of knowledge. The structure is flexible enough to build knowledge units, linked
using indexes and categories that are contextual and reflect the organization's factual
knowledge content, which is dynamically customizable. Needs are expressed through
theories as flexible substrates.
 The effective use of information technology to complement information requires sharing
the context of an organization's interpreter.

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